The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 27, 1904, Image 8

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Toilers of the Golumbia
JIatboe of "Lord ot th Derf," "Ortioa Store.,"
mad other Pacific Comtt Storlt
Toileri of the Columbia.
"How ii the itonji?"
"Pretty high, father, but not 10 high
M it wil a week ago."
"I do not believe I can go today, my
"Well, father, I will try it alone.
San LaDham fishes a trap alone, and I
believe 1 can do so, too."
"Oh. no. my child. Pan la a atrong
young man. He haa not an equal on
the bay, and you are my frail little
girl. I now you are willing and your
itrength at titnee leema to be super
natural, but you could not fish a trap
lone. It ia out of the question."
"But Dan'a trap ia near oura. You
know he often helpa me when you are
tired and I would help him thia morn
ing in leturn lor hia eervicea.
r not able to go, my father."
"But I will ko." said the old
m he drew himself feebly
from the
"Mr child, thia work la ecttinst too
severe for you. For more than a year
von have had to null at the oara and
your taak baa grown greater until your
atrength ia over-tared. Pay by day I
grow more feeble and day by day the
burden ia Increased upon your should
ra. If I could only complete the link
that atill ia missing I would place you
where you could continue your studies
and the old man that I am would apend
hia few remaining daya in comfort aa
your ward. I know, Bankala, that you
would not begrudge me ao email an
mount if it were yours."
"No, father, it ahould all be youra.
i have only one deaire, and that la to
place you where you shall have rest.
You need rest, father, you need rest.
No one nearly ao old aa you toils on the
Columbia, and yet you go day after
'day, and often when you are too feeble
even to atir. Listen, the storm rages
thia morning! You ahould not go at
Thna spoke Bankala to Ringwold.
Another year had passed in their lives.
The price of fish bad gone down under
the hard times and close competition
nd KIngwold had for many months
been unable to make aupport for the
two alone. In fact, he had struggled
beyond hia atrength to keep Bankala in
school and the craen waa cloae at hand.
He waa now giving out hia last stiengtb.
Often he would become completely ez
. hausted and lie for a time in the bow
of the fishing boat while the girl work
ed on alone. It was on these occasions
that good-hearted Pan Lapham had
come to their tescue and assisted poor
Bankala to do her work,
Bhe had become hardened to the
work, however, and frail as she was
he could handle a boat and draw in
the web of the fish trap with the skill
of the average man. It waa not her
atrength that did it, however. It waa
her will power and nimble, quick
motion of an expert nature that women
possess over men.
Twice thia morning had Rinwgold
fainted while Bankala waa assisting him
to dress and ehe had revived him and
carried on the work. The child was
accustomed to this and did not realize
how serious waa the condition of the
old man.
When the fishermen reached the
beach the waves were coming in with a
rush. They threw the diift wood fur
ther back with each pulsation. Out In
the darkness through the mist and the
rain the white caps could be aeen leap
ing about like the salmon they were
purauing. The etiongest fisherman
paused thia morning. They were often
compelled to remain ashore until late
nd even over-day. But this was
always disappointment. The fish
ran better wbeu there was a storm and
the hard times now urged the toilers
on their duty.
While the men were thus pausing
from indecision Ringwold and Sankala
appeared. Without seeming to notice
the disturbed condition of the bay they
thoved their boat into the watei and
while Ringwold steered Sankala threw
her oara against the seething current.
They gradually mingled with the dark
phantoms which danced upon the sua
until they were lost from view.
The fishermen had become so accus
tomed to the dangers of their life that
they thought but little about it. What
to the stranger would have appeared
foolhardy waa to them duty and choice.
But the storm this morning was unusu
ally high and that Intuition akin to the
instinct that protects animals from de
struction, warned the fishermen to be
But when Sankala braved the watera
with her aged companion the most dar
ing of the fishermen followed. Dan
Lapham, smarting under hia former
timidity, waa first seen to shoot out in
his boat In pursuit ot the two who
worked a trap near hia own. Then one
by one the others followed.
The fish traps weie constructed along
the entire north shore of the river,
which Is Baker's bay, from Cape Dis
appointment to Mefjowan's Point, a
distance of dozen miles or more
The middle of the river was the divid
ing line. The river is thedividing line
between the two states and the fisher
men from the two states claim their
rights, even to hair's breadth.
