HOOD RIVER, GLACIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1004. FARMERS TALK FOR NEW FLUME The stockholders 6f the Farmers' Irri gating company met Saturday forenoon in the mo ins of the Commercial club and discussed pro and con the advisability ol repairing the high flume over Pine creek or building a new flume and ditch along thebank of the bluff .something that wuuiu ue permanent, rue meeting was called by the board of directors for the purpose of ascertaining the sentiment oi wie Btockiiciiiiers regarding the pro- luscu improvements. "The board of directors realize these improvements should be made, and they have the authority to make them," explained 1'reeident Blowers as he called the meeting to order, "but we wish to make no large expenditure of money without the stockholders under standing just why the money was spent and the extent of th necessity for ex pending any Bum the board should ap propriate." After much talking on and off the suiijeci at hand the board was upheld in their action by a motion that carried unanimously. The notice of the meeting place was given as the iv. ot f. hall, but with such a email number present at the opening hour, and no one havine a kev to the hall, the farmers adjourned to the rooms of the Commercial club. Last spring the spacious rooms of the opera house would hardly hold all who want- eu to listen to the proceedings, but the Commercial club rooms accommodated all who were present Saturday morninu. Befure the meeting was well under way there were 60 or more there. After waiting some time for Manager htnten, who was to be present with i detailed report of the findings of the ex amining committee who went over the ' ditch, President Blowers called the meeting to order and explained himself the intent of the meeting. "After a careful and thorough exam ination of thehighlluineover l'iiie creek the board finds it must make, extensive repairs to the flume, which is in very bad condition, or expend a larger sum in constructing a flume and ditch along the mutt, something that would be per manent," went on Mr. Blowers.. "To the casual observer, the high flume may ho considered in fairly good condition. but close observation will demonstrate that the limbers are very rotten, and that it will require a large amount of repair work. A ditch is expensive we know, but it should last a life time, while repairs w ill last but a few years at beet. Joe Wilson made the survey for us aruond the hillside. We feel that the repairs should be permanent. We do not wish to throw money away on temporary repairs. Something must be done the flume repaired or a ditch built. We prefer to build a ditch, but wish to get the sentiment of the stock holders in tho matter before expending the money." N. C. Kvans, a former member of the board of directors, considered that the whole matter properly belonged to the board. "They have the power to do what is necessary and should proceed as they see fit," said Mr. Evans. "If the cost of repairs will exceed ten per cent of the cost of the flume anewone should be built. The sale of the unissued stock will bring in all the money required for the building of the ditch, but if not at present, it would be a business proposi tion to borrow the money and make re pairs that aro permanent. No flume is supposed to last over ten years." President Blowers then stated that one of the reasons for calling the meet ing was the fact that there are no funds in the treasury. The sale of all addi tional stock that will be made this win ter must go toward paying for the un sold stock in the Valley Improvement company. To make the repairs on the flume or build a new ditch will necessi tate the borrowing of money or an added cost to the price of water next summer. It was then brought to light that the matter of settling up the affairs of the o d Valley Improvement company seems to lie in an undetermined status. "Mr. Davenport," said Mr. Kvans,. "reported having received 100 cents on the dollar for stock in the old company, although there is no record of it. It was also shown at a recent meeting of the stock holders of the Valley Improvement com pany that more shares had been issued than the company was incorporated for." Mr. Evans considered that the present ditch company would have to pay for all unissued stock, whatever it was, as it could not well repudiate the balance of the shares. Mr, Blowers said he had attended the same meeting of the Valley Improve ment company and that it was finally agreed that the stockholders would be satisfied with 39 cents on the dollar, the amount secured by the principal stock holders when they sold tho proerty to the farmers. This will have to be paid. Lee Morse wanted to kno if the farmers would be held responsible for the payment of 49 excess shares, since the Farmers' Irrigating company had been given an indemnity bond of $10, 000 to cover all debts in excess of the purchase price of the ditch as agreed upon last winter. Manager Staten had come in and President Blowers called upon him for his report. It was in substance what Mr. Blowers had stated at the oiiening of the meeting. The flume in