The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 17, 1904, Image 6

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Thursday night's adjourned session of
tbe city council was a busy meeting. 1 he
recorder was ordered to pay Mr. Holmes
the 150 for sewer right of way; water
propositions for, fire protection were re
ceived from Joe Wilson and L.. Morse ;
a sidewalk petition was granted for both
sides of Stranahan avenue; the finance
!co(uaiittee reported balance of ilJBUfl.
31 in the bands of the treasurer; the
. fire and water committee was Instructed
to purchase a double HS-gallon chemical
fire engine at a cost of $1H0; the street
committee was authorized to use $.'100 in
completing work on the road to the
boat landing; an ordinance to prohibit
prizefights in the city pamed first read'
fngf an ordinance fixing fire' limits for
thecity was given final passage; bills
amounting to$58339,werB ordered paid;
and on motion the council adjourned.
There was full attendance with the
exception of Beamier Nickebjen, whose
place as clerk of the session was filled
by councilman McDonald.
A letter was . read from It. J.
Holmes stating that he had not
yet received the $50 for a deed
to a sewer right of way through the land
of Mr. Hopkins. Mr. Holmes wanted
the ISO or the deed returned. Mayes
expiainea thai the money was withheld
becaune the city's attorney had found
some naw in me agreement. The re
corder was later ordered to mail Mr,
Holmes a warrant for his money.
A proportion was read from Joe Wll
son, agreeing to furnish water for II
a mouth for each hydrant, tbe city to
nirniNn uie nre tiyurants ana pipe,
Should the citvatanv time discontin
ue buying water from him, he was to be
guaranteed pay for crosses and gates.
No action was taken on the proposition
but It is understood the, council is fav-
orauie u) li.
u. a. morse statea that lie had a
spring sufficient to supply the water
building shall be erected within this
district without the consent of the com
mittee on fire and water.
All couneilmen spoke in favor of the
ordinance,with the exception of 1'rather,
who thought the council was going too
far. fie considered it would injure the
city. He voted for the ordinance under
duress, and with the understanding that
amendments would be heard tit the
next meeting.
O. B. Hartley was on hand with an
objection to tbe ordinance, and addressed
the council, stating that lie had three
propositions for buildiims on his proper
ty that would be thwarted by the tire
limit ordinance.
After an adjournment of 20 minutes
the finance committee reported a long
grist ot Dills against the city. io one
moved that the claims bo paid and after
several minutes silence, a motion to ad
journ was carried. At this juncture the
mayor g uog emptied his vomit In the
middle of the floor, the dog's action
seeming a fitting nnaie to the council s
agtion. Neal J'.vans, an Interested
spectator laughed until he felt sore the
next day,
Some how, this rash action didn't
seem altogether rational to the mayo,
and it was suggested that if the mover
for adjournment was willing the coun
cil would reconvene. It did so and the
claims were ordered paid, and the fire
and water committee instructed to go
ahead with the purchase of the fire en
gine for the city.
Following are the claims allowed
against the city :
Marshal Olinger, salary $ 50 00
tuacier pun assessin g. . . SH ou
Ganger A on road. 87.1 18
Snow A Upson, hlucksmithiiig. , 12 70
ff. A. Tawney, work on road .... 22 00
Guy Ferguson, labor 1 HO
U. W. I'lank. labor 2
Oregon Lumber Co., lumber 4 41)
McDonald A 11 , road supplies.. 78 35
Several hills were referred back fti
proper O. K.
The exhibit of 3-tier Spitzenbergs at
the fair from the Bateham place at
Moeier excited the curiosity of the
Glacier man, and he made the overland
trip to investigate.
A. H. Bute hum was found on the
Lamb place, now owned by him, where
he was siinerintendinir the Catherine?
of the apple crop. Although the old
orchard has been neglected for years,
vet with the little attention Mr. Bate
ham was able to give it this year he
succeeded in getting a crop of about
5()0 imshels this year. It was on th
Jeff Mo-der tract on the Columbia, how
ever, that Mosier is punhiiig improve
ments with a gang of Japs. It whs there
the big hpitjwnbergs were grown, and
Home Freaks in the Apple Line
. A freak in the annle line which mM
ue termed a nan iireiid. was shown
needs of the city and Is ready to talk U1'8 morning by B. II. Weber. It is
knul.,nna . ' ' 1 n..l. 41. II 1 r:....
uuniiioro, f viiinii nmnrr laiBdl till lllo IIOUU IvlVt.
