The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 15, 1904, Image 4

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State Board of Horticulture Will
Apply to the Legislature
K. L. Smith, preiiiilent f the' state
board of horticulture, rehirnerl Friday
from Portland, where he a eittaeed
with Secretary Latnberaen in compiling
the eighth biennial report of the board.
Mr. Smith rayi he 1ms a large
amount of wtirk wn ids bun ill yet before
he can turn the copy into the hands of
the itate printer
When in Portland. Mr. Smith con
ferred with Commissioner Newell of
W'aahinKton county, who ia also a mem
ber of the etatw legislature which eon
venei In January, reffardfftg the pro-
posed letfWilaMon wdien tm eiaw ooara
of horticulture will ask fof. The idea
of a county inepeetor appear very favor
able to Mr. Smith and Cwnmmsiofier
There 1 if ae teBrpWrt any appro
priation from the state for a fruit in
ipector, ay Mr. Smith, and m the
plan or county fruit irmpectori seems to
work satisfactorily in California, Idaho
aid Washington, it should be given a
trial in Oregon is the opinion of the
members of the horticultural board.
The itate board of horticulture has
compiled an unofficial report of the
years trait crop and finds that it will asr
gregate f2,240,ux,ditributed as follows:
Apples, i(M&,oou ; prunes, i.iw.uw;
f 10 1,000; pesdlies,175,OO0; small fruits,
In Southern Oregon the yield was
400,000 baxes of apples, 100,000 of pears,
250,000 baskets of peaches, 75,000 crates
of small fruits and 8,000,000 pounds of
dried prune. Tills Is a nearly full crop
me yield oi peacnes naving neen the
best. There waa a comparatively poor
yield of prunes as elsewhere, the ubual
amount beina 7.000.000.
The Hood River Valley is long on ap
ples and will continue to be to now for
all time. The younger orchards have
not come into bearing yet, however.
mere are several times many young
trees in the Hood River valley aa those'ln
bearing, and in three of tear years the
yield there win rival imu tn Hontnem
Oregon. Ibis year them are 100,000
boxos ot apples, 1W carloads, Jn a
half dozen years the present orchardage
will produce 600.QC4 botes.
The best apple crop has long since
leen contracted for. The Hood River
Newtowna sold for 1.76 box and Hpitz-
enbergifor $2.10. Ben Davis apples
were sum ior no cents.
Speaking of the fruit situation, Mr.
nmit n waa quoted by a Portland paper
as iohows:
"The most notable thing is the num
ber of vouns orchards betas set out
The fruit crop of todny tn nothing torn
Pared to what it will fee tn a few vuare.
New orchards are very oenimon all ewer
the state, especially east of the moun
tains. Southern Grown -also receiv
lag a great "deal of attention, but the
Willamette-valley is taltinr more to the
diversified farming and the growth of
the lame commercial orrhards isnot so
nmrkeH M Wsewhere. The Hood Kiver
valley and Grande Konde valley seem
to be getting the most of the increase,
The partial failure of certain varieties
oi iruita this summer does not seem to
to have affected the increase in the
least, Ev turner there wurt fewor
prunes than usual, no "one believes that
a short crop like that ia likely to happen
again soon.
"As to ihe mttrket forofunes. I W
liuve it will be better every year from
now on,- it naa long since readier! its
lowt'Bt mark and better prices will be
had each year."
Isenberg Tkaaklrlag Hennlea.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Arnold gave the
naual lamily reunion and Thanksgiving
dinner laet week. Tlmre vera present
27 in all. Mrs. Arfiold and Mr. and
Mrs. Sailing served the dinner and they
certainty know how to make things look
and Write right. The table was tuMlo
fivllyileoorated with yelkvw and white
chrysanthemums, with a centerpiece of
siacnea rrmw wirtntimj oi grapes, ban
anas, oranges and red apples. MIhs
Bona Isenberg lironght the grapes and
nowers iroru mill creek.
The Dinner menu was as follows:
Clear Soup.
Olive Pickles, Celery, Salted Almond.
Roast Turkey with bread sttifflug, Gib.
lettaiice (Jhlrken fiivassee, Craa
berry Hnuxv ; Mashed Potatoes,
Boston Haked Means, Cab
bage aala(l,Water-eree.
Mi rice pie, Pumpkin pte,
urau Apine Jeuy, rear riatiee
Fagllsh Plum Puddiifg, Win Hauee
Fruits, Nuts, Ooafeotkrtiery,
Those present were i Mr. and Mrs, 8.
