The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 29, 1904, Image 2

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    3(ood Iiver Slacier
Editor Ilayter of the Dallas Observer
prints the following sound advice each
week at the head of his editorial column:
"The way to build up Dallas is to pat
ronize Dallas people." This applies
with equal force to any city.
H. 8. Lyman, historian, educator and
prominent resident of Astoria, died last
weak in s Portland hospital. As his
home paper truthfully remarks. Pro
fessor Lyman was one of the best
loved men of Oregon. How infinitely
better this world would be could mow
men merit the same title.
The state of Idaho won the grand
prize at fit. Louis on her agricultural
display, and has also been awarded a
gold medal for the best collective dis
play of fruits; aleo 64 gold, silver and
bronze medals for individual exhibits.
The result of Idaho soil and enterprise
will be found competing with Oregon at
the Portland fair. There all after Hood
River's scalp.
The Eugene Register prints the item
about Hood River apples going to Presi
dent Roosevelt, and adds in the head
line: "Our chief executive knows a
good thing when he sees it." All very
true. Only another ev'dence of the
marked superiority of Hood River fruit
During the president's western tour two
years ago, the Union Pacific arranged to
keep Roosevelt's car supplied all along
the line with Hood River strawberries.
It is impossible to pick up a paper
these days without some reference to
fruit that is "juBt as good as Hood
River." Now we don't mind a little
thing like that, for apples of any kind
do look pretty big to one who never saw
the real thing in Hood River, but here
comes someone from Cauby,below Port
land, who declares "the soil of that vicin
ity superior to the Hood River country
for fruits and vegetables." That man
was excited, to say the least.
The debate last week by the High
School Literary Club has stirred up
considerable feeling on account of the
subject discussed, and especially the
decision rendered. The subject chosen
was not a proper one for discussion
among school children, and it was an
error to allow a question of that kind to
be discussed. School children are not
supposed to be well posted on the ques
tion of saloons and as far as they are
concerned, there should be but one side
to the question, I. e., against it. There
are plenty of good subjects to be chosen
for debate that will call forth much
better effort in argument, and which
can be debated in good faith by both
The city of Hood River will have a
new sewer system to build next year,
and it behooves the committee in charge
of the work in the city council to pro
ceed with care. There will be opposi
tion to the sewer, and doubtlesslawsuits
to contend against. Down at Ashland
they haver Just gone through similar
proceedings, and the city lost tho cane
on the following grounds:
"First The council failed to give
proper notice and was therefore without
"Second In making the assessment
the ordinance shows no discretion or
discrimination as to the amount of ben
efits. "Third A 10 per cent penalty Is not
authorized by the charter or statute.
"Fourth The descrintions are too in
definite for the purpose of levying an
The decision nullifies the assessment
of $40,000. '
Joint Installation Ceremonies.
Hood River Lodge No. 105. A. F. & A
M.. and Hood River Chanter No. 25. O.
K. 8., held a joint installation of officers
at Masonic Hull iuomlay evening.
Past Master D. McDonald installed
Truman Butler as Worshipful Master of
the Masonic lodge, the balance of the
ollicers being installed by the new Mut
ter. Past Worthy Matron. Mrs. Cliarloi
CaBtner, was the installing officer of the
i-aBtern ntar lotige.
The ceremonies were impressive and
witnessed by a good-sized attendance of
the members of both lodges. A ban
quet followed, a few short speeches add
ing to the enjoyment of the occasion.
Harper May Loose Ills Arm.
George Harper, an employee of the
Menominee Lumber company, missed
the afternoon train for Portland, Mon
day, and was forced to spend another
night in agony before he could get to a
hospital for relief from a serious case of
blood poisoning in his arm.
Harper is a member of Prosper &
Cameron's lumber camp, 16 miles up
the White Salmon, and was felling trees
one day last week, when a long sliver
from the stump of a tree became im
bedded in bis arm. Fellow workmen
endeavored by the use of a jacknife to
remove the piece of wood. They got
about half of the splinter out, and had
to leave the rest in the flesh uf the arm.
Harper went on with his work, but
in two days the arm swelled to the size
of his leg, and his suffering was aony.
He left Tuesday morning for Portland,
for an operation in a Portland hospital.
Prize Awards To Oregon,
The prizes comins to tire iron from the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St.
Louis . were greater in number than
those awarded to any other state in
comparison to the amount of money that ni. ..n : r. .1. .
list of persons awarded in each depart
ment: Department of agriculture (Which
includes one gold medal for dairy).
1 grand prize, 3 gold medals, ou silver,
22 bronz.
