IT'S A COLD DAY WHEN WE GET LEFT." VOL. XVI. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1904. NO. 24. HI OD RIVER GLACIER issued ever? Thursday by ARTHUR O. MOB. Publisher. lrms of subscription ll.&u a year wli.u paid m savance. I fc. I I & 1 lAK UKOVK COUNUIL No. 142, ORDKR OF w rtnuu. siesta me second and rourtn Fridays of the month. Visitors cordially wel comed. . U. bKosius, Couusellor. Him Nellie C'LiBH. becraiary. ORDER OF WASHINGTON. Hood Hirer Union No. 1-Ci. meets in Odd Fellows' hall wound and iourth baturdaye in eacn month, jjanociuiE. a. l. hood, i-reudent. C. U. luiua, Secretary. TJOOl) KUKR CAMf. No. 7.702. M. W. A A 1 nieeU la IL. ot t. Hall every Wednesday DIKUl M. M. ftUHKIX) V. U. C. U. Iuein, Clerk. HOOU KlVtK CAMP, No. 77U, W. O. W., meeU on ilril and third 'iueauay of each month in una reuuw tiaji. a. c. otaten, u u F. H. Blaoo, clerk. VT7AULOMA UlniiE, No. 8u, K. of P., meeti " in K. oi f. uail every Tuesday nignt. ii. M. UUKB, C. C. C. E. Hemman, K. of R. & 8. HOOU K1VKR CHAPiER, No. 26, O. E. 8 meets second auu iourth .uee.ay even tUKSol eacu tuoutn. Ylidtors cordially wel comed. Thehkhe t'AKTMXR, W. II. Aiaa. Maby B. Daviwkjn, secretary. H1 00 U RIVER CIRCLE, No. 634, Women of VYoouuraii, meeia at K. of P. Hall on the tirst and till, u t rluaytf oi each month. Iielen Nokion, (iuaralan Neighbor. Nellie Hollowell, Uert. "AN BY 1 08T. Mo. 16. Q. A. R.. meets at A. O. U. W . Hall, second and fourth Saturdays oi eacn mourn at i u clock u. m. All Oi. A. K men. ben in v ilea to meet with us. 11. h. Hailey, commander. I. J. Lur-Nino, Adjutauu "AN BY V. R. (J., No. W, meet! second and luunn baiuruays oi each month lu A. o. U . Hall at 2 p. m. Jik. aula hhoemakeBi President, tins. I . i. ccumNO, secretary. CDtN ENCAMPMENT, No. 48, I. 0. O. F., a-1 kegular meeting aecond and fourth Mon iaa ui eai ii moiiiu. A. J. Iiatcuell, U. P, Ueei EmuiVAN, scribe. TDLEWII.D LODUE. No. 107, I. O. O. F., nveU lu Fraternal Hall, every Tr.uraoay nliti t. :s, N. U. Ed. Haves, H. C mi h, secretary. HOOD RINKR CHA1TER, No. 7, R. A. M., meets third Friday night of each month. o. K. Castmkr, H. P. 1. McDonald, Secretary. COURT HOOD RIVER No. 42, Foreatera of America, meets aecond and fourth Hon days in eacn mouth lu K. oi P. hall. H. T. DeVitt, C. R. F. C. Brush's, Financial secretary. LAUREL REBEKAH DEGREE LODGE, No. 87. 1. O. O. p., meets nrsl and third Fridays lu each month. FKANcia Morse. N. U. Tuekese Castnek, Secretary. HOOD RIVER LODGE No. 105, A. 'F. and A. M.. meets Saturday evening on or before each lull moon. D. McDonald, W. M. R. II. bavaoe, Secretary. OLETA ASSEMBLY No. MIS, United Artlaana, meets lir land third Wednesdays. wort; second and iourth Wednesdays, social; Artl aana nail. D. McDonald, M. A. Ii. M. Mccarty, Secretary. RI ERSIDE LODGE No. 68, A. O. U. W., meets first and third saiurdays of each month. K. R. bRALiLEY. financier. W. B. bliUTB, W. M, J. O. UaYnes, Keeorder. RIVERSIDE LODGE, NO. 40, Degree of Hon or, A. O U. W, meeta Arm ana third Satur days at 8 p. m. Mrs. Sarah Bradley, 0. of H. Miss Cora Copple, Recorder. . . Mrs. Luchetia i rather. Financier MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 8,469, R. N. A. Meet" at K. of P. hall on the oecoud and fourth triday of each month. Mks. Emma Jones, Oracle. Mrs. Ella Dakin, Recorder. P E. WELCH, THE VETERINARY SURGEON. Has returned to Hood River and is prepared to do any work lu the veterinary Hue. He can be lound by calling at or phoning to Clarke's drug store. A. F ROWLEY DENTIST Office over Rowiey & Co.'a Pharmacy, Hood Kivjr Heights. Prone 001. )K. W, T. RuWLKY PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, OCULIST Office and Pharmacy, Hood River Height. Phone, Main iHil. f H. HARTWIG LAWYER Will Practice in All Courts. Office with Geo. D. Culbertaun dt Co Colleo tlonv, Abairacia, Settlement of Eatates. HOOD RIVER UREGON C u. JEKls, i). m. u. DENTIST. Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work Telephones: Office. iM; residence. 