The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 15, 1904, Image 7

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    Pan If
bb r
Men's Bath Robes Ladies' Jackets
Lounging Robes Ladies' Skirts
Smoking Jackets Ladies' Capes
, Fancy Vests Children's Cloaks
An immense variety of Christmas Gifts are displayed on our
counters and in our windows. We are busy, but want to be busier
Packages to be sent away, gladly wrapped, weighed and shipped
Yours truly,
Kiwt bound-
No. 2, Chicago Hpeclal, 11:43 a. m.
No. 4, Hpokune Klyer, 8::l p. in.
No. 6, Mail and Express, 10:60 p. m.
No. 24, Way Freight, 12:10 p. m.
No. 22. Fast Freight,, 4:06 a. m.
West bound
No. 1, Portland Special. S:03 p. m.
No. 8, Portland Flyer, 5:30 a. m.
No. 6, Mail and Express. 4:48 a. m.
No. 23, Way Freight, 9:2ft a. ni.
No. 21, Fast Freight, 5:45 p. m.
Hood River Weather Report.
For week ending Tuesday, Dec. 13: Mean
maximum, 42.8; mean minimum, 33.1; mean,
37,7 Highest temperature, M Dec.18 ;lowet,
81- DlghU ol Iloc.9.10 A 11; Precipitation, 2.71.
D. N. BYKKLKE, Local Observer.
School books at Coe & Son's.
Orpingtons and Minorcas at Lewis'.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
BOOTHS have moved to where Rand
used to be.
11000 to loan on farm property. Apply
to W. J. Baker.
All watch, clock and jewelry work
guaranteed. Clarke the jeweler.
Twenty per cent off on men's gloves
for a few days at 8. J. Frank's. A
hirge stock to select from.
For sale. Some of the finest lots on
the hill, fronting the river. Also lots
in Riverview park and Idlcwild. See
W. J. Baker.
Chocolate menier is absolutely pure,
and guaranteed best made. Get a can
at Bone & McDonald's.
A fine farm for sale in the Odell dis
trict. Well improved. Sold at a bar
gain if taken soon. VV. J. Baker.
Wj J. Baker has some beautiful lots
for sale near Chas. Clarke's residence
on the hill.
Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired
at the lowest possible prices, Clarke the
We invite the public to come in and
get our meat prices. We are selling
boiling meats at bed rock prices. Mayes
Don't buy wall paper from sample
book agents. Hunt can save you money
and has the goods on hand.
Souvenir.spoons, engraved with straw
berry, at Temple's.
Call and see Strowbridges' new stock
of wall paper, paints, oils, brushes, etc.,
next door to Mayes' meat market.
Do your eyes fail you? Come in and
see C. H. Temple, the oculist, who is
prepared to test and fit your eyes? and
has the largest stock of glasses in the
Just received direct from the factory
a new line of cut glass, "The Ameri
can," second to none manufactured in
the United States. Call and be con
vinced. Clarke, the jeweler.
Come and see our stock of Christmas
goods and tree ornaments before buying
elsewhere. W. 8. Gribble, The Mount
Hood Store.
Santa Claus' Mail Box
Is at this store. We will send all his
letters to him direct, so be sure to
write to him.
Silk finish and silk initial, em
broidered in corner. Great value
at lOc,
Cloves, Shawls, Caps,
Golf Gloves, all shades, Tourist
and Velvet Tarn Caps, Circular
Shawls, Fascinators, etc., make fine,
useful gifts and don't cost much.
A Dictionary
Welister's unabrieged. Over 1200
pages. Cloth bound, for
A Dollar.
Cups and Saucers
little ones and dig ones, dainty
ajid shapely, beautiful decorations
Little Prices.
Don't Tail to See
Our Art Gallery. We have the Sli
est display of Pictures ever shown
here, and every one remarks about
the Little Prices.
&coflk The Biq
Bi rtpSHftt ALWAYS
u Wl 1 I
BOOTHS have moved where Rand
used to be.
Do your eves need attention? If so
call on Clarke, the jeweler and optician.
Thirteen acres near Valley Christian
church, 45 an acre if taken quick. W.
J. Baker.
I have a large stock on hand, in fact,
the largest stock in town. Watches,
the finest grade rings, the largest stock,
all at reduced prices. Come and see
C. H. Temple for bargains in all lines.
We are still selling our home made
lard as cheap as other lard can be bought
and we guarantee every bucket. 10s,
$1.40; 5s, 70c; 3s, 45c. Mayes Bros.
