The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 02, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL. XVI.
No. as
IsfiuhI tvery TliOrKLay by
AWittUK D. MOH, PntHtfcr.
1 einn ol Bubscriptlou fl.60 a year wbn paid
In advance.
HOOD III VKB LO0OI4 NO. 105, A. V. and A.
A. M. Meet Sutur'lsy evening on or before
each lull inonn. TiumAN Uuti.kk, W. M.
A. !-. MoK, Heeretury.
H OOi) 111 VKH t'H APTKIl NO, 27. B. A. M.
Mwi tl rst uiul tiilril Friday nlKhtsof eaon
until. K. l.'HANDI.Ktt, H. I'.
A. I. AIok, Secretary.
HOOD KIVEK C J1A11KK NO. 25, O. E. 8.-Me-ts
second und fourth Tuesday evening
oleucti niuutti. Visitors cordially welcomed.
Meets lu Krateruul null, every Thursday
lilglil. W'M. Uamukk, N. (J.
h. 0. Smith, Hecretnry
Itetfiilar meeting second and fourth Mondays
of each month. L. K. Muasg, C. P.
H. K. Kntbican, Hcrlbe.
81, 1. O. O. K.-Aleels llrst and lliird Friday
lu each month.
Mm. E. W. Udkll, N.Q.
Mrs. Dora Thomson. Hecretary.
WAUt:OMA i.ODOK NO. 80, K. OK P.
Met'U in K. of J', hull every Tuesday n.ghu
V. U. Uikx'K, U. U.
H- T. UK Witt. K. of r. and 8.
HOOD R1VEH CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A.
Meets in K. ol 1'. hall every Wednesday
night. I'll as. Jones, V. V.
O. U. DAkin, Clerk.
HOOD RI VKB CAMf. NO. 770, W. O. W.
Meets on first unu lliird Tuesday of each
mouth In Odd Fellows' hall.
11. K. Blaou, C. C.
H.W. Wait, Clerk.
Woodcraft Meets at K. of F. ball on the
first and Third Fridays of each month.
Nellie iioi.i,owbll, Clerk.
Miets Hist aud third Haturdays of each
liiomh. C. L. Col'l'LK, M. W.
K. It. Hradi.ev, Financier
CilKsTKK khutk, Recorder.
Honor, A. O. U. W.-MeeU first and third
Huturdays at 8 p. m.
Miss ( OKA Coitle, C. of H.
Mrss L'arrib Coi"i"i,K, Recorder.
Pendo. Meets the second and fourth Fri
days ol the month. Visitors cordially wel
come. F. C. Huosius, Couusellor.
Uku. HI.QCQM, Secretary.
Union No. 142-Meeta In K. of F. hall lliu
second and fourth Saturdays In each month
at 7:1(0 p. in. E. L, Boon, Fresldent.
V. U. Imkin, Secretary.
icHiis. Meets Ihe llrst aud third Wednes
days, work; second und fourth Wednesdays
Arlisuns' hall. J. H. Kohbku, M. A,
C. 1). Hen kick, (Secretary;
ol America, Meets second and fourth Mon-
. days in each inoiitli lu K. of 1'. hall.
It. C. H AYNKS, H. F.
F. C. IlROHit a, F. C.
(JA,Nlii 1'OMT, NO. Iti.O. A. R.-MEET8 AT
A. o. U. W. hull, second aud lourlh Satur
days of each mouth at 2 o'clock p. m. All
(J. A. It. members Invited to meet with us.
A. U. 1'n ki. ps, Commander.
Ti!omas (Joss, Adjittaut,
CrtNill' W. 11. C, No." Iti-MEETrt SECOND
und luurtli Saturdays ot each Month In A.
O. U. W. hull at 2 p. in. Hi.uwKiis, President.
Lizzie Ghk, becretary
Meets at K. of P. hall on the Moond and
tonrtb Friday of each month.
Mrs. Emma Jones, Oracle.
Mrs. Ella Dakin, Recorder.
WAUNA TKMl'LE, No. 6, Rathbone 8 iters,
mee'.s every second and fourth Thurs
day ol ea'h uionth.
Amanda WumncAD, M. X. C.
Stella Richarosun, M. of K. and 0.
Has returned to Hood River and is prepared
to do any work lu the veterinary line. He can
be found by calling at or phoning to Claxke'i
drug store.
office In Smith Building.
OIHce phone 9til. Residence phone 863.
J. F. WATT, M. D.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811.
KUKUEON O. R. 4 N. Co.
Physician and Surgeon.
Cilices and Residence in E. L. Smith Building
Over First Nat. Bank. Entrance, rear
of bunk, on Third Bt.
i'lione 311.
Successor to Dr. M. V. Hhuw.
Calls promptly answered In town or country,
Imy or Night,
Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 61S.
Ollice over Wood Bros.' Urocerv.
Office in Ihe Hmltli Building. Phone 961.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
Telephones: office, 281; residence, M.
