The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 10, 1904, Image 7

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aim Goats,
Tourist Coats,
Jackets and Capes
East bound
No. 2, CIiIciko HnnMal, 11:43 a. ra.
No. 4, Spokane Flyer, H::tS p. m.
No. H, Mail and Kxprem, 10:50 p. rn.
No. 24, Way Kreiitlit, 12:10 p. m.
No. SB. Kant Freight, 4:06 a. m.
West bound
No. 1, Portland Hpwlal, S:03 p. m.
No. 3, Portland Flyer, 6:. a. m.
No. 5, Mall and Express, 4:48 a. m.
No. 23, Way Freight, 9:25 a. in.
No. 21, Fast Freight. 5:13 p. in.
flood River Weather Report.
For week ending Tuesday, Nov.'.M: Mean
maximum, &T.1; mean minimuin,3!U; mean,
47.1 Highest teinperaturp. Ml' Nov. 3; lowest,
32; nlglit at Nov. & I'reeipitatlnn, J3.
Firctt lee of the season moi ning of 5th.
D. N. BYEKLEK, Local Observer.
School books at Coe & Son's.
Orpingtons and Minoreas at Lewis'.
Kor bargains iu Silverware, see Clarke,
tlio jeweler.
Cocoa menior and chocolate menier at
Bone & McDonald's.
" Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
Do not fail to sec the Portland opti
cians at Mt. Hood Hotel.
1( 00 to loan on farm property. Apply
to W. J. liaker.
Prescriptions filled at any hour of the
duy'or night at Clarke's drug store.
You will find a complete line of eye
glassies and Hpeetucles at Clarke the
I handle all of the Btandard made
watches, call and get prices, Clarke the
8. E. Bartmess has a first class uphol
sterer in his employ, and is prepared to
do all kinds of repair work.
For sale. Some of the finest lots on
the hill, fronting the river. Also lots
in Kiverview park and Idlowild. See
W. J. liaker.
Chocolate nienier is absolutely pure,
and guaranteed best made. Get a can
at Bone & McDonald's.
A fine farm for Bale in the Odell dis
trict. Well improved. Sold at a bar
gai n if taken soon. W. J. Baker.
Fresh Chinook Salmon, Halibut,
Shad, Lobsters, and fresh creamery
butter, at MeGuire Bros.
W. J. Baker has some beautiful lots
for sale near Chas. Clarke's residence
on the hill.
Don't buy wall paper from sample
book agents. Hunt can save you money
and has the goods on hand.
We invite the public to come in and
get our meat prices. We are selling
boiling meats at bed rock prices. Mayks
Do your eyes fail you? Come in and
see C. H. Temple, the oculist, who is
prepared to text and fit your eyes, and
has the largest stock of glasses in the
Mayes Bros.' meat market gives notice
that all orders for morning delivery
must be in by 10 :45 o'clock. The after
noon delivery will be taken off at 4:30.
Mayks Bros.
Orders at MeGuire Bros.'meat market
for morning delivery must be in by
10:45 o'clock. Hereafter, in the after
noon, tne wagon will be taken off at
4 :30. McGmre Bros.
For Sale 80 acres of land opposite
the Mount Hood pontothce. A bargain
if sold soon. Two lots and one of the
best residences in town at a bargain. In
quire of George T. Prather.
Ladies' Belts. rC 1 Men's Underwear
New pretty styles in Silk, Satin J 1 Fleece lined, goft and warm. Will
and leather. CvLM " l f f, make you feel glad you're living.
25c to 75c- JrYYljfg)jh 2.QO per Suit.
Shopping Bags wCt VOf Buggy Whips
The very latest things hi Velvet, ' What's the use of paying twice as
Silk and Leather. much when you can get good ones
$1.00 to $5.00. -We're Moving 25e and 35c
Gloves These days. It g hard and trying Ladies' Hand Bag's
In great variety. We surely can work, but we are keeping in good hu- Mails of Rush. Good and large,
suit you in price and quality. . . . , , ., , . Just the thing for bundlea.
J M J nior and will soon be straightened out, 2jc each.
Men's Woolen Shirts and then we want you to come in and
For cool weather. Well made, enjoy our new store with ug. Good ra8t "jus't'the kind to
pretty patterns. use a(jou, Uie b,m'
65s. 75c, 85c. 25c
MoC(WM The Bia
eodore Roosevelt
These beautiful garments are
the products of the best manufac
turers in America.
