t n HOCD BIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1905. CORRESPONDENCE. ODELL. The merry jingle of the sleigh bells furnish inspiration for one paragraph at leant this week. Last Sunday the noise of the bells broke the monotony of what is usually a quiet day at Odell. Bleighs from Mount Hood, Hood Kiver and Odell lined past the Little White Btore for hours. Clarence Copple headed the list for music of the bells. .Behind Ms pair of grays and with a string of bells on the harness of each horse, he drove like a prince up and dawn the line. The joyous, happy days of Bleighing have a wonderful fascination for thoseof tender yeurs and awaken recollections within us old fellows reminding us of care free days when we were young and our blood was warm. The roads are in excellent condition for sleighing at this writing, and the wish of the writer is that they may re. main until the warehouse stock can again be replenished. From present appearances inside the warehouse some thing has been doing. A smashup of the bobs cost us the lors of two days at the beginning of the storm last week, but they were out again the first of the week laden with supplies for the Little White Btore that is always doing busi ness. Oscar Fredenburg and Joe Holden made a record-breaking trip in their cutter last Saturday evening, arriving at the Little White btore just one hour out from home on their way to flood River. Looking through the window and out upon thj grey fringed mountains our eyes meet a picturesque if not a cheer less picture, and weru it not for the eye of faith we would wonder if all nature would not die under the icy grasp of do-1 fiant Winter; but looking through and beyond the mist and storms and gloom of winter, we see again young life spring into existence under the gentle touch of spring, and we know that seed time and harvest shall come again. May we not loam a lemon from the changing sea sons? When trouble, sorrow and disap pointment come to ns, weighing us down with gloom, may we look through them all, hoping and working for brighter and better days, remembering that "In tit lives same days mint be dark and armry, Home ralo must full The furnace of the Odell school house is bevond redemption. It never did work right: so finally, last week the di rectors were comiielied to put in stoves, one in each room, and the children are now comfortable. W. L. Carnes and family, who spent tome time th the Willamette valley, near Junction City, have returned home. They were visiting Mrs. Carnes' parents and W. L. reports a line time, lie en joyed the rare sport of duck shooting long the classic banks of Long Tom, which is historic from the fact that there is the place where an old lady, during the Hood of 18(12. was out poking around hunting the well, when the entire conn try was a vast lake of water, itesides this, Long Tom was the childhood home of Congressman Williumson. lie tells the story of buying his first. marbles from my brother, J. M. Shelley, across the river at llarrisburg, and this r? minds us that it "don't matter so uicch where a man is as what he is." Up to ths beginning of the storm sur veyors were busy about Odell chaining and driving states for the railroad. They are looping the East Side of the villi' y, and ere long Odell and Pine CI rove will be linked together with bunds of steel. Pine Orove may truly boast of the best wagon road, but they must lie content with the same kind of railroad that we have. Mr. Black, who for some time has been in a Portland hospital, will return home in a few days. Dancing seems the order of things at Odell. A big dance every week at the Odd Fellows hall. Hubert Morton is spending a few days in Portland with friends there. r Quite a number of Mt. Hood people attended the dance here last week. As the reporter does not dance,' he is not prepared to furnish a list of the visitors. A Grim Tragedy is daily enacted, In thousands of homes bs death claims in each oue, another victim of consumption or pneumonia. Hut when coughs or colds are properly treated, the tragedy la averted. F. (J. Huntley, of Oaklandou, lnd., writes "My wife had the consumption, and throe doctors gave her up. Finally she J a You want Good Drugs. We sell them. Our Drugs are best to be had. n Smith Block. took Dr. KIdb's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, which cured her, and today she is well and stronsr." It kills the germs of all dis eases. One dose relieves. Guaranteed at 50c and $1.00 by Chas. N. Clarke druggist. TjUI bottles free. WHITE SALMON. J. P. Kgan, county commissioner, re turned from Goldenualc last week. Fiu'e sleighing. Many fanners from Camas Prairie and Trout Lake are tak. ing advantage of the opportunity and are coming to town. I