The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 29, 1904, Image 4

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With verv little money allowed them
for expencei and salary for the time
they have to put in, me irun com nun
sinners of the state of Oregon are sup-
poesed to cover more ground in the
course of their Inspecting tours than
the area of several eastern states com
bined. The following statistics from
President Smith's report are of interest:
First District exceeds 6,000 sq. miles
Second Dist. exceeds 10,000 su. miles
Third Dist. exceeds 2H.000 sq. miles,
Fourth Dist. exceeds 14,600 sq. miles
Fifth district exceeds 3ti,000 sq. miles
To illustrate:
"Commissioner's Newell's district is
bout the size of Connecticut and
Rhode island.
."Commissioner Park's district about
equals in area Maine and Delaware.
"Commissioner Carson of the fourth
district has a very respectable one as to
area, corresponding to that of Connec
ticut, Vermont, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire and Delaware.
"Commissioner Weber's fourth dis
trict is about the size of Connecticut
New Jersey and Delaware.
"Commissioner Ueer of the fifth dis
trict has nice roomy district equal to
the combined area of Connecticut, Ver
mont, Massachusetts, New hampshire,
Khode Island and Delaware.
"Our horticultural law requires that
the commissioner at large shall visit
each of these districts at least once
year, and that he shall personally in
spect most of the orchards (presumably
of the state) during the fruit-growing
season. Your commissioner candidly
confesses his inability to comply wild
this last provision, unless your honor
able body will amend the act by very
considerably lengthening the fruit
growing season."
New Drusr Store For Hood Itiver.
. R. Thomas, traveling salesman for
the Stewart & Holmes Lirug Co., of
Seattlo, will open a drug store in the
Nirnth block tins coming week. Mr.
Thomas is a new business man in Hood
River, lie tells the (ilacier that after
traveling through nil the California
towns and up through Oregon and
Washington to Kdmonton, Canada, he
picked out Hood River, not only as the
place offering good business opportu
nities, but as the moet beautiful city for
a home in all the Facilic coast states.
Mr. Thomas has also visited Europe in
the intereHt of wholesale drug storeB
before deciding to locate in Hood R' ver.
Workmen have been buny fixing up
tho storerooms in the Smith brick the
last two weeks. The room is not a large
one, but Mr. Thomas has very carefully
utilized every inch of space, and will
have a convenient and model drug store.
Will Orover, of the Graver Drug Co.,
at Woodbum, is hero to take charge of
the DK'Hcriiitiun work. Mr. Thomas
lias owned a number of drug stores in
several cities of the Norrhwept. At Ev
erett he recently disposed of one of tho
best drug stores in the state ot wani-
ington. From 1KH0 to Mr. Thomas
was located at Portland, where he man
ufactured Wisdom's Uobertiue.
Contluued from Page 1.
Little Tots do Themselves Proud.
The primary pupils in the rooms ot
Miss Groves and Mis Benson in the
State street school house rendered a
program last Friday afternoon that
would have reflected credit on much
older pupils. The little tots did them
selves proud.
The decorations of the rooms were
very beautiful. Many parents and vis
itors were present at the exercises, of
which the following is the program :
Hong Mibb Groves.
The Christmas Story Clarence Cams.
Claude Hill, Joe Williams, Howard
Cooper, Eugene Hill, Alviu Klinger,
Andy Case, Golden Husbands, Oak
Rogers, Floyd Gibbs, Rudolph McCaffer
ty, Warren Dickinson, Gilbert Splaun,
Charles Pearson, Ormond Davis, RiishcII
Bayer. Donald Allen, Le Koy Mullin,
Ezra Munson,
Recitation Lela McCrorry.
Hong Girls from Miss ISenson's and
Miss Groves' rooms.
Recitation "Holly Red, and Mistle
toe." Lenore Waite, Eleanor Savage,
Clara Rand, Laura Kami, Lena Root,
Bessie Wheeler, Wilms Thompson, Ollie
Mayes, Gladys Mullin, Vera Gano,
Kathryn Hartley, Mae Coulter.
