The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 29, 1904, Image 6

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U. S. Commissioner.
Notary Public.
in fu
I nip . J L-
r 1 rj Cr j It Y il 7r i
if . '
'-V I
iver. uregon.
The Old and Reliable and Up-to-date Real Estate Agent. 25 years a Resident of the City and
Valley. 20 years in Real Estate and Insurance in town. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate
come and see me. ,
1. G-room house and over an acre of land. Most
sightly location in town. About 40 fruit
trees and other fruit. Easy terms. Only $1500
2. Lot 60 x 135, good location and fine view 260
3. One and one-half lots on State Street, fenced,
sidewalk and fruit trees 650
4. G fine lots on the hill, very fine view 1100
5. A good building lot in Barrett-Sipma Addi
tion 200
G. Good house and 80 x 100-foot lot, oast of the
stores on the hill... 1000
7. Lot 90 x 190 in Stranahan's Addition 350
8. 8-roora House with all the improvements, in
Coo's Addition .' 1200
9. Small house and good lot in Blowers' Addi
tion 800
10. House and lot and good barn in good sightly
location .'. ; 1250
11. A good business corner on Oak Street, 75 x
100 feet. Three good bindings on the prop
erty 6000
Also the exclusive sale of lots in Riverview Park and
Idlewild Additions.
1. 25 acres 5 miles from town on the East Side;
good apple land, about 3 acres cleared and
40 fruit trees set. A house, one-half mile from
school, on II. F. D. route
2. 5 acres 2 miles from town on West Side. All
. in cultivation; 2 acres in strawberries; a few
fruit trees; a 4-room house; small barn; close
to church. Easy terms
3. 20 acres of good apple land, unimproved, 12
miles from town .
4. 40 acres 6 miles from town, 37 acres in cult i-
- vation, 4 acres in strawberries, 400 apple
- trees of best varieties and in fine condition,
several acres in Alfalfa and clover; all good
land, one-half mile from school and with one
of the best views in the valley. Good terms.. 6000
5. 10 acres of unimproved land 6 miles from
town, level and easily irrigated; will grow any
kind of crops; close to school and irrigating
ditch 1100
G. 20 acres of unimproved land 6 miles from
town, level and easily irrigated; will grow any
kind of crops; close to school and church 1800
7V 5 acres one mile from town, all cleared, fine
berry or grass land 1100
8. 80 acres six miles from town on West Side; 4
acres in bearing orchard; creek runs through
the place; fine for fruit or grass; good 4-room
house 3500
9. Harry Brown place of 5 acres; 4 acres in
strawberries; horse, wagon, harness, farm
tools and a 4-inch water right go with the
place:.. '. .. : 1500
Tbe yule tide has again flowed In.
Tbe yule block bag again been put on
tbe fire. Christmas, wltb all tbat It
meaui to tbe little onus, has again
passed Into history. The story of the
babe oradled lu the manger, as record
ed by Luke. 2d chapter, has beou read.
The thrilling story of the shepherds
who were Keeping watch over their
flocks by nluht, conies to us older ones
with a touch of pathos and sweetness
that should soften even those of uh who
are traveling the thorny road of sin
On this sacred day, like the "multitude
of tbe heavenly host praising (lod and
and ou earth peace, good will toward
Dion," should we too look forward to
tbe time wbeu .the realization of this
beautiful picture shall leave lis Impress
upon tne mouern woriu. remaps it
will come wltb the dawn or the mil
Tbe Christmas exercises conducted
by tbe school In the new building
across the way was a creditable affair.
A special feature of the program wuh a
recitation by Miss Nettle Kemp, wlio
arrived from Portland on Hat unlay for
week at borne ana with mends here.
Nettle was at ber best and brought the
house down and was compelled to ro
apoud to an encore. Nettie's friends
always greet her kindly and enthuse
stically. Tbe last feature of the pro
gramme was tbe distribution of pres
ents, and the children went home
The question of knifing the bo tin
daries of the school district is now on
and will be settled by the boundary
board, which convenes on the 4th of
Jauuary, This Is a question which
materially affects the future of our dis
trict ana one tuat tne Doutuiary tioara
should be thoroughly informed upon
before settling.