Office over Bank Bldg. Hood itlver, Ore.
Will Practice In All Courts.
Office wirh tieo. D. Culbertson id Co. Ool.
lections, Abstracts, Hettlemeut ol Estates,
For 211 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Hu bad many years experience la
Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher ol
titles and agent. Balisfaction guaranteed or
no cbarfre.
Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon.
r C. BR0S1U8, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 111.
Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.J I to I
and 6 to 7 P. M.
The pestofflce Is open dally between It u
aud 7 p. in. : SunrUv rom 12 to 1 o'eloek. Malls
(or the East close -tll.2tla. m., S:Jop. m. audi
p m.: for the West at 2:40 p. m. anaS p.m.
The carriers on K. F. D. routes No. 1 and No.
t leave the nostoflice at l ao daily. Mall leavea
For Mt. Hood, dally at 12:00 m.; arrives,
10:20 a. m,
ForChenoweth, Wanh., at 7:10 a. n. Tnet
davs, Thursdays aud Uaturdays; arrives same
days at 6 p. m.
For Underwood, Wash., at 7:80 a. m. Tues
davs, Thursdays aud Saturdays; arrives same
days at p. ui.
For White Salmon, Wash., dally at 1:45 , m.
arrives at 11 a. m.
For Hood River dally at s a. m.; arrives at
4:46 p.m.
For Uusum, Trout Lake and Guler, Wash.,
daily at 7 :DU a. m. j arrives at 12 m.
For (ileuwood, GUnier and Fulda, Wash.,
dally at 7 :8U a. m. : arrives at t p. m.
ForPlnaHai ana Hnowden, Wash., at 1I:W
a. m. Tuesdays and baturdays; arrives same
days, 10:10 s,. m.
For Hlnten, Wash., daily at 4:41 p. m. ar
rives at :46a m.
Timber Land Art June S, 1X78.1
United States Land Offloe, The Dalles, O e-
fon, Dec. in, 1904. Notice Is hereby given that
n compliance with the provisions of the act
of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands In the statos of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washtnalon
Territory, "as extended to all Ihe Publio iJlud
States by act of August 4, IHIt!.
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of
Oraron. has this dav Aled In this office his
sworn statement No. '24S7, for the purchase of
the EjiHK, henk or section no. w.
and BWXNWJj. of Section Number 21,
in township No 2 north, runae Nov E., W.M ,
and will offer proof to showthat I he landaought
la more vnlualile for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim In sold land before (ieorgeT. Pra
ther, United States commissioner, at his
office at Hood River, Oregou, on the 4th day
or March, INK.
He names as witnesses: Hugh A. Moore,
.Tames Moore, Charles J. Hayes, and William
F. Kand, all or Hood Klver, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to Hie
their claims In this office on or before said
4th dav of March. 190f.
mta MICHAEL T. NOl.AN, Register.
Contractors 'and
and Builders
Flam anb Estimatis Foinishid.
McOrjIRB BROS., Props.
Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard,
roultry, rruits ana vegevauios.
The place to get an easy shave, an up-to-dats
hair cut, and to enjoy the luxury ol a porcelain
bath tub.
Kmsell A Rees, Props. Between J. E. Rand's
and K. C. Wright's. Strictly first class. Halls
taction auarautocd.
Of 25 rears' experience. Will fur
nish plans and specifications for all
kinds of buildings. Strictly to date.
Located at Hood River.
and Builder.
Plans and Estimates Furnished
Upon Application. ril
Estimates furnished on all kinds of work
IVinrmc Arnold, Main M.
I1UIIW. Kraderlck. M.lnms
and Builders
Hood River, Ore.
Carpenter & Builder
Kstl routes cneerruny turnisnen,
Ptuns nnd Kneeldcatlons furnished.
All work promptly and carefully attended to.
Hood River, Ore.
& Builder.
I am manufacturing at my
yard near Columbia nursery
south of town, as fine a qual
ity of common brick as can
be found in the state. Have
200,000 to 300,000 brick on
hand for inspection. Price
at yard $8 per thousand.
Come out to the yard and
nee how we make brick.
Columbia Nursery
F. E. BROSIUS, Prop.
Strawberry Plants, Top-Crafted
Cherry Trees, 2-yr.-old Apple Trees
including- Spitzenberg, Newtown,
Baldwin, Ortley, Winter Banana, etc
Guaranteed true to name.
JIood River, Or.
ITImber land, Ac Junes, 1S7H.1
United Slates Land Ofnce, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Nov. as, MM. Nollce Is hereby Riven
that In cotiiplhiiu-e wilh the provisions oi the
act of Congress of June8, 187S, entitled, "An
act 'or the sule of Umber lands in Hie state
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing'
ion Territory," as extended to all the public
land klules by act of August 4, 1K'J.,
of Blsrkduck, county of lleltraml, suite ol
Mlnneaita, has on Octobei t mil, lll-l In this
office tils sworn sliitenn'1,1... No. 'JIM, for the
purchase of the V. NW!( lino KMWkof
SiK'tion It, In Towostii p No. 2 Ntirlh, Kuiijie N.
