The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 19, 1905, Image 2

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    Jfood I$Yer Slacier.
The senator from Watco county no
doubt feels as' if he were between the
devil and the deep sea in regard to bis
stand concerning county division for
Hood River and Mosier. The Dalles
wants him to defeat the new county
movement, naturally enough, but it
should require very little effort on Mr.
Wbeatdon's part to recall how he waked
up the morning after the June election
to find that his dear friends the Dalles
business men who are signing the re
monstrance against proposed Cascade
county had so knifed him at the polls
that Judge Bennett had lead of 86
votes until a telephone to Hood River)
Drought the glad tidings that here the
republicans had stood by their nominee
and elected Mr. Whealdoo by a hand
some majority. No, Senator Whealdon
will not forget those who elected him.
Hood River people, and the people sf
Mosier and Cascade Locks want a
county of their own. We have the pop
ulation, wealth and area; while geo
graphically the proposed new bailiwick
is exceptionly well favored.
But as to the Justness of our claim,
each to do Its best.
"Sup't Educational Kxhibit. "
Owing to the weather, Saturday'
meeting of the I'rineiptils'
club was poorly attended. In addi
tion to the hnvia and Clark Much
tional exhibit, a number of other top
Ice were discussed.
The advantages of the .catochoticn)
method of recitation wan taikeit of
'KiKhth Grade Examinations, " was
another topic on the program. There
U now a proposed bill before 11m ( .-.
eon legislature, to' provide a board of
state examiner for the eighth unuh
examinations. The teachers of Was
co county heartily approve of this
plan, believing it will be to the best
interests of the state to have uniform
lty in the final examinuins of thn i,n.
pile from the grammar grudex.
County Superintendent J. T. Ne.'f
was nere from J he UhIIoh t o iitt,.ii,i
the meeting. The next new-don w ill
be bold at Hood Kiver.' Kuttinhiv I-.!.
ruurjr ii, .
For Kent.
U iu
Price to
J-room cottage tor rant. M. F. JACOUS, jit!
Three Dice furnished roumi and Duntry for
lirht aousekeeptug to rem. Water in rooms.
IIIUM Tucnut milat January litl.
I u w. r. jAtuiw,
Never Undersold.
We an- giving u hup' discount on all coats and jackets.
On Saturdav onlv we .will well:
Waaras Plain aewlnf or housework.
Jan It tvL. HIUDON, Hood Kiver.
(j'ranit" Ironware Husins
Lnriifs' Flannelette Underskirts ..
Lex ox Laundry Soap, 8 bare for.
. oilet r?o;i, per
bar ,
Wanted, work of inv kind, bv reliable man.
uaii on u. stock at u. w. Hig-g tuoe nuop.
Wtnted. hoaeekeener. Addraas "J." Glacier
I one. fe
Cteatlenan with a Ho. 1 reference wishes
I anauion aaleeman with reneral merelian
1 dlee bouae or erockerv and groceries. Address
pout oWee boi la, Hood Kiver, Or. J19
At Glen Ridae rarm. all milch mm. Must
I be perfectly gentle, clean and good milkers,
A. t;. Bi Al rrop.
lv3zi.'s and IBo3rs' Caps
liare a nice line of Moii'h and lioys' Plush Caps bought at a sacrifice,
nig- them less than the manufacturer'H cost.
wanted. Charcoal. Give nrlce ur ton In
i vrjusu iuik. - b, car turn umce,
For Sale
Baddle. hack, heavv watrin. miss-cut. saw.
i iieuf e, eouK store tor aale cheap for cash.
t JAMBM A.COUK, K. f . li. 1.
U i
Home handsome Spitzonbora apples.
on exhlbjition at St. Louis from the
I n.t.MJ .. A Tl It. 1 . .
uiiiiaiuui iv. r. jiiieimiu or jHOHicr
I V ... L . 1 ...
uiuugui, lonn ine loilowini? warm
it is not expected that the politicians I word" of lrai frm Professor H. K
win give much heed. Politics will do-1 vanueman, ine eminent pomolost:
cule it all. Yt it behooves the politi
cal managers of Wasco county to go
easy In the matter, llood Biver people
are united. Factional lines are no
more. Jwerybody is working for the
new county.
The Dalles politicians, of either fact
tion, never gave Hood River anything.
What they can do now will be appre
WashinKton. D. C Pea 30. 1!K.l -.
A. P. Untenant, Mosier, Or., My Dour
nir: wiion at ine exposition at Ht
liOtiis l saw the exceudiuuly lino t-r
uiuii ui iioim raver iruiu and y,u?,
ueiiRiitea to say what I could in u
complimentary way. They certainly
were a great credit to your noctioii
Mr. Galloway.who was in charno, did
his best to show them to Bdvuiitano,
and after the close of the exhibit w i.t
me three boxes of the tlntwt of Hit
f'In two of those boxes I ilud wtrds
stating that you were the grower, i
reel impelled to toll you that we m
enjoyiiitf these aimltiH tlnrini II,,. I,..i;.
days, eating them and giving them to
tnenas. xour Jbisopus Hpil,eiibiirK
and Newtowns are simply porroction.