The fishermen on the north had trapa
while those on the south had nets
The cannerymen on the south tide of
the river owned most of the nets and
old Seadog owned most of the traps on
the north. The fishermen were em
ployed by the day on the nets and given
ao much for eacn fish captured. The
trappers were employed by the day or
worked the trapa on shares. All the
fishermen used row boats peculiar for
their work. Save with rare excep
tions the boats were manned by two,
both at the nets and the traps. One
waa called the puller and the other the
fiaherman. While the latter tended
his nets or trapa the puller guided the
boat to suit the work.
The nets were known aa gill neta
Theae were stretched out their full
lengto ia the water, mhich waa many
fot nd even vaids. floaters were
nlarwrl alnno? the too of the Bet at
proper distances to hold it in position
while ainkera carried the bottom of
the net deep Into the water. The mesh
es of the net were of such size aa would
permit the entrance of the averge fishes
head. When once It entered the mesh
es the gills were fastened and the fish
held nrisoner until removed by the
The traps, one of which Ringwold and
Sankala tended, were constructed diff
erently. A large figure waa formed in
the shallow water by the driving of
piles. It represented heart and on
either side extended long wings. The
wings enclosed semi-circle facing the
ocean and immediately in the rear of
where they come together waa the large
heart. A netting, called web, was
stretched along the piles from the sur
face of the water to the bottom of the
bay. By thia means perfect heart
with winge waa perfected. .
The valve of the heart opened im
mediately at the conjunction of the
winga. Thia waa at the eharp point of
tne "V" which la formed at the top
of the heart.
Aa a trap for fish it ia auccess.
The talmon come up from the ocean
and enter the mouth of the river fresh
and strong. They run in great schools
and follow the shallow channels laying
their spawn aa they go farther up the
When the noses cf the fish strike the
web forming the wings of the heart,
they follow the wings to the center.
Here they find their way through the
opening into the heart. When onre
into the heart their capture ia com
plete. They circle about the place
passing the aame apex of the heart
through which they entered without
ever discovering it as means of escape,
and are thus held aa captivea until the
fishermen take them into their boats.
They sometimea enter these traps by
the hundreds within 24 hours. They
range in weight from five to 20 pounds
and larger.
It waa such trap as this that Ban
kala and Ringwold tended for old Sea
dog at wages baiely sufficient to aua
tain them at best.
A Morning of Disaster.
"Hello, Captain!"
"Hello, lookoutl"
"The sea is high and the fishermen
are venturing out."
"All light, I will aend out the men."
Cape Disappointment life aaving
station nestled beneath the rocks of the
cliffs that extended far out over theses.
Many a mariner had met disappoint
ment here. For from the sea the spot
looked like a place of refuge from the
storm. But be who dared to trust it
had often been dashed to death against
Its walla.
Shaken and addled, aa it were, while
crossing the river bar, the mightiest
rovers of the deep had been broken up
here like glass upon the rocks.
It was the treachery of ita appearance
that gave name to the place. It was
the great loss ot life that had caused
the government to establish life sav
ing station at the foot of the cliffs.
But the life savers had double duty
topeiform. The purpose for which
they were originally placed there was
Insignificant to the duty that later de
veloped. Tbey were provided by the
government to watch incoming vessels
and save the Uvea ot ship wrecked sea
men and travelera on the deep, but
later it waa found that a hundred calls
came fro.r thoae whoee Uvea were spent
on the river to where one came from
thote who lived on the sea.
Like guardiana of children the life
favera stood npon watch and as the
fishermen came and ao were they on
From the early horns of morning un
til nearly noon, and from early after
noon until late in the evening the fish
ermen dotted the river In their tiny
boata and atruggled with their nets
verging on the very danger line where
ocean and river met. Once across this
line and the frail craft of the fisherman
waa at the mercy of the nndertow and
many toiler was dragged to his death
ere the government protectors of life
could reach the spot in boata prepared
for the purpose.
The lighthouse stood upon the high
est point of the cape overlooking the
aea. Beneath ita shadow stood small
structure barely large enough Inside
for one man to stand, turn about and
sit down. It was built of glass save
that Its framework and roof was made
of iron. The glass was thick and al
most as strong as iron for It required
strength to withstand the terrible
storms that neat upon it from the sea.
