The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 24, 1904, Image 2

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    Sfood I$ver Slacier
The question every one is asking these
nights as the lights go out: "When will
that new dynamo be here?"
Reports from Eastern apple market
state that the situation has taken a turn
(or the better and prices are advancing.
Cold weather is said to have cut short
the supply.
. Hood River has been signally honored
by the election of E. L. Bmith of this
city as third vice president of the Nat
ional Irrigation congress. The congress
meets next year at Portland.
John II. Ginder, the new proprietor
nd editor of the White Salmon Enter
prise has made a marked improvement
in that little paper. The Enterprise
promises no longer to be a burlesque on
its name. We know the people of White
Salmon welceme the change.
A bright little weekly came to light
the other day at St. Johns, and will
hereafter be known as the St. Johns Re
view, The paper is edited and publish
ed by J. C. Crome, and will be devoted
to the interests of the Peninsula, the
manufacturing center of the Northwest.
The Review well deserves the rich suc
cess its breezy little pages give evidence
The young men of Hood River have
organized a complete volunteer Are de
partment. Give them your moral
and financial support. They are drill
ing a team of fire fighters that may some
day save the city thousands of dollurs.
The boys are enthusiastic and ambitious
to become the crack fire team of the
state. They have the material, and
after a few months drilling will be
able to contest with the best of them.
The Glacier wishes the boys succers.
The Hood River Volunteer Fire de
partment is now ready to combat what
ever fire should dare show itself within
the city limits. While the boys have
only the chemical eiigin as apparatus
at present, the department expects to
organise a hose company as soon as the
fire hydrants are placed in, and a hook
and ladder department will also be
The organisation of the fire depart
ment has been ofliuially recognised by
the city council, and the care of the
chemical engine has been turned over
to the boys. An engine house is being
erected next to the city hall, where the
chemical will be stored. Room will
also have to be made here for hose carts
and a hook and ladder truck.
The officers of the fire department
elected last week are;
W.Ii. McGuire, president; Lou Mor
gan, vice president; Earl Bartmess
secretary; Percy Cross, treasurer; W.
E. Hheets, chief of department; 8. J.
Frank, assistant chief; W. J. Gadwa,
cinef engineer; will Morgan, first assist
ant engineer: Clarence Shaw, secolid
assistant engineer; Winn dinger, third
assistant engineer.
Many of the boys of the fire depart
ment have seen service in other towns
and are tried veterans in the work.
Hherm Frank, tho assistant chief, held
the same position at The Dalles. VV. I.
Uadwa, the chief engineer, was formerly
a memuer ot tne remiiuion department
Will Sheets has won a number of tried
als for service with the Larimore, N. 1).
team. This team came to be the chum
pion of the state. Mr. Sheets has be
longed to fire companies since he was
eight years old. Will Morgan was at
one time a member of the Brook Held,
mo., team, waiter Mcuuire saw sorv
ice at McMinnvillo.
The boys are arranging to give i
I iremen a llenuflt ball on New Year's
night. Of course anything like this
win ue a Kreai success, no one will
refuse to buy tickets, and it is iutended
to make it one of the popular social
events of the season. Later announce
ments of this ball will lie made.
The members of the Hood River Vol
unteer Eire department are:
W. E. Hheets, S. J. Frank, W. I.
Gadwa, W. A. Morgan, Bert Stranahan,
L. G. Morgan, A. Whitehead, Theo
Jvoppe, T. Unborn, Clarence Shaw,
A. G. Pobney, R. J. Woieka. Joe Voirt,
Winn dinger, Percy Cross. Kmmett
Tompkins, W. I. Dickey, W. 1). Mc
Guire, E. C. Wright, C. 8. Jones, Wm.
Shipman, Arthur Cole, Karl Bartmoss,
Webster Kent, Mel Foley, Edwin
Lose! Valuable Hear Hound.
"Old Drive," a valuable bear hound
belonging to Mordecai Jones, the Husum
bear hunter, met his death Inst week
from a tussle with a big black bear. Mr.
Jones regrets very much the loss of his
faithful hound, who had seen service
for many vears, and taken part in the
capture ol 70 bears.
