e 3 e HOOD RIVER, GLACIER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1004. SMITH TALKED FOR OREGON AT EL PASO K. L. Smith returned from El Paso in time to spend Thank-giving with his luniilv. tie had been absent since the 8th of the month, having attended the 12th annual session of the National Irrigation congress at El Paso on the Rio (irande. Mr. Smith responded to the address of welcome along with Governor l'ardee of California, Senator Newlands of Nevada and Governor Morrison of Idaho. Mr. Smith says he didn't know he was to speak until he read of it an hour before in the morning pajer. There is no telling what great things he would have had to tell the irrigHlion'HlH had he prepared his address beforehand. Before returning; Mr. Smith was made national vice president of the congress. Governor l'ardee was elected president and Tom Kicharu-on ol I'tirllaiid, secretary. Mr, Smith is president of the Oregon Devel opment league ana Mr. Kicharuson sec retary. May the good work of the league continue. The irrigation congress did some good work, says Mr. Smith, among its rec ommendations being the repeal of the timber and stone act, the desert land act and the commutation clause of the homestead act and lieu land act. The irrigationists wish to reserve what little public land is left for the actual home steader. This recommendation of the irrigation congress is expected to have great weight in inducing the national congresi to repeal these laws. El Pasj is a Jdry-Sundy town. There are other dry things there too. But across the river in Mexico liquor is dispensed, of such a strong quality that a man is made intoxicated at half the price it costs in this country. Mr, Smith was told this. The people of the Mexican province across the border entertained the dele gates each day with bull fights. While Mr. Smith would not attend the exhi bitions, he says they were the most cruel sights he ever heard of. Three blindfolded horses are put into a ring with an infuriated bull, who gores the poor horses to death. Many women attended the bull rights, on the excuse says Mr. Smith, of "just to see." Sev eral of the women fainted at the sight, but others purchased souvenir postal cards dinned in the blood ot the bun. The Oregon delegation took with them 12 boxes of Hood River apples and several monBter salmon packed in ice. The salmon were presented to the various hotels, where tliev were served with the menu cards announcing that they came from Oregon with the com pliments of the Oregon delegates. A large salmon on exhibition at head quarters excited the curiosity of great crowds. Mr. Van Horn It et urns Hume. Mr. and Mrs. VanHorn left last week for their home at Burt, JN. Y ., alter a visit of a month in llood River. While here Mr. VanHorn superintended the shipment of Hood River's big crop of SpiUenbergs, which he purchased for the eastern markets. Mr. Van Horn, who is president of the Hood River Fruit company, has expended $75,000 since coming to Hood River last May. His company owns 158 acres of apple land, which is being cleared and will be planted to trees in the spring. The company has 35 acres in bearing orchard. In conjunction with C. It. Bone at Willow Flat, Mr. VanHorn has interest in another 150-acre tract of orchard land. This is being cleared and will be set to trees. With these extensive interests in the apple business at Hood River, Mr. VanHorn is desirous of see ing Hood River apples receive the top notch prices. Mr. Van Horn's purchase of Hood River Spitzenbergs this year amounted to (M00 boxes, for which he paid the growers $12,000. The prices ranged from $1.75 to $2.10 a box. Mr. Husbands Dies of Pneumonia. Mrs. Thomas Husbands, after an ill ness of two weeks with pneumonia, died at her home in Wiuans addition Friday, November 25, 1004. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. L. Hershner, assisted by Rev. Mr. Rhoades of the United Brethren church on Sunday at 11 o'clock in the presence of a congregation that filled the church. The selections of Bongs rendered by the choir of the U.B.church were especially appropriate, beautiful and impressive. Burial was at Idlewilde cemetery. The bereft family have the heart fjlt sympathy of the entire community. Mrs. Ipha May Husbands, wife of Thomas Husbands, was aged 35 years, 8 months and 9 days. She was born in Clackamas county, Oregon, March 16, 18(W. On October 10, 1888,,, she was married to Thomas Husbands. To this nnion eight children were born, the eldest of whom is 13 years, the youngest eight weeks. Her aged mother, one brother, and three sisters, with her sorrowing hus band and motherless children mourn the departure of a loving wife and mother and affectionate daughter. Now Carrier on Route No. 1. R. J. Freidley is temporary carrier on rural mail route No. 1. Albert and Percy Shelley were recently named as carrier and substitute carrier, but on learning that under the new ruling of of the postal department the carriers will be paid according to the number of miles their route covers, both Mr. Shelleys refused to accept the position. The tormer pay was $720 a year; the present salary is $084 for route No. 1. Wednesday's Oregonian stated that Charles R. Knutzen and C. H. Reese had been appointed carrier and substi tute, but Postmaster Yates says Knut zen also refused to serve after taking the examination, so Friedley was named in his place. Big Apples in Wheeler County. The big.'st apples we have Been this year, and we saw thousands at Hood River, are three Gloria Mundis brought in by R. A. Gilliam. They were raised in his orchard on Servise creek, not far from the Tilly ranch where the biggest Biiuashes in the United States are rais ed. Wheeler county will some day be a great fruit producer', when markets are provided by railroads. Fossil Journal. Urip (jnk'klj Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather both my wife and my self contracted severe colds which speedily developed into the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable symp toms," says Mr. J. S. Egleston of Maple Landing, Iowa. "Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chanilierluin's Cough Remedy aiding the same with a dose of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and bv iU liberal use soon completely knocked out the grip." These Tablets promote a healthy action of the bowels liver and kidneys wluen is always oen- tiiial when the system is congested by n cold or attack of the grip. For sale at Williams' Pharmacy. Cocoa menier and chocolate menier at Bone & McDonald's. GENEROUS GIFTS TO AID SOCIETY Toe public schools of Hood River and the valley made liberal donations to the Boys' and Girls' Aid society for Thanks giving day. The to'al shipments of fruit, vegetables and canned goods amounted to over three tons, ihe Transfer company generously donated teams to take the loads ol fruit and veg' etables, besides large quantities of fruit and jellies. The city school sent a lib eral donation. The Dalles also responded freely. The Chronicle says: "On our rounds this morning we found Superintendents J. K. Landers and J. T. Neff at the court house busily engaged in boxing for shipment the do- nations 10 toe xwys anu urns a hi so ciety. In other years the society has sent a representative for this work which requires much time, and while not a complaint was heard this morning, though both gentlemen we knew had many other duties, we could but feel that it was an unfortunate oversight to neglect sending a man this year. Was co, as we have stated, is always second to Multnomah in her donations, and this year was no exception, the only difference being that in quality it was better. It is estimated that in value the donation would amount to $00, and beside this our city schools gave $ 16.80 in cash; district No. 10, $1; and JNo. H, 85 cents, rive dollars was contributed by the Lutheran Aid society and $2 by U.J. Btuonng. Big Eastern Lumber Shipments. Superintendent Early of the Oregon Lumber company reports that his com pany shipped 10b cars ot lumber in September to Idaho, Utah and Nebraska points. He says that the Idaho ship ments are Bteadily increasing. Octolier shipments reached a total of 100 cars The company is awaiting a higher stage oi water ociore u win reoiien us iioou Kiver mill. Its mills at Viento and Inglis are cutting, respectively, 50,000 and 