s" rank jF i Cram ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE WISHES VOI' ONE AND ALL A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS W YEAR N We predict a great 1905 for Hood River. We will be here with the Goods in greater! s assortment than ever before. Yours truly, FRANK A. CRAM. EEEEKSEEKESE O. R. & N. TIME TABLE. Enit hound No. 2, Chlcasro Rpelal. 11:43 a. ra. No. 4, Hpokune Flyer, 8:38 p. m. No. 6, Mall and Express, 10:50 p. m. No. 2i, Way Freight, 12:10 p. in. No. -tL Kant Freight, 4:05 a. m. West bound No. 1, Portland Special, 3:03 p. m. No. Portland Flyer, 5:l a. in. No, 5, Mall and Express, 4:48 a. m. No. '23, Way Freight, (W5 a. m. No. 21, Fast Freight. 5:45 p. m. Hood River Weather Report, For week ending Tuesday, Dec. 'J7: Mean maximum, 41.2; mean minimum,.! 13; mean, 3ti.i tURhest temperature,-!!- Pee.tM: lowent, 28- night ot December :ifc Precipitation, .80. D. N. BYKHLEE, Local observer. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. School books at Coe & Son's. Orpingtons and Minorcas at Lewis'. Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic and keep off gray hairs. BOOTHS have moved to where Rand used to be. $1000 to loan on farm property. Apply to W. J. Baker. All watch, clock and jewelry work guaranteed. Clarke the jeweler. Twenty per cent off on men's gloves for a few days at 8. J. Frank's. A large stock to select from. For sale. Some of the finest lots on the hill, fronting the river. Also lots in Riverview park and lillewilil. see W. J. Baker. j Chocolate menier is absolutely pure, . J . 1 '1 . I.. J, .. r. ano guaranteed ueet imvuo. vac n v.u at Bone & McDonald's. A fine farm for sale in the Odell dis trict. Well improved. Sold at a bar gain if taken soon. W. J. Baker. W. J. Baker has some beautiful lots for sale near Chun. Clarke's residence on the bill. Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired at the lowest possible prices, Clarke the joweler. We invito the public to come in and get our meat prices. We are selling boiling meats at bed rock prices. Mayks Bros. Won't buy wall paper from sample book agents. Hunt can save you money and has the goods on hand. Souvenir spoon?, engraved with st raw berry, at Temple's. Call and see Strowbridges' new stock of wall paper, paints, oils, brushes, etc., ni'xt door to Mayes' meat market. Do your eyes fail you? Come in and pee C. H. Temple, the oculist, who is prepared to test and fit your eyes, and -has the largest stock of glasses ill the city. Just received direct from the factory a new line of cut glass, "The Ameri can," second to none manufactured in the United States. Call and be con vinced. Clarke, the jeweler. If your watch is out of order come and pee C. II. Temple, the watch maker, who will repair your watch, and save time, save money, and have your watch last many years more than it would if you go to soiiio one who hits not had the many years experience I have. j BOOTHS have moved where Rand used to be. j Thirteen acres near Valley Christian church, $45 an acre H taken )nick. W. J. Baker. I have a large stock on hand, in fact, the largest stock in town. Watches, the finest grade rings, the largest Btock, all at reduced prices. Come and see C. H. Temple for bargains in all lines. We are still selling our home made lard as cheap as other lard can be bought and we guarantee every bucket. Ids, $1.40; 5s, 70c; 3s, 45c. Mayks linos. I have the agency for the American cut glass. Call and inspect this line. Clarke, the jeweler. Mayes Bros.' meat market gives notice that all orders for morning delivery must be in by 10:45 o'clock. The after noon delivery will be taken off at 4:30. Mayks linos. If you buy an article of me, and I guarantee it, if it should be faulty, isn't it at least handier to return it to me than if you had to return it to Portland or Chicago to have it made good. Clarke, the jeweler. . Yon are cordially invited to inspect my line of cut glass, watches, clocks, jewelry aud silverware. Ask my prices. I believe that I can please you, aud know that I can sue you money. Clarke, the jeweler. Why should you go elsewhere to pur chase, when you can buy the same articles as cheap or cheaper at home. Call and get my prices. Clarke, the jeweler. For Wilbur's poultry and stock food go to Bone St McDonald's. KiO acre improved farm, under irriga tion, in Nebraska, for farm in Hood River or White Salmon. W. J. Baker. When you want a pleasant laxative lake Chamberlain's Stomach and l.iver Tablets. For sale at Williams pharma cy. I Temple, the Jeweler, ban moved into i the Smith building, opposite Williams' drug store. 