94. Office over Bank Bldg. Hood River, Oregon J U HUMBLE. PHYSICIAN AND SUKUEON encoesnor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered In Iowa or ooautry Dav or Night. ' Telephone: Keiddence, bll ; Office, 1S. OtHc over Reed's Grocery. J F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Telephones: Office, 381; residence. Ml BURGEON O. R. A N. CO. JOHN LEl.AMi HfcMErtU.N ATTORNKY-AT-LA W. ABSTRACTER. SO 1AKY PUHLIC and REAL, ESTA1K AGENT. For 2S years a resident of Oregon and Wash Inrton. Has had many years experience in Real Esute matters, as abstraetor, searcher o( title and agent, baliafaenon guaraataed or no charge. A. JAYNE. LAWYER. AtntcU Furniihed. Money Loaned. Hood River, Oregon, p C. BROSiUS, M. D. " PHYSICIAN AND 8URGE0S. 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Honrs: 10 to IV A. M.; t to 3 and 6 to 7 P. M. JOUER 8. 8ANBORS ATTORNEY AT LAW HOOD RIVER OBIOON VEEK'SJ)OINGS Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts of the World. Of. INTEREST TO OUR READERS General Review of Important Happen, pcnlgs Presented In a Brief and Condensed Corm. Postmaster Vancott, of New York, Is dead. Both armlet in Manchuria continne to rest. General Knropatkin baa been made commander (n chief of the Russian army. Many of the Hull fishermen believe the attack of the Russian fleet was pre meditated. The town of Berkeley, Va., continues under martial law. The authorities are fearful of race riot bieaking out. John C. Haddock, a New York inde pendent coal mine owner and operator, declares the coal roads have ruined him. Arrangements are almost complete for openinhg schools on the island of Guam. There are 2,300 native chil dren on the island. Governor Chahmerlain charges the commissioner of the general land office with failure to keep promise in rt'izaid to lieu lands in Oregon. A new Russian loan of $270,000,000 basv irtually been concluded. Half the loan has own reserved for Germany and the balance to France, Belgium an 1 Holland. Eight Japanese warehouses on the Yalu river at Antung, filled with ra tions, clothing, ammunition and the prizes se ured at the battle of the Ya lu, have been burned. The weatl r in Manchuria is very cold and tbeia is great scarcity of fuel. By a sale Just made, 340,000 acres of land in Mexico has been sold to a Mor- moa colony. The Standard dictionary received the irrand prize, the highest award, at the 8t. Louis fair. Many Japanese on the Pacific coast are leaving for their home country to join the army. James F. Coopnr, associate Justice of the supreme court of th Philippine islands, has resigned. Fire at the plant of the New Home lewing Machine conpany, Orange, Mass., entailed a loss of f 100,000. It le probable that the Missisippi will soon be dielged, as engineeis fear the great river will soon become dog ged and useless as a waterway. The armored cruiser Colorado is the fastest in her class. On her trial trip ahe made 22.26 knots an hour. This is slightly in excess of speed called for by the contract. The Russian minister to Great Brit ain had a narrow escxpe from viol Mice at the hands of a mob who would avenge the death of the Hull fisher men. He is now guarded by ponce. The people of Japan are reported to ei-ent the suppression of war news. The armies in Manchnria are fully re-ted and a buttle that bhould prove decisive is looked for. A counterpart of the big Inside'' Inn at the St. Louis fair is said to be prac tically assured for 190S. This year's total registration in New York City is 688,776, which exceeds by nearly 60,000 the record of 1900. Sentiment in French governmental quai tern is growing mote favorable to the American proposition to call a sec ond pea e congress at Ihe Hague. The Russian aduiiraalty council sit ting in rev ew of the Vladivostok prize court, has decided that the Btitish ship. Allanton, seized June 16, and ber cargo must be released. Marshal Oyama's army is said to be running short of ammunition, hut freuh snppliea are expected from Dalny, the Japanese having established railroad communication with that poit. In a clash between Greeks and Vul garians, 20 of the latter were killed. r -1 . i ... .1 shot in an attempt to escape arrest at St. Louis, when tld be could not live, confessed to having taken part in two hold-ups and implicated others who were thought to bave