lie first ol trie week the whole of Pine Flat and Bnow den country turned into town. J. Lauterbach and wife returned from Portland and are busy unpacking furni ture for the Washington hotel. Rev. Hetz, traveling evangelist, and F. P. Jones of Trout Lake, have been holding revival meetings here at Lau terbach hall. They went to Trout Lake Wednesday. J. Wvers of Fulda is appointed road supervisor for the west end of Klickitat county. JoHi will make a gooi roan supervisor, as lie held that position in Camas Prairie for two years and served to the satisfaction of the community Josh will make his home in White .Sal mon bv the 1st of Marrh, If. D. Cole having taken the place off his hands. The ladies of Cook addition have formed woman's club, as reported last week. The woman's club will celebrate the 5th anniversary of the organization of the club at White Halinon, at the Con gregational church, Friday night. Free entertainment. We are glad to see the familiar fuce of Mr. Condon on our streets again, even if he has grown whiskers on his face since ho left hero. We have missed hiia very much since he has been away. We need men like Mr. Uondon to neip us build the community, as ne mis hown himself capable by his labors for a good school and other public improve ments. 1 is many menus are giun 10 know he returns improved in health, and it is the wish of his neighbors that he may enjoy many ypars of health and prosperity among us. The county court has ordered the road established as petitioned for by C. D. Moore and others to run east and con uect with the A. It. Byrkett road. In the matter of tho report of the view and survey of a proposed county road as petitioned for by K. I). Cameron and others, the board ordered hearing of same set for April 4, 1405. Bv request of Mordecai Jones and others the board extended the time on the contract for building tho K. D. Cam eron road to April teim of commission ers' court. FBOM TUB KNTKHI'UIBK. The White Salmon grange held a special meeting Wednesday evening and elected ollieers for the ensuing year. Deputy State Lecturer William Oleson and Professor Colburn, master of lfusum grange, were present and gave valuable suggestions relative to successful grange work. Professor Colburn especially emphasised exactitude in carrying on lodge room work, also the necessity of more frequent meetings. Lecturer Ole n exemplified the unwritten work of Die order to the great benefit of the members present. A library committee of three members, consisting of Frank Groshong, W. O. Cox and Mrs Jewett were elected. This committee is to en ter Into correspondence with tho state librarian at Olympia to secure for this community one ol the traveling libraries which are sent out by the state to com munities who appoint committees and choose a librarian to take churge of the same. Tim books aro sent in a conve nient and substantial book case and usually consist of some 40 vol unit's of various topics of general interest. As soon as arrangements are made and the books secured, the committee will give notice of the method of obtaining the same. The following grange ollieers were elected for the ensuing year! Mas ter, A. H. Jewett overseer, I). Hun sakerj steward, Frank Uroshong; as sistant steward, William Overbangh: lecturer, Mrs. Jennie Jewett; secretary, S. C. Keigler; treasurer, It. Lauterbach; chaplain, W. O. Cox; gate keeper, P. A. Trana; lady assistant steward, Mrs. Dora Overbangh; ceres, Miss Pearl Uroshong. Ionic to the System. For Liver troubles and constipation there Is nothing better than DeWltt's Little Early Klsers, tho famouB little Pills. They do not weaken the stom aoh. Their action upon the system Is mild, pleasant and harmless. Sold by U. E. Williams. OB BRUGES good because When they arrive we examine them to see if thoy are up to the standard we demand. If not, they go back. Once here, we see that they are so kept that they will not deteriorate while in stock. We sell pure, fresh and patent Drugs only, and at most reasonable prices. Our service is worth having, and it costs you not a cent extra to have it. Come and get acquainted. E. R. THOMAS RETAIL DRUGGIST Phone Main 1131. BARRETT. A meeting at the Larrott school house was held Saturday evening to discuss the matter of bonding the district for water. It was decided to take in lees territory, get signers and then present the petition to the court in good shape. Persons desirous of taking water from the Water Snoplv com Dan V can get blanks from F. C. Sherrieb or any of the directors. Apply early. In theCrapper items -we notice it is said it was not the hauling out of or gans that cut up the roads but rather the Bockford store delivery wagon. It is true the Kockford store wagon does deliver a considerable