The prices will range from
$1.95 to $16.00
and every garment is a credit to
us as well as to the fortunate
Elegant Furs to Match
Yours truly,
BOOTHS have moved to where Rand
used to be.
Clarke, the jeweler, guarantees all
watch, clock and jewelry repair work.
A complete line of school books and
cchool supplies. Remember the place
Geo. F. Coe & Son.
When you need a good diamond atthe
lo vest porsible figure, quality and size
guaranteed by the cutter, call on Clarke,
the jeweler.
Go to Geo. T. Prather if you want to
insure your store, dwelling or barn. He
is not here one day and gone the next.
Put your insurance with c permanent
resident of your town. He represents
the strongest and only reliable com
panies. I have a large stock on hand, in fact,
the largest etock in town. Watches,
the finest grade rings, the largest stock,
all at reduced prices. Come and see
C. II. Temple for bargains in all lines.
Bargains, unknown bargains! Fred
Clark and C. Temple have their prices
below all other cities on this coast. C.
H. Temple, the watchmaker.
We are still selling our home made
lard as cheap as other lard can be bought
and we guarantee every bucket. 10s,
$1.40; 5s, 70c; 3s, 45c. Mayks Bros.
Thirteen acres near Valley Chrictian
church, $05 an acre if taken quick. W.
J. Baker.
Money to loan E. II. Hartwig.
Mayes Bros, will not open their butch
er shop hereafter on Sunday.
MeGuire Bros, announce that their
meat market hereafter will not be open
on Sunday.
Mortgage loans on farm and city
prope'ty we make them on acceptable
securities at reasonable rates of inter
est. Apply to Geo. D; Culbertson & Co.
Plate Glass Insurance we write it
and fullv indemnify vnu Renins! loss v
breakage from accident or otherwise.
Kates low. Protect your windows. Ap
ply to Geo. D. Culbertson & Co.
Geo. D. Culbertson & Co. write fire
insurance in three "old line" compan
ies with capital agggregating (85,000,000.
The aie as strong as the strongest, fair
as the fairest, and none more prompt in
paying losses.
Sew Today.
C. R. McCully is preparing to give
one of the best public dances on Thanks
giving evening that Hood River has
ever bad.
Order of Washington meets Saturday
evening of this week. Important mat
ters on tap. Every member requested
to be present if possible.
A Bargain C40 acres, dairy and stock
farm, 00 per cent tillable, 200 acres fine
meadow, (1200 dwelling and $1000 barn.
100 head of cattle, 4 horses, wagons and
farm tools, 125 tons hay. All furniture.
Will exchange. Price, 18000. Geo. D.
Culbertson & Co.
Comic opera is the favorite class of
entertainment in New York City, and
the American people in general. Sulli
van, the greatest comporer, and Gilbert,
t he best author. "rHial ,by Jury" is
one of their best operas. At the opera
house November 11.
A short musical comedy entitled,
"The Fortune Teller," a ladies quartet,
the great Verdi chorus, "Oh, Hail us ye
Free," from Ernani, by the full chorus,
and several other splendid numbers
will be given, besides the opera, "Trial
by Jury" on Friday evening, November
Store with Little Prices ut
11. All for one admission. One night
BOOTHS have moved where Rand
used to be.
K. of P. hall, November 21 concert.
Wait for "Trial by Jury" November 11.
Entrancing music! Comc situation!
"Triul by Jury," November 11.
"Trial by Jury" is by home talent.
The greatest home institution in Hood
River is to derive a financial benefit
from it. Opera house, November 11.
Hood River lodge No. 105, A. F. and
A. M. will celebrate Tieman day on
Friday evening, November 11, at 8o' clock.
All Masons, their wives and members of
the Eastern Star are cordially invited to
be present.
If your watch is out of order come
and see C. H. Temple, the watch maker,
who will- repair your watch, and save
time, save money, and have your watch
last many years more than it would if
you go to some one who has not had
the many years experience I have.
The public school of Hood River is
financially interested in "Trial by Jury."
Those patronizing the entertainment
will not only have the pleasure of seeing
and hearing the beBt in home talent',
under the direction of a professional
conductor, but will also assist in build
ing up the public school, the pride of
our town. November 11, opera house.
