O. R. & N. TIME TABLE. Cant bound No. 2, Chicago Special, 11:43 a. in. No. 4, Hpokane Flyer, 8:38 p. ni. No. 6, Mull and ExpreHs, IOi.'jO p. to. No. 2i, Way Freight, 12:10 p. in. No. at rant Freight, 4:05 a. in. West bound No. 1, Portland Special. 3:03 p. m. No. 3, Portland Flyer, 5:3li a. m. No. 6, Mail and KxpreKR, 4:48 a. m. No. n, Way Freight, 5 a. m. No. 21, Fast Freight. 5:45 p. in. Hood River Weather Report. Kor week ending Tuesday, Dec. 20: Mean m ixlinuin, 62.5; mean mlniiniiin,38.U; mean, 45, i Highest temperature, Dec. 14: lowest, night ot December Hi; Precipitation, l.6. I). N. BYEKl.EE, Local Obaerver. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERH. School books at Coe & Son's. Orpingtons and Minorcas at Lewis'. Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic and keep off gray hairs. BOOTHS have moved to where Rand used to be. 1000 to loan on farm property. Apply to W. J. Baker. All watch, clock and jewelry work guaranteed. Clarke the jeweler. Twenty per cent off on men's gloves for a few days at S. J. Frank's. A large stock to select from. For sale. Some of the finest lots on the hill, fronting the river. Ales lots in Riverview park and Idlewild. See W. J. Baker. Chocolate menier is absolutely pure, and guaranteed best made. (Jet a can at Bone & McDonald's. A fine farm for sale in the Odell dis trict. Well improved. Sold at a bar gain if taken soon. W. J. Baker. YV. J. Baker has some beautiful lots for sale near Chas. Clarke's residence on the hill. Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired at the lowest possible prices, Clarke the jeweler. We invite the public to come in and get our meat prices. We are selling boiling meats at bed rock prices. Mayes Bros. Don't buy wall paper from sample book agents. Hunt can save you money and has the goods on haud. Souvenir spoons, engraved with straw berry, at Temple's. Call and see Strowbridges' new Btock of wall paper, paints, oils, brushes, etc., next door to Mayes' meat market. Do your eyes fail you? Come in and see C. H. Temple, the oculist, who is prepared to test and fit your eyes, and lias the largest stock of glasses -in the city. Just received direct from the factory a new line of cut glass, "The Ameri can," second to none manufactured in the United States. Call and be con 1 vinced. Clarke, the jeweler. Come and see our Btock of Christmas goods and tree ornaments before buying elsewhere. W, S. Gribble, The Mount Hood Store. Blackboards Are amusing and Instructive; three styles; nice boards. 65c 91.00. 92.00. Sleds A fine assortment of high and low runners; hard wood; finely painted. 50c to 93.50. Dolls Buggies & Gocarts The finest assortment ever shown here. Anything you want from 35c to 96.50. Hand Cars The new motor wagon for boys. Very popular ic the cities. Irish Mail style 97.50. Photograph Albums A beautiful liue to select from. Very nice ones from l.OO to 5.QO Games An immense assortment of the new popular games. Anything you want from 5c to 5.QO- Express Wagons The best made steel wagons 2.00. 2.50. 3.00. SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS CBccffe T"E Bia Store with Little I wish you all A. Merry Christmas Yours truly, FRANK A. CRAM. This Store will be closed all Monday, December 20. BOOTHS have moved where Rand used to be. Do your eves need attention? If so call on Clarke, the jeweler and optician, j i n lrteen acres near valley Christian church, $45 an acre if taken quick. W. J. Baker. I have a large stock on hand, in fact, the largest stock in town. Watches, the finest grade rings, the largest stock, all at reduced prices. Gome and Bee i U. 11. Temple for bargains in all lines. We are still selling our home made lard as cheap as other lard can be bought and we guarantee every bucket. 10s, $1.40; 5s, 70c; 3s, 45c. Mayes Bros. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and produce no griping or other unpleasant effect. Sold at Williams' Pharmacy. I have the agency for the American cut glass. Call and inspect this line. Clarke, the jeweler. Mayes Bros.' meat market gives notice that all orders for morning delivery must be in by 10:45 o'clock. The after noon delivery will be taken off at 4:30.. Maves Bhos. If you buy an article of me, and I guarantee it, if it should be faulty, isn't it at least handier to return it to me than if you had to return it to Portland or Chicago to have it made good. Clarke, the jeweler. If your watch is out of order come and see C. H. Temple, the watch maker, who will repair your watch, and gave time, save money, and have your watch last many years more than it would if you go to Borne one who has not had the many years experience I have. You are cordially invited to inspect my line of cut glass, watches, clocks, jewelry and silverware. Ask my prices. I believe that I can please you, and know that I can save you money. Clarke, the jeweler. BOOTHS have moved to where Rand used to be. Why should you go elsewhere to pur chase, when you can buy fie same articles as cheap or cheaper at home. Call and get my prices. Clarke, the jeweler. For Wilbur's poultry and stock food go to Bone & McDonald's. 160-acre improved farm, under irriga tion, in Nebraska, for farm in Hood River or White Salmon. W. J. Baker. , When you want a pleasant laxative take Chanilierlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale at Williams Pharma cy. Temple, the Jeweler, has moved into the Smith building, opposite Williams' drug store. 50 acres on the East Side, 2J miles out. 10 acres in young orchard. A snap. W.J. BAKER. Large stock of horse blankets and winter robes at 8. J. Frank's SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY In order to make the day especially interesting at this Big Store, we otter these specials: From 8to9 only 10-in. kid body Doll, bisque head, well made, a cute doll at a very little price lOc each. From 9 to 10 only Blackboards, hard wood frame, well made boards. Sell for 5c. For one hour only, 4Qc. From lO to 11 only Autograph album, iHrge size, beautiful covers, a fine book, for lOc. From 11 to 12 only -American in struction ABC board, movable letter blocks fastened to tKmrd, very Instruct ive. 75c value. 40c. From 12 to I only Handkerchiefs AU of our immense line of 5c handker chiefs, for one hour, 4c. day Cocoa menier and chocolate menier at Bone & McDonald's. Those fine jewelry boxes at C. H. Temple's would make a nice Christinas present. Basket ball, Thursday evening, S. E. Bartmess has a first class uphol sterer in his employ, and is prepared to do all kinds of repair work. Insure in an all home institution, The Oregon Fire Relief association of Mc Minnville. Frank J. Perkins, agent, P. O. box 02, Hood River, Or. Read our Want ads. You will find what you want in that column. Large stock of solid gold brooches be ing closed out at cost by C. II. Temple. Basket ball; gymnasium, Thursday evening good game. Dolls! Dolls!! DooIIb!!! at Coe's. Best selection of rings ever brought to Hood River. Over 200 styles. C. H, Temple. Christmas toys at Coe & Son's. Fine lockets, solid gold front and gold filled,being closed out at a great reduc tion. C. H. Templo. AlbuniB at Coe's, Mantle clocks, with gold plated front, warranted not to tarnish, at C. II. Temple's. Latest designs in ladies watcher; gold filled, solid gold, and also with diamond setting. Also a full line of gentlemen's watches. C. H. Temple. Celluloid novelties at Coe's. Games at Coe & Son's Large stock of silverware just received for Christmas trade. C. H. Temple. Iron toys to suit the boys at Coe & Son's. , I am prepared to saveou money on your year's reading. Bring in a list of magazines you would like and let me give you a price on them. Geo. I. Slo com. Christmas candies at Coe & Son's. Money to loan E. II. Ilartwig. 20 PER CEJiT REDUCTION on wall paper at Hunt's from Dec. 1 to January 1, to make room tor new goods. Sew Today. Basketball tonight. Mistletoe at the Favorite. Basket ball tonight; good game. Are you going to the basket ball game? Oranges and mandarines at the Favo rite, Get your Christmas turkeys and chick ens at Holman's. Christmas tree trimmings, mistletoe nuts and candieB at Holman's. Sweet potatoes, honey, cranberries, mince meat and sauerkrautat Holmans. The Favorite will be closed Christmas until 5 p. in. All those indebted to me must call Our Art Gallery Is a beautiful corner of our store. All sorts of framed pctures from 35c to 5.00. Japanese Goods The only place in town to get them. Very beuuliful goods at Little Prices. Cups and Saucers A very beautiful lot of fine China Nothing like them elsewhere. 