The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 27, 1904, Image 2

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    3(ood iver Slacier
But liz weeks remain before the city
election, when thn water question and
the tewer question promise to make a
lively campaign. Are you out for office,
There wasn't room inside the chases
this week to print all the good things
the editors had to say of their visit to
Hood River. The fascinating story will
be continued next week. These copies
will be good ones to send East.
Councilman McDonald, member of
the sewer committee of the city coun
cil, says he would be pleased to see some
of the prominent citizens of the city ex
press their approval of the efforts of
the council to secure sewers for the town.
No one has done this so far. Mr. Mc
Donald says the committee is getting
mutters In shape that they may be pre
pared to advertise for bids In a week or
It was made known in town last Fri
day that a Hood River apple grower
bad gone to Mosier where he ordered
500 apple boxes manufactured a half
inch narrower and a quarter inch lees
In depth than the standard measure,
so his small apples would pack four-tier
to the box. The boxes were then hauled
overland from the box factory at Mo
tier. Verily the tricks of the farmer
are many.
Hood River Fruit.
In my travels round this mnndane sphere
I'm willing to admit.
That ill th Irult Hood River growl
Most certainly are "It."
Her strawberries have won Just fame
Wherever they are known.
And envious growers mum declare:
They are the best that's grown,
In every clime her apples rare,
All critics do dec die,
Are better than all other kinds -
Throughout the world beside.
Then praises to the growers here
Who till the fruitful earth,
And osaae the fertile soil to bring
Such treasures to our hearth.
Long may they live to give to us
The products of their soli,
And may uod blew the husbandman
Reward him for bis toll.
Special to the Glacier.
Cascade Locks, Or.. Oct. 24. Swan
Malm of this city fell into the canal of
the locks and was drowned about 3
o'clock Sunday afternoon. Malm was
haintini on a ulat form attached to one
of the gates, when In some manner he
lipped and full headlong into the water
and concrete work below.
Malm was native of Sweden, and
bout 45 years old. Hit wife died about
a year ago. He leaves one grown daugh
ter. The accident hat cast gloom
over the community, as he was one of
the respected citizens of Cascade Locks.
Perfect weather prevails in Cascade
Locks, the late raint having done much
John L. Kelly, in the employ of S. E.
Bartmess, met with a frightful accident
Monday morning that may cause him
the loss o( his right hand. Kelly had
cut his hand slightly and wrapped
about it a cloth saturated with turpen
tine. When putting wood Into the
stove the flames limited the turpentine
and in an effort to remove the burning
cloth, the flesh of both hands was
burned to a crisp.
The pain at the time and since then
1 1 ' . ! 1 f 1 ' II .
ibs ueen excruciating tor nir. iveny.
Local doctors did all that was possible
to ease hit sufferings, and Tuesday
afternoon he left for the hospital at
Bortland for special treatment. The
, flesh on his right hand wat so badly
bunted that it, had already begun to
peal off.
Doctors are afraid he will lose his
right hand completely and that he will
be unable to use the other one for weeks
VI- V.ll - f..Ill,f..l
w vuiiJV, inn nRifj nun a milium
employe oi Mr. Bartmess, and his
friendt deeply sympathize with him
because of the accident.
When hit hand took fire, Mr. Kelly
was alone in the store, and feared to
run into a back room for a cloth to
smother the flames for fear he would
tet the store on fire. After several min
utes he smothered the flames by rub
bing hit hands under hit arm, and
finally found some upholstery cloth to
wind aoout the Burning nana.
Members of the Odd Fellows lodge
are assisting Mr. Keiiey.
J. E. Rand now occupies his fine new
brick store building in the Smith block,
corner Third and Oak streets. The task
of moving was a bitf piece of work: like
wise the straightening up process In the
new quarters. With the usual delay In
secum.g building material from Port
land, many of the windows yet lack the
glass, and it is not possible to have
everything arranged for several days.
This modern new stoie is the Quest
in the city. The pressed brick front,
large plate glass show windows and the
cement walk toon to come combine to
muke an imposing appearance. The
building practically Includes two store
rooms. Facing Oak street is the dry
goods and shoe department, while open
ing on Third street, south of the rooms
to no occupied by the First National
bank, 1b a large grocery department
Stepping inside, the interior presents
a very attractive appearance. The
clear white walls, the finely varnished
shelves and rows of plate glass counters
give the impression of a metropolitan
department store. Measurements have
been tent hast for a cash carrier system
to ne installed next month.
