The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 17, 1904, Image 2

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    3(ood liver Slacier
It pay to advertise lays the New berg
Graghic and citet the incident of W. L.
Douglas, the ahoe man, who has been
elected democratic governor of the re
publican state of Massachusetts. The
picture of Mr. Douglas is known from
one end of the land to the other.
Fruit Commissioner Carson of Grants
Pass estimates the apple crop in the
Rogue river district at 400,000 boxes for
1904. Other fruits he estimates as fol
lows: Tears, 100,000 boxes; prunes,
3,000,000 pounds; peaches, 75,000 boxes;
small fruits, 78,000 crates; gross value,
11 ,390,000.
In the Pacific Homestead of Salem
for November 10, Hood River comes in
for generous amount of space and a
splendid writeup. The article is well
filled with illustrations of business
houses and orchard scenes. Wallace G.
Trill baa prepared a carefully written
descriptive article which includes some
of the business men and many of the
fruit growers. This special edition of
the Homestead contains 108 pages de
voted to the Inland Empire. A large
edition was printed, thousands of copies
being distributed by the O. R. A N. Co.
Extra copies of the publication may
may be had as long as they last at 25
cents each.
According to the Chicago Fruit and
Produce News, New York apple grow
ers are experiencing difficulty in dis
posing of their crop of apples, Apple
buyers do not care to take the fruit at
the prices asked by the growers, and
but little fruit is going into cold storage,
the buyers stating they would rather
pay a higher price in the spring than to
buy for f 1 now. Present receipts of
winter fruit are selling Baldwins at
$1.25 to 11.60 ;Greenlngs at $1.12 to $1.25,
with some fancy Greenings occasionally
bringing $1.50. Every man who han
dles apples In New York is flooded with
consignments, and the prices are so low
that there is no encouragement In han
dling them. Early in the season, fancy
Ben Davis apples in Northern Arkansas
were contracted for $1.25 a barrel, and
today they can be bought, the same ap
ples in the same place, for 75 cents a
barrel. Many of the apples will have
to be converted into cider. Notwith
standing all these bear reports, there
bas been no decline in the price of the
Oregon apple, but farmers will do well
to heed the remarks of Mr, Rodgers, of
of WaUtonville, who would impress up
t-. j
Promises Better Light Service.
II. L. Vorse, speaking of the electric
light service says: "No one realizes
better than we that the service link not
been at all satisfactory to our customers
during the last few days, and I am very
glad to be sole to say that we have mir
chased a machine more than double the
size we are now using, and we hope to
' nave It Installed ana within operation
within two weeks.
"When I first came to Hood River, I
took an option on some of the stock of
the company In order to have an oppor
tunity to thoroughly investigate the
business lefore investing the capi
tal ol myself and friends in the enter
prise. I am now entirely eutisnod with
the investigations 1 have made and
have taken up the stock of Leslie Butler,
who has retired from the company. I
expect to be permanently identified
witii the light and water business of
this place.
"We have other improvements in
view, and it shall be our aim to see that
Hood River's eluctria light service shall
be everything that this wide-awake and
growing little city has a perfect right to
Feed Store Peeks Mew Location.
The rooms in the Morse & Kurly
building on Third struct, where II. W.
Wait, proprietor of the Farmers'
Friend Feed Store, began business lend
than a year ago, were too cramped for
the rapidly growing business of this
firm, and during the week Mr. Wait
l l.:. i ..
iiiifvuu ma bwi'k iiiui uie largo ware
house vacated by Mr. Rand.
Mr. Wait hasn't put in steps to the
door yet, but promises to, and is fitting
up one corner for an olllee.
The Farmers' Friend Feed Store sold
35,000 apple boxes this fa.ll, as well as a
large amount of flour, feed, hay mid
?:rain. Mr. Wait has now introduced a
olding hallock for atrawberries that
should sell like hot (amnios. The hal
lock is constructed of spruce, and with
a sig-zag cut in the bottom of the box it
is perfectly collapsible. But when
pressed into position the box is as firm
as the old style hallocks. The great
convenience in hauling and storing
knockdown lierry boxes is a strong
point In their favor. A farmer can haul
them out during the rainy season and
put np his own crates, thus saving time
iind expense.
Skamania Ties Vote for Nuprin.
Ths ollleial count of the vote in Ska
mania county shows a tie between
Sweeny, dem., and Haffey, rep. The
total vote of the county was close on to
500, an increase of 100 over the result
two years ago. Roosevelt carried the
county by ar plurality of 283. Debs, ttie
socialist candidate, received 08 votes .
