The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 19, 1905, Image 1

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    V ". :
Ill m
1 1 riMr a it i la
No. JG
Inuerl every 1 haraday bj
ART HUR D. MOB, PukHahar.
1 mm ol tuUexiriiton 1.60 ;hi wliau wail
'l 1 KTI K.
w itara-wmi tut Second and 'uri
irlniu-sof the month. Visitors eordiallj wal
!. F. 0. Baosiua, CouumUw.
Mies Nili.ii Cuiik, Seoretarv.
I nion So. H2. wiu In (Mil tallvwi' hall
Kcona ana lourm falunlny In each month,
J:utp o clock. B. L. Rood, 1'raslUant.
C. U. UaSis, Secretary.
meets la k. o( 1'.
C. U. Pain, Clerk.
I". No. 7.702. M. W. A.
llall every Wdntadajr
m. m. ntrnaLL, v. u
TJOOb LIVLR CAMP.No. 770, W. O. TV., meets
"i lir si and third lutBilay of each month
lu Odd reilow hall. A, c. blATa. C. C.
F. II. Ulauo, Clerk.
VYAUCOMA LODGE, So. 80, K. ef P.,
" in K. of P. llall every Tuesday nil
P , meet
every luesilay nlrht.
C. K
it. m. una, u. c.
HlCMMAN, K.of It. AS.
UOOD lllVEil CIIAl'lKR, No. 24, O. U.S.,
, 1 rvts ec iii.l and unmh lnelay even
inirso! each month. Vlritors cordially wel-
i,as. JUr.v B. Davidson, secretary.
Vi ooi'ci Qf i, most at K. of P. Halloa the
ursiauu mini i riuay ol eaeh month.
Iiki.kk fioitiox. Guardian Neighbor.
Nellie IIullhwell, t lerli.
f'ANIiY i Oi-T, No. 10,
G. A. R . niMti at A
of each inniiih at 2o'o!ork p. m. All o. A. k.
y. i1. t . nail. ROrnl',: anil Imiria ,fttnr,lawa
uiKsmmiin juvimu to mrr-i iviinui.
, I'- H f'AiLEY, Cemaiaudar,
T. J. CI'.smno, Adjutaic.
A Mi w . K. C, No. 16, meeta eeoond and
n unn .imurdayso! each month lu A. O. V
W. Hall at 2 . in.
Mns. AunA anoKMAEEE, Preident.
Mes. T. i. cunniko, Hocreiary.
priKN KNCA.MPMKST, No. 4, I. O. O. F.,
, Regular rneotln-g docond and fourth Mob-
uaya VI cn.-r, uoillll. A. J. liATCMBLL, C. P.
Beki f.M r.itAN, Scrlhe.
No. 107, I. O. O. r., meet
lu i r
i r
Ed. Mini, N. (t.
II. C. Smiib, Socretary,
mecu third Friday night of eaeh month.
- ., . . t ATaa, H. r.
D. JIcDonalb, Secretary.
42, Farentera of
na fourth Mon-
America, nieetn ftACnnri an
dam in each month in K. of P. Hall.
H.T. DE-ViTr.C,
F. C. Ehosu'S, Financial Secretary.
1. O. o. r., m'eetn first and third Fridays
In each mi-nth, Frahcu MeneE, N. 6).
THr.itK."K I Asr.iEa, Secretary.
A A M., meets Saturdav evening on or before
ea:h (ml union. I). McDonald, W. M.
K. B. Savaue, Secretary.
-y.L'i'A Af-MvJIBLY No. 103, I'niWd
seound sud lourth Wednesdavs, social; Arti
sans Lail. li. McboHALB, M. A.
B. il. iloCARTY, Scorelary.
n eeis l rsi am imrn iian.iH.
III MArk -
RIVER81CE I.ODOS No. M, A. 0. 0. W. .meets
llrgL and thiril Knmriiki-a rt'.ri Mnnk
K. R. Uraulkv. financier. W.
J. O. Hav.nes, Recorder.
B. BUCT1, W. M.
NO. 40, Degree of Hon-
if ys'lCr iriiPiJJ' J?c-et" rst and third Satur-
- Mrs. Li'certia ('rather, Financier
Meets at K. of P. hall nn the seoond and
fourth r-nday of each month.
Mi'.s. Kmma Johes, Oracle.
Mrs. Ella Dakin, Recorder.
WAI N" A TEMPLE, No. , Rathbone S aters,
mee.s every second and fourth Thurs
day ot each month.
Amanda Whitehead, M. B. 0.
Stella Riui.uiDhON, M. o( R. and C.