At a special school meeting called
for 3 p. m. Monday, Jauuary H, this
Suestion, together with other ques
ons affecting the interests of the dis
trict, will be discussed, and It is the
wish of tbe school directors and the
general Interest of the district that a
full attendance at this meeting be had.
Odell has as good a school this year
as there la In ilood River valley, and
we should see to It that the directors
are aided In every laudable manner to
perpetuate the school upon its present
hauls. To do this, taxes must be levied.
At the school meeting last week a 15
mill tax was voted. This may seem
extravagant to some, but when we
consider the benefits accruing from a
gooa scnooi, it is tne only sensible view
to take of tbe case, lly all means, let's
stand by tbe directors in giving to I lie
community a school that we are justly
proud of.
Otto and William Ehrck jr. returned
last Friday from quite an extended
visit to Portland. The buys started
with tbe intention of going to Sun
Francisco but changed their minds and
returned. Their friends welcomed their
At the close of the year the Little
White Store desires to extend their sin
cere thanks to their friends who have
o liberally patronized them. For more
than two years we have, by painstak
ing effort, been trying to place the
business upon a respectable and paying
basis. Tbe record of tbe sales is satis
factory, and the best evidence of the
manner In which the business has been
At this point we desire to dispel anv
rumor tbat may be afloat to the effect
that the Little White Store is going out
of business. There Is no thought on
the part of the management of this
xina, ana we would protutbiy know
something about It If such was tbe
Tbe business has passed the experi
mental stage, ana we expect it to grow
with Uie country and shall try to In
crease the slock Willi the increased de
mand. Thanking you again, cordially
for your patronage, and wishing all our
friends a nrosneroim new veur. we are
yours for the upbuilding of Hood Hlver
valley in general anil Udell lu partic
It bus been suggested that a mass
meeting be culled lo discuss the good
roads question. Asan advocate of such
a measure I would suggest that we
take the matter up and sod ir we can
not collie to some understanding where
by a united effort could be made.
When the people of the district are
sufficiently Interested, to Hils good re
sults will follow. Let the good work
commence and continue until we have
what we should have lu the way ol
J. S. Tousy is up from Portland on
his holiday vacation and will put In
the time shooting stump off Iho land
he is clearing. Mr. Tousey is showing
commendable enterprise In crowding
the work of development of his inoun
tain home. The mountain home has a
double attraction. It Is ideal apple
laud, while the scenic effects appeal to
the romantic side of life. From these
hillsides and mountain homes will lu a
few years be heard the horn of plenty
We forgot the county division ques'
tlon last week, but desire to say now
that we are uncnm promisingly in favor
oi a county or our own. the question
of taxation cuts little oi no figure.
Sherman county Is a titling tlliiHtne
tlon. They built cheaply. So could
we. A good, safe vault would be thu
principal featuie. Hut in a few years
it would require a large one to hold the
revenue obtained from the produsts of
our rapidly developing valley. Mature
made a dividing line between us and
the eastern portion of our I a rue county.
and all that Is necessary is to have It
rati lied by t he legislature. Of course
this would meet with opposition fiom
The Italics people. Self-preservation Is
the first law of nature and has never
been repealed.
There Is no victory without a strug
gle. The people of Hood River valley
are able to care for themselves and
could maintain a new county ou an
economical plan without any material
increase in taxation, liy all means let
the effort he made, for "it is better to
have tried and tailed than never to
have tried at all."