For fine, solid gold brooches, ladies,
come in and get your pick in diamond
brooches. C. H. Temple, the jeweler.
The coming event! "Trial by Jury"! !
Opera bouse, November 11.
Take in the opera "Trial by Jury,"
and assistthe school build up the libra
ry. Turkeys, chickens all kinds of fish
shell fish, oysters, etc. Place your
orders early. MeGuire Bros.
For Sale 160 acres, about 100 acres
good frnit land, two living springs, 40
acres merchantable fir timber, 9 miles
from Hood River. Price, $700. Easy
terms. Geo. 1). Culbertson A Co.
"Trial by Jury," opera house Novem
ber 11.
BOOTHS have moved to where Rand
used to be.
When you insure your house, barn or
other property do it so the money will
not be taken out of the state or out of
the United States, but will all remain
at home. The Oregon Fire Relief asso
ciation of McMinnville is such an insti
tution, and will insure you at less cont
than any one else. Communicate with
Frank J. Perkins, special agent, P. O.
box 92, Hood River, Or. .tf
The gymnasium will open nextFriday
night, November 11.
Don't forget the concert at the opera
house, November 21, will close with a
selection by Mrs. Sousa's Band.
The concert at the opera house No
vember 21 will be the finest ever given
in the city.
Trial by jury, November 11.
Remember the breach of promise case
to l-e tried at the opera house Friday,
November 11.
Election is over. The next great event
is the opera "Tried by Jury" at the
opera house Friday, November 11.
Sullivan A Gilbert's opera,"Tried by
Jury," to be given November 11 bv a
large chorus of the best singers in Hood
River, under the direction of W. V.
Aylesworth promises to be a treat such
Do your eyes need attention? If so,
call on Clarke, the jeweler and optician.
as Hood River people have seldom if
ever heard at home. Sullivan Is the
greatest composer of modern times,
while the libretto is fully Up to the
M. Keating was a Portland-bound
passenger Sunday.
W. S. Gribble of Mount Hood was a
Dalles visitor last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bell and wifo of
Villsca, Iowa, are irt tha valley looking
for a ranch.
Miss Beson left Friday afternoon for
Cascade Locks, where she visited with
her parents.
The Woman's alliance of the Unitar
ian church will meet Friday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Jenkins.
Charles R. McCally spent last week
in Portland, his first visit thore since
coming to Hood River six mouths ago.
The steamer Hercules replaced the
Regulator for a few days last week, the
latter being laid up with a broken shaft.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I!. Vorse, who now
make their home at Hood River, spent
Sunday with relatives in the city.
Chronicle. (
J. M. Culbertson of Fort Worth,
Texas, is in Hood River visiting his
brother, George D. Culbertson, the real
estate and insurance agent.
Frank Chandler finished digging bis
potatoes on his farm In the Hose Hill
district last week. His eight acres pro'
duced 200 sacks. -'.
The Dalles Chronicle states that Mrs.
heeler, who has been a oaticnt in the
hospital there, returned Monday to her
noiue at uoou liiver.
E. L. Smith left Tuesday afternoon
for Portland, where he will join the Ore
gon delegation bound for the National
Irrigation congress at El Paso.
Frank J. Perkins, representing the
Oregon Fire Relief association of Mc
Minnville, was transacting business in
this city, Friday and Saturday of last
0. L. Gilbert, the genial host at the
Mount Uood hotel, is confined to his
bed under the doctors euro. Billy Ship
man is assisting as clerk at the hotel
during the illness of Mr. Gilbert.
L. Parmenter of Canhv, Clackamas
county, is in Hood River visiting his
aunt, Mrs. Alma Howe. Mr. Parmenter
is looking for a position as cook in a
lumber camp.
Dr. E. T. Cams expects to close his
dental parlors in the Bartmess building
the hitter part of this week and will
leave shortly for Southern California,
where he and his family will spend the
J. T. Cooper returned Tuesday morn
ing from Eastern Oregon and went up
to his ranch in the Mount Hood settle
mentjwhere he will make some improve
ments. Mr. Cooper has disposed of his
sheep business at The Dalles.
Dave Vannet, roadniaster of the
Northern Pacific, was in the city yester
day. He has purchased a twenty-acre
tract of orcharl land in the Hood River
country, which he will hold as a specu
lation. urana 1-orKs (.v 11.) Herald.