The business men and rltiznna nn tlw. I orchard of Mrs. F. W. Mcdliie. nl Ihia
heights petitioned that sidewalk be c,ty- A distinct line encircles the ap
laiu on both sides of Stranahan avenue. Ple dividing it in half, and, strange to
ihere, seems to be a dispute concerning "ayi it is plain to any one versed in the
the property lines hi this addition, and varieties of that fruit that one half
on motion of Band the sidewalk petition epitzenberg and the other Gano, Pre-
w k ranted wim the understanding suniaoiy ciuer inane irom sncn app
iiia, me property owners shall ascertain migni e sam to he "hall anil half
trie street lines at their own expense. Uironlcie.
and that the sidewalk be laid. On our desk is a number of apple
A Commiiniciition from Ktrnt Coin, freaks brollL'Ilt in for our enterlninnicnl
missioner Cunninir statnd that ha had bv the growers. Amonv them one that
ordered Jim Langille to remove his fen- known as the gold medal lien Davis
ces from the streets, and on Langllle's from the orchard of John Kelley. It
failure to do SO. the street mimmiualon
er had the work done at an expense of
(, which he considered Langille should
pay. rue bill was left with Marshal
unnger tor collection. " "
While discussing the removal of fen
ces from the streets McDonald said
there were some fences la Klver Street
mat, snouia i taken down. lie wanted
every one treated alike. '
Kand, the chairman of the committee
u ore ana water, stated that he and
councilman I'rather had been in Port
JtWiu IHBi. weei. VMM l.flAV Avntvilna,! a
chemical fire engine. The engine when
a light colored lien all right, hut nnon
one siue, in me period snaps or an ap
ple leaf, is a portion of the ri ml of- the
the apple finished in the most approved
style of the Golden Musset. The spot
is as perfect in size and outline as if
done by the pencil of a skillful artist.
Another freak of this kind is a four
tier Hen trom the Oakdule orchards at
r rank ton. This is a highly colored Ben
with a Btrlpe of Baldwin down one side
from stem to blossom.
"till another Ben Davis freak from this
orchard is a four-tier Bon which, when
It had filled its hide full as it would hoi
new cost 12200, but the city of Hood nn the, long season still sent up miitur-
juver had the opportunity to get it for U rather than .train its skin ill an at-
lUOO. The engine is in good condition tempt to hold it, or spoil its size for
and supplied with new fixtures and 150l "inkuiK a "commercial pack" by enlarg
loot of hose. It has been used in the "K Its covering, built up another apple
city of Pocatello, which has recently In
stalled a paid department and secured
larger engines for ; horses, Mr. Hand
thought the engine was' a bargain . The
company milling it wan willing to make
'y v.. imr iiidiii..
I rather spoke iafavorof, buying the
auuui uie Bize oi a hRzeluut on top he,
side the stem, the diminutive mldition
having as perfect a blossom as its larg
er mate.
Two other double apples am from this
orcnaro. une is ailouh e Lativ ann o
having two perfect blossoms, but w ith
engine. W title the fuur-wheeled engine 0l"Y 0116 "tein and a peculiarity not oft
was heavy, weighing ,!(I0 pounds,, he en " evi"' noticed in double apples, but
thought It better thai, a two-wheel en- one of the apples is connected to the
Sine, and considered that it would pull stem, the entire stem centering In the
own hill Just as easy. The engine was One apple, the other apple appearing as
supplied with new eoulpmont, and the 80rt of side show under the same
two id-loot laddors that can tie made in- tent m of almost an equal site with
to a combination 22-foot ladder. the main attraction. The other double
Uther members of the council spoke ""Hjsts of a Siamese-twin combination
in favor of the pprchase of ,'the', engine, ln w hich one apple ia as red as a sunset
uver tu per cent of the fires of the Targ- " Italy while the other is as
cr cities are. extinguished ' by chemical l" "Ills or the J'.inorald Isle
engines said Mr. Rami. : On motion of " the question which thesu freaks
Air. Kand the committee on Ore and 01 particolored apples bring to the fore
water was instructed to purchase the 18 : " hat causes the coloration? The
viiKoic, au nrjango lor. tiie erection ""7 H,l"wl,r ll,HI e " conjure up
ui pi unKine sneii adjoining the city 18 l"nl 11 1,18 eneer ot cross-rertilir.ii-hall.
