The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 19, 1905, Image 5

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    .it wti9f!?i' mm turn-
l'Olt TUE YEAR 1903.
I!y virtue of a warrant issued by the
njunty court or me btate of Oregon,
for the County of Wasco, to me directed,
eomniRriding me to sell the several tracts
or purxls of real property embraced in
tin) deiiiiiiicnt tax list for the year 1W0S,
on the lllth day of February, lliOS, at the
liour of 10 :00 a.m. of said day, at the from
dour of t lie County court house in Dalles
l ity, Wasco County, On-eon, I wi I ee 11
the following described real property at
puuiic bucuoii ior chsii in liana lor the
amount of the taxes, costs and accom
panying penalties aiiaiust each of the
parcels ol land dehcribed below, and
issue therefor a certificate to the party
buying the fame at tho lowest rate of
interest, tubject to redemption as pro
v'iiled by statute, with costs and accru
ing costs. 1 shall continue the sale fron
day to day until all of taid real estate is
Abraham, Hiiruli, Hood River Park, lot
a, block a f
AbrKliiiin. Hose, Hood Hirer l'ark, lot
ci block :t
Allison, II. K., lltt';8e'4
iseu nw!, sec 2, tin, rite.
n n!.,-Kt''4 nw! swWneV- y
J, fc 10, i Is, rue .... ....
Allniuii, Jiu-nb, K A W 2d add lo Hood
Klvi-r, lots, ft, ti, 7, 8, V mill 10, block ti.
Aniei li'un I'lgiirC'o., K 4 W 'id add to
lloofl Uivcr, IoIh 2h, 2.1, -.'7, 28 and 2,
Anilcrxoii. W. A., K A W 2d add to
Hood Hiver, lols l;l and 14, block ti. .
Archer, M Whucoiiih t'uik, Hood
Hlvellols I anil 2, block 1
Aihby, Nancy, iti!j ft by an C In Halrd's
ndd to Anlclone, in the ne corner of
block 7.
kv HanwV4 Hwncy iivl4se
sec Hi, t. Hs, r lti e
Ashcr,, K 4 W 1st add lo Hood
Itlvcr, lui 17, block 10
Baker, H. 1'., Hoyd, all of block 4
It' 1 Iwln, Kil, beglnnniK at the nw cor
ner of Main and Union streets, llaltes
city, n r.u It, w liio It, s 120 fi, e 100 ft
hi bejrliinlntf, Trev. mid to Dalles City
B inns, ,1. K., Hood itiver l'ark, lot a,
4,h,l, HI, II, II, lii, 27, Wi, 37, 3'J, ,
4ii, 47, Hood Hiver l'ark, block 1.
l,ols 5. II, 7, S. Id, II, 12, 111, 17, 'JO, 21,
34, 10, II, 41,4., 4H, Hood Klver l'ark,
block 3.
I,nts I, K,, 17, 20, 21, 22, 2!t, 211, 27, 28 to
IS Inclusive, in Hood Klver I'aiK,
blwk 2
itarkcr, Samuel, beginning 02 rsand
225 It e of the nw corner of sec 3,
thence e ( r, s24 s-10 r, w M r,
n 24 H-10 r, s to beginning, In sec 3,
i in, r Hi e
hamcs, II. A., I'urkliurst add to Hood
Itiver, lots :i and 4, block 4
Barnes, Mrs. H. A., Kouth Witucoma
add lo Hood Klver, vj of n 123 ft of
lot 1, block 1
Biii'i'ett, A. H., iyt swJ4, sec 4, t2n,
r 111
ltartsch, A. (I., Hood River l'ark, lot 1,
block 1
haitsch, AIkh, Hood River l'ark, lot 2,
block 1
Hates, Kannle, K A W'h 1st add to
Hood Itiver, lots 311 and 40, block 7....
Halslord, Homme V., K S W'h 1st add
to Howl River, lots in and 20, bliM-k 3
Hiyi r, ,1. (, Hood River l'ark, lots 2,
3. li, 7, 1(1, 11, 14, In, 1H, 1, 22, 23, 24, 2-"),
2'i, 2li. 3 i, 31, M, 38, M, 3'J, 42. 43, 4l, 47,
tlm'k 12
Beaiy, J. W., se yt sec 2, 1 6s, r 11 e
Heck, V., sej, scV.,, see 3, t In, r 12e
Beiiiler, Kliziitieili, Hood River l'ark,
lol 2i, block 2
llerlin, (J. 1.., Hood Klver l'ark, lots 1,
4, 6, H, block 4
Uliileiiey, Mis. Nancy, n nwj n
ue'4, see 10, t 2 n, r 12 e
Klotcitc-, 11. K., beginning 20 rodseaAt
of the nw curnei' of Hie of sec
15, s 1 .0 r, e20 r, n to ditch; e 20 r, n to
noitii line of section; w 40 r to begin
ning: see l't, t ,'n, r Hie
lloorinan, I!. N., sejneyi ne4
nv:a, 1 3n, r We
Host, , lol n, Thompson's add to Dalles
Cuv. lots HI and 11, block hi, and lot 3,
block a
Kos iiii, John VV.. K A W's 2d add lo
Hood River, lot 3li, block II
llnoiiiinii, Kllas. K it W"s 1st addition
10 Hood River, lols 9 and 10, block 3
Hoyd, W. II., K A W's 1st add lo Hood
Itiver, lots x6 and 2H, block 1
Briter. Herman, K A W's 1st add to
Hood Hiver, lols 3 and 24, block 4. .
Bradley, Dora, It:invit-Kipma add to
llooii Itiver, lot li, block 3
Brown, Haiti J., K W's 1st add to
Hood River, lols 45, 4ii, 47 and 48,
block li
Brown, John, E A W's 2d add to Hood
Klver, lols 1, 2 and 3, block 9
Brown, John W., ne wn
ne'i sw1 sec 31. t 2n, r 12e
Binke, Bridget, Hood Klver l'ark, lot 2
block 2
Units, Hubert I., sw-, sec 31, t Is, r 14e
(.'able. Klbert h.. H A W's 1st add to
flood River, lot 51. block ti
Campbell, M. J., K W's 1st add to
Hood River, lots 27 and 2H, block 2.
Campbell, J. W K W's 1st addition
to Hood River, lots :fi and 20, blia'k 2
Campbell, H. J., k sw ncl, sec 13,
t2u, r hie '.
Carr, Matilda, Hood River l'ark, lol
2ft, 28, isi, ; and 3'i, block 9
Carr, lh uce 1,.. Hood River Talk,
lots 7 and 8. block 1.
lots 28, 29 and 3ft. block 3.
lots 7, 10, 11, 14 Jft, 2.1, 32, 42, block 4.
lots 1, 4, : 8, 9, 12, 21, 2T. 2S. 29, 32, 33,
3'i, 3.', 41, 4fi and 48 bio. k 8.
lots 1 to 9 II, 12, IS, 19, 22,23,
2ii, 27, DO, 31, 34, Hfi, 38, L'9, 41, 42 lo 48
Inclusive, block 9.