"I took some of the apples to show
and to give a chance to Imj tested by
some of the finest fruit doalors in
Washington. They weto delighted and
would like to know where they could
be bought.
"it is my hope to be out vnur
uexi year ana u so w ill bo sure to
visit your place. I did not have lime
to go up to your place when 1 was in
the West in 1!01, but! know you have
a uiiw, mm a, lovety place lo live.
Wishing you all that a good New
Year can bring you and assuring you
that we are enjoying your apple, i
am most sincerely yours,
Ko More SUinmch Troubles.
All stomach trouble Is removed bv
ne use or ftodo dvsneiiH n euro, h
gives the stomach perfect rest by dicxt.
ing what you eat without the sloinocli V
am. ine rood builds up the body, Hie
rest restores the Htomueli in i,'..uiu,
ou don't have to diet yourself win n
faking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. J. i
Erskine, of Allenville, Mich.,
sullored heartburn and stomach trouble
tjr some tlms, My sister-in-law has
bad the same trouble and was imi nuu.
to eat for six weeks. Hhe lived mitiivlv
on warm water. After taking two uot
ties of Ktalol Pysjiepsiu Cure npe u t
onureiy oureu. sue now eati hcartilv
Sltecial to the Glacier.
Mount Hood, Or., an. 17. At a
meeting of the ettisens of Mount Rood
last Saturday a movement was started
for the organization of Telephone Co.
The people oi Mount Hood are dersiroos
of gotting better tolephone service and
getting into closer touch with the out
side world.
The following committee of three was
PPointod lo see what arrangements
could be made toward securing the
desired telephone service s W. 8. Oribble,
ltoltert Leasure and A. M. Kelly.
The commitlAfl will mufnriain that
of the proposed system aad what ar
rangements can be made with the Pacif
ic fitntes Telephone Co. for connection
with the system in Hood Biver. Eigh
teen citizens have signified their laten
tion of taking phones if the price is sat
sfactory, and it is understood that a
Half dozon more are willing to enter the
Ttie special committee is to report
Saturday, January 28.
Wasco county schools will begin at i
??'?.!.0..TLr"J)S??RMt work for thelnd is In good health: I am olad C. '
MI"? ran tnxtaitl WitefT" 'Wrvr
uiw a. full line, well Bolected for this trade, of men's and women's 3.00
SllOCH. TliCV a re all ihl Inlcwt, 1:lwf u nrnl nimlu rf lio Vu.uf lno4Tni
v ....... . itiiv uiiam tuv Kjy. a V IVtXWllVi
J Joys .-wid Men's High-cut Shoes in all grades.
Ladies Dreys Shoos, neat and dressy
Infants' Shoes, 2 to S, Dei- nair...
line ol Infants' Soft Sole Shoes,
For Bale. Owlna m flnancltil Rtrf.MH mid
poor health. 1 will aell at my fesliience, Wau-UhiB-Gaia.
one Knotted. tAn-culnrptt. .IrM.v
cow, bora ea or affar im, with a full peaigree
rrnm imh Hhe la well broken to w ire
leica, Itm milk freely. Wilt eell to any one
uiai aoee uH mar aeatn in any lorm.
A lar-
j(r pair..
Now Idea Patterns for February Are Here.
I etnr
I yon atria her. fliaa will land the milker uuxii
laadpairta three different directions. Hhe
nai rnaay gooa pointeand thislsoueof tliein.
I have spaitofa fork handle left that sons
wlthtneoow. And her name i MhihI.
P. B. woald rather aell to nurt v nr i,Hrtip
I at Underwood, White rlnlmon or aonie other
I olnt acrons the Colnmhla.
1 " 1
Larva noeketbonk nilt of file and mhor Huh.
tack la, aomewhere between the river and
JaekaBa 'a ttnre. Binder please relnrn lo me
aaa aeeeat my thanks.
Cbetea tot for ) rtlratlv waul rtf T-i rb
Slraet school. KATHRYNK i'aVKNI'OUT.
The Da Ilea, nr.
'(, rca
Vo,i will liiid these Shoes
St on
loon i.ivcr s
v; r;r r-
MAKERS. a3 ler$ flT'Jl . M
ex c f i j r vc 'r:- "'V. V. . "
. -vv j ft 'if
Any anantitv of drv wnnii rn d..iu
plna or slab. Am Aleo Dreoared to nniv ulih
I staam wood saw. eall ou or phone Main m.
' r'HKD HuwrJ.
One Of the mniil. alvhllv in.uM....s I., it i
BlTer TBliay for aalr. Call on
' W. LCAKNKM, K. K.J), t.
Real Estate
A gotxl cook itoye for le, Innnlre of
W.L. CAHXKS, It. K. I).
