The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 22, 1904, Image 3

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Mass Meeting at Opera House to
IHhciiss Proposed Legislation.
A mass meeting of the fruit men has
been called to meet Ht the opera house
on tin-; luutiiiuj.' nf 'J in-day, D cuii.lnir
it, wniiii jiropjMii l,';iiri tur t e
be.t Mt mil c i 'ii . fruit gnwfi's
01 ureiruii Will I) i (U-ctiHiwt. b.ervone
is expected id pHriicipuie uuii alvance
his ideas. Following ia the uall fur the
meeting prepared by a committee of
representative fruit men of the valley:
"The fruit growers of Hood Kiver,
j03 er an l wtnte sum m valley, are
requested to at I end a mass meeting to
uo nt-hi in we opera noure, nooa Kiver,
Or., Tuesday, December 27, atlO o'clock
a. m.
"Kvery fruit grower should attend.
We want some legislation for the bene'
fit of our fruit industry. Our represen
tative, Hon. A. A. Jayne, is anxious to
introduce and uphold before our legis
lature for enactment to become a law,
any bill upon which our fruit growers
can agree.
"G. B. Castner was appointed on
me legislative committee at the .North
west Fruit Growers' association, held in
Portland last January, and he desires to
act as your servant in any matter of leg
islation for the fruit growers of Oregon.
"Fellow fruit growers, why not put
nooa Kiver at tna top 01 horticultural
legislation? Our state horticultural laws
are inadequate for the advancement we
are making in growing the finest appless
mm verriea w,e nuriu call pruuuce.
"We must have better protection by
law to maintain the high standard we
now possess. Our horticultural board
must have more legal power and more
nnanciai support in oriier to be ueneh
cial to us.
"Do we want a county fruit inspect
or r
"Do we want wormy apples sold in
the open markets of Oregon?
"Do we want apples covered with
San Jose scale, to be sold in our mar
kets when other states will not permit
"Do we want any legislation to pro
tect the innocent fruit tree buyer from
the wiles of the nurseryman who has
always trees true (?) to name?
"What penalty ould you give the
fruit grower lor selling scions untrue
to name?
"Would you regulate the size of ap
ple boxes by law.or should the grower be
allowed make the box fit the apples?
"Would you favor a prohibitive law
relative to selling fruit from one dis
trixtrict under the name of another,
either directly or indirectly?
"Would you favor a local option herd
law by which fruit districts such as ours
rould tear down our codlin moth-brood-inii-peiis,
known as fences, posts, rails,
"These questions and many more are
worthy of careful thought and action.
Come out and let us reason together.
Remember the date, December 27, at 10
o'clock sharp."
Will Complete Warehouse This Week.
Stranahan & Bagley, the local agents
for the Wasco Warehouse Milling com
pany of The Dalles, will havo their new
warehouse about completed by the end
of this week. The building is located
near where the former warehouse stood
before tha fire of last August, on the
north side of the railroad track, a little
to the weBt of the passenger depot.
Superintendent O'Brien has promised
Messrs. Stranahan & Bagley a spur of
sutlicient length to hold three or four
cars. From the end of the track east
ward there will bo ample room for
teams to drive in and secure the loads
of grain, Hour and feudstuffs. The
warehouse will have a length of 70
feet and a width of 32. In the north
east corner there will be an office room,
10x12, neatly fitted up.
A four-foot platform will extend full
length on the south and east sides of
the warehouse. Jut inside the main
entrance there will be floor scales.
The warehouse will hae a capacity of
several carloads of flour and grain.
"Hood River is one of the best sale
towns of the Northwest for the products
of the Warco Warehouse and Milling
company," says C. H. Stranahan, "and
vou will find them dying hard before
fiey can be foned out f the eity."
Low Water at Cascade Locks.
N. D. Sanford, a commission mer
chant from Cascade Locks who was in
Hood River Saturday, says that the
reports that the Columbia river below
the ig tilling up with sand is true.
1 lie river at this point is eo shallow that
steamlx ats cannot navigate with a full
cargo. In the opinion of Mr. Sanford
there will have to be some government
work done below the locks, unless the
sand is carried away by the high water.