W. Arnold. Mr. and Mr. M. P. Isen.
toetgMT.tnd Mrs. A. Inn berg, Mr.
wnuMra. L. ti. lHenkeriit Mr. nd Mrs.
H. M. Baling of Weston. Orv( Mr James
Knth, A. v. Kermedjror Portland, the
Misses Bess, Pearl and- Lena Isenberg,
Anna Shea and Maggie Ihtrrabraht;
Messrs. Marsh, Walter and K liner Isen
tterg, Frank Quinn, tieoree Calton and
Floyd Arnold, Master Clyde Arnold,
Vernon and Marsh lsenlierg, Jr., and
last and least Ilaby Isentwrg.
Everybody reorts a good time. One
(fuest was heard to say that everything
wm furnished but one lornry ana that
was an appetite big tnotif h4o do thing
f. H. fsetrtwrt mia wire' were tmnble
to lie prewenti
Urip (Juicily KiMdked Oat.
"Some week ago durhta; the severe
winter weather both My wife and niv
aelf contracted wsvere cold wtiivh
speedily developed Into the worst kind
of la grippe with all Itkmiaerableayran
Umw, ' says Mr. J. H. Kgleston of Maple
landing, Iowa. ""Kitee and joint
aching, niuaoUa aore, bead stopped up,
eyes and none running, with alternate
spells of chills and fever. We began
using Chamberlain' Conga Iteniedy
aiding the same with a dram of Cham
berlain's Stomaeh and Liver Tahlels,
and by Its liberal me soon completely
knocked out the grip." Theae Tablets
promote a healthy action of the txiwels
liver and kidney which Is always ben
eficial when the system Is congested by
a cold or attack of the grip. For sale t
William' Pharmacy.
Protwt igttvst tncmse Rated.
The recent advance by western trans
portation lines ef the minimum in 'car
load weight foveas fcmind dried and
canned fruits from 30,000 to 40,000
pound ha raised a protest among a
number of the California shippers.
They are now circulating a petition tor
signatures asking that the old weight be
restored on the ground that the advance
is unfair. The reason assignrd for thead
vance i that the railroad cotnpaniet de
lire V relieve the present congested
condition and shortage of cars,
but the contention is openly made by
the laaaller shipper tint the advance
waa really effected for the benefit of the
large eoneern.
It is held by shipper that the raising
of the minimum weight aertobsry hand
icap Eaitern buyer m their purchases
for it mean they will have to buy more
than they can really handle, especially
In small towns where 30,000 pounds of
canned goods is about all the consump
tion demands.
Succea to the Olacler."
Portland, Dec. 9, 1904. Kditor Moe:
A shake, a long, heartfelt nlmke over
vnnv ftiyrtnrHintf llA "nfltl'llt ollttide."
Success to you, euccess to Hood Kiver,
snecess to everybody, uretfon in panic
ular. Merry Christmas and Happy
New Years particularly for the twin.
Your truly, (iKowiK 11. Himkk.
Secretary Lee of Portland Says Ne&t
Year will be a "Hummer."
The folloa-lng complimentary letter
was received by A. 1). Moe, secretary of
the Hood Kiver Commercial club:
"Having been present at the organi
zation of the Oregon Development
league, I have felt a strong interest m
the progress of its work. 1 should con
aider myself derelict in duty should f
allow the year to close without saying a
word of commendation and encourage
ment to those who are doing the initial
work in the different counties.
"In my recent annual report to the
Portland board of trade, I took occasion
to make complimentary mention of the
Development league, and of Tom Rich
ardson of the Commercial club, who
conceived and directed the movement
to its culmination, but I wish to do
more, I wish to c jngratulnte you upon
the efficient work being done by your
league for the upbuilding of the county
in particular and lor I lie ttute iu gen
eral. "Push the good work along. Next
year will be a "hummer. When
things are active the same outlay ot
energy will accomplish vastly more
than when they are dull.
"If you have leaflets, folders or book
lets relating to your county, you might
send some to the Portland board of
trade and they will bo distributed to
good advantage.
"Remember me, please, to President
Smith and tell him that Hood Kiver
gets a good recommend from this office
to I'.Htuern inquiries.
"Wishing you the greatest success, I
am very truly yours,
".I. I), Lkr.
"Secretary Portland board of trade."
Basket Ball t.ame Next Thursday.