quantity of goods in the Crapper district, for which we thank you one and all very much, and we hope for a larger share of your trade in this year of our Lord 1905. Sleighing is all the go. Everybody is taking advantage of the snow to enjoy the sport of a sleigh ride. We have about 1(5 inches, which makes good sleighing. Let the sleigh bells jingle, white the snow birds chirp by the way and Kobiu Redbreast hangs upon the tree. Facts are stubborn things, but it is a fact that Mrs. E. Ingslls makes Al but ter, not to be surpassed by any. Call at P.ockford store, get a roll and prove my words. F. C. Sherrieb has sold about 50 tons of his good hay to Davenport Bros, and it is now being hauled away. Just now is a good time to haul bay while you can use your bob sleds. Tell. Blount can be seen at his home hopping around on a crutch, after being confined to the house from the effects of a sprained ankle about two weeks ago. Charley Gibbons is down home from the logging camp, (jnariey says mere is lots of snow up in the mountains If you are needing warm foot wear call at Kockford and inspect the stock. Everything is new and up to date, and we will be sure to save you money. F. C. Sherrieb and J. II. Shoemaker went to The Dulles lost Wednesday on legal business pertaining to the ditch question. C. E. Mark ham made a trip to Port mid last week on business. We are glad to report that Thomas Shere is somewhat better. We hope he will soon be able to take up his work again. Mr. chore has had hard luck lately In the way of sickness. W. Nichols has about completed bis new house. It was the writer's pleasure to visit or call, and we must say that it is just fine. There are about eight rooms, all very nicely finished, and everything is convenient and up to date. All that Will needs now Is the electric light and street cars, and we suppose these will come in good time. II. 1). Stewart has finished painting in our district and returned borne to Hood Kiver. Mr. Stewart expect to go to rortland to work in a lew days. 8. A. Skinner is very busy nowadays clearing up his land. It will soon bi that you can't recogni.e the old Meth odiBt lane. Rocks are being piled and stumps burned, so there is quite a change. Go on with the good work, Skinner, , U, C. Martin has a force of Japs grub bing and clearing up. Markham can't stand it to sue other farmers with a force of Japs and himself left out. Well, get some more yellow men or white men, Claude, and clean the whole thing UP. Revival services are now being carried on at the Valley Christian church by Evangelist T. L. Handsaker and wile. The meetings are well attended. We hope good results will follow. Let the good work go on. BELMONT. Joe Maves of Hood Kiver will preach at Belmont next Sunday evening. All are invited. M. P. Isenherg is at Salem, where he has a position in the house of repre (ontntives. Mrs, E. C. Rogers died early Sunday morning, after a long sickness. Her funeral sermon was preached at the M. E. church Monday morning at 10 o'clock and interment was made in Idlewilde cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Price Hunter of Mosier came down Sunday evening to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hunter's mother, Mrs. E. C. Rogers. Don't forget the basket social Friday evening, January 20, which will be the center of attraction at the Frankton school bouse. You may expect a pro gram which is to be rendered by the pupils of the rranktnn school. The proceeds of this affair will go to DC we buy the Hood River, Ore. ward hiillilino a aidewalk for the ben fit of th school children and the pub lic, so far as tliev need to use it. Come one and all and help the good cause long. MOSIER. The daily attendance in the Mosier school, district 52, during the past school month ending January 13, has been excellent. Owing to the .snow storm, which came on Friday, the last rlsv of the month, eight pupils who otherwise would have received certifi' cates, were prevented from attending. Thus the list is as follows Gerge Bl urges, Ralph Smith, Willie lepee, Annie Haacke, Leodica Haacke, Aldine Hudson, Mamie Green, Alice Mosier. Mary Morgan, Alefora Haacke, Mattie Hudson, Mattie Green, James Green, Mathew Thlel, a pioneer of Mosier, died at The Dalles last week. Charles Stark Is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morgan went to Portland Wednesday to consult a phy sician in regard to Mrs. Morgan's health. J. II. Free, a prominent lumberman from Boyd, Wisconsin, spent several days in Mosier last week. This last week Mr. Howe shipped to an Eastern firm four carloads of Mo. 1 lumber, which now leaves his lumber yards clear. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hughes of Spokane visited Mrs. Hughes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunsmore, laet week. On their return they took with them Henry Dunsmore, who will attena scnooi w Spokane. Hillv ItaveB. a pioneer of Hood Kiver nd of Oregon, Is lying critically ill at uii iiome in mosier. Miss Katharyne Davenport, who oc cupied a position in The Danes, was obliged to resign her situation there on account of an attack of typhoid fever. Miss Davenport has returned to her home in Mosier, where it is to be hoped she may regain her usual good health and return to her school duties after having thoroughly recuperated. Friday night last our little town was made lively by the arrival of 25 gentle men of the I. O. O. E. order, who came to assist some eight or ten of our desir ous citizens in riding the unruly goat, and judging from the tired and care worn figures which presented them selves at about 6:30 a. m. Saturday morning it would be hard to determine in just what the initiation of these mem bers consisted. The Moeior Trading company have moved their store from the old Mosier store building into the new and more commodious building recently completed by Mr. Lamb. Frank Ginger and Mrs. H. C. Mitch ell have opened a real estate office under the turn name ol linger a raitcneu. All seekers after real estate will be com pensated by paying this firm a call. Io Root has purchased from Clarence Payne the half interest in the firm of Husbands & Payne, blacksmiths. In future the firm will be known under the firm name of Husbands Sc Root. Saturday nisht the Modern Woodmen had a public installation of ollieers. Af ter the completion of the installations, a sumptuous lunch was served by the la. dies, after the partaking of which they all departed, satisfied that the ladies ot MoBier understand their part of the business. MOUNT HOOD. We have had good weather all winter until the past few days, but we are hav ing a little weather now. The snow is about eight - iiHiheS nd - tH wther about six above aero. We regret to state that L. C. Wey gandt is very much under the weather, having had Dr. Brosius three trips up to last Saturday, It is hoped he may be better Dy the time this gets into cir culation. J. L. Langille has moved up to Mount Hood to spend the winter on his ranch and improve the tame. We always welcome Jim back here. J. L. Langille and Robert Leasure went to The Dalles last .Mondav on business connected with their ditch known as the Mount Hood Water com pany. They returned the day follow ing. K. C. Miller is reported ou the sick list this week, but nothing serious, we hope. Miss Lizzie Cooper started last week for Monmouth to begin a course at the State Normal school. Her many friends wish her success during her studies at Monmouth. Mrs. J. N. Knight went to Klngsley to visit her father and her sisters and brothers there last week. She expects to be gone for two or three weeks. This place cannot afford to be behind the times, so there is talk of a good roads movement here as well as mother parts of the country. We are getting up a donation list and have about .ill days' labor subscribed to fix a piece of bad road, and will not stop at that, Next year we will try to vote a special tax for road purposes. L. F. Martin of Iowa called at Mount Hood last week looking for land. Robert McKamey has sold 80 acres of land and then bought a small tract near bv the old site. Once in Mount Hood always in Mount Hood. WILLOW FLAT. Since the appointment of Frank Mas. (ee at road supervisor in No. 7, the peo ple on the flat may expect to get some road work done. It has been at least two years that no county work has been I done on these roads; Why? Because the supervisors have always been taken from the lower part of the district and the roads exploited accordingly. Along this same line it is sale to say I that Mr. Massee has done more volun tary work than an other man in the I district. It is due to his efforts alone I that the Bears road has been opened the entire length of it. We are sorry to see the small attend- Iance at the Dukes Valley literary. Last Saturday the program was short hut well rendered. Alter recess 15 minutes were devoted to parliamentary practice. This caused much amusement and at the same time was mutually instructive. The debate was spirited. However, we are sorry to see so few take part. It I was decided to have a question liox next Saturday night. If you have any ideations you want answered, bring them on. We have passed through the first real I snow of the season. It has given us a season well descrilied in Snow Bound. But that is not all. What more glorious picture than these green trees draped in their mantle of white. To him who, in the love of nature. I holds communion with her visible forms, she speaks a various language. The snow has nut a stop to crubbins operations in this l.x-ality. The Dodge brothers have over five acres cleared on the Booth ranch. 