The sawmill of the Wind River Lum
ber company is again in operation, hav
ing been running now for two weeks.
The timber for this mill comes from the
north side of the Columbia. Mr. San
ford savs the company lopt a large num
ber of jogs in the recent freshet in Wind
'o More Suffering.
If you are troubled with indigestion
get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
and see how quickly it will cure you.
Geo. A. Thompson.of Spencer, la., says:
"Huve had dyspepsia for twenty years.
My case was almost hopeless. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure was recommended and
I used a few bottles of it and it Is the
only thingthat has relieved me. Would
not be without it. Have diictorert with
local physicians and also at Chicago,
und even went to Norway with hopes
of getting some relief, but Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure is the only remedy that
lias done me any good, and I heartily
recommend it. Every person suffering
with Indigestion or Dyspepsia should
use it." Sold by U. E. Williams.
Mosler Apples go to the Fair.
Ig Wasco county going to lie heard
from at the Lewis and Clark fair? If
the court knows herself; and she do.
While the county court is looking after
the county exhibit, Fruit Commissioner
Weber is doing some tall hustling for
the fourth district. This morning he
shipped 100 boxes of apples to the Lewis
and Clark 6tate commission at Portland,
most of which were raised at Mosier and
The Dalles. Chronicle.
The Key That Unlocks the Ditor.
The men of etgty-five and ninety
years of age are not the rotund well fed
But thin spare men who live on a slen
der diet. Be as careful as he will, how
ever, a man past middle age, will occa
sionally eat too much or of some article
of food not suited to his constitution,
and will need a dose of Chamberlaiu's
Stomach and Liver Tablets to cleanse
and invigorate his stomach and regu
late his liver and bowels. When this
U done there is uo reason why the aver
age man should not live t old age. For
gale at Williams Pharmacy.
A Cerlaiii Care for Croup.
When a child sbuwa symptoms of
croup there la no time to experiment
with new remedies, no matter how
highly they may be recommended.
There is one preparation that can always
be depended upon. It has been in use
for many years and baa never been
known to fil,viz: Chamberlain's Cough
Kennedy. Mr. M. r . Common or Mar
ket, Texas, says of it, "1 have used
Chamlierlaln's Congh Remedy In se
vere cases or croup with my children,
and can truthfully say it always gives
prompt relief." For sale at Williuiu'
The electric lights are now what they
should be. The light company is pleased
ana so are their patrons. An electn
cian was called Sunday night to doctor
the generator, and after he had turned
a screw or two, and stuck in a little
piece of wire, lo! and behold, there was
an improvement in the brilliancy of
the lights, it was possible to read
newspaper without straining the eyes
Manager Davidson says additional
poles will be put in now, and light ser
vice supplied to those who are in reaili
nets to receive the same. Owing to the
limited amount of "juice" on hand fur
the past couple of weeks, the company
believed they owed it to their old pat
rons to give them all they could before
dividing what they had with new cus
tomera; hence the delay in selling more
The Hood River Electric Light, Power
and Water company is now on a strong
financial tooting. Instruments were
filed with the county clerk last week.
whereby the Portland Trust company
takes a mortgageon the plant tor lluo,
000. The company has just iretted bonds
to this amount, of which o0,000 have
been put up for sale, the Portland Trust
company holding the mortgage as col
lateral. The debts or the company
have been assumed, and the notes held
by Butler & Co's. bank have been liqui
dated. This recent financial deal places the
company in position to proceed with
some large development work Manager
Davidson has in view.
Have you bought a ticket for the fire
men's Benefit ball, New Year's eve?
They are going like hot cakes, and you
don t want to miss an opportunity to
help along a good tiling like the nooa
River volunteer firemen.
The ball will be held in the opera
house on Saturday evening, December
31. Sherman Frank, Will Sheets,
Billy Shipman and Will Morgan consti
tute the committee on arrangements.
George W. Thompson and Mrs. Kinsey
will furnish the manic.