Has returned to Hood River and Is prepared
to do any work in the veterinary Hn. He can
be found by calling at or phoning to Clarke1!
drug a tore.
Olliee in Smith Huildlnst.
Olliee phone yiil. Itesldenee phone 1H13.
J. F. WATT, M. D.
Telephones: Ofllee, 2H1; residence, Slf.
KL'litSKON O. II. & N. to.
Physician and Surgeon.
Ofllceii li il il Residence In K. L. Kmltli Building
overr-irsi ni. lienk. i-;ni rnuce, rear
oi b.tnk, on Third Ht.
I'iionu 'ill.
11. L. DUMBLE,
PHYSICIAN .INI) Si:i((ii:0N.
Nm-ce.-Mir lo lir. M. b'. siiaw.
Culls promptly luiswen d In tow u or country,
I'uy oi igm.
Telephones: Residence, fill: Olliee, 013,
oillee over Wood llros.' (Jrooeiv.
Olliee In the Smith lluilding. Phone Ml.
Hpceinllst on Crown and IlrkUe Work.
Telepliiiues: olliee, sl; resilience, 91.
Olliee over Lank Uldg. . Hood Kiver, Ore,
Will l'mitiCL- lu All Courts.
Olliee wirli (ieo. I). Culbertson & Co.
luetloufi, AliairaeLs, Selllelneut ol Entutea.
For 5S years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has many years ezperlenee In
F.eal tftste matters, as abstractor, searcher of
titles a'.'d agenl. BaUsaotlon guaranteed or
no charge.
Abetracts Furnished. Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon.
p C. BR0SIC8, M. D.
Thone Central, or 111.
Office Honrs: 10 to U A. M.j I to 3
and o to 7 P. M.
1 he ppstornee Is oja dally betweea S a. M.
and 7 p. m.; Suaday from 13 to 1 e'eloek. Mafia
wr mfl ami eice ai liya a. aim p. at. aad
p m.i mr me ni at 3: . m. ana t . .
J he carrlert on R. F. D. rantat Ne. 1 aad Ka.
i leave the poatoffire at 1:10 dally. Mall Uayee
ort. nooa, aany al u:oo ai.) arriTM,
ie:jii a. tn ,
Fur Chenoweth, Wuk., at 7:10 a. ai. Taea-
aaya, i uunaayi ana Baturdayi; arrlyea i
eayi at S p. an.
For I nderwood, Wuh., at T:M a. m. Taee-
ya, murwiayiana BaiBrdayt; arrtyea
dave at 6 n. m.
For White Salmoa, Wuk., dally at 1:U , m
For Hood River dally at a. a. arrlyei at
For Hnenm, Trout Uka aad flnler. WaalL
dally at 7 : a. ra. ; arrlvm at 11 m.
ror iiienwooa, uumer and Fnlda, weak.
uotiy at cwam. arriyea ate p. a.
For Plneflat and Rnawann w..h . n
a. m. Tneadaya and Balardaya: arrival aaiia
dan. 10:8Ua. tn.
For lllnt'en, Wash.,
rives at I :i a. m.
dally at i-.U p.
i.l ar
Timber Land Act June 3, 187.
United Htntes Ijind Offlce. The Dallna. Oia.
(Con, Dec in, lW)4.-Notlce Is hereby given that
in compliance with the provisions of the acl
f conirreNH of June H. ihth. pnttn.H nan a rnr
ine auienr iimner lands In the stales of Call
ft)rnl, Oreifon, Nevada, and WashlnEUin
Tnrrltorv."tta extended to all ifaA Pni.iin i u..a
mmm uy ri-i. 01 August 4, lMliy,
or Hood Kiver, oounly of Wasco, stale ot
Oregon, has this diiy filed In this olrlce his
sworn statement No. 2-167, for the purchase of
the EkxKK. HKNKN of section No. 80.
nd 8WJ,NWVi ol Section Nunilpr 21,
hi iov, nrnip iso. s norm, rni;e No 9 K., W.M.,
andwlllofl'er proof UishowtlmtlhelandHonghl
Is more vuluatilc for Its timber or atone than
for auirlculturiil
to eslabllsh
his cln
Im to skI(1 lurid before (Jeorire T.
ortre T IVu
iner. Ijlilten Mutes oomrnlsKionpr at hit,
olliee at llood Kiver, Oregon, on the 4th day
nf Iui.aI. .
He names as witnesses: Hnrrh A. Moore.
