The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 17, 1904, Image 7

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Frank "A
Will soon annex the adjoining store room, at present occupied by Williams' Drug
Store. '
For the next 30 days we will slaughter prices in our Gents' Furnishing
Department, that we may not be handicapped by any surplus stock when we
commence to make the coming change. Our business has long ago outgrown our
present quarters, but circumstances over which we had no control has forced us to
do the best we could with the limited space, but now we are fully determined to
furnish our Hood River customers with the most modern, convenient, well
regulated Store in Eastern Oregon. We must, however, reduce stock quickly
as January and February selling will be somewhat interrupted by the change, and
we propose to do now what we usually do then; thus giving our friends the
matchless opportunity of buying their wintes supplies at manufacturers'
COSt. All odd lines must go.
. Hats usually $3.60 now $2.50.
1 Underwear at cost.
Golf Shirts, Dress Shirts, Clothing, Overcoats,
Odd Shoes, Sweaters, etc., etc.
will be at your mercy for 30 days. Boys' Clothing and Overcoats will be
included, and it is our aim to make this sale one of the pleasant memories of future
Sale commences Thursday, Nov. 17, and continues 30 days.
Yours truly, FRANK A. CRAM.
X. B. Sale on Cloaks and Jackets will continue. Come quickly.
East bound
No. 2, Chicago Special. 11:48 a. m.
No. 4, HiMikune Hyer, 8::( p. m.
No. If, MM and Kxprem, 10:50 p. ill.
No. 24, Way KrelKlit, 12:10 p. in.
No. n. Fast Freight, 4:05 a. in.
Wst bound -
No. 1, l'nrllanrt Special, 8:03 p. m.
No. 8, Hon land Hyer, 6:811 a. in.
No. 5, Mull and Express, 4:48 a. m. .
No. 2:1, Way Freight, :to a. m.
No. 21, Fast Freight, 5:4o p. ra.
Hood River Weather Report.
For week ending Tuemtay, Nov. 15: Mean
maximum, Wi.ft"; mean mlHlmum,87.3; mean,
44.!i Highest temperature, tip Nov. 9; lowest,
night ol Nov. 11 Precipitation, .03.
Frort nights of 0, 10 ana II.
D. N. BYKRLKK, Local Observer.
Money to loan E. H. Ilartwig.
School books at Coe & Son's.
: Orpingtons and Minorcas at Lewis'.
' Mayes Bros, will not open their butch
er shop liereafter on Sunday.
Cocoa menier and chocolate menier at
Hone & McDonald's.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
BOOTHS have moved to where Rand
'used to be.
. ICOOito loan on farm property. Apply
to V. J. linker.
r, MeGuire Iiros. announce that their
meat market hereafter will not be open
on Sunday.
. 8. K. Bart mess has a first class uphol
sterer in his employ, Biid is prepared to
do all kinds of repair work.
For sale. Some of the finest lots on
tint' hill, fronting the rivor. . Also lots
jn Riverview park and Idlewild. See
W. J. Baker.
Chocolate menier is absolutely pure,
and guaranteed best made. (Jet a can
at Bone & McDonald's.
A.fine farm for sale in the Odell dis
trict. Well improved. Sold at a bar
gain if taken Boon. W. J. Baker.
Fresh Chinook Salmon, Halibut,
Shad, Lobsters, and fresh creamery
butter, at McOuire Bros.
W. J. Baker has some beautiful lots
for sale near Chas., Clarke's residence
on the hill.
Don't buy wall paper from -sample
book agents. Hunt can save you money
and has the goods on hand.
Mortgage loans on farm and city
prope'ty we make them on acceptable
securities at reasonable rates of inter
est. Apply to Geo. I). Culbertson & Co.
We invite the public to come in and
get our meat prices. We are selling
boiling meats at bed rock prices? Mayw
Blate Glass Insurance we write it
and fully, indemnify vou against loss by
breakage from accident or otherwise.
