The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 17, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 27.
Issued every Thursday by
ARTHUR D. MOB, PubU.hsr.
Terms of subscription 1.60 a year wnn paid
In advance
IHX Istl'IK.
J PKN DO. MMta the Second and Fourth
Fridays of tlx month. Visitors cordially wel
comed. V. U. Uaosius, Counsellor.
Mist Nuui Clark, Secretary.
Union No. 142, meets in Odd Fellow.' hall
aeoond and lourth baturdayi In each month,
7 :u o'clock. It. L. Rood, fiwldcnk
C. U. PaKin. Secretary.
UOOD RIVER CAMP. No. 1.702. M. W. A..
mcela in K. ol 1. Hall every Wednesday
die ot ja. at. busssll, v.
C. U. Vixik, Clerks
HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 770, W. O. W meet
on first and third Tuesday of each month
in vaa reuow nan. a. v. btatkm, u u
F. H. Blaoo, Clark.
VTAUCOUA LOlKiE, No. 80, K. of P., meet.
" ia Ml. oi r. oau every ruesaay nignt.
H. M. DUKU, C. 0,
C. I. Hhman, K. of R. 4 a
- meeissecona ana lourtn luesiey even
liigsoi each month. Vi.itori cordially wal.
corned. Thikkhi Cietnss, W. M,
Mm. Mast B. DATioaoK, Hecretary.
HOOD RIVER CIRCLE, No. 624, Women of
Woodcralt, meet, at K. of P. ila.ll on the
drat and third Fridays of each month.
Hilim Nokton, Uuardlan Neighbor.
NlIXII Hollow ill. Clark.
CANBY POST, No. IS, 0. A. K., meets at A.
O. U. W. Hall, second and fourth Saturday!
of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. k.
meoiben Invited to meet with ui.
- H. H. iUu.iv, Commander,
T. i. Cummimo, Adjutant.
CANBY W. R. C, No. 16, meeta second and
fourth Saturdays of each month iu A. O. U.
W. Hall at 2 p.m.
Mas. Alida Shokmakir, Prealdent.
Has. T.J. Cunning, Secretary.
Kegular meeting aecond and fourth Mon
days oi eavh month. A. J. Uatchill, C. P.
Bin Khtricak, Scribe.
IDLEW1LD LODGE, No. 107 I. 0. 0. F., meeta
In Fraternal Hall, every Thursday night.
Kd. Mayes, N. U.
H. C. Smith, Secretary.
00 D RIVER CHAPTER. No. 27. R. A. M.,
meeta third Friday night of each month.
u. tt. castner, u. r.
D. McDonald, Secretary.
OURT lIoOD RIVER No. 42, Feresters of
America, meeta aeoond and fourth Mon
day! In each mouth In K. of P. Hall.
H.T. DeWitt.C. R.
F. C. Bbosids, Financial Secretary.
87, 1. O. O. P., meeta tint and third Friday!
In each month. Francis Morsi, N. U.
Thkrebe Caitnee, Secretary.
HOOD KIVER LODGE No. 105, A. F. and A.
M.. meet! Saturday eveuing on or before
each full moon. D. McDonald, W. M.
R. B. Savaoi, Secretary.
OLETA ASSEMBLY No. 108, United Artlaani,
meeU first and third Wednesday!, work;
aecond and fourth Wednesdays, social; Arti
san! hall. D. McDonald, M. A.
X. M. McCaety, Secretary.
IVEKSIDE LODGE No. 68, A. 0. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
K. R. Bradley. Financier. W. B. Shute, W. M,
1. O. Haynes, Recorder.
RIVERSIDE LODGE, NO. 40, Degree of Hon
or, A. O. U. W, meet! nret and third Satur
day! at 8 p. m. Mrs. Sarah Bradley, C. of H.
Mies Cora Copple, Recorder.