Us furnishings were small stove, a
stool, a pair of strong glasses and a
telephone. It was occupied night and
oay ty one man at time, una was
on watch from noon until midnight
and the other from midnight until
noon. Not even a light waa allowed
for it was not needed by day and by
night it would blind the watch so that
he could not look out upou the ocean
and river.
Throughout the day he peered out
through hia glassea over the sea and
river and bay. At night he followed
the great re volving Jight in the light
house above bis head and watched for
objects on the water while he looked
further out fur the smaller lights of
It was on the morning that Sankala
and Ringwold had put forth into the
storm that the conversation took place
over the telephone between the look
out and the captain of the life saving
crew recorded at the beginning of this
The lookout had aeen tne small
craft battling with the surf on the
bosom ot the bay in the dim light
shot out from overhead. He could
feel the storm Htwing against the
structure which enclosed him; be
sides the rweieter showed high ve
locity ot v ind.
It foreboded day of hard work.
Fishermen would venture forth in
daneerous. storms and thia compelled
the life aavera to stand en constant
guard. They would enter their Doata
and beat along the danger line like
aentineli to keep the fishermen from
rowing to their diath. And in spite
of thia precaution scores find watery
graves at the mcuth of the Columbia
eyery year.
Aa the fishermen fought theli way
cut on this stormy morning the life
aavera abot out from under the cliffs
toward the bar. Here bordering on
the danger line themselves tbey pa
trolled the river to rescue those' less
capable than themselves to withstand
the receding tide.
"Hello, captain!"
"Hello, lookout!"
"Signal distress off west end of Jetty
Sand Spit. A boat ia heading for the
"Bing, bing, bing!" went three
"Hello, captain!"
"Hello, lookout!"
"Signal diatresa off Pacific rocks.
Boat seems to be capsized ami men
clinging to upturned bull!"
"Bing, bing!" went two guns.
After a few minuutes pause the cap
tain's 'phone rang again.
"Hello, captain!"
"Hello, lookoutl--
"Signal distress off Dlsappontment
rocks! Boat shoving for breakers
like a rocsetl Girl at the oara; ia
powerless think it is Bankala, the,
old chemist's daughter." I
"Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing!"
rang out five shots from the cliffs be
low. Thia waa the most dangeroua
point at the mouth ot the river and
was called the hell gap, for it was here
that so many fishermen had lost their
The swift receding current for ncd
sort of maelstrom at the point of the
rocks and when once fairly in ita
clutches boats wtre swept like chaff
into the breakers and disappeared like
shot thrown into the water.
The life savers knew the 'signals as
well aa their alphabet and rushed to
the rescue like firemen to the call of
fire. And when the signal came for
Disappointment rocks the sturdy bcyt
lying off that point bent to their oara
with all their might.
The life aavera were divided up into
crews and each of these divisions cov
eted given points. The men selected
(or the most dangerous places were the
most experienced and dared the ele
ments as veteran soldiers face the death
line in battle.
While the rescuers were hurrying to
the calls of distress the captain had as
cended to the lcokout'a station. Day
was already dawning and while signals
were given at night by the discharge of
firearms, tbey were given in day time
with flags from lookout point.
With the advancing day the river
and bay presented a busy appearance.
A speck here to the natural eye waa
revealed through the strong glasses to be
a fisherman's boat struggling with the
neta or waves. Some were going, some
were coming. Each was oblivious of
the other. One waa dashing to ita
ruin at another point and life savers
were going to its rescue, while the men
In danger were often unconscious of the
But in the work which was so com
mon aa to bring no excitement to the
veteran captain of the crew he eur
veyed the watera as a general does bis
Thia morning, however, change
came over hia face. He saw a frail
fisherman's boat being swept toward
Disappointment rocks. Standing up
working hei useless oars with all her
strength waa Sankala. The glasses re
vealed her firm features and while ehe
looked into the jaws of death she was
aa calm aa the rocks which awaited her
approach. Ringwold lay motionless
in the boat. W hether dead or asleep
the glasses did not disclose. It war
evident that they had never reached
the fish trap for the boat was as empty
as it had been when they had first
started out.
The captain raised the signal flag
high above his head and waved it five
times in succession. But here the life
boat which was giving Sankala'a boat a
atern chase, passed behind some locks
that had just hidden her and several
seconds must pass before they would
appear again.
(To be continued)
Title of Doubtful Origin.