Kates low. I'rotect your windows. Ap
ply to Geo. D. Culbertson & Co.
Do vour eves fail vou? Come in and
Bee C. II. Temple, the oculist, who is
prepared to test and fit your eyes, and
lias the largest stock of glasses in the
Mayes Bros.' meat market gives notice
that all orders for morning delivery
must be In bv 10:45 o clock, i lie alter
noon delivery will be taken off at 4:30.
Geo. D. Culbertson & Co. write fire
insurance in three "old line" compan
ies with capital aggregating 85,000,000.
They aie as strong as the strongest, fair
as the tairesj, aim none more prompt in
paying losses.
BOOTHS have moved where Rand
used to be.
Thirteen acres near Valley Christian
church, 160 an acre if taken quick. W.
A complete line of school books and
t chool supplies. Remember the place
Geo. F. Coe & Son.
Go to Geo. T. Prather if you want to
insure your store, dwelling or barn. He
is not here one day and gone the next.
rut your insurance. with a permanent
resident of your town. He represents
the strongest and only reliable companies.
I have a large stock on hand, in fact,
the largest stock in town. Watches,
the finest grade rings, the largest stock,
all at reduced prices. Come and see
C. H. Temple for bargains in all lines.
A Bargain 640 acres, dairy and stock
farm, 90 per cent tillable, 200 acres fine
meadow, 112UU dwelling and fiuuu Darn.
100 head of cattle, 4 horses, wagons and
farm tools, 125 tons hay. All furniture.
Will exchange. Price, 18000. Geo. D.
Culbertson & Co.
Bargains, unknown bargains ! Fred
Clark and C. Temple have their prices
ueiuw an oilier cities on tins coast. j.
H. Temple, the watchmaker.
We are still selling our home made
lard ae cheap as other lard can be bought
and we guarantee every bucket, lus,
$1.40; 5s, 70c; 3s, 45c. Mayes Bbos.
For Hale 160 acres, about 100 acres
good frnit land, two living springs, 40
acres merchantable fir timber, 9 miles
from Hood Kiver. Price, 700. fcasy
terms. Ueo. V. Culbertson A Co. .
If your watch is out of order come
and see C. H. Temple, the watch maker,
who win repair your watch, and save
time, save money, and have your watch
lust many years uiore than it would if
you go to some one who has not had
the many years experience 1 have.
CVa Ana xi1 A twrAA YirrwtVino lnslina
a vs uuui wiu iuiu tiwtiivsi invjii a
come in and get your pick in diamond
brooches. C. n. lemple, the jeweler.
Orders at McGuire Bros.'raeat market
for morning delivery must be in by
10:45 o clock. Hereafter, in the after
noon, the wagon will be taken off at
4 :30. McGuirb Bbos.
For Sale. 80 acre of land opposite
the Mount Hood postomce. A bargain
if sold soon. Two lots and one of the
best residences in town at a bargain. In
quire of George T. Prather.
Turkeys, chickens all kinds of fish
shell heh, oysters, etc.- riace your
oruers eany. wcuuire Brew.
Remember this is one of the greatest
opportunities in the heart of the season,
and no old goods offered. ew goods to
select from. Sale il now on. Globe
Clothing Co. i
When you want jptawaat physic
try Chamberlain's Stomach od Liver
Tablets. They are easy to take and
produce no griping or otter unpleasant
ertect. Bold at Williams' rnarmacy.
, BOOTHS have moved io where Rand
seed to be.
(J. K. MeCully is preparing to give
one ot the best public dances on Thanks
giving evening that Hood "Kiver has
ever had.
When yon injure your house, barn or
other propeity do it to the money will
not be taken out of the state or out of
the United States, but will all remain
at home. The Oregon Kire Relief asso
ciation of McMinnville is such an insti
tution, and will insure you at less cost
than any one else. Communicate with
Frank J. Perkins, special agent, P. O.
box 92, Hood River, Or. tf
Read our Want ads. You will find
what you want in that column.