Mead's plurality was 135.
The entire county ticket, witii an ex
ception of sheriff went strongly republi
can. W. A. Orser, candidate on the
socialist ticket for sheriff, received 105
votes. Kred Luthy, randidute of the
same party for commissioner, received
12tt VOU!S.
Underwood precinct cast a total of 28
votes. Roosevelt received 15 voles, Par
ker 4 and Debs 6. The total democratic
strength in Underwood precinct is about
6, as Amos Underwood says he refused
to vote ior Parker, and left the presi
dential ballot blank.
Prosperity At Trout Lake.
A. W. Clark, writing in the Gold
endale Agriculturist, says: I made
a short trip through Camas Prairie,
Fnlda and Trout 1-ake, finding the peo
ple in good spirits and getting along
nicely, many who heretofore have soeu
it pretty hard through the fall and win
ter when supplies are short. I his fall
tilings iook n men oetter to ttiem, as
they have their cellars full ot fine veg
etables of their own raising; also a good
supply of fruit Some have iust proved
np on their land which enables them to
fuel much better, as they can say thev
own their land now. Many have gone
into the dairy business. They have
some pieces of land to cover which pro
duce well. Their cows look fine. Some
make butter at home, while others send
their milk to the cieanieiy, which is
f living good faiisfaction. WiJ'ain (,'oato
las a tine dairy and ranch, milking a
big lot of cows which they feed on this
fine hay; also a fine rot of carrots is
given to his cows which makes grand
feed for them and helps greatly on the
butter. He has a large amount of car
rots stowed away for winter feeding.
Mr. Coate is aH energulic farmer.
Rufus Byrkett is alto in the dairy busi
ness and is domir finely. He is improv
ing his dwelling. New additions have
been built on in the modern style. He
has added a fine cellar to the north
side, all stone walled and cemented
floor. Also has water running in the
house for hath and toilet u', the bath
room being upstairs. Mr. llyrkett has
out in all the necessary conveniences of
the water system and done all his own
plumbing himself. Also a great deal of
his carpenter work, which he seems to
understand. Hoon as lie can he will
erect a stone wall in fmntanda oeautiliil
fence thereon. Charles Moore, who
keeps the postoflive, lias also a fine
place with modern improvements; also
a good ranch. He is growing clover
and vegetables.
Special to the Glacier.
The Dulles. Or.. Nov. 15.Circuit
court was convened yesterday by Judge
Bradshaw with a light docket Detore
him. There were but two civil cases
One of these occupied the attention of
the court yesterday afternoon. It ison
titled Mary Ilakel vs. John Hakel, and
is a suit w herein me piuinun sueu w
recover $400 alleged to have been loaned
defendant. Bennett & Sinnott appeared
for the plaintiff and A. A. Jayne for the
James T. Brown of Mosier was ar
raigned vesterdav to answer the charge
of assaulting B. F. Fisher late in the
summer with a shot gun.
Testimony was taken in the divorce
case of Emma Imlay vs. Harry C, Ini
lay, and a divorce granted.
Several ot the regular panel oi jurors
were excused for the term.
I'lin Nelson bovs of Hood River were
arraigned yesterday afternoon, and this
morning pleaded guilty to-Killing cattle
belonging to Emile West. Kentence
will be passed upon the boys tomorrow.
The condemned murderer, Norman
Williams is growing fat under his con
finement. Ho is still reticent and re
fuses to be interviewed save by one
woman of The Dalles, who is a follower
of the condemned CreflieM, who was at
one time the leader of a band of Holy
Rollers here. Williams is seemingly
irettina comfort from the spiritual conso
lation tendered by this follower of the
noted apostle, and is developing a reli
gious side to his lonely life of solitary
Hood River is well represented in the
jury box and witness stand, the foe
lowing comprise a partial list: A. 8
Parrott. Robert Rand of Wau-(luin
Guin. W. M. Bears, K. D. West. N.. O.
Billings, Roswell Shelley, O. M. Ewing
Mark Thomas, Mr. and Airs. JNcisonanu
two ons, Otto Klirck and sister, Mrs
P. T. Hhelley.
Frank Menefee, district attorney paid
the witnesses in a certain criminal ac
tion a high compliment for the manner
in which a certain case had been worked
up. .This was a case that was .investi
gated by parties from Hood River valley.
Mr. Menefee is an etlicient otlicer.
It is likely that the business ef this
term of court will bo over before' the
end of the week. Rohwkix Shki.lkv.