Mr. Jones was in the city Tuesday, the
pest of Dan Mears. He was out hunt
ing last week with some friends from
Wales. The hunt proved too strenuous
for his guests and they gave up the
chase. Jones, who never turns back
when the dogs have scented a bear,
followed the lead of his hound. Dark
ness was coming on, but Jones got a
glimpse of the bear as he was aUtut to
disappear over the edge of a steep and
muddy"pot-hole"and tiring for the nevk,
the bullet grated the bear's backbone,
and bruin came tumbling to the ground.
Rushing into the thicket, Jones found
the bear very much alive, ami with the
dog in his mouth the bear rolled on
ou down the mountain side. Hurrying
on. Jones dispatched the bear with a
bullet through, the head. The dog arose
with an ugly gash in his throat, and
shortly alter lie was siesett with a vio
lent coughing spell which bunded the
jugular vein and caused the dog's
The bear was a monster. The hide
when dressed and clear of all meat
weighed 64 pounds.
To Supply Power for Flour Mill.
The big ditch down the side of the
hill east of the steps and across the bus
iness section of the city to the railroad
track will be filled with iron biue.which
Joe Wilson is laying to supply power to
Uie nour mill at the loot ol Irving street.
Joe Wilson has signed a contract with
the milling company to supply upward
of 50 horse power for a period of ten
years, with the privilege of renewing at
the expiration of the present contract.
The pipe to carry the water is 12 inches
in diameter, and the reservoir on the
. hill near Charley Clark's residence Mr.
Wilson save has a capacity of 1,000,000
' gallons, the big pond is 100x300 in ex
' "tent. Water to supply the reservoir
comes from Indian creek.
Mr. Wilson while laying the pipe is
one in
ront of the Davidson rruit (Jo s office,
another in front of Wilson's warehouse,
a third beyond the Page & Son ware
house and one near the flouring mill.
Mr. Wilson is putting in these fixtures
at his own expense.
From the bench nrar the railroad
track from where the railroad engineers
clo all their surveying, is 852 below the
bottom of Wilson's reservoir. A 12
inch piM with such a full from the res
ervoir holding 1,000,000 gallons of water
will naturally develop an immense
amount of motor power.
The machinery of the flouring mill
will be operated by water motors. For
each separate piece of machinery there
will lie a separate motor, thus conserv
ing the water supply, and making it
much easier in closing down any par
ticular bit of machinery.
It developed at the meeting of the
city council Monday night that the
board of insurance underwriters at
Portland will refuse to grant a reduction
in insurance rates in the city of Hood
River unless the city secures water for
fire hydrants from a reservoir having a
reserve at all times ot,i,000,ooo gallons.
Joe Wilson, with whom the city coun
cil is arranging for a water supply for
Hra hvdrants in the business uart of
the city, returned Monday night from
'ortlaml, where he had conferred wun
Mr. Stone of the board of insurance
underwriters, and made a report to the
council eoncernin-' the question of
reduced rates if a system of fire protec
tion is installed.
The first unesslon Mr. None asked
Wilson was: "What is the capacity of
your reservoir?" "One million gallons,"
replied Wilson, "the amount flowing
in?" "Three times what will be flow
ing out."
On leariiins the nine from the reser
voir was 12-inch iron, Mr. Stone wanted
to know what the town would do for
water shnnld the pipe break. "What
if the Bull Hun pipe should break?"
replied Mr. Wilson. Mr. Stone then
stated there would have to be a reserve
of 1,000,000 gallons in the reservoir at
all times, and then went on to Inquire
why Mr. Wilson did not nave two pipes
leading from the reservoir.
This report from Mr. Wilson came as
a surprise to the members of the coun
cil. Mr. Early stated that a member
of the Hood River Electric Light, Power
A Water company hail a few weeks ago
Men quoted in the Ulacier as saying
that the board of underwriters had
promised a reduction in insurance rates
provided the system they wished to give
the citv was installed.
Mayor Blowers stated that when he
once hail a proposition before, the city
A....n ..u ...A... .,....!....
uuuiiuii to sen nnifli lur mc tiiuvcvbiuu,
the board of underwriters had promised
in writing that the rates would tie
reduced provided he had a reserve in
his reservoir of 300.000 mil Ions. N. C.
Evans stated the same facts. He said
he had the letters on file showing a
promised average reduction of 25 per
Early in the session, Councilman
Pruther resigned as chairman of the
sewer committee, and J. E, Rand was
named in his place. W. I. Gadwa and
Will Sheets of the Fire department
addressed the council, and on motion
the fire and water committee was in
structed to meet witli the hoys and to
receive whatever report they had to
make, and to turn over the lire engine
to their care.
