The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 10, 1904, Image 5

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It was an enthusiastic lot of business
men who gathered at the rooms of the
Commercial club last Tuesday evening,
the occasion being the regular monthly
meeting ol tne club. It was understood
that the proposition of giving up the
use of the rooms as a meeting place was
to come under discussion, but only
mere mention of that subject was made
and that by one who discountenanced
the movement.
It was Dr. Jenkins who brought up
the subject. He was strongly opposed
to giving up the club rooms. Next year
the Lewis and Clark fair will bring
thousands ot fcasterners to I'ortland
and many of them can be induced to
come to Hood Kiver. said Dr. Jenkins
There will more than likely be whole
parties of them coming in quest of
homes, and large numbers who will
look the country over at this time to
eatisty themselves ot the best location
and will return later with more of their
friends. The doctor was of the opinion
that when these people came to Hood
Kiver the rooms of the Commercial club
will be the only proper place for enter
turning the delegations, and for confer
ences with the business men.
President Butler stated that there
was no question before the house. Dr,
Watt then moved that an advertising
committee of three be selected to solicit
money for an advertising fund and to
disburse the same under the direction
of the club as a whole and not as the
greater part of the business of the club
is done, by the board of directors. Dr.
Watt wanted to relieve the board of
some of its duties, and believed that the
club members would all like to have
something to eay when disbursing the
advertising fund.
This idea of an advertising committee
was readily seconded by Mr. McDonald
ou Morse spoke in favor of the motion
Major L'ooth thought $000 would be
required for this work, but he believed
that the money should be raised
needed. He believed that those who
had to put it up would he more willing
to pay out their subscription in install
Clients as the work was being done, am:
as they could see the direct results.
8. K. iiartmess was ot a similar opin
ion. He strongly favored the idea of a
guarantee fund. T his he said was much
easier to secure. He had been on sev
eral such committees and knew whereof
he spoke. The motion carried without
a dissenting vote, when- President
Hutler named the following members
on the advertising committee: Charles
T. Early, J. E. Kand and McDonald.
Later the committee wns impowered to
add to its number whenever it was
thought necessary. The committee was
also expected to elect a secretary out-
Bine 01 its numuer n 11 inougni oesi.
There was eonsiderble general dis
cussion on the nature of the advertising
Hood Kiver should put out. It was
considered necessary that a large
amount of literature m pamphlet form
should be prepared for distribution at
the Lewis and Clark fair. President
Butler at this point declared if any
literature was issued it must be attract
ive to bring results. When at St. Louie
this summer Mr. Butler said he had
literature shoved at him by the ton
A great deal of it was so common in
appearance that he said he carried tl
book lets outside the buildingbutdropped
them as soon as he could. Kow and
then something neat and attractive
came to view and this was saved and
carripd to the hotel, where it too posst
blv remained behind when he left town
Secretary Moe of the club read a let
tor from U. V. Brown of Madeira, Ohio,
who wanted sample copies of the Hood
Kiver paper, and wished also that the
Commercial club would answer some
questions concerning this country. He
enclosed the names and address of 75
Ohio farmers who want to locate in
Oregon. Contii uiiier, Mr. Brown said
"I was down in TexaH, in the fruit
section, where I thought of locating
myself and the people on the list en-
closed. These men are all young
married farmers, who are not making a
living here on account of the run-down
condition of the soil and the long winters
which eat up all the profits, they will
average about $1 ,000 each, and all of
them are industrious and temperate,
and their citizenship would be an honor
to any community. I had almost made
up my mind to locate in Texas, when
my attention was called to the display
of Oregon at the world s fair and
concluded to investigate further along
this line.
"I own a small farm here and several
want it. and I am liable to sell any day
I would be pleaeed to hear from you at
an earlv date, as I have made up my
mind to locate somewhere along the
Columbia river, whichever place offers
the bt st opportunities, and wherever 1
go. I am almost sure to get most of
these people out there."
Secretary Moe was instructed to
answer the questions of Mr. Brown, and
to forward literature to the names of
intending settlers which the gentleman
The following communication came
from Tom Kiclmrrtson of the I'ortland
Commercial club:
"I am just in receipt of a letter from
R D. Hock, East Lynn, Illinois, from
which I quote the following:
"I have become very much interested
in your state, especially that part of it
i .1. i i i
which is ueiug irngaieu, or wnere irri
gation is being contemplated. I expect
to locate somewhere in Oregon or Wash
ington next yes r, and may be able to
tune enough with me to make quite a
colony. I wish to learn all I can of the
different irrigation projects in order to
learn which offers the best inducement
for settlers and investors."