The big double 35-gallon chemical lire
engine for Hood River reached the city
Monday night. The Htoauier Spuncer
brought the engine from Portland free
or charge, an act the people of Hood
River will .lie glad to remember. In
justice to Mr. Campbell of the Regula
tor Co., it should be stated that he too
BHked to carry the fire engine free. The
engine is stored temporarily at the barn
of the Fashion stable, until the shed is
erected near the city hall.
Tuesday evening an eflort among the
young men of the city to organize a
volunteer fire company was highly suc
cessful, With an attendance of some 2
or 25 and an honorary list of 17 the fol
lowing ollic.ers were chosen :
Walter McOuire, president; Lew
Morgan, vice president; Karl Bart mess,
secretary; Will Sheets, tire chief; S. J.
Frank, assistant chief; W. I. iladwa,
Clarence Shaw and Will Morgan, first,
second and third engineers.
A committee of five w as appointed to
draw up a constitution to he consid
ered next Friday evening, and the boys
hope Boon to he organised for any effort
that may be required of them with the
new tire fighting apparatus.
The wedding Tuesday noon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Jackson,
when their eldest daughter. Miss Vera,
was married to Barton ( Davidson,
was a very pretty affair. None hut
relatives and a few friends of the con
tracting parties were present. Kev. W.
C. Kvans of the M. 10. church oillciated.
The ceremony w as performed at high
noon, when the guests sat down to a
dainty lunch of which the following
was the menu :
Chicken Hulsd. Peanuts. Hnndwlchci.
Scalloped Oysters. Bleed Ham. Coftce. Rolls.
Cake, Ice Cream.
The dining room and tables were pro
fusely decorated with yellow chrysan
themums and smilax, while the parlor,
where the ceremony was perlormed,
was banked with white chrysanthemums
Oregon grape and ferns.
Mr. and .Mrs, Pavideon loft on the
afternoon train, amid a shower of rice,
for a trip to Portland. They will return
the latter part of the week, to spend a
few days in Hood River before continu
ing to Coeur d1 Aleno, Idaho, w here
Mr. Pavidson is interested with his
brothers in extensive lumbering inter
ests. The presents were many and beauti
ful. Among them were pictures, carv
ing sets, napkins, table linen, tray
cloths, table mirror, silver candlesticks,
silver knives, forks and spoons, rocking
chair, lady's toilet set of sterling silver.
The presents In cut-glass were very
elaborate and consisted of center piece,
bowl, water set, salt and pepHr shakers,
salad dish, jelly dish. Among the t'lii
naware were a chocolate set, tea set,
celery diah salad dish.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. F.
E. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Jack
son, Miss Alberta Jackson, Miss Anna
Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Davidron,
Mm. P. S. Davidson, sr., Mrs. Price,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davidson, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Davidson, Mr. and Mrs.
V.. A. Fran, Miss Georgia Gillespie of
Portland, Master Claude Davidson.
Just received direct from the factory
anew line of cut glass, "The Ameri
can," second to none manufactured in
the United States. Call and be con
vinced. Clarke, the jepeler.
The PA
Ladies' Shower-proof Ilain Coats 7.00
Ladies' tailor-made Suits, with a ll-jrore Skirt, worth $15, reduced to 11.00
Ladies' tailor-made Suits, made of all-wool Venitian Cloth, reduced to 5.00
Ladies' long flannelette Kimonos. . .95
Ladies' Tourist Coats, many styles to select from, all sold at tlie lowest price.
Ladies' Furs in black, white and brown. We can save you money on them.
Piece Goods
Zibeline, worth GOcyd., reduced to 40c
All colors of Flannelette for Shirt
Waists and Kimonos, per yd 10c
Extra heavy Opera Flannel, per yd 25c
All-wool Manish Suiting, worth
. $1.25, reduced to 85c
More Hamilton
The First National bank is now In-'
cated in the new quarter in the E. L.
Smith brick, on the southeast corner of
Oak and Third streets. The new rooms
were especially for the bank, and
the idea of convenience has been carried
out in every instance. The furnishings
are elegant and substantial, and of a
character that will lend a favorable im
pression to all visitors.
The bank entrance is on Oak street.
The floor of the passageway Is covered
with tiling, and in this Mr. Smith takes
a pardonable pride, when he tells of
erecting the first pressed brick building
in Hood River, laying tlie first cement
sidewalk and the first tiled floor.