James Moore, Charles J. Hayes, and Willlum
b. Rand, all of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above deserlbed lands are requested lo file
Liieir eini lis in in s oinee nn i hbh.a ,m
tin n;iy oi aniri-n, l!Sfi.
dW fJ3 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Tlmlier Land, Act June 8, 1S78.I
United States Land offlce Tha ripiinu n
boh, Nov. 21, 1904.Notlce Is hereby given that
Incompllunee with the provisions of the act
oi eoneress of June S. I7(i, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands In the ststes of Cali
fornia, Oregon. Nevada and Wiihlirl,.n Tor.
inwij, weimnu ui an uie public land
"mi V nul UI MIKUKl , lCtt4t
m aynoKa, county of Woods, territory of
y. ,..,,. urn,, in ,,,, .nines nii,n iea in llilsomec
his sworn stsiement Nn. Iik for iiio r,Mrn,uaS
of the and K'N WW of section No. an
i . r i. ' " "oriu, range wo.ii east W.M.
and will oiler proof to show that ih i.rt
sough! Is more valuable for Its timber or
"tone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish hi claim to said laud before (4en
I. I'rather, U. H. Commissioner at his office
in Hood Klver.OrcL'on.on tlmart Hav nf mu,..i,
l!i. '
He names as witnesse.- Aiv.hi f cMn.,i.
Hen L. Woolev and Albert u. i:mii
ofWnynoka, Oklahoma, Warren Miller,' Ed-
"er and lialph French, all of
Hood River, Oregon.
Any and al Dersons elfllmin .itvMi.
above described lands re requested to file
their claims In this olliee on or before the said
3d dnv of M.ireh.lliR
dL'Umcli'2 MICHAEL T. Nfnl.AW. i!i.ti.
Bids Wanted
wTTh.Vi MekS 6r i-inenTvim,-aiin irure.n mi
15 of ouk;U be delivered and piled tn the wixid
bouse on or lx?fore the Plh day of August 3906.
All olds to be in nerore January 14, iikk.
J 12
Collection Bureau
Collections promptly attended to.
EDWIN A. HENDERSON, 8peclal Agent.'
S. H. COX,
and Builders
Plakb and Estimates Furnished-.
Dealers -In Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard,
Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables.
The place to ret an easy share, aa p-te-dat
hair ent, and to enjoy thelnxnry ef ape real ala
balh tub.
Hn"ll 4 Rees, Props. Betwtea 1. I. Rand'e
ahd K. C. W rlftnt's. Itrletly rl daia. Batla
faction guaranteed.
25 yean' experience. Will for
nlRtii,nd epecfne.atinrn for all
kinds of buildings. Strictly op to daw.
Located at Hood RUer.
E. A. S0TJLE, ;
and Builder.
Plaiw and Estimates FrjTiKrBnrf)
Upon Appmcatioh. rll
Ertimatetfnrnlaried on aH kinds ef work
f)irno- Arnold. Main 83.
i nones. rr,iriok. m.i-"
Contractors -
and Builders
Hood River, Ore.
f. w. PRIBNOW,
enter & Builder
Ret .mntpf rti(erfiillv fnTiliihl. 1
rinn and Speriticatton furnifthed. " "
AH work promptly fni carefully atu-nded to,
Hood River, Ore.
& Builder.
Another Milesitone In the March of
PropresH for Hood River Tome
See the New Typesetter.
Last week the Glacier Installed a
late style Simplex Type Setter. The
addition of this new and expensive
machiurey la necessary to more fully
meet the requirements for publishing
a newspaper such as the enterprise and
progreBsiveness of this community de
mands. The largest possible amount
of news matter must be handled, and
hand composition Is becoming too
slow in this rushing age. With the
Simplex, we will not only be able
to handle a larger amount of news
but do it easier and better, hold ins I
the forms open later and gotting tho
oest or the news of Whe dav that
wnicn comes in late In the day.
We cordially Invite the readers of
this paper to call at the offlce any
tune during the dav and witness
the operation of the machine. Be
lieving our friends will be interested
in knowing something of this tine
piece of mechanism, we Dresent here
with a cut of the Simplex, and a de
scription which will enable any one
to understand its working.
ihe Dody of the Simplex consists
of two cylinders, one above and rota
ting on the other, having a common
axis. In both cylinders, extending
vertically their full length, are 90
parallel channels, those in the lower
cylindor forming the magazine into
which type distributes from the chan-
nels of the upper, and is stored for
resetting. The channels are slightly
wider than the body of the type which
the machine is made to set.
On the forward side of each channel
in the lower cylinder a series of steel
strips are inserted and project part
way across. They are called "wards",
as they perform the same functions
as the wards of a lock. The combina
tion of wards in each channol differs
from that in every other channol.