Mas. Lucretia prathir. Financier
Meets at K. of P. hall on the aecond and
fourth Friday of each month.
Mks. Ehna Jones, Oraole.
Mrs. Ella Daein, Recorder.
WAUNA TEMPLE, No. 6, Rathbone 8 sters,
meets every second and fourth Thurs
day oi each month.
Amanda Whitehead, M. E. C.
Stella Richardson, M. of 11. and C.
Has returned to Hood River and it prepared
to do any work in the veterinary line. He can
be found by calling at or phonlug to Clarke's
drug store.
Office over Rowley & Co.'s Pharmacy,
Hood River Heights.
I'lione 9C1.
Office and Pharmacy, Hood River
Heights. Phone, Main 861.
Will Practice in All Courts.
Office with Geo. D. Culbertson 4 Co. Collec
tions, Abstracts, Settlement of Estates.
Q H. JENKINS, 1). M. D.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
Telephones: Omoe. 281; residence, M.
Office over Bank Bldg. Hood River, Oregon
Baooessor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Calls promptly answered In town or eoantry.
Day or Night.
Telephones: Residence, 611; Office, 818.
Omoe over Reed's Grocery.
J F. WATT, at. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephones: Omoe, 281; residence, 281,
TABI ano heal,
For 28 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has had many years experience In
Heal Estate matters, aa abstractor, searcher of
titles and agent, Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
A b tracts' Furnished. Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon,
p C. BR08IU8, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Hoar: 10 to 11 A. M., t to I
and 8 to 7 P. M.
Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts of the World.
General Review of Important Happen
pcnlgs Presented In a Brief and
Condensed Corm.
The weather around Mukden ii grow
ing colder.
French Minister of War Andre has
A complete Philippine exhibit for
the 1905 (air ii assured.
The last creat attack on Port Arthur
cost the Japanese 1200,000.
The gieat system of canals planned
for Prussia by the Easier finally seems
Two masked men held op a miniature
train inside the St. Louis fair grounds
and secured about $100 and escaped.
The inquiry which Great Britain is
conducting on her own behalf in the
North sea incident has opened at Hull.
General Stoessel's wound has neces-
sitated his going to the hospital. He
refuses, however, to relinquish com'
mand ot the t loops defending Port Ar
Civil seivice has been extended to all
employes of the Panama canal comniis
sion, except those appointed by the
president, day laborers and a few places
which in nature are personal to the
members of the commission.
Pension Commissioner Ware has re
The Japanese continue to gain ground
at Port Arthur.
Austria favors an arbitration treaty
with the United States.
An extra session of congress to re
vise the tariff is probable.
Count Cassni again declares Russia
will carry on the war to the bitter end.
The new (60,000,000 Japanese loan
has been oversubscribed several times.
Ten scouts have been killed by Fili
pinos in an ambush on the east coast
of Samar.
The American Federation of Labor is
holding its annual convention in San
Delegates to the National Irrigation
congress declare themselves in favor of
meeting in Portland in 1905.
The house of "Hoo-Hoo," which was
such a success at the St. Louis fair,
will be a feature of the Lewis and
Clark exposition.
The fifth trial of A. A. Ames, ex
mayor of Minneapolis, has been set for
November 28. A special venire oi 100
men has been made to select a jury
from. '
The Pearson boat plant at Duluth,
Minn., burned, causing a loss oi $160,
000. John H. Hall has been le-appointed
United States distiict attorney for Ore
gon. Russia has completed arrangements
for floating a loan of (250,000,000 in
Russia's beet friends realize that she
is ste on fihting and that there is no
hope for mediation at present.
The chief of engineers, in his annual
report, asks for over $2,000,000 for the
improvement of livers and harbors of
the Pacific Northwest
The Fourteenth U. S. infantry, now
in the Philippines, will sail from Ma
nila March 15 and go to Vancouver
Barracks, Washington.
