end do 3food Iftver Slacier THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1905. MAY GET KEW COUNTY. The encouraging news from Salem is gratifying. We hope the result o( the vote in the house today will show it has been passed by that body. It is said by many that if the measure meets with success in the house it will have little difficulty in passing the senate. A new county means prestige and pro gress for Hood River. The voters here stand as a unit for Cascade county. A few were not strongly in favor of it at first, fearing it might mean increased taxes. A little explanation dispelled this fear. There will he no need to erect public buildings for years to come, or not until, as the people of Sherman county did, we find a surplus in the treasury, A glance at the salaries to be paid the new officials, as shown in another col umn, indicates there will be a great sav ing in this matter, and there is every reason to believe we can conduct our af fairs much more economically than can the office-holders at The Dalles. The Dalles has fought us tooth and toe-nail, and a disgraceful part of the proceedings is the way the county offi cials left their work at The Dalles to do all in their power to see that Wasco county remained intact, In order that their fat salaries may not be curtailed Hhould we fail yet to get our new conn ty, Hood River will not forget how the county officials sought to hog it all. Chairman Burton may deny that there exists even an implied contract between the United Slates government and the state of Oregon with reference to the construction of the Celilo canal, but he never will be able to convince him self that the people of the Pacific NorthweHt take that view of the matter Telegram The qnostlon of the opening or clos ing the gatea of the Lewi and Calrk fair on Sundays Is one that should be easily and promptly answered, U'ere ure many different ways of ob serving Sunday, and there are differ ent days designated as Sunday. But there Is only one day that the working man has to himself that day Is Sun day and the only day be will have an opportunity to take ths family and see the fair. Cllne Fall Express. The news man of the Glacier passed through Irrigon last Saturday. He fulled to nee Editor IJennett of the Ir rigator, but got a good glimpse of the good things Mr. Bennett, has peen booming through the oolumns of his bright little paper during the twelve months it has been In existence. Thore Is a rospeo table sprinkling of business housos and dwellngs In the town of Irrigon. Everywhere there Is mi Hipnrnnoe of thrift and the belief that the country has a great future. Many aores of sage brush have peen placed uudor the plow, and stacks of alfalfa are to be soon here and there. Houses haven't been built fast enough and people are living in tents. Irrigon peoplo boast that they will have strawberrios rlpoulng two weeks in advance of tho Hood River ber rlog. This may be true, but whether thoy will withstand shipment beyond tho looal market remains to be dem oustnited. Be that as it may, Hood River will have no cause to worry lent Irrigon robs this plaoe of honors. Irrigon has a grand future with the in-gating system completed. In time that locality will solve the problem of what fruits are qoat adapted to the soil and climute there,. Hood River grows the Spitzonberg and Newtown apples and Clark Soedllug strawberry. At Irrigon, other varletes will doubt less reach perfocton. Billy liar Iies t Mosier, "Uncle Hilly" Hav. a well-known old' timer in Hood River, died Tuesday on his farm at Mosier. Uncle Billy was about 77 years old. The last time he was in iiihiu nivur ne sneineu eapauie ni i enjoying life for 20 years to come, but j the poor old fellow, about two weeks! ago, was nauiy iroien Dy exposure out of doors throughout the cold night, and it is believed the exhaustion was too much for him. Billy Hay was born in Scotland. He was a genial old soul and never had an enemy in his life. With the fiddle and the bow he was an artist. In the late seventies he was owner of the K. Locke I iruii rancii, lour miles west oi tne city, I and built the drat cabin on the farm. Will File on 4000 Inches of Water. The Mountain Valley Water Co. of Mt. flood district, have received notifl cation from the department ol the iiv torior that they will be given permission to cross the government, lorest reserve at witn tnoir irrigating anen, states t. w. Mown and confessed that he had heard Luetkemoier ot 1'ortland, who was up to I attend a meeting of the ditch company luuimay ui una wmm. v..u .