Each type character in a font is given
a combination of nicks corresponding
with the combination of wards in one
particular channel, and can enter this
channel only. The central ward ex-
ends the full length of the channel,
and is cut off just short enough to
permit one type to be pushed out at
the bottom when the key is touched.
The channels in the upper cylinder
have no wards, so that lines contain
ing all characters in the font will en
ter any channel in this cylinder free
ly. In each channel is a siloing
weight, the function of which is to
press liiihtly down on the line of
deatl type contained in tho channel,
so that when the pottom type comes
to its proper channel in the lower
cylindor it will drop quickly. These
weights are lifted up when the chan
nel is to be loaded, the lino of dead
type inserted into the channel and
the weights lowered again on top of
the line.
The channels in the upper cylin
der are filled with lines of dead type
and the cylinder is revolved step by
step, bringing each of its channels
in turn directly over each channel in
the lower cylinder. At each step or
movement of the distributer the bot
tom type of each line of dead type is
tested by the wards in the channels
of the cylinder. Every type with a
combination of nicks matching the
combinations of wards in the channel
over which it is brought drops down,
while those differing in combination
rests on the tops of the wards, they
in turn dropping when the cylinder
in its revolution brings them to their
own channels. As the distributer can
supply type much faster than operat
ors can set it up, it is not necessary
to keep it working all the time.
The mechanism by which all this is
accomplished is accurately made, and
is wonderfully simple in its construc
tion. When it is understood that each
of the 90 channels in the upper cyl
inder matches iwrfectly with each of
the channels of the lower cylindor,
this accuracy will be appreciated.
This in itself would not secure proper
distribution unless the upper cylinder
were moved positively at each step
to the point where the channels all
coincide as described, held there rig-
tho drop
limy liuv
This accuracy of movement is ol
tained by employing a cam to impart
the step-by-step movement to the re
volving. Ihe cam revolves on
shaft, the bearings of which are rigid
ly attached to tho crosKheHil of the
machine, which in turn is llnnlv at
tached to a main shaft extern! iiiK
'inrougn ootn cylinders, lotion i
unptirxou 10 uie cam inrottgn gtiars
extending back to a shaft on the
orosshcad driven by a belt or a motor.
The cam works against rolls having
Hearings on pins driven solidly int
the top of the cylinder. These rolls,
45 in number, form a circle about
four inches less in diameter than the
cylinder. As there are jtiHt half
many as mere are Channels, the cam
in each revolution gives the cylinder
two forward thrusts, moving it each
time a distance equalling the distance
between the channels. The rolls are
shaped to conform to the shape of
the cam; this insures the accurate
movement of the cylinder. Tho rolls
overcome friction, thus preventing
wear on uie cam, and nils, tho part of
we machine requiring greatest degree
or accuracy, will work for years with
out readjusting.
On a solid upright, fastened to the
top to the crosshoad, ami at t he low
er end to a ring attached to the hot
torn of tho lower cylinder, is a brack
et upon which is placed a galley of
dead type for distribution. The me
chanism for tho channels of tho di
tributlng cylinder with lines of dead
type from this galley is also attached
to the upright, and its shaft is con
nected by gears with the shaft of tin-
cam which movos the cylinder, so that
the two parts work in unison.
The working parts of tho londinu
mecnantsm consists of un arm. tic uat
ed by a cam, for lifting tlie weights
In the channels of the ilistrilititinc
cylinder: a plunger ror niishinu a sin
gle line of dead matter into tho chan
nel whou the weight U raised, which
plungor is operated by an arm con
nected with a sceond cum; and a
devise for making tho parts operate
whenever an empty channel comes
to tho loading point as the distribut
ing cylinder revolves. Theso parts
are all driven by a single shaft, on
which are two cams and the releasing
A galley of dead type lieing placed
on the bracket, with the face of the
type outward, tho distributer is start
ed, If the matter boing distributed
is leaded the leads are withdrawn by
the plunger as it roturns, and are
droppod into a receptacle below the
loader. The pawl being disengaged,
as before described, the vortical shaft
now rests until another empty chiui
nol presents itself to be loaded, The
column of dead matter is moved for
ward by a spring, bringing the next
line in the galley into position to be
loaded. All these movements are tier
formed during the interval between
each forward step of the cylinder.
They are made quietly, and without
strain upon the typo, each line lieing
separate from the column in the gal
ley before ixing carried into the
channel by tiro plunger.