Continental titles save of the high
est sort have been viewed with sus
picion in this country, but those of
England have been accepted with al
most as Implicit faith as Bank of
England notes Inspire. Yet the her
ald's college lately made the remark
able assertion that many persons are
using bogus titles In England and that
others are using titles to which they
have not established their claim and
probably could not bring any satisfac
tory proofs. And tiie editor of Pod's
Peerage admits that there are between
fifty-six aud sixty baronets whose
claims would not bear too close scru
For example, an ambitious and re
tired business man named Smith may
mid In some secluded part of the
country some lands formerly owned
by some extinct family ot Smiths who
had possessed a title. He buys the
property, quietly clulms descent and
coolly assumes the title. In London
such a course would probably be ex
posed, but In the country people are
less suspicious. Nor Is such Imposture,
It seems, contrary to English law. It
appears also that many of the titles
which enjoy long standing were as
sumed In some such way, perhaps cen
turies ago, and owe whatever validity
they have to long use. A general scru
tiny of English titles might tie a very
painful thing. Sprlngtleld (.Mass.) Re
Binks Speaking of heredity, do you
remember rorrester, who bought son
wild land and turned It into a farm J
Winks Yes; he was th. inventor of
very effective stump puller.
Hinks Just so. Well, his son It
very successful dentist.
Aa Angry Landlady.
Bosrder No. 1 What's that loud
thumping noise In the kitchen?
Hoarder No. 2 It's the landlady ham-
m-ring the atesk and wishing It waa the
beef trust. Chicago Tribune.
Mayor MeClellan assent (hat he would
prefer to be Mayor of lireater New York
than Governor of the Eu'uire State,
Sir George Hayter, the court painter
to the late Queen Victoria, waa at
one time Invited to Stratbfield Saye,
the home of the Duke of Wellington.
The duke had promised hlra sittings
for hia portrait The following ex
tract from tie painter's diary, print
ed in the London Chronicle, give aa
amusing glimpse of the duke's ideas
on art He told Sir George that there
waa one subject for a painting which
he would like to see done we l, because
he considered that it would be a great
moral lesson. He said:
'We are informed that all the ani
mals of the creation bad been made
for our use, but we don't know how
to reduce some of them to obedience:
Ibe lion, the royal tiger, the hyena, and
others; but Van Amburgh has effected
this. What I want Lamlseer to paint
for me Is Van Amburgh he ia a fine,
athletic man surrounded by the ani
mals he has so well known not onlj
how to render obedient to himself, but
nlso to live In peace with each oth
er; Van Amburgh standing upright, h
fne figure of a man, with these ani
mals lying round blm, and the lamb at
hia feet, for he places the lamb be
tween the Hon and the tlgfr, and they
dare not touch It.
This Is not all you see. In an ad
joining cage these ferocious beasts are
together, not Injuring each other. This
is education; this Is the great moral
Then he lamented that Edwin Land-
seer'a health had not permitted him to
paint this picture for him, and repeat
ed the description of Van Amburgh'a
Sic George also says that the duke
amused the company very much by un
account of his attending divine service
In London always at eight o'clock in
the morning at the Chapel Royal; that
he never found more than the officiat
ing priest and a sort of Abigail, and
that be, the duke, always acted as
clerk; that he uniformly went through
ali the responses with a loud voice,
even to the amen. He said, "I auppoee
If the people of London knew that I,
his Grace the Duke of Wellington, reg
ularly attended as clerk at the Chapel
Royal every Sunday, they would at
least not leave room for me even to
get In," thus appearing quite aware of
his own great popularity, at the same
time recognizing In himself the hum
ble Christian who goes to pray and
who la willingly clerk In an empty
orelunere Becoming; Roustabout on
the MLtiL.lppi.
It is enough to make all th old
Mississippi River men who have pass
ed away and gone to their reward stir
In the tomb could they know that
Hungarians are to be substituted for
negroes as roustabouts on the river.
We cannot Imagine these silent, taci
turn little men of central Europe mak
ing the moonlight nights vocal with
their minstrelsy on the lower deck, or
scrambling with each other for nick
els thrown by sportive passengers.