Department of horticulture 2 grand
prizes, 7 gold medals, S4 silver, 34
Department of Fish and Game I gold
medals, 9 silver, 1 bronz.
Department of Mining 2 gold med
als, 1 silver medal, 10 bronz. (Petition
pending for grand prize.)
Department of Education, grouped one
and two 1 gold medal, 3 silver medals
2 bronz.
Department of Livestock Eighty-six
head of sheep sent by Baldwin Sheep &
Land Co. won 81 premiums, divided
as follows: Ramboilet, 18; Lulaine,7;
Spanish, 6. Oregon exhibited the largest
and heaviest shearing Spanish ram ever
Been in this or any other country, but
was refused a prize, an the judges called
him a freak. The value of the exhibit
wss about $12,000. Chas. E. Ladd re
ceived on a herd of 12 Shorthorn cattle,
21 first prizes, 1 second, 1 third, 2 fourth,
2 fifth. Wm. Riddle, of Polk county,
was awarded second prize ($11.0) on five
head of Kent sheep, and 2 tiri-ts and 1
fourth on four Aneora uoats.
The total number of prizes, outside of
the stock, was: Grand prizes, 3; gold
medals, 07; silver medals, 150; bronz
The special echool mcetiiiK in district
No. 3 extensively advertised in the
Ulacior lor the post three weeks and by
notices posted about town, culled out an
increased number of attendants over the
number of taxpayers at the meeting
held one year bro. There were nine at
this meeting, whereas the attendance
a year ago numbered hut seven. The
marked increase in attendance should
should be gratifying to all friends of ed
ucation. The meeting was called to vole a tax
for school purposes for the ensuina vear
and to pay the tax on the bonded in
debtedness of the district.
Chairman W. .1. Baker of the school
board, in xalling tho meeting to order,
stated that in his opinion an additional
school house and four teachers would be
needed next year to properly care for
the increased enrollment of pupils; that
the district was in debt for part pay
men on desks in the Slate street school
and is owing two months' salary to the
teachers, ami that hut $1-40 remained in
the treasury. Intesest on the bonded
indebtedness is payable half yearly, and
the first installment of interest must be
paid January H. Mr. linker recom
mended that the tux levy he made to
include the payment of $1000 each year
on the principal of the bonded debt.
Captain Blowers thought it would be
more economical to let the debt run us
it is a year or two longer, as in a year or
two we may expect the assessable prop
erty in the district, now $330,225, to be
at lest doubled. The lionds draw but
six per cent interest, while school war
rants Bear eight per cent, Ho thought
the apportionment from the state and
county would reach $1000 for the ensu
ing year.
(1. .1. Gessling figured that it would
require 1(H3' mills to raise sufficient
revenue to properly conduct the
schools the coming year and pay the in
terest on the indebtedness. Ho said
ho had just come from a visit to the
ninth grade and was so pleased with
the work accomplished in our schools
for this term that he came to voto for
any amount of tax within reason to
keep up the elficiencv of the schools.
He therefore moved that a tax of 'IV
mills to pay interest and 11 mills for
general purposes be levied. The mo
tion prevailed without a dissenting
The tubulated items of expense pub;
Jished in lust week's Glacier w ere meant
for the pa jt year and covered some $00
lor the lots on which the new school
house on the hill is built, insurance and
all the incidental expenses of the term.
llefore adjournment a motion of in
terest to the hoard to see if warrants
could not he drawn and sold at a less
rate of interest than eight per cent was
The aflttirs of the district may be
said to bo in good shapo. We have good
schools, no debts are pressing the tax-
( layers and the increase in the assessa
ile property and enumeration of child
ren of school one will in a year or two
make it comparatively easy to raise rev
en no to carry on the schools.
The present board deserve1 the thanks
of the taxpayers for their efficient and
economical management of the affairs
of trie district durinir a vear that called
for the building of a commodious school
house and the addition of several teach
ers. Thoy have done well.
Joe Wilson has (lied notification with
Recorder Nickelsen withdrawing the
proposed ordinance in which the city
was to contract lor water for lire protec
tion at $1 per hydrant per month,
When seen by a Glacier reporter to
ascertain tho why of the withdrawal,
Mr. Wilson said ho hud waited long
enough lor tho council to act on the
matter. It), says ho has already been to
an expenso of m with tho expectation
that the city council would sign up the
contract, out with no assurance that
the council intended to do so. although
they have had six weeks timo to close
up the matter, ho feels that he doesn't
cure to advance any more money on an
uncertain project and has called off his
"They can never get another $1 a
month offer from Joe," remarked Mr.