15c to 1.5Q Toys A stranger to us remarked to one of our friend that there wasn't a store in the west in a town of this size that had as fine a stock as we have. Anything you want you can find here, at Little Prices. Fine China Plates, Salad Seta, Tea Sets, Cream Pitchers, Mugs, etc., in the finest French China. Little Prices. Books A new lot just In. Everything to suit kids and grown-ups. Christmas Cards Large assortment 5c to 25c. Prices Bo6tk and settle bt fore January 1st. J. T. Holman. Basket ball tonight. Basket ball tonight. Good game. Go to the "baskit b-a-w-1'' tonight. Are you going to the basket ball game? Lewis and Clark Souvenir dollars for sale at the favorite. Mrs. P. S. Davidson, jr., is home from Portland. U, Fields of White Salmon was a Hood River visitor lust Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Eccles were Portland visitors during the week. Remember the fruit growers' meeting at the opera house, next Tuesday morn ing. Jim Langille, known to Joe Wilson as the growler, is homo from a vacation to INewport. D. R. Norton, of Norton & Smith, plumbers, was a Portland visitor last week. Mrs. J. F. Stranahan and little son is visiting her mother in Aberdeen, Wash ington. There will be a baptismal service at the Valley Christian Church next Sun day evening. S. A. Cox, of Santa Clara county.Cal., is looking over Hood River with a view of locating here. Butler & Co. have the thank? of the Glacier force for a generous donation of beautiful calendars. Cecil Green is filling the place of sales' man during the rush of the holiday trade at Booth s big store. Application blanks for clergy cer tificates for 1905 may be had by calling upon Station Agent Rmnard. Rev. J. S. Rhoades of Hood River is holding a series of meetings at the Christian church. Wasco News. Mrs. Edward Blythe and son Robert left Tuesday for Portland to spend the holidays with relatives and friends. Jack Bugley left Monday for a ten days' hunt in the Blue mountains. He was accompanied by two friends from Pocatello. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson Copple are now residents of Hood River, having recently moved in from their home in the Odell district. . Dr. A. F. Rowley, the dentist, moved down from the hill Monday, and lias taken rooms in the Smith building over the First National bank. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carter returned Tuesday morning from Portland, where they attended the annual meeting of the Jregon Historical society. Would you speculate? If so invest 25 cents in a Glacier adlet. It will yield big profits. Ask those who have tried the Glacier want ads; then try one of your own. , The Women's Alliance of the Uni tarian church report ft bank account of over $300. The money will he expend ed in completing the work on the inte rior of the church basement. The following officers for the ensuing year were chosen at last Saturday night's meeting of Hood River Indite No. 105, A. F. and A. M : Tm mini llutler, W. M.; C. I). Thompson, S.W.: Charles Castner, J. W. ; A. D, Moe, secretary; h. O. Bianchar, treasurer. . At the Union Church, Odell, Decem ber 25, 7;30 p.m., Christmas services will be rendered by t he Christum Kndeavor society. Collection taken to relieve the church building from the small debt still remaining on it. Mrs. A. L. Shelley, corresponding secretary. Dan Mears began Monday to lay an expanded metal walk along the Brosius block on Oak and Second streets. The concrete walk will extend from Cram's store around the corner to Fonts' sa loon. In the spring a concreto walk will be laid in front of Cram's store: Fred Albitn Weil, well known in Hood River, is now a duly ordained minister, and Sunday evening, Decem ber 11, was installed as minister of the Third Unitarian church of Chicago. The Glacier is in receipt of a neat program of the order of service of the installa tion. The Dalles