All of block 7.
All In Hood hiver l'ark
Carter. V. N.. li A 's 1st add to Hood
Kiver, lots 19 and 20. block 7
Cates, Alice, J.anuhlin's HlutT add to
Dalles ( lly, norlb half of block 2
Cat's. H. 1,., Lev. Ilelghu, Cascade
Lo, ks, I its 4 to 10 inclusive, block 2;
lots 1, 2 and 3, block 1
Chandler Kred. beginning 42V, rsand
11 r w of the ne coiner of nw'4 nw'4
sec 14, w 4 r, s Hi r, n 4 r, e Hi r lo be
ginning, sec It, t 4s, r 12e
Chambers, W. M., ni'4 -lie'-j, sec 26,
1 3n, r We
Chapman, Jessie, nw'.4 nw'i sw!, sec
1, t 2n, r Hie
Chiipi'Cv, K., Hood Klver Park, lots 22,
23, and 38, block 3
Chase, J., Hood River l'ark, lot 41,
block 1
Cheesmiin, II. H., nw'-i sec 21, t lu, r 12e
Chenoweth, 11. L., interest 111 e sec
17, t '.is, r I le
Code, Annie, Hood River l'ark, lots,
bh'x'k 2
Cochran, Mrs, V., Halrd's add to Ante
lope, lots 3 and 9, block 4
Coe, Kittle, Hood Klver, lot 5, block
6 VI
41 5'
I. 80
II. (15
Colcm.m, Hnrrv, Hood Kiver Park,
lol 34. block 10
Coleman, 1. ( ., t! c'. tf,i, sec
32. t In. rue
Collins, ('. It., Hood Klver l'ark, lot 21,
I. lo.k 1
Collins, isHbelle, Hood River ParK, lot
'.ft, block 1
Ci mini, Louis, Lauglilm's addition to
ll lies I II v, west half of lot 8, block 6
Mil. add to Dalles City, lots K, O an it
11. block "li
Connoilv, .Mrs. L. K., Tackmiins add
lo Dalies I 'llv, lot II. block 3; lfi feet
oil' lols 3 and 12, a ud 88ii feet oU' lot 4,
block 3
Clark, W. C. sw'i sec II, tp ls,r He ...
Clark, Mrs. K. C, land des.Tlbed in
vol W, page 154 flced Records Wasco
Co, sec 35, I 3n. rMf
Clark, Jacob, e'.j s -c 3ii, t In, r 8e
Clarno, John W, Unit pint of lots 1, 2,
3, 1 west or John Day river, sec 4, 18s,
r lis-
Clnrno, W. K., lots 5 and 6 sec 4, t 8s, r
l!l. sene1., nc'4 se' 4 see 5. t 8s, r 19e
Clarno, A. W., w' , nei, wJ se1 sec 32,
1 7s, r me. - .'
Ciaino. Crancis, ne'4 se'4 sec 22, t 7s,
r 18. sw'V4 sw1 sec 23, t 7s, r lho
Cloiiah, i'hiles, beginning nw corner
", se 19, e 80 r, a :.'0 r. w 80 r, n 20 r
t i bciMiitnng. sii' 19, t 2n.T lie
CiK)k, John A, nv'i ne'4 ne'4 see 2, t
. 2n. r 10c . . ...
( is k, Frank, Hood Hiver Park, lot 33,
b!iiek 1
Cooper, Klin V, Thomson add to Dalles
Cltv, e'i, lol I. blia'k 1
Covell, A.w sw!4 n'i ec 13, 1 2n,
r '.le
Cowih ll, Thomas, l augh add to Ante
lope, lots 4 aed 5. block H ....
Croi ker, A. K, K A W 1st add to Hood
River, lols 19 and 20. block 7
( rehan, W M, K W l-t dd to Hood
River, lols :9 and 40, blm-k Hi
( nrrv, Alfred. K A W 1st add to HikmI
Klver. lots 34 and ,H5. block
Davis, F. 1. sw'4se'4 see. 3. IS-, r 15e,
niie'4 ne'4ne', sec 1 t 5, r It....
Imvis, Maicas J, K A W 1st add to
Hood River, lols 13, 14. IS, lti, S3, 34, 36
and :u"i. hlock 10
DeBord K. K.. K A W 2d add to Hood
Itiver, lots 3, 4. 31, 32, 33, 34 and Hi,
block li
tin knilv,.. k, II, Rood Klver Park, lot
S. biiK k 2
liei kenl ai k, J, Hood Kiver Park, lot
ft. bhx'k 2
I'eleor, luiis estate, ne", w'4- -1c14
r'4s ' , sec 19. t 5s, r I3e, n'4 nw4
sw'4iiw'4- l-4nel4 s'4sc'4 see J,
5s, r 13e j
I. 00
II. 90
14 .Si
I. 50
II. 00
Devery, WIlllBm, E W 1st add to
ii ood Klver, lota 23 and 21, block 2. . 1.00
ievery, r.. w ., r. w 1st add to Hood
Klver, lot 43 and 44. block 2 1.00
uiuiinicK, J.U., part of ne"-4 sec 83. t In.
rioe 4-S0
jonimicn, j. l,., part of ne see S3, t
10. r W 4.60
uivn. naves, nw i nww new sec 15. t
2n rioe ltx
uisorow, a. B., e sey4 swli sec 2. 1 2u. .
f'Oe. 40.(0
Divine, James, lot 1, sec 8, 1 In, r 12e. . . ,90
I'ooa, ueorae, ay, nwi nw'i-
o1-, ne'4 :.. 15,00
Douhghty, F. A., e'4 neH-ne' mi'i, sec
18, 1 5, r 14; w'4nw!.i nwia swi-i. m
17, t 5, r 14e 10.96
ixiwea. r rank, t ft w s lat addition to
Hnod River, lota 34 and 56, block 7 1.56
uuney. wm., w'n ne1' r;4 nw'i tiett '
sw 4, nee 21. t 8, r 17e 14.96
Duf ur. Mary L., nv sec 36. t Is, r 12e. . . 16.40
uurmn, sopnia. E A W' 1st add to Hood
Kiver, lots 47 and 48, block 7 '1.00
untwick and Dekum, lot Z, see 3, t In.
r,12e J.16
tutiurir, r. u., E a w 2d add to Hood -
Kiver, lou 11 and 12, block 6 '1.00
Elliott, Harry A., Barrett-Smma add to
Hood River, lot 11, block A 180
Elliott, E. J., Hood Kiver Park, lot 12,
block 1 40
Elliott, w. E Hood River Park, lot 17. .
block 1 ,40
Einoit, e. M Hood Kiver Park, lot 13,
block 1 40
Elliott, John. Hood River Park, lot 16.
block 1 40
Ellis, w. E.. E A W's lat add to Hood
River, lots 21 and 22, block 8 1.00
Engle. Walter M E a W a 1st add to
Hood Kiver, lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, block 2. . . 1.50
Engie, J. in., E ft W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver, lots 6 and 6, block 2 1.00
Erwin, R. R., E ft W i 2d add to Hood
Kiver, all of block 2.
