The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 10, 1904, Image 4

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The new school house on the hill !
expected to be completed thii week,
and Wednesday morning the following
two new teacher began work in the
Hood River school : Mini Pool of Mow
and Mr H. 8. Sauboraol tbi!ity.
It ia ilia intention ol CilV Hupwioton-
dent Wiley t rearrange the teaeiiiog
force and the enrollment ol the various
Proensor Crouse may take
charge of the acheoi on tl hill, and if
to the 9th grade will occupy a room
The State street school building has
recently been remodeled. The windows
on both sides of the rooms furnished
cros.light8, and these liae beea avoid
ed by bwurding op the sMth sideoi the
loome and phwng other window in the
ends of the building. The change also
affords additional blackboard space.
The board has contracted with- Frank
Chandler to furnish 10 cords of oak
The teachi ngwce of tbeHood River
schools now numbers 13 teachers, and
the enrollment Is nearing the 600 mark.
f lv Tetmbora For Fwofctoa-School.
The Frauktoo school district has
found it necessary to secure another
teacher, making five in all for this pro-
fressive and enterprising district. Miss
earl Ebv. a resident of the district.and
graduate of the school, lias been given
the new position.
A new school house was built in the
Frankton district last summer at a cost
of 14,000. This it was considered would
be sufficient for years to come, but with
the fourth teacher the rapacity of the
new building is filled. This district has
two buildings, the larger one being near
the center of the district, about two
miles west of Frankton school, the sec
ond building, known as the Columbia
school, being located near the western
end of the district, in the Menominee
neighborhood, where the primary
branches are taught, the larger pupils
being able to attend the main school, i
where they secure the advantages ol a
first-clans graded course, second to none
in Wasco county. "
The registration of Frankton district
is close to ISO. The teaching force con
sists of Professor Brown, principal, Mis
Htella Brown, Mis Anna Hhea, Miss
Carrie Byerlee and Miss Pearl Kby.
M. H. Nickelsen, clerk of the school
board, who take great pride in the
chool, inform the Glacier that Profes
sor Brown has arranged to secure the
Portland Daily Telegram, and each
morning before beginning class work, he
will spend 16 minutes in giving the pu
pils a review of current events. The
paper will be kepton file In the school
library, and will be Paid for out of the
library fund secured last month at the
basket social which brought in 2.25.
Barrett School Make Wood Record.
A. B. Cash, in charge of the interme
diate depart merit of the Barrett scliooi,
left Friday for a trip to the Willamette
wlley. Professor Cash's room had jttet
been granted a second half-holiday, bis
1 i V .......... hauiiiu
rwut nil., Minv m !. m"), "
mlendid record of no tardiness during
this last month. Hots tea record hard
to equal.
The registration of tlie Barrett school
is now 130. and the services of a fourth
teacher are almost needed. Amithsr
teacher would mean an additional room,
and It is possible this will have to be
buiM this next summer.
The teashers and pubils of the Barrett
school eave a basket social in tlui Christ-
Ian errareh short time- ago when the
receipt of the eveuiug auuiuuteil to
I32.D0. As there were very few expen
ses the whole of this tan west toward
the library of the school. The teachers
were irratilied at the sueoess of the un
Was Koutetkiiif Being at Menominee
Friday evening was red hitter dute
for the Columbia school at Menominee
The oocationi was the banket social gi ven
tor the benefit of the school, the sell
ing of the baskets was preceded ' by i
short imwram consistiiw of songs, feci'
tations and dialogues. That the little
ones did their stunts in a creditable
manner was attested by the rounds of
hearty applause given each number.