Wheu you want a pleasant physic
try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They are easy to take and
produce no griping or other unpleasant
effect. Sold at Williams' Pharmacy.
I have the agency for the American
cut glass. . Call and inspect this line.
Clarke, the jeweler.
Mayes Bros.' meat market gives notice
that all orders for morning delivery
must be in by 10:45 o'clock. The after
noon delivery will be taken off at 4:30.
Mayes Bkos.
If you buy an article of me, and I
guarantee it, if it should be faulty, isn't
it at least handier to return it to me
than if you had to return it to Portland
or Chicago to have it made good. Clarke,
the jeweler.
If your watch is out of order come
and see C. H. Temple, the watch maker,
who will repair your watch, and save
time, save money, and have your watch
last many years more than it would if
you go to some one who has not had
the many years experience 1 have.
You are cordially invited to inspect
my line of cut glass, watches, clocks,
jewelry and silverware. Ask my prices.
I believe that I can please you, and
know that I can save you money.
Clarke, the jeweler.
BOOTHS have moved to where Rand
used to be.
Why should you go elsewhere to pur
chase, when you can buy t!ie same
articles as cheap or cheaper at home.
Call and get my prices. Clarke, the
For Wilbur's poultry and stock food
go to Bone & McDonald's.
160-acre improved farm, under irriga
tion, in Nebraska, for farm in Hood
River or White Salmon. W.J.Baker.
When you want a pleasant laxative
take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. For sale at Williams Pharma
cy. Basket Ball game at the gymnasium,
Thursday night, December 22. The
school boys will also play after the Hood
Rivers and the A. F. Ts.
Those fine jewelry boxes at C. H.
Temple's would make a nice Christmas
Basket ball, Thursday evening.
Gifts for Ladies.
Silver Toilet Sets, Jewelry,
Box Stationery, Gold Pens,
Sterling Silver Novelties,Per
fumery, Photo Albums.Bible
or Testament, Art Calendar,
Music Roll, Handkerchiefs.
Gifts for Gentlemen.
Suspenders, Neckwear, Box
Collars, Razors, Toilet Sets,
Traveling Cases, Scarf Pin,
Mufflers, Shaving Set, Shirts
Fountain Pen, Box Station
ery, Necktie Boxes, Gloves.
5tore with LlTrLE
Cocoa menier and chocolate menier at
Bone & McDonald's.
Temple, the Jeweler, has moved into
the Smith building, opposite Williams'
drug store.
50 acres on the Kast Side, 2J miles
out. 10 acres in young orchard. A snap.
Large stock of herne blankets anil
winter robes at S. J. Frank's.
See the beautiful quilt the ladies'
guild of St. Mark's church have on dis
play in C. N. "Clarke's window.
Don't fail to visit the doll and candy
salo, December 21, at Arti-an hull.
8. E. Burtmess has a first class uphol
sterer in his employ, and is prepared to
do all kinds of repair work.
Insure in an all home institution, The
Oregon Fire Relief association of Mc
Minnville. Frank J. Perkins, agent, P.
O. box 1)2, Hood River, Or.
Read our Want ads. You will find
what you want in that column.
20 lM'irCFflill'CTIOX
on wall paper at Hunt's from Dec. 1 to
January 1, to make room for new goods.
Will (Jive Music Lessons.
Miss Torinda Cooper will give music
lessoiiB after Monday December 14.
Residence on River street, first house
east of Dano's residence.
Asks Santa to Call at Bra tit's.
deare santie I fout I had beter wite
an tel u whato I wante u too bing me
Chriestenias whene you com hear u
go don to brags stor an get me sum of
thos litle guile glovs an 'en u bing 1 of
em nice slioU an skirts to mama wont
you an doant foregit to bring Tom an
overcote ad papa a nine suite, papa said
tell u to go their an get em cause ever
thing was bo nice, now santie doant
foregit em wil u. dats all
Uoodel.y DOTTIE
Remember the acceptable presents
for X mas, in the line of clothing and
shoes. Call on us and decide for your
self. R. B. BRAUG & CO.
Sew Today.
T.Arte stork of solid pnM hronflipa lin
ing closed out at cost by C. 11. Temple.
Basket ball; gymnasium, Thursday
evening good game.
Dolls! Dolls!! DoollsM! at Coe's.