All of block 8.
Lots 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, , 13 to 44 inclusive,
block 6.
Lou 1 to 8 inclusive, 42 to 48 inclusive,
block 8.
LoU 4, 5, 6, 43, 44, 45. 46. block 9.
Waucoma addition to Hood Kiver. lot 8. '
block 4 7 00
Erwin, Jane A., E ft W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver, ioU 43, 44, 46 and 46, block 1;
lou 41 and 42, block 2:
IoU 6. 6, 23, 24, 27. 28, 29, 30. 31. 32. 43, 44, . .
45, 47, 48, block 3:
IoU 2 to 20 inclusive, 26 to 48 inclusive.
block 6;
IoU 11 to 18 inclusive, 89 to 44 inclusive,
block 6;
lou 1 to 22 inclusive, 27 and 28, block 8:
lots 1, 2, 7 to 16 inclusive, 35, 36. 37, 38, 41,
42, 43, 44. 46. block 7;
IoU 1 to 22 inclusive, 83 to 42 inclusive,
44, 45 and 46, block 9;
IoU 3 to 12 inclusive, 45 and 46, block 10; . '
Waucoma add to Hood River, lots 1, 2, 3,
4. 14 to 26 inclusive, block 4: 26.46
Event, Abby L., E & W's 2d add to Hood ,
Kiver, IoU 5 and 6, block 6; lota 35 and
36, block 1 ; 1.W
Everson, Emma B., E ft W's 2d add to
Hood Kiver, lots 7, 8. 9, 10 and 11, block 9 1.80
Fendling, A., nw'4 nw sw'-i sec 13, 1 2n,
r9e 2.00
Ferguson. A. P., beginning- 11 26-100 ch s.
is 99-iue cn w ot the ne corner u. L. c.
No. 39. e 128'd ft. n 126 ft. w 1281 ft.
s 125 ft to beginning, t In, r 13e 7.40
Fei rell M. M., Barrett ft Sipma's add to
Hood Kiver, IoU 1 and 2 block D 6.20
Finlayson, M. J., interest in ne sei sec .
23. 1 7s. r 18e 106.60
Fitch Annie, E ft W's 2d add to Hood
Kiver, IoU 43, 44, 46, 46, 47, block 6. 1.80
Fitzgerald W. V., E ft W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver. lots 31 and 32 block 9 1.00
Frantchy Emile, lota 3 and 4, sH nw sec
2. t In. r 9e 12.65
Fredenburg- A., se'4 sw'4 sec 21, t In,
r loe 10.85
Freland E. L.. e'a e'i sec 6, t 7s, r 17e. . . . 14.90
Freeman Frank A., E & W's 1st add to
Hood Kiver. lots 26 and 26 block 3 1.00
French H. W.. seV4 aw!4 sec 32. t 6s. r 13e .16
Friendly Lyman, E ft W's lat add to Hood
Kiver, IoU 39 and 40 block 8 1.00
Frieley. F. B.. w'. nw', sec 8. 1 2n. r lOe 4.00
Friese A. F., Hood River Park, IoU 6. 7, 10,
11 and 14 block 2 1.86
Frits L. S., Military add to Dalles City-
loU E and r , f racUonal IoU U, H. 1, J, K.
L, block 1; ....
beKinning 40 ft northerly from the se
corner of lot L block 1, westerly 60 ft,
southerly 40 ft, westerly to w line of
sec 8, n on Bection line to 100 ft s of
Fourth st, easterly porallel with Fourth
st to w line of lot 4 block 3, Xrev.' add
to Dalles City, southerly 221 ft. east
erly to Liberty st, southerly to beginning-Military
add to Dalies City 24.20
Fryer Chas. L., 3-6 interest in eH se sec
16, t 5s, r 12e 3.40
Fulton James and M. C, alt n, sec
29. t2n, rl5e 43.65
Fulton James, w1. wW, sec 32. 1 2n, r l&e.
sw'-4 s!iae''4 nerse sene4 nVKne''4
sec 34. 1 2n. r ICe. . . .'. 38.76
Field Alberta, Military add to Dalles City,
lots D and E block 61 1.16
Fleming David, Blowers' add Jo .Hood
Kiver, lot 1 block 1 -, ....... 4.00
Gable Frank, e'-j nw!'4-swj'inw nw.S
sw'4 sec 27, t 6s, t lite. . . . ,. .,. 12.70
Galligan Herbert, a'l iw!i see 21. t In.
rSe 14.66
Ganger A. H., Military add to Dalles City,
lou K, L and e' a of J block 58 ,. . . 16.20
Ganger. A., Military add to Dalles City,
w'i of lot J, block 63. ,.. 14.00
Garlow F. P., a'l nw'4 sec 6. t Is, r 13e. . . 6.15
(jerking- B. F., w!it ne!4 sw'4 aec 2. t2n
r lOe 12.20
Gibson H. A.. sV ne'4 sec 30, t2n, r 12e... 6.69
Gibson Chas., se'4 sec 19, t In, r 12 16.60
Uilbreth Mary E., beginning at the nw
corner of lot 1, block 7, N.ftb. add to
Dalles City, n 31 10', e to Eighth street,
westerly 210 ft, southerly to a line of
Benton st. thence to beginning, Dalies
City, block 15; - ...
beginning at intersection of a line of
Eighth st and w line of Case st, south
erly 120 feet to beginning, Dalles City, -block
14 ; 61.10
Gillmore C. A., si s'i m ne'4 aec 24,
1 2n, i to e;
beginning at sw comer of sw'4 nw'4
sec 19, n 17ch. e 4 86-100 ch, s 17 ch, w 6
ch to beginning, sec 19. 1 2n. r lie - 19.50
Ginn R J, Hood Kiver Park, lot 38, block 3 .40
Glisan E. H., s'.neU awl-i, IoU 1 and 2,
sec 4, t 88, r 17e 83.60
Godsey, W. E., Hull's add to Hood River,
25 ft off the n end of lots 1 and 2. blook 9 16.00
Goldberg Malcolm. E ft W's let add to
Hood Kiver. lot 19. block 10 60
Goldberg, Isaac, E ft W'a 1st add to Hood
Kiver. lot 18. block 10 60
Gordian H. C, nS se'4 sec 6, t In, r 13e. . . 9.06
Gordon Colver. E ft W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver, lots 31 and 32 block 6 1.00
Gore C. A., E ft W's 2d odd to Hood River,
lots 16 to 42 inclusive, 47 and 48 block 9. . 9.36
Gorton M. E.. ne'4 ne' . sec 2. 1 2n. r 8e. . . 4.60
Gorton James, kU 1 and 2, aec 36, t 3n,
' nw!4 ne'4 sec 2. 1 2n, r Be 18.40
Graham Mrs. J.. ne'4 sec 29, t In, r lOe 9.00
Grapp Joseph, ne'4 sec 19, t Is, r lOe 10.66
Grapp J. H lot 3. ne'4 sw'4 sec 18, t Is.
r lOe 7.66
Gray Charles, nw'4 ne'4 aec 2. 1 2n. r 8e . . 7.20
Green W. A.. neV4 ne'4 sec 8, 1 1 s. r 12e; .
s'se se'-iswVi sec 6, t Is, r 12e 9.76
Greenbaum Jessie, Hood River Park, lots
1, 8 to 20 inclusive, 23 to 33 inclusive.