The "Courtship Under IliHlculty," at
the beginning of the entertainment was
.most excellently renileYeti ana placed
the audience, which filled every avail'
able space in the little school house, in a
jolrv good lmmor( and this spirit pre
vailed durint the entire evening. Many
of the artists who made their debut at this
time were a little timid,' but they were
so eonecientremr. so orient and full ol
spirit, that the natural timidity of the
entertainer butaaMud to their chasms,
Little Dewey McLana, the. masoot of
the school, si years old and about knee
hlirh to a urast-hopper, was in a class
bv himself. When he received his cue
the little man inarched to the front and
told the audience, in a deliberate man
ner and without a tremor in his voice,
"Tim Way Graudoia- Uowt," just as if
he had been on the itaito for years in
stead of it being hi first appearance be
fore the footlights.-
The bidding on the baskets wa spir
ited after it once started, and the boys
seemed to eniov that iart of the pro-
gramas well as that which preceded. The
lowest price obtained far a - basket was
for the first one sold. 60 cents. Then
the auctioneer jarred loose and had the
bidders running up Into the three fig
ure right along. Three baskets sold at
.1 00 each, the highest price reaclxjd.
There were not nearly enough basket
to g around, had ' there been- th re
ceipts would doubtless have been
A goodly number came from Belmont
and Frankton, bringing baskets and fat
pocketbooks, Judging front the way they
bid on the prettiest of the baskets.
Kathton, Davenpoit'- Inmber -station,
was represented by a large; delegation,
aad Menominee turned oat ea masse.
There is a warm place in the hearts
of the pupils and their instructor for the
gunerous manner in wmouiney respond'
ed to the announcement of the enter
tainment. They wish especially to
thank Mr. Cameron, his bookkeeper
and the other gentlemen with them,
who, when they found all the basket
had been sold and they had not secured
one, voluntarily conirmuieu neverm uoi
livra to the fund. Their gratitude is
given Mr. Cameron for -other-favors
kindly extended the sohool.. The auc
tioneer, too. comes in for a share of
their good feel in for the donation of
services, as he would not accent any re
muneration but insisted on paying for
lus basket. Perhaps he thought it was
sufficient pay to takt lunch with the
little brown-eved achoolma'am, whoe
basket he bid in (or himself. All together
the effort of the little school wasa suecess
lievond all their expectations, the net
receipt! being $12.45.
Disastrous Wrecks.
Careleeanes is responsible for many
a railway-wreck and- the same- Muse
are making human wrecks of auHerera
from thaoat and lung troablee. But
since the advent of Driving's New Dls
covery for consumption, cough and
colds, eveu the worst case can be
cured, and boneless resignation Is no
longer neeexsary, Mr. Lola Crag a of
Dorchester, Mas. ,ls one of tuany whose
life was saved by Dr. King's New Dl
oovery. Till great remedy is guaran
teed for all Throat and Lung diseases by
Cbas. N. Clarke, druggist. Price 50c,
and $1. Trial bottle free.
Good Report, from Pine Gnve.
Report of Pine-Grove echool for the
month of (October :
Number belonging 84
Percent of attendant e
Percent of punctuality 90.5
Average per cent 08.9
Those whose names are on the roll of
honor for perfect attendance and punclu-
I'ty- . '
M rare rerrv
Willie Well
Marion Sproat '
Nellie Perry
Bliss Clark
Kdith W'inchcil
Blanche Harbison
Ivy Clark
Karl Newman
Karl Clark
George Winchell
llefter IlarhUon
Kufus Ordway
Kdith Spiost
Anna Detliinan
Emit Let-ter
Kayniond Ordway
Allen Clark
Ine Lester
Paul Mohr
Gladys Clark .....
Laura Dethman
Uretta Wells
William Dethman
Mary Harbison Newman
Willie Psaseh !
Herman Sevirkrupp
Charles Lage
Zen a Miller
Mabel Kobinson
Joy Mason
Mike Mohr
Itosa Williams
Kmh Harbison
Herman Dethman
Hugo Paaseh
Nellie Johnson
Arnv Htauffer
Albert Miller
Klsie Wells
Ralph Perry
Ktta Clark
Carl Mohr
Carl Newman
Oscar Lawson
Clifford Porter
Murda Thorn
Jiinmie Jaylor
Alfred Dethman
Grace Winchell
Gladys 8t suffer
Stella Perry
Roy Lobb
YVilbert Kennedy
Verna Kobinson
M abki, Riddkix, Principal ;
Maba Smith, Teachers.