Mr. and Mrs. Hoswell Shelley extend
a cordial invitation to their friends to
attend a watch meeting In their rooms
over the warehouse on Saturday night,
December 81, to watch the passing of
the old year and ushering in of the
new year. This will be a good oppor
tunity to write resolutions for the fu
ture, ltut perhaps It's best to write
them ou your cutis, so they will wash
The holiday festival which was men
tioned last week wa held in the ware
house of the Little While Stole. It was
well patronized and proved a social and
llnancial success. Much credit is due
lo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nell for their
untiring eneig.y in making it a success.
especially so when it was entirely nil
selfish on their part. Their sole object
being, as mey express It, to unify sen
timent and better the community.
Mr. Johnson, son of W. V. Johnson,
will soon begin the erection of a com
fortable residence nil his LHl-acre tract
near the Watt orchard and will move
his family tlure.
The dog poisoner is again in evidence.
Recently, a valuable hound belonging
to O. It Hartley, and in t he possession
of Odell brothers, was dragged from
under the stable of Shelley & Son to
fill an unmarked grave, lieller come
out in the open and punish your en
emies rather than indict it upon an in
nocent doff. This hound was poiirM.
ered valuable, costing j-Ja.
Mr. Smith, brother of Ian, will soon
move into the Johu Tucker house,
which was vacated by tbe removal of
tbe Cushman family Into the Dronertv
of B. T. Younir.
Mr. Laff'erty and family of Mount
Hood spent Christmas at the home of
his father, George W. Lafferty of Odell.
Dale, the Utile grandson of the writer,
was the happy recipient of a bran new
express wagon, Christmas. He also
bus rubber boots and, like tbe boy in
Kugeue Field's poem, "Is Jes as good as
he can be at Christmas time." Dale Is
the owner of tbe first express wagon In
Odell, and he will probably advertise
free delivery soon.
L. D. lloyed appeared to be the fa
vored married uian at the Christmas
tree entertainment, for he got a silk
umbrella that looks almost too nice to
use. He will also be good.
. The Oregon grape Is easily the nicest
winter decoration the forests afford, It
was In evidence on Christmas. Nature
puts a varnish on it that glistens under
the rays of the coal oil arc lights of
Odell. The Christmas decorations were
19O4-10U5. As this Is our lust corre
spondence before the new year Is ush
ered in, the Uockford Store takes pleas
ure at this time lu expressing thanks
to all for their lilieral patronage during
the past year. We have received our
full share In the volume of business
throughout the Barrett and surround
ing districts, for which we are grateful.
In 1!K)! we expect to do a larger busi
ness, therefore we are preparing to
cater to your wants. We Increase our
slock most every day. Our stock Is
new and ui to date. Our object is to
furnish gisid goods at little money; or,
small profits and quick returns. To
one and all we wish a happy New
lear. itockford Store, neur Barrett
school house.
The Dunn brothers have contracted
with I. F, lleleme to grub and clear up
his land lately purchased from F. C.
Sherrieb. We can say that the Dunn
brothers do good work aud do it quick,
Ferdinand I). Labbe, who has been
at school lu Portland, is home to speud
the holidays with his pareuts.
It Is evident that F. W. Amrus is in
dead earnest about getting his land
cleared, as he has a force of white men
and two Japs grubbiug and cleaning
up ins mini, rtoiuing li Ke improve
ments. F. W. Is one of our progressive
farmers In tbe Barrett district.
Mis. J. II. Shoemaker returned home
on ihuraday from Portland after a
short visit.
Miss Blanche Howe of Hood Kiver Is
attending the Barrett school and stay
ing with her Uramhua Ingalls.
F. C. Sherrieb has been busy haulihsr
rocks and fixing the road leading Into
the school grounds. F. C. Is always
ready to donate work to make good
The writer returns many thanks to
A. 11. Cash for the return of a $5 gold
piece, which in some mysterious way
got into a sack of peanuts purchased
by A. B. Cash at the Rockford Store.
At a meeting on Saturday, December
24, at the Barrett school house, the
voters of the district voted a 10-mill tax
to meet expenses of said school for the
coming year.
II. D. Stewart was up from town
looking over his ranch on Itockford
avenue. II. D. has to come up onoe in
a while to get a breath of fresh air.