For sale, emu ent u
or will ejclmiit'e for
E. M. 110LJ1AN.
fOT Mia. RIIM.IIM1I Pl.ninnlh II ....I. .
I Bt . im. "" .mwniii n;iv miiikiuih
'"" ra o. a. MOSKS
fjood tlmwtby hay at Harbison's J15 a ton.
For aala. Nn. A ftmiih n.nhkuA .....t..
I ii,.;.r iilL 2"?- w 111 " " al a tmrs-iim
"(ManoiBDIl, W. C. riODUH.
Duke's Valley.
For aale, a ew5 Fisher piano.
narnaia oy caning on.
i"" J1RH.
Any one can
PP. ICE. $2.65
mvrv mrgkia oy etimrur on
VftrMlt Chest), wnnd r-lmnno-'s ...ifit ......
. a V'BklllK IIIHMIIN.
JB " H miles otn KmhI Side.
ir aie, carrot, nne for muck- m n,i
I'TtS" . the " Meontaa aack delivered
. n.i ii uHiiico oy iinri'iiaser.
. .. unr.ncKNT KKUIT Co.
" H miles out Hast 8ido,
.1. miL.rn n. r,r.wiH iu. innm
or rani a flTe-rnnm r ...
jioaae is rnrntsned mmniain u in
an iiigKiaer er sanaratelv
Jea it
fnrlnry two
roau. Two
... ' "ttJL2-wfia!
yjiua. KAiuinon. xne matter waa
lnfortimllv dlaougged at the meeting
of the Prlnoinak' club In the roomn
of the Hood Kiver high aohool Satur
day niorutnc
I'rofossor Laiideri,a member of the
special committee appointed at a re
cent meeting of the Wasco county
teaohera, waa in Portland the eame
day, and conferred with R. t Rob
lriHon, superintendent of the educa
tional exhibit. It la the intention of
the Wasco county committee, conalst
Injt of Mr. Landera, Superintendent
Wiley and Professor White of Dufur,
' to prepare clroulara for local distri
bution Instructing the teachers In
the methods to be observed In gath
ering the exhibit.
Superintendent Robinson has al
ready prepared the following circu
lar wnion he is sending to the schools
of the state :
"Portland.Oregon.Jan., 0, 1906. To
Oregon Educators: The educational
department of the Lewis and Clark
centennial exposition has adopted the
following plan of exhibit, vli: To
make a carefully and thoroughly grad
ed exnitrtt rrom tbe kindergarten to
the university, so far as practical
the exhibit will be arrange by coun
ties. For purposes of oganliation
the county will be. the nnlt. Cities
may organlie as a unit, within the
county unit. The educational de
partment recommends, however, a
collective presentation of the work
crorn the different counties, except in
fities having special supervision.
The collective exhibit plan will re
quire that material furnished by the
sonoois ne assembled at some county
center, arranged, labelled, and
snipped by the coonty organlratlons.
Papers that best illustrate county
plan of exhlbt will be placed In ex
hibit oablneta, others will be bound
at the expense of the state commis
"The arrangements will be by sub
jects and grades, beginning with the
lowest grade. A typewritten state
ment or outline of the work to be
exhibited In cabinets Is essential to
a correct understanding and present
ation of the exhibit.
"Exhibit cabinets are to be pur
chased by the exhibitors. This de
partment recommends that these cab
inets be kept at some convenient
county location after the exposition
closes aud beoome the center of
meritorious work which may be sup
plied from time to time to the end
that the exhibit idea may be made a
useful adjunct for encouraging excel
lence of pupil's work.
"It Is the desire of the department
that the Oregon educational exhibit
shall honestly represent the real work
of the schools In the best way posi
ble. Local Industries should form the
foundation for a large share of lan
guage and geography work. Grain
farming, stock raising, fruit culture,
and vegetable growing become at once
ine topio lor written work. Visiting
observers are always pleased and ben
efitted by the stories children write
Of their own environment.
"Our educational exhibit will come
directly Into comparison with that of
such states as Massachusetts, New
York. Missouri. Wisconsin ami Hull.
fornia, ns well as our Northwestern
states. We want the comparison to
be such as will fully express the good
work being done through the state.
Each school district in the state is
cordially invited to send something
for the exhibit. Local inte.-est and lo
cal pride will certainly stimulate
by Q. K. Williams.
Delegates to Tnucka Conference!
Rev. II. C. Sluttl'or, pantor of the
r irst church. United Brethren, T'ott
land; ilov. P. 11. Neff ; Mis. .1 K
Henklo, Philomath, and W. ( ). .eil. i
of Eugene, have iieen elected tltdeguli"
to the gonernl assembly of the l nil,,,!
ureuirun to no Held at Topeka, Km
in May. The section this year w ill
of unusual intercut on account ot t
proposal to form a federation with
oinor cnurcn orgiiiiizutlomi of similar
poncy. Aiisojuto union with th
Methodist Protestant denomination
wmon is not to lie confounded with
the Methodist Ejiiscopal church, is to
oe enootod, ir tlie delegates favor It
ana itev. Mr. BlmlTor believes it would
ue ine propor thing to do.