The distributer is not delayed In
itio loading, but rotates at its normal
sjieed. if every channel in the dis
tribnting cylinder should be empty
when it is started, the loader would
fill all in three-quarters of a minute
In practice, however, there are gen
erally but a few lines to bo loaded in
each revolution of the cylindor. The
lower case letters and other characters
principally used are located in front
of the operator, and as they becomi
filled or emptied ho stops or starts
the distributor by moving a conven
lentiy located lever. When the galley
of dead type becomes empty, it is the
work of but a moment to take it off and
substitute a full one of either leaded or
solid matter.
The sorts in the different channel
distribute in about the proportion re
quired by the operator. This depends
somewhat upon the character of the
matter which is being set and dis
tributed; so provision is made for
aulckly removing from its channel
in tho lower cylinder any sorts which
distribute faster than required, or for)
replenishing the supply of sorts which
do not distribute rapidly enough,
tialleys ror containing a reserve sup
ply of sorts are kept iu a cabinet sent
with machine.
On the setting mechaninin is a key
board with ninety keys one for each
channel in the cylinder each key be
ing connected by levers and wires
with a small plunger at the I
ttom or
s particular cliaiinei. ihe front-
end of the plunger rests immediately
idly an instant to
ping of any type
found its channel.
behind the foot of the bottom type in
us cnaunei, and when a key is
uepressoa on the board, it corre
sponding plunger is moved forward
eanying one type out ahead of it.
Ihe keys work very lightly, and their
act ion is practically instantaneous.
W hen ejected by the plungers, as
described, the type is pushed upon
the Hat surface of the disc which en
eireles the bottom of tho channels
Ihe disc revolves rapidly, aud the
type ejected upon it are swiftly car
ried to the right hand side of the ma
chine, where a switch or guide de
llects the type off the disc and upon a
traveling flat belt, running parallel
w ith the edgo of the disc at this point,
by which the type is carried forward
to a point directly back of the key
board and somewhat above it. About
half way between where the type
leaves the disc aud the point to which
they are conveyed to the belt, is a
little devloe called the aeparator, con
sisting of two rolU revolving rapidly
in a direction opposite to the motion
of the belt. There is just distance
uiioiign uoiween the two rolls to per
lull. bllO JI-tH UHSSflun Or A SHU, a tnm.
IMI V - ----K-'Vl'"'
1.1 mo iMiuraior oiavs two tvlm ulii,.
passes between tho rolls, the other Is
iiem oacK until this elmmiel u elo,.
ttiieu it follows. Alter oasstnir tho
separators the type are imided. -t
n mm,, io wnat is caued tho packer
On entering the packer the type run
on i-aiii, ny wnicn they are lifted;
oner, bearing on a piece called the
nooh, wnicn is pressed forward by a
....... 1.. . .
iiiuk, noiiiH tne tvne iiirnt v u.ruinui
tho inner wall of the channel. A part
known as the hammer now pushes
against tne toot of the type aud car-
1 1 it lorward to nroner nrwiH.,,,
A no packer is caimhln of l.u,.,lli,,r.
i i , " "
iiiiinirHU LVlin Imr minute
ijpo succeed each other in the pack
er, lonniinr won is in u onof i, ,,,
ne, which extends
i no Keyboard, tho face of the type in
tins line being in view of the opera-
Wl .
-u mo lelt of the kovboard la Dm
jiisuiying mechanism, and the chan
nel through which tho Innir li nn imauiiii
1. ... i 1.1,. .1. A . . ?. .7 1 n
" L1"s, me iype in the line now
oeing on its feet. hen the long line
has been lllled. the operator, wlio i
scaiea on a chair, which is supported
by an arm attached to the liase of the
machine, suimrshis chair
uie leit, ami with a small instrument
known as the "grab." which h er.
ries in his left hand, separates from
the long lino enouirh nmtror tn ,,r.n.
tically fill a width of the column be
ing set. Between each word in the
lino a three-em space was played from
the keyboard. The operator increases
or reduces tho width of these spaces
enough to properly justify the lino,
reading the line as he does so and
correcting any errors which ho may
have made in sotting. It is thus pos
sible to produce matter remarkably
clean and froo from errors. Any er
rors which may be overlooked apjioar
in the proof uio corrected inst. in
h'l-iWvVlhW ,AMLvo t JliAUi. lyhLvU
lug mechanism is the fact that the
spaces and quads distribute directly
into boxes located within easy reach
when justifying. Those sorts return
to tho point where they are noeded
without handling or attention of the
operator. In justifying, it is not nec
essary to pay any attention to the
way spaces and quads) are put in, as
they will dslrihiite no matter which
end or which side around.