There are likely to be three new
mem bets in the president's cabinet
alert March 4 next. Shaw, Taft and
Hitchcock are the ones expected tn go.
General A. MacKenzie, chief of en
gineers of the United States army, in
his annual report, recommends that
$10,000,000 be spent on sea coast work.
Chicago is to have a municipal mu
seum. Half of the new $60,000,000 Japan
ese loan is to be offered in New York.
Three nations, Great Britain, Mexico
and Denmark, have signified their will
ingness to participate in a second peace
It is said that President Roosevelt
has been asked to become president of
Harvard university in 1908 and that be
has agreed.
President Roosevelt will visit the St.
fouis fair the latter part of this month.
Carter H. Harrison says he will not
again become a candidate for mayor of
Chiago. He was first elected in 1897.
France will not suggest mediation to
Russia, as it would be distasteful to
the czai and might impair the alliance
between the two countries.
Secretary Taft will ask the next con
gress to reduce the custom duties on
goods entering the United States from
the Philippines. He believes it should
be two-thirds less.
The annual report of the auditor of
the postoffice department '"shows that
for the last fiscal year the revenues of
the seivice amounted to $14,582,624,
and the expenditures $152,362,116.
Frank Crocker, New York auto
mobilist, has made 20 miles on a trark
in 11:32 1-6. 'His fastest mile was
:56 3-5.
A severe earthquake on the island of
Formosa canned immense damage to
property, killing 78 people and injur
ing 23 others.
Will be Largest Ever Given Any Can
didate for President.
Returns from all the states in the
union, practically complete, though not
official, show that President Roosevelt's
popular plurality will be about 2,300,
000, the greatest by far ever given any
candidate for the presidency The fig
ures as they now stand are as follows:
Pluralities by Stalest
California 115,0(10
Colorado 15.S00
Connecticut 38.197
Delaware 6,833
Idaho 28.500
Illinois 301,010
Indiana 92.X71
Iowa 101,0110
Kaunas 141,000
Louisiana .
Maine 37,818
Massachusetts 88,000
MIchlKan lso.iss)
Minnesota 120,000
MlHsouri 2K.0OO
Montana 12,000
Nebraska S5.000
Nevada 3,000
New Hampshire 22.0SS
New Jersey 71.330
New York 178,000
North Carolina 50,000
North Dakota 25,000
Ohio 250,000
Oregon 45,000
Pennsylvania 4m, ks
Knode island m,,4
South Carolina 50,000
South Dakota 40.000
Tennessee 2R.8O0
Texas 150,000
litah 27.000
Vermont 30.810
Virginia 27,000
Washington (Ui.ono
WeBt Virginia 31,043
Wisconsin lllo.imo
Wyoming 7.000
Totals 2.K95.3I3 582,8116
Koosevelts plurality ..2,302,411
The Electoral Colleger
Theodore Roosevelt 338
Alton 13. Parker 140
Roosevelt's majority 196
Maryland, 1 for Roosevelt, 7 for Parker.
The New Congrcssr
House of Representatives
Republicans ., 250
Democrats 138
Republicans 59
Democrats 31
America Tells Her She Must fulfill
Her Agreement at Once.
Constantinople, Nov. 17. The Amer
ican consul at Kharput, Dr. Thomas
H. Norton, has been instructed to pro
ceed to the lurco-Persian frontier and
watch the operations of the Turkish
and Persian authorities who have un
dertaken to attest the Kurdish murder
ers of the American missionary, Rev.
B. W. Larabee, who was killed in April
Despite the porte'e repeated promis
es to the American legation not to per
mit venders of bibles of the American
Bible society to be molested, the local
authorities at Angora, Trebizond and
Ordu still detain the venders who have
Bold their bibles, and threatened to ar
rest anyone attempting to sell them.
