The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 27, 1904, Image 3

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The pupils and teachers of the 7th
eradt! in thn Hnn.1 w;,.. L
..,. t, Btiiuoi nave
made plans for founding a permanent
....... i in (jumiHHing pu'tures
devices and apparatus needed in their
everyday work. While the fund will
probably be increased in various wavs, it
w proposed to fltart it with the proceeds
from a Saturday sale maintained by 3
girkTliey are divided into three groups,
each of which in turn will hake pies and
cakes and provide other eatables suit
able for a Sunday dinner. Their goods
will be on sale Saturday afternoons in
some prominent place on Oak street.
The best way to help the needy is
to help them to help themselves.
If you would like to help and
encourage the school children, patron
ize their market. Other plans will soon
be laid whereby the bovs will assist in
the work and still other plans whereby
the pupils from every grade will axsist
m raising money for the school needs in
the other grades.
The Hood River school must build to
the 12th grade and this permanent
fund will be a great financial help in
defraying expenses during the growing
The pies and cakes were on sale Sat
urday at OowelPs store. The good
things were very soon disposed of and
14.35 turned into the picture fund.
Size Should be First Consideration.
Mosier, Or., Oct. 21. To the Executive
board of the Hood River Fair associa
tion. Gentlemen: Referring to a pro
test handed to your secretary during
the fair protesting against the award of
your committee for "Best box of Spite
enbergs," I wish to add a few remarks.
The aim und intent of your exhibition
is to make a commercial display, both
in display and packing, as your premi
um list shows. Now tiie supreme test
of a commercial box of apples is its
money value in the markets, and rules
governing awards should be such as
would pick out the box of highest mon
ey value. If your rules fail to do bo,
it is manifest that the rules are wrongly
Men who have personal knowledge of
Spitzenberg market conditions will bear
me out in the assertion that a box of
54 size would command $1.50 a box
above 112 eize, providing both were
good color and pack size being the first
Your awarding committee say that
they were instructed to score equal
points for pack, color and uniformity of
size in the box, but nothing for extra
size of one box as compared with anoth
er box. If your rules for judging single
box entries had allowed 50 points for
size, 30 points for color and 20 points
for pack they would have very nearly
selected the best commercial box of
almost all varieties of apples, and saved
your association and its committee from
the glaring error which they put on
record when they passed judgment on
the phenomenonally perfect box of
Spitzenbergs which was brought from
Mosier by the undersigned.
A. I Bateiiam.
Bill Nye's Advice.
Hill Nye, the humorist, in reply to
a Wisconsin youth who asked if Kansas
was a good state in which to start
another drug Btore, said:
"If you mean by the drug business
the sale of sure-enough drugs I would
not go to Kansas. If it is the great
burning desire of your heart to go into a
town of 2,000 people and open the thir
teenth drug store in order that you may
stand behind a tall, black walnut pre
scription case day in and day out, with
a graduate certificate in one hand and a
Babcock fire extingnisher in the other,
filling orders for w hiskey made of stump
water and the juice of future punish
ment, you will do well to go to" Kansas.
It is a temperance state and no saloons
are allowed there. You can run a
dummy drug store there with two dozen
dreary old glass bottles on the shelves,
punctured by the hand of time and the
Kaas fly of the period, and with a pro
hibitory law at your back, and a tall red
barrel in the back room filled with a
mixture that will btyn great holes in
nature's beart, and make the cemetery
blossom as a rose, and in a few years
you can sell enough of this poisonous
preparation to fill your flabby pockets
with wealth 3t
Effects or Prohibition.
The following letter from Hon. Geo.
B. Pendleton of Temple, Texas, ex-member
of congress, will interest communi
ties contemplating prohibition :
I have been asked to make a state
ment regarding the success of prohibi
tion in Bell county. I was an anti-prohibitionist
in the campaign before the
election, but as a law abiding man,
after prohibition went into efiect, I
wished to see all the laws enforced and
hoped it might be a success.
So far as I know the laws are now be
ing obeyed and enforced, but under the
law as it stands organizations known as
clubs can be created anywhere. While
I am not a memlier of any of these clubs,
I understand that there are seven or
more in the town of Temple, and also at
Benton and other places in Bell county.
There are said to be more than 2,000
members of the clubs in Temple.