Three hundred tickets have been
printed, and Ned Henderson says the
boys expect to sell all of them. The
proceeds ot the evening will go toward
the purchase of parayhernalia for the
tire department. A pleasant tune le
assured. Price of tickets only one dol
lar. Sam Bartmess bought three.
Timber Falls on (ieorge Stranahan.
4 heavy 4x6 timber struck George
Stranahan on the head shortly after
noon last Thursday, and for a few min
utes his fellow workmen thought that
the young man was killed.
George was at work on the new ware
house for Stranahan & Bagley, to the
north of the railroad track, and as the
carpenters were putting some of the
leavy timbers in position, one ot them
slipped and struck George squarely on
top of the head. Had the timber landed
cornerwise it is feared the young man
would have been killed. He was insen
sible for a few minutes, and very sick
after gaining cousciousness.
A physician was called and the young
taken to his home. George was a very
sick man for several days, but at last re
ports was doing nicely.
Fight Will be Bitter.
Those who will persist in closing
their ears against the continual recom
mendation of Dr. King's IS'ew Discovery
for consumption, will have a long and
bitter fight with their troubles, if not
ended earlier by fatal determination
Head what T.K. Heall or Beall, Miss,
has to say: "Last fall my wile had
every sympton of consumption. She
took Dr. King's aew Discovery alter
everything else had failed. Improve
ment came at once and four bottles en
tirely cured her. Guurai-teed by Chas.
N. Clarke Druggist. Price 60 els. and
Asks Santa to Call at Bragg's.
deare santie I tout I had beter wite
an tel u whate I wante u loo bing me
Chriestemas whene you com hear u
go don to brags stor an get me sum of
thos litle goltu glovs an en u Ding 1 ot
em nice snola an skirts to mama wont
you an doanl foregit to bring Tom an
overcote an papa a nine suite, papa said
tell u to go tjieir an get em cause ever
thing was so nice, now santie doant
foregit em w it u. dats all
Goodeby DOTTIE
Remember the acceptable presents
forXmas, in the line of clothing and
shoes. Call on us and decide for your
self. R. B. BRAGG & CO.
Card of Thanks.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to
our many friends for the kindness
shown us in our late bereavement, the
death of our darling babe. We apprec
iate the gifts of the many flowers
donated by the Koyal Neighbors', and
our many other friends, who so kindly
gave us their aid and sympathy.
For Rent.
4-room house. Bee J. H. Nlckelson.
5-room cottage for rent. M. F. JACOBS, JIS
Famished rooms for hnuaekeeplng, at Par
adlae (aim. Teruilnua of Htalt turret. Phone
Good boy to leurn printer's trade. Inquire
at uiacier omoe.
At Glen Khtire Kami, six milch cows. Must
De perfectly gentle, clean and kowi milkers.
A. I . SI Alt., I Top.
SOLICITOR for Hood Kiver and surround.
lug country. Salary or commission. Can
make rroui K to (10 per day. J. K. Taylor,
das Hood River.
Krult farm. Would consider one With con-
eoiiHldetable Improvements and a tgoi d or
chard started. Huyer can pay cash and is iter-
ecn responslDie. . Address J. J. mu.i.kk,
d! 490 Salmon U Portland Or,
Position as assistant cook In hotel or board,
lng house. L. l'armenter, Hood Ulver. d2U
Wanted, Charcoal. Give price per ton In
cariuau 101s. care mis oince.
Wanted to Exchange Millinery for wood,
chickens or other produce. Mas. ABltOTT. J5
For Sale
Pool room flxtuies; also household goods
ready for keeping house. Inquire A. H. C'hes-
tey, r. u. oox iu, nooa Kiver, ur. jd
Pop Corn In 60c and ft sacks: shelled or in
the ear. Leave orders at J. it. Gill s store, or
phone E. T. Kolts. J6
No. t Smith grubbing machine: can be seen
at war. on me noom place on wniow r iat,
Also buggy and harness. W. C. Dodge. J5.
In Belmont addition, t acres; 4 In berries.
os tt iu. caiertee, i jd
A Pleasant Pill.