The legation,' therefore, has addressed
more imperative note to the porte
calling attention to this noncompliance
with instructions which the legation
has been assured had been given to sur
render the bibles and not interfere with
the work of the rjible house, and de
manding a prompt settlement, failing
which the matter would be referred to
Russian Ship Leaves Port Arthur
During Storm.
Chefoo, Nov. 17. The Russian tor
pedo boat destroyer Ratstoropony put
into this harbor this morning. Firing
was heard half an hour before she en
tered the harbor. A snow storm and
high wind was prevailing at the time,
and it is believed that the Russian ves
sel, under cover of the storm, made an
attempt to escape from Port Arthur.
The corrspondent of the Associated
PresB succeeded in reaching the destroy
er after she arrived here, but he was
not allowed to board her. The captain
of the Chinese cruiser Hai Yung was
the first person to go on board. He
held a brief conference with her com
mander, after which the Ratstoropony
came further in the stream and anchor
ed in the same spot that the destroyer
Ryeshitelni did last August before she
was cut out by the Japanese.
Pennsylvania Advances Wages.
Pittsburg, Nov. 17. An official an
nouncement of Jan advance in wages af
fecting many employes of the south
west System of the Pennsylvania line
west of Pittsburg was made today. Af
ter December 1 road freight train crews
will have their wages increased when
they work overtime. The conductors
will get 31 cents an hour and the brake
men 20 cents, an increase of 2 cents an
hour for conductors and 1 cent for
brake men. The change, it is said, will
mean to the Panhandle road an increase
in wages of about $18,000 a month.
Notifies China He Will Disarm.
Chefoo, Nov. 17. The captain of the
Russian torpedo boat destroyer Ratsto
ropony, which put into this harbor
earl this morning, has notified the
Chinese authorities that he will disarm.
It is believed that this decision was ar
rived at after communicating with St.
Petersburg. There is reason to believe
that Japanese cruisers have been watch
ing the port, although a steamer which
has just arrived saw no Japanese war
Pair Settles Debt with Nation.
St. Louis, Nov. 17. The sum Of
$191,850.81, the last installment on
the federal loan of $4,600,000 ma le to
the World's fair several months ago,
was paid into the United States tub
treasury today by the exposition offi
cials. This is the 11th payment.
Snow and Rain Aid in Work
of Destruction.
New York Reports Conditions Worst
Since the Memorable Snow
Storm of I8S3.
New York, Nov. 16. The storm
which swept up through the Atlantic
states from the gulf yesterday and last
nignt, developing into a tale of huirt-
cane iorce as it moved up, resulted in
the most complete tie-up of wita com
munication that the East has experi
enceil since the memorable snow storm
of 1888, disai ranged train schedules,
parmyzeu troiiey lines ana piled up
several wrecks along lue coast. A
uuwupour oi rain anu neavv snow
which, accompanied the storm added to
the destructive force of the gale. Many
telephbne and telegraph poles were
borne down by the weight of the wind,
while snow and ice caused hundreds of
wires to give way, cutting off whole
sections bf the country. Uoth the tele
graph companies and the telephone
companies with the long distance wires
today repored their field of operation
restricted to the territoiy bounded on
the west by Philadelphia, on the east
by .Boston and on the north by New
burg, N. Y. The big brokerage con
cerns in Wall street, many oi whom,
under nominal conditions, operate
thousands of miles of wire, today found
themselves practically helpless. The
exchanges were no more fortunate and
the only quotations received from Chi
cago and New Orleans were the market
reports of the Associated Press. These
quotations, brought over the Associated
Press wires, were the only figures ob
tained In this city from the cotton and
grain centers of the South and West.
Army of Panama Republic All Ready
to Rebel.