taken part. Revolutionists are active in Russia Police authorities declare the Hebrews are most at fault. Coos bay people are excited over a conference at Marshfleld of a number of prominent railroad men. Bransford, a small village in Ten nessee on the Chesapeake A Nashville railroad, was entirely destroyed by fiie. The city of Portland may bave to lower its water mains acres the Wil lamette river in order to allow of a deeper channe. to be di edged. A shipbuilding race between the New York and Mate Inland navy yards bas begun over the construction of two colliers authorized by the last con gress. They are to be the largest and fastest boats of their class in the world. Military operations in Manchuria are awaiting the diiyng of the raids and plains rendered impassable for artillery and evea for infantry by the recent heavy rains. Only disultory rannondinf and unimportant skirm ishes are occurring. PRESS DISPLAYS IMPATIENCE. London Papers Regard Czar's Note as Only a Personal expression. London, Oct. 27. The morning pa pers display great impatience over the delay of the Russian government in ac cording satisfaction for the Dogger Bank affair. The emperor's communi cation, while it relieves the immediate tension, is herd only to be a personal expression of regret, and it is argued that unless .the Russian government speedily follows suit a situation of the greatest danger will arise. Editorial articles demand that the Baltic squad ron must be stopped in its irresponsi ble course, for otherwise there is no twfety for the shipping of any nation ality. The Standard asks: "Is this ill-omened squadron, with its demoralized crews and incompetent oflicere, to continue its crazy career and become an intolerable nuisance and menace to the civilized world?" And, with other papers, declares there will be wore for the British navy un less Russia recalls or stops its fleet at some neutral pert for investigation and the punishment of the guilty parties. In this connection, greatest ratiefac tion is expressed at the unanimity of foreign expressions in support of Great Britain s attitude in the matter, pecially at German denunciation oi the conduct of the Baltic fleet. Public interest and even, anxiety shows not the slightest sign of waning. The Russo-Japanese war is almost for gotten, and the papers are occupied al most exi lusively with the riortb sea affair. So far, the attitude of the gov ernment meets w ith the approval of the public, who are greatly gratified with the instructions of the admiralty tor co-operation between the Mediter ranean, Channel and Home squadrons should necesisty arise. BRIBED ADMIRAL. Japanese Officer to Blame for Ac cldent to Two Ships. London, Oct. 27 The Tokio corres pondent of the Express states that the truth of the sinking of the Japanese gunboat Hatacbi Maru and the damag ing of the Sadu Mara by Rubs a i mines has l econie known. According to this version, the admiral command ing the squadron to which the two ves sels were attached had been bribed by ttie Russians to betiay his country, the sum paid to the traitor being $60,000. The Russians were informed by wire less telegraphy of the location of the boats. When the matter became known in Tokio, the admiral was tried by courtmartial and sentenced toJ death. 1 be sentence was read by his most intimate mends. The staff then cleared the room and the traitor was stripped and beaten to death. TO STOP PANAMA WORK. Illinois Man Endeavoring to Tie the Hands of the Government. Wai-hinuton, Oct. 27. An effort to restrain the secretary of the treasury fiom making payments or issuing bonds for the acquisition and construc tion of the Panama canal was made to day in the equity brand) of the su preme court of the District of Colum bia. W. 8. Wilson, of Hinsuale, III., is the author of the suit, and presented hid own argument. The government was defended by United states Attor ney Morgan II. Beach and Charles W. Kusecll, assistant, to the attorney gen eral.' Justice Stafford, who heard the case, has not rendered his decision. Die principal question involved is whether the courts have authority to restrain a federal officer from a wrongful