many places is defective and will require much work for repairs. The channel of the ditch has been cleaned of all rocks. At the "slab pile" the ditch is in very bad shape. Some 200 feet of new cribbing will be required. The underpinning at Pine creek is in poor concilium, vigilant watching last summer located the weak spots and kept the flume from falling down in the middle of the summer. The flume this year was taxed to its utmost capacity, then why should it be expected to carry 300 more inches this coming year? Between Ditch cYeekand the high trestle the cut is four inches high, and the water was backed up in the flume four inches. There is a mar ginal differense of seven to ten inches in the water level in the flume from Ditch creek to Pine creek. The east approach to the bridge is very unreliable. Fourteen new bents must lie put in, and it will require 4200 feet of lumber in the approaches. The miin span is in good shape. The flume over Pine creek will require 6000 feet of lumber. The timber on this high trestle appear sound below, but up among the braces they are in very bad shape. The manager couldn't guarantee the safety of the structure even with an outlay of 400 in repairs for a distance of 200 feet or more. By buildingalongthe bluff the high flume would be entirely eliminated and for much of the distance a permanent ditch could be const'ucted. Morse again stated that the directors shou d proceed with the work. Evans said the ditch lart summer could have carried 300 inches more than it really did. To thisStaten replied that the farmers could make a personal examination for themselves, if they could not justify the discrepancy of the two statemen re- - garding the condition of the Pine creek flume. He proposed to see that there w8 no cries of "graft" io the expendi- tuie of the company's money, and want ed the farmers to tlioroug'ily unJei- stand the necessity for any outlay of money that may be made. J. T. Nealeigh wanted to know the cost of the proposed new ditch and flume. Mr. Staten considered $2500 sufficient, but on second thought concluded it would be $3000. At this there was a general expression in favor of building the permanent ditch. The question of funds again came un der consideration. Blowers said be did not think there would be sufficient gale of stock to pay this and other expenses. uessling wanted to know if water would be sold this year to outsiders. This little shot precipitated a general lusilade. t-vans declared the stock holders have no right to sell water. It was permitted last year because of agreements before the signing of the contracts. The original intent of the corporation would not permit the share holders to speculate in the sale ot the water. It seems that Charley Boss put up $3000 for 100 shares last spring in order that the company might have the mon ey, and with the understanding that he wonld have the privelege of selling the surplus water to Dring him interest on his money that he so kindly let the company have the use of. Now the question arises, can Mr. Boss continue oo cell water this coming year? It was the consensus of opinion that he could not, but that he should be allowed to to unload his surplus stock to those who needed it. Benson stated that it was against his wishes that Mr. Hoes secured more stock than he wanted. Mr. Kellogg spoke against the selling of water, and returning to the original question, wanted to know if it was advisable to repair the old flume, when the farmers could not be guaranteed that the struct ure would not break down in the mid die of the berry season. Lee Morse moved that the action of the board be accented and that tliev use their judgment in building a new flume or patching up the old one. Mr. Evans arose to explain the use leesness of such a move, and to point out some glaring aeiects in the pro ceed ore of the meeting. The chairman considered the motion proper enough. While it wasn t actually required il would express the seutiment of the farmers. Before a vote could be taken. Mana ger Staten started a bombardment at N. C. Evans, concerning some surveys the latter had made last summer for the ditch company, but the field notes of which had never been given into the custody of the new manager. With the return fire Mr. Staten man aged to gather a few stray bits of de sired information. There was a cessa tion of heavy artillery fire long enough for the original motion to go through with a rousing affirmation. President Blowers thanked the members of the company for their assurance of support in the action ot the board ot directors, whatever they considered necessary. There were some references to the possibilities of colonies or speculators getting control of a majority of the stock to the detriment of the present shareholders. A few considered there is a real danger in this possibility, while some thought the idea absurd if the letter of the contracts are carried out. N. C. Kvans wanted to know of the board of directors if, when they con structed the new flume, they would charge the cost to repairs or construc tion. If they kept on charging such work to repairs, when the entire stock is