Panama, Nov. 16. Prompt action
on the part of the American charge
d'affaiies, Lee, averted a rebellion on
the part of the Panama army early this
morning. At midnight Mr. Lee re
ceived word from President Amador
tiiat rumors of a plot to kidnap him,
the secretary of war and the secretary
of Btate had reached the president, and
that the latter believed Commander in
Chief HuertAs to he the instigator of
the plot. General liuertits has been
sullen of late, owing to the failure to
obtain government patronage for his
Mr. Lee took the bull by the horns
and sent a polite, but very firm note to
General Huertas, informing him of the
reports, and expressing the hope that,
in view of the pleasant relations exist
ing between the United States and
Panama, he would do all in h,s power
to prevent any action which might mar
the good feeling and tarnish bis splend
id military record. Resides, Mr. Lee
added, the United States gunboat Ben
nington was due in a few hours. This
note had the desired effect, and nothing
out of the ordinary occurred.
Tellurlde Plants are Not Likely to
Discriminate Against Union Men.
Denver, Nov. 18. Notices were post
ed at the mills of the five big mines of
the rellunde district tonight that in
the future the eight-hour day would
prevail in the mills. The plants con
cerned are those of the PnuiKeler-
Union, Liberty Hell, Tomboy, Nellie
and Alta.
It was the demmd for this concession
in the mills of the slale that precipitat
ed the strike in the mills and mines of
Colorado and caused the bitter strife
between tht unionists and mineowners
in the Telluride and Cripple Creek dis
tricts. The minimum wage promised
under the new arrangement is $3 per
day. At one time the Western Federa
tion of Miners offered to accept $2.76
tor an eignt-nour day.
While no authorized announcement
to that effect has yet been made, the
general opinion prevails that under the
new order no discrimination will be
made against the empolyment of union
Await Tall of Port Arthur.
Berlin, Nov. 16 Colonel Gaedke,
the Tageblatt's military correspondent
in the Far East, in a dispatch from
Mukden, November 14, says: "The
situation is unchanged. A deciahe
battle is improbable before spring.
The Japanese will not attack until sev
eral weeks after the fall of Port Arthur,
and the Russians are awaiting such an
overwhelming superiority in numbeis
as to leave the question of victory be
yond doubt. The Russians are con
stantly receiving reinforcements, and
the troops are in good spirit."
Will Double-Track Siberian Road.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 1. The official
announcement that the emperor has
approved the plan for double tracking
the Siberian railroad, and that $5,000,
000 has been assigned for the begin
ning of the project, is received with
the heartiest approval by the press of
this city. The theory is expressed that
the work will be begun immediately
and pushed to a rapid conclusion as ene
of the surest means of ending the
On a Gold Basis.
Pekin, Nov. 16. Tue Chinese gov
ernment has undertaken in retnrn for
certain concessions as to iemistlin and
calculation of interest to pay the whole
of the national indemnity of 1901 on
gold basis.
Government Tactory Running
and Night.
Washington, Nov. 16 Lack of officers
for ordnance duty and the ovei taxing
of the naval gun factory at Washington
continue to be the two most seiious
problems facing the bureau of ordnance,
accordng to the report of Rear Ad
miral Macon, chief of ordnance, just
approved by Secretary Morton. The
reports recommend a plan of reorgani
sation of the bureau and will be sub
mitted later with a view to increasing
the supply of ordnance experts. OI
the rush work at the naval gun factory
Admiral Mason says:
"The naval gun factory has been
running night and day at full capacity,
and, although good progress baa been
made, the congested condition of all
work there gives assurance that its ca
pacity is being overtaxed, and must,
unless this capacity is materially in
creased, eventually result in failure to
supply the ordnance outfits of ships in
time to meet the demands of the con
Smokeless powder has received atten
tion. The report says the normal out
put of private powder factories and of
the government factories at Indian
Head and Newport News is not greater
than is required to meet the demands
of the Bervice.