Excitement ran high for a few mo
ments in Paradise hotel, a week ago
Sunday evening, when in some manner
the wall paper took tire in one of the
rooms. The blaze was smothered, but
uot until it had broken through into
another room.
C. U. Dakin moved i-ito his new resi
dence just eat of T. J. Cunning's last
week. Mr. Dakin lias built a very
substantial house here. He moved, lie
says, to stop paying rent. One hundred
and forty-four dollars a year is too big
a tax. Contractor Wood, who has a
new house adjoiumg Mr. Dakin, has also
moved in.
John W. Adams of White Salmon,
Wash., formerly of Charlton county,
Mo., arrived in Gilliam county last
week. Mr. Adams was accompanied by
his wife, nee Mrs. Helen Alvort, of
Denver, whom he recently wed. Mr.
and Mrs. Adams w ill spend tho winter
with the former's step-son, C. C. Clark,
near Blalock. Arlington Appeal.
'John Kelly, the man whoso .hands
were burned so badly two weeks ago, is
undergoing treatment in a Portland hos
pital. Mr. iiartmess received a letter
from him last Sunday in which Kellv
thought the left hand would bo saved,
but the right hand is yet in a critical
condition. Mr. Kelly feared ho was not
receiving the attention he should at the
hospital. Mr. Kelley returned Tuesday
night. Hib left hand is healing nicelv.v
but his right hand is yet poinful.
The value of Glacier advertising was
strikingly emplilied last week when
Clarence Gilbert, manager of the Mount
Hood hotel, lost his bunch of keys.
Clarence was pulling out asheetof paper
to prepare a lost ad, when someone
stepped in the door and remarked: "Are
these your kepsr ' l hey were. A few
weeks before, O. II. Gray lost a purse.
Me inserted a 20 cent lost ad, but before
the copy got to the composing room Mr.
Gray returned witli the announcement
that tne purse had been found. Glacier
want ads bring quick results.
Tho granting of a long list of bills was
the principal work of the county court
at the regular monthly meeting last
week. Commissioner llibbard reports
that a petition signed bv Shollev ami
others was granted for a new road on
the East bide, giving an outlet to sev
eral settlers near the foothills. At
Mosier petition was granted, moving
the county road to conform with the
street grades as laid out in the Mosier
townsite. Another road was ordered
surveyed in the southeastern part of
tne county.
Members of the Hood River Fruit
Growers' union should note that the
hour of the annual meeting called for 2
o'clock Saturday afternoon in Artisan
hall has been changed to 10 o'clock in
morning at the same hall. Remember
this if you are a member of the union
and make it a point to turn out. If
you are not a member attend anyway
and learn the best methods of conduct
ing the berry shipping business. Sev
eral important questions will come up
for consideration. The annual election
of the board of the board of directors
will be held.
Thomas Harlan has disposed of the
White Salmon Enterprise to A. H. Jew
ett, and Tuesday morning, after casting
his vote for Turner, he left for Heppner,
where his son Milton has been interest
ed in the Gazette for the laBt three
months. Mr. Harlan says he started in
with a subscription listof 325, but when
he let go of tUe Enterprise the paper
had but two names on the paid list. It
was a hard row for tho old man w ho
learned to set type at the age of (12 and
did all his own work, but he says that
he leaves White Salmon with regret.
He will go to Vancouver, where his son,
who has let go at Heppner, and other
parties expect to, start a democratic
At the home of Devillo O. Jackson,
Saturday afternoon, October 20, the
ladies o( the Unitarian Alliance gath
ered to surprise his mother, Mary E.
Jackson, who resides with him. The
occasion was her birthday. The week
from Tuesday until Friday wag spent at
Salem, attending the North Pacific
Unitarian conference in session in
that city, from October 25 to 27 reflec
tively. She returned late Friday -evening,
giving them ample time to prepare
A Runaway Bicjcle,
Terminated with an ugly cut on the
leg of J. 11. Oruer, Franklin Grove, III.
It developed a stubborn ulcer unyield
ing to doctors and remedies for four
years. Then Buckleu'g Arnica Salve
cured. It'g just as good for burns,
sciilds, skin eruptions and piles, 25c, at
Chas. N. Clarke's drug store.
Water and Light Notice
All water and light bills must be paid
at the company's ollice each month in
advance, on or before the 10th day of
the month. No collector will be sent
out hereafter.In all cases where bills are
not promptly paid when due, tho ser
vices will be discontinued until all
arrearages are paid.