At this point Prather suggested l'on I"his be a fact, which it would
that the city lalq steps toward the or- win lolly to deny, then why docs not
volunteer fire depart-
ganixation of
Mayes, tor the committee on streets
ami public property, reported that
; work on the East Side grade had gone
mr as iuo luiius on Hand permitted
, iiie grade between the railroad bridge
mi un nraiiiy orioge was completed
Him tinuiu, miu iuo mi across lilt'
, uuuon corner lias lieen finished. A fill
or bridge is needed over the, low
croHSltig the land of the Oregon Lumber
. Jfei'Jt'PHKllt 't, WQllld, cost
nouuv ftui to complete the work.
Councilman Early said a trestle could
be built at a much less cost, but he did
not javor a Druige, as the WOrk would
notne permanent as a fill. lie consid
ered 300 sulllcient to make the, fill.
On motion pf Rud, the, street commit
tee was authorised to expend not over
in completing the work on the road
to me ooat landing.
Counoilman Bailey of the health com
, mittee reported two cases of diphtheria
vu tunnpi. inq marshal had placed
quarantine flags on the houses and the
coinnmiee tliougut there was no danger
w wumiiion spreading,
Prather, chairman of the sewer com
mittee, had no reporj; to offer. McDou-
';rapr pt (fie same ,coiqmitl.
statod that the attorney employed
by the city considers that the city has
the authority to make double assess
ment for the sewer., svstem. By this
means the property of' the whole town
would be taxed to construct the main
sewer and the outlet, while the branch
es would be paid for by the adjoining
property owners as they were built.
A new ordinance was nr,uia,l l... n
A. Bell asking for a fraud
struct and oiierate an electric railway in
liood Kiyer. . Mr. BeU asked for rights
mj iiib uu iver sireet, Btate street,
ana rarg street to the city limits. He
also iihkb mat he have ten years in
which to complete his system on all
these streets. The system will Win
at the water front on the east end of
Columbia avenue, the new street to the
boat landing, cross the county bridge,
and wine west on Slate street to the
ntctf town. This part of the road
Nr. Bell proposes to construct Immediately.
l he matter was referred to the
vne jwn navis or some other heavy pol
loniaer leave Us markings on other ap'
pies when Planted among them for the
purpose of pollenisati.n? Really it
would seem to lie more loir enl in eon
elude that the planting of. the Hens
among the Hpits for polenining purposes
is a waste of good ground. While it is
a lact, which none will deny, that tho
bees assist in the pollcnization, it is also
very evident t hat the bees w ill produce
uut iiiun results wnen nvina Irom one
tree to another, and that little will be
to produce an unmarketable fruit. I,v
the accidental crcws-polleni.ation.
After tfio alwve was put in type J. W,
Kirkwoofl, the nurseryman from the
Willamette called at the otlice and tak-
llg notice of the gold medal Ben Ilitvio
fully endorsed the opinion iiciii-mhii1
above and stated emphatically that the
theory of planting the Ben Davis in al
ternate rows with other varieties for the
purpose of pollenization is a lumilinu
uu oimn t a leg to etrtiid on."
No. Poison in Chamberlain's Remed).
From Nanler. New Zen bind iir,.i,i
Two years ago the J'harinacy Board of
Kuw U.,,,tl. Ur..l.. A..... l! . . ,
,'ui it men. iuhlihiih. null an
analysis made of all the onni'li medi.
cines that were sold I n that. mni-Lut
uutoi i lie enure list they found onlv
trees were still loaded with the big red
apples, the bulk of them 4-ller, while
many were still larger. The old house
has been remodeled, largo, comfortable
living rooms lilted up, while from the
house a good view can be had of the
Columbia, the mountains across in the
stale of Washington, and the surround'
lugs make an ideal home. On this
tract there are fully 100 acres of fine
tillable land. It is about the earliest
Btrawberry land on the river, and Mr.
Bateham will put in a large acreage as
soon as he gets more irrigating water on
the place. A Hiring now furnishes
water for domestic purposes and also
enougn io irrigate seven acres, while a
lake near the river contains enough
water to irrigate the whole farm with a
pumping plant. By spring nearly the
wholo 1(10 acres wi.l ue in cultivation.
and will be put mostly into strawberries
and apples. Mr. Hateham has about
300 acres in the two places, and he
expects to have 200 acres in apples as
soon as the land can lie prepared and
the trees set out. The improvements
are beine pushed with a gang of Japs
and nn time is being lost.