Armor deliveries in the year have
increased and the manufacture of arm
or, the report says, has progressed in a
satitfactory manner. There have re
cently been some delay by contractors
caused by the non-delivery of armor,
but the opinion is expressed that this
was due not to belated armor deliveries,
but to unusually heavy outers. To ob
viate the recurrence of this, a realign
ment of armor contracts has been made
by the bureau. During the year 14,-
849.80 tons of armor have been deliv
ered. Projectiles, however, recently caused
the bureau difficulty, some of them fail
ing to meet the severe ballistic tests re
Fourteen Hurt In Wreck of Wabash
Passenger Train.
fit. Louis, Nov. 16. A north bound
Wabash passenger train was partially
wrecked today in the outskirts of North
St. Louis on a sharp curve of the Belt
line tracks of the Merchants' Terminal
railway association near the west ap
pioach to the Merchants' bridge over
the Mississipppi, injuring 14 persons.
The accident was caused by the wheels
of the tender leaving the rails on the
cuive. The train consisted of a com
bination chair and baggage car, two
coaches, one parlor car. a dining cai
and a private car of General Superin
tendent Henley, of the Santa Fe, who
was acccompanied by his wife and
Chief Engineer and Mrs. Dunn. None
of those in the special car where hurt.
The tender jumped the track at the
curve, overturning the engine, which
almost cleared the track.
There were about 120 passengers
aboard the train. Nearly all the in
jured were able to proceed with their
journey after having received medical
Schooner Piled Up on Bay Stale
Coast a Total Wreck.
Wood's Hole, Mass., Nov. 16. The
two-masted schooner Arcnlarius, Cap
tain Nason, of Rcckland, Me., went
ashore in a severe northeast gale short
ly before dark tonight about three
quarters of a mile west of Tarpaulin
Cove, on the island of Naushonh. At
sunset the naves wtre breaking over
the craft. No trace of the crew has
been found and fears are entertained
for their safety. The vessel is in a veiy
exposed position and the chances of her
being saved are slight.
Keeper Carson, of the Tarpaulin cove
light house, and a man named Robin
son, one of the keepers of the Forhes
estate, saw the schooner when she
struck. It was just before dark and a
terrific gale was blowing. The schoon
er was coming through Vineyard sound
trom the eastward, and was proceeding
under her foresail, the gale being too
fierce to permit more canvas being car
ried. Trains Stalled by Tall.
York, Pa., Nov. 16. Telephone and
telegraph wires aie down, trolley cars
are stalled, railway trains are greatly
delayed, and there is a general suspen
sion of traffic in this city and through
out York county as the result of what
is said to be the heaviest snowstorm
York ever experienced at this time of
the year. It is estimated that snow
fell to a depth of a foot on the level.
The city is in darkness, owing to the
crossing of wires and the falling of
many poles, due to the wires being
weighted down with snow.
r Mexico Will Export Sugar.
Mexico City, Not. 16. The Sugar
Planters' union, at a meeting here,
have considered the disposition of the
surplus stock from last year's crop. It
was decided to export 10 per cent as
soon as they commence grinding early
next January. Another 10 per cent
also will be exported in February or
March. Conservatively estimated the
sugar crop of 1905 will reach 250,000,
000 pounds, of which the planters will
control 150,000,000 pounds.
Course of Pacific Squadron.
Rome, Nov. 16. At the Russian em
bassy here the belief is expressed that
the Russian second Pacific squadron
will go from Sues direct to Jibuti 1, as
Massowa and Asab, the ports of Eryth
rea, lack provisions, coal and dock
yards, but if necessary, for urgent reas
ons, Ihtre is nothing to prevent them
irom landing there if they respect Ital
ian neutrality laws.
f -"""mr,
Clackamas People Call Situation to
Attention of Representative.
Oregon City Complaint of flagrant
violations of the salmon fishing law are
being made by interested Clackamas
county people to Representative-elect
C. Q. Huntley, of this city, who, as a
member of the state legislature, will
seek to have corrected existing abuses
and their repitition in the future.
These complaints have been made to
Fish Warden Van Dusen, who has de
clined to remedy the situation beacuse
of a lack of funds.
