TTf wiwii m n i m i m A jS7 GOOD 5 Yours truly, O. R. & N. TIME TABLE. Hast bound No. a, chic.iiri) Special, 11:43 a. m. No. Mpokann Flyer, 8:;)8 p. m. tin. 0, Mull imrl Hx press, 10:50 p. m. No. 21, Way Freight, 12:10 p. m. No. 2'-'. Fust Freight, 4:05 a. m. West hound No. 1, Portland Special. 3:0.1 p. m. No. S, I'orlliiml l-'lyer, 5:l n. m. No. 5, Al;iM anil Express, 4:48 a, m. No. M, W'ny Krelsrlit, li:2i a. m. No. j!i , I-'msI Freight, 5:45 p. m, ''" , ... " " T Hood River M father Report, For week-cndlnif Tuesday, Jan. 10: Moan ninxlmum, :.; mean miiiimiim,25.-; mean, n- jiiKii ii'iiipiTiunre, ie .nin. Hi; lowest, J7C Dliihl o( .liiimoiy a Precipitation. 207 Ti lal miowTall durinsr the week 23 luetics, prealesi depth of allow on the ground lit ona 17 inches. D. N. BYKRLKE, Loral observer. f;i:rLF local matters. School books at Coe & Son'a. Orpingtons and Minorcas at Lewis'. Use Williams anti-septic Utiir tonic and keep off gray hairs. BOOTHS have moved to where Kane" used to he. $1000 to loan on farm property. Apply lO t . J . DLAKt l . T. . . - ! - ... .. ... ror sain. pome oi the linest low on the hill, fronting the river. Also lots in lUveiview park ami Idlewild. 8ec W.J. linker. Chocolate menier is absolutely pure ... n tiiiurii oest m;i(ie. (mi a can at none & McDonald s. A fine farm for sale in the Odelf. dis trict. Hell improved. Sold nt a bar gain if taken soon. VV. J. Baker. w . j. naner lias some beautiful lots fox sale near Chas. Clarke's residence on tlie lull. ne invite the public to come in a?ul get our meat prices. We are selling boiling meats at bed rock prices. Mavi s Isros. Call and see Strowbridges' new stool, of wall paper, paints, oils, brushes, etc., next door to Mayes' meat market. Do your eyes fail you? Come in and see C. If. Temple, the oculist, who is prepared to test and fit vour eves, and has the largest stock of glasses" in the city. If your watch is. out of order come and see C. If. Temple, the watch maker, who will repair your watch, and save time, save money, and have your watch hint many years 'more than it would if you go to mine one who has not had the many years experience I have. Insure in an all home institution, The 'Oregon Fire Relief association of Mc Minnville. Frank J. Perkins, agent, P. O. box (12, Hood Kiver, Or. Best selection of riip.'s ever brought to Hood Kiver. Over 200 C. JI, Temple. S. K. l'.artmess has a first class uphol sterer in his employ, and is prepared to do all kinds of repair work. BOOTHS have moved where Rarid used to lie. I have a large stock on hand, in fact, the largest stock in town. Watches, the fiiif.-t grade rings, the largest sSock, all at rwiuced prices. Come and! see C. If. Tt m pie for bargains in all lilies:. Mayes Dros.' meat market cive? notice that all orders for morning dtlivery must be in by 10:4"i o'clock. The- after noon delivery will be taken off at 4:80. Mayks Bros. For Wilbur's poultry and stock food go to liviie oc McDonald's. ery Note and letter size, tablets in linen and plate finish, envelopes to match. Little PWvvS. Sleds There'll be plenty of chances to use them yet. Coasters, fancy paint id top, special, 40c. TeaKetlles Heavy nickel tin, large size, copper- button: with side i una, preventing 90c. rast. Brushes Hair Brushes, tooth brushes, xt brushes, null hru-hes, clothes lrvsli- hani brushes, shoe blushes, scrtilb bru-hes, paint blushes, horse hrufilr e--, etc. Little lrices,. &GCOm The: T3iq i trrfrauffifcag -saca wm ppair i i tun We make a specialty of our hosiery, and recommend "Iron Clads" for men, women, misses, children and boys particularly for boys. Try them. THE UP-TO-DATE STORE 50 acres on tlie East Side, 2 miles out. 10 acres in young orchard. A snap. W.J. BAKER. i Largo stock of horse blankets and ' winter robes at H. J. Fra-nk's. Cocoa menier and choitolate monier at i Bone & McDonald's. I Latest designs in ladiew watches; gold filled, solid gold, and alsu with diamond setting. Also a fuH line of gentlemen's watches. C. H. Temple. i,.u ,l n- . " nen J"1" 8 to the pOBt ofliCO step into UOC S Won i U.n'a mi tl.n aM ftt- site an House and two lots in Albany will trade for Hood Kiver property. W. J. Baker. Mantle clocks, with gold plated front, warranted Temple's. not to tarnish, at C. II. Money to loan K. H. lljtrtwig Clearance sale at Coe's., Want 40 to ICO acres wild land good soil, comparatively level,in lower Mount wood district, rnce must be reason able. Terms, spot cash. Address P. O. box 141, Portland, Or. If you get an article of Clarke, the jew eler, and it doesn't prove to be as rep resented, bring it back. Before purchasing anything in the watch, clock or jewehy line, get my prices. Clarke, the jeweler. Temple, the Jeweler, lias moved 'into the Smith building, opposite Williams' drug store,. We ftrn still selling our 'homo made lard as cheap as other lard i-an be bought and we guarantee every bucket. 