((. v.. ,,,u,cU i on i tie government uoeg not coniorm w me surveys or ine aucii company, Mr. met- baninld. Kuliu.,..a .1... u I....I. l,.l.l..a n.lll I ..ioioi ui.it. mi .n.iiuiiiiii ! meet with no dittlculty in getting the matter 'raightened out. With plenty of irrigating water, the tipper part of the Hood River Valley will be made to blossom as a rose during the warm August days. Land there will grow the finest kind ol crops. "Eve" Droppers Invade k. of 1'. Hall. An incident ocenred at the K. of P, lXHlge last luesday evening showing a neglect of duty on the part of the outer guard that may cost him his olllcial head. For some reason which be has not yet explained ttie outer door to the small hall was left unlocked during the ses sion of the lodgo.and alter developments showed that it was occupied at leant a portion of the evening, and not by mem Dera ol the order. Just as the gavel announced the close I of the lodge session, ibe large doors be- now being constructed by the govern tween the two halls swung back, and to ment. Mr. Hav ties reports' things livelv ine utter surprise ana uianx astonish- in mis luano town. Kmldings are go ment of all present, an apparition of ing up rapidly, and many people arc ghostlv forma was seen, masked and I shrouded in sheets of white, and march- ises ing Jn upon the lodge. lo say the hair of the boys stood on nf would be putting it aiildly. They Hncta at th U.t.,r., ..nri.i. ti. Vi... not yet know just bow it all came display is valued at 120.000, i about, but after a few moments of the slow and tready tramp about the room, these ghostly forms each seized a knight, who was too much scared to resist, anil as the music struck up, led him circling through the room to the strains of a dreamy waltz. Talk about fairies and fairyland. The visions of beauty and rapture that raised the plumes of those knights as they felt the warm breath of the marked enchantresses who nestled their heads socoqnetishly upon the knightly breasts lifted the boys beyond the scenes of earth to a lofty plane of pleasure,almoet bevond human imagination. Their short sweet dreams were sud denly interrupted by the stopping of trie music, ana witn it tne waltzers, who immediately discarded their masks and shrouds. Imagine tiie embarrass ment of the poor knights when they discovered they had been dancing with their wives and sweethearts. Their illumes fell ; some turned pale, and all had a sheepish look, as if they had been caught at it by those whom they would much prefer not to have seen them in such sweet pleasure. But they were in for it, and as soon as they could realize their position, be- f;an to enjoy the splendid surprise the adies of the Kathtxme Sisters had given them. Several young couples had also been invited, and all enjoyed the evening in the mazy dance. excellent music was furnished bv a mandolin club from Portland. The dance was interspersed with some good songs. An excellent lunch was served at 11 o'clock, and at 12 o'clock the par ty disbursed in high appreciation of tfie splendid entertainment furnished them. REPORT IN FAVOR CASCADE COUNTY Representative Jayne telephoned the Glacier yesterday afternoon that the committee on counties had agreed to report favorable on the bill for Cascade county. In the matter of Jefferson county there will be an adverse report, The reports of the committee are to be made in the house this (Thursilay)morn ing, and It is presumed that a vote will be taken toilay in course of the regular order of business, Mr. Jayne believed matters looked decidedly favorable for the passing of the new county bill through both the house and the senate. Just what the objections were to giv ing Antelope hor county of Jefferson was not learned, but it is presumed because of the many objections raisei within the proposed boundaries of that county. Apples for House Members. Four boxes of handsome red aonles were lorwaruea to paiem Tuesday after- i in mil lur uimriuiHioii among tne mem hers of the house of remesentatives Each apple was wrapped with paper uraimg inn iiiacnpuuii, iompnmeniB uascaue l ouniy. Hood River lias had a largedelegation Ulem all week, worklngln Uielnter-1 a4 eats of the proposed Cascade county. Among the delegates are Chas. T. Early oi the Oregon Lumber Co., L. E. Morse, u. ii. uiiuert, a. Al. Kelsav ot the IJuv enport