wasn't so slow after all in the world's fair contest. Down in the valley they are still voting for the most popular girl to go to the world's fair. Perhaps they'll change it to the Lewis and Clark fair when they find out the the St. Louis fair's a thing of the past. Chronicle. A. C. French, writing from Waynoka, Okla , says there was a good, old-fashioned blizzard thereon the 14th, which reminded him of North Dakota. When he wrote there were eight inches of snow on the ground. Here in Oregon the weather is warm and spring-like. Better come west, Mr. French. Manager Shepard of the Hood River Apple Growers' union states that all but about 15 cars of hardy winter apples have been disposed of at satisfactory prices. Among the varieties yet to ship of are: Red Cheek, Arkansas lllack, Mammoth Ulack twig, ortlcy, Swaar. Russett, Wagner, Winesap, AValdbridge. J. F. Stranahan, the architect, has taken a homestead at White Salmon. The land lies on the side of the moun tain above the town of White Salmon. Mr. Stranahan has sent a carpenter to the land to erect a dwelling house, an I when this is completed, he expects to move there with his family. The homestead was secured on a relinquish ment. J he law ot Oregon make it obligatory for banking houses to recognize the fol lowing Monday as a holiday when days like I nriHtmas and .ew Y ear s lull on Sunday. The Hood River banks wi therefore be closed next Monday, like wise the dav after New Year's. It will mean a holiday for the post oliiee, also Business houses have made no an' nounccment of closing on Mondays. Colonel Hartley was in Mosier last Friday, where he purchased a 1500- pound horse that will lie used as a mate for the KiOO-pound mare A. Ganger has lieen driving in llood Kiver tor a year or more. This makes the heaviest pair ot Horses in the city, ami tne dravmg tirm of Ganger & Hartley are now pre pared to pull with the hest ol them Colonel Hartley secured his horse from lienningsen. In the pool room of Fonts & Heed is a cage ot two lullgrown gray squirrels 1 he squirrels were captured last sum by "Puss" Guyer, and are now so tame that when turned out of the cage they run about the room taking nuts from the handB of strangers as politely as you please. The frisky little fellows are fat as a Mil of butter, but Charley Morse says they will feed on nuts as long as anyone has the time to hand them out. When eating a nut, the squirrels will discard the inside hull as well as the shell. G. w. llalloway, who served as an Indian scout under General Miles in the Big Horn country shortly; after the Custer massacre, is in Hood River, tlalloway is o2 years old, and while no one won Id take him to be that old, he says he is beginning to feel theeffects of the hardships of his youth, and hit joints are not so limber as they were when he chased the festive Sionx in the Rockies with the mercury 40 below zero. The old scout can relate many interesting ex periencea of his narrow escapes from the red skins. A new discovery for all oooghs.colds croup.whoopingcough.eto.ia Kennedys Laxative Honey and Tar. It cuts the phlegm, draws out the inflammation, cures all coughs, strengthens the lungs and bronchial tubes and assists in ex pelling a cold from the system by gen tly moving the bowels. Pleasant to take and contains no opiates. It istho children's friend. Sold by Williams. Water and Light Notice All water and light bills must be paid at the company's ollice each month in advance, on or before the 10th day of the month. No collector will be sent out hereafter.In all cases where bills are not promptly paid when due, the ser vices will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. HOOD R1VKR ELECTRIC L. P. & W. C. By H. L. Vorse, Manager. Will Stay iu llood Hirer. The remedy that makes you eat, sleep and grow strong, called Pal mo Tablets, will bo sold regularly by Williams' Pharmacy, Hood River. These great nerve and constitution builders cost only 50c per boxsix boxes $2.50. Watch the label on the Glacier, it tells when your subscription is due. J. E. RAID'S STORE Is filled to overflowing with wun us every day until Uiristmns arrives. J )o your shopping at