10s, J1.40 ; 5s, 70c ; 3s, 45c. Mayks Bros. I am prepared to save you money on your year's reading. Bring in a list of magazines you would likr and let me give you a price on therfi. Geo. I. tSlev com. The band bovs will eive a masnuerade ball Saturday evening, February 4. Tickets Gentlemen, 75c ; ladies free. I bav a few nieces of cut class left. which T will close out at the lowest dob-. siblo prices. Clarke, the jowelor. Evurv article in mv stock marked down at greatly reduced priced. Call and look them over. Clarke the'iew- eler. Fresh smelt nt McGnire Bros. Two small brnises for iale,W. J. Baker. New rorned beef at McGnire Bros. Four houses lor rent. W. J. Baker. Land given in exchange for clearing ot her land. J. L. HtmjBRSON. Notice. 11 Geo. 1). Culbert-on & Co. are mv ati- t horized agents for the renting of my b oiises and felling town and country f miperty. H. C. COE. 'cw Today. ' Five acres hlf a mile from town. A 81 iap. W. J. Baker & Co. . , - Cranberries' t Holman's. Otnnses, 15c a dozen ct Ilolman's. Celsry and cabbage at Ilolman's. Hice, 20 ll.s for fl, at Holman's. Buiwhoat. flour at Ilolman's. See that fi ao lirre of brooms at Hd man'n. Full line of all kinds of meat, fresh I and, at Ilolman's. - . I . A Good Time -r- ,' . . i to make npyonr roller towels for next '', J season's use. Heavy brown linen C& T ifmL fl crash, 18-in. wide, wears like iron, if J9SriflM- 15e per yard. U'BS' a m yrmW gre gratefnl and eomfoiting these damp days. Get a pair and make Shawls V . . your feet glad. 20c, 3for50c. This is the time of vear you will ap- Allt Rnnka precate mo one of the Prel ;ty 'houWer ffl h n ledpprs wraps that we a rt makthem-go j , h Preford. et A' prices on. Loot in our window and see j ,. ; ( fc 'r j k the ; pretty sty leg and little prices. memorandums, et-Little Prices. New Pianes Music Valentines Folios containing 25 of the newest Tlie largest assortment always j,.(.Hs, including Navajo, Seminole, found here. AH new, snappy, np-to- iiixie Girl, olc. Per copy, 75o. dale, this season's creations. GET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING Store with Little - tam - ssCT i j . i man m n i i BJ HOE 5 j& FRANK A. CRAM. E. L. Pennock, bookkeer for the Wind River Lumber Co. at Cascade Locks, spent Sunday in Uood Rb?er. Miss Kate- Shannon of Pacific Uni versity, Forest Grove, returned Tuesday, after a visit with Mies Gladys Hartley! Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Fraser of Port' land are guests at the Waucotna. Mr. Fraser is here to find relief from asth matic trouble. , The revival meeting at the Valley Christian Lhureh are progressing nicely in Mjrem, II UC1HK IIIWBIICOl.. Allele Great interest 11 netag msaifest. There JN. M. Mooch of underwood was a Hood River visitor Tuesday morning. Mr. Munch sava there is ahont two and ! one-half feet of snow on his farm on the i side of Underwood mountain. The Davidson Fruit Co. has already made some of the eontraets for con struction of the brick eold storage ware house and ice plant. The machinery has been bought, bnt the condition of the weather will detormine when work can begin on the building. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Crane of Frank fort, Mich., were in Hood River a couple of dsys last week, the gnests of Mr. and Mrs.'F. E. Jackson.