The writer visited A. J. Emerson's
farm the other day. Mr. Fmersou has
30 tons or more of good hay, some very
fine hogs, nlee cows aud young heifers.
Everything was looking fat and sleek.
Even the chickens are so fat and tur
keys so plump jt makes one feel as
though he would like turkey for New
Year's day.
' The members of the Belmont Sunday
school had a very hice program pre
pared for Christmas eve, which was
enjoyed by a large crowd. There were
many presents distributed among the
large audience whlcli the church could
scarcely hold. After the program was
over ana tne presents and candy prop
erly distributed, the people Joyfully de
parted, wishing each and every one a
merry unristiuas.
J. B. King Is erecting a new dwell'
ing on his farm.
The youngest chilil of Joseph Purser
is suiiering trom pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. King and Master
lister tooK l luiHlnias dinner wan
I. C. Nealeigh and family.
Ernest Blalock and John Akin, from
Sherman county, ure spending Christ
mas at the bouie of Robert Jones.
Miss Bess Isenberg, who Is teaching
school near The Dalles, is spending
(jurist mas with her parents.
There will be a watch meeting held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. G.
Church, next Saturday evening.
Mr. Cole preached a good Christmas
sermon at the Belmont M. E. church
Sunday morning, December 25.
The presiding elder, G. M. Booth of
The Dalles, will preach at the Belmont
.1 a. !.!. i i i. a..
cuuiuu rriuny evening, ieceuioer 30.
Mrs. A. Ostrander has been ou the
sick list for the past two weeks.
, Look, look! Listen, listen! The
Frankton schools will be closed until
the Hist Monday of 1905, on account of
holidays and muddy roads.
Snow fell last Thursday evening to a
deptu of about 4 inches, stopping work
at griiouing lor a rew days.
Christmas has come and gone. We
had no Christmas tree here, but Santa
Claus made us a visit and left lots of
present for old and young.
J. A. Kessel has his new house done
and will move Into It soon.
Oscar and Mark Cameron have taken
a contract to clear three acres of land
on the J. W. Jenkins place. They will
clear the land and plow It and get It
ready to set to orchard.
The Dodge brothers have cleared
over four acres on the Booth place and
are still clearing when the weather will
We hear the cry all over the valley,
What horrible Mads!" Well, the
roads are bad, that's a fact; but when
spring conies and we go to get help to
tlx the roads, about one out of ten will
volunteer to help make roads. If we
do not build roads in the spring or
summer, we need not expect to have
good roads in winter; so we will just
have lo grin and bear It until tbe roads
get good next spiing.
James Cook and family, Roy Wood
worth and K. U. Aldildge and' families
and W. C. Dodge and family ate Christ
mas dinner at A. T. lkidge's.
Walter Massey was out making calls
ou Christmas. We are glad to see
Walter out ami around again, after a
long siege of Mckuess. .
George A. Maasey says he will la
able to start teaching school soou after
New Year's.
The revival meetings held hereby
Rev. Cummins closed last Thursday
evening. Three persons were convert
ed during the meeting. The meetings
were poorly attended on accouut of bad
roads, bad weather, and some of us
have uo way of going except on foot.
We understand there were two laud
buyers in our valley last week looking
for a suitable location. We did not
learn whether they found anything
that suited or not; but one thing we do
know, and that is that no better land
cau be ouud lu Hood River valley for
fruit raising or hay land than right
here. It doesn't take as much water
to the acre to irrigate with as it does in
other parts of the valley. It produces
just as much to the acre, and it does
not cost nearly as much to buy au acre
of land here as It does in other parts of
tne valley. It will pay honieseekers to
Investigate closely liefore buying. A
man who bought some land across the
river, down in the rock piles, told, the
writer he paid $100 per acre for bis
land, and when be bought It he sup
posed the whole valley was the same,
tie said he could burn the logs and
stumps, but he guessed he would have
lo buy ten acres more of land to pile
the rocks ou. It pays to look around a
little before buying.
We have about six inches of tbe
beautiful snow.