36 and block 10;
lots 38, 89 to 48 inclusive, block 10;
all of block 11 18.00
Guthrie K. H.. Gates' add to Dalles City.
lot 7, block 24 18.80
Hagerman A., sw!4 sw4 sSse.l4 nw'4
nw'4 sec 29, t la. r 12e 10.66
Hamilton Rose. E a W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver. IoU 26 and 26 block 6 1.00
Hamilton Mary. Hood Kiver Park, lot 24
block 2 40
Hardman Frank, E ft W's 1st add to Hood
River, lota 87 and 38 block 8 1.00
Harriet Daniel, E ft W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver. lots 47 and 48 block 2 1.00
Hart J., Waucoma Park add to Hood Riv
er, lot 12 block 2 2.80
Hart H. C, Waucoma Park add to Hood
Kiver, lot 13 block 8. 1.80
Ilasiman, Mary K., E ft W Ut add o
II ooil Klver. lot 2 1 and 20, block 4,
l..,u .,1 ..nt I.I.X.U K I All
llurahberger, li, Hood River Park, iois
1, 4, 5, S, 9. 12, 14, 111, 17, Al, 21, W, 49, 4S,
., .tu .ut .H. Mt t- .11, .1 AA t.l..nb X
in, u,, u, o.t, o,,,f . iv, ,1, uiovn i d.ii,
Haynes, Lenora, Dufur 4th add, all of
hlia-k 1 IS Ml
Headstrom, M. J., Hood River Park,
IOI in, diock i 40
Heavner, J. W Dtt nw se;4 ni'!4 sea ,
15. 1 2n, r lOe 6.60
Henderson. J, 1.., stpnngler's subdlvi-
s on, I'urkliurst, lot block 2 1.80
Henson, E., nv''( sc'i sec 16, t as, r 14e 2.9ft
neiLii, r.iiio.v, ki w r in, win ui uuuu
Klver. lots 23 and 24. block 6 85
Heroin, 1)., n sw4 nwl4 sw!4 swl4
n', st c 25, t 2n, r 12e 15.00
Hesse. ( llto, se'4 e'4 sec 36, t in, rl2e . . 6.50
Hill, W. D., Winnns add to Hood Klv
er, lots Sand 4, block 0 90
Hellery. L. K., se'-4 sec 17, t Is, r lie . . . 8.90
Holland, . I. ll., se4 n".4 sec 14, 1 lu, r
lHe 24 .00
Holmes. W. H.. ne'i sec 10. t Ss. r 13e . . 18.00
Hopkins, K. w., ne''4 nw nw!4 ne'i
rrac sec t an, r lue
Hood River Townslie Co., Hood Kiver,
lols 3. 4. Sand 10. block 2i 11.80
Hood River Lnniber Co., r e ne'
rec ,)n, , ,,ii, i iiw, nwiiKi um-msy
pe-i s,-,: ta, i on, i iw, if ,ww
Hood Klver Transportation Co., se'4
se'$ sec 17, 1 In, r lOe, lols l.a, Jan .4
see 7, t In, r lOe, sU u w'4 aec 26, 1 8n,
r lik- 43.90
Horseley, Isabelle. ftO feet fronting 4th
street ana oounnen on weal oy jonn
Moran'slot, on nortb by alley, Trev-
Ot'aaHrl nlluul'llV klnrk K IK.Afl
Hood, Thomas, K ft W 1st add to Hood
Kiver, lots a ana i. diock i.w
Howard, M. A., E A W 1st add to Hood
Hiver, lols 1, 2 and 34, block t 2.00
Hubbard, J. K., nw'4 se'-4 swee2, t
2n. r lOe -. . . . 14.80
Hurley, Harrv, Eft W 1st add to Hood
Kiver, lots si ana xi, oinca i . . i.uu
Hurscll, Alms, Hood Kiver Park, IoU
24 and 2ft, block 3 . 80
Hvde. K. M., Eft W 2d add to Hood
River, lols 3 and 4, block 6 1.00
ts-ncs, Lucy, lllelow BlufT add to
Dalles City, krt 7, block ,
lol 10, block 7.
lots 8 and 9, block 28 (.01
I sen berg. W. H.. ak rxM nw'4 sw4 see
3, 1 2u, r 10a 6.80
Jackaon. J., flu ne1 neneu aeuw
section 27, 14 s, r 14e 10.60
Jacobs, Maurice. Hood River Park, lot
1, block 8 40
Jenkins, C. H.. sU D ne'4nw4 sec 9.
1 4s, r Lie 21.60
Johnson. P. A Co.. Hood River Park.
lots 8 and 6, block 4 80
Johnson. 1. A.. E A W 2d add to Hood
Klver, lot 81, block 6 50
Johnson, L. I.. E A W 1st add to Hood
River, lot 18, block 8 50
Johnson, J. J.. Hood Kiver Park, lot
43, bhaik 1 40
Johnson, Minlth n., E A W 1st add to
Hood River, lot 17, block 8 60
Johnson. William, o.s 8 and 4. sec
82, t 7s, r 14e 90
Jones. Ueorve W.. E ft w 1st add to
Hood Klver, M 20, block 2 6n
Jones, W. N., se'i sec 36, 1 3s, r He .... 10.60
Jones. Heth E.. Mil. sdd to Dal ea City.
lots Band C. block 106 95
Jordan, F., se4 sef4 sec 32, 1 In, r 13. . . 1.00
Hnnth A Kabsth, w'4 sw1, sw'. nw' j
see 8 1 2u. r 9e. nwC. nwl aec 7. 1 2n.
rUe: : : 80.10
Katlch, Jobn, a', n w'.4 sec 26, 1 3n, r 10s 17.40
Kaufman, Adam, w'4 sec 12, t In, r lie 49.05
Kelly Rachel. K A W 1st add to Hood
Klver, lots 37 and 38. block 2 1.00
Kelsav. Lucy M.. Hlianlko. lots 7. 8 and
9, block 14 22.20
Kelsay, D. R., n n'4 sec 1 7s, r 15a . 10.00
kenedv. Arthur. Mil. add to Dalles
City, lot 1", blia'k 20 4.70
Kent. Hans E. E A W 1st add to Hood
River, lots 46 and 46, block 2 1.00
Kerreson. Mrs. Mc. Lauvh add to
Dalles City, lot lO.block 14 18.50
Ken i. Frederick. Hood River Drooer.
lota 12, 13, 14 and 15, block 30 6.00
Kevea. R. P.. Mil. add to Dalles City.