Wilson, as he closed the conversation.
Look for the Flushes.
If any repuirs have to ho made at any
time to the machinery in the power
house of tho Electric "Light company,
the manager has adopted a code of
(lashes to notify those using lights that
they may expect them to go out for a
minute or two.
Kor HtoDH not to pvcoiul Ion tniimfna
there will bo a signal of one Hash; for a
Stop from ten minutes In half an hour
two flashes; for an indefinite stop, three
MunuLrcr Chinnim does notovnocl unv
serious dillicuities, hut there are always
limes when mo machinery will need a
tittle touching up and the lights will
imve to De turned on lor that. time. Got
your lamps ready when the signals are
Tho cold weather is on now, but the
manager says tho water will lie kept
running in the Hume at all hours of the
day, and in this way no ice will lie
allowed to aceummulute, and slop the
power wheel, as has happened hereto
fore. Christmas Kvc at Valley Church.
(. hriatmua eve at the Valley Christian
church was celebrated with an excel
lent entertainment by the children
which lasted over an hour and was
received with applause by sn enthusi
astic audience, it was said by some to
be the best Christmas entertainment
ever witnessed by them. Santa
Glaus and his brigade were pres
ent and gave the audience a
grand treat in the way of a concert and
drill. Much praise is due both Mrs.
T. A. Renvis and Mrf. E. E. Rcgcstor
for their faithful efforts in training the
children for their drill, and in fact the
entire entertainment. Those who failed
to Ik- present truiv missed a groat treat.
Besides the school treats, presents were
given to the poor. No other presents
were brought to the church.
Ralph R. tawis of the Belmont poul
try yards was in Portland last week in
attendance at the poultry show in that
city. Mr. Lewis entered a Black Minor
ca hen, whi-h scored 01 points. The
scoring would have been higher, says
Mr. I,cwi0. hut one of tho u-iiiim nf the
hen was clipped.
One Price to All.
Our Christinas trade wan good, and we cleaned up nearly all the Holiday
Goods we had. - What is left over we will make you considerable reduction on.
Ladies' Felt and Velvet Slippers, worth f 1.05, only : $1.40
Toilet Case, worth $0.25 .- 4.75
Any other Holiday
A new line of Spring Oxfords and Slippersjust received. They are from the
Hamilton & Brown factory, the largest Shoe makers iu the world. Our high
cut Shoes are giving the best of satisfaction. We have them in black and tan, in
different heights, both heavy and light. " .
It will soon be time that stores will be telling you what discounts they are
going to give you on goods. It is easy to mark up goods and then give you a
large discount. Don't be misled by a large discount. It is not the discount that
you want; it is the best goods for the least money, and the Paris Fair is.the place
to get them.
Want County Inspectors Wish to
Prohibit Hale of Wormy Apples.
The mass meeting of fruit growers at
the opera house Tuesday morning ap
pointed a committee of three to confer
with Representative A. A. Javne in
framing proposed legislation for the pro
tection of the fruit interests of the state;
passed unanimously a number of reso
lutions giving an idea as to the sort of
fruit legislation the farmers of Hood
Itiver valley desire;' listened to some
excellent discussions on needed fruit
laws; took a collection to pay hall rent
and adjourned sine die.
A. I. Mason, president of the Hood
River Apple Growers' union called the
assembled apple men together, and on
motion J. W. Morton was made chair
man of the meeting, with the Glacier
man secretary.
K. L. Smith, president of the state
board of horticulture, read that portion
of his bieniul report prepared for the
legislature, in which he recommended a
law providing for the appointment of
county fruit inspectors, and told of the
working of similar laws in other states.
The remarks of Mr. Smith have bean
given Bpace in another column.
In closing Mr. Smith pointedly re
marked that while the legislators of
Oregon have been very parsimonious in
giving financial aid to the fruit industry
for the purpose of enforcing inspection
laws, money by the thousands of dol
lars lias been paid out for Bcalp bounties
and encouragement to the growth of
lack rabbits.
Mr. Javne assured the fruit growers
of his interest in the encouragement of
the fruit industry. Mr. Javne is anx
ious to work for legislation that will
benefit the fruit grower, and believes
the legislature should appropriate suffi
cient money for entorcing the laws rela
tive to fruit inspection, but he states
that the people of Hood River must ex
pect to find opposition from non-fruit
raising sections ol the state to any law
looking to the exclusion ol wormy ap
ples from the markets.