The Dollie Mosier place, adjoining,
is also one of the choice farms of the
Mosier valley, The crop of fipitzeu-
bergs this year ia especially fine, and
as goon as any seen in Hood Rive
Miss Mosier is making improvements
anu steauiiy increasing the value of the
On The Dalles road, just cast of town
are several fine farms. On the William
Johnson place is a fine young orchard
ol eight acres, and while the trees di
not get the attention this year that was
necessasy, on account of sickness in the
family, yet the crop was remarkabl
for the si.e of the fruit. The writer
picked one Spitzenlierg that was large
than 3-tier, it weighing It) ounces and
measuring id inches in circumference.
Mr. Root has a fine place on The
Dalles road. His bearing orchan
composed of many varieties, and th
crop amounted to about 500 bushels
hut Mr. floot will set out 200 Spitzen
uergs ami rewtowns in the spring.
. neiungor, one or tne fllosier pio
neers, has one of the choice local lorn
in Mosier. His farm consists of 228
acres, of which nearly 100 acreH are in
cultivation. His main crop is corn and
grain, but on the place is an orchard 18
yean old, consisting of two acres of
apples, mostly Spitzenbergs, and 8 acres
of prunes.
All dlllltftMM r.9 VU..R.
Biauucr, urinary organs.
Also Rheumatism. Back
SOU, HeartDi8a8 travel
iHuyay, eniaj Trouble
Don t become discouraged. Thers is a
Cure for you, U necessary write iJr. l onner.
He liaa spent a f n,MO curing Just such
cases as yours. All consult ations Free.
"A gravel lodged In my bladder. A fter
using a few bottl, ,,f Dr. IVnner's Kidney
and Backache Cure 1 passed a gravel half as
large as a niarlile. The medicine prevented
further tortuations. 1 was cured.
W.T.OAKES. Orrlx.Va."
DrturglstsJ0p.1II1A sit for Cook Book-Free.
XT VIT V'nAUPC S"re Cure. Circular. I)r
., """MU tenner, Fredouia.N.Y
KorHale by CN.cLAHKt,, llu.m iuver.
I am manufacturing at my
yard near Columbia nunsery
Houth of town, as lino a qual
ity of common brick aH can
be found m tin; Htate. Have
200,000 to 300,000 brick n
hand for inspection. Price
at yard $8 per thousand.
Come out to the yard and
aee how we make brick.
Bargains in Real Estate.
3-roow house and lot 100x100 on the
0-room house, barn and lot 50x100, on
Oak street. Easy terms.
Houm) and lot and vacant lots in Spo
kane, Wash., to sell or trade for Hood
River nrooertv.
House and two lots 50x130 each, will
be sold at a bargain for cash.
Tbe best ranch on the west side of the
river. Fine modern house, packing
limine, carriage noiiHe, une chicken
houses and run, etc. If you want a fine
place cheap, here you have it.
50 acres unimproved land 6 miles out,
fl.'l per sere.
Can sell you four, fite, ten or fifteen
acres of good apple land close in, nil
under cultivation. Smull house on the
place. Tenuj) to suit tbe buyer.
800-acre stock ranch for sale or trade.
10 acres ot good apple laud to trade
for house and lot in town.
Hood River
Real Estate & Exchange Co.
Hood River, Ore.
Established in 1866. Open all the year. Private or
class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi
tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to
attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free.
mittee on streets and public property.
An ordinance prohibiting priie fights
boxing contests or exhibitions, or at
tempts to arrange for the Bame was in
troduced and passed first reading.
An ordinance establishing fire . limits
in the city of Hood River was intro
duced by Councilman McDonald and on
motion was given final passage by unan
imous consent of the council. The ordi
nance described the fire limits as ex
tending from the O. R. A N. right of
way south on Front street to State street
west on 8Ute to Fifth street ; north on
Fifth to the O. R. A N. right of way.and
east on the line of the right of way to
the point of beginning. Nothing but
brick or stone buildings shall be erected
within this district, except small sheds
prescribed for by the ordinance. No
one that they declared wasentirely free
from all poisons. This exception was
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, made
by the Chamberlain Medicine Coin.
pany, les Alolncs, Iowa, V. H. A. The
aliHtMice of all narcolKn makes this rem
edy the safest and beat that can lie had,
anil it ia with a feeling of security that
the mother can give It to her littleones.
Chamliei lain 'a Cough Remedy ia es
pecially recommended by Ha makers
for coughs, colds, croup, and whooping
cough. This remedy is for sale by
William' I'harmaey.
Backs ilacler on the Sewer Question.