50 acres on the East Side, 2! miles out. 10 acres in voting orchard. A snap. W. J.ISAKKR. Large stock of horse blankets and winter robes at S. J. Frank's. Cocoa menier and chocolate menier at Bone & McDonald's. Those fine jewelry boxes at O. II. Temple's would make a nice Christmas present. S. E. Bartmrss has a first class uphol sterer in his employ, and is prepared to do all kinds of repair work. Insure in an all home institution, The Oregon Fire Relief association of Mc Minnville. Frank J. Perkins, agent, I'. O. box !U, Hood River, Or. Read our Want ads. You will find what vim want in that colnton. Large stock of solid gold brooches be ing closed out at coat by C. H. Temple. Basket ball; gymnasium, Thursday evening good game. Best selection of rings ever brought to Hood River. Over 200 styles. C. H, Temple. Fine lockets, solid gold front and gold filled, being closed out at a great redac tion. C. H. Temple. Mantle clocks, with gold plated front, warranted not to tarnish, at C. H. Temple's. Large stock of silverware just received for Christmas trade. C. H. Temple. Iron tovs to suit the boys at Coe & Son's. I am prepared to save you money on your year's reading. Bring in a list of magazines you would like and let me L'ive vou a price on them. Geo. I. Blo- com. Monov to loan K. H. Hartwig. All Uiohii indebted to me must call and settle before January 1st. J. T. Holman. 20 PER CKXT KF.IU CTI0X on wall paper at Hunt's from Dec. 1 to January 1, to make room lor new goous. Sew Today. Clearance sale at Coe's. Toys and games at Coe & Son's. Twosinall houses for sale,V. J. Baker. Four houses for rent. W. J. Baker. House and two lots in Albany will trade tor Hood Kiver property. vt . Baker. Wl,,.i, u,,n ur to tlm nost office sten into Coe '& Son's at the old post office site and get mat stationery you nceu. A huge stock of lockets, watch chains, watches and silverware on nana, which I will sell at cost for the next two weeks. v,.u, iu 1 1,., tinin to ui't bargains. Everv- 1 ...... .1 u..i;ufat,.fv Vrnm 10 tiling J;IIU I ilW ICCV, nflUDimwi n - to 2U years guarantee on gold filled and solid gold goods. U. 11. icuipie. Married. Saturday evenine. Dec 24. 1004, A. A. Olenhurg and .Miss Mandie Wheeler, at the residence of the bride's parents, mt, and Mr. C S. Wheeler, orFrankton, Judge Xickeleen officiating. At. the rmraonaee in The Dalles, De- number 24. bv Rev. Walton Hkipworth, D. D. Dodson and Miss Ruby Chandler, both of Hood River. In Hood River. Sunday, December 25. Thomas R. Boston of The Dalles and Maude II. Parsons of -Hood River. license was granted Satur lav nii-f.t to Warren M.Cooper and i Kato Gnlihle?. both of Mount Hood, and j it is presumed the happy young couple were married Christmas day, although no a finou nee ment of the event nas I reached the newspaper otlice. Legg'ins Are mighty comfortable the these cold days, for men, boys, women, children aud balnea. Little Prices. Glcvea. We think the lame assortment we have is w hat sells to many gloves for us, and then the good wearing qualities, and Little Prices. Mittens. Black knit wool, for little folks and big folks. They will keep your bands warm for little money. 8c to 20c per pair. Fascinators And Shawls. Pretty head and shoulder wraps. So nice to wear ttiete cool evenings. Little Prices. Outing Flannel New lot of pretty stripe and solid lot patterns, good quality. luc per yaru. Crash Toweling Brown linen makes Hie best roller towels; wears and washes well. 15c per yard. Blue and White China Some of the prettiest ware you pver h:.w. Tea nots. bread and but- same time to express our appreciation i ter ,,iu.pHi cu,,a and saucers, tea seta, , ., , .i . , etc. Little Prices. of the generous patronage that lias I 1904-5. j We wish you all a happy and prof,- j perous New Year, and wish at the; Sheet Music And Music