Our entire stock has been placed on
sale at COST prices. Value will not he
considered. We must sell the goods.
Now is your chance to buy winter clotti
ng. Globe Clothing Co.
New Today.
I have the agency for the American
cut glass. Call and inspect this line.
Clarke, the jeweler.
You are cordially invited to inspect
my line of cut glass, watches, clocks,
jewelry and silverware. Ask my prices.
believe that 1 can please you, and
know that I can save you money.
Clarke, the jeweler.
Why should you go elsewhere to pur
chase, when you can buy the same
articles as cheap or cheaper at home.
Call and get my prices. Clarke, the
All watch, clock and jewelry work
guaranteed. Clarke the jeweler.
If you buy an article of me, and I
guarantee it, if it should be faulty, isn t
it at least handier to return it to me
than if you had to return it to Portland
or Chicago to have it made good. Clarke,
the jeweler.
In Hood River, Monday, November
14, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Slavin,
a son.
In Hood River, Saturday, November
12, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Snider,
a daughter.
In Hood River, Sunday, November 1.1,
1904, Charles R. Miller.and Miss Jennie
Will be (Jala Affair.
Hand bills about town announce, with
a conspicuous November 24, that the
fm one is cordially invited to attend the
ast dance given bv Charles R. McCally,
on Thanksgiving evening. Parties from
Portland and The Dalles have signified
their intention of attending, and the
affair promises to be a very swell function.
Hood River people are well acquaint
ed with the splendid music Mr. McCal
ly always furnishes at his dances, and
this one will exceed them all in quality
and volume. Don't forget the date,
Thanksgiving night, and reserve that
mailt for the ball.
Gentlemen will be charged 11 ; ladies
The school children enjoyed a few
davit vacation last week.
Professor Cromwell and - Amos
Underwood made a business trip to
8tevenson last week. 1
Charles Walter expects to move his
family to their new bouse this week.
John Dark, Abe Ames, and Willie
Underwood loft for McCoy creek mines
Tuesday, after voting.
Notice to Apple Growers.
The members of the Apple Growers'
union are requested to liaul in New
towns and Spitzenbergs as fast as
packed. It will be necessary, in order
to fill contract, that all boxes of these
varieties be delivered at the warehouse
on or before Saturday, November 19.
E. H. Shkparo, Manager.
White Enamel Ware
We sell so much of it because it Is
mi good. We've got all the kinds of
kitchen utensils in it. Little Prices.
Fancy WorK Materials
Everything you need for your
Christinas work. Lots of novelties.
Little Pi tees.
Fine China
We were afraid when we got it In
that it was too good, but we find
the people appreciate it. Collie in
and see it.
Stationery Dept.
Our line of Tablets, Pencils, Slates
and other school supplies is very
complete. A great vaiiety to "elect
from. Utile i'rices.
The Satisfactory Store
Now that we am settled in our uew
location and have more room aud bet
ter facilities for taking care of our trade
it is our desire more than ever to make
this store popular one. We want you
to feel that you have an Interest In It,
for it stands for the progress of the
town and the country. We are not
rich, but we are working early and late
just as you are at your trades and on
your farms to make a success. Let us
work together.
A new shipment
ful now these cool
All tb new shapes,
Velvet, red. blue, '
Little Prices.
Shawls I
now in. So use- I
mornings aud I
Little Prices.
Caps I
ill Kelt and
white and brown. 3
Mrs. P. S. Davidson left Tuesday
afternoon for Portland.
Regular services at the Congregation
al church uext Sunday.
Miss Henrietta II. Failing is visiting
her sister, Mrs. E. H. Shepard.
James Stranahan wentup to Sherman
county Sunday, returning Tuesday.
Mrs. Julia Knapp returned Friday
from a week's visit in Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moe visited II. A.
Dyke and family at Portland Friday.