Rose Hill Neeures Banner.
Mark Thomas called at the Glacier
office Thursday to announce that
the Hose Hill school district was award
ed the banner for punctuality of attend
ance during the month of October.
... IT - I
M las ciuer, reiMiiuy muiii
Minnesota, is t"lie teacher. The en
rollment of the school Is 10. The pupils
and patrons of the district are naturully
proud of the line record. J lie nsnner
was held last year uy me j-ine urove
Made Trip to Mount Hood Last Week.
"A visit to Cloud Cap Inn in summer
no doubt is all right," say Messrs. J. 8.
Kish.F. A. French, E. M. Williams
and J. f . liampsiure; mil in uieir opin
ion it cannot compare with a trip to the
grand old mountain in the beautiful
Octolier days, when the dews have set
tled the dust, the roads are good ana
Mount Hood is at its best in its cloak
of snowy white, say The Dalles Chron
Leaving the city Saturday aiternoon
the "Crescents" made' their camp at
Mosier that night, going on to W . 8.
Cribble's nlace at Mount Hood post
office. 13 miles from the Inn, Kunday
momma.. Learning from Mr. uriDDie
that they could reach the Elk Beds,
which re but five miles trout the Inn,
mUli n . lilt l.l-tn 1 fWl.l tfl Iff, ftnil
niui m n:fiii,m j . . v... ........ ... n-',
accompanied by Mr. Gribble, had a de
lightful moonlight ride, with Hood in
view all the way. The fclk Beds wore
their lieds for the night, and to the sur
prise of the party they found their Perth
not a cold one. for the weather was
much like It is at home. At this teaton
of the year the road is closed, and they
walked the live miles, encountering now
three feet deep iu places. At the Inn,
howover. the snow of two weeks ago had
nioitly disappeared, and while mat
usually hosnltalile liot-tclrv, with its
barred window and doors, turned the
the cold shoulder on them, it could not
denv them the grand view to be ob
tained at us doors, and me ooys say it.
Is beyond description, ine aimospnere
being clear that the l-rench-
man declared he could read the the
Chronicle as it lay on his store counter
Monday at noon. Mount Adams ap
peared but a step away, while the view
of Ijiat Lake was bovond description,
After spending some time in taking
In the grandeur of the scsne, they re
turned to Mount llood. enioving the
hospitality ol Mr. and Mrs. Gribble
Monday night. Here they met Miss
Nan Cooper, who has a Hue homestead
in that neighborhood and is engaged in
teaching the Mount Hood school. An
other Dallesite, whoso place they passed
on the delightful trip down, the valley
to llood River yesterday ' (Tuesday)
morning, was J. It. Bees, who is doing
well and was glad M greet them.
"If you want to take the trip of your
life," say the boy, "visit Mount Hood
In October
N Much Order Received Here.
The Jacksonville Sentinel says the
general land office has made a ruling
prohibiting United Wales land commis
sioners from taking proof in homestead,
timlier, mineral or other land entries
and hereafter applicants will have to go
to a district land office to make their
II mil proof, all of Southern Oregon hav
ing to go to Roseburg, The department
was forced to deprive the commissioners
of their chief duties by the great number
of gross frauds that locators were able to
perpetrate in acquiring title to land by
the connivance of dishonest commission
ers, says the Sentinel. By the locator
dividing profits with the commissioner
before whom his applicants made their
proof any kind of testimony was admit
ted and title was gained to land that was
made bv clear fraud.
lnoniry of George T. Prather, tlie
United Htates commissioner before
whom the people of Hood River have
been making tlmtl proof for the lat five
years, elicits the information that no
such order has reached him from the
land office officials. As no complaint
has been made that frauds were com
mitted within The Dalles district, it is
likely the order of which the Sentinel
speaks applied only to ine uoscmirg
district. This being so, it is a splondid
compliment to the elllicient and honest
service of the land office officials at The
Dalles and the United States commis
sioners of the district.