Evervthinir about the store is seimv
gated in a department by itself, thus
affording a muc'i better opportunity
for a display of the goods, and making
it very convenient in waiting on cus
tomers. To the right of the main room
is the shoe department. A glance at
the well niled shelves snows enough
shoes to nil an exclusive shoe store.
Further on room is made for men's hats.
In the rear is the clothing department
and men's furnishings. On the east
tide are the fine dry goods aud women's
Elevated from the Oak street floor is
the grocery. department, reached by
stairway leading up from the middle of
the main room. At the head of the
st aits, and to the left, it a well-lighted
office room. From here can be obtained
a view of any part ot the store.
The grocery department it divided
into ftrmrtments for crockery, tinware
and staple groceries. Large windi wj
give room for the airplay of green gro
ceries. Mr. Rand is very much encouraged
over the business outlook.
Senator Kittritlge YlslU Hood Klver.
United States Senator A. B. Kittridge
of South l)ttkolB,accoiiipHiiied liyOeorge
Stevenson and James F. Mi Elroy of
Seattle were guccts of Captain Spencer
for a trip up the Columbia Friday, and
the same afternoon took a drive through
the Ifood River apple orchards with Hon
E. L. Smith of tins city. The party whs
Joined by Ex-Congressman Malcolm A.
Moody, from The Dalles, and together
they returned to Portland on the after
noon train.
Students Form Literary Society,
The pupils of the Hood River high
school organized a literary society last
Friday afternoon with the election of
the following olficers: Merrill Oessling
president; Elwood Lucky.vice-president;
MairPano. treasurer; Burleigh Cash,
secretary; Charles Shute, sergeatit-at-arms;
Professor Wiley, critic.
Theiiiuh School Iterary society, as
the organization will bo known, fgees
to meet Friday afternoon of every otiier
week. There will he debates, declama
tions, essays and impromptu work.
Rev. 1. T. Merrill (Joes to Lincoln.
Itev. J. T. Merrill, pastor of the Unit
ed Brethren church in this city, and
K residing elder for The Dalles district,
as accepted a call from Lincoln, Neb.,
where he will go the first of November
to take charge of a new $10,000 church.
The new building is to be dedicated the
coming Sunday.
This action of Rev. Mr. Merrill comes
as a surprise to his many flood Itiver
friends, who wish him success in Ms
new and larger field. It is expectid
that Rev. J. S. Rhoadut of The Dalles
conference will fid the vacancy made by
Itev. Merrill going r.ast. An announce
ment will be made later of the services
at the U. B. church.
Swedish Consul Visits Hood River.
Arthur Wilson, resident consul at
Portland for Sweeden and Norway,
accompanied Hon. F. V. Mulkey to
Hood Kiver last Saturday, and while
here the gentlem n were the guests of
N. 0. Evans.
The visitors were delighted with the
valley, and considered Hood River's
prospects bright indeed. Monday, Con
sul Wilson enjoyed a visit with Axtel
Rahm, one of Hood River's able citi
zens and a native of Sweden.
Mr. Mulkev is connected with the
First National hank of this city. It is
known that while here he looked over
the ground for a proposed power dam
on the property of N. C Evans, but just
what results will follow those interested
are not prepared to say.
Two More leac erg Needed.
The enrollment of the Hood River
public school has increased at such a
rapid rate since the opening of school
early in Septemlier, that the present
teaching force of 11 instructors is found
to be insufficient. The enrollment is
now close to 4.r0,
The new building on the hill was oc
rupied for the first time two weeks ago
Monday, and the enrollment is already
over 1UO. Hie directors expect to secure
another teacher by next week for the
boil ling on 'he lull, and if they thought
tin y could afford it would have all four
room of the new buildins occunied.
Mist Mathews and Miss Biirlinganie are
teaching on the hill. The first four
grades are taught there.
The pupils of the 8th and Oth grades
remembered Profurtor Crouse's Dirth
day, Octolver 14, and presented him
wilh a handsomely-bound copy ofUiit-
tier t poems. The iiotess-ir very much
appreciated the gift from his pupils.