lot L, block 74 ' 1.50
Khnn. W. N.. ne',- ne'4 sec IS. t 8s. r
18e 2.96
King, E. L. uw'4 nw4 seo 21. t 7s r
16 2.90
King, F. W se'4 sw4 seo 7, t 4s, r
. 12c. n!4 no"i ne'4 nw1. sec 18. t 4s.
rl4e.. I6JJ6
Koelbern, A., Thoinp add to Dalles
Cltv. lot 7. block 2. lota 1 and 20.
bloi-k 8 4.80
Krauss, August, K A W 1st add to
Hood River, lots 26, 26, 27 and 28, .
block 7. )....-...' 2.00
Labbe Panl. E A W 1st add to Hood
River, lota 2ft, 26, 27 and , block 10 2.00
Laird, Martha, E A W 1st add to
Hood Kiver. lots 23 and 24, block 6 1.80
Lane, N. W., Hhaniko, lots 8 and 14,
Big add to Dalles City, lots 1 and 2,
block 6,
Bhanlko, e4 lots 11 and 12 block 22;
Mhanlko, lol 1, block 17 185.95
La n go, M. P., uw'4 '4 sec 18, t lu, r
,13e .- 8.10
Larsen.E. M.. Hood River Park, lots
19. 14, lo and 18, block 8 1.15
Larsin, Henry, Hood River Park, lot
21, block 10 60
Larkin, C. A., Hood RIVer Park, lot
22, block 10 Jfl
Lauffenburger, M., w, nw'48w'4
sec 2ti. t 3n, r lOe 12.10
Ledford, J. M., nw'4 se'4 ene!4,
7, 1 5s, r 12e, M swl4 sjinw'4
ne'4 seo 7, t 6s r 12e 24.8n
Lehman, David 'Hood River Park, lot
9, block 3 40
Lenz, J, ad,, lols 8 and 9, sec 10, I In, r
loe 19.10
Laoiu, E., Hhaniko, lot 4, block 3 1.20
Lewis, j. c, Mountain view ana to
Hood River, lot 6, block 2 5.00
Libby, Charles II, E A W 1st add to
nooa Kiver, iois a, -a 10 io inclu
sive, block 4 ., 8.10
Liberal, Elsie. nw4 n,)4 sec 2(1. Un,
r nie .w
Dense, Jennie, Hood River Park lot
3. block 8 40
Llesse, Alfred, Hood River Park, lot
2, block 3 40
Lindhanl, Bellt, Hood River Park,
kit 15, block 9 40
Llndhard, W. U, Hood Klver l'ark, lot
14, block 9 40
Loy, E L, Wlnans ad, l to Hood Kiv
er, lols 1 end 2, block 6 6.00
Lucke, V., n' i sea 16, 1 7s, r Hie 20.00
Lynch Peler.lS A W 1st add to Hood
Kiver, lots 29, 30, 31 and 82 block 7. . . 1.65
Landes William, Military add to
Da Ilea (' tv. lot A block 109 :. ion
Magers W. ii., Hhaniko. lot 2 block 19. . 35.06
Markley J. (',. sy s'. DwV4ne'4 sec II,
t 2n, r lOe 24.10
Marsh Amanda, se'4 sec 4, t 2n, r I2e.
sw'4 nw nw4se'4, Bec;i4, i zn, r
tV. ne'4 sec 5. t 2n. r 12e 24.85
Martin Cbarles, land as described in
vol 35, page 338, Deeds of Record of
Wasco county 21.60
Mason V, sw'4 nw'4 sw4 sec 13, t 2n
re.... ..... 2,00
Matney C. C, n ne'i ne'4 uw'4 sec
12, 1 1 s, a 11 e;
fle'aekil.tla. rllo 6.80
May Mrs Annie, u nw !4 sec nw
sw'4se!4s8, t2s, rl2e 6.70
Meeker Chas, e 4. se '4 s 14, t is, r 8 e;
iu I, IH 1 u r li a R7 ftO
Melcber F 11,'Hood River Park ' lot i
block 10 .86
Meneiee Edith, Dufur 2d add all of
diock is;
' Dufur ltd add lot 1 block 19 1 22.60
Mettiar J E, Hood Kiver Park lot 86
block 4 40
MettlerJM,seV4sec2W, 17 a, rl9e.... 10 60
Meyer A O, sw '4 sec 8, 1 7 s, r 17 e 14.95
Mitchell Cbaa. K, sw4 sec 11, 1 1 n, r lie 8.10
Mllldown J, Boyd, lot 7 and 8 block 12 1.05
Middleton J H, Hood River proper lol
2 block K 38.60
Miller Estella, Halrd's add to Antelope
e lots 5-6, bliwk 9 l.fft
Miller, J ('. Mountain View add to
Hood River lot 5 block 2 B ill
Moad A C, Tygh lot I block 7 1.00
Moore Ella E, nw'4 sec 18, 1 1 s, r 10 e. . . 11.40
Clark A Morgan, se noli sec 10, t In, r
1.1 east;
B'J acres In ne'4 ne'4 sec 1ft. 1 1 n. r Lie 8.55
Morgnntleld J, Military add to Dalles
City lot L block 33 9.40
Morris Ieua, sw'.4 nae;.4 see 2i, 1 4 s,
r 13 east 27.85
Martin E W, s'4tief4 nwue1., nw;4
sev4 sec 10, 1 1 n, 10 e 16.15
Mosoburgh J .vt.njne1, seue!4 ne'4
nwi sec 26, 1 4 s, r 14 e 10.00
Muer Robert, n nef4 w'4uei4, sec 1,
los. rl.He 8.75
Murphy J. W. Wjise'4 s'ne'4 sec 11, t
1 n, r tue
McCoy James M wj4jue'4 r'4 nw(4 sec
2.1. 1 4 s. r 12 e 13.40
McClllloh Hattle, dales add to Dalles
Cltv. lols 11-12-7-8-9-10 block 8 8.25
McCullock, E A W 1st add to Hood
River lots ln-16 block 2 1.00
McCurdy Mrs. C. D., Military add to
Dalles City lot K block 14 1.15
Mcliowen Marietta, Highland add to
Hood Klver lot 2 block 1 2.80
Mcintosh Annie, E A W's lal add to
Hood Kiver lol zi-24 diock i.oo
lclntosh O. W. n'4 sw'4 nw!4 sec 12
. . lrt a OA SO
McKeiler Aliniiu wjjueii ejuwii" sec
28, 1 1 s, r 10 e ,
Mcleland Even e'4e'4 sec 6. t U s. r 18 e 13.90
Nace Heraphine, w't nw)4 nswj
nw'4 se'4 sec a, 1 3 s, r is e; ,
n'-,e'4-Bw;.48e'4 ne;4sw4 sec 22, 1 8
a, rise , 30.80
Newness . C. se'4 sec 20, 1 1 s, r 15 e. . . . 81.80
Nickelsen Emma, Hood River park lot
26 block 1 40
Nioolla C. H. e sec 86, 1 4 s, r 9e 21.00
Nicholas Lewis, Military add Dalles
City lot V O block 100 1.20
No Iter Frank, E A W 1st add to Hood
111 ver lot 43-44 block 10 1 00