"Tho Bells" Stella Brace, Edna
Griffin. .
Holly Song Ruth Slireve, Beatrice
Slireve, Brownie Haines, Orra Wright,
Valeria Wait, Ruth Kvans, Lula Pra
ther, Shasta Hyatt, Rose Johnson, Re
becca Grantlian, Myrtle Husbands,
Mae Klinger.
Recitation Reta Hvatt.
Song "Away In the Manger." school.
"Santa's Last Sack" "Bluebell"
Kathryn Hartley ; "Queen Genevieve,"
Eleanor Savage j "Robin Hood," Lewis
Graham; "Brownie King,"Leo Ballard;
"Santa Claus," Bertie Case.
Hear the Christmas Bells Laura
May Have Lots of Snow.
The old residents of this section pre
dict that snow in plenty will fall within
the next few months. They base their
predictions upon the fact that the pres
ent fall weather is almost identical with
that of the year In which the "double
winter" occurred, now nearly 20 years
ago. That year the fall was a long dry
one, with heavy fogs during the early
part of December. On about the 20th
of that month snow began to full, and it
remained until late in February , to be
followed ten days later by another snow
Storm. That was the year in which the
great losses in stock occured, but a rep
etition of those disasters is not feared,
as they resulted from the lack ot bay
the range being good and littlo prepara
tion being made in those days lor feed
ing.stock. Goldendule Agriculturist.
A Costlj Mistake.
Blunders are sometimes very exnen
slve. Occaslotmly life Itself Is the price
or a unmake, out you u never be wrong
If you take Dr. Kings New Life Pills
for dyspepsia, dizziness, headuohe, liver
or bowel troubles. They are gentle yet
thorough. 23 cents at Chas. N. Clarke
drug store.
From the Oregon Tlmlierman.
The Oregon Lumber Company, of
Hood River, has shut down its null at
Viento for the winter, to reopen about
the middle o( next fehruarv. It has
closed its mill at lost Lake on account
of low water. The company has on
hand about 3.000,000 feet of lumber at
Hood River, and from 600,000 to 700,000
at Viento. Superintendent Early speaks
itupeiuiiy ui ueiier prices next spring,
Davenport Bros.' Lumber Company,
of Hood River, is still running its l'ar
kertown mill, but closed its mill at
Ureenpoint, November 15. TIub will
be reopened about April 1, next. The
company U working principally on an
order for ties for the Oregon Short Line,
which are being shipped to Huntington.
The company reports a tinner tone to
the market. It has not more than 500,
000 feet of dimension on hand, as it
keeps its orders cleared up very closely.
The Menominee Lumber Comoanv.
Menominee, shut downlts mill the last
of September, on account of not being
able to get out its logs, localise of the
low stage of wator in the Columbia river.
At that time it had on hand 4,000,000
icct ol lumber, which has since been
shipped, until onlv about 1.000.000 ffet
is on hand. The company is shipping
its product East and to Eastern Oregon,
Oshkosh and Milwaukee, Wis., taking
its pine product, and Eastern Oregon
its fir lumber. During the middle of
the month, 1'rosident Cameron was in
the eastern part of the slate getting
orders. The mill will open again in
February. The company expects an
auvance ot si on common lumber next
The Wind River Lumber Company,
of Cascado Ixicks, havo 12,000,00 I feet
of logs on Wind river, which are pract
ically all available. The mill started up
on December 1. Some 200,000 feet of
logs got away from the boom, which
were soia to local mills.
A Pleasant Pill.
No Pill Is as pleasant and positive as
DeWitt'B Little Early Risers. DeWitt's
Little fcarly itinera are so mild and
effective that children, delicate ladies
and weak people enjoy their cleansing
effect, while strong people say they are
the best liver pill sold. Sold by G. E.
of spring," while If the red or center
markings covered the greater part of
the larva, there would be a late fall and
short cold winter followed by an early
spring. Such puerile theories seem too
absurd to find credit in the minds of
the people and are not believed as they
were a haif a century or more ago.