Colonel Sobieski, the noted prohibi
tion lecturerer of Loa Angeles, enter
tained large audiences at the opera linn He
Friday and Saturday evening, with able
and eloquent discussions on the benehti
of prohibition. The lecturer was en
thusiastically wrapped up in hit suit-
ject, and presented his arguments In
clear cut and logical manner.
The speaker cited instance after in
stance as proof ot the growth ot tern
perance in the land, among which was
the statement that while W) years ago
scarcely a person could lie found who
was averse to taking his daily drink,
there are now 120,000:000 marching In
the army of total abstainers. Coming
on down to the present campaign in Or
egon, he said that he believed that on
the 8th of next month I'll of the counties
in our state would vote for prohibition
"To how you that you are not in the
vanguard, "said the Uulonel, 'I will cite
you statistics from various states: In
Alabama 44 of lid counties have no
liquor sold in them; Arkansas, lid nut
75; California, 75 cities and towns; Col
orado, 60 towns; (teorgia 1V5 out of 137
counties; Illinois, l50 cities; Indiana,
150 counties; Iowa, all but 25;Kentticky,
75 out of lit) counties; Louisiana, 20 out
of 50; Maryland, 15 out of 23; Massa
chusetts, 125 out of 250 counties; Mich
igan 400; Minnesota 345; Mississippi 71
out of 70 counties; Missouri 85 out of
115 counties; Nebraska 2K0 towns and
cities; New York 720 towns and cities;
North Carolina, 65 out of (17 counties;
Ohio, 650 towns and cities ; New Jersey,
300; Pennsylvania, 644; Rhode Island.
20; South Carolina, all but eight towns;
South Dakota 302; Tennessee. 55 out of
IHI ; Texas, 180 out of 240 counties ; Wis
consin 340 towns and cities; Connecti
cut, 175 out of 350; Delaware, one-half
the state; Washington, 50 towns; Ore
gon 120.
"1 lie statement that prohibitum re
tarded the growth ot a town is absurd.
The growth of places where the sale of
liquor Is prohibited is plienoniuial and
the decrease in taxes wonderful. The
saloon keeper doesn't run his businei-s
for his health. In The Dalles 21 saloons
tmv a vearlv license of tltOO each. It in
safe to say their receipts are $5000 each,
and upon the people is a tax engendered
of $110,000, and this is paid by those
least able to bear the burden.
"No stale has a right to license any
niun to manufacture that which fosters
vice and degradation."
Colonel Sobieski comes of noted an
cestry, and is a rightful heir to the
throne of Poland, that country which
was dismeniltered by Russia, Austria
and Uermany, being sixth in direct line
of descent from Joint Sobieski, HI, who
Iireventt'd r.urope from wing overrun
ly the Mohamedans in the 17th cen
tury. Insomnia And Indigestion Cured.
"Last yewr 'I bad a very severe attack
of Indigestion. I could not steep at
night and suffered most excrucialinir.
paint lor inree noura alter eacn meal
I was troubled this way for about three
months when I used Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, aud reeeiv
ed immediate relief" suys John Dixon,
Tullamore, Ontario, Canada. For sale
at Williams Pharmacy.
The Eastern tar will celebrate its
11th anniversary Friday evening, Oc to
iler 28. Dinner at 0:30. Every member
of the chapter and sojourning Stars are
cordially invited.
lL ' , a-Mki ' a i-saePk B j9B f!- F H X
.Men's Blue Jersey Ribbed
per garment, f riaay aim
Wen's Fancy High Grade Sweaters, worth $3.50, our price
AJ1 kinds of Shawls for Ladies
A large assortment of Pitchers, each
' awta a w
VU1 WVil kuvvvu) v - ..--
Clothespins, per dozen 1
A New Assortment of Ladies' Tourist Coats, Rain
Coats and Jackets just received.
We want your Shoe Trade. We have a large and well selected line of the
best wearing Shoes made in the United States, and are selling them on a very
close margin. - ' -
Come in and get our prices on Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits.
We are Never Undersold.
See This Space
At the ('hurdle.
Catholic Services Snrnlay at the res
ilience of Mrs. John Mohr. Mast at 10
o'clock. Hev. Father Kellv.