Fishing is by law prohibited within
two miles of any hatchery, but this
law is being notoriously transgressed.
There is made a provision in the same
law for the patroling of the Clackamas
river within the restricted districts
about a hatchery, but fishing for salm
on with nets is being openly carried on
within one-half miie of the government
hatchery near this city, with the result
that the take of salmon at the hatchery
will not exceed one-thiid that of last
year. At this time hut year, 10,180,
000 eggc had been secured for the gov
ernment hatchery, while but 3,000,000
eggs have been taken this year. Of
this seaBons's taken Superintendent
Wal lick reports more than 1,000,000
eggs have been taken during the past
ten days.
Much indignation exists among the
people of Oregon City with present
conditions, and local fishermen are
known to be fishing in violation of the
law for the reason that nothing; has
been done to regulate the practice at
other places. Oregon City people view
the situation as one of great importance
to the industry itself, and question
whether or not the government In its
efforts to promote the propagation of
fjiis fish will not be discouraged bv the
lack of interest and the failure of the
state authorities to provide the needed
protection by enforcing the statutes as
they are now framed.
Bigger Engine and Outfit Is Needed
Near Pendleton.
Pendleton J. W. Chaney was in
town recently negotiating for tiie pur
chase of a 2,500 foot well drill. Mr.
Chaney has a 750 foot outfit and a six
horse power gasoline engine, but finds
it too small for efficient work.
He is at present working on a well at
the Furnish ranch, north of here, but
work was suspended on account of
losing a drill and a new well was start
ed. In the old well a depth of over
700 feet was drilled with not a sign of
water, while in the new one water was
found at 150 feet and only a lew yards
from the location of the old one.
Mr. Chaney will purchase a 20 horse
power engine for his new outfit and
will be able to bore for artesian water.
He prefers a gasoline engine, as often
wells are bored many miles from a
watering place, and it is much more
convenient to Iiaul gasoline than wood
and water.
Trees Shipped from Milton.
Milton Several cat loads of young
trees have been shipped by the Miltcn
nurseries to points in the Inland Em
pire forfait planting. The greater
part, are hilled for Council and Cam
bridge Idaho.
Shingle Plant to Start Up.
Astoria The Howell Shingle com
pany's new plant at Skamokawa will
he ready for operation in about ten
days. It will employ about 40 men
and will turn out 260,000 shingles per
Show Results of Irrigation.
Pendleton Blanks for the reports of
farmers residing on winter and spring
irrigated .farms and the results of such
irrigation are Deing rircuiated among
the farmers to be filled out and re
turned to the Pendleton Commercial
association, mere to De made into a
general report and forwarded to the
government. This is being done with
the hope of interesting the government
and to prevent it from abandoning the
Umatilla irrigation project.
Busy Days at Dour Mill.
Pendleton Pendleton flour mills are
run to their capacity to fill flour orders
for the local demand. Little flour is
being shipped to the Orient, although
W. 8. Fyers has had several contracts
for the fall product. Small buys ot
wheat are being made constantly, but
none of any consequence. All that
is bought now must be shipped in by
rail, as all grain tributary to Pendleton
was purchased some time ago.
Coming Events.
Oregon State Conventionl of County
Clerks and Recorders, Portland, No
vember 25-26.
Oregon Good Roads association,
Salem, December 13-15.
Inland Empire Sunday School Insti
tute, Pendleton. January 30.
Oregon Y. M. C. A. convention,
Salem, November 25-27.
Maxwell Mine will Run rive Stamps
All Winter.
Baker City The management of the
Maxwell mine, on Rock ereek, is in
stalling a water power plant at its new
mill. The aerial tramway, 3,000 leet
long, is also in course of construction.
Five stamps will U operated all winter.