0. R. Bone's men have not done anv pulling for some time, hut have sln.ost everything un after the machine. John Lawless is ereetinu a barn, with sufficient capacity for his freinhtinir STOCK TAKING Time is about due, and we have a lot of broken lines and rem nants that we want to close out before taking stock, and will offer at prices that you can't afford to miss. CLOTHING Men's, Boys' and Children's. SHOES-Men's, Ladies' and Children's. HATS-Men's and Boys'. CAPS-Boys' and Misses'. KNIT CAPS-Children's. . SWEATERS Men's and Boys'. 0 me Hooil EiverReal Estate. Ia- EDWIN A. HENDERSON, Manager. . (Notary Public tor Oregon.) PROPERTY FOR SALE. Two lota on the hill for sale; price, $210 cash. Lots 60x130 feet. A lot southeast ol the high scnooi lor 1325 on installments, $10 down, $5 per month, at 8 per cent. The lots will ad vance $25 each soon. Two lots overlooking the Uolumbla and Hood rivers. Price, $500, part cash balance $10 per month at 8 per cent. Two lots and 3-room house, plastered, just back of high school, bouse ZO feet square, f rice, i&OU cash. ti-room house, piattered, corrugated iron woodshed, insured for 3 years for $500, fully paid up, lot 50x130; price, $1200, easy terms. Two lots 100x100, 8-room house, plas tered and papered, fences and sidewalks city water and telephone, '2-story barn 24x30, $2100; $1000 down, balance mort gage at 8 per cent. Many larms all over the valley at rea sonable prices. t ind you homes, rent houses lor land lords, or find houses for you to rent, collect bills, negotiate loans or find you uionev to loan. . v v.- Call on me I will find you what you want. JiUWIiM A. llEJMJi-KSUW, Manager. teams and hay enough to feed them a year. It has only been a few years since he bought his plaoj of 40 acres for (Kl. .today it is not tor Bale at loOOU, and he has 22 acres in a high state of cultivation. Arnold On a Trip to the East. 8. W. Arnold started last week for a visit with his friends in the East. Mr. Arnold has been on the coast for 16 years, 13 of which he has resided at Uood Kiver. He last reported, on the 8th, at Oak ley, Kan., where he was waiting to take the train to his old home in Stockton. Oakley is the most unfortunate place to stop on the face of the earth. Some times the next train comes along and sometimes it doenn't. Mr. Arnold states that he arrived there at 3 a. m. 'ay un and then only provided a train comes along. He has written home for a pair ol his old overalls, shoes and hat, because the hotel has a line drawn and now seats him on the side with the commercial traveling men. He would not object to this if there were any difference except when it comes to paving the bill. He expects to make his first visit at Stockton, Kan., and to go from there to Salome Hprings, Ark., where he will visit his father whom he has not seen for 17 years. From there he will go to I'onca City, Okla., to visit a suiter. Then he will go to Texas and by the way of the Southern Pacific start for home by way of California. New Box Factory Machinery. The Davidson Fruit Co. has recently enlarged its box factory and made some additions to the machinery. A new saw that has been installed will enable three strips of lumber to be made from a block of wood that gave only two strips last year. The Davidson Fruit Co. will continue in the business of manufacturing apple boxes and will be able, says Mr. David son, to meet the prices of all compet itors. One grade of boxes will be man ufactured at 8 cents, but for the fancy $2.25 Hpltzenbergs there will be boxes of better quality. About the first of March the factory will begin on its annual run of straw berry crates. While it is early to figure on the coming crop of etrawberries.frosn the present acreage Mr. Davidson fig ures that the crop will be about 30,000 crates less than last season t record' breaker of 90,000 crates. Kiver Never Was So Low. Norman Young, agent for the Reg ulator line, eavs a crew of men is at work raising the sunken Dalles City. They report good success, having brought the boat out of the water six inches the first day. M r. Young says the engineer in chaw of the government works at Cascadi lxK-ks savs the Columbia river never was known to be so low- Rocks are ap pearing in the channel that were never seen -before. At the Hood Biver wharf the water dropped one foot between Thursday and Monday. The wharf boat is now high and dry on the sand. Spoiled Her Beauty. Harriet Howard, of 209 W. S4th at., New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes; "I had salt rhuein or ecxema for years, hut nothing would cure it, until I used Buckleo'a Arnica Salve." A quick and sure healer for cute, burns and sores. 