Mr. Smith reiterated his remark that
it will be impossible to secure anything
more than the customary 450U from
the legis.ature that has been granted
heretofore for the state board of borti
culture, therefore the relief must come
from the counties. Hie state of Wash
ington has expended as much as $i"0,000
through its counties in the destruction
of fruit pests and for the inspection of
fruit and fruit trees. The work of com
missioner Carson in Jackson county,
Oregon, in eradicating anthracnose from
a single orchard is worth more than the
whole state b appropriation.
Mr. Smith offered the following reso
lution and on motion it was adopted :
"Resolved, That inasmuch as the ap
propriations of the state for the sup
port of our state board of horticulture
are wholly inadequate to protect our
fruit interests by the enforcement of
horticultural lawB and regulations made
in conformity with them, we therefore
most earnestly rconimeud the appoint
ment ol county horticultural inspectors
as outlined by our state commissioner
at large in his eighth biennial report to
the legislature. '
Mr. Mason expressed himself as a
firm believer in the efficacy of the coun
ty inspector system faun the fact that
such methods have worked satisfactorily
in other states. At the last meeting of
the Northwest Fruit Growers' associa
tion in Portland last winter Mr. Mason
met several of the cotiiity inspectors
ironi the state ot Washington, and it
was easy to see that they were compe
tent fruit men in every respect. The
fruit men of Washington were contin
ually poking fun at the men from Ore
gon because they were so slow and be
hind the times in the matter of fruit
inspection. -
At the meeting of the Nurserymen's
association in Hood River last summer
a distinct anti-Washington spirit was
manifested by the nurserymen who have
at times come in contact with the rigid
inspection system enforced in the state
ts the north of us. -
On motion ot A. C. Staten, Chairman
Morton appointed K. L. Smith, pres
ident of the state board of horticulture,
A. I. Mason, president of the Hood
River Apple Growers' union, and U. R.
t'astner,-a member of the board of di
rectors of the same organization, to con
fer with Representative Jayne in fram
ing a bill for the protection of the fruit
interests ofjtho state.
The question was then raised, "What
good would it do Portland to have a
county inspector?" and "Would the
Portland dealers want the law enforced?"
Smith and Mason replied that under
the present system cull apples are
duuicd into the Portland markets from
the slate of Washington by the carload.
The dealers have today more such fruit
on their hands than they can get rid of,
and they would be glad of au opportu
nity to keep such trash from their
houses. The law would be such that
the dealers or any one else could not
get around its enforcement. If Mult
nomah county refused to appoint a fruit
inspector, some adjacent county could
have the work done and charged to
Multnomah county.
Considerable time was taken np in
Goods cut in proportion.
Clearance Sale.
For 30 days we will give
on all goods except school books.
Toys and Games at Actual Cost.
Now is your time to stock
can give you some bargains.
Don't forget the place.
Call, and call again.
the discussion of the fine points in the
wording of a motion to keep wormy a;
pies out of the markets, but the matter
was finally left to the appointed com
mittee fqr final settlement. The sense
of the motion adopted was that wormy
apples shall not be sold in the markets
of Oregon.
Mason said he would even prohibit
the sale of wormy apples in the stores of
Hood River. "While there will be
those who will not aeref with me on
this," continued Mr. Mason, "if a man
will stop to thin IT about it, he can see
that by buying five-tier apples for $1 or
less a box he Is irettimr more for his
fnonev tltL when lie ravs 60 cents for
a box of wormy apples. The flavor of
wormy apples is "spoiled in a month or
so, and liy the time you cut out the
worm hole and the decayed portion,
there is very little left. A good, clear,
sound apple, even if it is small, is pref
erable to a large wormy apple full of
worm hole."
E. H. Shepard, manager of the Apple
Growers' union, would prohibit the
sale of wormy apples entirely. There is
no money in th jin he says. By the
time they are placed on the market,
there is only 13 cents left the grower to
pay for picRing, packing and hauling to
town, tins leaves very little it any
net income. Poor apples invariably
lower the price of good apples.
J. L. Carter desires such a law. He
believes it will stimulate the product
ion of more perfect frnit. With Mr.
Garter it. is with compunction of con
science that he offers a box of wormy
apples for sale.
Peter Mohr remarked that visitors to
Hood Kiver have told him that the
poorest apples in the world are found
at eating houses in this citv.