Books. We ktep right up to date in this line. "Tet-sie" and "I've Got a Feelin' for You," now in. All music at less (ban pub lishers' prices. come to us dol ing the ytar past. It is our ambitiin to make the con -ing year t.iow a marked improvimeiit in this establishment, and if rustling and bard work u ill do it, we will have a store that will be a convenience and a pride to every ptrsoti in the lloi d River valley. KicKel-Plated Ware That is g-MiUel and not high priced. Lamps, Tea Kettles, Trays, Soap D slies, etc. Wooden Ware Tubs, Wash Boards, Mop Sticks, Chopping Bowls, Lemon Squeezers, Butter Moulds, Faucets, Handles, Chair Seats, etc. -Utile Prices. , GET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT The Big Store with Little Prices Georee Stranahan has recovered from his accident, and ia around once more. John and Laura Bokes.oi Amity .Ore., spent Christmas with Walter Fike and family. Rev. Spight and family went to The Saturday to spend Christmas with Mrs. Spigot's parents. Mrs. P. Henieral and daughter Sadie are visiting friends in Portland, where they expect to be lor a month or more. A. W. Onthank states that he had green peas and lima beans for Christ mas dinner picked trom ms garden on that day. Ralnh Button, a sophomore, at the University of California, is speudinc his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Button. The ladiea' aid society of the Congre gational church will hold a business meeting Friday afternoon at the resi dence of Mrs. George P. Crowell. H. A. Dyke, special agent of the Des Moines Life Insurance Co., was up from Portland Friday on business and also visited A. D. Moe and family. Irene Snroat. daughter of Chas. Sproat, came up from Corvallis for the holidays. Miss Sproat is taking a mus ical course at the Corvallis college. There will be s dance at the Mt. Hood Hall Friday evenimr. Dec. 30. civen bv Cooper and Knox. Everybody invited. Good music and good order will be maintained. Herbert M. Vannier is building a fine residence on bis portion of the Board man property, which was recently pur chased by hiin and Jes. O. Mark. Mr. Mark will occupy the tioardman resi dence. G. D. Woodworth sold Lot No. 6 of his Sunnyside farm consisting of five acres to James Abbot of Y apuutia, last week : consideration f 200 per acre with out water rent. A good bargain for all concerned. John II. Belleville is erecting a nice residence on the old Chamberlain place on the West side, which he recently purchased. He is improving the place, all around, and will have the major part of it set to apples next spring. If vou have anything to sell adver tise it in the Glacier. II. W. Wait, of tbe Farmers' Feed store, received an order last week from a man in Grand Rapids. Mich., who wanted two of the Hood River fruit ladders advertised in the Glacier. W. II. Orendorff.who left for Portland last week to be treated for tapeworm, writes that the physician discovered he had no tapeworm but was being eaten up alive by small intestinal worms. Proper medicine and treatment will bring him around alright. G. D. Boardman, writes from Los Gatos, Cal., that flowers and roses are in full bloom and the sun is bright and warm as summer. "Still", he contin- "tliis country has no charms for me. I ell Hood Kiver people to stay with their apples. They are all right" Following are the new officers of Idle- wilde lodge No. 107, 1. O. O. r ., elected for the ensuing year: W. Ganger, N.U ; II. C. Coe, V. 0. ; II. C. Smith, secre tary; Clarence Shaw, recording secre tary; J. M. Wood, treasurer. Installa tion of the new officers will take place, Thursday evening, January S. Dr. Watt returned Friday from Twin Falls, Idaho, where he Bpent a few days looking over that country. Dr. Watt says that about all the land under ditch, amounting to 70,000 acres has been sold, and nearly half as much more out side of the ditch district now being completed. Thousands of settlers Irom the Fast are flocking In. A. Hophold presented this office with a few Yellow Newtown apples this week, grown on Sherman county sou and w ith out water, they are beauties, and as Mr. Hophold has apple tor sale, don t fail to give him a call. 1 he apples are equal to the best Hood River apples