25c at Chas. N. Clarke's drug store. ' 4 A COMPLETE STOCK OF FURNITURE and Building Material PAINTS AND OILS. FURNITURE REPAIRED, Bt prices guaranteed. Call and look through the Stock. Glad to show you around. Undertaker and Embalmer GRAND BALL Under the auspices of the members of I. O.O.R & Rebekah Lodges TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 21, 1905. Having completed their new hall, the members of Idle wilde Lodge and the members of Laurel Lodge have de cided to give a social dance in their new hall. The floor in this hall is the very best in the city for dancing, they hav ing taken great pains in this particular. The best of music will be in attendance. A good time guaranteed to all. Invitations will be issued. Death of Mrs. E. C. Sogers. After Buffering twovears from oaralvais Mary E. Lingenfelter Roeers. wile of E. C. Rogers, died at her home in Bel mont, at .30 o'clock Sunday morninp. January 15, 1905. Funeral services were conducted at the Belmont M. E. chapel, Slonday morning, by Rev. H. I). Clark. Mary Linginfelter was born in New Tork state. M ay 22. 1850. At the aire of Bix, she moved with her parents to Wisvonsin, and six years later went to Iowa, where in her 17th year she was married to Eliseph C. Rogers. With her husband, Mrs. Rogers moved to Missouri in 1876, and eight years later came to Oregon, locating in Hood River valley, where she remained until her death. Mrs. Rogers was of a family of 12 children, and was herself the mother of 12 children. November 15, 184, Mrs. Rogers made profession of religion, and became a member of the Methodist ennren at Belmont. At the time of her death Mrs. Rogers was 54 years, seven months and 22 davs old. Bhe is survived by two brothers and two sislirs, ahiiBband, five sons and lonr daughter. It is said of Mrs. Rog ers that she was a patient sufferer, a aiiuiui woe ana a loving mother. Merry Time at Benlah Land. A. merry card party was entertain,l right royally at the hospitable home of Mr. ana Mrs. uscar v anderuilt on their Benlah Land farm last Saturday even ing. The party left town in a large bob Sleigh and did not return until the small honrs of the morning. Those of the party were: Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rand, Mr. E. O. Blanchar, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moe, Mrs. C. E. (iil bert, Mr. Miller, George I. Slocom and Miss Keisay. Coughs and Colds. All coughs, colds and pulmonary complaints that are curable are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. Clears the phlegm, draws out inflamn tlon and heals and sooths the affected parts, strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia. Harmless and pleasant to take, gold by O. E. Williams. Card of Thanks. Chenowith, Wash., January 14, 1905. We beg space in the Glacier to thank the good people of Hood River for their valuable assistance after our loss by fire and assure them it is greatly appre ciated, and with many thanks we are youra truly, J. L. Scllivas, II. C. Miller. The reason that coughs and colds pro duce constipation and weaken the lungs la because they Intefere with all diges . n tion. That new discovery known as Kenedy's Laxative Honey and Tar cures all coughs.croup, whooping couph and assists in expelling colas from the system by gently moving the bowel?. it Is pleasant to take and contains no opiates. Sold by G. E. William9. New Store at Odell. There is a new Btore at Odell another substantial proof of tho rapid strides that little settlement is making toward a real city. Bert U. Hourdman is the proprietor of the new store. He will handle feed, flour and groceries. Tlio young man intends to grow up with the valley and has settled in one of the best sections of the East Side. His an nouncement to the public appears in another column of this week's Glacier. Speedy Relief. A salve that heals without a sear Is DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sulve. No rem edy effects such speedy relief. It draws out inflammation ,booIIi,coo1s and heals all cuts, burns and bruises. A sure cure for piles and akin diseases. De Witt's is the only genuine Witch Hozel Salve. Beware of counterfeits, they are dangerous. Sold by i. E. Williams. Great Britain will occupy 3.600 square feet of exhibit space at the Lewis and Clark centennial ! h,.i Ayers Ayer's Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats, hack ing coughs, pain in the lungs, it relieves congestion, sub- Cherry Pectoral dues inflammation. It heals strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. He knows all about this cough medicine K. . ll'""V. AM-lo,,',,,,,!,' IV.. yx- f0! (Weak Throats Ayer'e Purely 3C 30 -g...W., gent.y