The nurserymen who sell trees un
true to name came in for a grilling. Ala
eon, who has met with serious financial
loss from the work of nurserymen, is
anxious to make such offences a crime
punishable by a penitentiary term, but
Attorney Jayne considered this view too
radical, tie is of opinion that the
present laws will permit the irrower
who lias been duped to collect damages.
ttox size was discussed : selling of ap
ples from onedistrict under name of an
other, and tho seriousness of battling
with the Sun Jose scale. Among the
resolutions passed were the following:
Ihat there be county fruit inspectors;
That wormy apples 'be excluded from
the markets;
J hut the nurserymen shall itive
bonds to sell trees true to name;
J hat the special and standard boxes
be made the legal apple box of the state
and that the use of other Bizes be pro
hibited; That some effort be made to prohibit
fruit of one community being sold under
the name of another.
Mr. Mason, just liefore the close of
the meeting, stated that, the Davenport
Pros. Lumber Co. had made an offer
to the growers of the valley to furnish
apple boxes at 8 cents each, provided
the company could Becure orders for
On motion of Mr. Shoemaker, a com
mittee was appointed, consisting of Mr.
Shoemaker, Mr. Staten and Mr. Porter,
to confer with the Davenport Bros, and
see what arrangements can be made to
secure boxes at a cheap price.
Geo. D. Culberson & Co. are my au
thorized ngents fnrthe renting of my
houses and Felling town and country
property. H. C. COK. "
Water Notice,
from and after January 1, 1!H)5, the
Waucoma Hydrant f'o.'s family rates
will bo raised to $1.25 per month. A re
bate of 2"c will be made on family rate
if paid when the collector calls.
H. C. COE, owner.
Tho pupils of the 10th grada of the
Hood River high school remembered
Superintendent Wiley with a beautiful
picture of Mount Hood as a Christmas
gift. The professor appreciates the gift
very much.
W. A. Wiley, city superintendent of
public schools, gives notice that chart
class pupils or children who will enter
school for the first time next week,
should register the first week in Jan
uary, s new classes will be formed at
that time, 1
Never Undersold.
from 20 to 30 discount
np with Tablets, etc. We
A. I. Mason telephoned in from Pine
Grove that the taxpayers of road (lis
trict No. 6 last Tuesday evening voted a
special road tax of 10 mills without a
dissenting voice.
A road bed 14 feet wide, 14 inches
deptli of gravel in center, eight inches
at out side with three leet of dirt be
tween the gravel and the drain ditches
on either side, the bottom of said ditch
es to be six inches lower than bottom of
road bed. Gravel to be rolled by the
12-ton steam roller now owned by the
Resolution passed that road super
visors next year be requested to do as
little dirt work and as much gravel work
as possible; that our county court should
give supervisors hnancial aid in attend
good road mentings and supervisors' in
Old Soldiers eat Christmas Dinner.
Christmas day Judge L. Henry and
Frank Noble, accompanied by their
best girls, made a hank movement on
their old comrade, H. J. Byrkett, and
captured his home fort. But their at
tack was not so disastrous to Mr. Byr
kett as the lute Japanese aepaults on the
forts at Port Arthur. His commissary
was loaded to the muzzle and II. J.
surrounded his visitors and kept them
prisoners until they were willing to sign
a treaty of peace.
They ate and drank (army coffee, of
course,) recounted thrilling incidents of
(it to bo, until they were too full for
utterance, r.veryone taking part in
the engagement declares it was a glo
rious victory of man over matter, but
there are those who think the victory
was on the other Bide, for when the at
tacking party retreated to the pleasant
living room of Mr Byrkett's castle the
commissary department gave them the
laugh and seemed able to sustain a
number of such attacks.
Of course, Mr. Byrkett would never
tell a poor devil of a printer anything of
a good item like this, but the Glacier s
war correspondent got on just the same,
and with all other patriotic citizens is
glail, to wish these "old coffee coolers"
many happy returns of the day, and
that to them every day may be Sunday
except ChristmaB and July 4, and that,
these days may be .something better.
It is little enough for the heroes of '05.
Santa Clans Visits the Pupils.
Friday afternoon a number of patrons
and friends gathered in tho different
rooms of the school on Hood River
heights to listen to the program ren-
derdered by the pupils and enjoy the
occasion. Afternoon the children has
tened back to the school house almost
wild with delight for behind locked
doors, awaiting the hour, stood Christ
mas trees, heavily loaded ith presents
for the little ones, which presents were
duly distributed after the programs were
The room occupied by the ninth gride
was beautifully and artistically decorat
ed for the occasion, and looked its very
Post, l he program, in w hich all par
ticipated, was listened to by an appre
ciative assembly of fathers and mothers.
Mrs. A. A. Jayne assisted by rendering
a heautilii! solo. Words of greeting
from Governor Chamberlain, Y.ere read
by the class secretarv, Miss Bertha
forty. Plessant and encouraging words were
spoken by patrons and all voted a most
enjoyable time. Just Is-fire closing
the pupils remembered their teacher
with a handsome present and wishes for
a merry Christmas, then in a rousing
way rendered the "class yell '.