Having instilled the line the opera
tor touches a thumb lever located be
side the galley. The thumb lover re
leases a pawl which engages with a
ratchet on a rotating wheel under the
keyboard. In one revolution of the
wheel, the rule which stands behind
the type lino is drawn down below it
while a line pusher comes up in front
of the line and carries ft into the gal
ley, which rests on a support behind
t he rule. The pusher now roturns to
its position of rest, and the rule comes
buck into position roady to support
the succeeding line while being insti
lled, the whole movement of these
parts occupying but a moment.
J On top of the line pusher, which car
ries tho line of type into tho galley
as above described, is a receptacle for
leads, the mechanism is so arranged
that a supply of leads can quickly lie
inserted, and, being in full view, the
operator can toll when tho supply is
becoming exhausted and replenish it
without disturbing any other part of
the machine. If the matter being set
is to bo leaded, the ojiorator moves a
small thumb-nut to position and a
lead is delivered liehiud each line as
the lino pusher carries it into the
galley. If more than one lead is re-
u uired lietween the lines, the thumb
lever referred to before is held out
and tho pusher will continue to de
liver lends until the dosired number
has been delivered. If, however, the
matter is to be set solid, the thumb
nut is returned to its original posi
tion, an the line pusher will convey
the lines into the galley without de
livering any leads. This devise has
been found to lie a great convenience,
as tho operator is relieved from in
serting tho leads lietween tho lines by
hand, and tho output of the machine
is thus increased. When a galley has
been filled it is removed from tho
support by moving back the latch,
and an empty galley substituted the
typo of the galleys being all ready for
proving, etc., when removed from the
machine, without furthor lock-up or
other handling, licside the justitler,
aud w ithin easy reach, is a partition
ed shelf, for containing rules, dashes,
heads, etc. Every need of the opera
tor has been carefully studied and
means provided by which he can por
form his duties without incouveui
ence or loss of time.
All parts of the machine have been
designed in the most simple and sub
stantial form, particular attention
haing lxcn given to making them
accessible and interchangeable. Lti
plicntos or parts subject to wear aro
sent with machines, and can easily bo
substituted by the operator when
those on the machine are worn. The
averago compositor quickly learns tho
requirements of the machine and how
to meet them, and will soou attain
average speed in operating.
Mrs. II. M. Huxley and children.
accompanied by Mrs. D. Jackson, left
just before the storm last week for
California, where they will stieud the
w inter for the benefit of Mrs. Hux
ley's health. Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
, Ash accompanied them on the same
j train Tor Jos Angeles. Mrs. Huxley
i exeetB to visit at Sacramento.
Exposition Management Arranges for
It urea u of Aecomninilalion
at Portland.
Special to tho Glacier.
t)...i i i . ... .....
jiuiimiu, iau. ifti ntu quite re
cently one of the most perplexing
viuunnuuB 111 connection with tho gen
eral plan of tho Lewis and Clark ex
position was that of providing visit
ors with suitablo acconimodati
reasonable rates and preventiiur
tiou. This question has been solved
uy tne organization of a bureau
accommodation incorporated under
tne general laws of the state of Oregon.
a separate corporation from that of
tne Ijowis and Clark fa r but im,u
me supervision and control of tholat
While tins association nets t ,,!.
pendently of the fair corporation in
uio general management of its busi
ness is bound nevertheless under the
terms or a special contract to mnlrn
reasonable terms with nil visitors who
may ixwomo patrons of ho bureau and
oy every means in its power nrot..,.t
their intercuts during their sojourn
in the city of rortlnnd.
It has lieon the exporicii.'o nf niw
cities where great expositions hnv
oeen neid in the mist t int vluienu
nave been in hi up by t ho unsrriipu
lous landlords in spile of all Hint Us
poen uono to prevent it. The prima
ry purpose of this lmi-enn w ill ln f
oner rooms m tne better class of pri
..t i .i ... . " v"
vate iionms, convenient to car lines.
but it is in the field to provide
....1 ..11 I.I...I . a . , . V.
noti tui minis or resuecinii o mwt un i.
able accommodations, so that no nor.
son need visit Portland's
ana complain of any dert lection of
duty on tho part of the citi'soii in
tho matter of providing aeeomiuoda.
ous in Keeping with their needs.