Bros. Lumlier Co., John Leland uenuerson, U;hIio liutler. A. V. Batuhain and Jefferson Mosier are thore to represent the interests of tne people of Mosier. It is understood that a remonstrance from Mosier was sent to Snlem by Dalle peopie, out later an amuavil with a large number of names was sent in stat ing that the remonstrance had been signed under a misrepresentation of facts. The affidavits caused the remonstrance to have the opposite effect The Dal let people desired. The Dalles has made a hard strutriile to defeat Cascade county. and a large delegation, composed chiefly of county olllee-holders. has been at Halem doing all in their power to thwart I t.UUU 1V1VU1 H1DIIUB. Jarne Corners a Dalles Ontlmuan. The following is taken from a report in the l'ortlaud Telegram of the pro ceedings of the house committee on counties one evening of last week The interests (of prospective Cascade county were represented by Andrew Allen Jayne of Hood, Kiver, A. M, Kelsey and C. L. Ciilbert. The programme opened by the read ing of the bill by llerr Luedilomann, alter which Henry Halm, of l'ortlaud, who nas some livestock intrt in ooth Crook and Wasco counties, took the floor and gave vent to a little sneacli. the bun on of wh eh uaa thm it was necessary from his standpoint to make an occasional trip to the county seat, in which event he was nhlim-il ever and anon to go to Prinevillo and then to The Dalles. rred Wilson, Deputy District Attor ney of The I)alla. uiw.Lit f,- H,. county, and anion? oIIht things said I r much to it cost Wasco county too bring witnesses all the way from Ante-1 lopo in criminal! cases, oi winch there were many. lie was cross-examined by Jayne, who nuked him if lt. was not a fact that the object of The Dalles was to let Antelop take care of itself I and by letting go of it, to keep Cascade home, whereuon Mr. Wilson broke of such talk. John Newton Burgess took the floor and explained some tilings. He dwelt ma iiipograpiiy ami snowed where geography figured in the subject. All the country involved was tributary to T J . . Ameinpo, Jonn iNewton llurgesa said, and that should he the county seat. It was a four dava trin from AnMnu The Dalles. 11. C. Hooper spoke similarly and gave It to be understood that John New ton tlurgesM sentiments were his senti ments. Judge Willis Adair Hell voiced volumes against the ideaj.and Timothy Krownlull aubaided into the small of his back; others piped in voices still and small, after which the count v com- nntteeand those thereunto attending. filed down stairs to load up for the next round. lt is understood that Nesmith. not jenerson, win lie the name ot the new county, in case it will lie created. T ft .... . . . L. C. Havncs returned Sunday from a trip to Minadoka, where he is interested in an 80-acre tract of land stain in v brought under a large irrigating ditch Compelled to five in tunta Tl,,.ru to be a big boom in the slirim?. Costa Ri.-a will make a fine display inW hmn ..! ik.,. One Price to All. Sli.oes- We have just received shipment of Ladies' Shoes made of 8atin Calf, strictly all solid. Any one wanting a good serviceable Shoe can save some money, Per pair $1.00 Children's Shoes, sizes 5, o, 7 and 8, only made of good grade Box Calf strictly all solid leather, only 75 Children's Shoes, 6 to 8, spring heel .50 Children's Soft Sole Shoes .25 Men's 3.50 Shoes, made in all leather and all shapes, the best Shoe for the money in Ifqpd Iliver. "Waistingrs We have just received a few pieces of early Spring WaistingS and Suit ings. They make nice evening costumes. Mohair WaistingS in all colors. These are very popular goods and our prices are always the lowest. Merrick's G-cord Thread, per spool A large lino of Ladies' Turnover Collars. i''jw'jn,ii.ji m WITH THE CHARACTER rML WOMAN You will find these Shoes at Hood River's Best Store TIIE PARIS FAIR 11 v 'I fCI CRDATF THPID vCLt DK1 1 C I IICIK GOLDEN WEDDING The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Slavens, of Warren. Oregon, was celebrated nt their home, Tuesday, Jan uary 10, H05. Mr. Slavens is 72, and .