Rand, chairman of the committee on
fire and water, reported favorably on
the proposition from Joe Wilson to
supply the city with water for fire
hydrunts. An ordinance, giving Mr.
Wilson a contract to supply the water,
passed lint reading and wtfs referred to
the fire and water committee for a few
slight additions. The contract states
that the city shall take water for not
less than five hydrants at (1 a month,
Mr. Wilson to supply the crosses and
connections. Councilman Early thought
the installing of this plant would cost
the city $2000, and on motion the finance
committee was Instructed to see if the
necessary funds would be forthcoming.
Ordinance No. ill. prohibiting boxing
contests in the city of Hood River,
passed second reading and was placed
on final passage by a unanimous vote.
Votes of thanks were extended to
Captain Spencer for bringing the chem
ical engine to Hood River free of charge
and to Manager Campbell for offering
to do the same tiling.
The following claims against the city
were allowed and ordered paid :
Woodard, Clark A Co., chom....$ 10.34
A. G. Inng, engine 1100 00
Jason Taft, labor 3.00
Oregon Lbr. Co., lumber 14.24
Oregon Lbr. (Jo., lumber 10.48
F. T. llowen, hoard workmen,
East Side grade, sume being
tanen from their wages 45.75
J. L. Morrison, for cashing orders
laborers East Side grade 02.55
Apples it each St. Louis In (Jowl Shape.
Joe Wilson, who wns in Portland
Monday, was told by President Myers
and Mr Giltner of the state commission
that the Hood River apples reached St.
Louis without a bruise.
Jefferson Myers was at the fair when
the fruit arrived, and assisted Mr. Gal
loway in placing the fruit on exhibition.
Three girls were secured to polish the
apples, each apple being taken from the
ton laver. brushed tit) and hacked in
agaiu just as they left Hood River.
Air. Myers eays a sample of 20 Ixixes
were placed outside of the hiiildimt
under a wire screen. They attracted a
great deal of attention, and started
great crowd-) into the horticultural
building to see the great display of
Hood River apples.
Mr. Wilson was informed that the
money from the commission in payment
for the apples will lie in 11 mid River in
a few davs. It will be sent to the First
National bank and bv them distributed
to the farmers who sold apples to the
Called the Fight a Draw.
About 50 Hood River sports crossed
the Columbia Sunday afternoon to
Underwood, where the boxing contest
was pulled oft iietween Clarence, hlliott
of tins city and "Brooklyn Red" of
The lads mixel things in lively shape
for eight rounds, both the contestants
striking the sand once or twice each.
Things were running even, and with the
fast and furious punishment the hoys
were giving and receiving, the referee
called the mill to a halt, deciding the
affair a tie, and awarding the lighters
an etjual share of the gate receipts.
It ! understood there will l a return
scrap in the near future at Astoria.
Cougar Story From White Salmon.
A young cougar came into .Mrs.
Olson s door yard recently and essayed
to catch some chickens, but Mrs. O. and
sister thwarted his plans and drove
him off. He returned at night and kil
led a half dozen or more hens. The
next night Mr. M it-kelson and son
came to lay for him and walked up to
the chicken house with two guns and a
I ail of milk. The cougar jumped out
rushing Mr, M's. clothes as he weut,
putting in croises for hydrants; o
front of the Davidson Fruit Go's
We are closing out our entire stock of Heart and Arrow Hrand of Shoes.
We have practically everything you want in the Shoe line in this brand. It is'
getting wet weather and you need good Shoes. If you have ever used any of
these Shoes you know they are good Shoes. Now is your time to get them at a
Boys' and Girls' Buster Brown Collars only 10c
Men's Flannelette Night Gowns reduced to 50c and 90C
A new line of Ladies', Men's and Children's Caps 10ciP
The genuine Brass King Wash Board 35c
7 bars of Lenox Laundry Soap 25c
A nice line of Ladies' Sweaters V ',
Men's Woolen Socks up
We have a very full line
AH kinds of Ladies' Golf
It is the net cash
disupiiearing in the darkness before the
guns couia De iraineu on nun. ue imu
been to chicken ana aiilnlcare lor mux,
and they forgot to put alt on his tail.