Best selection of rings ever brought to
Hood River. Over 200 stvles. C. 11.
Christmas toys at Coe & Son s.
Fine locketB, solid gold front and gold
filled, beinu closed out at a great reduc
tion. C. 11. Temple.
Albums at Coe's.
Mantle clocks, with gold plated front,
warranted not to tarnish, at C. H.
Latest designs in ladies watches; gold
filled, solid gold, and also with diamond
setting. Also a full line of gentlemen's
We Will
Put away any articles you may se
lect until ChristntHH and deliver
Ihetn io your home the day before
One whole section full of every
kind from a peuuy )n price to $fi.(jo
Christmas Stationery
Fancy Boxes of fine piijier and
envelnies make acceptable gifts.
Per box, lOc to $1.00.
It isn't so long since We were kids
ourselves, and we know just what
will please a boy or girl, and we
have it here.
Little Prices.
Tree Decorations
Tinsel, Beads, Glass Ornaments,
Stockings, Snow, Candles, lanterns
Candle Holders, Paper Ornaments,
etc. Little Prices.
Santa Claus
Will lie in our window next Friday
and Saturday.,
Pr,ces c2W&
watches. C. H. Temple.
Celluloid novelties at Coe's.
Games at Coe A Son's
Large stock of silverware just received
tor Christmas trade. V. a. temple,
Iron toys to suit the boys at Coe A
son s.
I am prepared to save you money on
your year's reading. Bring in a list of
magazines you would like and let me
give you a price on mem. ueo. I. Mo
Christmas candies at Coe A Son's.
Mrs. G. K. Willi ami returned Friday
night from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tompkins re
lumed fruiay nignt irom rortland.
Mr. anil Mrs. II. M. Alihott w.r Pnrf.
land visitors last week, returning Friday
Ladies Aid of the Unitarian church
will meet at Mrs. J. E. Rand Friday
Miss Laura Cramer attended the Entre
Nous dancing party in The Dalles last
rnuay night.
The ladies' aid society bf the Congre
gational cnurcn win meet Friday after
noon at the residence, of Mrs. F. 11.
Why fret and fume looking for a pur
chaser when a Glacier adlet will save vou
trouble, and costs you but 25 cents?
The habit of advertising saves you lots
oi time.
At the school meeting monday night,
tne school patrons ol district INo. 7 vot
ed for a 12-mill tax also decided to ex
tend the school term of this y ar one
By omitting the morning and after
noon recesses and shortening the noon
intermission, the public schools of Hood
River are closed shortly after 3 o'clock
these dark days.
Charles N. Clarke is now the manager
of the Hood River opera house. lie
will make an etlort to bill nothing but
first class productions, and proposes to
give the theater-going public some good
piays Deiore tne season closes.
A special train bearing O. R. & N.
railroad officials passed Hood River
Saturday morning about 11 o'clock, go
ing east to Huntington. Among the
party were General Manager E. E. Cal
vin and Division Superintendent Buck
ley. M. b. Jacobs has purchased a house
and lot in Portland, where he and Mrs.
Jacobs will reside during the winter.
Mr. Jacobs say he bought the Portland
property so as to give Airs. Jacobs an
opportunity to get out of the house dur
ing the winter moriths, as she will be
able to in Portland on the street cars.
M. M. Walther was in from Under
wood Monday with a load of dressed
bvef. Mr, Walther disposed of samel at
o cents a pound, tie says with the dis
continuance of the Chenowith postoflice
it makes it very unhandy for the settlers
on the Little White Salmon, as the ten
nine trip cannot De made every day by
the busy farmers.
The household goods of Rev. W. C.
Gilmore, the new pastor of the Congre
gational church, and J. F. Batchelder
arrived Monday, and from now on these
icoplo will be residents of Hood River.
Itev. Gilmore and family will reside in
the parsonage on Sherman street, while
Mr. Batchelder and family will reside
at the Country Club Inn.
Messrs Mason, Dragecth and Gleason
of the Pine Grove district completed the
stringing of a mile or more of telephone
wires last week and are now regular
subscribers to the Hood River system.
uany imuey wan eiupioyeu w siring tne
wires, but the work was paid for bv the
farmers, who have named the branch
line the Pine Grove Independent Phone
Both steamers, the Spencer and the
Gatzert, have withdrawn from the run
between Portland and The Dalles. The
The slack in business caused their with
drawal. Jim Htranahan says there is
hardly enough business on the river
these days to make it paying for one
boat. There is talk of a third company
putting on a line next summer and hav
ing a steamer on the upper river be
tween Celilo and Lewiston.