Cured ills Mother of ItlieiimallMii.
-my rnoiner lias tieen a milleior for
inoiiy years trout ilieiiiiiatisiii," hhv
W. 11. Howard of Husband. IVnnsvl.
vnum. "ai imii's sue wus unable (e
move at all. while at all times wuiklno
was painful. I presented her with a
ocMieorUhanilKtrliiiii'a 1'aiu Halm and
nnerarew applications she decided it
waa tne nioel wonderful pain ivilovct
" "n" "r ineu, in met, sue is never
without It now and is at all times able
to walk. An oocasioiml application of
l ain Balm keeps away the pain that
she was formerly troubled with." l or
sale at Williams' Pharmacy.
fitop Here for a Good llrcaklasl.
In the days of antiiiuitv the rail
road was In the habit of
The Dalles for meals, but since that
one-time metropolitan village has been
relegated to a back seat on the car of
progress, the trainmen. c.nt.t'hiiicF I Iu.
spirit or the times, now bring their
trains to Hood Kiver, whenever it it
necessary to have breakfast for pas
sengers before getting into Portland.
Chamberlain's Cough Ittwdr llext.
"In my opinion Cbamlicrlalii'sCou-li
ivemeny is inn tiest liuule Tor eohfV
says Mrs. Cora Walker of I'ottervillc,
California. There Is no doubt about it
being the best. No other will cute a
cold so quickly. No other Is so sure a
preventive of pneumonia. No other L
so pleasant and safe to lake. Those nn
good reasons why it should be prctcred
to any other. The fact is that, few
people are satisfied with any oilu raiiei
having once used this remedy. 1 ,n
sale at William's Plmrnmev.
Cass Weygandt bits been soriou.A
ill the past week but is reported t,o;m
better now.
It Is snowing up in this neck o
the woods to boat Sam Patch. Site-,
fell to the depth of eight inches ,.,
the night of January U. Wo Huppo,
the Mount Hood news will get sinm, e
under if it keeps this up much loan i
But let the good work go im; ,
uiuBi lane mo nmer wild the wcel.
MIms Annico llageman i repori,
as lieing one number on the nick is
last week.
Mr. Ward from Portland whs a we
come visitor at A. C.llugeman's lum
last week.
has trees on band to plant four acres.
lie H ill set Kins tuu in, Spit.enliei is mid
iohathuiis. Some of bis neighbors
feared Kkiniicr'n bind would not. gr-vw
rt lute in -ans,. o'.i irom an eigntn ot tin
i, t.i , .. I fr.ll I... ::o
will ii,iuee r-j i ! h and .Sew bnvim as g
tin- licit.
therefore the steamer did not Unih
the nji-trip.unt tl Friday morning. U
was in The Oitjles, howerer. iu time
to leave lit th scheduled hour.
HincA-, sn,e , t.i, Im ure.
hir M'luiiil is utidei :r.')-ie.r a siege of
uxMiitiiuttiiMi eqiial to iiii'iihIcs.
i,runilp;t 'I Ijiite.t in bus been very
sick but is reported seine belter.
.Mrs. Wine and children of Oheno
Willi were 'i' 1 1 m ii i oned Thursday to the
iiedside of her d lather, Mr. Thorn
ton. Willie Kellentlonk'H sleteh lead of
yonng pi i-plc received it eonl reception
Sunday on their way to singing M-hoe
I Barn.
.ooit ! lti'15, to Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kellv. a
i .i...... 1.,
In I bind River, Tuesday, .lanuarv
, 1(1, liulo, to Mr. and Mrs. Tercy Welds, a
At the Clmrclies.
I Bivcrside Congregational. W. 0. Oil.
I inure, pastor, fcabhalh school at 10 r.
rn. Moriiing tforship and preaching at
ill. (' K. meeting nt ::tOp. m. Song
service ami preaching at 7:;i(). Subject,
i tuiari.'iii. Sunday chonl nt 10 a,
in. Preaching service at II a. in ; suli'
.M'et, "Old Ideas and New Names."
I out)" iwmi e s IHOet.ln,' nt. 7C10
All diseases of Ktilieys,
w.n.wwci, unitary uraanp.
Aim Rheumatism, Baclt
Dropsy, Female Troubles.
D' become dlBconra;e. There li a
i nreen'ary write nr. rvaaf
I have a ennrt lni.HnM
I mflM from Hood Rlvar on unnrt
iTf"? ytKWt MxH) feet. W
,7; l- "'a'MUH, lloed H vnr.
J" " " H. K. II. No, l
ior Ha a. m .h hMaiI nn.n. n. , ..