L. JJ. Itlowers, United Slates deputy
marshal, writing from l'ortland, has the
(mowing to say respecting the li lacier s
stand wr sewers :
oi - ,
i not very mucu pleased with your
position on the sewer question. It seems
to me mat at least the lower part of the
town is very much in need of seuenu,,.
mm i Hiii more tnan wining to pay my
mnu noil oi t ne cost.
Cabinet Needles Free.
The Journal will send fre to anv
leader of this paner a cabinet of needles
an sizes ana sinus, who remits SO cents
for the laily and Sunday Journal for
one month, or the Sunday Journal for
lour months, or the Semi-Weeklv Jour
nal for five months, or the SVeekly
Journal for six months. Address The
Journal, Portland, Oregon.
Miss Alt Tool has taken a room in
the Hood River public school, and left
Moro Saturday for her new field. The
very best wietes of a host of friends here
accompany her. Miss Darby takes the
place in Moro made vacant by the reeig
nation of Miss Tool. Moro Observer. I
T T , ,. . . .
.1. i , uarrou ami two sons tin vi-
imrvemeu a crop oi ano it Si HI hoxes
( I M . f mi
yi hjiicn oij io acres. Their raring are
located on the east bunk of Mosier
creek, about two miles from town, and
the trees are making a vigorous growth
ami yielding heavily with fine large
run, wuiiout irrigation. Tin soil u
from 50 to 76 feet deep, having hractic
lly no bottom as. far as the roots of
me trees are concerned. J. I'. Carroll
has lust completed a arira annle house
said to be one of the best in the state.
J. T Hrown adjoins the Carroll farms,
mm nan an tueai place, uniy six acres
in orcoaid. out uie oua II v ot trmt. m
ot the best, the trees heinir vigorous ami
and healthy, and the returns are ample
to make moro than a living for the
owner. Many varieties of fruit have
been planted. Mr. llrown nrnhahlv hau
the best place for grapes in the valley.
His Catawbas, Sweetwatera and Musca
tels attain a size and flavor that is
ni'iiiui iu ny in mis section oi the
Across the creek are the farms of 8.
U. and n. 1.. I'm her. lint a aniiill ,.,.r.
i , . .
nig una oeen mane, though they are
sieailtly putting in Kpitsenherga and
flewtowiiB. and now have ulwmf VI
acres in these varieties of apples.
Mr. Peterson has a few apple trees in
liearing on his homestead, but is inttk-
UK slow progress on account, nf 1, o,.;,.,.
io do an ins own wora, anil having but
one arm. His Northern Suiui and Rell.
flowers are especially line. althotiL'h
laving received but little care.
Just over the summit from the Ilnn.l
River vallev is the 1(10 -acre farm nf I
Sal.mau. He has six acres in trees;
and is clearimr no more l-mhhwI f.,r
orchard. While he has no witter for
irrigation, his crops are all doing well.
We saw carrots on his place, ono of
which would make a meal for a board-
ig house.
J. P. llailev has the next tilm
Mosier road, and has 20 acres cleared.
IU VJLPUCIH IO 11'riL.ratfl aevitrill aria
from a well, pumbing the water with a
A. M. Roop is steadily improving his
homestead setting out a small orchard,
and has a good patch of alfalfa started
on land which he does not expect to
irrigate. Hy piping water from aspring
ho has sulllcient for domestic purposes
aim ii gnrueii,
Insomnia And indigestion Cured.
"Iiitst year I had a verv imvera ti,...b
of Indigestion. I could not sleep at
night Hint sutlered most excruciation
imins for three hours after each meal.
I was troubled this way for about three
months wben I used ChamlK-rlain's
CMomain and Liver Tableta, and receiv
ed immediate relief says John Dixon,
ltiiiamore, Ontario, Canada. For sale
at minimis' riiarniacy.
Median Day Dinner Hrlngs in Money.
The receipts from (he meals served
in the State street school house by tbe
school children on election day netted
fclO.tHI. This sum will go toward buying
books for the library and other purposes.
The meals served weresplendid. The
boys and girls worked hard, and were
well patronised by tbe public. A pro
fessional cook made the coffee, ami for
the evening meal, Professor Wiley, who
served with tho Second Oregon in the
t ninppines, had fr worth of meat
muit-u in oiiri inn camp settle. J hlfl S
said to have been one of the best dishes
When Yon Have a Bad Cold
- . -
lotiwaniB remedy that will not
oniy give quick relief but clleet a per
manent cure.
