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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1905)
2 . - VS. J VOL. XVI. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, JANUARY 26, 1905. No. 37 1 IB 1f 1 Lr V WW HOOD RIVER GLACIER issued every Thursday by AklHUK D. MOB. Publisher. Terms of subscription 11.50 a year when paid Is sdvanot. SOCIETIES. uniinDivfii i.niiii v.. ,..e . ... i A. M.-Mww Saturday evening on or before A. D. Mok, (Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO 27 It A. M Meet first and third Friday mains of each montn. p. uua.iiu.ku, u. 1. A. D. Mow. Secretary. HOOP HIVEtt CHAPTER No .all (I. K. H Meet second anil fourth Tuesday evening uieacu uioum. isnorg coruinoy welcomed. M HS. J. I,. UKItMHNKIt, W. M. Mm. Tiikubsa Casts kh, Secretary. IDLEW1LHE LODGE TlO. 107, I. (). O. F. Meet iu Fraternal hall, every Thursday night. Wm. Ganukb, N. G. H. C. Smith, Secretary KOEN ENCAMPMENT, No. 4M, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting second and fourth Mondays of earn month. 1., K. MoasH, C. P. H. R. Entkioan, Scribe. LAUREL REUKKAH DEGREE LODGE NO. si, 1. O. O. F.-Meeui first and third Fridays In each month. Mrs. K. W. Udell, N. G. Mas. Doha Thomson, Secretary. WAUCOMA LODGE NO. 30, K. OK P. Meets in K. of P. hull every Tuesday n.gbt. V. U. BliucK, 0, C. Fkank Qcjnn, V. C. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A. Meets in K. of 1'. hall every Wednesday night. Chas. Jonks, V. C. 0. U. DAKIN, Clerk. HOOD RIVKR CAMP, NO. 770, W. O. W. Meets on first ami third Tuesday of eaeh month In Odd Fellows' ball. Il.F. Blagq, CO. H. W. WAIT.Clork HOOD RIVKR CIRCLE NO. 521. WOMEN Oh Woodcraft Meets at K. of p. hall on the nrst and Third Fridays of each mouth. HKl.l.RN NoHTON, G.N NKLL1B 1IOH.OWELL, ClOI'k. RIVEUHIDK LODGE NO. 08 A. O. U. W. Miets tirst and third Saturdays of each IIOUU1. L. 1j. UOl'l-LK, M. w. E. K. Hhadi.ey, Flnnncier Chbstkk Miiutk. Recorder. RlVERMlOl!. LOUUliNa 40, DKUKltfnjF Honor, A. O. U. W.-Meel first and third Haturuaya at 8 p. m. AIihs Con A CorPLE, C. of H. Miss Cakkib Coi-i'i.E, Hecorder. OAK GROVE CO UNCI L NO. 14i, ORDER OK 1'endo. Meets the second and lourtli Krl daysof the month. Visitors cordially wel come. K. C. DitOBti'H, Counsellor. Gko. HuroM, Secreuiry, ORUKRoK WASHINGTON HOOD RIVER union no. H2-Mcets in K. of F. hall the awond and fourth Suturciays iu each month at 7:ao p. in. K. L. Roon, 1'resident. C. U. Iiakin, Secretsiy, OLETAA.ssKAiltl.rNo.lU3, UNITED ART Isans. Meets (lie first and thli u Wednes days, work; second and fourth Wednesdays ailisuuh nail. J. II. KOliBKli, M, A. C. D. Hknkich. Becruary. COURT HOOD RIVER No. 42, KoTlKHTEflS of Ainericu, Mcels second and fourth Aloii dayB In each nioiith Iu K. ol I'. hall. L. C. H A Y N EH, H. 1'. F. C. Hnosit's, F. c. CA.Nili FOIST, No. Iti.u. A. R.-A1EEW AT A. o. U. W. hall, second and lourth 8atur days of each month at 2 o'clock p. 111. All G. A. R. members invited to meet, with us. A. L, l'HKLi'H. Commander. Thomas Goss, Adjutant. CAN11V W. (. C.No; Iti-MKKT.SMlOCONlJ uud louitu Malurdays ol eacu Mouth in A. U. U. W. hall al2 p. in. K;li.en Uloweiis, Fresident. I.izzik Gee, becrutary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 8,469, R. N. A. Meets at K. of P. hall on the seuond and fourth Friday of each month. Mrs. Khma Jones, Oracle, Mas. Ella Dakin, Recorder. WAUNA TEMPLE, No. 6, Kathbone 8 sters, meeis every second and fourth Thurs day ot each month. Amanda Whitehead, M. E. C. Etilla Richakiisom, M. of il. and C. jJ E. WELCH, THE VETERINARY SURGEON. Has returned to Hood River and Is prepared to do any work in the veterinary line. Ho cau be found by calling at or phoning to Clarke'i drug store. DR. W. T. ROWLEY, PHYSICIAN, SUKUEON, OCCULIST Ofllce iu Smith Building. Office phone 9M. Residence phone m. J. F. WATT, M. D. l'HYSICIAX AND sriUJEOX. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. MCRGEON O. R. & N. Co. JfillS. MAUY JOHNSON, M.I). Physician and Surgeon. Offices and Residence In E. L. Kmlth Building Over First Nat. Hank. Entrance, rear of bank, on Third 8t. Phone 311. hTl. dumble, THYiSlCIAN AND SUUGEON. Huccessor to Dr. Al. F. Shuw. Calls promptly answered In town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, fill: Office, 613. Ollieeover Wood Bros.' Groeerv. DR. A. F. ROWLEY, DENTIST. Office In the Smith Building. Phone Dill. 0. H. JENKIiNS, D.M.D. DENTIST. (Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work. Telephones: office, 281; residence, W. Office over Bank Hldg. llmd River, Ore. eTil HAliTwrai LAWYER. Will Practice In All Courts. Office irlrh Geo. 1). Culbertson 4 Co. Col lections, Abstracts, Keith menl ol isolates. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORN KY-AT-LA W. ABSTRACTER, MO TART PI lil.10 and RKAL ESTATE AGENT. For 28 years a resident of Oregon and Wash ington. Has bad many years experience in Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher ot titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or Do charge. A.JAYNE. LAWYER. Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. Hood River, Oregon, p C. BR0S1TJ8, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to 8 and 6 to 7 P. M. JOGKB 8. SANBORN ATTORNEY AT UW eooD rivee ouooa ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF BAILS. HOOD RIVER. The postofllce is open dally between I a. m. and 7 p. m.i Sunday irom 12 to 1 o'clock. Mailt ior the East close at 11:20 a. ra., S:Jud. m. and I p m.; for the Meat at 2:40 p. m. and 9 p.m. The carriers on R. F. D. routes No. 1 and Na. t leave the postottice at 8:80 daily. Hall leaves tor mi. uooa, aaur at u:uu 10:2li a. in. .; arrives. hor f henoweth. Wash., at T:M a. m. Taes- days, Thursdays and Saturdays: arrive same nays at op. ra. For Cnaerwood, Wash., at 7:80 a. m. Tues- aays, i nursnays aim Saturdays; arrive! davs at 8 d. m. For White Salmon, Wash., dally at 1:16 p, m. arrives si 11 a. m. WHITE SALMON For Rood River daily at a. m.; arrives at l: p.m. ForHusum, Tront Lake and Ouler, Wash, daily at 7:90 a. ra.: arrives at li ra. For Ulenwood, tillmsr and Fulda, Wash., daily at 7 :8U a. m. ; arrives at 6 p. in. For Pinellat and Snowden, Wash., at 11:80 a. m. mesuays ana eaiuraays; arrives same uays, ju:su a. m. for lllnneu, Waah., dally at 4:16 p. m.I rlvesat:ltia. m. Timber Land Act .Inne.1, 1H78.I NOTICE hOli RUULICATlbN. Vnlted Stutea Land Offloe. The Dalles. O rou, Dec. 12, 1904. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of conaress of June 8, 1S7, entitled "An act for me saieol timber lands In tbestatea of Call fornla. Orou-on. Nevada, noil Washimlon Territory,"aa extended to all the Puhllo Land ntaia oy a;i or A ugtist 4, 1H02, ANDREW L. CARMJCHARJ. of Hood River, county of Was, sltito of Oregon, has this day tiled in tills office bis sworn statement No. 2167, for the purchase of the F.kHEW. SENK.W of section No fill uu ois.i oi neciion Niiinner 21 in lownsh u ISO. 2 north. ranuA No y h' W M and will offer proof to shnwtlmt the landsoiii-ht is more valuable ror its timber or stone than for airl Icultmal tmrnoMe. unit to his claim to said hind before George T. Pra ther. United States commissioner, at hia iinTe i. nr!fi xiivcr, uregon, on tuo tn any oi ii ni cu, 1.IVIEI. He names aa wltnKses Ttnh a Mimm James Monro, Charles J. Hayes, and William F. Raud, all of Hood Klver, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the nuove oescrioeu lanas are requested to me their claims in this office on or before said nn oay oi innrcn, jaos. d22f23 MICHAEL T. N0I.AN, Register. REPORT OK THE CONDITION OP THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT HOOD RIVER, IN THE STATE OF uunuuxx, AT l it rj :ujhk OF BUSI NESS JAN. 11, M05. BESOOBCKS. Leans and Discounts $ SK,59.40 jiverorans scureu ana nrsecured 6e0.93 united mates Konds to secure circu lation ., PreinUims on U. H. bonds Current expenses Banking house, furniture' and fix- (S.2S0.00 a 16.41 1,087.18 'ur?" ,8,819.47 Due from niitlonal bunks (not reserve nK'-nts') - ,2I6.62 Due from approved reserve agents.... 21,!1.n0 Checks and other cash Items . 134 70 moies oi oiner national bunks Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents ; '. Lawful .Mushy Reserve In bank Viz: fiax-ln 0,h77.fl0 120.110 40.87 Rccleniitlon fund with U. "is. treasur 6,927.36 er ( per cent ot circulation) 812.50 Total ,.n.'S.13 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In surplus fund -. '. .Ntitlmml liunk notes outsuiuding...: Individual lleUOSilsklihfmt Demand certiflcntesof deposit. .. . Time ccrtlllCHtcB ol deposit Cashier's Uiciksoutslundiug Iutal 0123.13 State of Oregon, finnty of Wasco, as: 1. E. O. Hlanchar. cashier ..r i, Di...A named bank, do Holemoiv s.,.r tt.o tilKive statement Is true to tho best of my K. O. HLANCHAR, Cashier. Cokhect, Attest: 11 Klliit i n worth, F. S. Stanley, Directors. Kuts ribed and duy ot Junuury lwift. a. w. u i iiANK, Notry Pnblfa. b'or suite o j Oregon. S. H. COX Contractors and Builders Plans and Estjmatbs Fdbnibbiu. UEEKA MEAT MAKKET, McGUIRE BROS., Props. Dealers In Fresh and Cored Meats, Lard. Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. FREE DELIVERY. PHONE SIS B' ON TON liAUBER SHOP 1IAYNF.8 A GREY, Taora. ThA nlnA tn Mt an A..V stiav M nn-tn-Aata hair cut, and to enjoy the luxury ol a soreolaia bath tub. pil li O. K. BARBER BHOP Rni!ell A Rees, Props. Between J. R. Band's and t. C. rlgul'A. Strictly first elass. Uatla laetion guaranteed. J. F. STRANAHAN, Architect n on .., omerlenca. Will tar- nifh plans nd (peclflcationR for mil kinds of btiildines. Strictly op . to date. Located At Hood Kiver. E. A. S0ULE. Contractor and Builder. Plans and Estimates PDRHrsriEn Upon AppLicAnow. Hi FREDERICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimate furnished on all kinds of work I'ltivriiM;- Arnold. Main (W. I HUHIS. Kredarick. al ! J. HEMEREL & SONS Contractors and Builders Hood Iliver, Ore. F. W. PRIBNOW, Carpenter & Builder F.stimntM ehecrfullv furnished. Plans and specifications furnished All work promptly and carefully attended to. Hood River, Ore. E. F. BELIETJ, Contractor & Builder. aT-PLAlTS AND EnlMATES FUB9ISHII t 2o.onn.oo - n.OKiim ' k.ow.OO 40,2T.1 i.ttOl.'