St. Mark's Guild will not meet this
week. Church services also postponed.
F.lder H. L. Holt will preach at the
L. D. S. church Sunday at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m.
Roswell Shelley went to The Dalles
last Monday to seive as a juror in the
circuit contt.
Dr. Condon C. McCornack of Port
land was the guest Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. E. N. Blythe.
Miss Marie Coehow of I$rownsville,Or.,
has come to Hood Rivor to make her
home with Miss Teal.
Warren Wood of the Wood Bros. grO'
cerv went to Portland and Vancouver
last week on business.
Roy F. Dean left for Portland Monday
to take a position as salesman in one
of the largo stores there.
The ladies' aid society of the Congre
gational church will meet I riday after
noon with Mrs. A. B, Canlield.
C.L. Rogers was called to Portland
Monday morning by the death of his sis
ter, Mrs. J. . llowe ot wooubiock.
J. T. Bordan, representing athe Eve
ning Telegram of P ortlanil, is in the
city canvassing for his paper.
Mrs. J. C. Davis left Saturday morn
ing to join her husband at their Hood
River home. New berg Graphic.
It. T. Mills of Chenowith 1i:ih bought
Saul Kiser'8 four acres near town. Mr.
Kiser will build a hotue on the heights.
The Woman's Alliance of the Uni
tarian church will meet I'ridav after
noon at the home of Mr". Kdwaid
E. A. Child? of Eugene stopped off at
Hood River Thursday on his return
from The Dalles where he worked for
prohibition on election day.
New Mexico received 8.1 medals at the
world's fair for fruit exhibits Most of
the awards are for Pecos valley fruits.
There were 6 gold medals, 1,1 silver and
14 bronze.
The concert advertised to take place
at the opera house Monday niirht under
the auspices of the U. II. church lias
been postponed because of the eases of
diphtheria about town.
A. I. Mason, president of tho Hood
River Apple Growers' union, sent two
boxes of fancy Newtown and Spitzen
berg apples to his father, who is captain
of the police force at St. Louis. The
express on the two boxes was 4 75.
Congressman J. N. Williamson start
ed Saturday for Texas, where he will
attend tho irrigation congress. He ex
pects to return home before going to
Washington to prepare for the fall ses
sion of congress. Chronicle.
After the meeting of the Royal Neigh
bors last Friday night, the members en
joyed a basket Boeial. There was a short
program, and the receipts of the sale of
the baskets netted a very neat emu.
The entertainment was voted a complete
Roswell Shelley left Monday noon for
The Dalles, where he is serving on the
jury of the circuit court. Mr. Shelley
was never before drawn on the jury, but
realizing this is one of the duties of citi
zenship he did not shirk when called
A visitor at the Central school Friday
witnessed the voting test which Profes
sor Wiley had tho pupils tako, in order
to show them how the votes for presi-
lent arc cast. Thevisitorwasnnpressed
with the umet but hriu manner ol the I
professor, and also the apparent control
lie has over the pupils.
The heavy rains of the past few days
have raised the waters of Panther creek
and Wind river so that the Wind Kiver
Lumber Co. opened the dams Monday
and something over S.iRHl.IKH) feet of logs
came down Wind river to the Columbia.
Quite an amount of logs remains yet to
be flooded. Stevenson Pioneer.
Mrs. Marv Booth, who has been
up from Hood Kiver visiting her
daughter, Mrs. W. H. Sharp, on Three
Mile, spent this morning with old-time
Lalles friends and returned home this
afternoon. Mrs Booth is improving in
health and as genial as in the days of
yore. Chronicle.
Clarence Copple lias given up his
position as carrier on rural route No. 1.
There are no other applicants for the
position, and Postmaster Yates is un
able to state when the service will be
resumed. Mr. Copple found that the
Balary allowed him by the government
is insullicient for himself and team.