No Polxen In Chamberlain's Remedy.
From Nanler. New Zealand, Herald :
Two year ago the Pharmacy Board of
New South Wales, Australia, bad an
analysis made of all the cough medi
cines that were sold In that market.
Out of the entire list they found only
one that they declared wasentirely free
front all pontons. This exception was
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, made
by the Chamberlain Medicine Com
pany, IHs Moines, Iowa, U. S. A. The
abse.noe of all narcotics makes this rem
edy the safest and ties! that can be bad,
and It Is with a feeling of security that
the mother can give it toher littleoiies.
Chamberlain 'a Cough Remedy is es
pecially recommended by its makers
for coughs, colds, croup, and whooping
cough. This remedy is for sale by
William' Pharmacy.
Cabinet Needles Free.
The Journal will send free to any
reader of this paier a cabinet of needle
all rises and kinds, who remits 50 cents
for the Daily and Sunday Journal for
one month, or the Snmlav Journal for
four month, or the Seuii-'Weekly Join
nal for five months, or the Weekly
Journal for six months. Address The
Journal, Portland, Oregon.
Hood River, Or., October 11. Editor
Glacier: W have just returned from a
five weeks' outing in a tent in the Yaki
ma hop fields, and wish to tell those
who were lucky enough to etay at home
Hie delights of tlt trip," lent we forget."
Dazzled bv the visions held before as
of the wealth to he aecamolated in the
hop fields; planning what we would do
with all the silver dollar we would earn;
wondering if Butler's bank eould find
room for all the money 60 hop pickers
would bring horn with them ; buoyed
up by assurances that families of four
and five, two or three of them small
children, would make at least $8 per
day ; we departed full of joyful anticipa
tion. For who dot; not like to find
something easy with lots of pay at
tached? As we traveled onward day by day it
was remarkable how the less than a
hundred miles on starting, grew until
when we finally arrived at oar destina
tion, our teams had covered the distance
of 190 miles, making the journey in six
But as the miles had been Increasing
the hop fields had been shrinking, and
the hundred acres of hops that we ex
bected to pick when we left home, had
dwindled down to eleven on our arrival.
We had been told that hop wilted rap
idly but were hardly prepared to find so
much shrinkage before picking.
Saturday night found our tents all
pitched ready lor wora on monuay, uui
xeenied we were too early, and the
hops were not rip i enough, so we did
nothing until Thursday. Even then
the owner would have much preferred
we wait a few day longer, but taking
pity on our empty purse and lunch
boxes, he allowed us to Degin.
But alas, while the erstwhile 100-acro
hem field had been fading away to the
dimensions we found it, our promised
25 to 30 day work had been keeping it
company, and when the 11-acre crop
had been harvested we naa j oay s
work to our credit.
Two picking together eould earn, 2
nur itnv each, by beginning work at
daylight, and picking until almost dark,
hut bv the time imtcner. oaaer ana gro-
ceryman were paid, we uum i nave
much to come nome on.
As one man from Seattle expressed
himself, he had come over there for an
outing and was not in the least disap
pointed, as he was out all ine money
ih started with. He said he didn't see
much on the way over, as he came on
the train but would look at the country
as he walked back.
We were perhaps a mile from a town
consisting of one two-story building, the
upper story used for dancing and the
lower a store and poatoHice. We sup
posed that the long poles whicli propped
it up at either side, were to keep the
wind from blowing it over, but some of
the paity were of the opinion that the
high price which prevailed in the lower
st ry had something to do with it.
Butter was quoted ai uc per ron, anu
If von didn't car for vour coffee very
much, a ouarter's worth would do for
Fresh meat and green watermelons
were all w found at reasonable prices
all the t me w were there. One hard
lv dares conjecture what the fato of
tliece Hood River "babes in the hop
field" would have been had not our
emnlover furnished us with potatoes,
aniilussnd tasture for our horses, free
of charge.