Superintendent Al Geiser, of the Gem
mine in Sparta district, cams in a few
days ago, having in hit possession some
of the richest specimens of ore yet dis
covered in that property. They were
from the strike recently made on the
600 foot level. Mr. Geiser says they
weie picked at random from a car aa it
came from the mine. The mill is run-
ning night and day on very rich ore.
The Montezuma and Bunker Hill
properties in the Cracker creek district
have been consolidated. Warren Cable
has mm appointed manager. A 1,200
foot tunnel will be run during the
winter to tap the vein.
Manager Stul lea of the White Swan
mine has returned from San Frsncico,
but will leave in a few days to attend
the Ealliet trial at Des Moines, Iowa,
aa a witness. He saya that matters
have been adjusted and that work will
be resumed on his return from the
Streak of Sulphide round in the
Hanging Wall.
Susanville Ueaton & Haskell, who
have a bond on the Oriole and are driv
ing a tunnel on the ledge, struck a
streak of sulphide ore on the hanging
wall that assays $64 in gold. The
Oriole is an old location, but little
work having reen done toward develop
ing it. A tunnel wac started, and de
tached bunclies of good ore were en
countered in a broken mass of ledge
matter. The workmen now appear to
tave entered solid torn ation and the
indications are that they will soon have
a body of ogod ore. . . . .
The Gold Bug people have sunk their
shaft 60 below the 100 foot level since
installing their steam plant, and their
ore stays with them, which shows the
shoot is getting longer with depth.
They will drift on the ledge when the
200 foot level is reached.
The Badger has three shifts sinking
the shaft below the 700 foot level. The
mill is running steadily and the nsual
amount of concentrates is being shipped.
The compressor pipe line is being ex
tended across the gulch to the Bull of
the Woods, where the air will be used
to run machine drills.
New Oregon Incorporations.
Salem 'Articles of incorporation
were filed in the office of the secretary
of state last week as follows:
West Coast Lumber and Timber com
pany, Portland, 1500,000; Allen
Brown, True Uncapher, William W.
Brown, Huntington D. Pier, I ester E.
Bend Water. Light & Power com
pany, Bend; $10 000; A. L. Good-
Willie, Geoige C. Steineman. W. E.
Guerin, Jr.
Wright Mjrcantile company, Union;
$50,000; Jospeh Wright. M. F. Wright,
John M. Roes.
R. Robinson Cheese company, Tilla
mook; $10,000; John R. Haiter, R,
Robinson, C. W. Talmage.
Shipping Potatoes.
Weston Several cars of potatoes are
being shipped from here to outside
markets this week. Growers are re
ceiving $1 a sack for their crop, with a
ready market. The largest field is 40
acres, situated on Wtaton mountain.
Requisition for Alleged Horsethlcf.
Salem Governor Chamberlain has
issued a requisition upon the governor
of South Dakota lor the extradition of
George W. Ditty, who is wanted to
answer a charge of stealing a horse at
Echo, Umatilla county, last May.
Contracts Let for State fuel.
Salem Awards of contracts for furn
ishing wood for the state institutions
have been made. There were number
of contracts, some of them for small
quantities of wood. The prices named
in contracts, for first-growth fir, are as
follows: Reform school, $3,60; peni
tentiary ,'$3.20; asylum, $3.25 to $3.40;
asylum farm, $3.60. Offers of wood
for the capitol building, blind school
and mute school were rejected, the
prices named being $3.30 to $3.96
$4,000 for a Draft Stallion.
Pendleton D. A. Collins, agent for
the McLaughlin Bros., importers of
horses, has returned lrom Walla Walla,
where he has been looking over the
country for a depot for their horses.
Mr. Collins has just completed a sale
whereby a Wasco, Oregon, company has
purchased a 2,160 pound 3-year old
French draft stallion for $4,000.
Northwest Wheat Markets.
Portland Walla Walla, 80S2o;
bluestem, 85c; valley, 87c.
Tacoma Bluestem, 90c; club,
Colfax Club, 73c; bluestem, 75c;