The brueau will nink O rosel'eiit i ona
of whatever accommoilntioinis mm.
desired at any time before or after the
fair oiiens. A technical description
of rooms offered or reserved will lie
givon with prlco. Those contemplat
ing a visit to tho great western fair
ill do well to make their roservnl i
as fur ahead as possible oven into tho
fall of tho year. The bureau w ill main
tain a central ofllco with branch otllco-
lstributed about the city all in tlis
most convenient and acccssnblo locale
Among theso branches will 1 Ift nun lit
the Union railway station and another
at tho exposition grounds. Ihis or
ganization, which has the title of the
xpositlou Accommodation liiiroau,
...ill the lininlj or u, ,,,., ..f
are equally interested v. luiuio YaTT
management and the commercial in
terests of tho city not only in accord
ing fair treatment of its guests but in
extending a cordial welcome anil in
making them feel that Port hind's hos
pitality is worth tho trip across the
continent to enjoy.
Portland's street car lines aro as
good in equipment ami service as any
in tho United States today and very
numerous, and the bureau controls
rooms which can bo reached for a five
cent faro from the exposition grounds
or from any part of the city of Port
"The Hood Kiver apples exhibited
at the meeting of the State Horticul
tural society in Portland last week
loomed up like a mogul engine on a
lown grade in the tog, remarked h.
H. Shepard after his return from the
meeting. Tho apples were from the
orchard of K. B. Tucker, and were
Hydos King, Arkansas Black, Hpitz-
enliergs and Newtowns.
Tho horticultural meeting was well
attended by apple men from different
parts of tho stain. Among those from
Hood Kiver were r. 1'. I i lday, r.. IN.
Benson, Brock Bros., 1). H. Sears, K.
II. Shepard, A. 1. Ma-ton, K. L. Smith
and C. K. Marshall.
Tho resolutions adopted at the re
cent mass meeting of Hood Kiver ap
ple growers were pawed by tho soci
ety, among them the resolution call
ing for county inspectors. There was
a strong sentiment in favor of keeping
wormy apples off the markets.
The society extended an invitation
to the American Pomological society
to meet in Portland this summer. At
the same time there v. ill l) an extra
session of the Horticultural society,
the time for which is to be set by the
executive committee. At this meet
ing President J. K. Card well cxpectf
to have- tho best exhibit of Oregon
fruit ever shown in the state. On ac
count of the fair ho believes the Po
mological siK-lety will gladly choose
Portland for its annual convention.
James II, livid, of Miluuukio, an
nounced ho would present a bilver
cup to the exhibitor of the boi-t plate
of apples at tho next meeting of tho
The awards in the apple display
were made as follows: Hubbard. -.ton
and Kome Beauty, Jas. Cnrtrell, Oknn
ogan, B. C. ; Northern Spy, Monte
Vista and Baldwin, Ai-a lluladav. Sea
iioose; Arkansas Black mid Newton
Pippin, K. B. Tucker, llood Kiver
Spitzenberg, L. . Boyd, Hood Kiver.
Honorable mention was mado of the
apples and pears displuyod by Hon.
John Minto from trees grafted half a
century ago.
On motion of E. L. Smith, Dr. J.
It. Cardwell was re-elected president
of the society to serve his seventeenth
consecutive year, and Professor E. K.
Lake, secretary treasurer, to servo his
thirteenth year. Col. Harry Haynes,
of Forest Grove, was elected flivt vice
president and Jumes II. Beid, second
vice-president. Loyd Iieynolds, of
Marion ooutuy, was elected fifth luom
lior of the executive committee.
Wreck That Was No Joke.
The accident to the tteamer Dalles
City recalls to tho minds of the I eo-
j pie who were hero eight years ago,
the night of November 27 of that year
when tho same littlo steamer (at least
tho hull of tho same steamor) struck
a rock just ,this side of Sprague, al
most competely wrecking her.remarks
1 he Dalles Chronicle.
Thel night was otio of the roughest
known on tho river; it was snowing
hard and tho rivor was full of floating
ice. She left tho Cascades at 5 :30,
with Captains Johnson aud McNulty
both iu the pilot house. At 6:30 tho
blackness of tho night, wind aud ico
caused her to voer from her course
and stirke a rook, making a hole a
foot wide and eight feot long in hor
Two minutes aftor she struck she
had suuk in about seven foot of water.
Alio deck aft was under water about
a foot and cattle on board wore stand
ing iu six to ton inches of water.
At daylight Truman Butler, who
was purser, aud two of the crew, took
a small boat and went to Cascades for
help, when Day Bros. ' boat. Maria
was brought up aud took the passen
gers to Cascades.
The Dalles City was built in the fall
of 8!1. costing altoimt.hnr ul,.,f
LU,000. Atfer the accident her house
was put on a now hull. n,l ui, i,..
since done splendid service. She will
soon lie repaired and Howimr ih ou
ters of tho Columbia aj;ain.
Bill to Create Jc.T. r on County.