However, the trio, while onprotuame
proved interesting in many ways. That
part of the Indian reservation called the
deaurL has been transformed by the
mugic power of the irrigating ditch into
a most beautiful funning country. It
is so level that the waste water does
not run off. and we can see acre of
melons, immense corn, and hundreds
of acres of alfalfa, yielding the third
crop of the year.
This desert is about 12 miles across,
ami extend many mileB on either side,
dotted with numerous hay Btucks, and
beautiful fields, but with few and
Door buildings.
The Indians lease the lands for terms
of either three or live year at 60 cents
per acre for unimproved and 12 for cul
tivated hind. One can have no surety
of an extension of a lease, so it does not
pay to sot out treei or improve, only to
get all one cao out of the land In the
time one has it.
In many things the Indian has proven
sn apt pupil of the white man. Many
of them are exnert gamblers, and Hon
dav is their day in that part of the
world for horseracing, gambling and
One Sunday night after the racing wa
over with, party of white men and In
dians crowded around an Indian blanket
spread out on the gronnd, and all
played until far into the night. It was
a wicrd scene. The only light, that of a
fire built up of sage brush, which, when
it biased showed tlie little heap of gold
on the cards, the excited faces of the
white men, and the stolid countenances
of the Indians whkdi remained un
changed whichever way the money
might go. Every little while the fire
would die down until the dealer could
not tell the number of spot on the
cards he held. Then some one would
pile on a fresh supply of brush, and for
a time the interest in the game would
cause all else te be forgotten until grow
ing darkness brought on a new lot of
As it grew near morning the white
men would disappear .one by one, but
the Indians remained until the next
day at noon, when hunger drove them
and therr patient ponies home.
During the night an occasional Indian
a little less recklces than the rest, or
one having lost all he had, would be
seen asleep in the shade of a cage bush,
while the game went merrily on.
When an Indian has lost all he has,
gambling, lie will often sell his saddle,
blanket or horse for a dollar.hoping that
next time his luck will turn.
Truly, we have done well by the In
dians, we have taken his land, his fish,
his game, and we have given him an
appetite for whiskey, canhs, and horeie
racing in return.
All in all, we do not regret out trip,
for we have seen some fine country, and
had a good time in spite of many die
appointments; but once will do. Next
year there will be plenty of others ready
to go, for as Lincoln once truly said:
"You can fool some of the people all
the time." On Who Wnt.
Supplied the People's Wants.
Wasoo News.
The Hood Rfter Glacier showed un
nsual enterprise last week, during the
Fruit fair and Editorial convention held
in Hood Kiver, by - printing an up-to-date
four-page, daily paper. The Gla
cier says this was mane possible by the
liberal patronage ot llood Kiver busi
ness men, through their advertising.
However, the Glacier editors deseve
the most praire, for so successfully sup
plying the wants of the people during
the fair.
Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired
at the lowest possible prices, Clarke the
$100 Reward $100
The readers of thin pler will be pleiwd to
learn that there iu at leul one dreaded UlNeaHe
gclen Iihm been able to cure in all tin Htitsci,
and that Ih caturrli. Hull ( lrrh Cure In tin
only poMlliv cure now known to the medical
rraierniiy. i;auirrn Denis I conmuuuimui
dlHeaHe, requlreaa coiiHlllutlonal treatment.
Hall1. (JutHrrh Cure Ik taken luteinnlly .acting
directly unon the blood and mucoua xurfiu't'K
of the ayHU3in, thereby deftlroying the founda
tion of the dltwiuie, and giving the patient
strength by building up tlie couMtltutlon and
SMlHting nature In doing lt work. The ro-
prleloia have no mui ii mini in Ita curative
power that they oiler One Hundred Dollars
for any cane that It falls to cure. Heud for list
of teatunonlHlii.