The basket ball teams of the gymnas
ium have arranged lor a mutch game
Thursday evening, December 22. The
two teams are the Hood River team and
the A. R. team. The lineup for the
game ia a follows:
a. a. r. ii. r. t
Zed Bridges g r Karl llartmess
liill Ueclieler g I Lew Morgan
Oeorge Kmry f r... Harry Richardson
Watson Filsrngor..f 1 Will Musters
Earl Filsinger c Will Morgan
Umpire Professor Wiley.
Referee Meigs Rartuiess of Hill
Military academy of Portland.
The boys are practicing hard for the
fray and promise the spectators a good
scientific gume of basket ball. The
Hood River boys have received an
invitation tn loin the state luixkiit hull
league, and they expect to accept. As
members of the league games will be
ai ranged with Portland, Kalem, Astoria
and other towns ot the state.
Write Florida Friends of Beautiful
Scenery and Hallowe'en Prank.
Albert Anson (iralmin, newsboy for
Siocoin the bookman, writes the follow
ing letter to his home paper, the Oculu,
(Kla.) Star:
"Since arriving in this country I have
completely fallen in love with it. Hueu
scenery cannot be duplicated anywhere
this side of the Pucilic, Scenery among
the Cascades and along the world fam
ous stream, the Columbia, is certainly
pleasing to the eye, and the white
jeak of Mount Hood in Oregou and
Mount Adams in Washington, Oivgou'i
neighbor across the Columbia, are won
derful sights. An artist would hold
his job here in the Cascades and on the
I'ttcilio slope for a thousand years that
Is, er-er-er, if he lives that long.
"The regular winter rain, which is
fixture at this time of the year on the
western coast ol Washington ana Ore
gon, has set in, and will last all winter.
The temperature never goes below
Western Oregon in general and Hood
River valley in particular, is well known
all over the world to he a ttreat apple
cemhtry, and it cannot he equalled.
"lieiore closing 1 will relate a few in
cident which occurred here during
Hallowe en and this is no ghost storv,
either. Things in and around Hood
River valley were in a general mix-up
the morning after Hallowe'en. Rublwr
tired buggy wheels were teen hungintt
on the crossbars ot the telephone poles,
front yard gates were found at the irroe-
ery stores and .litching posts were strewn
(rom the Columbia to Hood River
Heights, and some are missing yet.
A man who owns a sawmill awar
up at Mount Hood, woke up that night
to hear his own sawmill running full
blast. Hut th biggest thing that hap
pened was when the citizens were out
looking for front gates, buggy wheels
and hitching posts the morning after;
they found a big, lull, conl black nigger
bad come to town, and what a surprise I
O, my I Hood Riverltes treated that nig
ger like they treat a Russian warship
over in the Far Fast in a neutral liariKU
they gave him a 24-hour time limit to
get out, and be got out, and I guess that
nigger is running vet. There are no
niggers in Hood River; they are for
bidden in the valley. There are verV few
in Portland."
In the same issue of the Star is a long
account of the county fair. From this
report Marion count v is rich in agricul
tural wealth, and everything there
grow in great profusion'. One tmin
had on exhibition 84differerent roil nets
from his farm. Seventeen varieties of
hard wood were also on exhibition.
Included in this exposition was an
immense blackboard bearing statistics
showing that Marion county produced
last year mow than a million bushels
ol grain, shipped 847,000 crates of vege
tables, several thousand hales of cotton
and a score of ot her things in proportion.
These are the things which account
for the wealth and progress of that
Beware of Counterfeit..
"DeWltl's la the only genuine Witoh
Hael Salve" writes J. L. Tucker, of
Centre, Ala. "I have used it in my
family for piles, cut and horns for
vears and can recommend it to lie the
neslSalve on the market. Every family
should keep it, aa it is an invaluable
household remedy, and should alwaf s
be kept on band for Immediate use."
Sold by O. K. Williams.
Money to loan E. H. Uartwig.
Did not State Day When the County
Court was to Receive Same.
The iietition of the West Side farmers
for a bonding district for the construc
tion of an irrigating system above the
Farmers' Irrigating Co', ditch, was
denied by the county court at its special
session last week because the petition
failed to state the specific day w hen the
petition was to lie presented to the
county court. The fact that it was to
1m? presented at "the special session of
court in December" was insufficient
notice, and therefore made it impossible
for the court to recognize the petition.