M RS. 1). J T R ilBE K. Twin 1 1 l r A?'
' ' "" Jl''-
n. . I
tAZZ'?L- " Harness, loriran
If. .ir.V:,""u":. juuiureil li. I . w
dV. HV?LV,a a,or u" of Holmnn'8. Ilowi
A ntA aavaa Kua.
wwTir siVWfffitfW Any-
..l at"". . - I.IIMIU H fu ,0
Ittonalchureh, uTfc 1S ii,nBS5S
SOR1A fin nnrA.K.. M. . .
tain t t mtJC iiim '"'"" n nook rons
at l aacri. MRS. J. II Kitrn vi w w
1)16 t.tma nvlR9 Anmt. anal.
All -at
u cunHQiTauons rtn.
of The
dsler, Mi
I lieiiow i
is tlie
:li'S Ills
h paired
lie new imul
lowest bidder
O. .1.
p. in.
linptist. Uegnlnr preaching pervicos
at Carmielini I's hall every 1st find 3d
Sunday morning nnd evening; Sunday
school every Sunday at ID a. m. ('ove
nant and business meeting the first
Wcdiiefdny r.ipht in each month. ,1.11.
Spiglit, pastor.
One nt' the i-iuui is of the sleith broke i subject : "A
dow n. I jiaiiera are
Mia. I'iUwntl.l of The pall,,, has liMtor.
been viiatuii; in i
i lllil'llloil,
i-'rauk Wileo.v ui
lhiniu;h I'ndernniid
Amo.i I'ndci'unod
earner, linvimt been
on the new cailr.n-t
i nu .uenoininee .mil t im secitrol I .iietiioue. I'renrliing at 11 n. m. nnd
riiu in wtiy aor...i narry tnsoifs land j P m.; Minonth scliool 10 a. m.; Kn
nno win i,ee:ii m leniii a in' chute us; worn inmie I p. m. I'rnyer mooting
"' i"iei nill p-llllll. ininr.i.n eieiniirr. All CorillaliV 111
llov I lav ncs e.ime up from Portland ,u''"- " ( ''-vans, pastor
le i. . . i " . . ' , , ... . .
hi- I.,', a i .... . i ii ... Tr . ,:i. ,a ' '"'"'ay scnooi at
.........,.,.,. .,. ...... m, i.ii . n, n. ,. ; morning sprvn-o at. U : Y. 1:
.-ii..,, l.ui- nun enni ii e i . ii. I i'. o ii.'.'i.. .,n.a. ....
I l . ... .. ... . ' . '"! 'i i in ii inu ni i ;,iu,
, .. i.aiinie,, , miminy, nuvtng see,, Munday morning Key. T. S. Handsaker
..... run,, , 1 1 1 , l l , I I U M
since ho tell Muieeau seven vears n
Charlie Tlionibm accoiniiiinicd
cure for vnn
He lias e,i(:tit
cases as yours.
I snfforcd a long time wits whatta taetars
claimod was lumbago. w saws In M rn
able to move without great sals. Tws ktttlea
of Dr. rentier's Kidncv tni RV.,l. at,,..
cemplotely curod me and I hare had ho rotors
of the trouble nor any eigne of rhenmatlim.
FRED BRANDT, Dyer, Mntteie, Ind "
Druggist s, 60c. U. Ask for Cook Book-raw
g Knr Kale by C. N.CLARKE , Hood River '
A ITOOd ffHir.vsaif-rtlrl n,ut.
Etofmllkar. tu V :, V'i7: ..,""':
v nui nr.ii,
ChcnowUh, Wash.
Aiffr i , . :
also drv'ptne wooa a",T,
" P. D. HINKlfMM. K. i" i). 2
cro. easy terms,
dIUM). )j t tf
(ood nhhL I.....1
Unimproved, under
A. J A V .MO.
tji. ..Krn"l'w" bullt h0"s. between
TnM ,hOI"":onlhe "111 formerly
Tenold eottage. Inquire at Oliver am i
' r S ,M'".V-ifi, Ji'L J. STATK OF I
.......v...., , n . I u p. ii.uisr, uti BU8I-
NKSH JAN. 11, 1006.
ifnT4 lHJHsxim. sf- .of laTid
Ira pIeJ si ,Vn,rpassed fr fruit In the 'i,.
-L2lP' Ut-"CK, Arllngtgn, Ore. J la
I'C, tin
t.'liellou it I
U ,se
her Inline nt
a series of revival servient
-o. Speeial music both inornim? and ovuninj;
his! A cordial invitation iscxlendeil to all to
services. . A. Klkins,
Stiiimicli Tnudilr
I'idilcls me the in
lloiililcs and euie
sold," sns ,1. IJ.
ol' I'.iltei vilie, .'.iie
tuiie a. id ainavs
tie ir money,
COUlp'iU 111."
i nii'I Cnnslijintinn.