It EW.M.: und willutl'rr pmof to show t lint tin
laud sought Is more valuable ror Its timber or
stone limn lor agrlculluml purpo-es, and to
estsblUb his cluim to sunt luud Ix loie the
register and receiver of this office at The
lialles: Oreiron. on the 17th day of March. 11
He names as wltnesse: Auun-d Woldeh. of
Bemidjl, Minnesoiu; Ernar W lliu.of 1'. .rilHim
Oregou; Unils Nelson, of Descluues, Oregon:
8. W. Curran, of Vlenlo, Oregon.
A n v and ull persons elulmlng adversely
the above-deacrlbed lands are requested to
tile their claims in Ihlsolllceon or before the
said 17th dsv of March, lau,.
dttt'.l MICHAEL T. AOLAN, Register,
Timber Ijind, Act June X, 187a
United States I,and Olllee, The D.illes, Ore
gon, Nov. 21, ID04. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June . 1878, entitled "An
actor the sale of timber lands In the stales
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extemtea to nil tile public
land states by act of August 4, Ift'.IJ,
of Waynoka, county of Woods, Territory of
Oklahoma, has on April 12, l'.KM, tiled In this
ortlce bis sworn statement No. 2J)ii, for the
purchase of the HESWV-i and lot4 ofScctron
No. 7, In Township No. 1 North. Range No. 11
E., W. M., and will oiler prisir to show that
the land sought Is more valuable fo itstim
beror stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his cluiiii to said lund before
eo. T. Prather. U H. t'ommtssloner. at his
office In Bood River, Oregon, o l the 3d day of
M hit n, isoa.
lie, names as witnesses: Arthur It. French.
Archie C. French, Albert M. Culdwell anil
Hert L. Wooley, ull of Waynoka, Oklahoma;
Edmond 0. Miller, Wilford i. Wootlwnrlh and
Ralph French, all of Hood Blv r, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands am requested to rile
their claims In this olflce on or boforo Ihe
said 3d duy of March, IhU".
&it VIA MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
ITImber Land Act June 13, IX78J
United Stales Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Nov. 1, 1WH. Notice is hereby given that
in compliance with the provisions of the net
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An uct
for the saleof timber lunils In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada aud Washington
Territory," as extended to all Hie Public
Land Mules by act of August. 4, 18U2,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this office his
sworn statement No. 241, for the purchase of
of the lots 8 4 I, section 18 and lot ID of section
No. 7, In towushlp No. 1 north, range No. 0
E, W. M., and will otfer proof to show
that the land sought is more val
uable for Its timber or atone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his claim
to aula land before (ieo. T. Prat her, U. H.
commissioner at his ollice In Hood River.
Oregon, on the 8d day of February M5.
H names as witnesses: Lewis E. Morse,
Charles Castner, Isaac C. Nealeigh, William
K. Rand, all of Hiaid Rivar, oregou.
Any and all persons claiming udrersely the
above-described lands ure requested lo file
their claims In this ollice on or before said
3d day of February, luus.
niMjaii MICHAEL T.NOLAN, Register.
ITImber liand, Act June 3, 1878.J
United Btatea Land Ollice, The Dalles,
Oregon, October 27, 1(104. Notice Is hereby
given that in compliance with the provisions
of the actofcongressof June 8, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public land states by act of August 4, 18ttt,
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of
Oregon, has this duy filed In this office her
sworn statemei t No. WSS for the purchase of
the lota liand II and SKl4N W and NKHWS
section No 6, In township No. 2 north, range
No. 10 E. W. M., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish her
claim to said land before George T. Prat her
U. H. Commissioner at his ollice at II nod
River, Oregon, on the lid day of February,
Khe names as witnesses: Judson H. Kergu
aou, James Ingulls, Iwls W. Clark, Charles
L. Rogers, ail of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are advised to tile
their claims in tills ollice on or belore the
said 3d day of Februuy, IvtOft.
niMJaHi illUMAr.L, l. jxuijAn.Kegisier.
Timber liand. Act Juno 3, 178
United Htttten Laud OIHce. The Dulles. Ure-
iron, Nov 11, Notice Ih hereby nlven
UiHl in ronipiianeo wiu me provisions w uie
Act of contMVMH of June 8. 1878. entitled "An uct
for the utile of timber lands In the HluU'H of
raltfornia. Oregon, Nevudit and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public Lund
H la leu by act or Ainrunt 4, lwtt,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, Mate of
Oregon, Iiiik Nits rtay nit-a in nils omce lim
Hworn statement ino. ror me purchase oi
the low 8 Hnd 4 and NhV of section No. lit,
in township 2 north, range W K. W. M., aud
will offer proof to show that the land
s ught Is more valuable for Its Umber or
(tone than for agricultural purposes, end to
eatabliKh his claim to ha1i land before
(ieorgeT. I'rather, United HtateH CommtH
Hloner at hisofflw ut Ho)d Klver, Oregon, on
the '2d day of February l!0o.