Mrs. Olson had a trap set and caught
the rascal the next night and held him
while Chancy Williams shot him five
times, or shot at him, I forget which it
was. Any wav Chancy got the hide for
shooting. Goldendale Sentinel.
Forty members of the national
Grange now in session in Portland will
make the river trip from Portland to
The Dulles on the steamer Bailey Gat?.-
ert. When he heard of this, President
Truman Hutler of the Hood Kiver
Commercial club at once arranged to
have a committee of the club members
meet the Grangers at Cascade Iockg
and accompany them up the river to
Hood River.
The committee will distribute apples
and Hood River literature to the visitors.
The aimles will be presented with the
compliments of the Hood River Com
mercial club. Copies of this week's
issue of the Glacier, which contains the
excellent writenp from the Lewis and
Clark Journal, will also be distributed
among the Easterners
George W. E. Gaunt of Mullica Hill,
N. J. and C. O. Raine, master of the
Missouri state grange, arrived on the
noon train Tuesday, to visit with C. D.
Moore and A. I. Mason. The gentlemen
wei-9 accompanied by their wives, and
spent the day seeing the apple and
berry orchards of Hood River and
White Salmon.
Mr. Gaunt and Mr. Moore were
schoolmates years ago in the state of
New Jersey, while the same was true of
Mr. Raine and Mr. Mason in Missouri.
ir. Gaunt is president of the People's
Rural Telephone Co. at Mullica Hill,
N. J.
Mr. Mason and Charley Moore at
tended the sessions of the national
Grange in Portland. Mr. Moore while
there took the seventh degree of the
( i range.
While Slocotn, the bookman, an
nounced last week in his ad that he did
not intend to sing the new store song
he has Dually made his last move of the
season, and is now located in the Smith
brick on Oak street.where lie has a large
and roomy store, well stocked with all
that is latest in books and stationery.
Eollow the cement sidewalk as hesug-
gests. It will lead to the Dig gold sign
on the window "Slocom's." Yon can't
pass it. Mr. Slocom has received his
fall stock of books and stationery for the
holiday trade, it will pay you to make
an inspection ol tho stock. there is
nothing like it in the city nothing half
so dainty. All proper tints in note paper
anil envelopes.
Mr. Slocom began business in Hood
River about two years ago, when he
bought out the stock of E. K. Bradley.
Since then Mr. Slocom says there has
been a steady increase in his trade, and
he is well satisfied Hood River is one of
the best towns in Oregon.
Charles Temple, the jeweler, occupies
part of the store room with Mr. Slocom.
Air. Temple has here a line display of
jewelry, and is kept busy attending to
the repair work given him. He adver
tises in another column some very fine
souvenir spoons.
Hood River, Or., Nov. 23 llKU. Ed
itor Glacier: The committee which so
licited funds to aid in the continuation
of the mail service on rural route- No. 1,
linished their labors hist Saturday, and
it is no more than right that the patrons
should be informed concerning the
method by which their money has been
II. O. Crockett, William Davidson,
Huns Lage ami myself were the solicit
ors, and the total amount contributed
by the patrons was $l:tt. Of this sum
$7ti was collected in cash while on our
rounds; $:l of the old fund which whs
collected over a year ago was also found
to be in the hands of ltutler A Co.
A. J. Eriedley was engaged to carry
the mail for one year on the following
terms. The salary allowed by the gov
ernment on routes of this length is
fittt. To this will be added $llti of the
patrons' money, making the carrier's
salary $800 for the year.
At the end of the fourth month he
will receive 1-12 of the patrons' allow
ance and so on thereafter to the end of
the year three months' ay being re
served which will be forfeited by the
carrier if he fails to fulfill his contract.
The remaining funds which were raised
w ill be expended, so far as needed, for
putting the mail wagon, which is in a
very ricketv condition, in repair. The
carrier will then take care of the rig at
his own expense until his term expires.
Each of the solicitors failed to inter
view a few of the patrons on his beat,
and as these will not likely care to get
their mail at their neighbors' expense,
it is probable that a few more dollurs
will soon lie placed in the treasury.
The writer was appointed trustee for
of Boys' and Men's Gloves-
r 10c and up.
arid Kid Gloves.
price that counts, not how big a discount.