-Mr. Crime is en gaged in the lumber business and was on his wav to the Sound with the inten tion of locating on this coast in the near future. Shelley, the Little White Store man, has been busy all week hauling goods to his business house at Odell. Ilia slod met with an accident last Friday, and he says so rapidly do goods leave his shelves that the ware bous was empty by Monday morning. Shelley is rust ler, and appears to b cnioviog a splen did trade. F. H. Miller retornM Monday after noon from The Dalles, where he secured title to U acres of land south of Dukes Valley, by buying scrip for the land. Mr. Miller says there has been some attempt to jump th holding, and to thwart any such act he at. once made himself the rightful owner. He will improve the land and set out an apple orchard. This morning th thermometer regis tered two above tere. Twice this winter! has the meenry stood thos. This morn ing the ice man commenced his work again. There Is some little consolation in the thought that it is no Joke with the thermometer at two above and cord- wood is stiff at $6 per. there is a time coming when we'll wish we had an ice machine handy. Prinevtlle Review. A. C. Buck had a pleasant surprise Tuesday. R. W. Davidson of Minot, N. Dak., who served donnc the civil .war in the same company with Mr. Buck, in Company B, Seventh Minnesota in- lantry, dropped in to see him and is now making an extended visit. Tht two old soldiers are having the time of their lives recounting their experiences in the days when they bunked together and drank lrom the same) canteen. In the 40 years since they had separated when they stacked arms for the last time, many of their comrades have been mustered out and will never again re spond to roll call on life's battle field; and this is the sad nart of their meet ing, when they learn from each other of the deaths in the ranks of their com rades. Mr. Davidson is an agent for the New York Life Insurance company. With his wife he is making a tour of the coast. AT Prices i um- Frank Chandler and sou Willie were visitors in Portland last week, Representative a. a. Jayue was hme from ialeiii Intt week, returning Sunday aflernoou to assume his legisla tive duties. An agreeable movement oftlie bowels without any unpleasant edi ct is pro duced by Cliaiulieriain s Momach aud Liver Tablets. Mrs. Allen Fulton, form I y of Hood River, but now a resident of Winant Lincoln countv, is m tlie city visiting her daughter, Airs. Andv Gutcheli. Personal in Portland Journal: At torney Frank R. Davenport is in from Uood Kiver. Pete Isen berg, doorkeeper in the lower house at Salem, arrived Sunday night to spend the Sunday recess with his family. It's a cold day when Pete does n't pick up a good thing at a legislative session. Charles T. Fjirly, of the Oregon Lumber Co., spent Friday and Satur day of last week in Portland, trans acting business. W. H. Ecclos, accompanied by Jndge Rolapp, of Ogden, arrived from the East Tuesday morning. Joseph A. West, chief engineer of the Sumpter Valley hallway company, and having In charge the present Or egon Lumber company survey, relative to a railroad up Hood River valley, has returned from linker City, and gone Into camp near the head of Nen creik. Sam Zeigler was. over from White Salmon last Thursday and fearing ha would become snowbound, Sam trorrlad back to the land where they raise early strawberries, and don't have deep snows. Canbypost, G. A. R. and W. R. C, held joint installation servises Satur day. Mrs. T. J. Cunning otliciated as installing officer for the corps and Cap tain Blowers for the pot. A substan tial dinner preceded the installation ceremonies there was a good attend ance and every one enjoyed the occa sion. John Koherg was in the city Monday morning from his ranch up the river. Mr. Koberg states that the snow was three feet deep at his place, and about the same at Nosier, The storm seems to have come from the north-east, and to have fauizedout thefurthersouth it Sot. At Mount Hood, so the correspon ent states, the snow was only eight inches deep. A few of the near neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Lofts, Monday, to spend the evening in games. After about 11 o'clock lunch was served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dano and son, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bates and niece (Miss Driver) from The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gatchell, Mr. and Mrs. George Sutherland and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thornton and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hemmerel, Misses Mamie and Celia Hemmeril, Dick and Pete, IIoniineril.Mr.Powell. All enjoyed a pleasant time. A deal is on today whereby a stock company, composed mostly of business men of the city, ill purchase the Co lumbia Brewery from Anirust Huchlcr, the consideration being $:(5.