No Pill is as pleasaut and positive as
DeWitt's Little Early Risers. DeWitt's
Little Early Risers are so mild and
effective that children, delicate ladies
and weak people enjoy their cleansing
effect, while strong people say they are
the best liver pill sold. Sold by G. E.
Saw Filing.
Will (locroHfucm taw nitng. i ntw. nroaer
Irk and David Salisbury, Duket Valley, R, F.
II v.. I ri-MJ
$10 Reward $10
For evidence leading to the apprehension
and conviction of parlTes tullty of larceny,
malicious Inlury to, and defacing of Helmont
M. E. church properly on or about October 31,
1H04, or subsequent thereto.
dlS TRUHTEES, Belmont Chorch.
Don't Come To Me
then' I'll give you the beta bargains In the val
ley. '20 to HO acre firat-clafta ap; le land; Irn-
vavaiI nr nnlmnrnvMi mncul neii? hborhnnri:
on county road; plenty of wMter.
Janitor Work
Janitor work done U reasonable prices by
experienced man. Apply lo E.W. CKOH8,
Pbone SI.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between A. Whitehead and
Will Sheets his been dissolved by mutual
consent. The basihesa wtl 1 hereafter be con
ducted by Will BheeW.
Horse, 7 years old; weight 1 00 pounds. Har-
gum lor casu. r, nenmngaen, Alosier, ur. Ja
Good fuel coal; will deliver same from car
at j. a ton. uauger a Hartley. js
One double wagon, 1 set harness, 1 organ
and household furniture. Inquire f C, C. W.
Crowcll, second door south of llolmau's, Hood
Kiver Heights.
Encyclopedia of Engineering. Eour vol.
umes, good leather binding. Inquire uf Mar
tin ciiisiruiu.
A good seven-room house and two lots. Any.
one desiring a good home will do well to In.
vesllgate this. Inquire at the place south
of Sherman avenue nearly omoNite(.Vnirmra-
iiunai cnurcn, l,. a. uilmnmon. az
Cheap. Lady's driving horse with oolt six
months old. Two-seated covered hack good
as uuw. inn at i aruuise farm.
Two rigs for sale or trade
J. 3. LUCKY.
Home fine pure-bred Plymouth Rock roos-
te4s, at II each.
A ffood four-vpnr-nlri milk mw Avruhlrn
goou uiuaer. w ai.i ntML,
t nenowitli, wash,
Altaffa. clover, wheat and tlmnlhv hav
iih uiy jiiiv wuu cut in siove lengllis.
uiii r. it. riiwiuuMH, it. r . v. i
Forty acres of rnv farm In ('ramjer district
1 miles from Hood Ulver. Oood apple land,
) per acre. Easy terms. Unimproved, under
ditch. Jy 7 tf A. A. JAYNE.
An 8-room. well built limine, between the
two school houses on the hill; formerly the
Tenold cottage. Inquire at Ulacter office. d22
High grade Poland China boar Die. six
months old. weighs about Km noimds. uiwi a
stocky built three-year-old colt, been driven
some, Is gentle hut not well broken to bridle.
is natural sacer and wilt make One riding ani
mal. Too light for mv work. Call at this of-
flceor at Oakdale rauch. 1). N, HYERLEE.
For a short time I offer 32ii acres of land
right on the Columbia for Jt350.0U cash. Over
luiacreacan beeaxlly irrigate! I. Part of this
(ao acres) Is not surpassed lor fiuit In the en
tire Pacific Northwest, llu lance (solo 100 acres)
best of alfalfa land. If not sold will wsnl one
or two renlers (married). nCS r terms; abun
dance of watir furnished. Or will sell HO
ac.ris(4A Irrigable) witli water lor K1600.WI on
time. u. Bi uKUi H, Arlington, ore. 118
Will buy 10 acres of amilo land one mile from
town. 7 acres yonng Newtown trees: berries
set on same ground; 3 acres hay. Or will rent
Come and see It. N. T. CHAPMAN. d'ill
Cina halrl.fanarl ftavlr aosiinl W. V.-..
vsau uBiu-MtvMiiuoia isintji ti i inc. umiiunu
K tT ahnnlrlur K will ha V. 1
to my place, Mount Hood, Ur.