At the Churches.
Riverside Congregational. Rev. W.C.
Gilmore, pastor. Sabbath school at 10
a. in. Communion service and recep
tion ot members at ll a. m loung
Eeoplo's meeting at 6:30 p. m., followed
y an address, "The kind of a growth '
needed for 1905." Speeial music at
evening service.
Union. Election of trustees for Union
church, Monday, January 2, 190., at
2:30 p. m. at the church. The election
will be for one trustee or more. By
For Kent.
4-roora house. See J. B. Nickelsen. J6
S-room cot lege lor rent. M. F. JACOBS. Jig
. . hnnaalrMnllll, at. FAX-
aillxe num. Tormlnuiof Htals mreet. Phone
wl. .
ocitttr Mim. v. u. asmiiiaa.
Gentleman with a No. 1 reference wishes
wwl linn h salesman with general merchan
dise houne or crockery and groceries. Artrtress
postolllce box It, Hood Blver, Or. JW
Good boy to learn printer's trade,
at U lacier olttce.
At Olen Ridg-e Farm, ilx milch cows. Must
be perfectly sentle, clean nrt Rood mllken.
A. C. STATEN, Prop.
SOLICITOR for H6od River and surround
ing counlry. Salary or commission. Can
make from ti to 110 per duy. J. R. Taylor,
da) Hood River.
Position a assistant cook In hotel or board
lug bouae. U Pannenter, Hood River, dt'J
Wanted, Charcoal. Give price per ton In
carload lota. "8," care thia onlce.
Wanted to Kxcbange Millinery for wood,
chickens or other produce, hi tut. ABBOTT. J5
For Sale
For sale, a good Fisher piano. Any one can
secure a bargain by calling on
For sale cheap, wood chopper's outfit, two
wnuj, loom una cooKing uiensiia.
Jsn 19 i nillua out Eaat Bide.
For aule, carrots, line for stock at this
season of the year. 60 cents A sack delivered
or 40 eenta a sack It hauled by purchaser.
Jan 19
i', inlleaout Kaat Hide.
For sale, dry wood; now under ahed. Ad
dresa JI9 RALPH R. LEWIS,, Belmont.
For rent a live-room houae. Furniture for
sale. House la furnished complete. Will jell
all together or separately.
Jan 19 MHH.C. E. HEMMAN.
I have a good locatlou lor factory two
m Ilea from Hood River on good road. Two
sloryb ullding on the ground 82x50 feet. Wa
ter power bti-iooi ihii. n you wisn lo rem,
lease, buy, or have money to Invest In a lac
tory address J. T. NEALEIUH. Hood River.
Jan I1) tf R. V. I). So. X
For Bale, full-blooded White Wyandotte
cocaereis at ii eacu. Also neigian narea, in
cluding black ones, very rare, at 7oc per "pair.
MRS. P. J. TRE1BEK. Twin Oaks farm. J 19.
Pool room flxtuiea; also household gooda
ready for keeping houae. Inquire A. H. Uhea-
ley, r. u. dox iu, noou Kiver, or. js
Pop Corn In 60c and 11 sucks; shelled or In
the ear. Leave orders ut J. H. Gill's store, or
phone K. T. Foils. J5
No. t Smith grubbing machine; can be aeen
at work on the Booth place on Willow Flat.
Also uuggy ana Harness, w.c. oooge. jn.
In Helmont uddltton, 6 acres: i In berries.
See Wm. Saterlee, JS
Horse, 7 years old; weight 1 00 pounds. Bar
gain for cash. P, Hennlngaen, Moaler, Or. Jf
Good luel coal; will deliver Bume from car
at ei a ion. uauger Hartley. JO
One double wagon, 1 set harness, 1 organ
and household furniture. Inquire of U. 0. W.
Ciowell, second door south ol'Hohnan'a, Hood
Kiver tieiguiH.
A good seven-room house and two lota. Any.
one desiring a good home will do well lo In.
veal Igate this. Inquire at the place south
of Hherinan avenue nearly opiiosite Congrega
tional cnurcn, Li. A. UIUKINMUN. d-'i
Home fine pure-bred
l mouth Rock rnoa-
te4s, at 81 euch
A good four-yenr-oid milk cow. Ayrshire;
good milker. EMILIE WALT HER,
Chenowith, Wash.