(X)0. Mr. Bnchler has been in business in The Dalles about thirty years, having pur chased the brewery from the lute Fniil Schanno. He has always been straight forward in bis business principles and ready to assist in every enterprise, never refusing a request from any charitable institution in the community, anil it is to bo hoped he will decide to remain among us. We understand that when business metiers have been adjusted Mr. end Mrs. Huehler oupect to take a trip to Knrope, after which thev will decide as to the course they will pursue. Chronicle, To ('elelinite Lodge Anniversary. Wanna temple, No. (1, Itathbone Sis ters, had a very interesting session last Thursdav evening. After transacting a considerable amount of routine business, n committee from the Kniirhts of Pvtbias staled that that order expected to hold n semi-public meeting on the evening of Fehnutry 21 to celebrate the anniversary of order, which occurs February 1!, and the anniverrary of their local lodge, which occurs on the 2Jd, and invited the Sisters to join them. Wanna temple was instituted l-ebiu- arv 2i). and thev can celebrate on the 21st, and cheerfully accepted the invita tion. (Speakers will be procured from abroad to address both lodges, and arrange ments will he made for a most enjoyab.e entertainment and evening. After the temple closed a hall hour ot dancinu with the ladies was very much enjoyed by the goodly number of Knights present. To Reincorporate Ditch Company. Robert Leasure and Jim Langille re turned Tuesday morning from The Dalles, where they went to secure the services of Bennett & Sinnott to look after the reincorporation of the Mount Moot water Lo. l tie stockholders ot the company allowed their charter to lapse and found it necessary to reincor porate. The company under tlie new charter will iiln on 2000 inches of water from the east fork of Hood river. The water will be taken out abovo the toll bridge and will be used to irrigate ISOOacresof land winch can tie brought under cultivation by use of this water. There are now about 200 acres in cultivation. The value of tho ditch stock will be placed at $1.50 an inch, six and two thirds inches of water to constitute one share. There are at present about 20 stockholders In the Mount Hood Water Co. Too (iood A Thing to Lose. Learning that a bill for the creation of Cascade countv, the western boundary of which will run along a line extending up Seven mile hill, below I he Dulles, will be introduced in the legislature by Representative Jayne, and that a peti tion will accompany it signed bv liood hlver people, at a held .Monday morning it was decided to circulate a re monstrance. Dalles people have noth ing against Uood River; but (eel that such u move would be injurious at this time. It is not thought that the new county has a ghost of a show; but it wa thought advisable to present to tlie legis lature the opinion of the leading busi ness men of the crunty of Wasco on the subject. Chronicle. Deride fur Woman Suffrage. The speakes for the affirmative were awarded the decision at the high school debate last Friday afterno on on tho question: "Resolved, That wo men should have the right to vote'" The pupils supporting the afSlrmn tive were: Mitir l)auo, leader; Leila Hershner, Stella Parsons, Hess Kvans. Marjorie liaktr led the negative, and was supported. by Ll.vood Luekoy, Franco Ilrngg, Kdith Cop plo. Superititc ndent Xeff, Professor Wi ley and Paul Tilber were the judge: . Their decision was that the atllrii;n- tlve had won out by one point. The next debate will be held this coming rnaay afternoon. Walt-r Noll re. From and after January 1, liX th9 w lucoina Hydrant Co. 