Hlemceli and l.lver
i si lliiutr for stnnmeli
'ip; dioii I have over
I 'iiiitiinu, a dni),;j.;It
li. They nt'c easy to
give sal'isfuction. 1
altend ihei
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the U
I!, ehnrch Tuesday, January 4, at 1
unci -iv
i "t
to try them nnd if
State or otno, Citv or Toi.f.ho,
Fnink .1. Chi 1,,-v n, nkes ,mlh and snvs Hint
he Is sen Im parmw of I lie firm of K. ,. i licne
A t '.) il.i iiii: ImsiiieBs in the i Itv nfTolcdo
t oil at,.- and Si. He indiT'said, iin.l thiu s,i firm
w II pay the .ami .if on K lllNil Kl 11,11.-
1,11,,,. ImeU ,.,'. ..! : . ' '. .'" .'" ease,,, V ,ur,-, tlift,
' ' " ..'., Ill" I", ! ,l I ,11, ,lk. 11, lit.
Ii-ans nnd Discounts i jj? 6.flo
, ., Z u, Tl, aAn.a ur8fi,red 81.0)
iiiiiiiii maouuro circa-
Tremltiins on II. 8.' bonds
Current expenses "
K'oikinir house, furniture ' and' hx-
Due from niiilu'riai'banKsm'o't reserve
, ., 'T.l m "I'l'i'oved reserve aKenU..., 2l,ftsa.00
Notes nf ni her nutlonal bunks""'.'.'.'.'.'." 120!oO
Q, a. . ,.
vSSST. o .Vi' J"1' S hP- KlKht liors,
Land given in exchange for clearing
other land.
For Sale -- New two-story 9-room
house; Stranahan addition ; 11100; terms
Fur Sale or Kent (lood farm with
stock and goats; tanning luijilements
included. John Leland Henderson.
1 or Sale The Abbott Store property
on the hill. Price, $3,000.
The M. M. Davenport 4 acres, nice
new residence, $1700. Terms easy.
14 acres across the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, some improvements.
2 miles from Barret school house, $2,000.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
free irrigating water, H miles from Bar
rett school house, $1,100.
A 20 acre tract unimproved, H miles
from the Barrett bcliool house, 6 acres
cleared, lM,700.
The MVi of MV, Sec. 4, Tp. 2 N..
R. 10 K, 40 acres. Price (2,000. fQOOor
more cash, balance in live years.
Lota 1 and z, Jit k. z, VYitians add. to
Hood Kiver for fH.W each.
The NK H of SV li and the NWiV of
SE H, section Hi, Tp 2 north, range H
east, 80 acres, jiartly improved, good ap-
jiie land, plenty ot timber, no rock.
'rice $800 cash or Ifl.OOO on time at -
per cent.
Money to loan.
Ilantia house and lot, $2,000.
The new company now offers for sale
lot formerly beloiiKiuK to the Hood
Kiver Townsite company, of which com
pany John Ixdatid Henderson is secre
tary n ml the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2
story liniise; $1,400.
Lot for sale iii W'aucoma Park addi
tion, $200.
F,,r Side The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan; tiOacre
.'10 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, new barn : all fenced.
l'rict' $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Easy terms; lelejihone; rural delivery.
Four miles from llood Kiver.
For Sale The Donahue block on the
hill. Improved aud fenced. Fine- resi
dence, barn and outbuildings. $4500.
Will sell tlm SE4' for $000, the TAVM
lor $700, or the ' for $.'1500. One-
tliird cash, balance tune at 8 per cent.
J,SI.(T "jratt.enTeiopeeontnlnlnircoiiiir hm , ,
K WXr- -'PW. leave artTl'-
Jan II)
piiper currency, nickels
ft ml Kill t a
LvTz-' ''''aV lN'BAK'K
HlHrla...... (t,M7.(
w,i,i u, p,, ireasar-
er (. per cent of circulation)
VXflESK!' Fiea'se WUU n",ural
'' M A R( KUNKj'Rt ISS.
.mUt'??.?- A' C?1'" 8tore nd IloouTs
IT AXr? ffiSt F'nder " ve
never had a
at Williaiua'
i 't font
'..s. Nill Supply I'iiimr.
I tor t he bridge and pil
i;o corf a;.',, road w as let
- on. nt I oi ! land, v ho ni--
.if ui;! lour umih.'s o!' men oj
once. l.!aen i it t lires. to
f v til lit rtiii h th piinu:.
I lili.r.'l.
'"'. ' ! 'RANK ,1. CIHON ..y
Sii.uu to I'l fnri- me ,,,,,1 sulis.Til.ed In mv
in. .-ea,-,. i in . inn nay or neei iiili, r, . l ssi,
A. V.,ild:.s,). '
lN,;A'-l Nolaij- I'.iLlie.
Hall's I'i.iiii i h .'me Is taken iniernuilv ,lrt
iiMs ,y mi the h.....t and mii.-uos u,-.