These clubs belong to private individ
uals and can be legally kept open on
Sunday and are kept open on Sundays
at all times. I understand also that it
is no crime for minors to enter a club,
so we have Sunday opening and minors
visiting places where liquors are sold
and all done legally, while under the
license system Sunday opening or sell
ing or giving to minors was illegal.
I am not on the streets at night and
am kept busy in my office during the
day most of the time, but understand
from others that there is more drunken
ness in Temple than there was under
the license system. I have also heard it
stated that many parties who took an
occasional drink at a saloon are now
members of a club so that they can get
their drinks regularly, ordering by the
quantity from other places, and keeping
it at home. The efiect of this is mani
fest, because persons who drink but
little when they must go after it would
necessarily drink more when it is con
stantly in their presence.
I do not lielieve that it has improved
the morals of the people ; on the contra
ry, 1 believe there ha9 been a distinct
decadence in morals. I do not believe
in considering the question of money or
profit until after the moral questions arc
disposed of, but inasmuch as it has not
improved the morals of the people, on
the contrary has injured them, I think
we have a right to take the pecuniary
phase into consideration, and from my
standpoint I may say that the loss of
revenue from the traffic has been a loss
of many thousand dollars to our county,
which must necessarily be made up by
taxation upon the faimers and business
men of the community.
3t Geo. C. Pendleton.
Enlisted to Preserve the Union.
At the regular meeting Saturday of
Canby post, G. A. K.. the comrades
gave their experience when first under
fire and what induced them to enlist.
Not more than one-half of those present
were heard from before time for adjourn
ment arrived, but so far each one stated
that he felt it his duty to enlist and that
the only issue in the minds of every pat
riotic man in those trying times was the
preservation of the Union.
The membership of Canby post is
made up principally of men whose an
cestors fought in the Revolution, and it
seemed the rght thing for them to do,
when the Union was assailed, to give
their services to help preserve what
their forefathers fought for and estal)
lished. The question of freeing the slaves was
never thought of by the great majority
of young men who went into the civil
war on the Union side, but when Presi
dent Lincoln threatened the secession
ists with the liberation of the slaves if
hostilities did notcease by acertaindate,
the Union armies cheerfully accepted
the situation and each soldier has ever
since felt proud to think he took a hand
in helping to free the slaves.
The comrades will continue giving
their experience at next meeting.
B. F. Shoemaker has grubbed out
eight acres of prune trees and will
plant tne land with hops. usl oiners
(billow and I think the Ju vestment
will pay well.
There will be an entertainment at
the Barrett school house on Saturday,
October 29, at 7:30 p. m., given by the
teachers and pupils. Proceeds are for
the purchase of books for the library.
Mr. Helm, late of Chicago, has pur
chased five acres from Joe Hoskinsand
will build in the near future.
Charley Gibbons has returned home
from the harvest field after visiting
Colfax, the Palouse.SDokane and other
towns. Charley says he has not found
anything to beat Hood River, in fact,
nothing as good.
On Friday morning. October 14, the
Rock ford Btore delivery wagon lost a
sack of flour when near Captain Blow-
ers. :ow this dour is the nrana oi
Dements Best and retails at $1.25 per
sack. Rockford says the finder is wel
come to the flour and all he asks of the
finder is just to acknowledge that it is
the best flour they ever used.
Thomas Shere had his potatoes dug
last week and the number of Backs on
so small a piece of laud makes it appear
as if he must have a very good crop.
Try a few hops Thomas, so as to have
a diversification of crops.
A number of teams have been haul
ing gravel on the Jerico Lane. We
thiuk it is time they began to haul
gravel on the Methodist Lane, or we
will get stuck lu the mud the coming
Items down this way are about as
scarce this week as blue riblwns were
after the fruit fair.
That oft repeated proverb, "and still
there is another" it's a big boy and
Father and Mother i.astman are doing
Those other weddings that we were
going to tell about have certainly misB
cued, at least they haven't come off yet.
The ball game Sunday between the
Frankton nine and the Bull Dogs (one
bull dog and eight others) was almost a
whitewash, but our boys can proudly
say that they went and played ball, and
didn't got some one else to do the
counting either.
Mrs. Jvoplin made a trip to balem
last week.
The last week has been ideal fall
weather. No frost yet and almost No
vember(?) All kinds of flowers are in
bloom everywhere ; but the wild geese
are on their way south and the election
is near. Both indicate the coming of a
Tom Calkins and wife were down at
Collins Landing last week, giving the
people over there some pointers on
packing apples. -
A. C. Fuller of Chenowith was in
Underwood Monday.