I intend to retire from business, and wish to
dose out my stock of
General Merchandise
as soon as possible, for cash. I will buy no
more goods, and wish to collect all accounts
due as. soon as possible.
The rain has begun at last, and you cannot afford
to be bothered all week drying your laundry at
home. We wash and dry by steam power, while you
have to do it at home by hard knocks and lots of
patience. Your laundry work can be done at the
Paradise Laundry cheaply and satisfactorily,
and we guarantee all work to be first-class.
Gentlemen's Clothes cleaned and pressed, 7ue to
$1.00. Ladies' heavy Skirts find Dresses, 50c to
$1.00. Special work done in washing cotton and
woolen blankets, making them as new, 50c to 75c.
Comforters, plain and starch work at satisfactory
prices. Lace curtains, 50c to 75c.
We guarantee all our work to be the best and can
deliver any starch work without danger of mashing
the package.
The Paradise Landry is a Hood River In
dustry and with a guarantee of first-class work we
ask for your patronage.
the funds, which are to remain in liut
ler's hank, and in accordance with in
structions of.the committee will be sub
ject to his check for the carrier's salary
ami the payment of repair hills on the
mail wagon only. It was with reluct
ance that each one of the committeemen
engaged In this business, hut. somebody
had to make a move toward getting the
mail Murted again, hence our appear
ance before the public. As a rule we
met with a cheerful reception from the
patrons, and it is plain now the service
will never be dim-on tin tied for want of a
sulUcient nvmber of persons who will he
willing to contribute a dollar towards
the sum needed to maintain it.
No one was found who did not wish
to have the M-rvice resumed at once,
but occas onally a man was met who
found it necessary to turn loose a lot of
fireworks In-fore he would contribute.
They would always assure us that they
didn't give a d n for the dollar, hut
said one, "there is something rotten
about the whole business;" another
cried "it's a cinch!" Another man
with a large crop of apples to sell de
manded to know, "where's this going
to stop?" ami he pinched the dollar in
his pocket until the screams of the
eagle startled tho poultry for a mile
around. One man assured tne that if
Moody hail been returned to congress
carriers' salaries would have lieen
raised to such a fine figure that none of
this begging won d be neevssury.
Just where the rottenness, the cinch,
etc., etc., come in is hard to understand,
farrier after carrier has tried this
route and every man of them has quit
in disgust and gone back to "sawing
It was known to all that our late car
ries resigned two months ago, and if, lie
fore quitting, he had given a week's
warning there would have been no rea
son to complain.
It is not so easy to get this rural car
rier's salary business settled to the sat
isfaction of evervbodv, as some seem to
think. All money appropriations are
in the hands of congress instead of one
man, and the sum set apart for rural
mail delivery has already reached an
enormous figure. The new routes which
are being established every day keep
the appropriations drained to the last;
-G9 styles to select from.
Oovernmen affairs must of necessity
move slowly, but nearly every year
since the beginning of rural free deliv
ery has seen an advance in the carrier's
A few have been known to say that
the present salary is high enough, but
there is no good reas.-n under tlie sun
why rural carriers with a team to sup
port should not receive as big a salary
us a city carrier who is not required to
own anything except the clothes on his
hack, If fanners would pull together in
this matter, instead of being fearful lest
one of their fellows should stumble onto
a soft snap, their influence, would soon
place rural free delivery on a settled and
sat'sfactnry basis.
Kree mail delivery is a great boon to
the farmer, and it is hord to understand
why a Hood Kiver fruit grower should
expect some one to carry his mail year
after year without other recompense
than lioard and clothes.
W. J. Huker received a letter from
N. W. Hone, from St. Louis, in which
Mr. Koiie state that the exhibition of
Hood Kiver apples on atthe world's fair
are now the finest on exhibition. Mr.
and Mrs. Hone are on their wav home.
if 100 Ken ard $100
The rea.teni of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dresded disease
m-ieuee tins lieen ahle to cure In all Its ntHgea
and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only poxltivi cure now known to Ihe medical
fraternity. Catarrh bemit la constitutional
dise, requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken intemally,actinK
dliwily upon the blood and mucous surface
of the system, thereby doiroytng the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
slrer.Klh by building up Hie constitution and
acting nature In doing lis work. The pro
prietor have so uiui-h fslth In its en rM i ve
powers that they oner One Hundred Dollars
for any ease that it falls to cure. Mend for list
of testimonials.