inteipretation of a federal law. . Invited to Peace Congress. Washington, Oct. 27. Acting Secre tary of State Adee today dispatched a note looking to a reconvening of The Hague conference. This is an invita tion of the president of the United states to the signatory powers of the original Hague treaty to come together agiiin. The note is directed to the American ambassadors and ministers abroad, with instructions to sound the iiovernments to which they are a.ared- iUd and to extend President Roose velt's invitation. Still a Stronghold. London, Oct. 27. Under date oi Oc tober 22, the Port Aithur correspon dent of the Daily Telegraph, describing the defences of that place, says the Japanese will achieve a wonderful suc coss if they ran rapture the fortress with a loss under 30,000 men, for the garrison, though worn down and few in numbers, can bold their strong de fenses with no great daily casualties from ihe bombardments of the heaviest ordnance and that the Japanese must xacritice great numbers to gain even the advanced defenses. Millions rrom Nome Diggings. Seattle, Oct. 27. The steamship Senator hHS arrived from' Nome with 439 passengers and $250,000 in gold dust. Passengeison the Senator say that a dose estimate of the gold output for this season has been made, and that it is believed the total amount from Nome will be $3,000,000. In cluding an estimate on the winter dig gings, it is believed that the total year's output of gold dust wili be in excess ol $4,000,000. Sequel to Dreyfus Case. Paris, Oct. 27. A sqeuel to the Dreyfus case was the opening of the courtmartial today of four prominent officers of the war ministry, charged with using military funds and other wiee influencing witnesses against Dreyfus at Rennes. The court is com posed of General Bertin. four colonels and two lieutenant colonels. Theprev ious ministerial investigation partially vindicated the accused, who demanded a courtmartial. OREGON NEWS OF INTEREST lsaaA4 1 fAtsaaa4ttstA.AAA.t..)j ROADBUILDINQ IN CLACKAMAS. To Make Permanent Path Is Policy of County Court. Oregon City "During the last year Clackamas county bas expended $40, 000 in roadbuilding," says Judge Ry an. "The policy of the county court is to build permanently when any piece of road is constructed and where tne funds are available," continued Mr. Ryan. "This year Clackamas county has been especially fortunate in its roadbuilding, having funds on band with whl.-h to meet every warrant that has been issued on this account. In our loadbuilding the court has been disposed very generally to fellow the plan of reducing the grade of all roads that are treated, finding that this course contributes much to the perma nency of .the improvements that are made." The announcement that Clackamas county roads will next year be experi mented with in the use of oil bas aroused much interest. Judge Ryan has received numerous inquiries from California producers, who Lave offered to deliver the oi) here at no greater a cost than it costs in California. The court will place this oil on all of the different kinds of clay soil in the conn ty and deter m ne its value in road cop st rue tion. New Phone Through Polk. Independence Riley Craven, W. W. Percial and W. A. Meeener have or ganized a stock'company to be known as the Independence Telephone com pany, the purpose being to build a tele phone line from Independence to Mon mouth and elsewhere in the county as desired. The line will connect witb the Luckiamute line at Monmouth, and Is to work in connection witn the Cor- vallis, Dallas Falls City, McMinnville, Arniy, Perrydale.and McCoy Mutual lines, already established. The com pany will circulate papers and secure stock for promoting the enterprise. The privilege is given by the council of Independence to place the line in this city. Steps will be taken to obtain the same in Monmouth. The service for Independence and Monmouth will be through the Independence central office. Road to Gallre. Merlin Work has begun on the new road to Gal ice, and it is expected it will be completed in six weeks. Con siderable freight is here awaiting the completion of the road, among it a saw mill for the