once by visiting our store early and avoid the rush which inevitably occurs at the near approach of that joyous day. What to Give a Lady. We have a good many solut ions of the above. Silk Waists, Neckwear, Gloves, Slippers, Ribbons, Fancy Shirt Waists. Lace Collars, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Hosiery, Suits, Rain Coats. Ladies' Coats and Cravenettes Slaughtered. We will place on sale all of our Ladies' ('oats and Cravenettes at a 30 reduc tion until January 1st, 1905. Every woman having garments' needs to supply will do well to look here before buying elsewhere. Cut Glass and Crockery. There has just arrived at our store the largest and most exquisite collection of Cut Glass and Crockery that has ever been brought to this city. In Cut Glass the collection embraces Water Mottles, Bowls, Dishes, Vases, Spoon Holders, Sugars and Creamers, Knife Rests, Celery Trays, Salts and Peppers. In China our collec tion is large, and any article will make the Christinas gift that you are looking for. Free Delivery. Phone 581. The Frankton Bchool levied a 25-mill tax for school purposes for l!)0.r and to assist in defraying the indebted ness of the district, incurred in building the new school house. Instead of bringing presents to their friends Christmas, the nieinliers of the Valley Christian church will bring pres ents to the poor, including the Boys' and Girls' orphanage of Cortland. C Christmas exercises for the children of the Unitarian Sunday school will be held at the church Saturday evening, at 7:110, with children's cantata and appropriate uiueic for the occasion. All are welcome. Christmas at the U. IS. church will be bserved Sabbath morning with appro priate music by the choir and Christ inas sermon by the pastor. In the even ts a Ghristqias cantata will be given by the Sunday school. All are welcome. Miss Clara Heller, compositor in the Glacier otlica since May 1, received word early Monday morning that her aged father is very sick anil not expect- d to live. Miss Heller left on the noon train on the sad journey to her home in Auburn, Nob. Uev. and Mrs. J. L. Ilershner went to Monmouth, Polk county today (ThurB- lav where they will siiend Christmas ith Mrs. Ilershner's parents. Their two youngest children, Lawrence and Helen went with them, lliey expect to return on Monday, December 20. The Misses Gocia and Ethel Smith of 1'cndletort, Or., stoped off for a day's visit with Hood Kiver friends, Monday, continuing llieir trip lo iorlland lues- lav to. spend Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs S. C. Smith. I lie young ladies have growed won derfully since leaving Hood Kiver, and are getting prettier every dav. If vou can't take our word for it just ask Don and-and-well, uocia Irene, we ll be good and just say Merry Christmas to both ot you. A. I. Mason, president of the Hood Kiver Apple Growers' union will attend the meeting of the Northwest Fruit Growers' association at Boise next month. Mrs. Mason will accompany her husband. Mr. and Mrs. O. It. Cast ner also expect to attend. President Mason has been asked to prepare a paper for the convention, and thinks of telling the fruit men "How Hood kiver Gained her Reputation for Fine Fruit." K. I.. Smith, president of the association, will attend, and will deliver the address of welcome. Good Institute' at The Dalles. oihi.v ocnooi Mipenmenuent ren te'ls us that a more successful local in The Best Christmas Gift To any member of the family is somethiug practical. Always appreciated, and adds pleasure to the Iloli dup good cheer. Ladies, you can cheer up the men folks and boys by selecting for them a pair of our fine Glove stock, Slippers, one of our elegant ties, Silk Mufflers, Silk Handkerchiefs, Fancy Hose, Sweaters or Gloves. Gentlemen, you can make the ladies and girls happy if you buy them one of our fine warm Furs, one of our elegant Silk Shawls, or a pair of Silk Velvet Slippers, fur trimmed. Perfumes, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Glove Cases, Hand Hags or a New Hat. Don't bring too much money. Several of the above lines we are closing out at cost, including Furs, Shawls, Perfumes and