in every respect. Wasco News. Pete llemmerel is the new devil in the Glacier otlice. The late incumbent Horatio Wood, is edging along toward the mark of a good compositor, and lias been promoted to the position of cx devil, while his predecessor has been relegated to that position ot Innocuous desuetude (?) generally known coiitinon print. Verily the Glacier "do move." The lady's jacket advertised as lost near Odell on the night of December 3, has been found and is in possession of the blacksmith at the Parker town mill. the owner whoever she may be, can probably get it by calling there. More evidence of the efficacy of Glacier adlets But when you advertise for anything, sign your name to it. 1 he Glacier peo. pie have enough to tnink ot besides the names of all its advertisers. Bargain counter inducements in the marriage license business will soon be a thing of the past in Oregon if the legis lature continues to get in its work. At its last session a raise In the price was made, whereby the passports to "glory" were made to tax the henedict 3. I his year it is said a hill will be introduced increasing it to $5 per. It was at least considerate to allow leap - year to pass before the raise was suggested. Dalles Chronicle. J. J. Turner expects to leave the lat ter part of the week for Idaho, where he has purchased a w,wju truit farm, 30 miles this side of Lewiston, The farm contains 110 acres all set to fruit. Fifty one acres are. in peaches, and the balance n pears, prunes and other fruits. Last season, the former owner, Mr. omeld, cleared above all expenses, $3,000. Mr. Turner's daughter is located at Granite- ville, Idaho, and her father reports that she is gaining in strength every day. The Lewis and Clark centennial sou venir spoon has made its appearance. and is as handsome a work in moulding as the eve ever meets. It was originat ed and is distributed by the women of Sacaiawea society. Tbe principal en graving is a reproduction of the statue of the Indian heroine in the bowl, but along the handle there are excellant rep resentations of .Multnomah falls, the Lewis monument and portraits of the northwestern explorers. The back showing tbe state seal of Oregon, view of Mt. bt. Helens, two big pine trees and a characteristic salmon. The spoon is bronze in color and will be beautilul ornament in thousands ot American homes. Tbe pi ice Is 75 cents A copy of the brief in the Williams murder case, which was filed in the su preme court a few days ago, has been received at the office of Prosecuting At torney Jlenciee. it is rather a unique affair, and would tend to give one the impression that the defense was indeed "up against it." Less than four pages, including the title page, is devoted to the statement of the case and points and authorities, the remaining thirty four being devoted to paper on cor pus delicti, read at the annual state at torney's convention at De Kalb, 111., last July. Evidently McGinn has aban doned all propositions on the appeal ex cept that evidence introduced by the state was not sutficent to support the vercict of guilty. I he prosecution will now be allowed twenty days in which to file the state's brief and Mr. Menefee is work'Ag hard in order to have it in by that tune and not delay proceedings. In ten days after that the reply brief is to be filed, when the time for hearing by the supreme court will be set. Chronicle. A uew discovery for all coughs.colds croup.wboopiog cough, etc. is Kennedys Laxative llouey and Tar. It cuts the phlegm, draws out the inflammation, cures all coughs, strengthens the lungs and bronchial tubes and assists in ex pelling a cold from the system by gen tly moving tbe bowels. Pleasant to take and contains no opiates. It is the children's friend. Sold by Williams. Water and Light Notice All water and" light bills must be paid at tbe company's office each month in advance, on or before the 10th day of the mouth. No collector will be sent out hereafter. In all cases w here bills are not promptly paid when due, tbe ser vices will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. HOOD R1VF.R F.LF.CT RIC L. P. & W. C. By II. L. Vorse, Manager. ' Will Star In Hood liiver. Tbe remedy that makes vou eat. sleep and grow strong, called Palmo Tablets, will be sold regularly by Williams Pharmacy, Hood River. These great nerve and constitution builders cost only 50c per box, six boxes 2.60. Watch tbo label on the Glacier, it tells when your subscription's due. Clearance Sale of Seasonable Goods that you need right X10W. BIG REDUCTIONS in Mittens of all sizes. Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's .Jersey Leggings and Overgaiters. A few fine "Wool and Silk Shawls left that are you ra at cost. Silk Velvet Slippers price cut to close out. Rig stock of Men's Leggings reduced. Many other necessities for the winter season that you need, and may have at cost, at J. E. RAND'S STORE C ur Annual learance Sale Will.start on January 2d. Every article in our Dry Goods and Clothing Department will be reduced. We have here a high-grade stock of General Merchandise for your choosing at Manufacturers' Prices. This will consist of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silks, Linens, Domestics, Flannels, Silk and Wool Waists, Tailored Suits, Coats, Cravenettes, Men's and Boys' Suits, Shoes and Slippers Cut Glass, Crockery And all of our Undennuslins, consisting of Petticoats, Night Gowns, Corset Covers, Chemise and Drawers. This sale will be as represented, and nothing will be spared to make it a satisfactory one. Free Delivery. Ilemeinber the date January 2. Phono 581. C. H. Stranahan spent Christmas in Portland, returning Monday morning. Miss Benson spent tbe holidays with her parents at bur home in Cascade lcks. Miss Mary Mathews spent the Christ inas holidays visiting at her home in Portland. Miss Ruth Rigby, of Hood River, is visiting the family of ('has. Wetherell at Carson. Stevenson Pioneer. Percy Adams is home from the Ore gon agricultural college at Corvallis, wearing the unilorii of a lieutenant. Miss Kdna Groves left last Friday afternoon for her home at Corvailis, where she spent the Christinas vacation with tier mother. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nuwby expect to leave in a day or two for a visit of two or three months with Mr. ewby s father, at Spiceland, Ind. Mr. Newby ins not been home for 14 years. With no published announcement "f the closing4 of the stores on mori day, a nnmber of countiy people who came to the city that day were disappointed in not being able to do their trading. Kden Encampment,No. 48,1.0.0. F., at its regular meeting Monday evening elected the following officers for the coming year: L. K. Morse, C. P.; K. S. Mayes, II. l'.; 11. u. uook, n. w.; 11. it. Kntrican, scriln;; George -Humphrey, treasurer; Kobert l'arrott, J. w. Some one once told an Indian that feathers were nice to sleep upon. He izot one and tried it. "I'gh" be said, " lute man dBm-h"'.o-liar. ho it is with the merchan' 'ho tries one little advertisement and does not get his store crowded the first day. One little feath er will not make a soft bed, neither will one little advertisement as a rule, bring everlasting prosperity. Keeping everlasting at it brings success. Waucoma ledge, No. 30, Knights of Pythias, havo elected the following corps of officers for the year 1005: V. C. Itrock, C. ; Frank Quinn, V. C. ; VV. W. Pickett, K. of R. and S. j Will Isenlajrg, M. of F ; Will Sheets, M. of K. ; T. Johnson, prellet ; Harry Mercer, master- at-arms; Dr. C. H. Jenkins, master-of-work; John Gerdes, inner guard ; John Leland Henderson, C. K. Markliam, Dr. C. H. Jenkins, trustees. Railroaders say -that owing to the ab sence of rain and snow on the Blue mountains the past three months, water is very Jow in all the streams and the O. K.4N. experiences much difficulty in keeping a supply at the different tanks for the use of locomtives. The tanks at Huron, Kamc4a and Meacham have only a part of a supply, while the. tem porary tank four miles east of North Fork is yet maintained. Ordinandi- this tank is abandoned in October, but is greatly needed this season, and will probably re main in service all winter. Chronicle. S. D. Fisher of Mosier was a Hood River visitor last Thursday. L. N. Blowers and family, of Portland spent ( hrisimas with Mayor Blowers andlamily. Laraway & Cooper are clearing up 25 acres on their Last side property, aud