Unitarian. Corner Htate street and
Park avenue; W. U. Eliot, tr., minister
in charge. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
service at 11 a. in. Snbiect of sermon
"Sin and Disease: the true relation of
the one to the other, and how to deal
with them." All are welcome.
Lutheran. Herviees will be held again
next Sunday, October 30, at the church
near Columbia nursery and K. of P
cemetery, 2 miles south of town. Sun
day school at 2 p. in. ; preaching at 3 p
m. H. J, Kolb, pastor.
United Brethren. Sunday school at
10 a. m.; Sermon at 11 a. m. and
at 7 :30 p. m. ; Christian Endeavor at
7 p. in. ; prayer meetinti at 7:30 o'clock
each Wednesday evening. All are wel
come. J. T. Merrill.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and
8 p- m.; Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Kp
orh League 7 p. m. Prayer meeting
1 littrsuay evening. All cordially in
vited. V. C. Kvans, pastor.
Belmont Chapel. Sunday school at
10, followed by class meeting; League at
7; preaching at 8. All are cordially
Tabernacle service. Sunday school
at 2:30; preaching service immediately
following Sunday school, conducted by
W. A. Klkins.
There will be preaching every even
ing at 7:30; services Sunday at 11 a. in.
and 7 ;30 p. m., by Rev. V'. P. liniley,
baptist !nininter, in Carmichael hall. All
christian people are invited to attend
and work for the salvation of souls.
Oregon Htate Board of Horticulture.
Certlflcate of Inspection
Of Nursery StocR
To Whom it may Concern:
This is to Certify, That I have this
4th day of October, 11X34, inspected and
examined the Nursery Stock of Hmith
& (ialligan, Hood River, Oregon, audi
s far as I am able to ascertain, hav
found it in good, marketable conditio
and clear of any serious insect pest or
disease. Their methods of handling
and growing stock are good.
This certillcate expires Aug. 30, lifOu,
Commissioner Fourth District.
Bargains in Real Estate.
House and corner lots 100 x 100 close
in, for $450. Pay f25 down and the bal
ance at $15 per month.
Good 6-room house, 1 acres of land,
130 Is aring apple trees, tine location.
It is cneap. tut our price.
House and two lots 60x130 each, will
be sold at a bargain for cash.
The bct ranch on the west side of the
river. Fine modern house, packing
house, carriage house, lino chicken
houses and run, etc. If you want a line
pluce cheap, hero you have it.
50 acres unimproved land 6 miles out,
(13 per acre.
Can sell you four, five, ten or fifteen
acres of good apple land close in, all
under cultivation. Small house on the
place. Terms to suit the buyer.
800-acre stock ranch for sale or trade.
10 acres of good apple land to trade
for house and lot in town.
Hood River
Real Estate & Exchange Co.
Hood River, Ore.
New Pool Room!
In the Building next to I be
ti lacier OtUee.
A good place to spend the '
- . ... ... i r
Underwear, sold eisewneie iur
For the Bath, For the
A large variety of styles and prices. Excellent
values, all of them. Glad to show them whether
, is made or not.
We respectfully Invite you to visit ns and
Just received. Most (if the tyle represented
dcKlirners ori'rl, Ixmdon, New York snd Chicago ami are pe feet examples of hlnh art mil
linery. Our dlhiplay fncludes all the fashionable Klmpex for fall and winter of 1904-5 lo suit all
faces, yon na and ol'l. no one can snow a more
ii. in arm in viutrwH thai, cuii itiiote vou
iminb ninu at the lowest prices.1' consistent wilh hlirh class mil lnery. Yon are not
under ny ohllpoitlons whatever to buy because you pay n a visit. Our hsts are here for your
Inspect oil snd we are itbid to show them. Even If you are not rt ady to buy call and see our
stock. Vi e feci; certain that when you ara disposed to buy your hat you will give us the
..New York Millinery Store..
Office of Geo. T. Trather
Carriage Painting
Is the place to when you
The best is the cheapest. Am prepared to do up-to-date
White Salmon Livery and Stage Co.
WYERS & KEEPS, Proprietors.
White Salmon Sluire in connection, with iip to-ihite Livery Barn. Stages
leave (hiilv. Sundays excepted, nt 7:30
C.lenwomi. Meet all steamers.
j If a prescription is correctly written we
can All it, no matter if the name of some
other druggist is on the blank.
firing all of your Prescriptions here snd
tlioy will be correctly filled.