finally Bold there would be something like $40,000 to pay a $20,000 indebtedness. Lecture on Theosophy. Editor Glacier: In view of the fact that the subject of Theosophy has been so much misunderstood and so grossly misrepresented in our vicinity a few of the adherents and students of this beau tiful philosophy (which embraces the very essence of religion) have decided to hold a meeting, free to the ptiblie, where the tenets and teachings of Theosophy will be set forth and ex plained in a lucid and simple manner. A short paper will be read by Mrs. Louise Goddard and questions will be answered by her and others present who have made a study of the subject. lhe meeting will be held in Car- michael hall on Saturday evening. November 26 at 8 p. m. sharp, and all are invited to come and hear the truth regarding this philosophy, which is comparatively new in our midst, but world-old in Eastern countries, where it baa been a potent factor in the pro motion of civilization and the human ization of the race. L. G. BIG APPLES WERE GREAT SURPRISE G. L. Robinson, who returned Friday morning from a six-weeks' trip to St. Louis and the East, lays the big Hood River apples were a source of much sur prise to the World's fair visitors. Many of them had no idea that any such fruit could be grown on the Pacific coast.and when they saw the apples, they wanted to come to Portland next year to see the country where such fruit can be grown. Mr. Robinson was at St. Ixiuii when the Hood River applea were opened and put on display. There wasn't anything there to compare with the Hood River apples, said Mr. Robinson. The Hood River apples eclipsed everything in the horticultural binding, and caused Ore gon to be more talked about than any thing else that had been placed on ex hibition. Mr. Robinson was one of the Hood River men who had vegetables on exhibition at the fair. Mr. Robinson visited St. Louis and Indianapolis, and went on to Madison, his old home which he had not seen for 31 years. That part of Indiana, which one day was filled with fruit, today has no orchards. The old trees all went to ruin and have been grubbed out. On his way home Mr. Robinson stopped at Grand Canyon, Col. This is the great Colorado fruit section. They raise good apples and strawberries there, but the strawberries will not stand the shipments that the Hood River berries do. The fruit association there took note of how the Hood River berries were hard and fresh after a 1000-mile trip, while the homegrown fruit was wilted the next day after being picked, and took the address of the Hood River Fruit Growers' union that they may se cure some plants from here. Grand Cfhiyon can grow some fine ap ples, as Mr. Robinson proved by some samples of highly colored Wineeaps, which he brought with him for inspec tion. The bpitzenberg cannot be grown there. Mr. Robinson says for their fancy apples the G rand Canyon orch arditts received this year $1.50 a box. Locate your home where the best improvements are going. Sewers, Spring Water and Sidewalks, fine view and good drainage. All these are found in R iverview Park Addition Which will be included in the First Sewer District, and which is beyond question the most desirable residence section in Hood River. Buy now before the prices advance. H ood River GE0RQE T. PRATHER, Selling Agent. evelopment Co. A. A. JAYNE, Secretary. COLUMBIA RIVER AND NORTHERN RY CO. Time Schedule ElTeotlve Bept. 5, M04. DAILY EXCEPT 6 UK DAYS. Connecting at Lyle with .Regulator Line steamers for Portland and way landings. Good Paper for Hood River. The Portland Journal never misses an opportunity to say a good word for Hood Ri ver. When subscribing for any other paper in addition to the Glacier, you could return the compliment very nicely by taking the Journal. No bet ter daily or weekly is published on the Pacific coast. Give them a trial sub scription. The following references to Hood River appeared on the editorial page last Wednesday. They are a sample of many every day or so : Hood River Commercial club is wide awake. No apples at St. Louis equal those sent from Hood River. Some land in Hood River valley sold last week at $325 an acre, and was cheap at that. A box of Hood River Kim; annles pre sented to the Glacier contained 64 ap ples, all exactly alike and equally per fect, and weighing 50 pounds. A Pleasant Pill. No Pill Is as pleasant and positive as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. DeWitt's little i-arly Ktsers are so mud and effective that children, delicate ladles and weak people enioy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pill Bold. Sold by G. E. imams. STATIONS. No.6 No.8 MILKS l.KAVK A.M. 0 Goldendale U0 7 Centerville (1.48 14 Daly 7.02 28 Wahkiaeus 7.4!) 