Fritz Luthy returned from Portland
H. C. Debs went to Portland on busi
ness Monday.
George Sandell returned to Portland
Mrs. Wheeler is quite sick in The
Dalles hospital.
Miss Scioto Huff came down from
LaGrande for a visit with relatives and
friends Saturday.
Earl Robard left for Klamath lake
Monday to work for Harry Hansberry.
Jack Luckey was in Underwood Sun
day. Mrs. Harry Olsen has returned from
a business trip to Yakima.
Mr. Oldenberg paid his son, Amiel,
a visit here last week.
Will Wendorf was in Underwood on
business last week.
The employes of the United States
fish commission have broken camp for
this season, with but poor success in
their work.
A surprise party was given at the
home of Mr. Kellendonk in honor of
Miss Huff.
The work on the new road on the
Klickitat side of the White Salmon riv
er was resumed Monday.
The family of our merchant, Mrs.
Eobard, came over from Hood River
Sunday and spent the day.
Mrs. William Wheeler underwent a
successful operation for appendicitis at
The Dalles hospital.
Abe Ames killed a two-year-old bear.
Mrs. Kautz passed through Under
wood on her way to visit her parents,
B. F. Fuller and wife.
Tin. PLonMiMtVi arlmnl huann on Afnn-
day October 17, and although it is
small in nuiuuera u great, uuui ui guuu
work is being done.
Ft. K. Fuller went to Hood River on
Saturday returning Monday.
Mrs. trea Kautz or uooa wiver is vis
iting At the home of her Darents. Mr.
and Mrs. B. F. Fuller.
Emery Oliver and his surveying party
have nearly finished their work here.
Mr. rnller is sowing nis winter wneai.
I .oumm wiMit. to White Salmon
last Sunday, supposedly to see his dol-
ce far neienta.
Charles Tubbs is building a woodshed
18x40. It will take several days tomake
wood enough to fill it.
Mr. Hughes was over from the . West
Side last Saturday.
J5. t. f uller louna tnree ripe straw-
hf.iou nn th TArircaon nlare lustThlirs-
day. Rather late for strawberries, isn't
it 7
Confessions Of A Priest.
Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake Ark.,
VI venT I suffered from
yellow jaundice. I consulted a number
of physicians and tried all sorts of
medicines, but got no relief. Then I be
gan the use of Electric Bitters and feel
that 1 am now curea oi a disease mai
iiuH ma in itM trmsn for 12 vearB." If
.inn mi 11 relinhle medicine for liver
and kidney trouble, stomach disorder
or general aeDility, gei riecinc xsuiers.
It's guaranteed by t'has. N. Clarke the
druggist. Only 50c.
Wo a FA still wllin nur hnmft marie
lard as cheap as other lard can be bought
and we suarantee every bucket. 10s.
J1.40; 5s, "0c; 3s, 45o. Mayes Bros.
Sears St Porter shipped seven boxes
oi apples last week to Watsonville,t. al.,
where they will be exhibited before the
board of trade of that city to show what
a Mood Kiver commercial pack is like.
The apples went to C. H. Rodgers,
horticultural commissioner and presi
dent of the Orchardists' association,
whom Glacier readers will remember
came all the way from that country to
see the Hood Kiver fruit fair last week,
and to W. R. Radcliff, cashier of the
bank there, the gentleman who visitant
Hood River last summer, aVd returning,
published an extended article in the
Watnonville paper.
Mr. Rodgers visited the Sears & Por
ter orchards, where he noticed the fine
Caek, and at once ordered that sample
oxes, prepared iust as are those
intended for shipment to New York or
London, be sent to him at Watsonville,
that the growers there may take lessons
in packing fruit, from the Hood River
growers. The apples were three and a
naif-tier Newtowns and four-tier Spitz
en bergs.
Sears & Porter have contracted their
entire crop to a New York buyer, but
if the gentleman will permit it, saye
Mr. Porter, they will reserve 50 boxes
from the shipment for the Wasco county
exhibit at the Lewis and Clark fair
next summer.
A Judicious Inquiry.
A well known traveling man who
visits the drug trade says be has often
beard druggists inquire of customers
who asked for a cough medicine,
whether it was wanted for a child or an
adult, and if for a child they almost
invariably recommend Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. The reason for this is
that they know there is nodangerfrora
it and that it always cures. There is
not tne least danger In giving It, and
for coughs, cold and croup it is unsur
passed. For sale at Williams' Phar
macy. Cox Gets School House Contract.