"Those maps referred to by Mr. Wren
are very interesting, and well worth
careful study on thu part of our farmers.
In these maps isobars pass through ter
ritory of equal temperature, and iso
therms through that of equal baromet
ric pressure, over the whole of the Uni
ted States, while arrows flying the way
the wind is blowing at the localities
where placed, are dotted over the map.
These arrows bear symbols indicating
the condition of the weather at the
station they represent, whether it be
clear, partly cloudy, cloudy, rain, snow,
etc., and shaded portions of the map
indicate the area over which the report
precipitation occurred. This gives one
at once a mental picture of the weather
of the entire United States, and by a
careful study of these maps which are
issued dully, one can soon learn to make
close forecasts of the weather for the
following 24 hours. Bulow the map, on
the same sheet is given printed reports
from the stations represented by the
arrows on the map, and tho forecast of
Section Director Beats for tho 24 hours
following the date of tho map.
"I am especially delighted with the
statement made by Mr. Wren to the
effect that the chief of the weather bu
reau U building and equipping a large
observatory for the purpose of studying
the atmosphere with a view to event
ually giving seasonal forecasts, and,
while Mr. Wren turns down Mr. Hicks
and his theory ot interplanetary in' uonce
as did Suction Director Jleula in a re
cent issue of the Glacier, and although
the libraries of the weather bureau has
all knowledge relative to climatology
and meteorology to ditto stored on their
shelves, it does not necessarily follow
that other men may not make discover
ies along these lines, nor tutr other per
sons from striving to tit tain the same
worthy object for w hich our weather bu
reitu is working, prouided he strive hoii'
estly j bolter, it seems to me, it would
be for all to work together, assisting in
stead of hindering each-other.
"Neither can I agree with Mr. Wren
that a single season would be sullicient
time in which to make a test. The the
ory of Hicks if true would not have had
time since he eoncieved it to demon
strate the varied effects of the many
different combinations of forces that
would be brought to bear upon tho mete'
orological conditions of the earth by the
different positions tho planets would
assume in their revolutions around the
sun. Even then, man is not infinite;
he is liable to err in calculations. If
we judged the forecasts of the weather
bureau by tlie standard of absolute ac
curacy they would hardly pass, accurate
though they are, to a remarkable degree,
"The weather bureau is doing a great
work, the benclicial eflects of which
are being demonstrated more ami more
as the facilities for the dissemination
of the knowledge of the results of its
observations ami forecasts are increased.
Neither does it need fear the effect of
Hicks' theory, if it should prove true,
and which I would be far from asserting
true, or even probable, although it nmy
lie possible. The most sensible thing
I havo read in tho controversy is the
suggestion of Section Director Beas in
former article to which I referred a few
moments ago; that is, to take the long-
range forecasts and compare them with
the dally reports of the weather bureau.
"To me the work of the bureau is in
tensely interesting and I believe of great
value to farmers who will uvail them
selves of the information contained in
these daily reports, and tho principal
object that I had in view when I volun
teered to make the records I ere was
that I might be able to give as much
information as pos-ihle from this source
to t he public through the Glacier.
"You may say to your readers that 1
would be glad to have a report from
Odell, Harrett, Dukes Valley, Parker
town, and .Mount Hood, of any especial
ly striking phenomena, such as violent
thunder or wind storms, heavy snowfall,
cloudbursts, seismic disturbances, auro
halo, parhelia, etc., so that 1 may be
able to give our director as complete a
report from Hood River as possible."
Beware r Counterfeits.
"DeWitt's is the only genuine Witch
Hazel Salve'' writes ,1. L. Tucker, of
Centre, . Mil. "I have used it in my
family for piles, cuts and burns for
years and can recommend It to lie the
U'stSalve on the market, Every family
should keep it, as it is an Invaluable
household remedy, and should always
be kept on hand for Immediate use."