Oglebe F. T. nw'4 ae4 sec 22, 1 8 s, r 19 e. 2.90
Uairander A ne'4 ne4 ne '4 fraction sec
2, is n, rioe s.10
Paddock J. W. Hood Klver para lot 4u
block 8 40
Parrotl ('has,, E A W 1st add to Hood
Rivei lot 11-12 block 8 1.00
Patterson o. W. 11C4 Dt't sue 20, t8s, r
1. e;
e' iS.-V4- nw !4e'4 sec 17, 1 8 r 17 e 40
Peine ft U. Hood Klver park lot 41
block 8 40
Plniler A. J. fc w 1st aud to Houd
Klver ot 19 block 2 50
Pfluger John sej nw1, w'-4ne!-4 sec ti
lis. rlo e 10.(10
Phillips J. It w'4 se,4 uw'-4 sec 8, 1 2 n
r 10 esat 2.00
Phillips E. K. li acres In se corner nw
sw'4 sec 3-, t s u, r 10 e 9.20
Peacrs-K Ellsabetb, Hood Klver park
- 1.,t 1H M JO
Peacia k A. Hood klver park lot 12
Portland Ice Co. s1, xti sec 26, I 3 n, r
lOeasi 52.00
Powell Oscar, Dufur .Id sail all block 2 8.40
Power Dareey E A W 2d add to Hood
Klver lots 10 11-12 block 5 1.2ft
Prdsjainea Hood River Park lot 4
block 2 .40
Rand J K. Hood River proper lot 4
block B 7.40
ItlcbardaoD Elisabeth 'B'4 uU nw sw
Hsecll, t2n,r lOe 10.75
Repp Conrad w'sw'4 se'4 m
nw'4 sec 31, t a 11, 10 e 22.00
Rich. ids J. 1... Hoyd lou all block 6. ... 12.80
Allen A Klggs, Mountain View add to
Hisd River kit 30 block 2 4 00
Kelly V. nwV, nc'4 sec 26, t 8 s, r 19 e. .. 8.00
Robertson M. W. m sec 17, 1 2 n, r 11 e 18.40
Robertson. W. H. e'., se4 sec 7, 1 2 n, r
II east 14.ft0
Robertson Robert, K A W 1st sdd to
Hood River lot 47-48 block 1 1.00
Robins A e"4 w!4 sec 7, 1 8s, r 17 east,, 7.60
Robins Edwin, E A W 1st add to Hood
Klver lot W block 9 1.00
Rood Mary A., Blowers' add to Hood
Klver lot 16 block 2 14.65
Rood K L, E A W 2d add lots IB 17 48
block ft:
E A w 2d add to Rood River lots 7-8-
9-10-11-12 block 4 3.20
Rogers Maggie, South Wsncnma add
to Hood Rivet eS lot 8 block B 19.50
Ropsa Alice Hood Klver park lot 20
block 1 40
Rones Hophle Hood Klver park lot 21
block 1 40
Roaco A Lee n'4w'4 ew)nw!4 4
w'i sec 24, 1 2 b. r 12 e;
D'i nw'4 sec 25, 1 2 s, r 12 e It 70
u w '4 n sw fii,4ii,rif"
Roaenhleutb H. E A W 1st addition to
Hood Klv r, lots 38-84 Mock 7
Ross Mrs Mary A W lat add to
Hood River lots 2l-:) hlis k 9
Salter B. M. sw1-. nw', sec 1, 1 1 n, r He
banders 8. F. sw'4 ne-4 sec 6, t ft s, r 15
rtanford A. C, Hhaniko IoU 1-2 block 23
Hinidt C. L. Cascade lxaks lots 1 1 5417
8 block 4
Slllldt Joseph Beg at sw cornel of nw
'4 se'4 si 12 e 16 r; n 20 r: Hi r; s 20 r
to beg; In sec 12, t 2 n, r 7 e . . .
Scott Walt s' nw'4 sec 9, 1 1 , r 1 1 e;
se'4 se'4 sec 8, t . s, r 1 1 e:
ne'4 neV4 sec 17, 1 1 s, r 11 e
Searle Lucy, Parkhural add to Hood
River lots 5 and 6 block I
Leddlngham L J, wJt nwi, sec 10 tin
r 12 e
geghers Charles, Military and to Dalles
lity lots K and O blm k mi,
lota F and O block 98,
lot H block 100,
lots II li t' II H block lie,
lou A B C 1) and I block ill,
lot F block 101,
IoU A and B block 12.".
Seldom 11, uSne), e'nw', -ne',1,
sec 24 t Is r 86
Scliermekaii A., sw '4 ne'se' sec
36 t 8s r lite
Slmouson Mrs. Annie, w's siv4-sw'4
nw'4 sec 18 t In r hie,
ne'4 seV4nwf4 lot 2 see 1 1 t In r Lie
Fulton add lo Dalles i ity lot 4
block 2
Big. add to Dulles City 70 t.-et oil' west
end lots 11 and 12 blin k 2
Ihmun Albert, se'4 see 20 t In r I2e.
Himoiison Charles, Fulton add to
Dalles City lot 6 block 2
Slmotisoii (4 K. Mountain V iew IIihuI
River lot S block I
Skene Dan F, s' sw'4 sec 3o t 8u r lie
Bin 1 1 ti E A. Military add to Hallcs
city lot H block 52....:
Smith J. M.. sw'4 sw'ise' -nl sel4 a'a
nw'4 and IoU 3 and 4 except 13 acres sold
sec 9. t In, r Lie;
lot 9 sec 8. t In. r Lie
Spear H. A.. Shaniko, lot block 1
Steel M., Mu View add to Hood Kiver, lols
81 block 1
Stiver Pauline, Hood River Park, lot 3
block 1
Stephens W. R kiU L 2, S and 4, sec 2,
t Is. r 8e;
swnwNi eVise'4 swf.4se'4 sec 2, Hb
Stewart Geo. W., lots 3 and 4, e''4 aw4 less
9 acres, sec 80, t 2n, r 13e.
Stinaon Albert. E A W's Mad,) to Hood
River. IoU 99, 30. 27 and 2x liks-k 1
Summers Kobt, E A W's 1st add to HixhI
River. IoU 21 and 22 block 6
Swanson S., aw'i se!i aec 11, t In, r 12e. .
TaberJoe, w's e'a e1 se'4--ne4nu,4 see
16, t 6s, r lfte
Talbot, Geo. E.. E & W's 1st uii.l to lloixl
River, lots 33 and i4. block 2
Taylor Annie F.t Dalles City, lot 8, block 9
Tenniaon C. A., Military add to Dulles City
lot 1 Diock A3
TibbeU H., Hood River l'ark. lot 43, block
Tilling A. W., n'aae'--ne'4sw'4 -sel4ael4
sec 10. 1 7a. r lfte. ... a
Thompson W. J., w'ane' se'4iie'4- ne'4
sel4 sec 24. 1 2s. r 12 e
Thompson Emma, E & W'a 1st add to
Hixid Kiver. IoU 1. 2. 3 anil 4 block ;....