In the rear of tlie building is the di
rectors room, which will shortly lie
supplied with a carpet, council tahel
and other furniture. Large plate-glass
windows apply an abundance of soft
light to all desks in the ollice. Heat
will be supplied from a furnace to be
installed in tlie main building. Every
thing about the bank is neat, comfort
able and convenient.
A large vault, absolutely fire proof,
affords ample room for storing docu
ments ana valuable papers, wmie a
manganese double time-lock combina
tion safe holds the coin and currency
necessary for the daily business transac
tions. This safe was secured at a cost
of $2000, and is said to ho the best-tested
positively burglar-prool sate mat is
The First National bank opened its
door in May of this year. Tlie growth
of business has been steady and com
mensurate with the progress of Hood
River and the valley. The banking
work keeps Cashier lilanchar and Mr.
Brock, the bookkeeper very busy all the
time. Mr. lilanchar, in conversation
with a Glacier reporter, stated that he
is well satislisd with the business his
hanking house has developed during the
six months it lias been in operation.
"The fact that Hood Hiver is a two
hank town will help the community in
many ways," continued Mr. lilanchar,
"and while the growth of a banking
luisinesB must necessarily be bIow and
conservative, we have shownour faith in
the future of Hood River by a substan
tial outlay in banking fixtures. Ranks
cannot prosper without a prosperous
country behind them, nor can the
country net along without the banks.
"The First National bank has placed
a number of loans throughout the valley
this summer, and I believe in this way
a good deal of business has been devel
oped for the hank The Hood River
country has a splendid future before it,
and we look for a good business in the
next few years."
The First National hank of Hood
lllver has a paid up capital of f25,00).
Its shareholders liabilities equal $25,000,
and there is a surplus of $5,000. The
ollicers of the hank are Robert Smith,
president; F. 8. Stanley, vice president;
E. O. lilanchar, cashier. Tlie directors
are Robert Smith, F. S. SJunlcy, E. L.
Smith, J. C. AhiBworth ami F. II. Hop
kins. Fine Piece of Wood Carving.
A panel between the gable windows
on tlie residence being built for A. D.
Moe, on east Oak street, is the work of
J. F. Htranahan, the architect. Mr.
Stranahan did the work in a day, and
has executed a piece of art in wood cur
ving dillicult to excel anywhere. Mr.
Stranahan completed his course in
achitecture and house building with
a years study in Europe, and is familiar
with all the details of house building
from the work of the designer and
architict to the carpenter iind contractor.
Stranahan one time landed in Seattle
after an unprofitable trip to the gold
fields of Alaska without a cent, in his
rocket. Jtorrowing f -1) irom an old
friend, he started out to look for work.
Finding a man about to construct a
dwelling, he picked up a crude design
some one had drawn and in a moment
had made such an improvement that
tlie home builder gave him a job.
Stranahan went right to work and says
he cleared up $000 the first month lie
was in the city.
At the Churches.
Lutheran Service will be held again
next Sunday, Novemlier 20,at the church
near the Columbia nursery and K. of P.
cemetery. Sunday school' at 2 p. in.
English preaching" instead of German as
before stated at 3 p. m. H. J. Kolb,
Valley Christian Sunday echool at
10 a. in."; preaching at 11; Yi P. S. C. K.
at 0:30 p. m.; preaching at 7:110 A car
dial invitation is extended to all to at
tend all these services. Sunday
evening the pastor will take up a series
of sermons on "New Light on Old Sub
jects." The subject of the first of the
series, is: Adam the Father of I's All;
or, Paradise Lost and Won. W. A. El
kins, pastor.
Unitarian. Corner State street and
Park aueiiue ; V. G. Eliot, jr., minister
in charge. Sunday school at 10 a. m.;
service at 11 a. ni. Rev. O. J. Nelson
will preach. All welcome.
United lirethren. Sunday school at
10a. in.; Sermon at 11 a. m. and
st 7 :'M p. m. ; Christian Endeavor at
7 p. m. ; prayer meeting at 7 :30 o'clock
each Wednesday evening. All are wel
come. J. T. Mernll.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and
Men's hiffh-cut Shoes
$3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $5.75, $6.50
Bovs' High-cut Shoes 3.10
Ladies' Dress Shoes 1.35
Children's Shoes, sizes 5 to 8,
with heel 50c
& Brown Shoes sold than
in the World.
I intend to retire from business, and wish to
close out my stock of
General Merchandise
as soon as possible, for cash. I will buy no
more goods, and wish to collect all accounts
din; as soon as possible.