Sold by G. E. Williams.
t :
The following dispatch appeared one
day last week in a Portland evening
"North Yakima, Wash., The Wash
ington commission for the Lewis and
Clark fair has requested W. L. Wright,
of this place, to secure at once 1200 box
ef apples to be placed in cold storage for
the opening of the Portland fair, Mr.
Wright is the only individual in the
state who secured a gold medal for an
apple display at the Ut. Louis Fair this
From this it would appear that the
people of the state of Washington are
determined to win the big prizes at the
Portland fair. Mr. Smith says a prom
inent fruit grower of Winatchee made
his brag recently that the Yakima and
Winatchee orchards would defeat Hood
River for the prizes next summer.
They will expend a large amount of
money for a fruit display at the Lewis
and Clark fair. Twelve hundred box
es will make a good showing, Their
apples are not to be sneezed at, either.
Will Hood River set by and let the
Yakima fruit men carry away the
prizes? "We don't think."
So More Suffering.
If you are troubled with indigestion
get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
and see how quickly It will cure you.
Geo. A. Thompson , of Bpencer, la., says:
"nave had dyspepsia lor twenty years.
My case was almost hopeless. K.odol
Dyspepsia Cure was recommended and
I used a few bottles of It nnd it la the
only thing that bus relieved me. Would
not be without it. Havedixstored with
local physicians and also at Chicago.
and even went to Norway with hopes
of getting some relief, but Kodol Dys
pepsiu Cure Is the only remedy that
has done me any good, and I heartily
recommend It. Every person sulltmng
with Indigestion or Dyspepsia should
use it." Sold by G. E. Williams.
Sheriff Captures Burglar.
John lioyd broke into several houses
at The Dalles last week, but by Thurs
day he was captured, pleaded guilty
and sentenced to five years in the peni
tentiary oy Judge Uradshaw.
The man was seen making west, and
with this information Sheriff Sexton,
Marshal Wood and Constable Harper
boarded a gravel train Wednesday after,
noon and started in search of the fellow,
says the Chronicle, (lotting off at tun
nel No. 3, ten miles below town, they
walked to Coberg camp a mile this side
of Hood River. There they saw a man
with a large bundle, spreading out
blankets to the gaze of the interested
Japs. Swooping down on the camp
with their hands a stir was created
among the yellow men as if an entire
Russian army had made its appearance.
There was nothing left for Boyd to do
but to throw up his hands and he was
handcuffed, taken to Hood River, where
they had supper, and brought back on a
returning gravel train which reached
here at 8 o'clock. He seemed surprised
at such swift justice and made no de
nial. In the fuce of such conclusive
evidence he had none to make.
New Ofllcers Woodmen of America.
Following are the new officers elected
by the Hood River camp Modern Wood
men ot America lor the ensuing year:
V. C, C. 8. Jones; W. A., Ed Mayes;
Banker, J. II. Filsinger; Clerk, C. U.
Uakin ; Escort, t. K. Hrosius; Watch
man, J. G. Zolls; Secretary, A. H.
Klingler; Manager, 3 years, 11. S. Dauo.
. If you want a Tablet, get it where they
make a specialty of it.
If you want a Book, go to a Book
Store for it.
By so doing you can make it possible to
have an up-to-date Book and Stationery
Store as .
in your town.
Farm Machinery & Vehicles
StudebaKer Bros, complete line of Sleighs. Cutters and Bobs to select from.
Cor. 4th and Columbia Sts., Hood Iliver, Or.
$100 Reward $100
The Traders of this paper will be pleased to
learn Hint there Is at least one dreaded (lineage
Hint srleiioe liaabeennble to cureiimll Its atiw
rx.and that Is catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is
the only piwltlve cure now known to the med
ical fraicrulty. Catarrh belnii a constitution
al disease, reuulreit a conatUuMoiial treatment.