Winter Millinery. goods suitable for Holiday What to Give a Man. This is whero wo can suit you. Smoking Jackets, House Coats, Suspenders, Fine Gloves, Slippers, Fancy Shirts, Fancy Hose, Overcoats, Suits, Handkerchiefs, Shoes and Hats. stute has not been held in the county for many a day than that of Saturday. In spite of the fact that this is an un usually busy day for all, the attendance was large, many teachers from outside districts taking advantage of the oppor tunity afforded to learn that which will assist them in their work. Dalles teachers were also on hand. A good program had been prepared and many who were in attendance tell us the meet ing was most enjoyable. Chronicle. Congregational Christmas Services. The Christmas exercise s of the River side Congregational Sunday school will be held on Saturday evening, at 7:30, with the following program : Song Choir Dialogue An Adventure on Christ mas F.ve Harold Ilershner, Marjorie liuker, Mair Dauo, Grace I'rathcr, Florence Bro sius, Hobert Bragg, Hazel Olinger, Kitty Bragg, Vera Williams Duet Marjorie Raker,lcilu Hershuer (Quartette Mary Vaughn, Mar jorie issuer, i.ena liertlmcr, Eva NickluHon. Recitation Frances Bragg Solo Florence lirosius I'uet Professor and Mis.. Wiley Recitation Fleanor Scott Solo Leila Ilershner Dialogue A Fairy's Christ man. Joke Marjorie liuker, Edith Cop ple, Leila Ilershner, Georgia Prather, Garnet Green, Veia Williams, Merrill Gessling, Mair Dano. Tableaux Christinas at I nltarlan Church. Following is the program at the Uni tarian church Christmas morning, for which those in charge have made elab orate preparations : I rio "Andantino Religioso" (CM. von Weber) violin, violineello and organ. Doxology No. 05 Congregation 4th Service Scripture responses "Jesus and Christianity. Hymn Joy to the World No. 303. Scripture reading Prayer Anthem "Bethlehem".. II. N. liartlett Collection Offertory solo Mrs. Javne N-rmon hy Does the Idea of Christmas Appeal to Us? Solo Mr. William Gross Anthem lie With Us Yet Fcaris liy choir. Benediction The Choir: Sopranos Mrs. Jayne, airs, vorse, airs. Hand, -Mrs. Huxley Altos Mrs. Catchall Smythe, Mrs. Knapp. Mrs. Nee gifts. Santa Claus will be J ISM Tenor Mr. Clarke, Dr. Watt, Mr. Franz. Iiass-Mr. Entricau, Dr. Jenkins, Violin Mr. Gilbert Violineello Mr. Batehaui, Organist Miss Smith. 20 MILLS NEEDED FOR SCHOOL TAX A special school meeting for tho tax payers of the town district will be held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at tho Htato street school lwuso, to vote a tax for school purposes. The taxable property in the district is valued at (.16,225, and it is estimated by Clerk Hem man that the tax levy for the coming year must be 20 mills or more. Following is the estimated ex pense for the coming year: Salaries 6,(580 00 Wood 325 00 Interest on 113,000 7H0 00 Incidentals 8,000 on Janitors 512 00 Total fl0,297 00 .Votes from llood River Heights. Mud is plentiful on our streets again. Why can't we do something to get some croHS walks? Miss Clara Ruffncr returned from Wasco, Tuesday of last week, where sho lias been visiting her sister, Mrs. Marsh. Mr.Boardman of Odell has bought thu stock of groceries iu Abbott's store and is moving the goods to Odell. Mrs. John Koontz has been reported very sick with la grippe, but it is learned she is improving. Miss lertrudo Weed, who has been iu Hood Kiver, the last six month's teach ing music, has returned to her home at Philomath, to attend the winter term of school. Her pupils and friends will miss her. The literary society, known ai tho Twelve O'clock club, which meets in Carmichacl hall, Saturday of each week, is having some very interesting pro grams and well attended meetings. A special program is being prepared for Christmas eve. It is learned that Rowley & Co's drug store w ill be moved to the new building adjoining Slocom's book .store. Dr. Rowley, the dentist, will also occupy rooms in the Smith brick. There seems to be some complaint about barking dogs disturbing the res idents of the heights ; also some boys and girls who prowl the streets at imdit. when thev should hA at hnm in lied. A curfew bell should bj rung In o