The farmers had no representative at
the meetim? of the court, the petition
being tent Irom here by Commissioner
Hihlmrd, while Attorney Javne and N.
C. Kvans appeared to oppose the grant
ing of the same. Attorney Jayne made
a thort address to the court, pointing
out the legal d fects in ihe petition and
giving a lew reasons why he objected to
the petition lciig granted.
Commissioner llinbard remarked on
his return that the court could do noth
ing but reject the petition since it was
incorrectly drawn up.
The other business before the court
was the granting of a long list of bills
for expenses of election judges and
clerks of election.
ti. It, Castner was up from Hood
River with a petition to have road dis
trict No. 3 divided, but as such matters
are given a hearing only at the regular
sessions ol the county court, it went
over to the January session. Districts
ISo. 3 and 4 were consolidated last
spring and now there appears to be a
sentiment favoring a division of the
district. One part of the people want
a division running north and south on
the county road running south from the
city limits, while another desire is to
have the line running east and west at
the same point. The uestion will be
decided at the January term of court.
Jio Mere Suffering.
If you are troubled with indigestion
get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
and see how quickly It will cure you.
Geo. A, Thompson, of Kpencer, Iu.,ayH:
"Have had dyspepsia for twenty Yearn.
My case was almost hopeless. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure was recommended and
I used a few bottles of it and it Is the
only tliingthat lms relieved nie. Would
not he without It. Have doctored with
local physicians and also at Chicago,
and even went to Norway with boes
of getting some relief, but Kodol Dya-
Kepsia t;ure is the oniy remedy that
as done me any good, and I heartily
recommend It. r.very person suffering
with Indigestion or Dyspepsia should
use it." Sold by O. K. Williams,
(ilven Certificates to Teach.
The following persons in Klickitat und
pKHumnia counties were tuccessiui in
the recent teachers examination:
Klickitat county Ignore L. Bailey,
(reorge L. Bowman, IsaUdle B. lioyd,
J homas il, lirown, l lememine Davis.
Kimball V. Keeping, Nellie Knox, Lulu
hroenung, Janice rvohlo, radie Powell
Ella 1'iyer, Edith Reynolds, Ellen Tay
lor, W. II. Walker.
Skamania county Mary Cheyue.Ver-
na u, luminous, rteuie llewitt, C. II.
Cromwell, Ueorge M. Colo.
A Ceil ai u Cure for Croup.
When a child showa symptoms of
croup mere is no time to experiment
with new remedies, no matter how
highly they may be recommended.
There is one preparation that can always
be depended upon. It has been In ue
for many years and bus never been
known tofuil,vix:ChnmberIain'sCiii;li
Remedy. Mr. M. F. Comptoii of Mar
ket, Jexas. says of It, "I have used
Chamberlain's Omgh Remedy In se
vere cases of croup with my children.
and can truthfully say it ulwnys gives
prompt relief." For sale at William's
Home 2,000,000 acres of Southern
Pacific subsidy lands will be placed on
the market sometime in Jnmiary. The
price of the land is expected to ho made
reasonable, and as a consequence a large
minion ui new seniors will enter the
Rosehurg country.
100 Reward "Ijuoo
The r-'iidors of this uamtr will hw itluNi,1 o
learn that there Is Hi Trust one dreailed illxeitHe
that science has been able to cur el nail lis stag
es, ami that Is ralnrrh. Hall's Cnlarrh (Hire Is
the only positive eare now known In the med
ical irau'rnuy. raiarrn beinn culmination.
Hi disease, reniilres a coiiHtlliillniiiil treatment.
Hall's (,'aturrii Cure Is taken Internaly, setliiK
directly upon the blood and munius aurfneea
of the system, thereby destroying- the founda
tion ot the disease, and Klvlllii the patients
slmiiKlh by building up the constltullon anil
assisting nature In dolna Its work. The pn
prletors have so iniie'i faith In IU curstlve
powers that they oiler One Hundred Dollars
for any case that II falls to euro. Mend for
list of testimonials. Address
V. J. t-'HKN KY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druioilsts, 6
Take Hall Kninlly IMIls for rnntlpatlon.
Bargains n Real Estate.
0-rootn house and two lots 80x11X1 each
40 fruit trees, siizhtlv location: orice.
$S00: o0 down and 15 per month, or
f.w uown aim f iu ouarteriv.
3-roow house and lot 100x100 on the
ti-room house, barn and lot 50x100. nn
Oak street. Kasy terms.