Hall's Caturrli Cure la taken Inlernaly, acting
directly upon the blood and imicoua aurfucea
of the ayaumi, thereby destroying the founda
tion ol the dlKeuMe, and Klvtnif the patienla
atrciiKlh by building up the conatttutlon and
atwlxtliig nature In dollar II n work. The pro
prletoiH have ao lulled lallh In Its curative
powers that they otter One Hundred ltollara
fur any coxe that tl falls U cure. Hand for
llalofteatlinonlala. Address
K. J. CH KN KY A CO., Toledo, O.
Hold by all drupirlala, 'be.
Tuk.e,Hull Family Plllafor constipation.
Bargains in Real Estate.
1. o-room house, plastered, lot 50x130
feet, gootl ' well, three blocks from
school ; iileasant location. Price llWH).
Terms j down. Will trade for other
town property.
2. 4-rooni house, two lots 50x130 feet
each, city water; three blocks from
shcool house; pleasant location. Price,
$760. Terms $50 down and f 15 per
month. A ltargain.
3. Find building lot very cheap if
soki soon.
4. 10 acres good apple and strawberry
land, four acres cleared, 125 fruit trees,
one acre strawberries, 4-room house,
well, stable, wood shed and pack
ing house and chicken house.
Price $1200 Terms $50 down and $15
per month. Will trade for town prop
erty or wnu laua.
5. Two sections of wheat land; 100
acres under cultivation on each: 500
acres tillable lana on one section, bal
ance tine pasture land, good well small
house, one section fenced. Kor sale
cheap on easy terms. Will trade for
Hood Kiver property.
t). 15 acres good apple land; three
acres beating orchard. 3-room house.
five-inch paid up water riirht. Kor
sate enrap, or will trade tor towu prop
erty. Will sell five, ten or the whole
15 acres with small payment down, $"),
$100 or $150, and monthly or quarterly
payments for balance. Situated near
7. Place your Insurance with us. We
do not represent the only reliable com
panies In the Held today, but we do
re prmtui uiree as good and solid com
panics as are doing buslnes. .
Hood River
Real Estate & Exchange Co.
Hood River, Ore.
Extends to its many patrons a very hearty
w'mh for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
We are headquarters for your Prescrip
tion work, Toilet Articles, l'erfnines and
Spraying Material.
The Prescription Druggist.
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
. Hood Biver .
Home Made Candy Store
La France Building.
We manufacture all our own Candy, and make it fresh
every day. Candy made to order on short notice.
Full line of Bon Bons, Nuts and Confectionery.
The Ideal Limit
of Banking
Will not be reached until every person, who has an
income, keeps a bank account. There are hun
dreds of persons in this vicinity who do not keep
one. Whether large or small, your account will
have .the same careful, courteous treatment.
We are at your service.
Established in 1866. Open all the year. Private or
class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi
tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to
attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free.
A. p. Armstrong; LL.b., principal
3031 H
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
Full line of Gloves nnd Mittens, 25c to $1.50.
First Grade Wales Goodyear Snow Excluders
Men's 1 and 3-buckle $1.50 to $1.75
Ladies' 3-buckle $1.75
Misses' and Children's 1 -buckle GOc to 75c
Fu rn i t ure and cabi net wo rk
made to order. Saw filing,
Plating, Framing and Fancy
Inlaid work done.
We have on hand some im
proved wash benches, sleds
for the boys, etc.
We are located at East
Oak street.
Call and see us.
with the water that Is past, but uiilike
the mill, our past orders have been
tilled so successfully that new ones are
constantly coming in from our old
natrons. Are you to be one of them?
Our Dalles Patent and White Hiver
flour is the finest that is milled, and
Is ground from the best selected wheat;
in fact the cream of the wheattlelds,
and It makes the mitst delicious bread .
white and palatable.
Hood River, Or.
Smoke a Good Cigar
For sale at all Cigar and Grocery Stores in Hood River
Groceries, Flour and Feed,
Notions, Glassware, Crockery, etc.
Hood River Heights.
HARNESS Made to Order. Blankets, Robes, etc.
Harness, Blanket and Shoe Repairing neatly done.
WOOD & SMITH RROS., Proprietors.
Groceries Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Delivery. Phoa
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Telephone No. 31.
Glacier Wants Bring Results.