-1 w -4 f teg 15 Is. AMOS SLAVKNS. Mrs. Slavens, (W years of age. Tlmv were married in Shelby county Illinois, 1V), and crossed the plains with an or tenia in 1805, reaching Walla Walla the lirst year, and remained there over winter, coming the next vear to Dmmn. and taking up a donation rlai they have ever since resided. i he anniversary dav wan rololmitiwl with a supper, at which 62 people were sen ted. The evening was spent in singinir and instrumental music. At 8.110 p. m. the W anen brass band, consistinc of 12 m,i",0,:" l"" party at me uoor I,la'i" a l)iuce of music. The door .'1 J M Its. AMOS SLAVENS. was , ipened aud the band members In in, where they enjoyed themselves viteil friends retired. Mr. Slavens whs horn in Piku count,, Ohio, in 1KB, and his wife in White county, Indiana, in 1840. Thirteen children, six daughters and seven sons, were born to them, II of wnom are living, liesu ea tho r nan cmniren, I hey adopted hve others, for whom they have provided. All were present at the relehration ast week with the exception of on an Amos li. Slavens and wife, who reside in i inwson, vt, territory. Fourteen grandchildren and one greatgrand child enjoyed the occasion. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Scott of Kalama Washing, Mrs. Julia Tranor, Mrs. Mag gie Cnssidy, Mrs. K. M. Osfield, Mr. D. Slavens and family, Mr. John Slavens, A SWELL LOW CUT that individualises its wearer MAKERS exclusive Mr. W. II. Slavens and wife all of Port land. Miss Maud Slavens of Knlama, Washington, Miss May Slavens VVanen Oregon, V. M.JSIavens and two sons of Hood River. Splendid Soil for Fruit. Special tu the Glacier. White 8lmon, Wash., Jan. 24. S. W. Condon of this city has received a let ter from A. L. Knisley, of the Oregon agricultural college experiment station atCorvallis, who has analyzed White Salmon soil and reported the following results: "It has been a long time since you sent a Bample of soil to me for analysis. The work has just been completed so that 1 can send you the results. This last year we have been short on help aud all my co-laborers were occupied entirely with teaching, so that I had no assistance in chemical labratory during tbe past college year, hence delay in writing you. itesuits are as follows j per cent Nitrogen o 2!) 1'hospharic acid '. "o 29 Potash o 28 Lime i no Magnesium o tt I iron and;aluminum oxides 15 35 "1 should consider this soil as being considerably alxive the average of culti vated soils. If you save and apply ma nure I do not believe that you will need much commercial fertilizers for some time to come. If the climatic conditions are favorable, I believe you have excel lent fruit land. Advertised Letter List, January 23, 1905. McDonald, Mrs.J.C Bonney, J. H. Jr. Brooks, Wess Church, Sidney ISelson, N. N. Schenidt, Peter Turner, T. J. Orendorf, W. II. Shriver, V. 11. Wood, Harry M. YATES, P. M. W. Read Rand's ad, on seventh page. An interesting attraction for women at the Lewis and Clark exposition will be the display of the latest frocks from Paris in the French sectiou ol the man facturers building. The art display at the Lewis and warn centennial will be of fabulous value, rep-eseiiting more money than will be expanded in building up the expoition. Read Rand's ad, on seventh page. There will be a few paintings worth at leastfilOO.OOO each, and the aggregate value ol the display will be millons of dollars. At the Churches. Baptist. Regular preaching services at Carmlehael's hall every 1st and 3d U.. .l - i . . L-ooonv morning ami evening; Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Cove nam and Dustness nieetincr tho first Wednesday night in each month. J.H. eptgnt, pastor. Methodist Preaching at 11 . m. anil 8 p m.; Sabbath school 10 a. m.; F.p- worh league 7 n. m. Praver nwiinv Thursday evening. AH cordial! in- I iDDmnnrn Ul I IIIUUI I MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library The Best In Current Literature 12 Com n. m: Novcls Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 rcn viaii; 25ct. a copy )NO CONTINUED STORIES tVCRV NUMItR COajPtm IN ITILF Never Undersold. HOE a PRICE $2 65 vited. W. C. Evans, pastor. alley Christian. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; morning servh at 11 ; Y. P, S. C. Ii. at 6:30; preaching at 7:30. I he revival meetings still continue lhere have been 84 accessions up to date. The meeting will continue indefl nitely. Thursday evening's snbiect, "What Think Ye of Christ?" Friday evening, "The Unpardonable Kin, or tne oin Against tne Holy Spirit." Kat- urday evening, "The Second Coming ol Chrst." Hunday, 11 a. m., a special sermon to converts. suMjeet, 8 p. m "Where bhall 1 Spend Kternity? ' A cordial invitation to attend the service? is extended to all. W. A. Klkins pnstor. unnurian. nunuay school at 10 a m. I'reaching service at 11 a. m; sub ject, "Organized Effort." Evening sub ject, "Living Your Own Life," with several papers. Young people's meet ing at :au p. m. u. J.iNel elsm, pastor. Riverside Congregational. W. C.Gil- more, pastor. Sahhath school at 10 a. m. Worship and preaching at 11. C. tv. meeting ate :30: subiect. "M as on, ary Heroes." Evening worship, with a story sermon, "The hem of the garment .V i t . . e . I or t.iegiory oi unseen and Jowly scr- The AV. C. T. TT. will muf a;n it-k. I ruary 7, church. at two o'clock, at the U. B. ... Read Rand's ad, on seventh page. Static of Onto, city o Tolkdo.I Lucas County. r nmi j. i neney rnnkee oath and aays that I .! j . P""u"r uiejirm or r. j. Chene 4 ( o doing business In The i:iiv nfTi.,i. ip n 4 I o doing business in Ibe City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm' w u pay me sum or ONli llUNIilihl) lioU I.AKH for each and every case of Catarrh thai cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh ij KA J. t llKMiY presence this 6tb day of llecember, A. I). Isso " 1 " ,i ui venire in n ana suimcr ruwi I m nitp (Heal) Notary Public. Hal s Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and nincuos sur- mces oi me system. Hend for testimonials . P' rir.nr. i a CO., To ado, O. Soldbyalldrugglsu, 76c. Take Hall's H'amlly Puis for constipation. Estray Notice Taken up at my Kast Hide hmi..L i iw; two splits in right ear; bit out of end of ,v. ...V k V "n'en n'P- Owner can . .-j imjiug cusrgne. y. m. jackbon Ktrayed. two-year-old heifer, branded "Ok" Leave word at fe. T. Foils. n .7, Htrayed, yearling holfer. Belongs (o K.. l,oeke. red, tall nleped B Lost n, ;. . .... ... h'" I 'anainr. lie Hip for dresser. Heiurn to Hood Kiver sfer Co. for reward. J 26 Iran ixist, between F. A. ('mm'. .h u..k. sinn 1 1 pacKage drv gmids. Kinder please leave at Apple ((rowers' Union. f irv ..1 ,wkf"!""k ' 111 of nt nd other n-h tsckla, somewhere betwrn-n in. ri.. in?i r.,L"r;kEIS,rPlease,,OI,o lo n.e J1"1 ' EPWlN A. HF.NUKRSOV. Wanted a rran row wanted, to be g0od milker fnill4 toa vhm 1, .i wiumer, ? . ...... niiumn HERHKKT VANN1KK. 00 ,krdnanplao. Wastid- Jnn IV Plain aewln or housework. C. L. HUilKiN, Hood River. . . - I Cal on F'Z'Zl t.VlT- by ""bl "' Ctllon l.Btaekat U. W. Hlngs' Shoe Wion. Wanted, onaekeper, ornc. Addraaa "J.' Glacier HaatiemanwIMi a No. 1 refarane wlshea ration a. aaleeman with feneral merelisn- ....., .r rnrin, tnn (roeerlea. Addn post Orhe boijrHoodMlvar, or. Ji At Olan Rld- Farm, tlx milch eowa. Must "rniiiijFKii, aiean and aood mllkera. A. u. BlAlbM, Prop. o, crv uiia omoB. s7 Tor Sale Apple land for nls on tbe famous Willow rial: fnrl v inrm IH cleared. A IIUD at S3.3UU, ArinVAnfl rinsirinir All cleared land can have same tor ai.uou. . u m a.-e. i , n. r. v. i. " LOOK AT THIS-Tha location Urlifbt, the nrtna U rlirhL A srood 7-room house and oautrv. rlne oak ahade trees, t lot 1 100111 side of Hherman avenue one block south of the open bouse. Call at ptvmlses. Q Lt. A. lliuivil.-i. Cow for sale, alio Incubator SH capacity, Phone 1294 r. n ,B A. i'ba i m hm. CarroUi 40c per lack or per ton at my place. flH J. c. minus. If you have a box factory you want to move to new lecatlon where yon can nave water power, address J. T. NEALEIGH. lie tv. r. li. i (addle. hack, heavy waron, cross-cut saw. I sledge, took store tor sale cheap tor casn. If JAMJW A. IA1U1V, iv. r. 11.1 meant boiler for aak cheap. Eight horse power, forfurlneraartlcuiars call 'J4i main IV rJHIAUIIbiJAUl.Ul.li Choice lot for sale directly went of I'ark Street school. AAllirllNd, iiav rm-uni. r 1 he wanes, ur. Any Quantity of dry! wood fur aale, either nine or slab. Am also prepared to saw wilb I attain wood saw. sail on or phone Main 121. ft KKKU HUWfc. On of the most slrhlly locations In Hood Mirer valley lor aaie. tall on or aaare-is iw w . L, tAnn tv. r n. i A food oook stove for sale, Inquire of W. L. t'AK N K, K. F. D. 1. For salt, crow eat aaw. or will exchange for wood. E. M. HOLMAN Far aula, aure-bred Plymouth Rock roosters rnoae ijs. rt u. v. niusrjs. Sood tlmatky hay at Harblaon'a $16 a ton. Faraala. No. I Smith Grubbing- Machine: an mi only aays. w ill sen at a uarxaio nearly aa am cable. w. c. imiuuk, m Dukea valley. For nla. rail-blooded White Wvandolte I cockerels at 91 each. Also Helglan hares, In I eluding black nam. vary rare, at 7;c per pair. nits. ii. j. TKa.inr.lv, Twin uans inrm. One double vairon. 1 set harness. 