W. C.
By II. L. Vorse, Manager.
Will Stay in Hood River.
The remedy that makes you eat, sleep
and grow strong, called Pal mo Tablets,
will be sold regularly by Williams'
Pharmacy,' Hood River. These great
nerve and constitution builders cost only
"0c per box, six Uixes $2.50.
Watch the label on the Glacier, it
tells when your subscription is due.
Do your feet track?
JIavo you seen our New Shoes? The finest footwear for ladies mid gentlemen
bears Ihe Royal Blue on the soles.
They have the comfort, style and durabilit', and at the most reasonable price
of any first-class Shoe on the market today. We try and persuade you to try one
pair of these Shoes. We guarantee you absolute satisfaction, and feel confident in
saying you will always wear Royal Blue Shoes if you will only try them.
Come and let us fit your feet.
I (&
I "
New in Groceries
Jersey Cranberries, Walnuts, Almonds, Citron,
Sugar, Maple Syrup and a good many other good
Free Delivery..
for the well-planned ruse, which proved
as they intended "a perfect surprise."
The Alliance presented her with an
amethyst pin as a token of remem
brance. The afternoon was very pleas
antly spent in a social way, interspersed
with music duets and solos. Refresh
ments were served by Mesdames
Jackson, Jackson and Franz. All
departed wishing Mrs. Jackson many
happy returns of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bruce of Cas
cade Licks spent Bunday in Hood River.
Lyman Smith was up from Lentz
Tuesday to cast his presidential vote.
' N. W. Bone writes from St. Louis to
have his Glacier sent to Lake Arthur,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jewett arrived
Sunday from their trip to St. Louis and
the East.
John Donahue is recovering from a
severe attact of double pneumonia. His
case was critical f r some time, but he
is now considered out of danger.
The Rev. H. 1). Chambers of Portland
will be in Hood River Sunday, Novem
ber 20, for the purpose of holding ser
vices in the Episcopal church. A uood
attendance of the members and friends
of the church is desired and a cordial
invitation is extended to all.
T. Bishop's fine new house in the
Barrett district is about completed. J.
S. Simonton, who built the big store
building south of Gill's store on the bill,
was the contractor for Mr. Bishop, who
is well pleased with the work. Mr.
Simonton built the Rons cottage and
will begin one for A. C. Helms.
V. O. Brace left Monday for The
Dalles, where he went to look at a fruit
farm five miles out on Mill creek. He
lias been offered this farm of 107 acres
for $2700, and he thinks very favorable
if the bargain. This year the farm
produced 4 4UIJ pounds of cherries, 1H00
pounds of peaches and w ill yield 1000
Ijoxes of apples says Mr. Brace. There
is free water for X acres and 25 acres
f the land is in wheat. Mr. Brace
believes he can make the farm pay.
Tli(! steamer Hercules, which did duty
for the Regulator last week, while the
latter was laid up for repairs, struck a
rock on the reef just below the city
Friday morning. The boat was under
full steam and as it struck the rock it
humped over, tearing a hole in the bot
tom and leaving Die stern sticking out
of water. The boat was heavily loaded
with wheat and site liegan to turn on
her side as she settled in the water.
The little Sadie B. was near by and te
cured some scow s on to which the w heat
was loadi'd, when ttie Hercules was
pulled off the rocks the next morning
Real Fall weather will soon be here and you will
want to break into our stock of warm winter wear
ables. Easy, too, at our prices.
A full iine of Rubbers to fit nil sizes shoes.
Speaking of fitting, we fit the Rubbers. About
half the wear depends on fitting. Then we do not
offer you anything but first quality.
See our Snow Excluders, in all sizes. Our
Lumbermen's Overs in fact, everything you need in
footwear. All dependable. A. square deal.
Splendid values in underwear.
Gloves, Wool Mittens, Wool Shawls,
Wool Hose, Golf Gloves, German Socks.
jJT iez Zbr
We have just received a line of Ladies' Skirts, which were
bought at half their value, and which we will place on sale Satur
day, November 12, for
Skirts sold for $8.00, $10.00
miss this grand opportunity
and made her way to Portland. Mon
day, the Gatzert picked up the wheat
Mrs. Carl Ross moved last week from
Wallula and is occupying the Clark
cottage in the Barrett district until the
carpenters complete the house Mr. Ross
is building on his farm near C. D.