Towne D. C. E & W's 2d add lo Hood
River. IoU 1 to 10 inclusive block 1
Troth J. L., n'? ne4 lou 1 and 2, sec 2,
t8s. r 17e
Trowbridge C. E neV4 sw-nw'ise'j sec
II. t In. r 13e
Tweet ThoB., Thompson's add to Dalles
City, lot 1 block 13
Urspring Catherine, E 61 W's 1st add lo
Hood Kiver. IoU 35 and .it) block 2
Brown A., ne'4 sec 17, t In. r l&e
VogtGeo. W., Eft W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver. IoU 37. 38. 41 and 12 hlock 10
Van Doriers F., interest m w1 a sec 3ti, t In
r lOe
Wuek Mary, E ft W's 1st add to Hood
Kiver. lots 21 and 22 block
Wantel Marie, Hood Kiver Park, lot 4
b ock 8
Ward j. W., sw'4 sec 12, t 5s, r 12c;
n'-i aec 17. t 6s. r 12e
Ward T. C; Laughlin's add to Antelope,
lota 1. 2. 7 and 8 block 6
Watts Lewis W., Hood Kiver Park, lot 46,
bock 1
Walls Imildea, Hood River Park, lot 48,
block 1
Wesley John, s1', ne'4 sec 21. t 2n. r 14e. . .
Weston Lydia, Hood Kiver l'ark, lot 47
bock 10
Weygandt Geo., e'n ew1,- n'a se'4-n''i
SW ',, IoU a and 4, sec 2, t Is, r 10c;
B'i nw'4 sec 19. t Is, r hie
Wickham Jasper, w'i ne'4 sec 20, t 2n,
r llle
Wiedner C. F., Hood River l ark, lot 31,
block 1
Wiedner Mary, Hood Kiver Park, lots'.
block 1
Wilkins, T. A.. Blowers' add to lloiil
Kiver. lots 2 and 8 block 3
Williams Geo.. Military add to Dalles City,
lols u and 11, block si
Williams W. A.. E & W's 2d add to Hood
Kiver. lots 39. 40. 41. 87. 38 and 12 block ti
Williams & Lanirille, a)u n1.. of sw'4 sw' 1
Bee 9. t 2n. r Hie
Williams U. E., Kiverview l'ark add to
Hood Kiver. lot 7. block 3
Wilson Alof, ne1.! Bee 29, t In. r 12e . .
Wilaon W. A.. E A W'a .st add to Hood
River, lot 23 block 26
Wilson Fred W.. lot 2, sec 33. t 3n, r 9e . .
Wheeler J. L., E A W's 1st add to Hocsl
River, lot 45, block 5
Wherry, S. A., lols 8, II and 10. sec 1. t 2n
lots 2 and 3. sec 19. t 2n. r 9c;
sS se''4 e's nel4 sec 8. t 2n, r 9e
Whitcomb Geo. L., Hood Kiver Park, lol 28
block 4
Whitehouse Geo. F., Hood River Park, lot
42, block 3
Wood Henry, Dufur Fourth add, all of
block IS
Woodman Wm., wS se!4 nel4 se'-i si 6,
t Is. r 12e;
nw'4 ne' 4 sec 7, t la, r l2e
Woodruff Geo. IL, se'4 Bee 21, t 4i, r hie .
Wolfram, Franz, Hood Kiver l'ark, lot 9
block 2
Wright, Beatrice, Hood River l'ark, lot 23
block 1
Wright, Hood Kiver Park, lot 47, block 3. .
Wright, A. K., Hood River Park, lol 43,
block 3
Wrisht, G. M., l'urkhurst add to Hood
Hiver. lot 3. Mock 7
Zweidler. Henriek, interest in nw'4 se'4
sec 16, t 4s, r l3e;
aw'4 nel4 aw'4sw''4, sec 16, t 4s, r hie
Bowen, Dr., 54 acres in ne'-4 sec 3(i, t 2n.
r 12e
Hill, Mairgie, sw'4 sw'4 aec 20, t 8a, r 17e;
Be'sw's'n se'4 sec 19, t 8s, r l7e
Kichlman, Andrew, E ft W'b IrI add to
Hood Kiver, lots 27 and 28, block 6
Beck, J. C, interest in sl2n' ne'4 ne'4
sec 16. t 8b, r l8e;
interest in e' -t bw'4 sw!4 sw1' sec 3tl,
t8a, r 17e
Cathcart, Chas. H.. interest in lot 9, aec 31
t In, r lfte
Cram, W. S., interest in neV4 sw''4 sec 1,
t 1b, r '2o
Fleming, J. W., interest in slii sec 16, t In
Ferrell, Ida R., interest in Bw'-4ne'4 nw'4
se4 sec 2, t fn, r l2e
Henneman, Henry, interest in Blj nw'4
sec 9, t in, r 12e
Herman, Chas., interest in a? sec 16, t 8s,
r l8e
Haynes, A. W., interest in sw'4 sec 16, t 3a
r I2e
Humbert, C. B., interest in sel'4 e swi-4
IoU 8 and 4, sec 19, 1 2a, r Ue
Lange A Herman, interest in w'-fc sec 16,
t7s, r I7e
McCoy, Wellington, interest !n se''4 nw'-4
sec 34, t In. r 12e
Micheil, Annette, interest in nw!4ne'4
i'i nw4 sec 3, t 4a, r 4e;
interest in n'4 bw'4 sec 85, t 3b, r l4e. .
McEwan. C. M., interest in e'-u sec 30, t 6s,
r I6e
OBborn, Stephen, interest in hw4 nw'4
sec 36. t 6b, r 12a
Oppenheim, B. B., interest in nS ne''4 sec
2, t In. r 12e
OliKin, Antone, iiiLerest in s'11 nw:4 sec 3(3,
t 2n. r He
Ray, Geo. R., interest in lot 1, aec Ll, t 2n,
interest in se'4 ne' IoU 1, 2 and 3, sec
24, 1 2n, r l&e;
interest in s' se'i sec 24, t 2n, r lfte;
interest in sw1 nw'4 sec 2, t in, r lfte;
interest in s'g ne'4 sec 35, t 2s, r l;ie. . .
Scott, Chas. N., interest in n'j sec 16, t In,
r 10e
Seott, Susan J., intereBt in nel4sw''4-se!4
Be'4 sec 16. t In. r lOe
Simpson, Carmai, interest in n1 2 s' -i sec 36
t 8a. r 16e
Stephen, C L., interest in e'a sec 16, t 2s,
r l2e
Thorhum. C. M., interest in se'-4 Bee 16, 3a,
r I3e
Taylor, James W., interest in n'u sec 3ti,
t 8a, r 16e
Waturs, Geo. B., interest in n'g nw'4 sec
16, t2n, rUe
West, Irwin K., interest in e's sec 31, t 'u,
r lOe
Hand, E. E.. Thompivm's add to Dalles
City, IoU 17, 6, 9 and Hi, hl.s k 12
Davenport, J. F., IoU 2, 8 and 4. se4 nw' 4
-flw', ne'ii sec 1. t In, r 9e
Flynn. Katie M., land described in vol. 33,
page 669, in Deed Records of Wasco (Jo.,
Fulton's add to Dalles City, in hlock 1 . .