will have it set to apples next spring. Miss H. A. Merrill and Master Ewdin F.llison Merrill, of Portland, are iiuests at the Jewett cottage, While Salmon. R.J. Mclsaac of Portland, who owns large apple orchard in the Mount Hood district, was up from Portland during the week. Miss Nan Cooper, principal of the Mount Hood school, left Monday for Portland, where she spent part of her lofiday vacation. Mrs. D. I). McClure came up from Portland, Saturday night, anil the next morning crossed the Columbia to her farm at White Salmon. If yon have a house or rooms to rent ; if you want competent help, or desire a better position, an add in the Ulacler w ill do the work. It only costs you 25c; try one for that small sum. Five thous and people read the Glacier each week. If you have an add there the people read it. At the annnual election of officers of the valley Christian Sunday school the the following persons were named: Sup erintendent, K. K. Regestcr; assistant, Miss Carry Byerlee ; secretary and treas urer. Miss Stella Brown; librarian, Zed Bridges; chorister, A. B Cash; orgrnist, Miss Rule. All are extended a cordial invitation to att:nd the ses sions of the school during the coining year and all those who are not already members of some school are earnestly re quested to attend next Sunday. K. K. ItegeBter, Superintendent. Machinery for the Hood River Hour mill is here and is being installed this week. Some of the machinery comes ; direct from the iron foundries in Indi ana. A large bolter is of the latest I improved pattern, and is the newest j and best piece of mill machinery of its kind in the state ot Oregon. 1 his will reputation of making. Mr. Aplin hopes to be grinding in a few weeks. St. Marks gild will meet at the house of Mrs. C. T. Karly, Wednesday afternoon, January 4. A full attendance desired. The annual business meeting of Riv erside Congregational church will be held at the church Saturday, December 81, at 10 a.m. Members urgently re quested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Moses entertained the following persons at a Christmas dinner: Mrs. H. M. Caswell of Wood burn, Or., who is an aunt of Mrs. Moses; also, B. F. Moses and wife and S. 11. Kgbert. Rev. Troy Shelley, under date of De cember 21, reports the safe arrival of himself and Mr, Young's party at Santa Barbara. All are well. Hadie stood tbe trip nicely. Mrs. Young's health is improved. Mr. Shelley says the half has not been told. It is paradise. Following are the new officers of the court of Hood River No. 42, Foresters of America: G. E. Songer, O. R.; 8. W. Arnold, assistant chief ranger; 11. J. Frederick, treasurer; F. C. Brosius, financial secretary; G. E. Williams, recording secretary. J. A. Shillock and F. M. Buechtel, eye specialists of Portland will return to Hood River for two days, January 3 and 4. OJlice at Hotel Waucoma. We in vite our many patients to call and see us while at Hood River so we can make any changes in your lenses which may be required. In the office of the Mount Hood hotel is a water color copy of the handsome Ihx label Mr. Van Horn uses on the boxes of big red SpiUen bergs sent to New York by the Hood River Fruit company. The work of Miss Irene May Wells a niece of Mr. Talor, of Independence, Iowa, who has been spending the winter in Hood River. The picture is very pretty. Sot Jiecessary to Steal Apples. Oscar Vanderbilt requests the Glacier to announce that if the parties who are stealing apples out of his apple house will ask for them, they can have them free. Mr. Vanderbilt much prefers to give them away than to have them stolen. Dancing Begins at 8 O'clock. The dancing at the opera house Bat- enable the Hood River Milling company ' nrday evening will begin promptly at S to turn out a first-class grade of Hour, o'clock. Nearly all the tickets have Several of manager Aplin's former j been sold, but if you haven't donatt d customers in Portland are anxiously in- H to the firemen's benefit fund, you vet quiring when thev can exect lo get have ample time to help the boys. The flour from hiin. They are anxious to get dance promise" to be one of the swllest some more of the good flour ho has the , affairs in social circles of the teason. I