Thomption'g. Mrs. Ross is glad to be
iu Hood River again.
Miss Laura Cramer, who went to St.
Louis as the guest of the Hood River
merchants in a popular voting contest,
was 22 days on the trip. She went by
way of the Canadian Pacific and returned
on the Denver 4 Rio Grande. She
spent a week at the lair and two days
at Kansas City, where she visited with
a lister of Postmaster Yates. Miss
Cramer enjoyed her trip very much.
Alton Cunning was seriously sick all
last week with a severe attack of blood
poisoning. Mr. Cunning, while sand
papering the woodwork in the new
school house on the hill, ran a sliver in
his finger. He thought little of the
incident at the time, but when the doc
tors lanced the finger to remove the
piece ol wood it wag an inch or more
in length. Hig arm wag swollen' at the
time ana In a few hours the poison bad
spread over his whole body. For a
week he suffered Intense pains night
and day, and was not considered out of
danger until last Friday night. Last
reports state that he is improving.
In The Dalles, Saturday, November
5, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. David
son of Mosier, a daughter.
In Hood River, Tuesday, November
8, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Brown,
a son.
In Hood River, Tuesday, November
8, 1004, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kent, a
Card of Thanks.
To our many friends, who, by kindly
deeds and tender words of sympathy,
made softer the barsli hours of grief for
the death of our little son, Edgar, we
extend our sincere thanks. Especially
do we thank Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Dumhle,
who were indeed very kind to us.
Mb. and Mrs. Wilbur H. Gallioan.
R. R. Sanborn of the Hood River
Real Estate and Exchange Co. made
sale laBt week of the I-ouis Fosnot house
and lot in this city to Maggie A. Oiler;
consideration, 1450.
160-acre improved farm, under irriga
tion, in Nebraska, for farm in Hood
River or White Salmon. W.J.Baker.
Lincoln Johnson of Portland repre
senting Harry Rand's ball-bearing hub.
2? :f s
and $12.00, and are good
Saturday, Nov. 12.
Currants, Raisins, Maple
things to eat.
Rhone 581.
came up Monday on business connected
with that invention, returning Tuesday.
Remember this is ono of the greatest
opportunities in the heart of the season,
and no old goods offered. New goods to
select from. Sale ia now on. Globe
Clothing Co.
We are going out of business and our
stock must be sold at a big sacrifice.
Globe Clothing Co.
(Jets Rata mi Early Oregon History.
George II. Himes, assistant secretary
of the Oregon Historical society, spent
Friday night in Hood River, on his
return from a two weeks' trip to Baker
City and other points in Eastern Ore
gon, where ho gathered much data
relating to the early immigrations to
the Oregon country. Mr. Himes says
since leaving on his trip he has inter
viewed at least 00 peoplo who came to
Oregon lietween the years 1843 and
1853. This includes about 80 who came
over the Meek's cutoff, the time the
whole immigrant train came near per
ishing. The old Immigrant trail through
Oregon, after leaving Vale in Malheur
county went north past Baker City, and
followed near the present line of the
railroad to the Umatilla river and down
the Columbia to the Barlow pass and
onto Oregon City. Meek and his party
sought to shorten the route and struck
off through the John Day country
where his party became lost and after
weeks of wandering floundered through
tho sago brush into the Tygh valley and
down to the Columbia river.
Gold was discovered by the Meek's
party along tho John hay river, at
what has since la-en named the Blue
Bucket diggings, from the blue buckets
left there by the immigrant train. The
story is told that gold was used by mem
bers of the party as sinkers on their
fish lines. Mr. llimes was telling this
story one day in Southern Oregon, when
the listener remarked, "Yes, that's so;
I was there myself and saw the man
flatten the nugget against the wagon
tire, ami then wrap it about the string
he used for a fish line."
At Bauer City, Air. Himes Bays a
10,000-acre tract of sagebrush land has
been recently reclaimed from the jack
rabbits. This land is now a paradise,
but 40 years it lay untouched, within
a few miles of liaker City, having been
considered nothing but a barren waste,
until three years ago water was turned
onto the land, and the prolific .qualities
of the soil discovered. At a compara
tively small cost, says Mr. Himes, it
has been figured out that the winter
floods in the Power river can be con
served and used to irrigate 40,000 acres
near Baker City.