' The prices we charge will suit you, too.
Notice I lierebv given that my wife, Osth
eriiirt:. Kullcndonk, has lea my bed and
board without my ronopnl, and all persons
are hrti-bv warned not to credit her on my
account. ,ea Win. KKLLKNDONK.
Drain Tile
Do you M am drain tllet ltsn, see Tucker.
Don't delay, will soon be too laic to ship.
otf I' K. Tt'CKKR. Hood Rlver.ore.
Voice Culture
I will lKat the furniture store of s. E. Bart
mess on Thtm. lay ofesch wcek.Tcrms .easou
able W. r.sMI PH.
oct2i) Instrnctor In Voli-et'ultnre.
Boots And Shoes.
I hvam'w itneot MtMis' ut Hop's Boot
and SliiMui "Mi u.nri examine the in.
I ioh.m mr.Vl.KS. Hhoeatinn.
ootlS. tioulborpoat office
f 1
ou win, ..j ,
) AV i
ana UP-
For the Teeth,
For the Hair,
For the Hands,
For the Nails,
Clothes, For the Hat
The Druggist
see our new stuck ot millinery which we have
in our line are exact copies or the tKnioiis pai
nanuHonie une ui uiumiery m m wucau aim
lower DriuBg. Our imtt la: "The most faah-
Hood River, Oregon
want good work done in the
a. m., for Trout Lake, Gilmet, midaand
Vigorite Powder
I am still agent for this blasting powder. See
me or write for price.
KNtf FRANK 8TANTOX. Hood River.
Janitor Work
.lanltor work done t reasonable prices by
experienced man. Apply to E. W. CROSS,
Hone McDonald's store.
"Well Digging
Am prepared to dig, bore or urlve wells.
Satisfaction guaranteed. angWf R M.HUXT.
Notice to Water
Any one caught shotting orr water In mains
to make tapa will be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law unless they obtain per mis
sion from this office. Thla la final.
H TT M M O N 8.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
For Wasco County.
Emmalmlay, plalnlllT,
Harry Curtis Imlay, defendant.
To Harry Curtis lmlay, the above named
dereudaot.-Iu the nsme of the Btate of Ore-
If'.?! i ... i.i.a tn .nimir and lan-
I OQ are UCicuf ii'l'n"" r i .
......h.mnwinHtlNl Biialnst you Id the
nhove entitled suit, within six weeks from
the DSth day of Heptember, WW, said day be ng
theorstaay omie puniirauuu
mon;sndlfyoufritoiiosnBwer. for want
hereof, the plalntlffwlll spply to the court
for relief demanded In her complaint Bled
In said cause. lor wwii: a uct.-, a ..
dlHHnlvliiE the bonds or matrimoDy bxioii
between the plaintiff and defendant In said
cause, and for the restoration of the P"',n"'
nmtuen uame ami iur ner wo - -
nients In this suit. ,
rrki. U nnhlliihrd hv VlrtUS Of an
order of Honorable A. E. Lake, County Judge
of the county courtof thecounty of Wasco and
si ale of oregon.aatea tue iuiuj ui
A. I),. lHW.whlcb order pee'B.e snd provides
i weeks and for seven Insertions as the time
tor which this summons shell be published.
Dated at Hood Klver, Oregon, this the 20m
day of September, m nar.w
Attorney for f lalntlff.
Timber Land, Act June 8.187S.J
Denartmcnt of th Interior, Land Office at
The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. S), lttM.-Notk Is
tier has riled notice of his intention to make
final proof In support of his claim, and that
hntihv tfivp-n mm lhh loiiowuiK-iiriircu my tr
said proof will be made before the Keglster
and Receiver at the land office In The Dalles,
Oregon, on the 17th day ot November, 1WH,
Mil, for the lots 1 and 2 of section 2, township
1 nortn, range u eaioi wiimmcue jnenumu,
and the EH of the HK! of section il, town
sbln 2 north, range 11 E w. M.
Me no mew the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultlva
tionofsald land, vis: Waniuel D.Fisher Peter
Hennengsen, W. A. Husbands and W. V.
Weldner, all of Mosier, Oregon.
otmiu MlUMAr.L, l. nuliAN, negimer.