Dalles Club Waking up.
"We are determined that our splen
did duo shall not remain idle through
out the winter and its advantages be so
thoroughly overlooked as they have
been during the past year or two," said
an enthusiastic young member of the
board this morning. "We are going to
awaken an interest in the club and that
at once."
And wc were glad to hear the asser
tion, only hoping that the same spirit
will permeate every member and make
things hum in club circles. There are
not more well-appointed club parlors in
any city of its size in the state than at
The Dalles, anil they should not be left
to remain practically untenanted so far
as the majority of the members are
concerned, as has been the case recently.
The club should be the popular resort of
the city, and we hope it will be made so
this winter. Chronicle.
The Exact Thing- for Constipation,
" As a certain purgative and stomach
purifier Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets seem to be the exact
thing required, strong enough for the
most robust, yet mild enough and safe
for children and without that terrible
griping so common to most purgatives,"
say K. S. Webster A Co., Udora, Ontario,
Canada. For sale at Williams Phar
macy. The Olympia Recorder reports receiv
ing at that oflice a large potato, the
union of an entire hill, all the tubers
having grown together and weighing
six pounds and seven ounces. The
item is headed, "Will Win Medal at
Portland Fair." Hood River can al
ready go the Olympia farmer one better.
A potato grown by Mr. Cams weighs
over 7 pounds.
Is a Masco County Institution.
"Since the establishment of the dock
and wharfboat at Hood Kiver, aud the
opening of an office at the dock, where
an agent can be found at all times of the
day, the business of the Regulator Line
has shown a very gratifying increase,"
remarked a business man to a Ulacier
reporter yesterday.
"But the old reliable Regulator Line
is deserving of even more patronage,"
continued this genth man, "and I
believe that if the people realized
how much of a Wasco county institu
tion the Regulator company is, they
would be all the more willing to return
favors to a firm that is doing so much
for them.
"The Regulator Line is incorporated
in Wasco county, pays all its taxes,
amounting to 12000 a year, into the
treasury of Wasco county, buys 90 per
cent of the boat supplies in Wasco coun
ty, and is essentially a Wasco county
institution. The Regulator Line is here
to stay. While it asks for business
from Wasco county, it gives much In re
turn. The money it pays in taxes goes
to support the schools, to build roads
and bridges and to defray other county
expenses. The company is therefore
well worthy of the patronage of the peo
ple of Hood River.
"The Regulator Line steamers are
substantial river crafts, well built, nice
ly furnished for passenger travel and in
charge of tried and competent steam
boat men. When you take passage on
one of their are sure of reach
ing your destination on time, and freight
sent to Portland, The Dalies, or way
landings is carefully handled.
"There is lots of room at the wharf
boat for storing freight over night, which
means that you don't have to worry
about the goods, whether it rains or
"Agent Young at the dock is in tele
phone communication with the business
part of t wn, and for that matter with
all the ' farmers having telephones in
the country, and to transact business
with Mr. doling it takes but a moment
to find out what you want."
When You Have a Bad Cold
You want a remedy that will not
only give quick relief but effect a per
manent cure.
You want a remedy that will relieve
the lungs and keep expectoration easy.
Yo want a remedy that will counter
act any tendency toward pneumonia.
You want a remedy that is pleasant
and safe to take.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets
all of tuese requirements and for the
speedy and permanent 'cure of bad
colds stands without a peer. For sale
by Williams' Pharmacy.
Pleased with his Meadow Brook Farm.
C E. Warrens was up Friday from
Portland accompanied by his little son,
and went out to his Meadow Brook
farm to look after the harvesting of his
800 boxes of apples. Mr. Warrens dis
posed of his fruit through the Apple
Growers' union, and is well pleased
with the returns. Mr. Warrens bought
this farm, formerly the H. C. Stranahan
place, three years ago, and Bince then
has been turning his income into im
provements. He will have ten acres in
strawberries next year and 20 in clover.
Many of his apple trees will come into
bearing and he feels certain that from
then on his farm will return him a
handsome income.