Laundry Problems
Th! ruin lfus begun at last, and you cannot afford
to be bothered all week drying your laundry at
home. We wash and dry by steam power, while you
have to do it at home by hard knocks and lots of
patience. Your laundry work can be done at the
Paradise Laundry cheaply and satisfactorily,
and we guarantee all work to be first-class.
(ientlenieii's Clothes cleaned and pressed, 7oc to
$1.00. Ladies' heavy Skirts and Dresses, f)0c to
$1.00. Special work done in washing cotton and
woolen blankets, making them as new, 50c to 7oc.
Comforters, plain and starch work at satisfactory
prices. Lace curtains, 50c to 75c.
We guarantee all our work to be the best and can
deliver any starch work without danger of mashing
the package.
The Paradise Landry is a Hood River In
dustry and with a guarantee of first-class work we
ask for your patronage.
8 p' m.; Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep
worh League 7 p. in. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially in
vited. W. C. Evans, pastor.
i'.elinont Chapel. Sunday, school at
10, followed by class meeting; league at
7; preaching at 8. All are cordially
Need the Hood River Spirit.
Nttlcm Htstesmiin.
Salem needs some of the spirit of tlie
I., t 1'nn.l River. Everv resident
of Hood Kiver will tell you of "the grand
resources aiel posHUMllwes ui umn uvnu-
t i fill valley and each one will declare
that there is no place on earth like the
city of Hood Kiver. The tact is Hood
Kiver is lortunalely peopled v. ry largely
by an honest, educated, refined and
indnslriiHiM rlns: no foreigners: all
thoroughly Anieiican, and- each one
rcaily to do Ins part ny ins tow n aim ins
neighbors, This makes up a onirtmnn
itv that is hound to prosper. If Salem
had the Hood Kiver spirit, gh would
have a lot of motor lines before the end
of UHl."i, and a w hole lot ol other good
and nceilliil things.
Apples for Royalty
Thomas P. Wallace of New
i- placing annles
for the
and I lit , altliv. Kvei-v veal' at
nun-. .I,, iiaoucc iitig u inioiiiiit i-i
New tow n l'ii nins sent him, and theJe
are taken to (lie store anil the barrels
emptied and the apples gone over and
very selected. The apple lire
I'acli wrapped up in paper of a certain
size and m ally repacked into the bar
rels This has been going on for years.
Poring the reign ot (uoen Victoria it
was always her desire to have Virginia
Albemarle Piimins on her talde durimr
ine noiioays. Some oil lie apples
are now being packed by Mr. Wi
will LM to kin.t l.lii-.irild f.imiK'
llace !
and I
numbers of barrel wdl he nreson'cil
by I
the American banking intftv.ts or ret;
resentalives ui 1 such houses as Morton,
Miss A Co., .1. P. Morgan & Co. aid
others. There is no set price per barrel
on Ihe-e apples, but it is said that Mr.
Wallace has received as high As f'-iO a
barrel. There have not been many
any other make
barrels sold for this price, but many
barrels which have gone abroad have
brought $H to $15. Chicago Fruit and
Produce News.
If you wish to purchase anything in
the watch, clock or jewelry line, don't
fail to call on, Clarke, the jeweler.
er ' Vm mm In BUT tarl
HAL. H,llliliH""""
.1.. M Kiwi 10 codm. f THE SUN
I . any win win 7
ach. Ali tfc.i all papara that ara n
autod will ba ittomi hla br -U at
aaanaa at wkotak prkaa. a4 Sa
1 com a -lall IWxlf JWW
Yo can atart any tuna, and li ainaaiial
ha arfm can ba aawt b, lar THE
ALL THE NEWS, tmi aaatial
laiaa at tatartat M hnm aM won, ana.
taarfaa. baa all tha chikhWa aaaaa
am by tba M aa
JOURNAL beya an i
aa U f a wa b -
anhwaal. Da.1 ""
aa aatra aataaa. a ba W mtrnMf.
Mainoa ta tha raib araAta. Ml
thaa. JOURNAL ban a baal
mmm-m ha iwaaat tha araM tha b
aat aamntaga. la a tha
aaallat alacaa a41 ban aa at
chaac. ta aata eMa aawa main a) thaa.
L u. Oat tn THE rOUR-
arocaaMaai ina jv v. .-. -
farlaaa, Ot.