's 'family rata w ill be raised to 1.25 per month. A t hate of 2 c v, ill be inado on family rat if paid when the collector calls. H. C. COK, owner. V ater and Light Notice All water and light bills must be paid at the company's otlice each month in advance, on or before the 10th day of the month. No collector will be sent out horeafter.In ail cases where bills are noi promptly paid when due, tho ser- vices will be discontinued arrearages are paid. until all HOOD RIVER KLF.CTRIC L. P. & By W. II. Chipping, Manager. Will Star in HootI River. The remedy that makes you eat, sleep and grow strong, called Palmo Tablets, will be gold regularly bv Williams' Pharmacy, Hood River. 'These great nerve and constitution builders cost only 50o per box, six lioxes 2 50. IrtO-acre improved farm, under irriga tion, in Nebraska, for farm in Hood Kiver or Whits Salmon. W. J. Baker. Watch the label on the Glacier, tells when your subscription is due. it i Only twelve more days loft to take advantage of the big special offerings we tire making in our overcrowded SHOE DEPARTMENT. X 1 T-v n I'.: Em WANT CURFEW RUNG; NO DICE ON SUNDAY. The city council w as flooded with pe titions Monday night asking that body's assistance in an endeavor to belter the morals In the city. A petition signed with 75 names asked for the enforce ment of the curfew ordinance, and that a bell be rung at 0 o'clock in the sum mer months and at 8 o'clock in the winter months, .Mayes moved that the petition be granted and considered the hour none too early for ordering tho children off the streets. He considered it a good thing to enforce tho ordinance. Mayor Blowers considered it all right to ring a curfew, but wanted to know where a bell could be secured. On mo tion, the matter of amending the curfew was iolt to tho judiciary com mittcc, with a request for a report at tlie next meeting. Along petition requesting that cigar stores and pool ro'ims no closed on bun day read as follows: "Relieving that tho public welfare of our city and ihe moral welfare of the boys and young men of our city to be seriously menaced by tlie open pool rooms and t he cigar und confectionery stands where duo throwing and other kinds of paining are indulged in, there fore we, your petitioners, respectfully and earni ttly request that Ihe necessary slops be immediately taken for the clos ing of all such places on the Sabbath day, according to the tenor of the law as prescribed in sections No. 11144 and No. of the Oregon statutes. " The el sing of allplnces where cigars are hM on Sunday was Informally Field to be imposm bin A motion to refer the petiiion to ihe judiciary committee me; with no second, and the petition was lelt bunging in the air. Ordinance No. y.'i, introduced by Mayes, passed first reading and was re ferred to the judiciary committee for correction. The ordinance provides for lines lor selling cigarettes or tobacco to minors, and for fine and punishment of minors caught smoking cigarettes. The ordinance as introduced heid the mayor, recorder and city marshal liable for the enforcement of the law, bnt to this Mayor Blowers objected, believil.g it would be hardly legal. For this rea son the ordinance was sent to the judi cuiry committee for revision. Mayes was willing that this clause should be struck from the proposed or dinance. This being the first meeting of the t . ' Clearance Sale of Seasonable Goods that yon need right now. BIG REDUCTIONS in Mittens of all sizes. Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Jersey Loggings and Overgaiters. A few fine Wool and Silk Shawls left that are yours at cost. Silk Velvet Slippers price cut to close out. t Big stock of Men's Leggings reduced. Many other necessities for the winter season that you need, and may have at cost, at I-r IbT RAND'S Don't forget that you take no risk in buying your Shoes from us, for we give you your money's worth or your money back. Every Shoe in our entire stock is on Mile at CUT PRICES. Come in. You are as welcome look ing as buying. LADIES SHOES. Kegular J 4.00 Shoes, Sale Price, 8.75 " " il.50 " " a.oo " 2.50 " " ' " 2.25 " 1.75 li " BOYS' AND MISSES' SHOES. Regular $2.25 Shoes, Sale Price, " 2.00 " " " 1.75 " " MEN'S DRESS SHOES Regular $5.00 Shoes, Sale Price, 4.00 " " Ji.50 " f a.oo " " 2.50 " " ' MEN'S CRUISERS & LOGGERS Regular $7.00 Shoes, Sale Price. 