House ami lot mid vacant lots in Kno.
kane, Wash., to sell or trade for Hood
Kiver property.
House and two lots 50xl.'IO each, will
be sold at a bargain for cash.
1 lie best ranch on the west side of the
river. blue nmdwn house, packing
house, carriage house, tine chicken
houses nnd run, etc. It you want a fine
place cheap, here yon have it.
fit) acres unimproved land tl miles out,
t'A per acre.
Can sell you four, five, ten or fifteen
acres of good apple hind close in, nil
under cultivation, Mnull house on the
place. Terms to suit the buyer.
KOO-acro stock ranch for sale or trade.
10 acres of good apple laud to trade
for houe and lot in town.
Hood River
Real Estate & Exchange Co.
Hood River, Ore.
f -
DR. JONES, Dentist
Crown and Bridge Work.
Teeth Without Plates.
Treatment of diseased teeth and gums.
Otlloe over Jackson' Store. .
Phone lOUl. Oak St. Entrance.
R. H. WEBER; Prop.
Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Withaut Irrigation.
The Farmer's Friend Feed Store.
Don't forget to call and get price ot Dalles, Diamond, Columbia River, Jew
el, Peacock and oilier standard flour. WHOLE WHEAT, Graham and Buck
wheat flour. Corn meal, ROLLED OATS, Prussian Stock and Poultry Food,
cracked corn, oyster and clam shell, granulated lame, and everything your horse,
cow, pig or chickens eat can lie had here at the "Right Price." Leave, your
order for clover hay for the winter and have it delivered at your barn. Also
wheat bay at $12 at the "Car." Get your teed and flour for the winter. It ie
not likely to get cheaper or the ROADS BETTER.
To the Fruit Grower:
I will say I have something that will please you.. The Zaun Ladder
and Littl "Red Giant Apple Press both up-to-date no better to
jsuy one it win keep you from iielnff
your apple hoxes while yon fau get the
veil liox. l,ast car or 8,000 tuat in.
You'll have to hurry.
Now have the most complete line of
Builders' Hardware, Shelf Hardware
Tinware.Wood Choppers' Supplies
Blacksmith Supplies and a full line of Poles, Shafts
etc. for Wagons and Buggies.
Paints, Oils and Builders' Material.
Estimates furnished to Contractors.
Jf a prescription is correctly written we
can fill it, no matter if the name of some
other druggist is on the blank.
v 'Bring all of your Prescriptions heresnd
they will be correctly filled.
The prices we charge will suit j'ou, too.
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
with the water that is past, but unlike
the mill, our piiHt oritur have been
tilled so successfully that new ones lire
constantly coming In from our old
piitrnns. Are you to be one of them?
Our Dulles Patent and White River
Hour Is the ti nest that is milled, and
Is ffrounil from the best selected wheat;
iu fact the cream of the wheatflelds.
and it makes the most delicious bread
white and palatable.
Hood River, Or.
Smoke a Good Cigar
3 Sizes:
For sale at all Ciar and Grocery Stores in Hood River
and Shrubbery.
cross tn your wire ana children. Buy
H. W. Wait
Will soon be here, and when you purchase aour presents
don't forget to call and see our stock. It incluedes
DOLLS Good assortment; prices right.
GAMES Flinch, Pit, Trail, Crockinole, and 50 others
50 to $1.00.
Celuloid Goods, Collar, Cuff and Handkerchief
Boxes, Albums, Notions and Trinkets.
Fine Line.
NOVELTIES A line that you will not find elsewhere in
TOYS Horns, Fops, Blocks, Doll Beds and Chairs, Hook
and Ladders, b ire rjngines, Air nines anu jviecnanicai
No mn.ttpr who vnnr nrpswnt is for. we can find onethat
is appropriate, and if it is
tor mailing, tail, and can again.
Established in 1866. Open all the year. Private or
class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi
tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to
attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free.
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
For Sale in Hood River only by
Stetson Hats, f 5.00. Other makes from G5c to $3.00.
Groceries, Flour and Feed,
Notions, Glassware, Crockery, etc.
Hood River Heights.
HARNESS Made to Order. Blankets, Robes, etc
Harness, Blanket and Shoe Repairing neatly done.
WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood,
Telephone No. 31.
Glacier Wants
to go by mail, we will wrap it
Stetson Hats
City. Free Delivery. Phon
Lumber and Cedar Posts
Bring Results.