32 Wrights 7.55 m Gravel Pit 8.05 43 Lyle S.35 J. T. HOLMAN HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS Cottage Market, DEALER IN Fresh and Cured Meats, GREEN VEGETABLES. Free Delivery. GLOBE CLOTHING CO. HOOD RIVER Going Out of Business Change in Business is the Cause oi this Great Sacrifice. THIS IS NO FAKE SALE We positively mean every word we say and nothing will be reserved. OUR ENTIRE STOCK which is but seven months old, lias been TO THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, and now is your chance to lay in your winter supply. Cost and Value Not to be Taken into Consideration Come in and look our goods over. Our prices will do the rest. Shelving and showcases for sale. This sale will be on until Dec. 1st. Yours to please, GLOBE CLOTHING CO. REMOVAL SALE We have sold our line of Crockery and Glassware to W. M. Stewart, and we intend to move into a smaller room, and willl sell Vases, Jewelry, Blank Books, Toys and Notions at Cost for the Next 30 Days. Remember the Place GEO. F. COE & SON Train will leave Lyle on arrival of the Regulator steamern from Portland. Time Schedule Str. "Geo. W. Simons." Eflective, Bept. 6, I1KH. A.M. 7.00 7.10 7.30 8 00 8.25 8.45 9.05 9.20 9.45 10.40 11.30 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. l.KAVE AKItlVK P.M. Cascade Locks 015 Stevenson 0 05 Canons 5.45 Collins 5.15 Drano 4.45 Menominee 4.L'5 White Salmon 4.05 Hood Kiver 3.45 Moeier 3.30 Lyle 2 45 The Dalles 2.00 -it n . 1, ' t - M , r jff V"'"' -"'"a" ft- .... ,t :- .- .COLUMBIA RIVER & NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. WHARF I10AT AT HOOD RIVER. THE Favorite is the place to go for Confectionery, Lunches and ; Oysters. Everything first-class. Popular prices. Oak Street, East of Bragg's, S. L. YOUNG, Prop. Some Bargains. 1. 6 acres one mile out, all In lierries. A beautiful location will be sold at a bargain. 2. Two 20 acre tracts, on East Side. All set to apples; best varieties. 8. 34 acres ono mile out, set to ap ples, pears, clover and strawberries. 4. 42 acres 4 miles out, 10 acres In orchard 10 in full bearing. First-class improvements. A beautiful borne. 5. 80 acres 3 acres 7-year-old apple trees, balance in clover and general farming. Kew four room house. 6. 40 acres In the most beautiful por tion of the valley. 4 acres in orchard one year old, '& acres In berries, 4 acres in alfalfa, balance general farm ing. 7. 10 acres four miles out; splendid soil; 1 acre apples, best varieties; one year planted. acres in strawberries, 2 acres in potatoes, 5 acres In clover. 8. A number of 10, 20 and 40 acre tracts of unimproved land, that will bear Investigation. Also a number of large tracts from 100 to 320 acres in Oregon and Washington. Some few residences and lots in everv portion of the city. W. J. BAKER, Real Estate Agent, Hood River, Oregon. IT 3 d ragg &Co. Ladies' Skirts New Arrivals. AVe have just received a lot of New Skirts, in Grey, Brown and Blue Mixtures, made up in the latest and most up-to-date styles, which were delayed in transit. These Skirts are real values at $8, f 10, $12, but will sell them for $5.50, $8.50 and 9.()0. If you want something good in this line don't miss this opportunity. Men's Overcoats Our line of Overcoats at $9.50 to $15.00 are stylish new goods and are worth what other people ask $12.50 to $1 8 for. See these coats before buying. Douglas Shoes Just received another new shipment in latest styles and toes. Caps and Tarns For Girls. Nice line just in wools and velvets. 25c and up. Opera Shawls In silk and wool that are marvels of beauty. Crush leather belts in white, tan and rod. THE GORDON HAT Nothing Surpasses New Things in the Grocery Line. New Currants, New Walnuts, New Figs, New Raisins, New Honey Comb and Strained, New Citron, New Cranberries, New Sorghum. n Chase & Sanborn Coffee, once used, nothing else will quite do. 3 3C 3 Cm HOOD RIVER PLUMBING COMPANY R. J. WOICKA, Proprietor. Sanitary Plumbing' and Tinning' Agent for the Eoyal Furnace. For cleaning bath rooms and sinks, use "Whito" Pumps, Windmills, Pipe, Fittings, Everything in Plumbing and Tinning Line WHOLESALE RETAIL THE DALLES NURSERIES R. H. WEBER; Prop. THE DALLES. OREGON. FRUIT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL GROWER AND DKALKR IN TREES GRAPE VINES AND SMALL FRUITS Evergreens, Rote and Shrubbery. Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Withaut Irrigation. Stetson Hats CORRECT DRESS ERS WEAR THE BEST HAT MADE For Sale in Hood River only by A L. CARMICHAEL Stetson Hats, $5.00. Other makes from 05c to f 3.00. DR. JONES, Dentist. Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates Special attention given to the beautiful. Pink Gum Set of Teeth. AIho the treatment of diHetuted teeth and guni8. OITlce over Jackson'! Store. Oak St. Entrance. r I am not going to sing the New Store nong, but want to let the people know where to find the most complete line of Books, Bibles, Albums, Fancy Stationery, etc. ever carried in the city. Over 600 titles just ar rived. A mil line of Tablets, School Books and School Supplies always in stock. SLOCOM'S In the New Brick Block. Follow the new cement sidewalk and keep your feet clean Here are some of the new books: The Silent Places. Tattlings of a Retired Politician. The Cost. Bred in the Bone. The Effendi. The Duke Decides. God's Good Man. The Crossing. Corner in Coffee. Sir Mortimer. The Truants. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. The Elsie Books-For Girls. The Henty Books For Boys. The Funny Books For Children. Always Glad to See You.