.J 8,801 .fe 1S3.6& ITImber land, Ae June 8, 1S78.1 NOTICE FOK PUBLICATIOX. United States Fnd Offloe, The Dalle, Ore gon, Nov. i, io,..piotice is nereoy given that In ooiiipliauce with the provisions of the actof Congressof June3, 187H, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the public iana kLaies Dy act oi August 4, itsra, NELS NELSON of Hlsckduck, oounty of Beltrami, state of Minnesota, lias on October I iuo.1, men in tills office tils sworn statement No. 211S3. for the purchase of the VAL NWX and E$8WUof flection ft, In Township No. i North, Range No. 9E,,W.M.:andwlll oiler prnor to show that the laud sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and reoelver of this office at The Dalles; Oregon, on the 17th day of March, 1906. He names aewltneasea: August Wolden, of BemldJI, Minnesota; Ernar ilia, of Portland Oregon; Louis Nelson, of Deschutes, Oregon; 8. W. carran, of Vleuto, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adveraely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in thisottlceon or before the ssld 17lh day of March. IKK. d22f; MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1R7H NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gnn, Nov. 21. 1904. Notice is hereby alven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1M8, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washln-- ton Territory," as extended to all the pulilio imiiu Buues uy aci oi August , ln'JV, FRED URBAN, of Waynoka, county of Woods, Territory of uaiannuin, nason April iz, in this oince ins sworn statement No. ciln, for Hie purchase of the HESW and lot 4 ofSectlon No. 7, in Townslilp No. 1 North, Range No. II E., W. M., and will oflor pnaif to show that the land sought la more valuable fo its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Geo. T. I'riither. U' 8. Commissioner, at bis nfflcelu Hood River, Oregon, oa the 3d day of aiurcil, mv. He. names aa witnesses: Arthur R. French. Archie C. French, Altart M. Caldwell and Bert L. Woolcy, all of Waynoka, Oklahoma; Edmond C. Miller, Gilford 1). Woodworth and Ralph French, all of Hood Rlv. r, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before the said 3d day of March, 1IOS. d2 f 25 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. TTImbor Land Act Jnne 1.1, 1S78J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Ofllce. The Dulles. Ore gon, Nov.l, HUM. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the inovlsionsof the act of Congressof June 3, 1878, entitled "An Bet lor the sale or timber lands in the stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the l'uhlio Land States by act of August 4, 1892, CHARLES A. HOY of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, lias tins day Bled in this office his sworn statement No. "iai. the mi retinue of oi me iota a 4, section is and :ot 10 of section P.O. 7. in township r.o. 1 north, range No. E, W. M and will oner proof lo show that the land sought is more val liable for Its timber or stone than for ngrlciii. tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Geo. T. Prat her, U. 8. commissioner at his office in Hood River. Oregon, on t he 8d day of February 1905. He names as witnesses: Lewis E. 'Morse, Charles Castner, Isaac C. Nealelgh, William , KHiiu, an oi nMa Kivcr, Oregon. Any and all persons clnimiuir adversely the above-described lands are requested to Hie meir claims in imsotnce on or ueiore said 3d day of February, 1905. na4J2o MICHAEL X. NOLAN, Register. ITImber Land, Act JuneS, 187R.J N0TICK FOR PUBLICATION. United HtHtes Land Office. The Dalles Oregon, October 27. 1954. Notice is herebv given thai, in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of Jnne 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by actof August 4, 1892, CARRIE J. CI.AHK of Hood River, county of Wasco, stnte of Oregon, baa this day filed in this office her sworn statcmei t No. 2133 for the purchase of the lota 5 and it and 8EtN WJsj and NESW'i section No , In township No. It north, range No. 10 E. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought fs more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before George T. Pratlier ll. S. Commissioner at his office at Hood River, Oregon, on the 8d day of February, 1905. She names as witnesses: Judson H Wnrn- sou, James Ingnlls, Lewis W. Clark, Cliarles . miliars, an or Hood Klver, Oregon. Auv and all nersons claiming adversely the above-described lands are advised to file their claims In this office on or belore the said 3d day of Februny, 1905. ncijuw uunAiib i. fuijA.,i;egi8tr. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States I .and office. The Dalles. Ore. gon, Nov 11, 1901. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act tor the sale ol timber lands In the states of California. Oreaon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to ail the public Lund States by act of August 4, 1892, JAIUUH W. CRANE of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of uregon, nas inis any nieu in tins ortlce his sworn statement No. 2444, for the purchase ol the lots 3 and 4 and NVsSW'4 of section No. S3, In township 2 north, range E. W. M , and will offer proof to show that the land unlit is more valuable for Its timber or none than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before George T. Prather, United States Commis sioner at his office at Hood River, Oregon, on me m uay oi r enruary iu.. tie names as witnesses: uicn Fahrlrk, Isaac Nealelgh, l.ewi E. Morse and Wllllan F. Rand all of Hoed River, Oregon. Any and oil persona claiming adversely the above deacrliied lauds are requested to file their claims In this office on or before the said 2d day of February 11105. D24ja26 MICHAEL T. NOLANjReglster NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Public land sale-(Iwlaicd tract.) United States Ijind Office. The Dalles. Ore. gon, Jannsry 11, 1905. Notfee is hereby given Hist In pursuance of instructions from the commissioner or the General Land Office, un der authority vested In him by section 246i, United states revised statutes, as amended by actof Congress approved February 2'l, ls!'5,we win prooeen lo oner al. pumic sale at t tip hour of 10 o'clock a. in., on the 2:tn day of Febinary, I9I-5, at this office, the following tract of land, to-wll: The HK'.i of the NWi4 of section 23, townships north, range II east of Willamette Meridian. Any and nil persons claiming adveraely the above-described lands are advised to file their clnims In this office on or before the day alKive designated (or the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be for feited. J19ITS MICHAEL T. NOLAN. Register. ANNE M. LANG, Receiver. (Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Ths Dalles, Ore gnu, Nov. 21, ItfiH Notice it hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of concress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tlmlxT lands In the ststes of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended 10 all the public land states by act of A ugust 4, 1892, ARTHUR R. FRENCH of Waynoka, county of Woods, territory of uaiaiioiiia.iiaH 011 Junes nmi.n lea in ttilsomce bis sworn ststement No. PKsi.for the purchase of the WViNE'i snd E',NW! of section No. 30 In township No.l north'.rangeNo.U east W.M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stoue thsn for agricultural pnrposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Geo. T. Prather, U.S. Commissioner at his office in Hood Kiver,Oregon,on the 3d day of March IMA, He names as witnesses: Archie C. French Bert L. Woolcy and Albert M. Caldwell, alt of Waynoka. Oklahoma. Warren Miller. F.d. mond C. M law and Ralph French, all of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file tneir claims in this omoeoo or before tbe said 3d dav of March, 1S d2 mco2 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. FRUIT MEETING BEST EVER HELD ALL ASK ABOUT HOOD RIVER Delegates Get their Pictures in the Paper Mason's Speech In well Received. The Hood River deletfnlos to the meeting of the Northweatoru Fruit Orowerg's association iu lioiw LiM week, returned Thursday afternoon well pleaned with their trip uud i!e clare the- meeting to have lieeu the best gathering of fruit men ever held in the Northwest. Fruit Growers from other parts of the country wore anxious to hear about Hood River, and the address of A. I. Mason proved one of the most inter esting at the session. Tho lioisc Statesman gave the speech u promi nent position ou the lirst pao ol Thursday morning's issue. Iloodiiiver and the delegates from here were sig nally honored by having their pii'turos in the Statesman, accompanied by the following personal inent ion; "The famed Hood Rver district ol Oregon is represented at the moot iny of the Northwestern Fruit (i rowers' association by six men, all of whom are prominent in horticulture. They are Presidout E. L. Smith of the association, who Is also president ol the Oregon state board of north-It ure. President A. I. Mason of the ilood River Applo Growers' uidon, Vice President .G .R. Castner of the same organization, E. H. Sliepai j, manager of the union, A. P. Batchnni and II. H. Webber. "The Hood River meinb.a j are till cheerful, good naturod gviitlomvu, always ready to answer que l ions or furnish Information uud they quickly jumped into popularity. I'nsidcnt Smth is looked up to by'all the metii- Lers 01 tlio usseoiiitiou 11s as iroilfuther to the organization. When it point is to be settled Mr. Smith is annealed to and his rulings are accepted on a! subjects bertaiuingto the as.- nidation. He is a very unable gout Kraut, with a good, word for every dialiicl. ; 1 consider the iellow Newtown to lie our best apple, till tilings con sidorod," said President Smith. "It is a good bearer, good shipper and good keeper. Over m l.pciand the Newtown seems to take the be.;t. The Spitzonberg is a grand tipple but the tree is not so hardy as tho Newtown. I notice a splendid box of Kpbitzen liergs here from a Boiso orchard. An orchardist who can grow mch apples is a ioriunate man. "President Smith does nut favor large apples, lie believes In quality rather than quantity. President Mason of tho Hood River A npie Grow ers union is nu..