You want a remedy that will relieve
the lungs and keep expectoration easy.
Yo want a remedy that will counter
act any tendency toward pneumonia.
You want a remedy that is pleasant
and safe to take.
Chamlierlaln's Comrh Reined v nwii
all of tnese requirements and for th
leedy and permanent cure of bad
colds stands without a peer. For sale
by w Illlams' Pharmacy.
E. R. Bradley
We an here to do your work today
tomorrow and every other day, and
our money (what little we have)
ia spent in Hood River. We want
your work and can do it neatly and
Columbia Nursery
r. b. UKUblUb, Prop.
Strawberry Plants, Top-Crafted
Cherry Trees, 2-yr.-old Apple Trees
including Spitzenber, Newtown,
Baldwin, Ortley, Winter Banana, etc
uuarantewi true to name.
Hood ItivEit, Or.
dealer IN
The bujiii"- of Hilverinan
Oi't. To liiivo tlie best, the
newest and handsomest is
our aim. I o see our stock
will reveal iimny novel ideas
hitherto unkiiowk Prices
are riirht. '
f. w. clArk,
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Hood River.
Millinery Offering.
My entire stock of Millinery, coi.sist
iiiK of 1 1 iirli Grade Dross, Street and
Tailored Hats, are now on sale at the
actual cost of material and labor. This
is positively my last season in Howl
River. Every hat I have is strictlv new
and up-to-ditte. NO old stock and rub
bish to work off. The workmanship
throughout is the best obtainable from
skilled labor. Without boasting I claim
the distinction of offering a better hat
and at less cost than was ever offered in
Hood Uiver before.
Anyone wIhIiIiik to pun-lmae my entire bus
iness anil good will can do so, Store for rent.
T:1. Main 155. Hood River Heights.
Staple and
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
0. G. CKOW.
New Pool Room White 'T1? ReaI Estate
In the liuilding next to the
Glacier Olllce..
place to spend the
Hood River Heights.
White Salmon, Wash,, have sole charge of the sale
of lots in this growing town. We have a large list
of farm and fruit lands for sale.
, Correspondence solicited.
Harness Made to Order Dealer in General Merchandise
- and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Telephone No. 31. HOOD RIVER, OR.
Harness, Bicycle and Shoes Repair
ing Neatly Done.
Horse Blankets, Buggy Robes and
All Harness Fixtures.
Now have the most complete line of
Builders' Hardware, Shelf Hardware
Tinware, Wood Choppers' Supplies
Blacksmith Supplies and a full line of Poles, Shafts
etc. for Wagons and Buggies.
Paints, Oils and Builders' Material.
Estimates furnished to Contractors.
with the water that is past, but unlike
the mill, our past orders have been
tilled so successfully that new ones are
constantly coming In from our old
patrons. Are you to be one of them?
Our Dalles Patent and White River
flour is the finest that is milled, and
is ground from the best selected wheat;
in fact the cream of the wheatlields,
and it makes the most delicious bread
white and palatable.
Hood River, Or.
and Building Material
If a .prescription is correctly written we
fill it, no matter if the name of some
guaranteed. Call and look through the Stock.
Glad to show you around.
other d
rnggist is on the blank.
I (mi t
all of your Prescriptions here snd
iy will he correct! v filled.
Undertaker and Embalmer
flie prices we charge will suit you, too.
HW-acre improved farm, under irriua.
tin, in Nebraska, for farm in Hoot!
River or White Salmon. W. J. Baker.
Williams' Pharmacy
Charles R. Spencer.
at rile i"h1Im I,'""1""11 Mon(iaJ-8. We' a.sUays and Fridays, at 7 a. m.; arriving
Hhippiiw at Vanranver, Waahonsral. Cases e l,n-k. Ktovcnaon, Oirson, Ht. Martin's
Bprlnit., CoMn. White Salmon. Hood Kive utd 11... for both freight and pawne!
v w u.w.V.i. V,' 'I ' ., j ' "" aninifionst,
u. .- ...... , uTTUTTiai ...MllKKCr, TUrilHUU.
A.SIIIOXsrAHl.Ks, Axent, Hood River!
WOOD BROS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed, Groceries, Flour and Feed
Notions, Glassware, Crockery, etc.
iiiiii i i:i i.'if 1 1 i.'ii: i t i- t
v ... ..,. niinujiw i univ exclusive iirnrprv tnr in tho rit-j Vn tv.i; th
4 . -. j ,., ,v viij. ' n.T7 1'omi t, x UUUe