Notice la hereby given that an execution
and order of sale was issued out of the circuit
courtof the state of Oregon for Wasco county
on the 13th day of October, HUM, upon a Judg
ment ana decree given ana renaerea inerein
on the 13tli day of October, UKM: In a cause
therein pending, wnerein u. w. rtieips ana
W. a. Wilson were piaimins una
was defendant, snd to me directed and com
manding me to sell the real estate hereinafter
described for the purpose of satisfying said
Judgment in the sum of J278.U5 and SM SO costs.
Now, tnererore, 1 win on nmnraay, tne mn
day of November, ltM, st the hour of 1 o'clock
ft. m. ui tne coun nouse aoor in wusco coun
v. Oregon sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash In bund for the purpose of
satisfying saia juagmeni, me iunowiug ue
scr bea real estate, lo-wit
Beginning at a point ISIS feet south from the
norinwesi corner oi section s. townsnip s
north, range 10 east. W. M.: running thence
east so rods: thence south 'it rods: thence west
eighty rods: thence norlh 24 rods to point of
beginning, containing i& seres, more or less,
and situated in wasoo county, Oregon.
Dated tbls l&tn day or October, v.m.
b. 0. SEXTON,
oJOnlO Hherlffof Wasco county, Oregon.
Notice to Stockholders
Notice of special meeting of the stockholders
otine valley improvement tympany oi
the city of Hood Itiver, county of Wasco,
and state of Oregon.
otlice of Vallev Improvement Company,
Hood River. Oregon, October 20, 1904. lu pur
suance oi a resolution amy passea sua adopt
ed by the board of directors of the Valley
improvement uompsny at a meeting or saia
board duly held on the 12lh day of October A.
I).. 1904. and duly entered in the minute book
of said corporation, 1
notice is nereDy given mat a meeting is
hereby called; and will be held at the office of
said corporation, at John Lemuel neiHler
son's law otlice, near corner of Third and
Stale streets, In the city or Hood River, coun
ty of Wasco and state of Oreicon. on Haturdav
the I2tb day of govern her,. ltxx, at the hour ol
tu o ciock a. m. ot saia aay, tor tne purpose
of coKsiderlng and acting upon the protiosi
tlon lo dissolve the said corporation, and
wind up Its affairs, and dispose of lis assets
according to law, and to authorise, empower
ana airect iw ooaru oi Ql rectors to taae tne
necessary steps therein.
o2flul0 Secretary, Valley Improvement Co
Notice Is hereby given that an execution and
order of sale was Issued out of te circuit
court of the state t f Ortgon for Wasc county
on the 13tb day of October. 1904. upon a Jutlar-
ment and decree uiven and reudered therein
on the 1st day of October, 1904, in a cause there
in penaing, wnerein u. w.
Vt llson were piaintins ana
was defendant, and to me directed and com
mandlna me to sell the real est le herein
after described for the purpose of satisfying
said Judgment In the sum of (207.21 and ajo.uo
attorneys lees and 11100 costs. Now, there
fore, I will on Saturday, the 19th day of No
vember, !'., at tne notir-ni i o'clock p. m. at
the court house door in Wasco county, Ore
iron, sell at public auction lo the highest bid
dor for oasb lu hand for the purpose of sat
isfying said Judgment, the following described
real estate, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 2244 feet south from
the northwest corner of section 3, township
north, range 10 east, W. M.; running thence
east HO rods: thence south 24 rods to the south
east corner of the southwest quarter of the
of the nortnwest quarter or said section
thence west SO rods to the southwest corner of
the northwest quarter of the said section
thence north 24 rods to the place of beginning
containing 12 acres, more or less, and being
situatea in w asco count , uregon.
Dated this 16th day of October, ISM VI.
O20nl0 Sheriff of Wasco eounly, Oregon
I Have Just received a late book of samples
of suitings and walslings for fall and winter.
Call and see them. I will also take orders for
I'll llll Is a Foster, Ladles Tailors of Chicago,
Have opened at the old stand with fresh
stock of staple and fancy groceries. Call and
see me. Can give you anything but whisky
or man. ixiAiL,r.n nAm-Klll i .
nS While Salmon. Wash
For proor positive as to who poisoned mv
uog on Digui oi uctooe in, irco win ne paia.