-rf U. .u. oiit memlwrs of the association. As the head of the most in.iioi taut and most successful union in the Wost of its kind, Mr. Mason is well qtiaJilled to tell how the reputation of the Hood River fruit was acquired. He will do so in a paper which ho will read ou Wednesday afternoon. "The Hood River nieniliers (tike a paternal interest in Idaho for the reason, that Wasco county, in which the Hood River district is located, at one time embraced this section of the Gem state. For this reuson. thev in sist, they feel particularly kindly to ward Idaho and are pleased to see tho state prosper. The Idaho members of the association reciprocate the good wishes of their Hood River neighbors and in fact a more harmonious gath ering than that of tho fruit growers could scarcely be imagined." The Statesman also gave Hood River the following complimentary editoral meuton : Most of our people are fumliar with what has been accomplished by the Hood Rvori fruit men. They have perfected an orgiini.atou that is a model for all other fruit growing sec tions. By systematic intelligent co-operation, they have succoedod in making their fruit known in every uiurket. Its merits have peon called to tho at tention of consumers from the Atlan tic to the Faeitle and in the foreign lands, Moreover by working out the best methods of packing and shiuninu they fiave made their brands standard where fruit is sold. When fruit is shipped from their station it is mark ed perfectly, and when tho buyer in xv ew ioru or tjiiicago purchases a box he knows exactly what he is tret- ting aud iu what condition ho will lind it from the top to the bottom, l'ur ther.the association has secured a per manent, marge! iiiai is not materi ally affected by the condition of the crop iu other state. I rom people who havo uccomolislied such important results lessons are to be learned. Ihe Hood River apple in no petter than that grown in South western Idaho, but the Hood Rivet crchardists have attained higher stand ards and adhere to thorn in a manner that insures the retention of thou market. What they have accomnlsiu d cau bo accomplished here. If all those who grow apples for the market can lie induced to work to the verv highest standards tho Idaho apple will soou lie famous. It has made K"ou neauway 111 gaining public favor 1 1. .... 1 1 . ... mil more lias to be improvement i e- fore tho best results can be ob tained. " When it came to selecting the next place of meeting. Mr. Mason niiide a speech in favor of Hood River but out 01 mouosiy mree ot me flood Klver people voted for La Grande, uud two others gave their vole to Seattle, as they had promised to do lust vrnr. Tl..v . I. 4U ... . . 1. . . iuo rueuit ui tuo vote was zt 10 b 111 favor of the Eastern Oreirou citv. But we will all vote for Hood River next time." was heard on everv hand after the result was announced. E. L. Smith of Hood River was re elected president of tho astocaitiou. 1 he other officers are: Secretary Mr.Huif man, La Grande. Treasurer, W S. Olfner, Walla Walla. Vice Presidents Idaho. Fremont Wood, Boise; Oregon, A. I. Mason, Hood River; Washington, Ben Her eunder, Colfax ; Utah, E. I), lialj, Lo gan ; British Columbia. J. R.Anderson. Victoria; Montana, R. 0. Cooley, Bozeman. Committees named by President Smith: Nomenclature Profoasor L. B. Jud son, Moscow; O. R. Castner, Hood River; C. P. Hartley, Caldwell; ( M. Biggins. Boise; Alex McPhorson, Boise. .Legislation A. 1. .Mason, tH al River; Alex McPherson, Jioise; Pro fessor W. 1). Carlisle, Spokane. Among the resolutions adopted were the following suggestions, ou legisla tion : 2 ' .-. "1 That the special" apple box of the dimensions of 10 by 11 by 20 Inch es, inside measurement, ami by the standard apple box, lu'a by 11 4 by IK inches, insido measurement, las made legal packets iu which to market ap ples in each of t he.states covered jl.y this organization. . "i That legal measures lie enact ed to protect the innocent ; planter from unscrupulous venders oftroes..i "3 That the sale of diseased or infested apples, or those having lieen diseasedor infested, be prohibited by law, except when used in the man ufacture cider, vinegar, jellies, pre serves or, outer manuiacturea prod ucts. J "4 That each packet of fruit should be marked and labeled, showing the kind and the qualty of the same rue uaiiio 01 1110 snipper and grower and the locality where grown, and H penalty pro ided for defacing such marks or ir;;.ios. "o Thai, I'.tv I . iiUmt of the asso elation apjo li.l u abiding legislative committee o! Ihtee from each state Coverou 0, ;..;s ... sofiation and that said comi. itU o shall endeavor to have their ro.-.ei't.vo legislatures enact these mciurie uud any other needed legislation. , o in uu secretary ot this or ganization solicit oilier horticultural sot : let lea 111 the I'.astern states and .Middle V.e.-t to have tho fourth recommendation itbovo stated made a law in their re.-pet live states." The deaih o'. 