Ladles' blue tailor-made tacket. lined with
black silk; has red collar and cuffs and red
Odell apfl Hood River Haturday night, Deo. 8.
Vli,.. .,la.u iuua , ii i...
i.iuli ii;an. I til no, uim.lTTl U11IU1S.
j,,ri, wchtct,, . n, , mill nguiieouu msillIB
small package dry goods. Finder please leave
at Apple Prowers' Onion,
Gold locket watch charm.
cler office.
Inquire at Ola-
Key, wthjeather tag. U lucler office.
PrrmArt.v "Ravcrn in
Two-story froom house and lot, Mix 125 feet.
Henderson s subdivision; price, 1750, IMf0 cash,
rmniiw ..I IIIUIOKI HI. vriWIH, !.
gain good for Ho days only. Apply at mice for
particulars to EDWIN A. HENliERHON,
limn itivnr iieai r,siate, insurance, i,oan and
, uiiriTuuu iiuienu.
Collection Bureau
Collections promptly attended to.
EDWIN A. HENDERSON, Special Agent.
Fruit Land Snap.
I have a choice tract of about 14 acres of
land, sltaated about mile from the town of
White Salmon. Wash. 12 acres in cultivation
This Is the finest cherry land In this section;
also fine strawberry land; wilt be sold at a bar
gain. A chance to make one of the pleasnnt
est hames In the world. Oood school and
church facilities. Address A, H. Jewett,
White Salmon, Wash. dIMf
Special School Meeting
; Notice ts hereby given that a special meet
lng of the voters of school district No. 3, Hood
River, will be held at the State street school
house, Friday, December 23, at 8 p. in., for the
purpose of voting an annual tax for school
purposes. W. J. I! A K Kit.
Chairman Board of Directors.
C. E. Hemman, clerk. d&
Special School Meeting
Notice 1b hereby irlven to the leirnl voteri of
School IHntrtct No. 4 of Wattco county, state of
or-PKon, thai a Bpectal school meettriK of aid
aiHinct wm ie neia at the uiMtrlct Hchool
houne. on the '.Mth day of Iteceniher. VAH. at 10
o'clock In the forenoon, for the followlnir ob
ject To vote a itpecfal tax for paying offthe
inaemaurt ana carrying on acnooi lor an
other year. Dated UiU 9th day of Keecmber.
Chairman Board of Dlrecton.
AUeat Wm. lavidaon, clerk. d22
Notice to Water
Any one caught shutting oft water in mains
to make taps will be prosecuted to the full
extent ot the law unless they obtain permis
sion rrom tnis omce. j uis is nnai.
RESOLVED, That since the condition of
the Farmers irrigating ditch Is such that we
shall be shle to furnish waler to the stock
holders only; be it
kENoLVED, Thst persons desiring water
for next year's use, should contract for water
not later thart January 1, It f. ,
By order of the board of directors.
n24d2! M. H. N1CKELSEN, Mecretary.
Look! Look! Look!
Does the price you are paying for your real
estate suit youT Are you satisfied with the
bargains now offered you? If not call on me
ana let me show yon bargains of the first wa
ter. EDW1S A, Hr.N Ill- HMO.
Insurance. Real Estate, Notary Aublic dltf.
Don't Buy Land
Id Hood River valley, either for fruit rala
Inn or a numiner home nntil you tee Valley
View. Twenty acre, six cleared, boune.harn,
wen, si rawoerrie. .run tree, ex oh if m aoii.
Dure water, bracing air and majmillcent
aoenery. Price and terms reaaonahte. Call
on or addreas OA. UlCkLE,
octst Hood Kiver, Or,
Locate your home where the best improvements are going;.
Sewers, Spring Water and Sidewalks, fine view and good drainage.
AH these are found in
Park Ad
Which will be included in the First Sewer District, and' which is beyond question the most
desirable residence section in Hood River. Buy now before the prices advance.
B U I 7 Ul
Selling Agent.
evelopment Co
Time Schedule Effective Kept. 5, lwit.