II. D. Taylor was injured at the Park
ertown mill last Saturday, by being
caught between the rollers and the tie
cant. His log was fractured in two
between the thigh and knee. The in
jured man was immediatly brought to
town for medical treatment, and when
his injuries were found to be so serious,
Frank Daveport accompanied the man
to a Portland hospital, where he will be
given every care.
Cooper, the voung man who made
charges against the city marshal, was
given a hearing before Recorder Nick
elsen last Thursday. The gentleman
had evidently been making false state
ments, and everything came out satis
factorily to the entire council, with the
exception of Ed Mayes, who says he
will at the next council meeting demand
that some of the carelefes practices in
the police department be corrected.
Two drunks were brought before Re
corder JN'ickelsen Monday morning, and
mr a sentence were put to work cleaning
the sidewalks. One day of this stren
uous pastime was sufficient for one of
them, and while the hobo herder who
had them in charge was busy about
some other matter for a moment, the
weary one vanished in thin air and has
not yet materialized in this bereaved
neighborhood. Requiescat en pace.
J. M. Culbertson secured a box of
choice appleB last week from B. R.
Tucker, which he sent as a Christmas
gift to his former emplyer,C. 8. Chappel
agent tor the Santa Fe at Fort Worth,
Texas, where Mr. Culbertson used to
have charge of the freight warehouse.
The apples were fine ones, there being
out t-.i io tne oox. mere were lour va
rieties Newtowns, Spitzen bents. Arkan
sas Black and King of Tompkins County.
i ne ingn scnooi literary will argue the
following question Friday afternoon:
"Resolved, That Hood River would be
better off with saloons." Harold Hersh
ner has been assigned the affirmative,
and will be supported in the debate by
Marjnrie Baker, Hope Shelley, Merrill
Gessling. Alva Day will argue the neg
ative Willi Omar Day, Ruie Blagg and
Bertha Lafferty assisting. The contest
of arguments will be held In the school
house on the hill, beginning at 1 o'clock.
Uncle Oliver Bartmess left Tuesday
for Oklahoma, where he will visit with
a daughter and her family. Uncle Oli
ver gratuitously does the janitor work
for the U. B. church and looks after ita
every want, lie has every available
space in the large basement of the
church filled with wood cut for the fur
nace, and everything about the church
and gymnasium building is left in good
shape. The church people have decided
to purchase an organ for the library
room and Uncle Oliver gave $10 towards
George W. Love and son, R. E. have
just finished slashing 1. acres of land,
which they intend to clear and sow to
wheat next fall, and then plant it to
apple orchards. They obtained this
land by clearing the same amount for
i. limns, for the past year they
have been located on the A. A. Jayne
farm, two milei east of Parkertown,
and it was there they saw the wonder
ful results that can be obtained from
one acre oi appie orcnara. tzb was
realized from this acre, and at least
one-third the trees did not bear this year
A new discovery for all ooughs.colds Kennedy!
Laxative Honey and Tar. It cuU the
phlegm, draws out the inflammation,
cures all coughs, strengthens the lungs
and bronchial tubes and assists in ex
pelling a cold from the system by gen
tly moving the bowels. Pleasant to
take and contains no opiates. It Is the
children's friend. Sold by Williams.
Water and Light Notice
All water and light bills must be paid
at the company's office each month in
advance, on or before the 10th day of
the month. No collector will be sent
out hereafter.In all cases where bills are
not promptly paid when due, the ser
vices will be discontinued until all
arrearages are paid.
W. C.
By II. L. Vorse, Manager.
Will Star in Hood River.
The remedy that makes you eat, elecp
and grow strong, called Palmo Tablets,
will be sold regularly by Williams'
Pharmacy, Hood River. These great
nerve and constitution builders cost only
50c per box, six boxes t2.50.
Watch the label on the Glacier, it
tell 8 when your subscription is due.
Is filled to overflowing with goods suitable for Holiday gifts. Santa Claus will be
with us every day until Christmas arrives. Do your shopping at once by visiting
our store early and avoid the rush which inevitably occurs at the near approach of
that joyous day.
What to Give a Lady. What to Give a Man.
We have a good many solutions of m i ti
the above. nltJ 18 vvuore we can 8Uit you.