6.75 " 6.50 " " 5.50 " 5.00 " " 4.50 " J. J WEI. new council, Mayor Mowers appointed the following committees to serve du ring the ensuing year Finance Karly, Maves, McDonald. Fire and Water Rand, McDonald, Bailey. Streets and Public Property Mayes, F.arly, McDonald. Printing and Tolice Moe, Bailey, Rand. Health Bailey, Rand, Moe. Judiciary McDonald, Moe, Mayes. .7. K. Rand was unanimously chosen president of the counc'l. Owing to the uncertain condition of the city treasury, the mayor deferred tho apiiointment of a marshal, street commissioner, city at torney and city surveyor. Marshal Olingor will hold ofliee in the mean time. EXTENDER MAIN DOWN STATE STREET ' The Water Co. is now corresponding for prices on pipe, and it is the inten tion to extend t tie 10-inch main from the Urosius corner to the full length of State street, t-taies Manager 11. F. Da vidson. The company experts to have the pipe laid by the middle of April. A 2-inch connection will he made with the Sher man avenue main at Dr. Watt's corner, and cross connection will made on each street with the main on Oak and River streets. It is expected that this w'll give all the piet.suie needed for a good domestic supply for several years to come. "Had the city taken up thecomrany's offer to furnir-li water for fire protec tion," says Mr. Davidson, "the com pany would have expended $10,0110 in an increased pipe fysiem over the lower part of the city. The proposul system will i.ecessitate an outlay of several thousand dollars." The upper pait of W'inans addition will reccne water from the new system on the hill, while Ihe lower addition will bo supplied with an increased pres snre from the larger spring in Blowers addition. Ailtertised Letter l.Nt. January HI, 1005. Clark, Allen Jones, Xoru Hark, L J. Hurnell, J. II. DeForest, Clarence James, L. A. Ketchen, G. W. MoGragor, Harry Martin, Mrs. win. .Miner, t. .M. Smith, Frank VV. W. M. YATES, P. M Just the co a everybody wants read Bob Rand's ad in ihe for sale column, 3? 3? ' S. 8 ALE 5.50 4.76 4.25 3.95 ttJSTJD. I UNDERWOOD TO BUILD NEW DOCK Special to the Glacier. Underwood, Wash., Jan. 17. A mass meeting was called at the school house last Hatutday to ascertain the sentiment of the people, of the community in re gard to the erection of a steamboat dock at or near Captain Olson's landing. The meeting was well attended and everybody present exhibited an unusual interest in the proceedings. It is of course a question of vital importance to the community, at the landing known as Underwood Landing may bo said to have ceased to exist, inasmuch us no steamboat can be induced to make reg ular landings here in suite of increased and steadily increasing business. The possibility of building a dock at the old Underwood landing has been under consideration for some time, but the enormous capital it would take to build a substantial dock there, as well sb to maintain the same, would, accord ing to estimates given by competent parlies, be far beyond the present abil ity of Uuderwood citizens. The meeting was called to order by Fred Luthy. Peter L. Bather was elect ed temporary chairman ; Professor C. 11. Cromwell, secretary. A committee of seven, consisting of William Frost, lt.D. Cameron, William Kellendonk, Fred Luthv, Harry Olson, C. If. Cromwell and P. L. Sat her was elected to exsm ino the proposed site for a flock; survey a mad from C. T. Rohard's store down to the proposed docK site; have estimate, made on cost of construction of dock ami road; ascertain what, and to what extent, onisido assistance can be te cured, o!c. As soon as the committee is ready to report, a meeting will bo culled again, permanent ollicers elected, arti-des of Incorporation drafted, bylaws adopted and such other preliminary business at tended to as may be found hocessary to insure speedy progress in a business like way and on business principles when construction commences. A number of parties have been inter viewed who were prevented from at tending the meeting, and they are all in ! tavor ol trio movement and without ex ' ruption give assurance of their co.opera tion. P. L..S. The Ladies aid society of the M. E. church will meet Friday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Deitz. The Womans alliance, of the Unitarian church will meet Friday afternoon at j the home of Mrs. Frauz, A Ml i ) i 3.25 I h7 3.00 ill 2.60 VVa 2.00 r fl i.5o i v a 1.40 V 1.35 1 4.25 f I 3.40 J m 5 a.oo f j 3.60 f 2.10 V I 9