1 organ ana nousenoia rurmture. inquire i I i . . w Ciowell, second deor south of Ilolmiui's, Hood Blrer Heights. A good four-year-old milk cow. Ayrshire; (ooamiiaar. fcMiLit, w ai,i ti I'.it, (Jhfnowltn, wash. Alfaffa. clover, wheat and tlmothv Ion also dry pine wood cut In stove lengths. III! r. I). 111.MUL11M, u. f . 11. -i Frty acrea of my farm In Crapper district T-j miles from Hood Hlver. (Jood apple land. 99D per acre. Kaay leruia. Unimproved, under ditch. It 1 it A, A, JAIMj, Aa S-room. well built house, between the 1 two sahonl houses on the hill; formerly the Tenold cottage. Inquire at Glacier ottlce. d3 Por a short time 1 offer S!fi acres of land right aa the Colnmbia for IWftO.OU cash. Over 100 acres aa ba easily Irrigated. Part of this (SO acres) Is not surpassed for fruit In the en tire Paeine Northwest. Balance (So to UK) acres) best of alfalfa land, If not sold will wantone I or twa renters (married). Hest of terms: abun- I fanoe of water furnished. Or will sell liO acres (40 Irrigable) with water for 01500.UO on time. it. hi uiiiiLK, Arlington, ure. J13 PETITION. In the County Court of the Btate of Oregon for Wasco County. In the matter of the petition of J. n. Hhoe- innker and others for the formation of an irrigation aisinui in the county of Was i o and state of drug-on, under tbe provision or chapter V of Title XXXIX of llellluger Cotton's Annotated oodes aud statutes ol the state or ureuon. To the Honorable county court of the state oiuiegonior vt unco county. Tbe undersigned DetlLioinrs resnectnillv show to the court: KlrstThat said petitioners, whoso names are subscribed hereto, hereby propose the organization oi an irrigtuion aistrict, un der tbe provisions of the act of the legislative assemuiy oi i.ne suite o uregon approved February SO. 18U5. the same belmr clmntcr V of Title XXX1X of Bellinger & Cotton's an notated codes and statutes ofuregon aud said district whensoorganiied to have the powers euuierreu, or iimk may ueruaiuir De couierred, by law upon aald irrigation district, and said petitioners hereby pray for an order ot the court mat aula district be organized under the provisions of tbe law above mentioned. Second That said petitioners are a major ity and more than fifty of the holders of title ana eviaenceoi tine lo lands situated in said proposed district hereinaiter described which are susceptible of Irrigation from a common and combined source aud by the same system of works, and propose the organization ol an 'rrlStttlon titrict, as heriu fter discribed, iblrd That said proposed district lies wholly within Wasco county, state of Oregon wi pRrUcul"rlJ' '""' " fu"u". Commencing at a point on the smith hank of the Columbia river, where the same inter sects tbe section line between sections al aiid&! In township a north, range 10 east, and run ning theuce south to the quarter-section comer between sections 6 and 6 in township t north, range 10 east; thence west one mile to the quarter-section corner between section Bin township J north range 10 Kast and sec tion 1 In township 2 north, ranue u thenee south two and a half miles lo tiie set uou comer common lo sections in and IH In townshlpi north, ran ire 10 east unrl unui 24 in township i north, range 0 east; thence west one-half mile to the quarter-section cor ner between said sections 18 and U: thence south one mile to the quarter-section corner ueiween sections 2 ana illn townshlpg north range, 8 east; thence west lo the section cor ner common to sections 2H. '24. '2n Anil 'ft In aald township and range; thence southwe. t to the center of aald section 20; thence south and one-half miles to the township line at the Quarter-section corner lw.,Ur..un .u,, township 2 nortbrrange , east, and secUon i . uwili u i norm ramie a eiut! het,ra along ealdltownshln llnettithenolnt whwuii,. uun, ini.numi in en hunt ... , .u u- ..e "... ... V,J Blll-Ulll 1,1 nwu river: uience aown a nn? r in .,r kui. of Hood river to the point where the same niiersecui wnn ine irrigating ditch of the Farmers' Irrigating Co., thence along the north and west line of said Irrh-atlhar diich to the township line between - .nice miou to me section corner common to sections 8! and at in townships north, ramre hi kki liui,m,,. Sand i In township 2 north, ramre lo tbence north one mile to the section corner common to sections 27,28, 83 and 34 in township 3 north, range 10 east; ihence west on the sec- uun iiue 10 wuere me same Intersects the souin