Herb W. Edwards Injured.
Herb W. Edwards of Deg Moines, la.,
got a fall on an icy walk last winter
spraining his wrist and bruising knees
"The next day," he says, "they were
so sore and stiff I was afraid I would
have to stay in bed, but I rubbed them
well with Chamberlain's Pain Balm,
and after a few applications all soreness
dart disappeared.' tot sale by Wlll-
iums Pharmacy.
"Trial by Jury" November 11.
Tom Richardson, secretary of the
Oregon Development league, has for
warded the Hood River Commercial
club 1,000 letterheads made local in
every particular. These letterheads
are in return for the $5 Joe Wilson paid
into the treasury of the Oregon Devel
opment league last snmmer as the
required membership fee for Hood
It was understood at the time the
league waj organized that these letter
heads were to have a fine lithographed
heading and the paper was to be high
grade linen. But lie that as it may,
it is good enough. A red line across
the top has the wording: "Lewis and
Clark Centennial Exposition and
Oriental Fair June 1st to October 15th,
1905." Below this is a photo-halftone
neatly depicting the resources of the
state. In the center of the engraving
in red is a relief map of Oregon, giving
the acreage and square miles. The sta
tionery also contains the wording "Ore
gon Development League" and the names
ot the league officers, the date line is
made local in each instance, and the
letterheads for Hood River contain the
name of the secretary of the Commer
cial club.
Accompnnying the stationery was the
following letter from Tom Richardson:
"The three general passenger agents
in Oregon who are more directly respon
sible for travel to this state aud for its
general development are A. L. Craig,
G. P. A . O. R. & N. Co., W. E. Coman,
G. P. & F. A., 8. P. Co., A. D. Charlton,
Asst. G. P. A., N. P. Ry. Now of
course Hood River will be more inter
ested in Mr. Craig but I would suggest
that you write the other two also, tell
ini' them what your community is doing
in the way of development and the gen
eral outlook.
"In addition write to E. E. Lnmax,
feneral passenger agent of the Union
'acilic at Omaha, Nebraska. Mr.
Lomax has several hundred men under
him who are working for immigration
for the Pacific Northwest and he is giv
ing much attention to Oregon, but by
keeping constantly in touch with him
we can influence him to give this state
even greater attention in the future
than in the past.
"Now we ought to keep in touch with
each other won't you please at the
earliest possible time, write a good,
cordial friendly letter to each and every
secretary in the Oregon Development
league? Go to work early to have
Bpecial articles m your local papers, and
don't neglect the organization of a local
correspondence committee. It devolves
upon us as the active officers of these
several bodies to make Oregon the best
advertised state in the union."
When you want a pleasant physic
try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They are easy to take and
produce no griping or other unpleasant
effect. Sold at Williams' Pharmacy.
All diseases of Kidneys,
Bladder, Urinary Organs.
Also Rheumatism, Back
Dropsy, Female Troubles.
In the Circuit Court of the mate of Oropm
'or Wasco County.
Emma Imlay, plalutli!';
Harry Curtis I inlay, defendant.
To Harry Curtla Inilay, the above named
defendant. In the name of the State of Ore
gun: Yon are hereby required to ap)ear amtjxn
swer the compliilnt tiled HKHinist you In the
above entitled ault, within alx weeka from
the Will day of September, WM, wild day being
theliratdny or the publication of t Ills auiu
niona; and if you fail to aoanswer, for want
tnereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court
for relief demanded in her complaint tiled
In anld cause, for towit: a decree of divorce
dissolving the bonds of miilrlniony existing
between the plaintiff and defendant In said
cause, and for the restoration of the plalntllt'a
maiden name and for ber wmla and disburse
ment in I Ills suit.
This summons Is published by virtue of an
order of Honorable A. K. Lake, County Judge
of the county courtof the county of Wasco aud
state of Oregon,date4 the 1H Inlay of JSeplemlier
A. i),. which order ieclhc and provide
six weeks and for aeven Insert lonaaa the time
for which tliia summons shall be published.
Hated at Hood Kiver, Oregon, t his the 2Utb
day of September, 1N04.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Don't become discouraged. There If a
cure for you. If necessary write Ilr. Kenner.
lie lias spent a life time curing Just such
cases as yours. Alt consultations rreo.