He names as witnesses: Glen Fabrh k, fsanc
O. Nealeigh, Lewla K. Morse aitd Wllllun K.
Hand all of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and ull persona claiming adversely
the above desert iHd lands are requested to Mle
their ctainis In this office on or before the
aid id day of February litOft.
n.MJaai MICHAEL T. NoLAN,Ileglster-
Public land aale (Isolated tract.)
United smtea Land OIHce, The Dulles, Ore
gon, Janunry 11, 1905. Not fee W lurt by glen
that in niiMuance of instructions (nrn ihe
commissioner f the General Lund Ollice, un
der authorliy vested in him by section 25 s
United Mttci revlned atatutea. asaint nded by
act of fnn Kress approved February 2i, IK'-'fi.we
will proceed U oiler at public sale ni the hour
of 10 o'clock a. in., on the ' i day of February,
IMA, at thfsottice, the following tract of Isnd.
to-wit: TheWK'i of the NW1 of section
townshlpi! north, range II east of Will ametle
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above-described lands are ad v Med to file
their claim in this office on or before 1 tie
day above designated :or the coinmi nci tnent
of ssld aale, otherwise their rights will be for
feited. JliiflU MICHAEL T. NOLAX. Hegfsiter.
ANNE M. LANU, Kecciver.
Tlm'ier l,snl, Aet June!), 178.
United Htates Land oltlce, Ths Ilalles, Ore
gon, Nov. I, IWM Notlee Is hereby (tiven that
in compiiHliee wun me jinivisiiiiis in me H'
of eoni:resM of June 3. 1H7K, entitled "An set for
the sale of timber lends In the stntes of t'sll
fornls, Oregon, Nevada and Wnshtnirt'in Tttr.
rltory," an eiu nded to all the public land
stales by act of Auku14, Wfl.
nf Wnyo'ika, county of Wonili, territory of
Oklahoma, luis on June!! imt.tlled In UiiKolllee
Ills sworn stslement No. I'.iO.for the purchase
of the WNK snd KSNW of M ellon
In township No.l north, eunl W.M.
and will otter proof to sliuw lliut the Isud
souKht Is more vnlnitble fur Its timber or
xtone thso for agricultural purposes, and to
establish hlf claim to sain lana oeiore ieo.
T. Prather, U. M. CommlKsloner at tUs otIW"e
In Hood Klver,Oregon,on the 3d day of March
He name as witnesses: Archie (', French,
Ben L. Woolev anil Albert M. Caldwell, all
of Waynoka, Oklahoma, Wnrren Miller, F,d
inond c. M Her aud Ralph French, all of
Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
hove described lands sr requested to file
Ihelr claims in this office on or before the said
M dsy of Mivh,l(5
ctfll muliil MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
I - ' " ' r 7 : ' ,
9 ., . 1 s.iw-.' it
ICourtesy l'aolflc Homestead 1
Intcrostintr Ilala SiippiEt'tl hy Histor
ian Iliiiu's and Mrs. Crandali Its
Early Ilnunilai'ies,
With the rol lability Unit ( 'ii.-nu!c
County is hiion to bn liinril fruni old
Wusco, u history of tin' i'ormor county
is partiiMilurly iuttvcst ins.' ut this tinio.
The stiitcniout tlitit. Wasco tit one
tinio einbruootl portituis of (lift tt-rri-tory
of kuvcii dilforont .states will ho
sui'lirisiiiK to many.
When Fj. L. Smith, proMiicnt of tlie
Nort'uvtip,t Fruit' iissociiition,
rcsiuii(lt'J to the address of welcome
at lioisti h few weeks m,'o, lie fifet'i-ed
to the fact that Hoiso was once a part
of Wasco county.. As authority for
this statement, Mr. Smith has fur
nished thetilacier the following lettel'
from Oeorxc 11. Ilimes, a.- dstant sec-
rotary of the Oregon Historical soci
OrltfiliHl (i:-c;;on ,:.s Iiounded as
follov.ti'. North, 54. decrees JO u.iiiutus ;
east, summit of ltocky Uiomitain:;;
south 4'JiI rai'i'Lel; voi-UJ iK'HW ocean.
Treaty letwreu ikiiiliuid and the
United ' made the noriheni
boundary tiie VMi pa'.-.,linl westward
from ti.e lin: Vy icomUains biinunit
to the Kttlf oi lioorgu, , ,nd n:ain chan
nel to ocea;;.
WHshinntou territory was created
March 2, ISo:!. Hoiindaiies : North, It)
degrees; south. Columbia river; until
in eastward it tonciu d the -liildi
parallel; east,suiiiiiiit of jioi !y mount
ains; west, lJacilie ocean.