75,000 teet per day. it lias o.omv 000 feet of logs on hand, mostly fir. Both of its camps on the East and West Forks of Hood river are running, and it is putting into the water about 60,000 a day, which will later on be increased to 125,000 per day. The company recently completed an order for the Union Pacific of 1,500,000 feet of bridge and tunnel timbers for Cheyenne, Her moea and other points. Arranging Hate for Fruit Meeting. E. L. Smith, president of the North west Fruit Growers' association, which meets in Boise, sometime during the mouth of January, is in correspondence with U. J. Sincel, secretary ot the a9soe iation, regarding the date of the meet ing. While it will be quite a trip to Boise a large delegation is expected from Oregon. G. R. Castner will probably attend with Mr. Smith from Hood River. The convention met last year in Portland, when nearly halt the fruitgrowers from Hood River went down. Beware of Counterfeits. "DeWitt's is the only genuine Witch Hazel Salve" writes J. L. Tucker, of Centre, Ala. "I have used it In my family for piles, cuts and burns tor years and can recommend It to be the bestSalve on the market. Every family should keep it, as it is an invaluable household remedy, and should always be kept on hand tor immediate use." sold by j. js. Williams. Thanksgiving at llillstrom School. The following program was rendered bv the llillstrom school. Gilbert Edg- ington, teacher, on the afternoon of Wednesday. November 26, 1!HM: Song Come Little Leaves School. Talk on Thanksgiving Teacher. Reading of Thanksgiving proclamation.. Mrs. J. M. ljenz. Recitation Tom my bob's Thanksgiving.. Lois Rhoades. Reci tation Wort h Wh i le... James Htecle. Recitation Little Betty..Royal Rhoades Recitation Hickery, Dickery, Dock Kay llillstrom. Recitation When Grandma was a Little tiirl Mabel Hillstrom. Recitation A Pocketful of Sunshine Glen Lenz. Recitation A Pleasant Fellow Albert Hillstrom. Recitation So Thankful Bella Steele. Recitation Caesar Rodney's Ride Ruth llillstrom. No More Suffering. If you are troubled with indigestion get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and see how quickly it will cure you. Geo. A. Thompson.of Spencer, la., says: Have bad dyspepsia tor twenty years. My case was almost hopeless. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure was recommended and 1 used a few bottles or it and It Is the only thingthat has relieved me. Would not be without it. Have doctored with local physicians and also at Chicago, and even went to Norway with hopes of getting some relief, but Kodol Dys- aCure is the only remedy that as done me any good, and I heartily recommend it. Every person suflering with Indigestion or Dyspepsia should use it." Sold by G. E. Williams. Coenr d' Alene Doubles its Population Frank Davidson, who was iu this city last week with his wife and son, to attend the wedding of his brother liar ton to Miss Vera Jackson, says the city of Coeur d' Alene, where he is now lo cated in the lumber business, has a pop ulation ol 3000 people, the town having doubled its population within the last year. Backed by extensive lumbering and mining interests and a good country well adapted to farming and fruit grow ing, Mr. Davidson expects someday to see Coeur d' Alene a city of 20,000 people. The city has street lights and a splendid munciple water system. Spo kane is 3.1 miles distant. Electric cars make the trip in 60 minutes. There are four weekly papers in the town, and all doing a good business. The climate at Coeur d' Alene is very similar to that here. 1100 Reward $100 The r adera of thli paper will be pleased to learn tlmt thPre la at Wast one dreaded d incline thataolence has been able tocurelnall IU atas ea,and that la catarrh. Hall'a Catarrh Cure Ta the only positive cure now known lo the med ical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution al diBi-use. reunlrea a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken tnternaly, acting dlreetlv uoon the blood and mucoua aurfacea of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion ol ine aisease, ana giving- me paiieni strength bv building up the constitution and aHsiKtlng nature in doing Ita work. The pro prietors have so mw1! faith in Ita curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollar for auy case that It falla to cure. Hand for list of testimonials. Address K. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druirxlsts, "8i Tnke Hans family fins lor conwnnwTion. NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY. Notice la hereby riven that on the Slat day of November, MH.N. M. Abbott and H. M. Abbott, partners as Abbott A Co., or Hood Itlver, Oregon, were amy aajuuicaieu uana rupls: and that the first meeting or their cred itors will be held at room MM, Ch mber of Commerce bulldlm. Portland. Oregon, on the th day of December, 1!4, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at which time the said creditors may auena, firove their claims, appoint a truaiee, eiara ne the bankrupts and transact such other boalnemaa may properly come before aald meeting. Dated: Portland, Oregon, November 3S. 1904. , ALKX 8WEEK. dl lUferee In Baokrupcy, DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache AH diseases of Kidneys, CURE auauaer, urinary organs. Ale., Vk.iim.li.M U a a W achs.HeartDlsease travel, uropiy, ramus Troubles, Don't become discouraged. Ttitra Is a Cure for you. If neceasary write lit. Kenner. He haa spent a lite time curing Just such cases aa jours. All consultations free. "I have been a sufferer from rhuematisnt for over ten years and have often been con fined to my bed for several days and suffered intensely. Dr. Fenner'i Kidney and Backache Cure afforded relief at once. I now feel as well as I ever have in my life. ADA BLACKWELL, Kansas City, Mo." Druggists, 60c., II. Ask for Cook Book Fhm For Hale by C. N. CLARKE, Hood River, Bargains in Real Estate. 6-room house and two lots 80x100 each 40 fruit trees, sightly location: price. $800: $50 down and 15 per month, or ou down ana Tou quarterly. 3-roow House and lot 100x100 on the heights. tt-room house, barn and lot 50x100, on uaK street, f.asy terms. House and lot and vacant lots in Boo kane, Wash., to sell or trade for Hood Kiver property. House and two lots 50x130 each, will be sold at a bargain for cash. The best ranch on the west side of the river. Fine modern house, packing nouse, carriage House, nne i-lncken houses and run, etc. If you want a line place cneap, Here you have it. 50 acres unimproved land 6 miles out, f 13 per acre. Can sell you four, fire, ten or fifteen acres of good apple land close in, all under cultivation, small house on the place. Terms to suit the buyer. 800-acre stock ranch for sale or trade. 10 acres of good apple land to trade for house and lot in town. Hopd River Real Estate & Exchange Co. Hood River, Ore. Columbia Nursery F. E. BROSIUS, Prop. Strawberry Plants, Top-Grafted Cherry Trees, 2-yr.-old Apple Trees including Spitzenberg, Newtown, Baldwin, Ortley, Winter Banana, etc Guaranteed true to name. Hood River, On. DEPENDABLE STERLING SILVER The buying of silver is an art. To have the best, the newest and handsomest is our aim. To see our stock will reveal many novel ideas hitherto unknown. Prices are right. F. W. CLARK, Watchmaker and Jeweler Hood River. CHESLEY & KOPPE HAVE OPENED A New Pool Room In the Building next to the Glacier Office. A good place to spend the evening. J. T. HOLMAN HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS Cottage arket, DEALER IN Fresh and Cured Meats, GREEN VEGETABLES. Free Delivery. E. It. Bradley PRINTING 8 I HIGH GRADE PAMPHLET AND COMMERCIAL WORK PROMPTLY PERFORMED MHCCS ALWAYS MGHT W are here to do your work today tomorrow and every other day, and our money (what little we have) U apent in Hood River. We want your work and can do it neatly and SATISFACTORILY Millinery Offering. My entire stock of Millinery, consist ing of High Grade Drees, Street and Tailored Hats, are now on sale at the actual cost of material and labor. This is positively my last season in Hood River. Every hat I have is strictly new and up-to-date. NO old stock and rub bish to work off. The workmanship throughout is the best obtainable from skilled labor. Without boasting I claim the distinction of offering a better bat and at less cost than was ever offered in Hood River lfore. Anyone wishing to parrhsse my entire bns- tnea ana gooa win can ao so, niore lur reni. MRS. ABBOTT, Tel. Main 156. llowl Kiver Height. Timber Land, Act June S, HCS.