Alfaffa. clover, wheat and tlmnlhv hav.
uisu ury uiue woou cut in stove lengins.
fill V. 1). H1NK1CHM, R. F. D. 2
Forly acres of my farm In Crapper district,
VA miles from Hood River. Good annle land
(CIU per acre. Easy terms. Unimproved, under
uiicm. jy i u a, a, umi,
An 8-room, well built house, between the
two school houses on the hill; formerly the
Tenold cottage. Inquire at Glacier office, da!
For a shorttlme I otter 32.! acres of land
right on the Columbia for J-1360.00 cash. Over
100 acres can be easily Irrigated. Purl of thia
(HO acres) is not surpassed for fruit in the en
tire I'aclltc Northwest. Balance (HO to 100 acres)
best of allalfa land. If not sold will want one
or two renters (married). Best of terms; abun
dance of water furnished. Or will sell lie
acres (10 IrrlgHhle) with water for SISOO OO on
tune. tt. STUEHCK, Arlington, Ore. J19
Lost, a small black Cocker spaniel, about 8
months old. When last seen had a leather
collar on, with a small Iron ling In It. Finder
will be reimbursed.
Lost .envelope contuinlng&nllar. bow lleund
pair of mittens. Finder please leave at Gla
cier oiuce. jan 19
Lost at the Congregational church, Satur
day afternoon, la y'a umbrella, with natural
woou nunuie, I'lease return to
n.n., .. .u .- . n, I'inill B.1,11. niiu II. n, Ilia
amall package dry goods. Finder please leave
I Jt kalwuin C A I ' .... . 'a , , un..t,
Bl n,JlcullintTiB UIIIOII.
Found on the street by Mrs. J 8. Lester, a
lady's Morrocco pockelbook, which owner
can have by proving ownership and paying
lur tins IMIICB. nZ'.
Found Umbrella. Inquire at Glacier office
Found Cuff button
cler office.
Inquire at the Gla-
Fonnd, child's wool glove. Inquire at Gla-
vivr uilice.
Gold locket watch charm. Inquire at II la
cier office.
Key, with leather lag. Gtneter office.
order of Troy Shelley, chairman of the
board of trustees.
Unitarian Regular service in morn
ing. Subject of sermon : "The Leisure of
Uod." Lecture at 7 p. m. Sunday
evening will be first of regular Sunday
evening services of a young people's so
ciety soon to be organised. Subj'ect for
Sunday evening: "The Open Door." A.
J. Nelson, pastor.
Lutheran. Services Sunday, January
1, at the church near Columbia nur
sery and K. P. cemetery. Sunday school
at 1 p. m.; divine service, with Lord's
Supper, at 2 p. m. Those who wish to
partake of the Holy Sacrament and have
not notified the pastor -may do so next
Sunday liefore sorvices. H. J. Kolb,
The Rev. G. Uf. Booth, D. D., presid
ing elder of The Dalles district will
preach at the Methodist church nexl
Sabbath morning. The quarterly con-
lerence will be held on Saturday. Dec.
31, at 8 p. m. The revival meetings an
to continue throughout the week. All
are invited to come and enjoy these
seasons of Divine Grace.
The ladies of St. Mark's Uild are elat
ed over the success of their doll show
and high tea given Wednesday of last
week in the Dallas building. Seventy
dollars were cleared for theciiurch fund.
Something like four dozen dolls were
placed on sale, and all but one or two
were sold at the (-ale, the others being
purchased The supper was verj
nice, ana was wen patronized by th
people of the city.
Miss Lucluda Luckev was 6 vears old
Friday, December 23, when her mother
extenned an invitation to 25 of her little
friends to spend the afternoon at tin
home of Miss Lucinda. The little tots
enjoyed a delightful afternoon.
Professor C. D. Thompson soent Mon-
day in Portland, where he saw the fool
ball eleven of his alma mater rub it intu
the Multnomah club to the tune of III
to II.
Invitations are out announcing a re-
ceiition by the Anona Literary club, in
im renews nan, paturdav night, IK
cemlier 31, at 8 :30 o'clock. "Mrs. Wile
ami Miss Dano are patronesses for the
Real Estate
For Sale New two-story 9-room
house; Stranahan addition ; f 1100; terms
eBFo'r Sale or Kent Good farm with
stock and goats; farming implements
included. John Leland Henderson.
1 or Sale The Abbott Store property
on the hill. Price, t3,000.
The M. M. Davenport 4 acres, nice
new residence, 11700. Terms easy
14 acres across the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, some improvements,
2 miles from Barret 6chool house, $2,000.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
free irrigating water, 1J miles from Bar
rett school house, $1,100.