After Washington Icrritory was si t
otf, Oregon onibraced o ei ylhini; l.o
tween the l'Jd and the llii li deyii es,
east of the point at which the latter ;
parallel touches the (Joiuniliia river.
Wasco county when as
early at least as (lie winter of lK'i:t--l.
emliraceu all ol Urcon cast ot tlie
Cascade inountaius,or in other words,
all Oregon between sttminiti-of Cascades
and Rocky niountains,tho nil h and T.M
parallels thus, you see, taking in the
quarter part of Idaho. When Ore
gon wax admitted to the Union, Feb
ruary 14, 1H."j!, congress set olf the re
gion from the 4-il parallel northward
along 117 degree west longitude to its
intersection with Snake river, and
along that stream up to the liith paral
lel, and eastward to the summit of the
Kocky mountiiins, mid added it to the
territory of Washington, and on
March li, lHli;i, that was made a part
of the territory of Idaho the greater
part, too, by the way.
l!y this time 1 think you will see
that you can re td your title clear in
asserting that l!oi.-b was included in
Wasco county between the yours ivbl-4
and 1'ebruary 14, 18.)'.).
The Dalles Chronicle recently pub
lished the following article on the his
tory of Wasco county, prepared by
Mrs. C. J. Crandall, who is making a
study of the early history of Oregon;
Talk of again dividing Wasco county
causes one to ask how large was the
original old Wasco, veil called the
Mother ot Counties? Fitly tine years
ttgo, the 1 It ti day of January, iN.11. the
territorial legi.-latttm created Wn-co
county, consisting of all the territory
of Oregon east of the Cascade range.
F.astei'n Oregon at that time extendi d
to the summit oi the l;cl;y mountain-.
It is iutci-esliug to follow the n etes
and bounds of this comity oi such
gigantic proportions.
I'iast ou the Columbia river aud Cue
Kith degree near Wallula, cros.-ing the
Snake river near tlie mouth of Salmon
river, on through the stale of Idaho
with (jrangevilJe and Mount Idaho on
the Oregon side, crossing the Hit ter
Root mountains, into Montana the re
gion of the Silver liow country perhaps
ueur iiutte City, which city stands i n
a crest of the Kocky mountains near
the 40th parallel. Thence sout herly
along the summits of the Kockies.cut
ting olf the southwestern corner of
the Yellowstone l'ark, and quite a
chunk out of the western side of Wy
oming, intersecting the 42d degree
near the South Pas.-, through which
was the old emigrant road ; thence
west on the 4A1 degree to the Cascade :
mountains, having for the southern j
boundary part ot Wyoming. Utah,
Nevada and the Eastern half of Noith-1
eru California. For five years .Wasco'
county remained this great size, until
the admission of Oregon to the Stale
hood, February 11, lh.iil, when the
bounds of Oregou were delini d as v e
know them. That part of Warco coun
ty east of the Snake river and west of
'the Rocky mountain) and between the
i 4tth and I'id degiees was annexed to
I Washington territory, and live yeais
; later liecauie Southern Idaho. W hy
congress b&x lit to cut Oregon down
j aud make Washington territory, al
! ready so large, does not appear. 1'er
' haps there were axes to grind in those
j days. Major Rains of the Fourth in
fantry, stationed at The Dallta the
winter of !-j,cpnsod the establish
ment of the county, not only on ac
count of its f-'"d -i.e, but that there
were only thirtv -the white inhabi
tants in the v hole county. Tlie earli
est pormtitietd settler in Wasco county
was Nat linn Olney, who took up the
Dr. Shang place, now the Snipes
and Ilosietler places, in 1KI7. Mow
eicr, a Frenchman by the name of Ua
cndnre settled on t he Chrisinan place
the year before, built a log cabin,
fenced a few ncres, but went to t he
mines in C'difoinia and never re
turned. On t he 'I'ygh were three set
tlers, a man by the name of Tomlin
son anil t wo Frenchmen.
W. C. Lac'ldi-i end family came in
IK.' ill. Ivlward 'r;it who was an em
ploye of tiie lind en I'.ay Co., locat
ed at the I'oinl Hie same year. .Ins
till Chenowct ti. carrying the United
States mail in IXd, lived on the Van
bibber place, giving his inline lo the
creel;. C. W. Denton : el Med on M ill creek
in 1S.V2; Daniel llolton, father of
County ('let '. Holton, on Fifteen M ile,
and (ieorge Snipes also thi sani( year.
. Cue, .liiuies de'ikins and J. M.
Benson at Hood River in ls.11. John
A. Siintns filed u donation claim on
the ChriMimn pla 'e, long know n us the
Logan estate. William Logan was
Iff. Logan's father. It. K. Thompson,
Indian agent in Is.")!!, tiled east of Lo
gan's now known as Thompson's ad
dition, llenowlivts in California.