Wanted To Lease
Twenty to 40 acres In Oregon, for two or more
years, half in cultivation with running water
buildings, tools and one or two cows and
team. RUSSELL A SPENCER. 685 Wledler
sireei, roriianu, uregon
Rooms To Rent
Three furnished roomB for light housekcep-
iu((. m. r . JAi;imn
HoiMekeeping rooms unfurnished. One
door went or Knappa' utore. o20 nlO
A Light-colored rain coat, on the road between
Uugust I'aascn a ana reter Monr s. i-cave a
aclerofnce . JH. LAW.
In tent at fair ground, Satttrdny evening.
lady's pocketbook. Ieave at lllacler ulnae
for reward. niotf LULA HUNT.
Lower part of K. P. watch chain. Finder
please leave return to Bartmess' store and re
ceive reward. vzi
IjtdyVblsok purse containing between
and Hi. also rebate check, lost between town
and Paradise farm one day last week. Leave
at (ilacler. oS7 MRS. F. P. FRIDAY
IlurliiK children 'adayat the fair, Dewey Reid
Rut hla coat on a wagon on which he rode
ome. The driver was delivering goods to
Mr. Snow. Ifthe driver will kindly leav
the coat at the Glacier office. It will greatly
oblige oanr siu. m Autui; uiuu.
Shopping bag between David Sears' and
F. M. Jackson'a places. Contained small
purse, about $1.11) In cash, a lot of trade tickets
and a handkerchief. The lady losing same
would be very grateful if finder would I ave
same at tne u lacier omce. oAlnio
Lady's white glove, and left at this office.
By paying for this notice, owner may have
Horse, young, I'-Wor 130P pound horse; well
broke. Cheap ftir cash. Address,
W. H. MARSHALL. Mount Hood P.0.
To trade a One hammerlesa shot gun for
wood ofl7 ( HAH. TKMI'lK.lewi-ler.
A tenant for a i acre farm. SO acres In ber
ries, 10 acres In clover, H acres In young orch
chard. Tbls ranch la In a first class cond1
tlon and only competent men need apply.
This farm is for sale at a bargain.
dwlm nit) Address; JC-h), This Office.
Will bay tar cash Indian arrow points, or
will eichange line cigars for name. Send by
mail or espressor write me what yon have.
Will pay ftl per hundred or more If nice.
F. A. THOMAS.Heeretary and Treasurer,
Portland Clirar Co..
octIS liiM E 13th street Portland, Or.
The regular annual meeting of the Hood
River Fruit Urowera' union will be held in
Artlsana' hall the second Sat urdav of Novem
ber the 12th, at t p. m order of the Board
of Directors. E. H. SHEPARD, Secretary.
Real Estate
rorSale-The Abbott Store property
on the hill. Price, tOOO.
The M. M. Davenport acres, nice
new residence, $1700. Terms easy.
14 acres across tne roan irom tne Al.
M. Davenport residence. f60 per acre.
Terms easy. ,
A 40 acre tract, some Improvements,
2 miles from Barret school house, $2,000.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, gome
free irrigating water, 11 miles from Bar-,
rett school house, $1,100.
A 20 acre tract unimproved, 1J miles
from the Barrett school house, 6 acres
cleared, $1,700.
The NWJi oi N r 7a Bee. 4, jp. z jn.,
R. 10 E, 40 acres. Price $2,000. fSOOor
mere cash, balance in live years.
Lots 1 and 2, lilk. 2, Wioang add. to
Hood River for $350 each.
The NE i of BW X and the W of
SE k, section 16, Tp 2 north, range 11
east, 80 acres, partly nnpoved, good ap
ple land, plenty ot timDer, no rock.
Price $800 cash or. $1,000 on time at 6
per cent.
Money to loan.
Ha'nna house and lot, $2,000.
The new company now offers for sale
lota formerly belonging to the Hood
Rivor Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2
story house: $1,400.
Lot for sale in Waucoma Park addi
tion, $200.
Jor Kent tor a term oi ten years,
the lot on State street, back of
Bartmeee .
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan; 60 acres
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy ; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced.
Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood River.
For Sale The Donahue block on the
hill. Improved and fenced. Fine resi
dence, barn and outbuildings. $4500.