A 20 acre tract unimproved, 1 miles
from the Barrett school house, 6 acres
cleared, $1,700.
The NW'Ji of NW, Sec. 4,Tp.2 N.,
R. 10 E, 40 acres.' Price 2,000. 500or
more cash, balance in five years.
Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 2, Winans add. to
Hood River for $350 pach.
The NE M of SW K and the NW of
SE.Ji section 16, Tp 2 north, range 11
cast, 80 acres, partly improved, good ap
ple land, plenty of timber, no rock.
Price $800 caBh or $1,000 on time at
per cent.
Money to loan.
Hanna house and lot, $2,000.
The new company now Offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
River Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
Lot 4, block 9, Hull's additiou, fine 2
story house: $1,400.
Lot for sale in Waucoma Park addi
tion, $200.
Kor Rent For a term of ten years,
the . lot on State street, back of
Bartmess'. '
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan; 60 acres
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy ; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced.
Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood River.
F"or Sale The l)onahue block on the
hill. Improved and fenced. Fine resi
dence, burn and outbuildings. $4500.
Will sell the SEK for $000, the NEJtf
for $700, or the W for $3500. One
third cash, balance time at 8 per cent.
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $250.
For Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm
owned by A. E. Lake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
berries in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several buyers to go in to
gether and each secure a part. Must all
be sold at once. Terms half or more cash.
Mrs. Clark's 1 acres on the hill for
sale or rent; house $10 a month, with
land $15; selling price $1,500; renter
must take subject to sale.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; IliO acres good fruit land;$4000.
8 100 acres at White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
ft. The b-acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Renehaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
For Sale. 40 acres near Monnt Hood
post office. Good land $700 rash 30
days, only.
Five acres at Frankton ; cottage and
acreandahalf in cultivation. Creek
and water power; $1,000.
Block 1, Parkhurst addition to Hood
River, all in cultivation good house,
beautiful residence property; price,
$4,500 ; $1 ,500 or more cash ; balance on
or before 3 years at 8 per cent. ,
Ijjts 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition ; improved ; price $1,000; or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
The 10 acres owned by H. S. Lewis at
Belmont, improved, with buildings,
farm implements, furniture, stock, etc.,
$3,000; the bare place, $2,500; $1,500
or more cash ; balance on time, 6 per ct.
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
For Rent. One or two cottagcs;comer
store building to lease. Store building
can also be bought.
For Sale Four-fifths interest in the
M. 0. Wheeler lt0 acres near Hood
River Falls.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Exchange for Hood River
property Fine residence in business
center of Sumpter.
For Sale Good farm with stock and
goats for sale or rent. Fanning imple
ments. First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April 9," 1903,
the rates wUl be as follows: $10 a day ;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owneT, the
same price.
Stockholders' Meeting-.
The annual stockholders' meeting of the
Water Supply Company of Hood Kiver will
meet at 1 o'clock p. in.,
Saturday, January 7, 1905,
At Joe Wilson's office, for the election of
seven directors and transaction of such other
business as may legally come before the
meeting. Byordr ol' the board of directors.
c. K. MAKKHAM, Secretary.
listed December 27,
i (lecire to Hunounoe that the dunces givn
Ht tin Kntr hall are not pnhlta, but strictly
InrtiHliiHi a Hails, and that- tUoso without nn
Invitation from the manager will be denied
acmnumce in ute future.
J if
Bids Wanted
For ftimlRhlnir school district No. 4 ritarretn
wilh3fi ricks of llMuch wood, 20 of pine or nr.
M of oak;to be delivered and piled in the wood
hou-e on or before the l th day of AUiit lw.
A U bids to be In before Junu.wy It, IWfi.
Saw Filing.
Will do CrosS-CUt Saw Iill!l. I'Ikis. 11 rod r.
Ick and Uavld Salisbury, Dukes Valley, K. K.
Property Bargain ""
Two-story 7-room hmise and lot, .iOxI'JJ feet
Heuderson a subdivision; price, s;'xl, I50 cash,
balance of taxi mortsano at S per jent. liar
gain good for 2o days only. Aiodv at once for
parlicularsto EDWIN A. HKNliKKSON,
Hood Kiver Real Estate, Insurance, 1-oun and
rollecllon Hureau.
Collection Bureau
Collections promptly attended lo.
LDWIN A. HENDERSON, Special Agent.
Look! Look! Look!
Does the price you are pnvlnj tor your renl
estate suit yon Are ou saiisH.-d Kith me
bargains now off ivd yon? It noi call on me
and let meahowvnu bargains of the first wa
insurance. Real Estate, Notary Aubllc, dltf.