J. W. Kirkwood, the orchardist,
crossed to White Salmon Saturday morn
ing with 3000 fruit trees for the orchards
of Mordecai Jones, Sam Ziegler and
others. The trees came from The
Dalles and Milwaukee and were apples,
cherries and peaches. Mr. Kirkwood says
his nurseries deliver trees to the Wash
ington side of the riyer at their own ex
pente. Alton Cunning, who has been suffer
ing from blood poisoning by a splinter
having run into his hand, was down
town last week, but Saturday was taken
much worse, luesday night the doctor
lanced the middle finger, ami reports
that it will have to lie amputated, and
possibly ttie whole hand. Air. cunning
has the sympathy of his neighbors and
friends in this serious allliction.
Twenty-two new members have been
received in riKimliership in the Congre
tional Christian Endcavur society dur
ing the last three weeks. Among the
new members are some very able work
ers, fllost ol the new members though
are young people. Mr. Sanborn led the
meeting last week and it was a very
helpful meeting. Professor Wilev will
lead next Sunday evening and all are
invited to attend.
After a three-months' contest which
began August 3, Miss Allen of the Dalles
has lieen announced as winner of the
world's fair trip. A like contest l''an
in Hood Kiver the latter part of August,
and at the end of 30 days not a coupon
remained in the bands oflhe merchant"
Miss Cramer won the contest and re
turned from her trip to St. 1-ouis a
month ago. And some people declare
The Dalles is not slow. It is stated that
Miss Allen of The Dalles will not make
the trip, preferring to spend the $lii2.95
in other ways. She is in the employ of
the Suefert &. Condon Telephone Co.
A Runaway Bicycle,
Terminated with an utrlv cut on the
leg of J. B. Oruer, Franklin Grove, III.
It developed a stubborn ulcer unyield
ing to doctors aud remedies for four
years. Then Hucklen s Arnica Salve
cured. It's just as good for bums,
scalds, skin eruptions aud piles, 25c, at
Chas. N, Clarke a drug store.
Water and Light Notice
All water and light bills must be paid
at the company's odice each month in
advance, on or before the 10th day of
the month. No colloctor will be sent
out hereafter.In all cases where bills are
not promptly paid when due, the ser
vices win be discontinued until ail
arrearages are paid.
W. C.
By H. L. Vorse, Manager.
Will Stay in Hood River.
Tho remedy that makes you eat, sleep
and grow strong, called ralmo Tablets
will bo sold regularly by Williams
Pharinacv, Hood Kiver. These great
nerve and constitution builders costonly
mic per box, six boxes fz.DU.
Watch the label on the Glacier, it
tells when your subscription is due.
Real Fall weather will soon be here and you will
want to break into our stock of warm winter wear
ables. Easy, too, at our prices.
A full iine of Rubbers to fit all sizes shoes. ,
Speaking of fitting, we fit the Rubbers. About
half the wear depends on fitting. Then we do not
offer you anything but first quality.
See our Snow Excluders, in all sizes. Our
Lumbermen's Overs in fact, everything you need in
footwear. All dependable. A square deal.
Splendid values in underwear.
Gloves, Wool Mittens, Wool Shawls,
Wool Hose, Golf Gloves, German Socks.
jjt je: it :e if ' S-
The finest footwear for ladies and gentlemen
Do your feet track?
Have you seen our New ShoesP
bears tho Royal Blue on the soles.
They have the comfort, style and durability, and at tho most reasonable price
of any li rut-class Shoe on the market today. We try and persuade you to try one
pair of these Shoes. We guarantee you absolute satisfaction, and feel confident in
saying you will always wear Royal Blue Shoes if you will only try them.
Tome and let us fit your feet. :
We have just received a line of Ladies' Skirts, which were
bought at half their value, and which we will place on sale Satur
day, November 19, for
These Skirts sold for $8.00, f 10.00 and $12.00, and arc good
Don't miss this grand, opportunity Saturday, Nov. 19.