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore- fon. May 23, MM. Notice is hrreuy given hat In compliance with the provisions of the act of ooniirese of June 8. 1S7H. entitled "An act for the sale of Umber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash Inii Ion Territory' as extended to .11 the public laud states by act of August 4, Iwi, the followlng named person, have on May 8,1'JOI died in tills oflloe theirs worn statements, towii: ELIZABETH KKKKNS of Bt. Paul, (15H Ingiehart street) county of rvainsay, state oi Buiiuemiia, sworn statement No. 2415, for the purchase of the HKV4 of sec tion SI, township 1 north, ranne 11 east W. M. KKED KKKKN.H of St. Paul, (153 Ingleliart street) county of ttaiuaay, state oi Miuntwoia, sworn statement No.'16,Kr the purehaae of thax'iSKW.SWW HKV4of section a snd NWliis'C, of section 27, township 1 north, range u east of Willam ette Meridian. JOHN J. KKKENH of Portland, (a-14th streeti county of Mult nomah, state of Oregon, sworn ststement No. 17, for the purchase of the V. NW(i and V. BWi of section M, township 1 north, range 11 east, W. M. That they will otter proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for ita Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to satu land before the Register and Receiver at The Dulles, Oregon, on December 27, 1UOI. They name as wltnesse8:William Ketclmtn, .TurtdS. Klsh, William Hpeneer, and Richard .1 liArmannlTh. llollas IWi,n. k.. 1.1 oftst, Paul, Minnesota; John . Krkeus of ruriiaua, uregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the abovdescrlbed lands are requested to file their elslms In this office on or before said 27th day of lecember 1H04. oct6dl6 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register, rfimtwr IjukI Aot June"i37lKM NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United .Stales Land Olfloe, The Dalles, Ore gon, Nov. 1, 1WM. Notice is hereby given that in conipii.uce wun me provisions oi me act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act tor the sale of timber lauds In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," ss extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, m, CHARLES A. HOY of Portland, county of Mullnomali, state of Oregon, has this day (tied in this otllce his sworn ststement No. 2t;W. fur the purchase of of the lots 3 A 4, section 18 and lot 10 of section No. 7, in township No. 1 north, range No. E, W. M., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more val uable for ita timber or alone than for agricul tural Dnrnoses. and to PMtaMtiih hiii lnhn to said land before Geo, T. Prattler, 1'. H. commissioner at his office in Hood River. Oregon, on the 3d day of February lmw. He names as witnesses: lwls K Morse, Charles Castner, Isaac C. Nenlelgh, William F. Hand, all of Hood Kiver, Oregon. Any and all persons claimtnit adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this olflce on or before said 3d day of February, lttfi. niMjai MlCHANLi T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Land Act June .1, 1878. i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Slates Land Office, The Dalles, Ore. f on.Octoberw.lWH.-Notlce Is hereby given that compliance with the provisions of the act of Cong reus of J line S, 188, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wsslilngton territory," as extended to all the Public Land Stales by act of August 4,l!W- PETER OUiON, of Scaulon, county of Carlton, state of Minne sota, has on September 2H, IU 4, tiled in this office his sworn statement No. 2111, fur the purchase of the H NK and NHW of sec tion 32, In township No.5 north, range No.H K W M and will nflirnmnl linutlutt Mia lutwl sought is more valuable for tie timber or stone than for agricultural purixises, and to establish his claim to said laud before Oeorge T. Prather, United States commissioner, at his office at Hood River, Oregon, on the 4th day of January, 1906. He names as witnesses: Olaf J. Fry k Hind, of Cloquet, Minnesota, Lewis