"I suffered 10 years with backache and kid
ney trouble. Tried a great many physicians
without relief. Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Back
ache Cure is the only Remedy that ever helped
me and after using only two bottles I feel en.
tirely cured. Have no pain or ache of any kind,
Miss Al.lLii MclJU.N ALU, Umaha. Neb."
Druggists, 50c, II. Ask for Cook Book Fres
For Hale by C. N. CLARKE, Hood River.
For the Teeth,
For the Hair,
For the Hands,
For the Nails.
For the Bath, For the Clothes, For the Hat.
A large variety of styles and prices. Excellent
values, all of them. Glad to show them whether
purchase is made or not.
The Drug'g'ist
The Farmer's Friend Feed Store.
Don't forget to call and Ret prices of Dalles, Diamond. Columbia River. Jew
el, Peacock and other standard flour. WHOLE WHEAT, Graham and Buck
wheat flour. Corn meal, ROLLtD OATS, Prussian Stock and Poultry Food.
cracked corn, oyster and clam shell, granulated bone, and everythingyour horse,
cow, pigs or chickens eat can be iiad here at the "Right Price." Leave your
order for clover hay for the winter and have it delivered at your barn. Also
wiieai nay at f iz at tne "(jar. det your teen ana flour tor ttie winter, it is
not likely to get cheaper or the ROADS BETTER.
To' the Fruit Grower:
I will say I have something that will please vou. The Zaun Ladder
and Little Red Giant Apple Press both up-to-date no better to
liuy one ft will Keep you from being cross to your wife and children. Buy
our appie ooxes wnne you can gel ine isnoai w f it A 7 'J.
eilBox. hast car of 8,000 just in. fl VV WllT
You'll have to hurry. TT TT
Equitable Life Insurance Co. of NewYork
Carriage Painting
s the place to go when you want good work done in the
The best is the cheapest. Am prepared to do up-to-date
White Salmon Livery and Stage Co.
WYERS & KREPS, Proprietors.
White Salmon Staee in connection, with up-to-date Livery Barn. Stares
leave daily. Sundays excepted, at 7:30 a. m.. for Trout Lake, Gilmer, Fulda and
Glenwood. Meet all steamers. WHITE SALMON, WASH.
Notice is hereby given that an execution
and order of Hale was tanned out of the circuit
court of the state of Orefon fur Whhco county
on the lath dxy of October, 1IKH, uimhi a judg
ment and decree given ami rendered therein
on the lath duy of October, mil; In a caUHe
therein pending, wherein O. W. l'belhs aud
W. H. Wllxon were plalntltm and
wa defendant, and to me ill rev led una com
muudiUK nie to sell the real mate hereinafter
described for the purpose of satisfying said
iiuigineut in the sum of JBTO.HS h,ui fM.jjoawla.
iow. therefore. I will on Nsturdav. the lttih
day of November, 1U04, at the hour of 1 o'clock
p. in. ui tne court nouse aoor in wasco coun
ty. Oregon sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash In band for the purpose of
satisfying suia judgment, me ionowing ue
scrlbed real estate, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 1MH feet sonth from the
northwest corner Ol section 9. lownsinp X
north, range 10 east, W. M.; running thence
east HO rods; thence south 24 rods; thence west
eighty rods; thence north 24 rods to point ol
beginning, containing 12 acres, more or less,
and situated In Wasco county, Oregon.
Dated this 15th day oftk'tuner, WW.
oJO nlO ShorlfTof Wasco county, Oregon.
Timber Land, Act June 8,187.
Department of the Interior, Land oflice at
The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. :1, lWM.-Notlce Is
hereby given that the following-named set
tler has tiled notice of his Intention to make
final proofln support of his cluim, and that
suld proof will be made before the Register
and Receiver M the land oltlce In The Dalles,
Oregon, on the 17th day ot November, WO-l,
of Mosier, Oregon, on homestead entry No.
Mil, for the lots 1 and 2 of section 2, township
1 north, range 11 eastot Willamette Meridian,
and the K! of the SKV of section :5, town
ship 2 north, range 11 E., W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vis; Samuel D.Kisher Peter
Hennengsen, W. A. Husbands and W. C.