Connecting at Lyle with Itogulutnr
Line steamers for Portland and way
0 Goldendnle 6.30
7 Centerville 0.48
14 Duly 7.0:'
28 Waliklaous 7.4.r,
32 ,. Wright 7..V
30. Gravel Pit K.0f
43 Lvle 8.3.")
Train will leave Lyle on arrival of the
Regulator steamer from Pnrtlanil.
Time Schedule Str. "Geo. W. Simons."
Kltectlve, 8ept.S, l'.HH.
7.00 Cascade Locks !.
7.10 Steveusmi (i
7.30 Carsons 5.
8.00 Collins 5.
.8.2!) Drano 4.
8.45 Menorul nee 4.
9.05 While Salmon 4
0.20 Hood Kiver 3
9.45 Mosier 3,
10.40 Lyle 2
11.30 The Dalles 2.
( 4
. ,ri, r v. i , t i.i.
,.'4j;' .M''W'.,l.lWK.!--vJ,i4: :.,, if ,4tc&A'' 1T .,.'Mlef a .. , jftA
i 1
Holiday Suggestions
Considei' for a liio'ucnt sonii'lliiii"-in the Furniture line as an Xinas "-ift. It is somethiiifj; tliat will last for
years, and is appreciated as lon? as it lasts.
We have a nice line of New Rockers, Dining Chairs and Tables, Dressers, Book Cases, Roll Top
Desks, Sideboards, Iron Beds, Lounges and Couches.
Children's Rockers, Highchairs and Express Wagons.
Furniture Repairing, Picture Framing, Stove Repairing, Upholstering
O. P. DABNEY & CO., Props
i id
od S
The Finest Line of
ever shown in this city.
Our Boxes are beautiful.
Make your selection while
stock is complete.
S. L. YOUNG, Prop.
E. It. Bradley
W are here to do your work today
tomorrow and every other day, and
our money (what little we have)
la apent In Hood River. We want
your work and can do it neatly and
3 dv
Is what to get for Christmas Presents. Something useful is always
acceptable and appreciated. Nancy wants a Silk Opera Shawl, Jane
a new Dress and a pair of nice Shoes, John a new Suit and Overcoat.
There are Kid Gloves lor Ladies at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75. Golf
(Gloves at 250 up, for both Men and Women
Ladies' Fine Shoes, j Silk Waists.
We have just received a new lot of B All Silk Waists we will close at 33
Hice & Ilutchins' Fine Dress Shoes for H off. This season's 5 Waists at $3.35;
Ladies at f 3.50 per pair, in C, F and I ( Waists at $4; 7.50 Waists at $5.
FF widths. Hand welt. I They art bargains. , .
Opera Shawls. f Hats and Caps.
Silk and wool, in white, black, pink, 1 For Men and Doys. New lot just in.
blue and corn, at $1.00 and up. They B Nice ma terial. New style Caps for Boys
make nice presents. at 250 and 500. Men's at 500, 650,
8$1. The Gordon Hat is it.
Sweaters. ,r t , , . "
The boys all want a sweater. We 1 able Linen.
have them, all wool, for 750 up. The Wit h napkins to match, in all pure
best sweaters ever shown in Hood River j linen; beautiful patterns. Something
for the price. ladies always appreciate for a present.
Handkerchiefs. Overcoats
A nice lot for the Holiday trade, iu I In latest styles and best fabrfes, at
Linen, Stitched and Lace DorderH. Also I $9 to $15 a garment, that you can rely
plain and colored borders, at 50 to 500 on for service. See them, be convinced.
n I ii iinninnir Vi -- i i inr-nii V iln.ilii if W Vfi tin'l HiiiiiiiiiMJ1 Im Bin i in i af V i I iiai nun ni"a
The Ideal Limit
of Banking
Will not be reached until every person, who has an
income, keeps a bank account. There are hun
dreds of persons in this vicinity who do not keep
ono. Whether large or small, your account will
have the same careful, courteous treatment.
We are at your service.
P. F. FOUTS, Prop.
RATES, $2.00 to $2 50 PER DAY.
Steam heat. Large pieasant rooms. Everything new.
Sample room for commercial travelers.
Carload of