E. Morse, William F. Rand, Uloim R. Fabric, all of Hood River, Ontgon. Any and nil persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 4th dsy of January, ItHto, on ai m ich Aftu T.mii.AN , Register. F. W. PRIBNOW, Carp enter & Builder Plana and Kittcttlcutlons funiuiied. LMImolan ArifURfttlln 4r.ivr.lul.aH All work promptly and carefully utttmded to. Hood River, Ore. B. F. BELIEU, Contractor & Builder. -PLANS AND F.HTIMATKfl FpHNISH Kri-( NEW FURNITURE FOR OLD. The Big Second Hand Store Buys, Sells and Exchanges New and Second Hand Goods of every description. I5ed Room Suits, Odd Dressers, Wash Stands, Folding Beds, Rockers, Dining Chairs, Iron Beds Springs, Mattresses, Carpets, Matting, Linoleum, Stoves and Ranges, Crockery, Tin and Granite Ware, and in fact everything in the house furnishing line. Come in and your fancy. We are sure the Bottom Prices on Picture Framing, Furniture THE BIG bone & Mcdonald Carry a full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed, Shovels, Spades, Axes, Saws, etc. The Fishing Season Is here, and so are we with a full line of first class Tackle. Come and see us before buying. Goods Delivered Free To Any Part of Town. bone & Mcdonald HOOD RIVER TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. TICLET OFFICE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phone 131. J. R. NICKELSEN -DEALER IN- Farm Machinery & Vehicles Including Studebaker and Rushford Winona Wagons, Carriages & Buggies, Faultless and Little Giant Grubbing Machines, AermotorW ind Mills, Buckeye rumps, Amencus Cider Mills, Syracuse and Oliver Chilled and Steel Flows. A complete line of Spray rumps, Hoyt's Tree Supports, Hanford'l Balsam of Myrrh, Extra Buggy Tops, Seats, Cuttliions, DaHbes, Poles, Hhafts, Singletrees and .eck yokes holster bprlngs and iron Cor. 4th and Columbia Oregon Lumber are offering EXCEPTIONAL VALUES in Workingmen's Goods. Have just opened the LARGEST and BEST line of UNDERWEAR in the City Mt. Hood (SL Stockton MacKinaws Complete Line of Rain Goods Sole grezits for tla-e Celebrated Bradley Logger Shoe PHONE 51. NEW THIS WEEK. A good shotgun 5.60 Target (tung 1.75 to 21.00 Smith-Iiaker-Itliica guna. Savage, Marlin ami Winchester rifles. SO varieties loaded ammunition. Revolver. 2.60 to 15.00 Good Btove-pipe 16 1 laniHlied stove-pipe SO Air-tight lieator 1,75 50 varieties Heaters for choice. Stove boards 50c to 1.40 Door Mats 00c to 2.50 HiHgell Sweepers 2.75 Genuine I.ee lirooins 5 varieties. Hardware, Furniture, Stoves, Tinware, Crockery, Carpets and Shades. Building Material, Paints and Oils. Just in Reed Rockers. 2.75 to 10.50. No Z s fir mfii I7.,iiirreuTT. For further particulars regarding the SMITH GRUBBING MACHINES, call on or write SE2ICasT 5B waltecbe, THE DALIES. OREGON. price will. Age Uarden loom. Sts., Hood River, Or. See tlb-e- Tinted Wall Paper 00c to 1.00 Tarred Felt Paper 1.00 to 1.00 Malthoid Rooting. 1, 2 and 3-ply. DuBtleis Floor Oil. Star Shingles, per 1000 1.40 Koopoline and Laqueret, 40 shades, re news any furniture. Crockery Stock Additions. Flower Pots. Jardiniers. Rogers' 1847 Silverware. Special Lamp Ulolies. Lanterns 25c. 65c, 1.00 up to S.25 Lamps hanging and stund. Carving Bets 1.00 to 7.00 I Mil 11 VI I t. FN. SS IMl tKV&U ' . Ml J 1 ICS;? I f look the stock over. You might see something that strikes Repairing, Stove Repairing, Upholstering. SECOND HAND STORE. 0. P. DABNEY & CO., Props. DAVIDSON FRUIT DEALERS and Manufacturers of all kinds of Fruit Ilighost Prices Paid WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AC arload of DRA N T LE AND CAN MAKE YOU PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT. NORTON & SMITH Co PHONE 51. The new Lineoleum, same color forever, per yard Wic Table Oilcloth, per yard 20a Floor Oilcloth, per yard SOo Mattings 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 40o Ingrain Carpet, cotton 50o Ingrain Carpet 65o Ingrain Carpet, extra super 75o Urussells Carpet 90c to 1.20 Velvet and Axminster. Furniture repaired. Picture framing. 100 of newest things in frames. Fill up the openings, Everything in plain and fancy glasss. , ft Hie Funlte j . i t v. -trjaM.-. - FRUIT CO oxes for High Grade Fruit. TV-