S. II. Cox of Hood River has been
awarded the contract to build a $1,645
school house for the people of Steven
son. The building will be 28x38 feet,
two story, and two rooms, with a rock
foundation. It will have large halls,
and built in such a way that it will be
an easy matter to add to it when neces
sary. "We are glad to bear that Mr. Cox
securedjthe contract", says the Stevenson
Pioneer, "for we know that nothing will
be slighted, and it will be a structure
that school district No. 3 will be proud
of. There will be a clearing beo next
The building is to be completed by
January 1. '
Some Seasonable Advice.
It may be a piece of superfluous ad
vice to urge people at this season of the
year to lay in a supply of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. It is almost
sure to be needed before winter is over,
ana mucn more prompt and satisfac
tory results are obtained when taken as
soon as a cold is contracted and before
it has become settled in the system,
which can only be done by keeping the
remedy at hand. This remedy is so
widely known and so altogether good
that no one should hesitate about buy
ing it in preference to any other. It is
for sale at Williams' Pharmacy.
Public Land Halu (isolated Tritct)
United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, October ffl!, latH. Notice Is hereby given
that In pursuance of Instructions from the
commissioner ol the general lund olllce.under
authority vested lu him by section 155,
United Slates reviseu Htatutes.tis amended by
set of congresN approved February Ui, lsir,
wo will proceed Ui oiler at public sale at the
hour ol 10 o'clock a. in., on the Mil day of
December, 1D04, at this ollice, the following
tract of land, to-wlt:
T. e K NE! of section 'it, township 2 north,
range 11 east of Willuinette Meridian.
Any and alt persons claiming adversely
the above described lands are advised U file
their claims In this ollice nn or before the
day designated for the coin iienceinent of
said sate, otherwise their rights will be for
lelled. MICHAKLT. NOLAN, Register.
oct27 deel ANNE M. LANU, Kccelver.
Timber Land Act Junes, 1S78.I
United States Land OIHce, The Dalles, Ore-goti,Octoberlf,llt.-Notlce
Is hereby given that
In compliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June. 1. 1878. entitled "An act
lor the sale of timber lands In the stale of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all the Public Lund
Slates by act of August 4,1HW,
of Bcanlon, county ol Carlton, state of Minne
sota, has on September 2D, ID A, filed lu this
office his sworn statement No. 2411, fur the
purchase of the H, N 'J4 and NJSW of sec
tion 32, in township No. 2 north, range K
W.M.and will ollcrproof to showttiatthe land
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said laud before (teorge
T. t'rather, United States commissioner, al
his ofllce at Hood Kiver, Oregon, on the 4 Hi
day of January, 1UU5.
He names as witnesses: Oliif J. Pry-It lund, of
Clocpiet, Minnesota, Lewis E. Morse, William
K. Kand, Olenn K. Fabric, all of Hood Illver,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before Bald
-Ith dHy of January, 1H06.
cr.'7 d-.H M ICH AKL T.NOLAN .Register.
E. II. Bradley
We are here to do your work today
tomorrow and every other day, and
our money (what little we have)
is spent in Hood River. We want
your work and can do it neatly and
Cottage Market,
Fresh and Cured Meats.
Free Delivery".
Locate your home where the best improvements are going". '
Sewers, Spring Water and Sidewalks, fine view and good drainage.
All these are found in
iverview Park Addition
Which will be included in the First Sewer District, and which is beyond question the most
desirable residence in Hood River. Buy now before the prices advance.
River D
evelopment Co.
Time Schedule Effrctlve 8'pt. 5, 1104.
Connecting at Lyle with Regulator
Line steamers for Portland and way
0 Goldendulo tf.30
7 Centerville 6.48
14 Daly 7.02
28 AVahkiacus 7.45
32..., Wrights 7.M
36 Gravel Pit 8.05
43 Lyle 8.35
Train will leave Lyle on arrival of the
Regulator steamers from Portland.
Time Schedule Str. "Geo. W. Simons.'
Eflective, Sept. 5, WW.