Address K. J. CH KS EY A Co., Toledo, O.
- Sold by all druggists, TV.
Tske Hall's Family Puis for constipation.'
Physician and Surgeon,
Offices and Kesldenr In K. I.. Smith Km 1.1 1 rig
vw Kl "Jku Thmt s"0"'
8wf lll(nrtM f;r tr(MmentorilM dls)afr
of Now, Throat and lung. I'boue ail.
Don't Come To me
first, to buy tend; get the other fellows' prices,
then I'll give you the best bargains In theval-
ley. 20 torn) acres nrnwsiaM ap ;, -uruvedor
unimproved: good neighborhood;
on county road; plenty of water.
d at, Crescent Krul'X'oVtornMM
out on the East Hide.
Dissolution of
Tn UHinm I, mv Concern
Notice is hereby given mat m wp"""; -
shin existing between J. L. Koontx ana A. w.
Kelley, doing bnslnes under tne name m oie
Mount Hood Mill Co., has been dissolved by
mutual consent.. All outstanding- bills prior
to April 10, 1UU4, are due ana payaoie ro j. m.
Kel ev . j, uiofui".
Mount Hood, Oregon, Nov. is, im. d8
The annual meeting orthe stock holders of
the Hood Kiver Electric Light Power and
Wutur ,v will he held in tlienritceof the com
pany In the city or Hood Kiver In the state of
Oregon, on (Saturday, December 10, 1H04, at the
hour or lunciocK a. in., lor uie eiwuwu
board of directors and the transaction of oth
er business of the corporation.
1 have sold the Paradise laundry to Glen
Fabrlck. who will continue the business. All
accounts due the Paradise laundry prior to
Novembei 6 will be collected by me, and all
accounts against the Paradise laundry prior
to that date will be paid oy me.
TiianiEinar the neon eot nooa niver anu vi
cinity tor their liberal patronage, and hoping
the same may De connnueu to me new'
ageinenl, I remain very truly yours,
Don't Buy Land
Tn TInori Kiver valley, either for fruit rais
ing or a summer home nntll yon see Valley
View. Twenty acres, six cleared, house, nam
well, strawberries, fruit trees, excellent Boll,
mire water, hraciug air and magnificent
scenery. Price and terms reasonable. Call
on or address C. A. HICKLfc,
oet29 Hood Kiver, Or,
Notice to Water
Any one caught shutting off water In mains
to make taps will be prosecuted to the full
extent ot Hie law unless they obtain pennln-
slon rroni this onice. nils is mini.
12) & WATER CO.
Janitor Work
Janitor work done at rearouable prices by
experienced man. Apply to Hi. w. uitunn,
Phone H7.
Rooms To Rent
Two houses nlO dl E. W. JWINANS
Four rooms on hill east of W. T. Hansberrv
boarding house. Call and Bee
dl R.8. Hali.
Furnished rooms for housekeeping, at Par
adise faun. Terminus of State street. I'lioue
octO tf MRS. D. O. KNTRICAN.
A woman to do g
nlOdl V. V
;eneral housework.
WILLIS), Odell district.
hotel or restaurant,
Address, Box 3t4, Hood
mver, or.
A girl to do general housework In family ot
three. KOUUtt S. SANBORN. n'ildlS
flood pigs for eale. PKTKR MOHR.
Household goods, lm riding organ.
AltHffa, clover, wheat and timothy hay,
also dry pine wood cut In stove lengths.
dltf P. I). HINKICH8, K. F. D. 2
"Pure blooded White leghorn cockerels $1.50
each. Also young pullela same breed at rea
sonable Drlces.. MH8. V. C. BROCK.
nlutr Hood River Or.
Three-year-old Jersey heifer, and heifer
calf six weeks old. Inquire of
nlll dl B. L. YOUNG.
First-class second-hand Bentley organ.
Price DTiO, or will trade lor hay. Call by phone
nlOdl J. P. BARNET.
Fresh cow.
' n!7d8
Inquire of
K. A. PRATHER, EastSlde.
Will sell mv Btesin wood saw for K.K10.
saw Is In good condition and cost tne 117
nl7d8 F. O. BRACE.