O. llumason came about this time,
whose claim was where the old fair
grounds were, long called iiuninson'B
The establishment of the post in 1850
made trade and business at The Dalles.
The imniigrat ions were large during
these years, and these pioneer settlers
made a good living trading with the
Indians and immigrants trading i it
horses and cattle.
The llrst comity ollicers were ap
pointed I y the un it orial legislature
W. C. L,n gi.iin, William Keith and
Jonh 'i'hoi; :i htii s, commissioners;
John A. S'.mnn sherilf, and Justin
t'lienowei.!., comfy judge Of the llrst
list of elet ti' e oiiicors only one is still
n resident m Wasco county, and as
far as knov u tie- only one living the
coroner, C. vV. Denton. O. llumason
was tirst lej resent nl he in 1H.11 ; N. II.
dates in lM.iil, and Vic Trovitt in 1H.18.
I). W. Doul liitt was prosecuting attor
ney for three terms. There was no
treasi.ier mil 11 lMti when Mr. dish
ing was circled. J. McAulilf was elec
ted iulMi- ; st ill living in Walla Walla.
'1 he assessors fort luce terms success
ively wen John Irvine, William Logan
and H. 1'. Isaacs. W illiam Logan and
wife were lost oil' Crescent City, in
1S(!,1 in the " Unit her Jonathan. " II.
1'. Isaacs, one ol the most prominent
of Walla Walla's business men recently
died. The county clerks were John
Simnis. J. It. Hates mid W. C. Moody.
U.K. Thompson was school superinten
dent in 1M.1H succeeded by I',. P. 1'it z
geruid for two terms. Colonel J. S.
Ruckles, one of the earliest men in
the O. S. N. Co., was senator in
1H.18, James K. Kelly, afterward Unit
ed States senator from Oregon, suc
ceeded at the next election. Other
notable men w ho came out of Wasco
were O. N. Denny and (ieorge L.
Woods, both Inning i-cncd as county
judge. O. N. Denny represented our
government to China, and whs after
ward advisor to the king of Corea.
(ieorge L. Woods was Wmco's llrst
governor of Oregou; . F. Moody,
I second, lu September IHrj, liotll llal(
! cr and Umatilla counties wire set olf
j from t he mother county. A part of
i Raveiii and Silver Row counties, Mon
tana, were once a part of viu.-co and
j of Idaho, the southern part of Nez
; Perce, allot Idaho, Lemhi, Washing
ton, IJoise, Custer, Fremont, Canyon,
i Ada, Kimore, Plaine, llinghiitn, Owy
j lice, Lincoln, R.tnnock, Rare Lake,
Oneida and Ca. da, IS and a fract ion
of anot her. In Wyoming parts of Vin
ta. Ficmout, and Sweetwater counties
and It in Oregon with two others in
sight. making id full counties, and six
fractional beside the southwestern
corner of Yellowstone park.
Went 130 Milts to l it) Taxes.
i .Said 1". O. McCoy, in speaking of old
i Wa-co county: "When my father lirsl
' came to Kttslern Oregon lie lived mar
Waila W'alhi, and I remember healing
. him tell of coining to the county seal
ut Tee Dalles, about 1,10 miles, lo pay
taxes. Not by railroad cither."
j Dan ihitler, remembered well by old
tini" residi tits, was wont to tell ol one
. ol h experiences) when a constable in
Wasco county in the early oils, lie was
tailed upon lo serve a subpoena on a
witiie-M at Fort Hall, now in Idaho. It
took six mouths to inakn ivttirns,
forthe trails were in anything hut a
pashuble eonditii n. CIioi iik le.
The I'iic iiHionin Hea-on.
Coughs and colds in children us well
asuiliills are frequently lianeerous at
ties seas ui of the year, and a little pre
now may wive much trnnhl", worry and
expin c. Keiiuidy's l.uxalive and Tar
a coiiiliite il cough and cold cure a new
ci( iitilic discovery in niediciiit is a
certain cure for coughs, colds, whoop
ing cough, etc. The coughs and colds
aret cleared out of the syslem by gently
moving Hie bowels, and at the siiuie
lime tlie throat, chest, lun's and bron
chial lubes are so strengthened that
there is little tobal iliiy of danger.
Kennedy's Laxativeand Tar is pleasant
to take. Coiit dns no oplutcs. ri dd by
G. E. WTIliuim.
I'lno l'rtilt Cuimm a lltiz. in Market
I'litivnilzetl hy Their Majesty the
k Intrant! (jiii't'ti.
Five for a shilling is the retail price
for Hood River Newtown in the city
of London, lua shipment of New
tow lis to Loudon, President Mason of
the Hood River Apple (irower'H union
luclo-ed a couple of monster double
apples, with a card ami compliments
of the union,
lu reply came the following let
ter, written by Harry A. Penn, of 85
Laiigiiey Road, Eastbourne, Kugland,
undo:- date of Jauiiray 5:
As it liuopons that the case of New
tov.ns remaining the freak "two at a-
t into' 'apple together with your compli
ments was opened tit our shop yester
day, 1 hasten to acknowledge same
and to send you in return my hearty
good w isJics.