TVm't. fifvmfl To 'Me
nrst, to Duy wn; gi " 'T""r .1 7
then I'll give yon tlie bent bargains in theval-
. . . . . . , . U I, .... a' I.l'iKIB
- i,nnM.Mi-KMl neighborhood:
on county red; plenty of "a'er
n ' : l . Z---
flood Horse
Gentle, to let out during the winter for her
Auarata oin-. 1.
tlllllllA nil
Hood Kiver.
, Business Chances
Millinery and groory. t'TpyfJry'''rJ?''
rent low. Inquire of nIO MMK. ABBOTT
Wanted at Crescent Krul' CoVtornMM miles
out on the Kast Bide. n'db
Dissolution of
To Whom It may Concern:
Notice la hereby given that the copartner
ahlu exlatlns between J. L. Koonti and A. M.
Kelley. ilolng bnalnes-under the name of the
Mount Hood Mill Co., has been dissolved by
miilnat consent. All outstanding bllla prior
to April 10, 1U0I, are due and payable to A. M.
Kelley. J. b. KoONTZ,
Monnt Hood, Oregon, Nov. 15, 1904. d8
Krom the Potter place one mate p R lx
weeKBold. Color black with fewsmall white
spot. Anyone knowing where he la and will
phone Mrs. Poller's residence will be suitably
rewarded. nl7d8 EUUENE LORAL.
The annual meeting of the atocKholders of
the Hood River Electric Light I'ower and
Water cn will Iw held In theornceof the com
pany In the city of Hood Kiver In the state of
Oregon, od naiuraay, ueceinoer iu, bi me
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., for the election of a
board ofdlrectora and the transaction of oth
er biisinetM of the corporation.
I have sold the Paradise laundry to Glen
Fabrlck, who will continue the business. All
accounts due the Paradise laundry prior to
Novembei t. will be collected by me, and all
accounts against the Paradise laundry prior
to that date wlil be paid by me.
Thanking the people or Hood Rver and vi
cinity for their liberal patronage, and Imping
the Bame may be continued to the new man
agement, I remain very truly yours,
nlM D. A. COLE.
Rooms To Rent
"Two houses.n 10 d V ETwTw
Housekeeping rooms unfurnished. o ic
door west of Knappa' atore. o20 DlO
Two housekeeping rooms. Telephone, Main
wi, u m iui. bitiniKum
Four roonmoo hill eaat of W. T. Hansberry
Hoarding house, can aua see
dl R.B.HAi.r.
HootnH at Paradise farm. Terminus of
State street Phone urn.
ocl6tf MRS, D. O. ENTRIOAN.
Bhonulng bug between David Hears' and
F. M. Jack son 'a places. Contained small
purse, about 11.20 In cash, a lot of trade tickets
and a handkerchief The lady losing same
would be very grateful if nuder would I ave
same at the Olacler oni oai niu
Between Odell corners and Hood Kiver on
the East Hide road, roll ot music In leather
case. Kinder please hand to mall carrier or
leave at the Glacier ortlce.
At White Halmon, a lady's gold watch. The
owner can have same by calling at Glacier
office, proving property, paving for this no-
tice ana rewaro. natr j. w. kikkwoo
Lady's white glove, and left at this office.
By paying lor this notice, owner may have
Two boys, 14 years old, to work at my place
near nitou iviver onuge. uiu Haiurary morn
ing at 8o,clock. L. KING.
Horse, young, b!00 or 1MK pound horse; well
oruae. i neap ior casn. Aaaress,
W. H. MARSHALL. Mount Hood P. O.
To trade a fine hammcriess shot gun for
wooq oil en ah. 1 kmpIjE, jeweler.
A tenant for
1 40 acre farm. ,20 acres In ber-
ries. 10 acres In clover. 3 acres
i In young orch
chard. This ranch is tn a first class cond'-
tlon and only competent men need apply
This farm Is for sale at a bargain,
dwlm nIO Address; X-lo, This Offlce.
Will buy for cash Indian arrow points, or
will exchange flneclgars for same. Hen d by
mail or expressor wrue me wnat yon nave,
Will pay 6 per hundred or more If nice.
F. A, THoMAS.HecreUry and Treasurer,
Portland Cigar Co.,
oct!3 MM E l:tth street Portland, Or.
A woman to do general housework.
nlOdl V. V. WILL1H. Odell district.
Fxperlenced waitress want situation In
hotel or restaurant, Address, Box 864, Hood
Kiver, Or. d8
For Sale
Good pigs for sale. PETER MOHR.
Household goods. Including organ.
Fresh cow, second calf, apply to
otfniiW W. A. LOCKMAN
A fine lot of pigs for sale at Si each.
dAwlmnlO J. A. HENDERSON, a
j Blngen, Wash.