Silk Waists, Smoking Jackets,
Neckwear, Gloves, House Coats,
Slippers, Ribbons, Suspenders,
Fancy Shirt Waists. Fine Gloves, Slippers,
Lace Collars, Fancy Shirts,
Handkerchiefs, Fancy Hose,
Fancy Hosiery, Overcoats, Suits,
Suits, Handkerchiefs,
Rain Coats. Shoes and Hats.
Ladies' Coats and Cravenettes
We will place on sale all of our Ladies' Coats and Cravenettes at a Z0 reduc
tion until January 1st, 1905. Every woman having garments' needs to supply
will do well to look here before buying elsewhere.
Cut Glass and Crockery.
There has just arrived at our store the largest and most exquisito collection of
Cut Glass and Crockery that has ever been brought to this city. In Cut Glass the
collection embraces Water Bottles, Bowls, Dishes, Vases, Spoon Holders, Sugars
and Creamers, Knife Rests, Celery Trays, Salts find Peppers. In China our collec
tion is large, and any articlo will make the Christmas gift that you are looking
Free Delivery. Phone 581.
Mr 8. M. Sue Adams and daughter
were Dalles visitors last week.
Mr. Miller is here from Southern Call-
ifornia looking for a fruitranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morris of White
Salmon spent Friday in Hood River.
Rev. Walter 6kipworth. pastor of
the M. E. church at The Dalles, was in
Hood River last week, assisting Rev. VV.
C. Evans of this city in revival work.
Mrs. Thompson of Hood River, nee
Mrs. Hunt, is visiting in Kansas. At
Peabody she was given a reception at
which 80 ladies were presont. Moro
Charles Horner, who has been visit
ing his father here the past two weeks,
loft Tuesday for Hood River, where he
will visit for a time with his mother
liefore returning to Portland. Hennner
Dan Mears was at Coyote last week.
whore he participated in a rabbit drive.
tian says he dropped eight bunnies with
a 22-riile without leaving his tracks.
He used a shotgun most of the time of
course, and Thursday sent four sacks of
the rabbits to Hood River to distribute
among his friends. They made a fine
Rev. C. II. Lake, formerly rector of
the Episcopal church in this city, but
now located at Albany, has organized a
battalion of public school cadets. Al
though the companies have been or
ganized only three weeks, they are al
ready able to execute a majority of the
company movements with a precision
that would make a spectator not ac-
piainted with them believe they are
A. II. Jewett advertises anm
bargains in another column of the Gla
cier. Mr. Jewett is one of the nionenra
inVhite Salmon. While. lm anva til
country has been slow in development
in recent vears. he has trrn.t faith in
the big plateau region beyond the river
uiuu, wuere appie tana can be found
cheaply that is amd as the hwat U.n.
fruit trees have tieen planted in West
ern Klickitat this fall, and Mr. Jewett
expects a large immigration to that
section of Washington this coming
Jim Havnes was In from TTrwlnrwl
Saturday. Mr. Haynes is no longer
mail carrier on the star route between
iiooa Kiver and Underwood. Jim gave
up the job, believing there was too
much hard work and dangerous risks
for the small Balary. Jim Larson w
temporary carrier. Bids for contracts
to carry the mail are posted in the Hood
River postoflice. There has been a
change in the,time schedule for depart
The Best Christmas Gift
To any member of the family is somethiug practical.
Always appreciated, and adds pleasure to the Iloli
dap good cheer.
Ladies, you can cheer up the men folks and boys
by sehtingforthemapairof our fine Glove stock,
Slippers, one of our elegant ties, Silk Mufflers, Silk
Handkerchiefs, Fancy Hose, Sweaters or Gloves.
Gentlemen, you can make the ladies and girls
happy if you buy them one of our fine warm Furs,
one of our elegant Silk Shawls, or a pair of Silk
Velvet Slippers, fur trimmed.
Perfumes, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs, Gloves and
Glove Cases, Hand Bags or a New Hat.
Don't bring too much money. Several of the
above lines we are closing out at cost, including
Furs, Shawls, Perfumes and Winter Millinery.
. K IfcT
ure and arrival of Underwood mail. It
leaves here at the former hour, 7 :.10,
but returns the same morning at 10
o'clock. The mail goes anil coineB three
times a week Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays.