1'roi'estor Carlisle. ho fell to tim floor as he pegin nsiig an uddii ss to the fruit growers, ptitublig!,t 011 t!ie plcuant gather ing, and the eminent scientist's death is a loss the members of the associa tion del ply regret. President Smith called tho sessions to order u il li a gavel fashioned from Die wood of a Royal Ann cherry tree bronght from Iowa lo Oregon in 1SI7 by HcmlcrMJii Luelliiig. The head of the gavel is formed ol applo wood from a live grown lrom a seed plant ed byJas. Hi net- in Vancouver, Wash., in IMIj. The seed was brought from Nngland in the pockets of some young men where if had been placed oy ladies at the close of a farewell dinner tendered the gentlemen in in Loudon. Hun. P. 1.. Smith of Oregon. While President E. L. Smith of the Northwest Fruitgrowers' asso ciation, and of the Oregon state board of horticulture, hails from Hood River, he belongs to tho entire state. and for that matter, to tho Pacific Northwest. He has peon prominent in tho horticultural councils of this region for many years. In his own state he h;..i for threo years boon trotidout- u tho stf uto horticultural sooiory mtrt -i-inwi lar Jour i'uara in a like l eJaiiou lo the Oregon state board oi hoi Lii'tdturo. Ho lias done much to tho horticulture of his own stain into prominence aud it is safe to say lout the wide reputation for oxcclK-hCo of Hood River fruits in partict'iar, in no usall degree, to the eiithi:.-.u. liC loyalty of President Smith. At the sumo timo he is broad enough to recognize that "there are others" and so cau po relied ou to speak good words for all this region of country, lie is a good presiding olll cer, an elUi tivo speaker and is justly recognized as otto ot the wheel horses in the poiuological development of the Pacific Northwest. In speaking of Hood River Mr. Smith said that the locality sells about jfi'ityiOO worth of fruit annually, and this is pretty equally divided between largo and small iriiits. The acreage in apples not yet iu hearing, is large, consisting almost entirely of Newtowns and Spitzouhorgs and Jonathans, and in live years more, wo expect to market uUO,IHlO boxes of fancy upples. Wo be lievo the demand for strictly funey truit, put up lor liio lancy market, will steadily increase, and that returns will justify tho extra care and outlay involved. Our people do not believe there is any profit iu poor fruit or in good fruit lor thut matter, poorly packed, and hence wo are not after thut kind of trade. We believe it pays to establish and maintain a rep utation for sending out fruits that top the market. Caldwell Rural. ITALIAN WORKMEN START GUN PLAY Marshall Oliugor was called to the railroad yard one morning to straighten out a tangle among the Italian workmen and one of the fore men. It is reported that things looked like war and bloodshed for a few min utes. "Mo getta gnn and kill senior," shouted a very much excited son of Italy as lie rushed into ids car. Foreman Shepard also wanted a gun and sought lo swipe a six-shooter lrom the ear of timekeeper Haines, but the latter counselled peace and after a hand to hand tosiilwith the foreman wrenched the gun from his grasp in time to prevent the burial ot an 1 Lhliau or tw o. By this lime the men were 011 the outside of the car. One of the dagoes is saiil to hate pointed a double-barrelled gun out of the window. Things were indeed warlike. The timekeeper sought the other side of the car while Ihe foreman dealing soino fierce blows tho shoulder, lauded a number of the uiigereil workmen ou the sand. One man made a pass at Shepard with a knife, but was restrained by some of his countrymen, who main. tamed cooler Leads. Late reports say that peace has lajen restored. Coughs and Colds. All coughs, colds and pulmonary complaints that are curable are quickly cured by One Minnie Cough Cure. Clears the phlegm, draws out iiiihuna- Hon and heals snd S'Witbs ttie aflected parts, strengthens Hie lungs, wards oil' pneumonia. Harmless and pleas'tnt lo lake. Hold by G. E. Williams. The piling and floorinir work on the Trad and Bridge of Nations at the lewig and Clark centennial is now com pleted. The government Peninsula can now be readied by this rotate. The bridge sp in 2.K8) feet of water and is the largest bridge ever erected at au exposition. BILL TO CREATE CASCADE COUNTY NOW BEFORE THE LOWER HOUSE What Territory Proposed County of 'Casratle Will Embrace-Salary ttf tU"'i Ollicers Stipulated., SK3 Following, Is tho Jluli;text;of the House, Bill No. 114, introduced and read first time by Rcpremsentative Jayne, January 10, llK)r, and entiled a oiu ior an act to create tue coun ty of Cascade, aud to fix the salaries of the olllces thereof : Be it enacted by the peoplo of the istate of. Oregon ; aud. Bo it enacted by tho legislative assembly of the , state oflOrcgon : Section 1. That all that portion of the state of Oregon, embraced within lie following boundary line Ik; and the same is horohy created and oraguized into a separate county, oy name 01 cascade, tow it: liegin uing at a point on the summit of tho Cascade mouiitans where tho south lino of Multnomah county meets the line of Wnsco county, running thence northerly on a straight line and along the sun;;. lit of tho Caseado mountains to the Kiutii-en:-t corner of the north west quarter of section twenty-two, 111 township two north, i::;ig.i seven east of Willamette Meridian, thence northerly , along the said east line of said section twenty two to the middle of the main