Some pure blooded Plymouth Rock chick
ens. jilO MRH. B. F. MOHEH, Route No. 2.
"Hood River Fruit and'Tiniberri,andBrtf
sale or trade for Portland property and other
va ues. W. R. SV1N ANH, Hood River, Ore.
Forlyacresofmy farm In Orapper district
IV, miles from Hood River. Good apple land,
per acre. Easy terms. Unimproved, under
ditch. Jy7tf A. A;J AYNE.
K 1ft fir 1 K acres of apples and
" xv' wl strawberrlesonemile
south of town. Will take slock of merchan
dise or town property on payment. A 8N AP.
olitf N. T. CHAPMAN.
An 8-room, well built house, between the
twoschool housesonthe hill; formerly the
Tenold cottage. Inquire at Glacier office. d!7
, High grade Poland China boaTplgTiiix
months old, welgha about 100 pounds, also a
stocky built three-year-old colt, been driven
some, Is gentle but not well broken In bridle.
Is natural sacer and will make line riding ani
mal. Too light for my work. Call at this of
fice or at oakdale ranch.' D. N. BYEKLEE.
Alfaffa, clover, wheat aiid timothy-nay,
also dry pine wood cut In stove lengths.
dltf P. 1). HINRICHH, K. K. D. 2
""Pure blooded While Leghorn cockerels l 50
each. Also young pullets same breed st rea
sonable prices.. M KH. V. c. II RO( K .
nliltf Hoodjtlver Or
Three-year-old Jersey heifer, and heifer
calf six weeksold. Inquire of
. nl 8. L. YOUNG.
First-class swond-hand Bentley organ.
Price i0, or will trade lor hay. Call by phone
""wi j. r. nAK.p,i.
Fresh eow. Inquire of
n!7 d8 E. A. PRATHER, East8ide.
Wilt sell my steVm wood saw Sir Smo.-The
saw is in good condition and cost me U7.
""Fresh, clean milk delivered anywhere In
town, ftc per quart.
Notice of Special Meet
ing of Stockholders
of Farmers' Irri
gating Co.
WHEREAS, The directors of the Farmers'
Irrigating Co. were under the Impression
that the ditches and flumes were Ina sale and
good condition. By thorough examination
we find that there waa more work t be done
than was expected. And we, thetdirrctors of
this company, feel that It Is our dntv to In
form the stockholders of the condition i.l
said flumes and ditch. Therefore, we call n
special meeting ol the stockholders of ti e
rnieis' Irrigating company to be held on
Haturday, November 1, Ms), at 10 o'clock In
the forenoon, at Knights of Pvthlas halU
By order of Bonrd ol Directors,
n!7 M. H. Ml'KELHEN, Secretary.
Tlie Youth's Companion in l'.K):,.
It Is Impossible even to summarise in c
single paragraph the many sn i varied a -tracttons
which the Youth's Companion an
nounce for tlie coming year.
A series of articles planned to Interest espc
daily I he 4S,00o.tm0 of Americsns who look d
rectly to the soli for their subsistence will
treat of "New Fields for Young Farmers."
'TheHituation of the Farm," eTheHanitntlt u
oflhe Farm." "Th Future of American Cct
ton," "How Women Make Money ou tin
Farm," etc.
Heven serial stories and 0 short stories liv
most talemed and popular American wrlteit
of Iti'llon will form part of tlmconuuitaof the
new volume for 1!K!6.
Full illustrated antiou. cement describing
the principal features of the Companion's
new volume for IMA will be sent with sample
copies of Hie paper to anv address free.
The new subscriber who senrtsjl 7S now !hr a
year s subscription to the Companion receivr-i
free all the lasuesof the Companion for the
remaining weeks of lnm, also the (Vimpanlo i
"Carnatlona" calender for 1-416, lithographed
In twelve eolers and gold. The Youth'a Com
panion, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass.
Real Estate
I'or Sale The Abbott Store property
on the hill. Price, 13,000.
The M. M. JJttvenport 4 acres, nice
new residence, $1700; .TerniB easy.
14 acres across the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, some Improvements,
2 miles from Barret school house, $2,000.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
free irrigating water, lk miles from Bar
rett ecliool house, i,iuu.
A 20 acre tract unimproved, 11 miles
from the Barrett echool house, 6 acres
cleared, $1,700.
The KVi of fcc. 4, Tp. 2.p
R. 10 E, 40 acres. Price $2,000. $500or
more cash, balance in five years.
Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 2, Winans add. to
Hood River for $.'l.r)0 each.
The NE H "f 8V and the NW of
SE M. section If). Tp 2 north, range 11
east, 80 acres, partly improved, good ap
ple land, plenty ot trniDer, no rock.
Price $800 cash or $1,000 on time at 0
per cent.
Money to loan. -
Hanna house and lot, $2,000.
The new company now offerB for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
Rivor Townsite company, of which com
pany John Lei and Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
Lot 4, block , Hull's addition, fine 2
story house: $1,400.
Lot for sale in VVaucoma Park addi
tion, $200.
Kor Rent-aFor a term of ten years,
the lot on State street, (jack ol
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan ; 00 acres
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced.
Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood River.
For Sale The Donahue block on the
hill. Improved and fenced. Fine resi
dence, barn and outbuildings. $4500.
Will pell the SK for $000, the NK,'-4'
for $700, or the for $:I500. One
third cash, balance time at 8 per cent.
The Hunt place M mile southwest of
town. ' House, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $14i50.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of alley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small hotifo, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $250.
For Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm
owned by A. E. Lake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
berries in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several buyers to go in to
gether and each secure a part. Must all
be sold at once. Terms half or more cash.
Mrs. Clark's acres on the hill for
sale or rent; house $10 a month, with
land $15; selling price $1,600; renter
must take subject to sale.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit land;$4000.
8. 100 acres at. White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
9. The o-acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Renshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
For Sale. 40 acres near Monnt Hood
post office. Good land $700 cash 30
days, only.
Five acres at Frank ton ; cottage and
acreandahalf in cultivation. Creek
and water power; $1,000.
Block 1, Parkhurat addition to Hood
River, all in cultivation; good house,
beautiful residence property; price,
$1,500; $1,500 or more cash; balance on
or before 3 years at 8 per cent.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucnma ad
dition ; improved; price $1,000; )4 or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
The 10 acres owned by H. S. Lewis at
Belmont, improved, with buildings,
farm implements, furniture, stock, etc.,
$3,000; the bare place, $2,500; $1,500
or njore cash ; balance on time, 6 per ct.
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
For Rent. One or two cottages ;corner
store building to lease. Store building
can also be bought.
For Sale Four-fifths interest in the
M li Vho.,lr 1IIO n,.... II 1
v. aiwii vv Bt.CD 1ICAI 11UUU
River Falls.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April 9, 1003,
the rates will be as follows: $10 a day ;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
(Timber I.nnd Act. June 3, 1S7H.1
United Htates Land Ollice, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Mays). IH. Notice is hereby given
Unit In compliance with the provisions of tlie
act of congress ot. I une H, 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," ns extended to all the Public Land
Status by act of August 4, 1MW,
of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has on March at, ukii nied In this ortice
his sworn suitement No.iH4, for tlie purchase
of the lot No. 1, of section No. 3 In township
No. 2 north, range No. 9 E. W. M. end will
offer prool to show that the land sougi-t Is
more valuable for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
clitlm to said land before the register and
receiver or this ollice at The Dalles, Oregon,
on the lt'th day of December, lHtn.
He names as witnesses: James Chltty.Hmlth
W. C'urran ot Vitnto, Oregon; Orln B. Hartley,
of Hood River, Oregon; Robert Wright, of
Wyeth, Oregon.
Any ami all persons claiming adversely the
above described land are requested to tile
their claims tn this ottlce ou or before said
Uith day of December, liltM.
ocidlf MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Viff orite Powder
I am still aen: for this blasting powder. See
mo or write tor prices.
ai tf FKANK KTANToV, Hood River.
Don't Buy Land
In Hood Kiver valley, either for fruit rais
ing or a summer home until you see Valley
View. Twenty acres, six cleared, house, barn,
weil, si raw berries, fiuit trees, excellent soil,
lme water, bracing nlr and nmniiillc'iit
scenery. Price and terms reasonable. Call
on or sildiess C. A. HICKLK.
o t t)
Hood Kiver. or.
Notice to Water
Any one caught shutting ott wster in mains
to make taps will be prosecuted to the full
extent ol the law unless they oliialn permis
sion from this olllee. This is Anal.
Janitor Work
lunitor work done st rearonsble prices by
experienced man. Apply to K. W. CKOHH,
lionet Mcloniild's store.
Carpenter Builder
r.stiuiHtes ciieernilly furnished,
rians and Specifications furnished.
AM oik promptly and carefully attended to.
Hood River, Ore.