This is the leading retail fruiterer's
business in this town (of which 1 am
manager) ami your famous apple
earned quite a little buzz of excite
ment upon ils discovery, a id wits ex
hibited all around with your c:.:d and
note on the wrapping paper. H may
interest you to know that we retail
your apples at the rate of ,1 for a shil
ling which is I suppose equivalent to
about lie for each apple and you are
putty sale in lacking them against
the win 111.
Is there any opportunity font single
chap out. there who is used to bos
sing a small concern and has a knowl
edge of bookkeeping and accounts
gcnenillyV Wo are gelling a bit over
crowded this side. I u conclusion, all
the stall' In re join w ith mo in wish
ing you jolly good luck during l!Ki,",
The apples were packed by Sam
Campbell, at Mr, Mason's packing
house. Mr. Mason wrote on one of the
wrappers: "We grow them two at a
time, See? -Hood River against tho
Mr. Penn Incloses with his letter to
the union a picture of the store
building where the Hood River apples
are sold. A prominent feature of the
store's advertisement are theso
words: "Patronized by their majoH
ties the King and Queen. "
An royalty seeks the best, of course
they call for Hood River apples.
Special to the Glacier.
Portland. Feb. 2. Work on the
grounds and buildings of the Lewis
and Clark exposition, winch will no
held at Portland, Oregon, this sum
mer, opening June 1 aud closing Oc
tober la, is progressing rapidly. Eight
exhibit buildings have been completed
und the ins.tnJlat.ion of exhibit have
begun, while the remaining struct
tires are Hearing the stage where the
finishing touches will be applied
The mild Oregon w inter has permitted
the work to progress without Inter
ruptiou and when the president press
es the button on opening day every
thing will be ready ami waiting tome
thing unusual in expositions.
Not only are the building far ad
vanced, but the landscape picture
also. The grass is green and tho roses
bloom in the open air all the year
round in Portland. Thousand of
rose bushes have been set out on
lawns ami terraces and these, kept
fresh by tho winter rams Oregon
knows no frost bites or sun stroke
ure awaiting the spring sunshine to
bring foilh a riot of colors. The
liwis und Clarke exposition although
not so large as other exposition,
will lie a world s lair in every sense.
rellecting t he progress of the all parti
cipating nut ions, and particularly of
the Western America. It will be
quite unlike its predefosror in that
it will combine with its broad scope
the iiiea of compactness, without
crowding in the laying out of the
ground and the housing of the ex
hibits. There will be no dreariness of
iitcliiloctuio to tint the eye, miles of
aisles to the weiny limbs. All will
perfection, or at least the nearest ap
proach I hereto ever achieved by ail
ihe centennial which is tlie llrst In
tel national exposition ever In Id under
the patronage of Die United States
government west ot the Rocky moun
tains, will celebiuto the lnuth annher
sury of the exploration of the Oregon
country by an expedition commanded
by Captains Mcrriwothor Louis and
William Clark, and planned by Presi
dent Jellerson. The sentimi nl which
inspires the people of the Pacific
northwest in the preparation of this
exposition is one in which every
American must shine. The result ol
this expedition, the acquisition of
the great Oregon country by right of
of discovery, extended our frontier to
the Pacific ocean, adding a vast and
I rich torriorv to our domain. It was
one of the direct causes of the acqui
sition of California and tho subsequ
ent acquisitions of Alaska, Hawaii,
Guam, and the Philippines are relat
ed to it.
The beauty of the exposition site
and the superb view to bo had from
I it, coupled w ith Ihe artistic grace of
the building m the style ol the Span
ish leiiaissance, will be tin agreeable
surprise to all thuiors. Netting at
the base of the foothill of the Cas
cade range, on the gentle slopes and
turrace overlooking the Willamette
river, with an unobstructed view of
0.) mile which embrace the snow
capped peaks of Mount Hood and
1 Mount St. Helens, the site present a
I picture entirely original in expos
ition buildings.
I Of the gross area of the site 1H0
: acres are ou the main laud and 110
j acres, forming a peninsula extending
out Into Guild's lake, a fresh body of
water 'AW acres in extent and the larg
est mere ever enclosed within an ex
position fence, which is separated
from the Willamette river by a nar
row strip of laud. The exposition
grounds are made up of hill and dale,
and in one portou a natural park of
trees and snrubs affords an oppor
tunity for landscape work of a most
attractive character. In the arrange
ment of the buildings thorough cou
sideraton has been given to the con
venience of the visitors ami the at
tainment of a rich aud beautiful
architectural effect. The niaiti group
of exhibit palaces consisting of eight
structure occupies tho ground border
ing ou the lake, aud forms marly a
straight line with their short sides fac
ing the water. Around theso struc
ture ou the outer edge cluster the
state, territorial and other minor pa
vilion. The administration building
in w hich the executive ofticeH of the
fair are located, stands at one end of
the ornate colouade entrance, the
main gateway to the grounds.