Rand mine. The Meilin Townsite company baa material on hand for the construction of a tele phone line to Gall, e as soon as the road is completed. It would be in opera tion now, but it was desired to bave it follow the new road. It is intended to carry the line four miles beyond Galice, giving service to the Almeda, Rand, Big lank and other mines. The ex penditure of a small amount of money will also complete the new road to the mines named. Coming Events. North Pacific Unitarian conference. Salem, October 25-27. Annual meeting Oregon Miners' as sociation, Portland, November 14. State Bar association, Portland, No vember 15-16. National Grange, Portland, Novem ber 18-26. Convention of County Clerks and Recorders, Portland, November 26-26. Poultry Show, Corvallie, December 10-12. Oregon Good Roads convention, Salem, December 13-15. Wheatmcn Give Liberally. Pendleton Leon Cohen, who is di recting the work of raising $5,000 in this county for the Op-n River associa tion to build the por age road at Celilo, is meeting witb success and says the necessary amount of money can easily be raiBed in another week. The large wheat raisers in the county, who have been approached, are subscribing quite liberally and already nearly haf of the amount has been raised. Mr. Cohen has agents at work in the country, and they have been instructed to make a ih rough canvass. Willamette Still Low. Albany Water in the Willamette river is yet two feet too low to permit steamboat traffic on the Upper Willam ette After two or three days of bard rain, witb frequent rains following, the boats will be able to reach Albany regular'y. The upper traffic will be conducted by tbe Oregon City Transpor tation company again this year, and the boats which will make the Por-land-Corvallis run will very probably be tbe Pomona and the Oregona. No Insurance on flax. Baler Upon examining bis insur ance policies, Eugene Bosse fonnd that his insurance on the flax burned expir ed a month ago. The policy was for $3,000. Mr. Bosse has this years' crop of flax spread in the, fields i r stored at Solo, so that he bas some raw material with which to start a linen mill. The fire, however, will cause delay in starting the mill. Delegates to Commercial Congress. Salem Governor Chamberlain bas appointed J. E. Aitcheson, of Portland, and F. B. Holbrook, of Irrignn, as del egates to tbe trans-Mississippi Com mercial congress, to be head at St. louis. INCREASE IN IMPLEMENT TRADE." Wheatgrowers Have Money With Which to Buy Tools. Pendleton A tiaveliiig man for a leading Implement company says the Implement trade in the wheat distiicts of Oregon and Washington is bttter this season than ever before in the hi tory of the two states. More money is evident among tbe growers and mote cash is paid for implements than usual Trade in the communities in the in teiiornf Oregon, where nothing but stock is raised is slow, as the growers have not sold any beef during the past two years at a profit, consequently ready money is at a premium. Al) are confi dent t,he coming season wilt prove profitable. Much Btock has been un ioaueu at the low prices, as it bas not paid to hold and feed, and at a result next year will find fewer head of stock in tbe country and piices will necessar ily have to advance. Ores Tram Blue River Mines. Eugene At a special meeting of the Eugene Commercial club the committee appointed to Lok a (tor an exhibit of minerals from Blue River mining dis trict reported promises of ores for the Lewis and Clark exhibit amounting to 38,000 pounds, and that this amount will be swelled by mine owners who bave not yet been seen to at least 45, 000 pounds. The miners are reported as taking the matter in hand with en ergy and they are desirous of doing ail in their power to further the matter. The ores will be hauled to Eugene yet this fall, in older to be leady for in stallation at the beginning of the Lewis and Clark exposition Sowing Tall Wheat. Albany Linn county farmers are sowing a great deal of fall wheat now, and from present prospects the acreage of wheat sown in this county will be three or four times as large as that sown last year. There are several less