New in Groceries-
Jersey Cranberries, Walnuts, Almonds, Citron, Currants, Raisins,
Sugar, Maple Syrup and a good many other good things to eat.
Free Delivery.
Tlione 581.
Report of llurrett School.
The following named pupils were
neither tardy nor absent for the mouth
ending October 28
Good StocKings
The kind that will stand hard
wear. We take pleasure in selling
I hem because we know they will
give satisfaction. Little Prices.
Holiday Goods are now
coming in and we can't help but
look with wonder at the beautiful
things aa we unpack them. A rich
treat for you when you see theiu.
sJjOCtlU The Biq Store with Little Prices ZqOCiM
Amy Brosius
Viola Wilson
(Maude Thompson
Kstclla Brown
Louine Hrositis
Willie liavidson
Thomas lirown
Thorwald Nelson
Uracc Sherrieb
Harry Uonkins
ImIih Morse
Anna Stone
Prank I'.rosius
Annie Cams
t'linton Nealeigh
(irant Powell
Hertha Scrogin
liora liailev
Frieda HinrlcliB
Hulda 1 1 in ricti a
lierthel Copple
Laura Hinrichs
Armand Labbe
Kllen Moses
Krncst Lablie
Karl Moses
Kenneth Shoemaker
Albert Shere
Johnny Wynn
l'.lsie Morse
Kdith Vanlllaracom
Krnest Busby
Ada Mcdarvin
Bessie Camp
(ieorge Brown
Sadie Stone
Willie Kurtz
Julius Jackson
day, that a traveling man from Seattle
had purchased the drug stork of How ley
& Co. on the heights, and will open (or
business in the new Smith block on Oak
The floor managers for Mr. MuCal ley's
Thanksgiving dance are: Ed Fewel,
Jim Hunt and Dan Mears.
The butcher shops will be closed at
six o'clock hereafter.
T. H. Coon is now a resident ol Uni
versity Park.
The Hood River merchants have
signed an agreement to close hereafter
at o o clock, except Saturdays.
Chas. VaniSlaracoui Margaret Hubbard
Daura lloskins
Lois Cole
Florence Nealeigh
John livenport
Willie Mcintosh
Agnes Miller
Kitty Smith Paralee Scrogin
William iJavenport Albert lirown
Kdna Thornsbury
Josepbine Dart
Kthel Karrell
Martin Plug
ttoy Miller
Ida McOarvin.
Dolls! Dolls! Dolls!
The place to buy your little girl a doll
will be at the Christmas doll pale given
by the ladies of St. Mark's Guild on
Decern bor 14, w here you can buy a
dressed doll cheaper than you can
dress it yourself; dolls from the smallest
to the largest and most elegantly
dressed. We bought our dolls cheap
and we can sell them cheap.
In connection with this we will have
on sale a fine variety of home made
candies in attractive bones. Inst the
thing for Christmas. Also a High Tea
Halph Sherrieb
( i race iloskins
Conrad Jackson
Delia Smith
Ned Nelson
Gladys Keavis
Arthur Moses
May Smith
Arthur Strong
A I ina Hinrichs
Mary Carnes
Carrie Camp
Mary Nealeigh.
Katie Camp
Lloyd Bishop
Walter McGarvin
Kay Tracy
Arne Copple
Verna Shoemaker
Glen Shoemaker
Archie Strong
Kunice Cole
(ieorge Carnes
Ona Scrogin
Van Norder
from 5 on, for 2." cents,
are cordially invited.
One and all
Mrs. J. P. l'letcher, wife of the prom
inent grocer on Hood Kiver Heights,
went to Portland Friday for a two weeks
visit w ith friends and relativi 8.
Mrs. Scammon of Portland, who spent
a week visiting the C. il. Stranahan
family, returned home last week after a
pleasant visit.
C. II. Stranahan went to Portland
Saturday on business and returned on
Sherman Frank, the harness maker,
accompanied by Bert Stranahan, went
on a hunting trip last week.