The people of this community were
very much saddened last week when
they learned of tliedeaih of T. J. Davis
of this place, who recently died in Port
laud. Mr. Davis was highly respected
by his neighbors aud will be missed
very much by them.
SchiMil district No. 18 voted a tax of
15 mills at the special meeting held at
1.. u. vveyganiii s last week.
Mr. Powers, from Portland, wa9 up
on his ranch two days last week. He
says we are having warmer weather up
here than at Portland.
Mr. llardman, from Kansas, has lo
cated here and has been busy the last
two weeks building a house. Even the
Kansas people know a good country
when they see It.
J. II. and II. J. Grnff went to Hood
River last week. They reported the
roads very bad.
We understand there will lie lietween
(JO and 70 acres planted to orchard next
spring in this settlement. Upper
Mount Iloodites are not ull sleeping
their life away.
About six inches of snow and still
snowing. Sleighing flue aud a great
many enjoying it.
James Coate, son of Representative
t date, is home from 1'ortland, where
he has been attending business college.
He expects to remain during tbe holidays.
Born Decern ber 2, to Mr. and Mrs.
Fred FX-kert, a 10 pound boy.
Born December 3. to Mr. and Mrs.
W: B. Cole, a 10-lo,und girl. It Is
hard to tell who Is tne prouder, Eckert
or Cole.
Oscar Peterson, the 9-vear-old son of
John Peterson, died, December 9, of
typhoid fever. Several others of the
tanilly are still quite sick.
Mr. Welierg died Thursday last at
the Portland bospital of cancer cf the
stomach. The remains were brought
to Trout I.ake for interineut.
The Christmas entertainment given
by the school children at the school
house t riday evening was a grand sue-
ceca. everybody reported an enjoyable
The following officers were chosen
fir the ensuing year at lust Sunday
uigtit s meeting or Trout Lake lodge,
No. l:i, A. F. and A. AL: William
Coate, W. M.; E. L. Duncan, S. W.; C
Guler, J. W.; W. B. Cole, treasurer;
B. C. Hamilton, secretary.
A grand ball will be given at Thodes'
hail New Year's eve. A cordial invita
tiou extended to all.
B. C. Hamilton and brother John,
late of Toledo, O., spent Christmas with
W. B. Cole.
M. A. Martin went to White Salmon
to speud tbe holidays.
Owing to.the condition of the roads,
Wyers A Kreps hae put four horses ou
the stages at this end of the route j
Quite a number of the logging camps
shut down for the holidays
R. A. Byrkett is now supplying the
camps with hay and ficsh meat.
Representative Coate will start for
Olympia the first of next week to at
tend to his official duties.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Byrkett expect to
go to White Salmon, Wednesday, to
attend the Instituting of a Rebekah
The late snow has made it fine for
logging, and thousands of feet of logs
are put In the river daily.
Chapman Bros, are working quire a
large crew of men at their camp.
William Roop left Friday for Port
land to spend Christmas at home.
A. Kingman Is having all the work
he can attend to building logging
The boys have organized the Baldwin
Sporting club, with seven charter mem
bers. The club will meet every Friday
There was a shooting match at
Schmidt's place last Friday, when
uuite a crowd gathered and made the
ducks and chickens suffer as far as
numbers go.
We have about three inches of snow
on the ground at present, and the
mercury is down to freezing for the
first time this winter.
The Sunday school people had quite
a nice program at the Christmas tree
last Saturday night. About 200 jieople
were in attendance when Santa Claus
made bis appearance. If there was
anything lacking in the program the.
baliies made it all up for them.
Bussell Dimmick arrived here last
Saturday from Southern Oregon to
spend Christmas with his children. He
was one of the first settlers in this
country, arriving here about 22 years
The Christmas entertainment at Crap
per was an all round success. Those
who managed the program proved them
selves equal to the occasion, and the
members of the tchool rendered their
parts in a very creditable manner.
The program was rendered as follows :
Prayer W. C. Martin.
Song of Welcome School.