Nor shall we believe that the mate
dare unwind that panorama of pictur
esque profanity at his long, wavering,
undulating line of roustabouts as they
move from deck to shore with the car
go. The darky roustabout henrs thsse
objurgations with a Joyous and appre
ciative ear, and welcomes a burst of
originality in It by rolling the whites
of his eyes expressively at his fel
lows, or, If It is particularly moving,
by a loud "Yah, yah, yah," that Is re
ward enough for the objurgator. What
will the Hungarian care for the exple
tive wit that stirs the responsive negro
heart so deeply? He will not under
stand It, and if he did his perception
of the humor of swearing Is not of the
open and ready nature of that of the
cons of Ham. He would get mad
about It Everything Is changing on
the river. The passengers are not the
same, the boats are smaller, the table
fare Is sadly scant and luxury has long
since departed. St Loul Clobe-Dem-ocrat
Oldest Army Melody
It Is the old music, after all, that
puts the life Into marching feet, for
It carries the traditions of marching
In Its melodies, snys the Boston Trans-
script One of the oldest of the tunes
the bands played on a recent occasion
was "The White Cockade." This la a
historical melody to Americans, though
many Americans may not be aware
of the fact It was the tune to which
the farmers who fired the shot heard
round the world marched when they
determined to force the passage of the
bridge at Concord. Possibly it was
the only tune which the drummer und
tlfer of Capt. Isaac Davis' company
knew, but the fact that it was played
Is historical. ,
The populailty of the tune Is proof
that a melody made for one party Is
recognized as good by all If It hRS
the quality of being singable. "The
White Cockade" was originally a
Jacobite 'tune, but It made a goo-'
march for the descendant of th
English Turltans April ID, 1775, when
Capt Davis bade his musicians strike
up. As they were the lirttt Ameri
can force that ever advanced to bat
tle as Americans "The White Cock
ade" Is the oldest melody of the Amer
ican army.
Keeper of the king's Health.
Sir Francis Henry Laklng, to give
him his full name. Is the most trusted
of the King's modi advl era; Indeed,
he occupies nt King Edward's court
the same position as did Sir James
Held at that ot yueen Victoria. Sir
Francis Is clean-shaven; he has a
keen, open face, and a broed, well
shaped brow. Like most great physi
cians, he has a hohby, that of collect
ing geological specimens.
Itoiiieo and Juliet (Up to Date.
"Romeo! Romeo:" sobbed the swar
thy Juliet. "They will notta letta us
love-a ana more. My people tella me
I mils notta marry you."
"What I care?" replied Romeo, sav
agely, "I will t'rowa deesa bomb on da
fron' porch. I will blow your people
all over deesa ward." Newark News.
A good woman is usually too good
for any man but fortunately shi
doesn't know It
First National Bank, Hood River, Or.
Capital fully paid up. $23,000.00. Shareholder liability, $25,000.00
Surplus, $s,ooo.
F. S. Stanley, Vice President.
Robert Smith, President.
Robert smith
V. .
i. C. Alnsworlh
Special Attention
Livery, Feed
MATES BROS., Proprietors.
Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh, Cured
and Canned Meats.
Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits.
C. L. GILBERT, Proprietor.
Mt. Hood Hotel
Headquarters for Tourists & Commercial Travelers
Regular Rates. $1.25 to $2.50 per day.
Bbecial Rates by Week or Month. i
Stages leave dully for Cloud Cap Inn during July, August and September.
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we vyill have and can sup
ply in any number ,
Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply tlie trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen
berjr and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or.
General Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers
invite the public to get their horses in readi
ness before the slippery weather.
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
Of 25 years' experience. Will fur-
kinds of htiildinirs. Strictly up to date.
Located at Hood River.
W. D. ROGERS, Prop.
High Grade Portraiture a specialty.
niifteur Supplies.
A Family Library
Tha Best In Current Literature
12 Complete Novel Yearly
$2.60 kr vtAR ; 25 ct. a copy
McGl'IRg BROS., Pro J.
Ile.lers In Frh and Cared Meats. Lard.
Poultrj,. Fruit, and Vegetable.. .' v '
I. 0. Blanchar, Cashier
F. H. Hopkins
E. L. Smith
Given to Collections.
and Draying.
Hows twitHht, sold nr exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure flinti-hiss rljrs. Spe
cial attention given to moving Furuitur
and Plann.
W do everything horses pan do.
C. F. GILBERT, Manager...
Dealer in
Harness & Saddles
. Estimates furnished
on all kinds of wnrl
mold. Main Kt.
rederlck, ALIn 30".
and Builders
Plans and Estimates Finished.
and Builder.