There w iU lie a masquerade ball in
Mount Hood hall, Thursday evening,
November 24, under the management
of Orville Knox and W. M. Cooper.
It was reported on the street, yester-
Where the Road Money Went.
Hood River, Or., Nov. 13, 1904.
Editor Glacier: In regard to Wood
worth makinif cood roads and the
amount donated on the same he did not
tell you how much work I did, making
it out only f 12. lie said there was
some money paid In on the petition,
but did not tell what was done with it.
The amount paid on the petition is as
follows :
Shelley team labor 2 days $ 8.00
B. T. Young, labor 1 day 4.00
V. Hudson, labor 1 day 4.00
John Crosby, labor 1 day 4.00
J . Lawless, labor 1 day 4.00
Tate Smith lalior i day 2.00
Sim Copple, labor 1 day 4.00
C. N. Lawrence, single hand ds. 4.00
A. C. Helm, 1J days 3.00
II. K. Blochcr, 3 days 6.00
Total 4H.00
This work was done under my super
vision down by T. Smith's.
H. H. Bailey by cash 2.00
K. Ijeasureby cash 1.00
W. S. Gribble by cash 2.00
O. JJ. Hartley and Mayes Bros... 4.00
C. 1. Hinrich by cash 2.00
M. M. Mott by cash 1.00
N. W. Bone, by cash 2.00
Work done by me on the petition on
the road :
h days team work at $4 22.00
4 days at $2 8.00
Received in cash $14.00
Donated 12.00
Balance 4.00
Total 30. K)
This will show the public what was
done with the money.
In the first place I put in about two
days getting up and circulating the peti
tion to raise money for the road ; second
I had a crew of men at work on the road
for threo days ; third I worked flvo and
a half days with team and one day
single handed under Mr. Woodworth.
tl. Hi. DLiOCHKH.
Grateful Tramp Keeps HU Word.
Five hundred shares of mining stock
in a mine in Grant county, which mav
develop into a fortune for the holder,
is the reward given to William Guion, a
former O. It. & N. lireman, by a tramp
for a ride of 75 miles on his engine, says
the East Oregonian.
About three years ago William Guion,
formerly of Cayuee station, at that time
a fireman on freight engine No. 140
running between LaUrande and Uma
tilla, while in Pendleton one evening on
an east-bound train, was approached by
a man in rough working clothes, who
asked to be allowed to shovel coal for
him over the Hlue Mountains as he
wanted to get to Baker City as soon as
he could, where he had property.
Carrying a "coal passer'' on freight
engines over the mountains was not an
unusual custom at that time, and Guion
took the man on his engine with him.
The tramp was needed to get coal down
from the back end of the tender when it
became scarce, toward the top of the
mountain.and when the fireman became
tired on the long grade between Pendle
ton and Kamels.
This man was not a regular type of
tramp but was an intelligent and indus
trious Gorman, who had been in Port
land hospital for some time and had been
released dead broke, and was working
his way back to Baker City from which
point he would go into Grant county,
where he said he had some mining
claims which promised to be rich.
He told Guion about his mines and
promised to remember him for his kind
ness, but every man who was carried by
a fireman told a similar. hardluck story,
and promised the same remuneration
when they should became rich.
When the train reached LaGrande,
alwut 3 o'clock in the morning, Guion
took his newly-found friend to the res
taurant and gave him his breakfast, and
bid him good bye and then forgot the
circumstances before he had reached his
home five blocks away.
A year afterward Guion received
through the mail 500 shares of stock in a
Grant county mine, non-assessable, pre
ferred stock, and was surprised to find
that this miner had kept his word.- The
mine is being developed at this time and
is in a good district. Guion would not
sell the stock t any price now, as he
feels that such honesty as that found in
this "tramp" Bhould be rewarded by
nothing but the best of luck.
Do vour eves need attention? If so.
call on Clarke, the jeweler and optician.