Weldner, all of Mosier, Oregon.
oenlt) MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land Act Junes, 1H78.J
United States Land Office. The Dalles, Ore-gon,Oetoberl6,lltH.-Notlce
Is hereby given that
in compliance with the provisions of the act
of Congressof Junes, 187H, entitled "An act
lor the sale of timber lands in the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the Public land
States by act of August 4,ltW-
of Scaulon, county of Carlton, state of Minne
sota, has on September 29, 111 1, filed In this
office his sworn statement No. 2411, fur the
purchase of the H1, N WW; and NJ-aHW of sec
tion 32, In township No. 2 north, range No.w K
W.M.and will olterproof to sliowHhat the land
sought is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before George
T. i'rather, United States commissioner, at
his office at Hood River, Oregou, on the 4th
dsy of January, 1H05.
He names as witnesses; Olaf J. Pryklnnd, of
Cloquet, Minnesota, Lewis K. Morse, William
F. Rand, Olenn R. Fabric, all of Hood River,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
tlielr claims In this office on or before said
4th day of January, 1H05.
o27 AM M It'll AEL T.NOLAN, Register.
& Builder.
regon Lumber Co.
in Workingmen's Goods.
Have just opened the LARGEST and
BEST line of UNDERWEAR in the City
-i3go tlta.s-
Mt. Hood . Stockton Mackinaws
Complete Line of Rain Goods
Sol Agciitc for tlb.
Celebrated Bradley Logger Shoe
Heaviest all-wool Supers .75
Wool Filled 40 to .50
Oilclot h, a full assortment '.. 80
Table Oilcloth ; 20
Linoleum, 11 patterns, per yd. 50c to 1.50
beautifully, and we offer the best English
makes to compete for price with low
grades carried by penny stores. ?
The Trilby, New Trilby and Derby are
so well known that we only need to men
tion a full assortment 0 sizes.
' A good Air-tight Heater, $1.75.
Steve-pipe. Stove Boards.
GLASS Now is the time to close
openings. All sizes.
Na 2
S ft frIV f 1 fx"--" f
.M M ' 1'w 4J ' UUT :,(, .P .' - ...... IV ML'. "(.". ' V ,J ' V ' . I. . ' (.,.. - "1 jrw
For further particulars regarding the SMITH GRUBBING MACHINES, call
on or write
econd Hand
Buys, Sells and Exchanges New and Second Hand Goods
of every description. Bed I loom Suits, Odd Dressers, "Wash Stands, Folding Beds, Rockers, Dining Chairs, Iron Beds
Springs, Mattresses, Carpets, Matting, Linoleum. Stoves and Ranges, Crockery, Tin and Granite" Ware, and in fact
everything in the house furnishing line. Come in and look the stock over. You might see something that strikes
your fancy. We are sure the price will.
Bottom Prices on Picture Framing, Furniture Repairing, Stove Repairing, Upholstering.
O. P. DABNEY & CO., Props.
bone & Mcdonald
' Carry a full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed,
Shovels, Spades, Axes, Saws, etc.
The Fishing Season
Is here, and so are we with a full line of first
class Tackle. Come and see us before buying.
Goods Delivered Free
To Any Part of Town.
bone & Mcdonald
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
Farm Machinery & Vehicles
Including Studebaker and Ilushford Winona Wagons,
Carriages & Buggies, Faultless and Little Giant Grubbing
Machines, AermotorWind Mills, Buckeye Pumps, Americas
Cider Mills, Syracuse and Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows.
A complete line of Spray Pumps, Hoyt'i Tree Support, Han ford's Balsam of
Myrrh. Extra Buuev Tods. Seats. Cushious. Dashes. Poles. Shafts. SiDelatrees
and Neck yokes Bolster Springs and Iron Age Uardeo Tools.
tor. 4th and Columbia Sts., liood Kiver, Ur.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Fruit Boxes
Highest Prices Paid for High Grade Fruit.
R. H. WEBER; Prop.
Rotes and Shrubbery.
Remember. Our Trees are Grown Strictly Withaut Irrigation.
The Only Exclusive Dry Goods House on the Hill.
I have just received my Fall line of Ladies' and Gents'
Underwear, in woolen and fltHH?e lined. Call and cret
prices on these goods and you will be convinced that they
are aii rignu. aiso a nne Jine 01 snoes suitable for Fall
and Winter wear, for Men, Women and Children.
ho trouble to show goods.