Addreaa K. J, UH KN KY A Uo., Toledo, O.
Mold by nil drngglxu, 75c.
Take Hall's Kainlly lllla for constipation.
Timber Ijind, Act June 3, 1K78.
Bargains ih Real Estate.
House and corner lots 100 x 100 close
in, for $450. Pay $25 down and the bal
ance at $16 per month.
Good 6-room house, 1 acres of land,
130 bearing apple trees, fine location
It is cheap. Get our price.
Hones and two lots 60x130 each, will
be sold at a bargain for cash.
The best ranch on the west side of the
river. Fine modern house, packing
house, carriage house, fine chicken
houses and run, etc. If you want a fine
place cheap, here you have it.
60 acres unimproved land 0 miles out,
$13 per acre.
Can sell you four, five, ten or fifteen
acres of good apple land close in, all
under cultivation. Small house on the
place. Terms to suit the buyer.
800-acre stock ranch for sale or trade.
10 acres of good apple land to trade
for house and lot in town.
Hood River
Real Estate & Exchange Co.
Hood River, Ore.
United Suite Uiid Office, The Dulles, Ore
gon, May 1, HUM. Notice la hereby given
that in compliance witu me proviHiona 01 ine
act of congrewi of June 8, 1878, entitled "An
act for the Hale of timber IuikIh in the aluteaol
California, Oregon, Nevailu and Waahlngton
Territory." as extended loan me public lami
iUttea by act of A Dgual 4, IMtt, the followlng-
namea oerttona nave on aiay b.imh nieu in turn
olllce theirs worn ntHtetuentR, towlt:
Kl.l.AHKl rl NtlKUNM
of Ht. Paul, (168 IiiKlcbart street) county ol
Hainaay, (date of Minnesota, sworn statement
No. fcllfi, for the purchase of the HK'4 of sec
tion 21, township 1 north, ram e 11 east W. M.
of St. Paul, (IAS liiKlclmrt street) county of
HauiHiiv. state oi .Mium-soia, sworn siateuieni
No. ailii, for the purchase of tl e N'.jiHK.HWJ',
SK'., or section 'Hand tiW.W4 of section
'27, township 1 Uortii, range 11 eust of W ilium
ett Meridian.
of Portland, (abMtlli street) county of Mult
nomah, state of Oregon, awom statement No.
!M17, for the purcuneof the Y. NW)j and
K)H"Xof Snellen 3, townsulp 1 north,
range H east, W..M.
That they will oiler proof to allow that the
land sought is niore valuable for lte timber or
stone tlutu for agricultural t urposea, and to
establish their claims to said land before the
Register anil Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on December 117, IH0I.
They name as wltneHss:W!tllam Ketehum.
Jndd S. Kih, William Hpencer, and Richard
J.Gorman of The Dalles.Oregon: Fred Krkens
of Ht, Paul, Minnesota; John J. Kikena of
Portland. Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
ahove-deftcrlhed lands are requested to file
ineir claims in una omce on or ueiore aaiu
'27th day of December IIHH.
oct fid If, MICH AKL T. NOLAN. Register,
Timber Land Act, June S, 1878.)
Columbia Nursery
F. E. BROSIUS, Prop.
Strawberry Plants, Top-Crafted
Cherry Trees, 2-yr.-old Apple Trees
including Spitzenberg, Newtown,
Baldwin, Ortley, Winter Banana, etc
Guaranteed true to name.
Hood River, Ok.
w. haYnes & CO.
Huccessors to E. E. Savage's Sons.
Hardware. Tinware,
Stoves. Paints, Oils
Builders Material
Estimates furulHiied to Contractors.