Bepresentative Biirgo; of Wasco
ntroducod bills in tho hnnm, i,.ut
week for tho amend nient. of 1)uiiUu
City charter and also to create the
county of Jefferson from
Crook and Wasco. Antelope is to lie
the county seat until UKKS, when tho
locaton is to lie dote miinnrl In. ....
election lu which tho successful town
must obtain a majority of the veto
'list. If no town reel ives a mui.iritr,
the two highest in tho election w ill
U voted out in ltX)8. Tho new county
is to lie in a representative and a ,.m.
atonal district with Wasco in the
Seventh judicial district with Wasco
Crook, Gilliam. Sherman
er. 1 he llrst county olflcers are to bo
chosen by the governor, serwotary of
slate, aud stale treasurer, but In BXsJ
and thereafter are to be elected by the
peoplo. Salaries are to lie tho same as
Vt heeler county. The law i
trospsss iu force in Wasco and (Vrmk
as to sheep and other animals are to
bo in force iu Jefferson. Tho indebt
edness of Wasco and Crook to be as
sumed by Jefferson is to bo deter
mined by the county judges of Wasco
and Crook and Max Lueddeman, of
CO 1.11 BUU.
lorlila People Pleased With Oregon.
W. O. Martin, writing tn tt, n,.i,.
.,, .... O ."V w 1.1,.
I la. ) Star, says :
Winter is hero again, and rublu.e
lots, rain coats aud snow ,.,
n demand. We aro haviuu rain nml
iow alternately, and mud all the
nio. But in most instances
ies and Cellars and wood ah.wiu
ell stocked. We have plenty of stock
cd under cover, so w ln mil ......
W- Mmmrf'rtfffrJW--Bmn
When Albert Gruhum came to Orogou
ho said that he wanted to see snow.
1 suppose that he is satisfied by this
time; if not, he will be before uext
spring. We have telephone connec
tions with tho city where he is aud
can say "hello" to him at any time,
when he is not too busy. He appears
to bo well pleased with this country.
Ah a mutter of fact, his business keeps
him so continually on tho jump that
ho appears to have no time to get
Tho Hood Kivor fruit growers won
two gold medals at the World's fair
at St. Louis; ono for apples and one
for cherries. Oregon won two grand
prizes; ono for a collective exlbit and
one to this county, Wasco county, for
a county exhibit.
Tho success attending the efforts of
tho apple growers during the last few
years has encouraged them to the ex
tent that a groat many now orchards
are being planted and old ones en
larged. Wili lUise Italics City.
II. C. Campbell, general manager of
tho Regulator line ot boats, has made
an inspection of the steamer Dalles
City, which ran on a rock above the
Cascade Locks and was beached near
Stevenson last Tuesday. Mr. Camp
bell thinks the vessel can be raised
with little difficulty. Hor freight
was taken to Portland.
"There was no excitement on
board when the vessel strck the rock. "
says Mr. Campbell, "When Captain
Hcammou saw she was leaking he
headed her for the shore, and many
of the passengers did not know any
thing was wrong until they were laud
ed. How large a hole was torn in her
hull will be impossbie to say until
the vessel has been raised. Hor
stern is pretty woll under water. "
Until another steamer can can
lie Secured to replace the Dalles City,
while undergoing repairs, the Regula
tor w ill look after tho business, mak
ing alternate trips.
Van Horn Will Have no Kraut.
Burt Van Horn, woll know n iu this
city, lost 70 tons of eablmgo by fire a
couple of weeks ago. The lire started
in the early hours of tho morning,
and but for the strenuous efforts of
neighbors other than of Mr. Van
Horn's cold storage plants would have
gono up in flames. Mr. Van Horn
was in Now York at the time.
The Niagara Falls Journal says:
"The lire burned until five o'clock iu
the morning. For miles around it
smellod as if very housewife wad
cooking cabliago for breakfast. No
Prlxe-Packed Fruit.
La Grande The Oregoninn Produce
company, of La Grande, has lxen
awarded first honors by a committee
of over f0 commission men and deal
ers iu San Francisco, for tho lst
packed fruit, competing with Colo
rado, California, Washington and
Idaho. A. A. Gust, manager of tho
company iu this city has just return
ed from San Francisco.
Every two years the county courts
of the counties of Umatilla, Gilliam,
Morrow, Wheeler, Sherman, Wasco,
and Crook, which compose tho second
Eastern Oregon agricultural society
appoint a commissioner for their vai -ions
counties to serve for the coming
twrcu-ra. Lost week Judge Lake ap
poiulol J, L. Kelly as commissioner
fur bsvsq county.
i i