?" "' "! S' ,,,, fn'' '"-iilllnilililK
'" , , , 1 . !!.. r. i fit., Iniedi
l-i- Had Iveudy nils f,
8. A Skinner on Methodist lane i
taking advantage of the good ueali. ot
to clear up his land for an orchard. Ike
Nealeigh lias been helping wilh In.,
grubber, ami last wea k j.uliod m.t inev
100 stumps in ten hours. 31r. Skinner
ii. -it'll (a
w.'-k nl.
tl, , ! I.iv,
' '"(; t '' ot !'! land. Uielera- i T TUP
:: tire. ,n,: v,-,k ha-, been lot t "
' "! 11 '"' " f"i'' th- toeli w'l.ik to! TT 0 .
,;;;::a;,,,,i ,, j vcnie i
It, ii I , iv :a , !.i:divn no di, ine ; !
!:;':;:t, iu;u-i-'i' tdib- tanees, is' !., ... , . . j
"-.!-!i -a- It,.-!., da lis ihaiithoj 1 lb'' 1 1 T 1 ( ' S E LlliC ol
I " ' fi-'ti -' UU h Us. v nre tiiireiiue, I
' '","" ' R m W l: M b PE H F B '
I ' '
iSl anier st.,yU M.hi nl Memdair.eo. VXW sht.Wll ill this eilv. I
. , it, a t he I ,, 'el.e rcoehed Men- i
'fei'rit-ritSI1 vnr soltH-tioi,
' 1 . I i' ; i I ( . i '. 1 1 lil .IV,
i '"' -tfttetiiei. The .
j iifit'iit afield wan the cajdain tmd '
8i ,ga .bo
im hi sieeic paid in... I25(mnn'
MiriiliisfuiHl Sm m I
i ..... '., . . '""""jw rocnees o.3T.00
l in e eertl iet,,8 ot deposit I !'(
tiiKliler'selieeksoutstjmdlng........ '15
J'!M:-" TSimm
..,.,. . . . , K,i,i, l onnty or Wasco, m:
(-.,..u-. ' BbANCHAR, Cashier.
w , 1, k J U,?Z , .""". " C Ali
, I'irecuirs.
!.. . T'T "lul M, on 10 teton ma this 18th
A. W. UNTHANK, Notary Publlst
For state of OrcKOa.
i-,!i2".n?.'n the '' by Mrs. J S. Lester a
lay's Morrn iwi,.ihi, .i..... H
foArntli?.TSXrVlnS 0wn"sl'"P ing
town. House, barn, mostly iu straw ber
ries anu tuner nuns, t'rice, $1450.
One gnat ranch 011 mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $250.
For Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm
owned by A. E. J.ake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
bei rie i in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several buyers to uro in to.
nether ami each secure a part. Must all
ue sunt at once, lernis hall or more cash.
Mrs. (lark's 1 acres on the bill f,,r
sale or rent ; house $10 a month, with
land $15; selling price $1,500; renter
niUHt take subject to pale.
4. ."20 acres of timber land ui. tlio falla
of llood Kiver. belontrinur to fim v.
Forsyth ; Kit) acres imod fruit landtlUnolr
8. KiO acres at W hite Snl
timber land; $10 an acre.
0. Tlie o-acre tilfiee in Prainior
borl.ood, known aa.tlifi tKn.uLw raf
mrrrfrvetl ; new buildings, etc.
ror r.aie. 40 acres near Mnnnt. HmiH
post oilice. (Jood IbiuI S7no oDi, qo
- - , . vv. knni.
days, only.
Five acres at Frankton: COtfnrre nnil
nctoand a half in cultivation. Creek
and water ower; $1,000.
.Noel: 1, Urkluirst addition to Hood
iiviT, all in cultivation; good house,
leantiful residence nronortv
$4,5u0 ; $ 1 .500 or more cash ; b,i'lni,
or before .'t years af 8 per cent.
l-ots 10, II. 12. bloek R. w
lition; improved: nnen tl.linn. u cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
no in lu res owned Uy 11. s. jjew js at
lielmont, lmiirove,! uitb l,n,i;...
( . I ...... uuitullIKO,
(arm iniiilenients. furniture. 0ti, .
$3,000; the bare plat, $2,500; 1,600
or more cash : balance nn t.imu n n
Small house and lotou ii ill to rent, $24
year; tw. vacant lots with nrl.di,.,..,
purchase $20 a year for the two.
ror Kent. One or two,.
store biiildintr to lease. Store linil.l irm
can also bo bought.
it X r;,,i ;!-f,0llr-"fths interest in the
M. U. heeler HiO
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of liront; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Exchange for Hood River
Property hue residence in business
center of Snmjiter.
For Sule-fiood farm with stock and
goats for sale or rent. Farming imple-
Fonnd Cuff button
Fotiad, ehlld's wool glove,
eier ottce.
Inquire at the Ola-
Inquire at Gla-
Sel lockat watcli eharm.
eter otlce.