Cascade Locks 6.15
Stevenson 0 05
Carwms 5.45
Collins 5.15
Drano 4.45
Menominee 4.25
White Salmon 4.05
Hood River 3.45
MoBier 3.30
Lylo 2.45
The Dalles 2.00
- : . .. ; ' ....... I
Tta Are No link Eiies
Or Other Work Laundered at the New
Steam Laundry
mtmy of the annoyances of the old-
ftttthumeu irouert xou
Ought to Drop in Once and See
Them Work.
Work called for and delivered. Tele-
pnone your oruera.
Paradise Steam Laundry
Some Bargains.
1. 6 acres one mile out, all In berries.
A beautiful locatiou will be sold at a
2. Two 20 acre tracts, on East Side.
All set to apples; best varieties.
3. 34 acres one mile out, set to ap
ples, pears, clover and strawberries.
4. 42 acres 4 miles out, 10 acres iu
orchard 10 in full bearing. First-class
Improvements. A beautiful home.
5. 80 acres 3 acres 7-year-old apple
trees, balan!e in clover and general
farming. New four room house.
6. 40 acres In the most beautiful por
tion of the valley. 4 acres in orcliurd
one year old, '& acres In berries, 4
acres In alfalfa, balance general farm
7. 10 acres four miles out; splendid
soil: 1 acre apples, best varieties: one
year planted. 1 acres in strawberries,
2 acres in potatoes, a acres in clover.
8. A number of 10, 20 and 40 acre
tracts of unimproved land, that will
bear investigation. Also a number of
large tracts from 100 to 320 acres in
Oregon and Washington.
Some few residences and lots in every
portion of the city.
Real Estate Agent,
Hood River, Oregon.
Lace Curtains.
AV want to close out 30-inch wide, 2
yards lon, white only, at 75c a pair.
Think of Lace Curtains at only 75c a
pnir! Others at $1.50, $2.50, $4.00
and $4.50. These are worth a p;reat
deal more money, and it will be well for
you to buy now.
Table Linen.
Are you looking for something real
i nice? We have it a beautiful piece, all
t pure linen, 72 inches wide, nt $1.50 per
yard, with napkins to match. This will
j cost you $2 a yard at any department
i store. Also have some at $1.00, 65c
i and 50c.
Ladies, you must have Gloves. Our
line of Kid Gloves is all right at $100,
$1.25 and $1.75, in most all colors.
Golf cloves and Children's Mittens at
0 15(5 and up.
Cotton and cotton fleeced, wool and
worsted, in Men's, Women's and Child
ren's. Ask to see our Ladies' Worsted
1 osicry. They are nice goods.
& Co. n
Sweaters for Children, Sweaters for
Boys, Sweaters for Men. All wool, in
beautiful patterns; for Children, at 75c
to $1.00. All wool for. Boys, $1.00.
All wool for Men, in "White, NavyVltoyal
and Striped, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50.
We have a good lino of Overcoats in
the medium and long length, that are
built right to look well and wear well, at
prices that are right. Call and look
them over. Also several different styles
of Itain Coats, in Cravenettes, Mackin
toshes and Slickers.
Winter Underwear.
We want to supply your wants in
Winter Underwear, and have the goods
to do it with. Union Suits for Men,
Women and Children. Think of our All
Wool Garments for Men at 90c ! We
have them in 2-piece Suits.
Our Gordon Hats
Lead them all. The best $3 Hat made.
When you get a Gordon you get the
best thing in headgear,
3 j
R. J. WOICKA, Proprietor.
Sanitary Plumbing' and Tinning'
Pumps, Windmills, Pipe, Fittings, Everything in Plumbing and Tinning Line
Carload of
DR. JONES, Dentist.
Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates
Special attention ;m'" to the beautiful Pink Gum
Set of Tfetb. Alw tin- treatment diseatted teeth
and guiim. Ulice over Jacknon'R Store.
Ouk St. Entrance.
Have You Read Them?
"Tattlings of a Retired Politician." "In
Search of the Unknown;" "The Silent Plac
es." "The Blazed Trail." "When Wilder
ness Was King." "Memoirs of a Baby."
"Kulers of Kings." "The Castaway." "Pa
Aladdeji." "Bred in the Bone." "The Cros
sing." "Texas Matchmaker."
Everybody is reading them.
Why don't you?
Slocom's Book Store.
We have sold our line of Crockery and Glassware to
W. M. Stewart, and we intend to move into a smaller
room, and willl sell
Vases, Jewelry, Blank Books, Toys and Notions
at Cost for the Next 30 Days.
Remember the Place