E. W. Quarrels, for 18 years with the
O. R. & N. as station agent of various
points including Hood Kiver, and Pull
man, Wash., died at Pullman Saturduy
of Bright's disease. Deceased was about
40 years old and a prominent member
of the Knights of Pythias and Masonic
fraternities. Mr. Quarrels was located
at Hood River last year and while here
made many fast friends.
J. I. Miller, accompanied by his
nephew, E. H. Roark, was ill the city
Saturday from Stumpy Orchard. Mr.
Miller says there was some snow at his
place Friday, but the sun came out
early the next morning and it soon dis
appeared. Mr. Roark was formerly a
newspaper man in Texas. He now has
some mining interests In Idaho, and
will go there next spring to do some
development work.
C. A. Bell accosted the reporter on
the street the other day and said he had
an item for the paper. After carefully
searching among his notes, Bell could
not find w hat he was looking for, but
said he was at Mosier the other day,
when a man gave his name and wanted
it stated in the Glacier that he was will
ing to wager fo that Mosier would carry
away the big Wasco county fruit prizes
at the Lewis and Clark fair next sum
mer. Bet your email change first, Mo
sier. The Menominee Lumber company
built a dam at the mouth of the White
Salmon river last fall, but by changing
the channel of the river the sand accum
ulated so rapidly as to completely spoil
the old landing place for steamers at
Underwood. The steamboat companies
are understood to have made complaint
to the government authorities and the
mill company has been forced to remove
the obstructions. It is not known just
what arrangement the Menominee
Mill Co. will make for getting logs out
of the boom at the mouth of the river.
Captain H. C. Cook was in the city
Monday night from White Salmon to
to take part in the regular meeting of
Eden Encampment of the I. O. O. F.
lodge. Captain Cook earned his title on
the sea, and has entered nearly every
port on the face of the globe. For three
years he was in the service of one of the
potentates in the Fast Imlii.a u,l (,.r
four years served Uncle Sam in the
navy. He has recently received an in
vitation from a friend of his to spend the
winter in the Sandwitch islands. He hag
IF JP ' S.
been there so often he doesn't know
whether to go again or not, but says
sometime during the holidays be will
leave for SanFrancisco to spend the rainy
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Jewett of White
Salmon were Hood River visitors Rntnr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tbomaa Ttiahnn ami ann
Tom left Monday for Pasadena, Cal.,
nrlifkra ilw.t. .!ll 1 .U '
Rev. J. B. Bpight, pastor of the Bap
tist church in this city returned from
Mosier, where he conducted services
County Commissioner Hibbard of this
tion at Salem as a delegate Irom Waco
F. P. Friday in the Odoll district has
now 51 acres in apple orchard. He ia
preparing the ground to set out 8 more
acres in the spring.
Stranahan & Bagley, jobbers for the
Wasco Warehouse and Milling company
at The Dalles, have secured a lease of
ground near their former location, and
will begin immediately the erection of
a warehouse for handling their trade in
flour, feed and mill stuffs.
Benjamin I Cohen, president of the
Portland Trust company, was a Hood
kiver viHitor KatnrJuw Tn 1,A Ar,,.
- . t.T , 1 . 1.1 HJ KIWI-
noon, Mr.Colien made a trip through
mo vunuy wnn juesne sutler, . j.
Duvidsnn ami In1, to T,11H I ni,i un
derson. Mr. Cohen has been here sev
eral times oetore, and is better pleased
nun uih vauey wnn eacn visit.
C. A. Stevens, thn man ahnnf nn
with the big fur coat, is a newcomer
from Hawkeye, Iowa, and is looking for
an 80-acre tract of land where he can go
into the ehirlrnn huainnaa M. Q.n......a
. , rivtcin
on his way here stopped at The Dalles,
and went out to Pleasant Ridge to visit
milium iioweu. vnen be lert lowa,
M r. Ktevpna aava a.... nu on ....
- - - uujwvgK11 nwo .u iuui a
dozen, and considered high at that 6g-
uio. us mey can i do louna lor love
or money.
F. M. Church oi Belmont was the
first Hood River man to take freight to
the new depot of the O. R. & N. Mr.
Church left a coneignment of apples
from his Belmont orchard. Mr. Church
did well on his orchard this year, but
says so many of his trees are of mixed
varieties that are of low commercial
value his income ia ut what it
should be from the acreage.' How
ever he is tORgrafting and setting more
of the paying varieties and will have a
good orchard in a few years. .