Fresh, clean milk
town, lie per quart.
delivered anywhere In
Business Chances
M llllnerv and trrocprv. Prnnertv for Ipnae
rent low. Inquire of MME. ABBOTT nlotf
Boy's overcoat with velvet collar. Finder
will be suitably rewarded by
na-td!6 MRH. A. A.JAYNE.
$10 Reward $10
For evidence leading to the apprehension
and conviction of parties guilty of larceny,
malicious Inlury to, and defacing ot Belmont
M. E. church properly on or about October 31,
1U04, or subsequent thereto.
dl! TRUSTEES!, Belmont Church.
ITImber Ijtnd, Act June 8, 1K78.I
United States Land Office, The Dalles,
Oregon, October 27, 11104. Notice Is hereby
given that til compliance with the provisions
of the act of congress of June 8. 187s. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to nil
the public land states by act of August 4, 181)2,
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of
Oregon) has this day filed In this office her
sworn slalrmei t No. 2433 for the purchase of
the lots 6 and tl and HE',N W and NESW
section No is, in township No. 2 north, range
No. in E. w. m,, and win oner prooi to
show that the land sought Is more
valuable for II timber or atone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish her
claim to said land before George T. Prather
U. H. Commissioner at bis office at Hood
River, Oregon, on the 3d day of February,
She names as witnesses: Judson H. Fergu
son, James Ingalls, U-wIh W. Clark, Charles
L. Rogers, all of Hood River, Oregon.
Anv and nil rwi-Hons nlafmlnir adversely
the above-deaerl bed lands are advised to file
their claims In this otllce on or belore the
Bald 3d day of Kebruay, 1(105.
n-ZtjaX MICHAEL T. NOLAN.Reglster,
RESOLVED, That since the condition of
the l-armer' Irrlgal log ditch Is such that we
fliall be able to furnish water to the stock
holders only; be It
KEHOLVEl), Thst persons desiring water
for next year's use, should contract for water
not later than January 1, IMA.
By order of the board of directors.
nJ4dai M. H. Nlt'KELMKN, Secretary.
From the Potter place one male n g six
weeks old. Color black with few small white
spot. Anyone knowing where he Is and will
phone Mrs. Poller's residence will be suitably
rewarded. nlTdS EUliENE LORAL.
NESS NOV. 10, WOt.
Loans and Discounts 129,130.17
Overdrafts secured and ursecured
United Slates Bonds to sec tin circu
lation 6,2!iO.0O
Premiums on U. S. bonds HIMI
Banking house, furniture and fix
tures 3,217.97
Due from national banks (not reserve
agents) 8,aOS..1
Due front-approved reserve sgenta.... 14,liil..",
current expenses and taxes paid l.irJH 91
Checks ami othercash Items 4,050 1 ",
Notes of other national hunks lyo.iu
fractional paper currency, nickels
and cents
Lawkcl Monkv Rkskhvk In ba.nk
8pecla .4,lf4.1
Legal lender noles 470.110... 4,lUl. I.",
Redemption hind with V. s. treasur
er t per cent of circulation) SIS t
Total ..te:,m.
Capital stock paid In
Surplus fund
National Bank noles oulatandlng....
Individual deposits subject to check
Usttiand certificates of deposit
Time certlttcates ot deposit
Cashler'scheeksou 'standing
t 25 00001
h 1
b SBi oi
S.Oi' IA
... t tVUS.37
Slate of Oregon, County of Wasco, sk:
I. E. . Blaitehar, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above staiemenl is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
E. o. BLANCHAR, Cashier.
Correct, Attest: R.' Smith, F. H. Ho
kins. If. a. Stanley, Dlreclors.
Subscribed and sworn U before me this SSi
dayot November 1M.
A a.UJlUASK, Notary Public,
ri-.,..,, iuuiic.
for state of Oregon.
Real Estate
Vor Sale The Abbott Store property
on the hill. Price, t3,000.
The M. M. Davenport 4 acres, nice
new residence, $1700. TerniBeasy.
14 acres across the road Irom the M.
M. Davenport residence. b0 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, some improvements.
2 miles from Barret school house, t2,000.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, gome
free irrigating water, 1J miles from Bar
rett school house, 11,100.
A 20 acre tract unimproved, 14 miles
from the Barrett school house, 6 acres
cleared, $1,700.