Recitation Edith Aldridge.
Kong, "Merry Christinas" School.
Recitation Laura Prigge.
Song, ''Beautiful Hands" Primary
Recitation Etta Jordan.
''Fruits of the Christmas Tree" Pri
mary pupils. ,
Song, "Beautiful Star" School.
Reci.ation Mrs. Uoddard.
Dialogue, ''The Fairies' Christinas
Joke Hazel Jordan, HermanI'rigge, j
Inez Martin, Edith Aldridge," Laura j
Prigge, Frieda Prigge, Fallen "McCurdy,
Clair Fischer. I
Song Primary pupils. I
Mrs. Goddard's recitation was well
chosen for the occasion and reudered
in her best style, which is above criti
cism. Her recitation elicilated an en
thusiastic encore to which she respond
ed in a manner which won for her a
great applause. 1
The little tots "said their pieces" in a .
very charming manner. :
The fun began with the distribution of
presents. Some of the gentlemen re
ceived rag dolls with heads made of red
apples. It was a wise choice of head
pieces, for the Hood River red apple .is ,
the tie plus ultra of thiiigs beautiful. 1
P. H. Martin received a delicious 1
pumpkin pie. Sancho Panza said:'
"God bless the man who invented
sleep." He took a somnolent view of
life but not to with P. H. He look's on
life 1rom a gastronomic standpoint.
Hence his invocation is, "God bless the
woman who invented pumpbin pie," to
hich he expects all lovers of eodi
tilings to respond with a hearty, auien.
Fred Taylor returned from Portland
last Saturday. He reports his father,
who is in a Portland hospital, improv
ing very nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Perry returned
to Hood River on Monday, alter spend
ing several days very pleasantly with
their daughter, Mrs. E. E. Lyons.
Charles and John Stranahan and Mhs
Maud attended a family reunion at the
home oi their parents in Hood River on
Nathan Ilackettt has the thanks of ye
scribe and Ids family for a mess of very
nice fish. A very acceptable Christmas
Misses Emma and Annie Prigge went
to (ioble, Or., on Monday to visit Miss
Nellie Wise.
Carl Jantzen and cousin went to Van
couver, Wash., on Monday. They will
also visit Portland.
A happy and prosperous new year to
the Glacier force.
We sclrool children are delighted over
a week's vacation during the holidays.
Frank Reams and Henry Weaver
spent Christmas with Willie Under
wood. Mr. Knnpp is home for the holidays.
The young people enjoyed a Christ
mas eve daiice at Charlie Thornton's.
Nearly every family here had a
Christinas tree this year.
Jesse Spencer Is spending the holi
days with his relatives and friends
Mr.' Pierce is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Perry Heath is spending the winter
on his ranch, making improvements.
Mrs. Miller, superintendent, visited
school Tuesday.
Frank Thornton and Clyde Hart
have rented the Henderson farm at
White Salmon.
Mr. Moody will open a logging camp
on the school section in January.
Our new postmaster, Mr. Robard, re
ceived his appointment Tuesday. The
post office will be moved to his store
some time in January.
Representatives of the Menominee
Mill Co. were looking over the school
section and other timber lairds here
this past week.
Latest designs in ladies watchef ; gold
filled, solid gold, and also with diamond
fctting. Also a full line of gmtlemeu's
watches. C. U. Temple.
You can hardly find a home
without its Ayer's (Cherry
Pectoral. Parents know what
it does for children: breaks
up a cold in a single night,
wards off bronchitis, prevents
pneumonia. Physicians ad
vise parents to keep it on hand.
" Th best eonrh medletn monn ean bay
ft Ayer't Cherry Perioral. For the coughs of
Children ftellllllioonld potilhly be hetter."
JAOoa Sbdll, Saratoga. Ini.
t5e..Me..fl WS. j. c. atirco.,
njrngcljU foV aMaJiteliaiilj
Throat, Lungs
Aver a P.lln ..rf .K.
Pectoral In breaking up a cold.