ons for this. LaBt fall was not ausuln- ious for sowing grain, and the acreage was small, while this fall has been a good one for seeding purposes. The spring grain this year was a com pit te failure, and the spring yield for several years has been light, so far me is in this part of the state are beginning to abandon the pratice of sowing at that time. Logging Road to Be Built. La Grande The surveys aie about completed for a narrow-gauge lodging ailroad from Hilgaul, eight miles west of La Grande, up the Grand Ronde liver about 30 miles, to a heavy body of timber owned by the Grand Ronde Lumber company, of Perry," on the slopes of the Blue mountains. The company has been driving its logs down the river for the past 12 years, but it is now becoming almost impossible to get a sufficient amount of logs bv this method for the season's run, and the company has determined to build a road to the timber. These mills em ploy about 200 men during the busy season. Mine Promoters' La Grande The Improvements. promoters of the Camp Carson mines, southwest of this city, which were recently purchased by a company ot California capitalists with James R. Elmendorf as manager, have made airaiigumenta with the Grand Ronde Lumber company, at Per ry, five miles west, to build a good wagon road up the Grand Ronde river from Starkey to Prospect ranch. ThlB road will shorten the distance to the mines several miles and will cut out several steep and bad grades, which will be a great advantage to the tim- bermen in getting the pine over better roads, as also to the mining company. Coal on Butter Creek. Pendleton A coal deposit has been discovered at the head of Putter cr.ek, in the southern part of Umatilla coun ty. Joseph McLaughlin n ai'e the dis covery a short time ag ruile engaged st work on his Mock ranch. Samples bave been sent to exerts, and favora ble tests bave been made. The coal is similar to deposits near Heppner. Mr. McLaughlin plans to develop the mines, and already preliminary work has been started. The deposits are said to ex tend a long distance into the mountains trom the bead of Butter creek. Ready Sale of Coins. Grants Pass If the Lewis and Clark souvenir gold dollars sell everywhere over the state as they are selling at Grants Pass, the number allotted by congress will soon te exhausted. The first installment sent to the First Na tional bank of Grants Pass bas been sold out, and second lot is now going at fast as the first lot went. Mining men are the principal buyers, and not a few are being purchased to send East. Northwest Wheat Markets. Portland Walla Waila, 83c; bloeetem, oc; valley, 85c. Tacoma Bluett in, 89c; club, 85Xo. Colfax Club, 73c; bloeetem , 76c. LAND RESTORED TO ENTRY. Great Tracts In Eastern and South ern Oregon Not In Reserves. Washington, Oct. 25. By direction oi tbe president, Hecretray Hitchcoert bas oideied restored 1o entry a consid erab e portion of the withdrawals made with a view to creating the Rogue river, La Grande, Joseph river and Maury mountain forest reserves In Oregon. Tbe leBtorations are made in accordance with the new rules of the department, permitting tbe immediate settlement on the land, but not allow ing entry or filing to be made uutil after a pericd of 91) days' advertising by the local land officers. it is proposed to eliminate from the Rogue river withdrawals 66,000 acres, leaving 1,271,000 acres remaining withdrawn. From the La Grandi withdrawal 26,000 acres will be eliml nated, leaving in withdrawal 206,580 acres, while 144,640 acres will be taken out of the Joseph river with drawal, leaving but 177,920 acres re maining. The Maury mountain with drawal, when 10,000 acres bave been estorrd to entry, will embody only 68,320 acres. All the lands that are being re- sored to entry have been found upon examination, not to he'snitaule for for est reserves, either because they are not timber lands, or if they are tim bered, because they are located with lands In private ownership, so it is impracticable permanently to reserve them. The elimlnatln of these lands from withdrawal does not mean that all the remaining lands will be reserved. It merely means that these