The NWJi ol a Wi, sec. 4, lp. z
R. 10 E, 40 acres. Price $2,000. $500or
more cash, balance in five years.
Lots 1 and 2, Blk.2, Winans add. to
Hood River for $3T0 each. "
The NE of SW and the NVVJi of
SE H, section 16, Tp 2 north, range 11
eaBt, 80 acres, partly improved, good ap-
le land, plenty of timber, no rock,
'rice $800 cash or $1,000 on time at 6
per cent.
Money to loan,
lianna house and lot, $2,000.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
Rivor TownBite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2
story house: $1,400.
Lot for sale in Waucoma Park addi
tion, $200.
Kor Rent For a term of ten years,
the lot on State street, back of
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan ; 60 acres
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy ; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced.
Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood River.
For Sale The Donahue block on the
hill. Improved and fenced. Fine resi
dence, barn and outbuildings. $4500.
Will sell the oEi for $600, the MKJ
for $700, or the W, for $3500. One
third cash, balance time at 8 per cent.
The Hunt place Yt mile soutnwest ol
town. House, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $250.
For Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm
owned by A. E. Lake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
berries in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several buyers to go in to
gether and each secure a part. Must all
be sold at once. Terms half or more cash.
Mrs. Clark's acres on the hill for
sale or rent; house $10 a month, with
land $15; selling price $1,500; renter
must take subject to sale.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; 160 acres good fruit land;$4000.
8 160 acres at White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
9. The o-acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Kenshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
For Sale. 40 acres near Mount Hood
post office. Good land $700 cash 30
davs, only.
Five acres at Frankton ; cottage and
acre and a half in cultivation. Creek
and water power; $1,000.
HltK-k 1, Parkhurst addition to Hood
River, all in cultivation; good house,
beautiful residence property; price,
$4,500; $1,500 or more cash ; balance on
or before 3 years at 8 per cent.
Lois 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition; improved; price $1,600; or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
The 10 acres owned by H. 8. Lewis at
Belmont, improved, with buildings,
farm implements, furniture, stock, etc.,
$3,000; the bare place, $2,500; $1,500
or more cash ; balance on time, 6 per ct.
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
For Rent. One or two cottages ;corner
store building to lease. Store building
can also be bought.
F'or Sale Four-fifths interest in the
M. 0. Wheeler 160 acres near Hood
River Falls.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Exchange for Hood River
property Fine residence in business
center of Sumpter.
For Sale Good farm with stock and
goats for sale or rent. Farming imple
ments. First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April 9, 1903,
the rates will be as follows: $10 a day;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
Timber r-and Act. Jnne S, 1S78.1
United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, May 2:t. 1U04. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress ot June S, 1H78, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the stales of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, lw
of Hood River, county of Wasco, stale of Ors
on, has on March 24, Mil filed In this otllce
his sworn statement Nn.ftMl, for the purchase
of the lot No. 1, or section No. 11 tn township
No. 2 north, range No. 9 E. W. M. and will
olfcr prtHit to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
cl.iim to said land before the register and
receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon,
on the ltiih day of December, 1WM.
He names as wllnesses: James Chltty,Smlth
w. Curran ot Viento, Oregon; Orin B. Hartley,
of Hood River, Oregon; Robert Wright, of
Wyelli, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
1 heir claims in this office on or before said
Hiihdnyof December, 1H04.
.xtildlo MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
ITImber Land. Act Junes, 1S7S1
United Slates Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
con, Nov II, MM. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions or the
set of congress or June S, 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands in the stales of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public Land
ststes by act of August 4, lswi,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day tiled In Ibis office Ilia
swoi n statement No. 2444, for the purchase ot
tlie lots 3 and 4 and N V WV of section No. M,
In township i uorth, range 9 E. W. M., and
will otter pi-oof to show lhat the laud
s unlit is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, nd to
establish his claim to said land before
UeorgeT. Prather, United ststes Commis
sioner st his office at Hood River, Oregon, on
the 2d day of February 1WH.
He names as witnesses: Wlen Fabric k, Isaac
I . Nraleigh, lwls E. Morse and Willlan F.
Kuiid all of llord River, Oregon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely
the above described lands are requested to tile
mcir viauiia n ints omce on or before the
1 an 1.1 ;.i uy of February 1HOV
u24ja26 MICHAEL T. NoLANjReglster