Agents for
United Htulcs Land Oltlce, The Dalles, Ore
gon, May SI MM Notice Is hereby given
that In coiupllHiice with the provisions of the
act of congress ol June .1. 1878, eutltled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the states of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Terrilory, as extended to all the l'ubllo Land
Htatea by act of August 4, 18lt',
of Hood River, county of Wasco, stale of Ore
gon, has on March HI, 1X01 tiled In this olllce
his sworn statement No.'2K4, fertile purchase
of the lot No. I, of section No. a In township
No. '2 north, range No. K. W. M. and will
otter proof to show tltat tlie land aought Is
more valuable for ita timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the register and
receiver ol thin oltlce at The Dalles, Oregon,
on the liith day of December, 1HCH.
He names as wltnesara: James ITilttv.Smlth
W. Curi-an ot V lento. Oregon: Orln H. Hartley.
of Hood Hlver, Oregon; Kobert Wright, of
Wyelli, Oregon.
v and all person claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims In this olllce on or before aald
Itltb day of December, 1IKM.
oonldl5 M1CHAKL T. NOI.AN.Keglstcr.
If ii prmTiption is correctly written we
can till it, no matter if the nfiiue of some
other druggist ia on the blank.
Bring nil of your Prescriptions here snd
they will be correctly filled.
The prices we charge will suit you, too.
Williams' Pharmacy
Millinery Offering.
My entire stock of Millinery, consist
ing of High Grade Dross, Street and
Tailored Hats, arji now on sale at the
actual cost of material and labor. This
is positively my last season in Hood
Kiver. Every hut I have is strictly new
and up-to-date. NO old stock and rub
bish to work ott. 1 lie workmanship
throughout is the best obtainable from
skilled labor. Without boasting I claim
the distinction of ottering, a better hat
and at less cost than was ever offered in
llood Kiver Iwfore.
Anyone wishing to purchsae my entire bus
iness ana gooa win can ao so, more lor real.
Tel. Main 155. Hood River Heights.
New Pool Room
In the Building next to the
Glacier Olllce.
A good place to spend the
Hood River Heights.
Harness Made to Order
Harness, Bicycle and Shoes Repair
ing Neatly Done.
Horse Blankets, Buggy Robes and
All Harness Fixtures.
&, R. Bradley
Wa are here to do your work today
tomorrow and every other day. and
our money (what little we have)
ia spent In Hood River. We want
your work and dan do it neatly and
Established in 1866. Open all the year. Private or
class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi
tions; opportunities constantly occurring. It pays to
attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free.
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
Groceries, Flour and Feed,
Notions, Glassware, Crockery, etc.
Cottage jYlarket
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Free Delivery.
White Salmon Real Estate
White Salmon, Wash,, have sole charge of the sale
of lots in this growing town. We have a large list
of farm and fruit lands for sale.
Correspondence solicited.
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Telephone No. 31.
wltli the water that is nust, but unlike
the mill, our past orders have been
tilled ao auoceagfully thai new ones are
constantly coming in from our old
putroiiH. Are you to he one or them?
Our Dalles Putent and White River
flour is the finest thai is milled, and
is ground from the best selected wheat;
in fact the cream of the wheatllelds,
and it makes the most delicious bread
white and palatable.
Hood River, Or.
and Building Material
guaranteed. Call and look through the Stock.
Glad to show you around.
Vifforite Powder
I am "till atien: for thla blaMlnf powder. 8ec
Die or wrtie for pnt.
3 tf KKAKSTA KTOX , Hood River.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Charles R. Spencer.
Fant time between The Dalles and l'ortlan t. nuumer leaves The Dalles Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 a. in.; arriving at I'orllimd at 2 p. m.
Returning, leaves Portland Mondays, Weilncudavs and Kriuays, at 7 a. m.j arriving
at The Dallta at II p. in.
Mopping at Vancouver, Washougal, Caseade Locks. Stevenson, Carson, Ht, Martin a
Springs, Collins, White Salmon. Hood Kiver and l.yle, tor both freight and passengers.
InHln at The Dalles, fool of Tnlon st; at 1'ortUnd, fxt of Washington st. ( jpt.
K W.Spenoer, General Manager, Portland. KAHH ION STABLES, Agent, Hood River.
WOOD BItOS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Five Delivery. Phone