aie all lands reported by the foiestry bureau that should not be included in foreBt re serves. The general land office is now making its own examination, which is espected to show additional areas not desired for permanent leeervation. When the land office completes its ex amination, permanent reserves will be created where deemed advisable, ex cluding practically all land in private ownership, and restoring to entry such other landB now withdrawn as may not be reserved. HOPES Or PANAMA. Reforms Visit of Taft Is Expected to Bring About. Panama, Oct. 25 Modification of tbe Hay-Bunau-Varllla canal treaty in several important respects, and nego tiations between the Washington and Panama governments tor a supplemen tary commercial treaty granting to Panama important concessions it whit the Pariainaris hope to realize as a re sult of Secretary Taft's mission to the isthmus, according to a statement made to ttie Associated Press tonight by Hen or Obaldla, the Panamau miuistei at Washington. "Widespread enthusiasm bas been aroused on the isthmus." said the minister, "by the publication of Presi dent Roosevelt's letter to Secretary Taft. President Amador has cabled me that he has proclaimed this letter throughout the isthmus, and the idea of the grateful feeling has already turned in favoi ol the United States. I'reparath n have been begun for a grand reci plion to Ihe Taft commis sion. "Popular as Is the Ameiican minis ter to Panama atid the governor of the canal tone, there are a number of ques tions of vital importance to the isth mus which have not yet been settled to the satisfaction of the Panaman gov ernment. In the foremost of these are the problems which Secretary Taft will be asked to solve, the postal rer'. a- tions, the question of customs duties' and the far reaching qustion of juris diction in the terminal cities of Pana ma and Colon. The Panaman govern ment declines to accept the interpreta tion placed upon the treaty by Mr. Bunau-Varilla, which practically takes away all the land in those cities not now actually covered by residents. Panama and Colon will prosper rapid ly after the canal woik lias started; they will need considerable territory over which to expand. We are confi dent .-ecretary Tatf will be quick to see the justice of our contentions." Bomb Outrage In Barcelona. Baicelona, Oct. 2. What is believed to bave been an attempt upon the life of Minister of Agriculture and Com merce and of Public Works Salazar oc curred today. A dynamite bomb was exploded in the street while crowds were welcoming the minister, who had come here to preside at a meeting oi the chamber of commerce. No one was injured, but the bui'dns in the vicinity of the scene of the explosion were damaged, and the crowds were thrown into a panic. Several arrests were made. Boxers are Drilling Troops. London, Oct. 26. Bennett Burleigh, after a careful inquiry Into Ihe situa tion, cables the Daily Telegraph from Shanghai that the political outlook for Shanghai is worse now -than prior to the Box-r outbreak in 1900. Wide spread oerationa of secret societies, he says, show a dangerous recrudescence of anti-foteign feeling. Drililng of large bodies of well-equipped troops is proceeding nigbt and day in many dis tricts. Trains Meet Head-On. Vicksburg, Miss., Oct. 25. Three are known to have been killed and a number injured in a head-on collision between a north bound passenger and a freight tiain about midnight, three miles south ef Fayette, Miss., on the Yazoo dt Mississippi Valley railroad. The dead are two firemen and an en gineer. Tbe wreck is reported burn in. Assistance hat been sent from this city. ACTI0NSTUNS Outrage of Russian Baltic Fleet "Unwarranted." KING EDWARD SO DECLARES Great Britain Sends Urgent Note to Russia No Official Word Yet Received Trom Ihe Ciar. London, Oct. 26. Great Britain to day sent a long and urgent note to tha Russian government officially detallng the ciicumstancea ot the amazing and unexplained attack by tbe Russian Second Pacific squadron the night of October 21 on British fishing boats in the North Sea. The text of the not has not been given out, but It ii olllJally state I at tha