Will sell the SlSJi for IKM), the
lor $700, or the W for $.1500. One
third cash, balance time at 8 per cent.
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $250.
For Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm
owned by A. E. Lake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
berries in their prime. A -good oppor
tunity for several buyers, to go in to
gether and each secure a part. Must all
be sold at once. Terms half or more caBh.
Mrs. Clark's acres on the hill for
sale or rent; house $10 a month, with
land $15; selling price $1,500; renter
must take subject to sale.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; 100 acres good fruit land;$4000.
8. 160 acres at White Salmon ; fine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
9. The o-acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Renshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc
For Sale. 40 acres near Monnt Hood
post office. Good land $700 cash 30
days, only.
Five acres at Frankton ; cottage and
acreand a half in cultivation. Creek
and water power; $1,000.
Block 1, Parkhurst addition to Hood
River, all in cultivation; good house,
beautiful residence property; price,
$4,500 ; $1 ,500 or more cash ; balance on
or before 3 years at 8 per cent.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition; improved; price $l,CO0i or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
The 10 acres owned by H. S. Lewis at
Belmont, improved, with buildings,
farm implements, furniture, stock, etc.,
$3,000; the bare place, $2,500; $1,500
or more cash ; balance on time, 6 per ct.
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
For Rent. One or two cottages;eorner
store building to lease. Store building
can also be bought. ,
For Sale Four-fifths interest in the
M. 0. Wheeler 160 acres near Hood
River Falls.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April 9, 1903,
the rates will be as follows: $10 a day ;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
For Sale
for Sale or trade for a single buggv, two-
seated hack. Inquire at ABBOT'S store.
Good pigs for sale. PETER MOHR.
To sell or Irade
Hood River Heights,
heavy teams.
iholce building lots on
Will trnde for good
Household goods. Including organ.
Milk and cream for sale at Paradise farm.
Flee delivery. Phone UM.
ocltftf IL R. ENTR1CAN.
Fresh cow, second calf, apply to
olfflnlO W. E. LOtJKMAN
A fine lot of pigs for sale at 9 each.
Ulngen, Wash.
Go-cart, In good condition, will be sold
cheap. I nqulreof " n 10M RSH L'XLKY.
Home pure blooded Plymouth Rock chick
ens, nil) MRS. B. F. MOwES, Route No. 3.
One side-saddle, a 100-etrir
Guluca hens, live pairs Rsmain chickens.
o!3lf FRANK CHANDLER, on the hill.
Three stoves and olher second-hand housed
hold goods forsale cheap. Inquire at T. K.
Coon's place on the hill. n 3
An exlra good general purpose team7weli
matched in color, size, and speed, good trav
elers. Would make line lead team. Weight,
MX). W. F. CASH.
nS On the W. J. Baker place.
Of) acres of good apple land li-mlle south
of Mount Hood post otlice on stage
road. Price SIMM. For further Information
address P. O. llox SSI, Hood River. n3
Seven-room house and four lots on Hoo3
River Heights. Sixty fruit trees, strawber
ries and other small fruits, also fine shrub
bery. For particulars call on
n3 F. P. BUOWN, Cor June and E. st,
Hood Kiver Fruit "and Timber "Lands for
sale or trade for Cortland property aud other
va ues. W. R. vVl.NANS, Hood Itiver. Ore.
I am offering for sale my 10 acres, well Im-
firoved, 3 miles south of town, on the Mount
lood w6 1. For particulars call at my place.
aug Ulf F. K. BAILKJT.
Forty acres of my farm in Crapper district,
miles from Hood River. Good apple land,
per acre. Easy terms. Unimproved, under
ditch. )y7tf A. A. JAYNK.
For sale at a bargain; on the road to Mount
Hood: good apple land; nice healthy location
for a house by I he roadside. Inquire on the
oct 16
J. P.
K 1 fl 1 E acre
of apples and
ul Av y'1 strawberries one mile
south of town. .Will take stock of merchan
dise or town property on pavment. A SNAP.
o6 tf N. f. CHAPMAN.
An S-room, well built house, between the
two schl houses on the hill; formerly the
Tenold cottage. Inquire at Glacier office. d!7
Two aecoud-tiMiid heating stoves and one
cook stove. Inquire of
03 MRS. A. W. KINO.