channel of said Columbia river, thence up the middle of said channel of said river iu a geu- oral easterly direction, to a point north of and opposite the meander corner to sections two and three, in township two north, range twelve cast ot the W Hlamctto meridian; thence south to the south -eust corner of sec tion twenty two, said township and range; thence west to tho south-east coiner of section twenty, said town ship and range last named.; thence south to the soul henst corner of sec tion thirty-two township and range last named, thence west to the sotith- ist corner of section thirty-six, township two north, range eleven east, Wiiiauiette meridian; thence west on tho base line Jo the north-west corner of tow usliip tme south, range ten east of Wiiliimotte meridiun; thence south to the southeast corner of township three south, range ten list of W lllatiiette meridian ; thence west along the township lino and along the south boundary of township three south, range ten east, aud along said lino extended to tho summit of the Cascade mountains aud to the western boundary of mid Wbhco ounty, thence in a general northerly direction along the summit, ot' said mountains, and "' along "tTio mrtnrti bundtiry of dncknmns conntiyy said point or beginning. Section 'J. That tho territory em braced within the said boundary lilies shall compose a county for all civil and military purposes, aud shall Iki subject to the same laws and restric tions, and bo entitled to elect the same officers as other counties of this state .provided it shall be the duly of the governor as soou as it shall be convenient alter this act shall have become a law to appoint for Cascade county and from its citizens the sev eral county oliicers allowed by law to other counties in this state, which said ollicers after duly qualifying ac cording to law shall lie entitled to hold their respective olllces until their successors are duly elected, at tho general election of l'.HKi, and have duly qualified according to law. Section.). The temporary county gnat of Cascade county shall be located at Hood River, in said county, until a permuueut location shall be adopted. At the next general election the ques tion shall be submitted to the legal voters of said county, and the place, if any, which shall receive a majority of the all votes cast at said election shall lie the permanent seat of said county. But if no place shall receive a majority of all votes cast, question shall again lie submitted to the legal voters of said county at the next gen eral election ; and the placo receiving the highest number of t otes at such last eli ctiou shall he tho permanent sent of said county. Section 4. Said county of Cascade shall, for ropro dilative purposes, lie annexed to the twenty-ninth repre sentative district, and for senatorial purposes said county shall be anneqed io the twentieth senatorial district. Section 5, The county clerk of Wasco county shall, within thirty days after this act shall have gone into opetutiou, make out and deliver to the county clerk of Cascade county a transcript of all taxes assessed up on all persona and property within said Cafcade county, and which was pre viously included iu the limits of Was co couiiy, and nil taxes which shall r.'niniu unpaid upon the day this act shall become a law shall be paid to the proper ollicers of Cascade coon ty. Ihe said clerk of said county of Wasco, n itliin the time above limit ed, shall make out and deliver to the county clerk of Cascade county a transcript of all cases pending in the circuit and county courts of said county of Wasco between parties re siding in Cascade county. and transfer all original papers in said cases lo Imi tried in Cascade county. Section 6. The county court of Cuscade county shall lie held at the county seat on the first Monday in January, and the llrst Monday of every alternate month thereafter ot eatdi yetur.-' Section 7. The said county of Cas cade is hereby attached to the fourth judicial district for judicial pur poses and the terms of the circuit cut for said county shall io held at tho county seat on the Monday in and the Monday iu of each year. Section o Until otherwise provided by law the county judge of Cascade county shall receive an annual sala ry of i'M, the county clerk of said county shall receive an annual salary of $13 Kl, tho rhoriri' shall receive an annual salary of H20), and the treas urer shall receie an annual salary of WiO, and tho county school superin teudent of mid Cnrad county shall receive an annual salary of fcluo. The county court tf Cascade county shall appoint the stock inspector snd fix his salary. The assessor of said Cascade couuty shall receive $4 per day for his services. Section 10. The couuty judge of Cascade county Bhall let by contract to the lowest responsible bidder the work of transcribing all records of Wsmco county affecting real estate sit uted iu Cascade couuty. and when completed they shall be examined and certitled to the clerk of Cascade couuty, and shall thereafter be rec ognized and acknowledged as tho ollleial records of Cascade county; provided, that the clerk of Cascade couuty shall be allowed to bid ou such work. Section 11. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of schools of Was co couuty, within sixty days after tho appointment of the Hnperiutend ent of schools of Cascade couuty, to make out and forward to the said superintendent of schools of Cascade county a true and correct transcript or alwtract of the annual reports of the clerks of the various school dist ricts embraced in the within Cascade county, and tbe said countv sunerin- teudent of Wasco county shall also. at time of making tbe apportionment of the school fund for the vear 1!K6 apportion to the various school dis tricts within Cascade couuty their pro rata proportion of said school fund, the same as if said oounty had not been created or o;(,auized. Section 12. The ccetity trasurer of Cascade county shall, out of the tirst money collected for taxes, pay to the treasurer of Wasco county the full amount of stats tax on the assess ment of 1904 due from the citizens of Cascade comity. Section 13, The trfORtiror of Cas cade couuty shall, within one year aftor its organization by appointment of its officers as hereinbefore pro vided, assume and pay to the county of Wasco a pro rata proportion of tho remaining indebtedness, if any, of Wasco county, after deducting therefrom the amount of money that has innm collected in taxes from tho property of the territory taken from said county and included in tho coun ty of Cascade, and expended by said miny ior public initldings. Section 14. The county iudgo of Wasco eouuty and the countv judge of Cascade county, are hereby ap pointed a board of commissioners to letermfne tho value of such property 111 Wasco county, and the amount of indebtedness, if any to be assumed by tascado oounty. Said board shall moot at tho county seat of Wasco county, on tho day , V,m, or within ten days thereafter, and after taknig and subscriibing an oath faith fully to discharge their duties, shall proceed with said work, and when it is completed file their reports of their ol conclusions iu duplicate with the clerks of Cascade and Wasco counties. Section 15. Within thirty days aft er tho tiling of such report in Cascade oounty, either county may appeal from the decpisiou of said board to the circuit court of Wasco couuty by T" atin-xir nuueal Upon the uLu-lc ot tli otiuu- county lutorositin. Upon perfecting the issues in said court either county may demand a chuge of venue to Multnomah county. The trial may 1 lie by jury and tho judgment rendered may be enforced as other judgments against counties. If the oounty appealing fails to receive a more favorable judg ment than the finding of tho board appealed from by at least $5(K, it shall pay the costs of the appeal. If no appeal be taken by either party within the thirty days above the find ings of said board shall be conclus ive. The members of said board shall receive the sum of $11 per day for each day actually employed, ami mileage. The expenses incurred by the above mentioned board shall le borne equally by tho counties inter ested. ADVERTISE OREGON WITH THE GLACIER William Westerluud k Co., the gi n- end land and immigration agents of Chicago, write to the Glacier for ex tra copies of the paper to las used in advertising Hood River in tho East. Westerluud & Co. have brought a large numper of people to Hood River, and are aware that the Glacier off org the best descriptive literaturo to be had for convincing easterners thut there is nothing so good as Oregon. Westerluud & Go's, address is 99 Dearborn street. Their letter is ut follows : Enclosed please find stamps for which send us copies of tho Glacier (if you cau spare them) under dute of January 5. Your articles iu that issue, "Apples go to the President," and "Over loOU from 50 trees" are excel lent, and we can make good use of these copies. We are having a lot of inquiries for Hood River property and wo ex pect to take un excursion party out there in February, aud we lx lievo if we had a few copies of your paper we could mako good use of tin 111. If it is not asking too much we would suggest that whenever you havo any write ups of this class, which shows what your excellent country produces, that you send us a few copies; we (an always make good use of them. We desire to compliment you on the excellent up-to-date style iu which ti e Glacier comes out every week. Tonic to the System. For Liver troubles and constipation there is nothing better than DeW'itt's Little P.arly Risers, the famous little Bills. They do not weaken the stom ach. Their action upon the system is mild, pleasant and harmless. Hold by G. E. Williams. Egypt and Morocco will make a com bined African display at the Lewis and Clark centennial. The exhibit will cover 2,500 square feet and it's value will be Tho reason that coughs and colds pro. duee constipation and weaken tbe lung.i is because they lutefere with all diges tion. That new discovery known as Kenedy's Laxative Honey aud Tar cures all eougbs.croup.whooning coii-U and BMsisU) in expelling colds from the system by geutly moving the bowels, ll is pleasant to take ami contains no opiates. Hold by G. E. Williams. n