PiNBANft Estimates Fdrnishkd
Upon Application. . dl
Dealer. Id
CTTTJTT Waooks-TO year. test.
nr. i I BoooiM-the very best
. ' narrow., etc.
Cultivators, Spray and ell Pumps
Wind Mills, fjasdline Eng's
Champion Mowers, Rakes, Oil and
Extras, Hardware, Fishinir Tackle
Barb Wire., s , ?
Herculet Stump Powdai
Suceewor to K. L Smith,
Oldeat Saubhhed Hotu. la Ibe t Alley.
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Flour and Feed, etc.
This old-established house will con
tinue to pay cash for all its poods; It
pays no rent; It employs a clerk, but
does not have to divide with a partner.
All dividends are made with customers
in the way of reasonable prices.
Posts, Etc.
Davenport Bros.
Lumber Co.
Have opened an office In Hood River.
Call and get prices and leave orders,
which will be promptly filled.
0. H. GREY, Paor.
The place to get an easy (hare, an up-to-date
hair cut, and to enjoy the luxury of a porcelain
Russell & Reei!, Props. Between J. E. Rand's
and K. C. W right's. Htrictly ilrat claaa. 8tll
faetlon guaranteed.
We 50,(,00 Yellow Newton Pippin and
Btiltzenberg Apple Trees, also a general va
riety ol Fruit Trees for sale (or th. coming
reason, and we are going to sell them at
reasonable pi Ices.
Our Tree, are flrBt class and True to Name.
Graf'ed on whole roots, with scions care
.ally selected from some of the best txar
hig uicl.ards in Hood River Valley.
Send for prices to
Milwaukee, Oregon
Local Agent
The pestoftice is open dally between t a m.
ai d 7 p. m. ; Sunday torn 12 to 1 o'clock. Walls
for the East close t U:2ua. m., 8:20 p. ro. and 9
p m. ; for the West at 2:40 p. m. ana 9 p. m.
The carriers on K. F. D. routes No. 1 and No.
I leave the postoffice at 8:30 daily. Mail leave.
For Mt. Hood, daily at 12:UU m.; arrive.,
10:2(1 a. m.
For Chenoweth, Wash., at 7:30 a. m. Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays; arrive, sam
days at 6 p. m.
For Underwood, Wash., at 7:80 a. m. Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays; arrive, same
days at 6 p. in.
For White Salmon, Wash., daily at 2:45 p, m.;
arrives at 11 a. m.
For Hood River daily at Da. m.; arrive, at
4:46 p. in,
For Husum, Trout Lake and Ouler, Wash.,
daily at 7;3ii a. m. ; arrives at 12 m.
For Olenwood, uilrner and Fulda, Wash.,
dally at 7 a. m. ; arrives at 5 p. in.
ForPineliat and Hnowden, Wash., at 11:90
a. m. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrive, .am
days, 10:3Ua. in.
ForBiiuen, Wash., daily at 4:46 p. m.; ar
rives at 8:46 a. m.
S.iot line
Union Pacific
p"At Portland, Or. A IW ,
Chicago Suit lili, rwnrer, 4 :.
Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Braelal Kansas t'lly, St.
l:IWa. m. Lomi,Cbicagoand
Tla East.
B anting ton.
Atlantis It. Paul Fast Halt, is 10 a. sa
S;15 p.m.
It Paul Atlantis Kipruss.
Fast 11.11
lOO p. B.
No Change of Cars.
L.wt Rat. . Quickest Time.
law, all sailing dat. :0tp.Mt,
subject to ohaag.
...... For Baa Franclsna
Sail .very t daya
uAly C.hiwbl. (tlnar l-OOp-M.
Ix. Sunday Stuawra. Ix. aunoa
ut m.
Saturday T. Astoria and Way
M.Hi . m. Landlnga
itea.m. Wlll.sMtt. Mtr. ISO a.m.
Hon., Wd. Tum., Th.
aad ItL Balem, Indepen- gat,
dene loriallls
and way uuidinga
1:Sa.m. T.atkltl Mm. 4 9 a.m.
twa. Juut. ilea.. Wa
aad Sak Oregon City, Dayton and frl
and way landing..
Lt. Rlparta .. Rlvw. Lt Uwlsta
Dally Rlparta M Lawlston Pally .xeaat
taturdaT I u
i - -
-VU, (WilHIL lf
T. J. KINK A1RD, Agent, Hood River.