On the j ou insula in the center of
Guild's lake is located the United
States governmental display. Here
an imposing govern tnent building
w ith towers each 260 feet high, is in
course of construction, beside tho
main building there are several minor
structure, among them tho forestry,
fisheries, and irrigation pavilions and
the life saving station.
All the main exposition structure
are in the tyle of the Spanish renais
sance except the forestry building
which is a true Americeu type, being
constructed of hugo legs in their vir
gin state, thug exemplyfying in its
composition the tinil cr resources of
the Columbia river region. The struc
ture is 200 feet in length by UK! feet
in width and its extreme height i id
feet. In its construction twojniilesof
live and six foot fir logs eight miles of
poles and tons of shakes and cedi r
shingles. The central llgtire of the ex
posit ion are Columbia court and Lake
view terrace. These spots have boon
made the opject of elaborate embel
lishment. The former is situated be
tween the agricultural and the Euro
pean exhibits buildings ami consists
of two wide avenues, between which
are spacious sunken gardens. Lake-
view terrace is located on tho sloping
ground leading to the lake and here is
the grand stairway, Hanked ou either
side with flower beds and beautiful
lawns. Tho "Trail," which i tho
gaity boulevard of the centennial, cor
responding to tho riko at Ht. Lotus,
and tho midways of other expositions,
ha an entirely original environment
for this feature ola world' fair. It is
situated upon an ornate bridgo, wdiit h
spans the lake and connects the main
land with the peninsula. With the un
rivaled water facilities thus attorded
much attention will lie directed to
concessions for aquatic features.
Tlie railroads tiave made exception
ally low rates to Portland for the
western world's fair, aud many people
lu the east and middle west are to be
expected to take advantage of them to
ee the great Paolflo northwest. .
i Ti V Tlomorre who 1 conductlnir
a cigar,confectionory and refreshment
concession at the entrance to the fair
,rt,.iiu,lu lo Portland. Hilda time with
ill rush of business to talk Hood Riv
er. In a letter to the Ulaclor, air.
Romero says:
The Glacier reacnos me promptly
every Friday morning ana lu order
for me to get tho news It is nocosuuy
for mo to read it at once ou account
of ho iniiiiv strangers wanting to know
about Hood ltver, aud I always put
up an honest booster tain aim men
present tho paper, which 1 am proud
,.P eint. olueo nf bnsiiiess liour the
logond in large letters, "Hood River
Fruit, ami the way ruewiowns sen to
strangers for eating is something very
satisfactory to us. They all pronounce
them excellent, and back up their sen
timents witn a call ior more.
We expect during the fair month to
handle a largo quantity dally of Hood
River borrie, have the location, ample
room, to seat 100 persons at a time,
ami if they do not cotton to the Clark
Seedling we will think their education
has been neglected.
If any of the real estate men named
furnish me with priuted matter sot
ting forth the commercial advantages
of your town, together with Its possi
bilities In irrowlnu fruits, based on
what litis been accomplished In the
past, 1 can no doubt be Instrumental
in sending a liumoor or prosperous
settlors and purchasers to Hood Riv
er, aud it will lo my pleasure to do
so. In fact, I have appointod myself
a committee of one to talk Hood River
to strangers and would like to know
more fuel so that 1 could talk more.
We are located at Twenty-seventh
and Thurman streets, just ono block
front the "Rig Log Huilding,"aud our
place is thu"l!ungaloo. " Your truly,
Hick Extends Thanks to liyerlec.
I), N. llyerloe, local observer of
the weather bureau, who of late has
grunted tho Glacier a number of in
terviews touching on the possibiliti
es of "long range" frecasts, ha re
ceived tho following complimentary
letter of thanks from Irl R. Hicks,
the noted St. Loui weather prophet:
D.N. llyerloe, Local Observer, Hood
River, Oregon. My dear sir I bog
to extoud to you my sincere thank
for your fair and very strong paper,
in answer to Mr. Reals, In tho Hood
River Glacier, of Dec. 8th, 1004. 1
I ., inulfii. udiiiu rut f Piu'flr II
copy of Word and Works in which I
thought it timely to use your arncie.
Such a thing as antagonizing the
weathor bureau never was, and is not
now in my heart. Why any man con
nected with it should persist in try
ing to bring me luto contempt and
ruin is passing strange, to say the
least. If by any means you will iudicuto
to this oftlce that our paper and al
manac for this year would be at
ceptable to you, I will lie happy to seo
that you have them. Wishing you the
truest and broadest buccoss lu your
work, and again thanking you for the
fearless candor "of your artiicle, I
beg to remain, very kindly yours,
P. S. Do me the groat kindness to
thank the editor of the Glacier for his
goodness in allowing fair play.