Moreland. J. C. 1-6 interest in that part of
lot. aec 4, lying nw'4 Mill Creek, except
that part described in Vol. A, paire 103,
Deed Records of Wasco Co., in sec. 4,
t In, r 13e;
1-6 interest in IoU 1 and 2, sec 33, t 2n,
r l3e
Barnes, F. M . beirinning 48 51-100 ch w,
16 ch s of extreme Be corner of Jenkins
D. L. C. No. 38. a 4 ch and 40 Iks. e 6 ch
and 70 Iks, n 40 ch and 40 Iks. w 6 ch and
70 Iks totteirinninfr, being parts of IoU 2,
8 and 4, aec 35, t 3n, r loe
Williams, Violet, 60 acres in e'z nw'4 sec
24, t In, r l3e
Fairview. nS ne'4 sec 13, t 2n, r 7e
Bowman, F. B., sw'4 ne'i sec 1. 1 In, r I2e
Brown, Jss., lot I, see 1, t In, r I2e
Spurrier, W. E.. all of block I except kU
1, 2. 3, 4, 6 and ; -all
of block 2 except Iota 3, 4 and 6:
all of blocks 3, 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9 and 10.
Bellvlew add. in see 17, t In. r i3e
Ulnch, Catherine, Bellview add, saa 3, 4
and 6. block 2
Bordie. Jos.. Bellview add. kits 1, 2 and 6,
block I
6. Ho
48. 00
it .tm
regon Lumber
in Workingmen's Goods.
Have just opened the LARGEST and
BEST line of UNDERWEAR in the City
See tlie-
Mt. Hood , Stockton Mackinaws
Complete Line of Rain Goods
Sole .g-eaats fox tla.e
Celebrated Bradley Logger Shoe
PHOXli 51.
Alti'ili'o) in price of nil A long fall in price of all
Stoves. iHuililiiif? Material, and we
The Improved Soot I)e- liave the goods to complete
st rover. 1 package (300) a house from cellar to garret
removes all KOOt from ('him-' Hhv all t one time ond place mid (jot
ney, stove and pipe. ! XwnvU of rricu8 'uch oraer8 Wttr'
Stock Taking Sales
until Feb. 1st.
Prices will be slashed on
many staple articles as well
as all odds and ends.
All departments included.
Hardware, Furniture, Stoves, Crockery, Paints, Oils,
(ilass, Building Material.
STEWART, w lie m.
b 15
No. 2
I -
u via r. v. k ta
2 lUHl
For furt her particulars ngnrdiug the SMITH GRUBBING MACHINES,
tall vu oi' u I'iU ,
M mm
DR. JONES, Dentist
Crown and Bridge Work.
Teeth Without Plates.
Treatment of dineuseil teelli and gimiH.
Ollireover JackHon's Store,
l'hone lUtll. Ouk Ut. Kiitruni-e.
Bargains in Real Estate.
1. C-ronm house, plantered, lnt 50x130
feet, Rood well, three blocks from
Hi'liiml; li'Hnant locution. Price f iMK).
Tci'ins i down. Will trade for other
town pioperty.
i. 4 room house, two lols 50x130 feet
each, city water; three blocks from
blii'ool house; pleasant location, Price,
$7.0. Terms foO down ami fl.r jnsr
month. A Bargain.
3. Kind building lot very cheap If
sold hooii.
4. 10 acres good apple and strawberry
laud, four acres cleared, 11'5 fruit trees,
i. no acre strawbtrriea, 4-room liouse,
well, stable, wood shed and pack
ing house Hud I'liickeii bouse
Price Ifl.'O) Terms dow n anil $15
per mouth. Will trade for town prop
etty or w ild land.
5. Tao secliona of wheat land; 10(1
iicri" under cultivation on each; 600
acres tillable land on one Miction, bal
ance line pasture land, good well small
house, one taction fenced- Kor sale
cheap on easy terms. Will trade for
1 1 ood Kiver property.
(i. l.r) acres good apple land; three
aeris bearing orchard, 3 room house,
five-inch paid up water right. Foi
ule cheap, or will trade for town prop
eH v. Will sell five, ten or the wholi
l ' acres with small nyntf lit d wn,$"n.
find i.r If lol), n I nioiii 111 v or ipi irlerh
i .vineiits fr Ii iluiiee. S.ltiaiiil ilea
t-.w .
7. I'nue your insurance w ith us. Wi
do not leprexent the only reliable com
panies in tin' field today, but we do
reprcM-ut three as good and solid com
panies as are dolnir busines.
Hood River
Real Estate & Exchange Co.
Hood River, Ore.
Fby, W. A , East Belmont, lota 1 and 4...
l.timtMrtl, I. J.. lot 1, aec 16. t 2n, t l&e. . . .
Bully. Chit:... eS e'a at 17, t X. r 14 e
barncH, W. St. M.. boirinnina' M ft n ot
corner of lot 1, nee 18. n i-fl ft, 8S0
fin', e 4S ft. SXS :l4' w 2m, ft to ben'n-
ninif. wc IS. t In. r 1-le
lKi-1'1. Ad.'lia est.. nel'4 w'r1',. e'Bw'i
,8.ic 5, I Kh. r l&e;
c 4 nwW iwjc ft. t 6a. r l&e
Wynn. Chritian. Bitfiow BiulT addition to
DalleaCny. kit 4. block 6;
4 ft off the west Hide of lot 5, block I. .
P. F. FOUTS, Prop.
RATES, $2.00 to $2.50 PER DAY.
Steam heat. Larye pieaHaut rooms. Everything new.
Sample room for commercial travelers.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Fruit Boxes
Highest Prices Paid for High GradeFruit.
tei MM. litem
Oin lliiiitimiuiL'iy lliuotruieU unit lirsenplive I'.Wi L'ulalog lelm a.i nouiii lli0
Best Seeds, Plants, Shrubs, Poultry and Bee Supplies, Fertilizers,
Tools, Spray Pumps, Garden Supplies, etc.
We carry Immense stocks, make quick deliveries aud promise that your order .
will bave our most careful attention.
Don't buy supplies in tbe above lines without first consulting our 1905 Illus.
trated and Desciiptive Catalog, free 011 request.
PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland, Ore.
Witness my hand this 10th day of January. 1&06.
" F. C. 8EXTON,
Ubi rift of Wasco County, State of Oragon,
Furniture and cabinet work
made to order. . Saw filing,
Plating, Framing and Fancy
Inlaid work done.
We have on hand some im
proved wanli benches, nleds
for the boys, etc.
We are located at East
Oak street.
Call and see us.
Cottage Vlarket,
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Flour and Feed.
Free Deliveiiy.
- 8