foieign office that it contains the significant an nouncement "the situation it ona which, in tbe opinion of His Majesty's government, does not brook delay." Meanwhile the conservative public and prest are remarkably undemon strative. As usual the jingo element demands war, and even in official quar ters some go so far as to say it may be necessary to stop the Pacific fleet pend ing settlement of the whole affair, though this extreme measure, it is be lieved, will not be necessary. Every where there is evidence of the very pos itive opinion that thk is so tims for the usual diplomatic dilly-dallying; that there must be no delay and no limit set by Russia to her apology or the extent of compensation for suffer ers by what Kimr Edward himself lerms "the unwarranted action" of tha Baltic squadron commanders. Thus lar no official word has been re ceived from 8t. Petersburg as to tha attitude of the Russian government. The fact that it had been decided dur ing the day to prepare a semi-official note eipiewing the regret of the Rus sian government and its willingness to make full reparation so soon as the re sponsibility is fixed as communicated by the Associated Press to Lo d Lans do w ne and wad tbe first information on the subject be had received from St. PetreBburg. Tbe absence during tha day of Count Benckendorff, tha Rus sian ambassador, necessarily caused some delay, but the Russian charge d'affaires, who called at the foreign office on request by note from Lord l,ansdowne, unofficially expressed deep regret, and, as far as it was possible for him to go, gave assurance of speedy action by the Russian government. . RUSH MEN TO OYAMA. Japanese Desire That He Deal a Crushing Blow. St. Petersburg, Oct. 26. There Is no newB of Immediate importance from the Far East tonight. The indica tions ere that both sides are heavily entrenching, although it is believed General Kuropatkin will be ready for a forward movement at an early moment unless heavy Japanese reinforcements compel him to resume the defensive. Reports that Japanese reinforcements are arrivii g, taken in connection with the enforced inactivity of the Russian forces on account of the weather, is felt to be a grave factor in the situation, i here is reason to believe that the Jap anese are drawing heavily on the Port Arthur army as well as on' Japan, in hopes of securing a numerical superior ity that will enable Field Marshal Oya ma to inflict a ciushing blow upon General Kuropatkin. when hostilities are resumed. - ' General Sakharoflf, telegraphing yes terday, reported . that there was no change in the situation. The war office does not confirm the report that the Russians have occupied Bentsio putza. " . Tbe official returns of tbe Russian oases received up to date do not exceed 30,000. Gnerul SakharufI telegraphs that there was no fighting during tha night ol October 23-24. The Russians buried 1,600 Japanese at Lone Tree Hill. Secures Panama Contract. , Washington, Oct. 26. The Panama Canal commission held a long session today at which bids for supplies and a number of other matters incident to construction work wen acted on. The award of the contracts for supplying the 2,600,000 feet of lumber aggregated approximately was subsequently an-. uiunced. Tbe Bellingham Bay com-. pany, of San Francisco, operating in" the Puget sound region, was awarded the contract for 2,100,000 feet, and tbe . Continental Lumber company, of Hous ton, Texas, 600,000 feet. Now Under Martial Law. : . Norfolk, Vs., Oct. 26. Berkeley, ' th scene of the lynching of the negro Blount, is now under martial law. ' Two encounters occurred , tonight' be-, tweenthe troops and negroes. . 0pe negro refused to obey orders to move on ' and was bayonetted, but not seriously: i hurt. Two militiamen called stipon a negro seen crossing a lot to halt."-' Ia ' reply, be opened fire on them and they? replied. The negro fired three times and fell in front of the soldiers' fire.". "r , Warships for BrazMj;..', Rio Janeiro, Oct. 26. The chamber . of deputies bat adopted a bill authoris- . ng the government to place co&tracts abrbad for the building of 28 warships. ! . X M M s i ii i it .1 - o o