name oi tne uolumbla river; thence uuwn auu aiong me south Bank of said nTW uu .u f,nftuv Ul ueglumng. The petitioners whose naint s harm. subscribed, hereby represent that they are a majority of the holders of title and evidence ol title to tbe lands situated In the proposed dls- for the formation and orgsniiation of mii,i .1 IVt .UUV UtTMUr I UKU. 1.1111 I mv iun.hv l..t . .n district under the provisions of law above nieuuoneu ana reierrea u, and that county court above nameii muirU order that there shnll be three directors i..r iu uisirui i-uii mat iiiey shall be elected bv tbe diMirlit. ut. iur.. .... mmi lur sucu utuer aim iuriuer rellel as lo .lie nmix may seem jusi. 8ald Detltloners also herehv vW'a ni.tina .i.... the loregoing petition will lie uresented m n,u county court of the state of Oregon lor Wasco ,.iiuij a. iuo icyuiar murcn term thereof and that the same will be so nnii . .. Wednesday, the first day of March, isui, at uwui ui ivuciin'. a. in., anil mat this no tice will be published lor lour consecutive weeks prior to said (late In the o,i d,. - cula.l in printed and published in Wasco coiin UIKIHI, B.IVK V UHWHIMilier nl unnu,. aI. I ty, Oiagon, the date of the first publlcatioi theieoi being stated below. J. H. Shoemaker A.J. Krledley C. C. Jantsen Jos. Frazier, Jr J. (.). Kastniau O. R. Caslner K. L. Kastinan H. K. Hlovhur H. A. Mtxire Henry Mterlanson K. Duncan Martin Jamra Misire W. A. Kai'elman J. Blnns Cnas. Chandler J. J. JorHau O. W. Htranahan 1. H. Martin F. W. A MRUS J. B. Caktner Ueo. Rorden Andrew Overland Thomas (Joss S. A. htkinner Thus, riheie Altiert c. Helms Peler Harsh C. K. Mark ham B. F. Shoemaker r . Cband er W. L. Nlohola J. W. Iniralls P. C. Hherrleb K. HtepUie M P. Mosea Cuaa. Wallace U. H. Abernatbr j.j. uiDoona H. F. Atwood A. J. Rnera Chaa. tkranahan John Jakku UB. Wilson Li. U. Dart F'red N. Rorden John A. Wilson K. N. Don hecker Mrs. I. C. Nealelvh JUS LIOOSOO Menominee Lbr Co r. K. Ahslen J. r. Helme- nu IIHI MtMIl Aln. J, M HI Mr.A Sl"mker M K. Noble Albert Brooke John Mini,. Isaae Van Blaracom Mrs. J. M. Khoemaker John Mitchell J tv Chilli- U. H. Hlemhoir F. A. Couutryman H. J. Cole J. Li. Blount Dsn lei B. i-abbe H- E. Maoomher John W. Havls Frank E. rosbera; rjirl K. Burliness H. 1. Mteward . H. Jordan C. A. Hlrkle Ralph Jarvla K. B. l.lndsny. K.D Martin L. Dinmore hereof dated thlsMth day Mrs. L. N order J. W. Lyle H. C. McKamev John KtraiiMbaii J. r. Dunn E. Braford Mrs. A. Imnills J. H. Mould J. C. Metirath Urst Dubliratl. n Of Januai y, 1WI6. Real Estate Bargains. THE EMPORIUM, For Sule 9000 neres pine thither; 1 aaw mill, cuts 20,000 per day; 1 pinning mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; I store and stock of merchandise, lilmnt f3,o00; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saV,on building, rented; 3 bouses, rented; 10 head hoines and harness; 9 road wag ons, 3 H; 1 logging truck; 5 pair sleighs; 30 head cattle; 50 bend hugs; 000 feet lumber J 2000 cords wood. All located at and near Hilgard, Or. Land given iu exchange for clearing other land. For Sale New two-story i)-rumi house; Stranahan addition ; f 1100; terms easy. For Sale or Kent Good farm w ith stock and goats; farming implements included. John Leland Henderson. I or Sale The Abbott Store property on the hill. Price, $3,000. ' The M. M. Ihivenport 4 acres, nice new resid.mco, f 1700. Terms easy. 14 acres across the road from the M. M. Davenport residence. $(il) pur acre. Terms easy, A 40 acre tract, some Improvements, 2 miles from Barret echool house, $:',(loO.' A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some tree irrigating water, H miles from ;ar rett school house, $1,100. A 20 acre tract unimproved, 11 miles from the Barrett school house, li acres cleared, $1,700. The NW'i of NW'.,', Kec. 4, Tp. 2 X., R. 10 K, 40 acres. Price J2,(XK). foUOor more cash, balance in live years. Lots 1 and 2, lilk. 2, Wiiians add. to Hood River (or $3o() each. The XK i of KV and the XW'i.'nl SK V, section l(i, Tp 2 north, range 11 enst, 80 acres, partly improved, gond ap pie land, plenty of timber, no rock. Price $800 cash or f 1,000 on time at per cent. Money to loan. Hanna house and lot, $2,000. The new company now offers for sal lots formerly belonging to the Hood River Tnwnsite company, of which com- pany John Inland Henderson is secre tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer. Installment plan. Lot 4, block 0, Hull's addition, tine 2- story house; f 1,400. Lot for sale in aucoma Park ailili- tion, $200. I'or Sale The Henderson ranch, for merly owned by J. lt. (ialligan; (H) acres 30 cleared; orchard: strawberries: clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large 2-story mansion, "new barn; all fenced. Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch. ; Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery. Four miles from Hood River. ror Hale The Donahue block on the ' hill. Improved and fenced. Fine resi. 1 ence, bam and outbuildings. 4."M Will sell the S K,1 for $000, the NK'' for $700, or tbe V'!,j for $3500. One third cash, balance time at 8 per cent. The Hunt place 5i mile southwest of town. House, barir, mostly in strawber ries and other fruits. Price, $1150. One goat ranch on mountain east of valley on county road. Price $1,500; has small house, running water, nuJ is fenced. Terms, easy. For Sale Beautiful lots in Park nihil. fion, center of town, from $200 to t250. For Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm owned by A. E. Lake and others, on west aide, t'nee $14,000. All in strnv berrie-' in their prime. A good oppor tunity for several buyers to go in to gether and each secure a part. Must all oe sold at once. '1 erms half or more cash. Mrs. Clark's V, acres on the hill for sale or rent; house $10 a month, with and $15; selling price $1,500: renter must take subject to sale. 4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls of Hood River. beloiiL'iiiL' to (ieor.-c K. Forsyth; 100 acres good fruit html ;$ MR). 8. 1(K) neres nt White Salmon; tine Umber land; $10 an acre. 9. The O-acre place in Cranner ncinli. borhood, known as the Renshaw place; I improved; new buildings, etc. For Sale. 40 acres near Mount Hood post office, (jood land $700 cash SO days, only. rive acres al Frankton : cottace and acre and a half in cultivation. Creek and water power: $1.0(10. Block 1. l'arkhurst addition to lined River, all in cultivation: uooil house. beautiful residence property : price. $4,500; $1,500 or more cash : balance on or before 3 years at 8 tier cent. Lots 10. 11. 12. bloc k 5, aucoma ad- lition improved : uric: $1,000; more cash, balance. 1 vear. 8 nor cent. The 10 acres owned "by if. S. Lewis at Belmont, improved, with buildings, farm implements, furniture, stock, etc., $3,000; the bare place, $2,500; $1,500 or more cash ; balance on time, ti per ct. Small house and lot on bill to rent, $24 a year; two vacant lots with privilege of purchase $20 a year for the two. For Kent. One or two cottages ;conier store building to lease. Store building can also be bought. For Sale Four-lifths interest in the M. O. Wheeler 100 acres near Hood River Falls. For Sale Residenco on State street at head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots. ror Sale or Exchange for Hood River property Fine residence in business center of Sumpter. For Sale liood farm with stock and goats for sale or rent. Farming imple ments. First-class Surveying Outfit. At the Emporium are kept"2 first-class transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laving out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. From and after this date, April 9, l'i3, the rates will be as follows: $10 a ilav; Lot corners established for $5 a lot; two contiguous for one owner, the :ime price. For Rent. Jr-rooin eotiaee tor rent. M. F. JACOIM, jl3 Thriv nice finnished rncnis and pantrv for nsht houseket piinr lo rent. Winer in rooms, n ol he vae.uit alter Januarv aa. ' 1,1 W. F. JACOBS. Notice. V. rt. Mf kelwn, seeretnrvof Ihe Farmers' Irnratinir ro nives notice that lie will lie oiniil at the oiiice of ii,K.T. I'rathir evcrv :iniriiiy rrotn now until March 1, to at- e-oi t.i i.ny hn inesof tiie ci.ni)inny. Janitor Work .Tfin:tor work done nt rearonabU' prirrv hy cxi'T'-nreil man. Apply to E. W. CitosH, Notice. N"''tlce Is her-hv i.iv..n ! v.A Water Supply Co., ninl aa appiUallons lor wa'or he inmle bel'oic Feb. IS, liiti. No npi II--r.l ooswill be r-msldcred where lust ycur's v.-tcr U n-ipald for. By oiler of Hoard. . KC. .-hen l. h, Pres. F. (i. church, Sec Stockholders' Meeting. M.v'tintolthe Hood Hiver Transportation nr. i ii Ki.n company will lie held at the orlU-e nil- union l.tlllllHT Collllianv T'iihsiIhv rrnninry t, al 7:.T p. (HAS T. E ari.y. secretary Vigorite Powder i nn t:ll i .i: for this blasting powder. So ine or write for iiriiifi tf t FRANK STANTON, Hood River. o . ...