Inquire at tila-
alhlSIl?nno"n,,,R, ,,,e Ann-
iffiilMh'rS.' Wl" b" """"
W. H Sli llta
F rst-class Surveying Outfit
tr. ,,l ii fcn'P0,mm are kept 2 first-class
,r f f, "ll solar "tachments, and the
p - p nelor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age. property m lots and blocks, and do-
i all kinds of surveying and platting.
1 rom and after this date, April 9 1903
he rates will be as follows: $10 a ay -
...iiners esianiistied for $5 a lot
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
jic'K ypn rrnLicATios.
I lib tic land sale-llsoluirt n.,,
Trtllled HlntPS t.llllil OIHi-o Tl, r,,, ' .
(ton, Junuary ii. 1,111-, v,r,. k ,V-
ll'Ktin pursuance of fnstruV M,,nVL?1?'
lias opened a
General Store at ODELLi
find will ktop on hand afirst
ol.iss stock of
,,. NMH.L.n . , ....
I.......- ' .?. ,'' ""-'e'yni tne Fanner-
W.fTl ?"-r'vr notice that lie will 1,
ftu nd atthe oflice of fleo.T. i'ratlier eve
tend to any bn-lnessot the irmiiimrT;
Janitor Work
VTK oone " rearomihl.. prices hv
Korteeta hn.i.v .... ...
Wat. (ta ,"i B I...1 "?. "'e ood Hiv
atiOBj will be considered where 1 ,m ? . . ',
c- Sherrleb. Pres. Kit.Chiirel,, s,.c
Estray Notice
'! r nuthoi jty
,:.;!, ,H itils.nn,,
I..-KH: I ue si..,, ol the
1 nt,iia imnii
.1 , , ...... I P.CI3. 1,110
n..,-.i ,., 01,1a sre in ... m.
in this otfife 011 or i,prre the
i,v :"iii:te,i 'or the emiiTi.p, .,
ise tht-ir rights will be lor-
i( the (ii-iipral Lund niB,
ye-.ied In him hv sectinnljis-,
revised statutes. a,,,n,,J. P..
iis.r.-ss,,,,(,r()y,.. K.liruary 2,1, Isiis.wa
ru.iuv snie ui tne h.nir
Viiu rinv nr i.'..i,r,,..
, thef.illowiiiit'tmct .if lan'dt
ol the tvU'u ,,f , .,.,,
raiiKelieastof Willitniette'
'.I., ir rliilii,
tiny ah v,,
' s ,1,1 Mil,,, oil
MK,,'AK'i.T. VOLAN.Re.lrt,,.
AN Nt, M. Lanu, Heiver.
r I
1 nei.i-r i.and Act, .lime 3, 187,1 1
r.. 1
i ll St-.tes I.nn.l tlftinn
, .iiiiv -j, ,.4,vot,.f.
' eiilil;.n,,,i,,,
( I .'in 1,
r" ft a '- -" t r.. 1. foils.
urocenes, Fiour and Feed eSSSTn
this ci(y.
YOl.WG, lrop.
Tho public is invited to call
.".nl inspect the stock. A
square deal for all.
Caaaai . .
Belongs ,0 K LoAi. " ' n!PP'
StockholdeTMetinr .
Meetlttralthe rtrA n . V
I and Boon, eompany will be he t.i , he ,', i '
2.'Ah 0teon Lumber eommnv 11 '
roruarjr i, at 7:.V p. m. ......... ..
. CnAS, T. KARJswretnr,
, Vigorite Powder
lam sttll Hern: for this hiow.i,.., , ,.
me or write for prices. "-a K"utr.
The Dalles, Ore.
is herchv .!.-....
Willi th nrnvluin... .'i ....
"1 Junes. 1S7S in ,.T.."i i"J
V '"-"""oiilHrh,,,,!, m thB Btoit's iif
. ; v.t. .l. ,,r,,,,, n, WhkI ngton'
1 in;, ,v e:.tend.-(l tn ii itlie l'uhli.. 1 J3
. ., 'i:o!i,;;.; A. WKIOHT
.. c nun No. t in t.iu'nchiM
show that tne hind maKrt i
t.,r,ttiII,h,rorston, than ft?
l).l,p,,SS. Hlld tOeSlMlllll, Kl.
"Hill tS'll.!,. Ihn ,,...
it; nt The IfailesoreKon
wilnessiw; James Chiiip Un.i.u
1 . nl..
V. fi.ri
.,..,1 I!
..1 tll.V',,,,.
"1 U ir.o. ojre
i'm: orin H nr.i....
on-ifon; Kotiert Wrisht, ot
".c .r,.PH, m H.,
t.'. iit.t isnris
s oinee on ,.r h.... .....j
w tf FKANK 8TAKTON, Hood Kiver.
... ... , ,,i,,pr, VM,
ociodli illuIAELiT.
f.N inhpr, vmh.