The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 20, 1904, Image 3

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"The greatest fruit fair Hood River
ever held,"is the opinion heard on every
hand concerning the fifth biennial Hood
Kiver fruit fair that closed at 12 o'clock
Haturday night.
There never were so many exhibitors,
such fancy colored apples, Buch large
crowds of visitors from out of town.such
splendid entertainments each evening,
Biich a general good feeling over the
work of the awarding committee and
the general success of the whole under
taking. Thousands of dollars will come to
Hood River in the next few years as
a result of the apple fair just closed.The
editorBof Oregon will write columns
about the valley and its world-famed
apples. That no other place in the
world can duplicate such a display of
fruit was the opinion of all who saw the
exhibit here. Hood River throws out
the challenge. Jt all try who think
they can.
Two hundred fifty-nine boxes of the
exhibit left Monday night for the
world's fair at St. Louis. The state
commissi, n of the fair is putting up for
half the expense of forwarding the dis
play, the business men of Portland do
nated $280 and the citizens of Hood
River raises the balance of f:!0. K. B.
Miller, the general freight agent of the
O. R. & N. Co., voluntarily reduced the
freight rate on the car of fruit from the
regular rate of $400 to $120.
Among the farmers who had fruit in
the car were : B. R. Tucker, Ladd &
Warrens, Campbell Bros., (. R. Cast
ner, C. Dethman, A. I. Mason, M.Krag
seth, James Lacey, Henry Avery, H. C.
Hproat, K. (i. Church, Ed Barker, C. E.
Copple, John A. Wilson, L. Silliman,
William Davidson, Peter Molir, F.Chan
dler, William Ehrck, H. O Sevirkrupp,
L. E. Clarke, John Stranahan, O. Van
derbilt, K. Copple, J. L. Carter, Joeeph
Jarvis, Miss Dollie Mosier, A. P. Bate
ham, 8. Hess, J. N. Knight, K. M.Jack
son, William Kennedy, A. C. Staten, J.
J. Jordan, B. F. Mos' s, Mary A. Ries,
C. (i. Metcalf, Frank Davenport, R. E.
The ear also contained potatoes from
the farms of (t. W. Mcintosh, A. 0.
Hershey,and J. M. Hollowell sent some
onions. S. I). Garner's squash with the
map of Hood River valley was included.
Frank Chandler furnished a box of tine
Oregon grape for decorative pur
poses and some peaches went from the
orchard of Oscar Yanderbilt.
The entertainments each evening were
highly successful and there have been
many compliments for the women of the
entertainment committee, who did so
much to make the fair a success. The
securing of the large tent from Portland
for the evening meetings showed good
judgment on the part of the fair man
agement. Saturday night the pavilion
was so crowded that people had to be
turned away.
Ab the committee on awards, consist
ing of Commissioner Weber, Dr. A. Le
lloy of the Oregon Information bureau,
and Mr. Taylor of The Dalles, were
placing the ribbons on the displays, at
the suggestion of President Smith, a
a blue ribbon was tied to each of the
Moe twins as the best "pear" on exhibi
tion. The bills of expense are not all in yet,
but the fair management informs the
Glacier that if the salvage from the
building material, which will be sold
Saturday to the highest bidder, brines
a reasonable figure, there will be a defi
cit of only a few dollars. It may be
possible that the management will come
out even and that the guarantee fund of
$800 will not have to be drawn upon.
Those Who Had Fruit At Fair.
Following is a list of those who had
fruit on display at the fair :
G. R. Castner 9 boxes and 13 plates
W. P. Scobee 4 boxes and 2 plates
L. Silliman 1 box and 1 plate apples.
8. F. Blythe fl plates apples.
Wallace orchards, Salem 9 plates
Fred I.uthy 10 plates apples.
J. E. Binns 18 plates apples.
V. Dethman ti boxes, 9 plates apples.
John Hakel 5 plates apples.
J. H. Gould 1 plates apples.
M. F. Shaw H plates apples.
A. I. Mason 21 boxes, lii plates apples.
John A. Wilson 4 plates apples.
William Ehrck 8 boxes, 8 plates
It. Avery 6 boxes, 3 plates apples.
Mrs. A. Ries 1 box apples.
Mrs. C. S. Janes 2 plates apples.
Mrs. V. V. Hickox 4 plates apples.
Markley Bros. 3 plates apples.
W. R. Winans 8 plates apples.
Trov Shelley 2 boxes apples.
F. G. Church 8 boxes, 8 plates ap
ples. R. M. Hunt 5 plates apples.
B. F. Moses 4 boxes appleB, 1 plate
H. A. Hackett 3 boxes, 3 plates
M. Dragseth 2 boxes apples.
George Pratt 2 plates apples.
S. E. Koplin 1 plate pears.
W. J. Baker 1 plates apples.
F. M. Jackson 7 boxes, IS plates
J. A. Knox 5 plates apples.
R. E. Harbison 9 boxes, 3 plates
L. E. Clark 8 boxes, 8 plates apples.
William Davidson 3 boxes, 5 plates
Peter Mohr 5 plates appleB.
T-l I. mm Onince. walnuts.
Kd Barker 2 boxes, 1 plate apples.
S Copple 6 boxes apples.
Meadow Brook farm 5 boxes apple .
T. G. Smith 7 plates apples, 2 plates
Campbell Bros. fi boxes apples.
Jack Hand 9 boxes, 1 basket, 7
plates peaches.
H. C. Hengst 15 plates apples.
Lewis & Son 1 plate apples.
L. H. Nichols 2 plates apples.
F. C. Chandler 11 boxes apples.
H. C. Coe 2 boxes apples,' blackber
ries. B. R. Tucker 9 boxes, 9 plates ap-
P'b! F. Shoemaker 1 box, 2 plates
J. H. Shoemaker 4 plates apples.
C. G. Metcalf 2 boxes apples.
Mrs. A. Kies 1 box apples.
C. H. Sproat-6 boxes apples.
IHidon & Powen-1 box apples.
0. Yanderbilt 13 boxes, 30 plates
apple, 2 plates peaches.
J J. Gordon 2 boxes apples.
Dollv Mosier 3 boxes, 2 plates apples.
A. P'. Bateham (Mosier) 20 boxes, 15
plates apples.
B. G. Boardman 2 cans fruit. .
J N. Knight 2 lx.xes, 12 plates apples.
James Ucey boxes, 6 plates apples.
A.I. Mason-ltt boxes and 11 plates
of apples.
A. C. Staten 5 boxes apples.
G. C. Ruff 1 box apples.
Mrs. F. W. Anguf wins of fruit.
Hess-2 boxes apples.
J. L. Carter-11 lxe and 26 plate?
PJ.'eiA. Henderson Peaches and
'"John" Daveniort-4 boxes apple
William Kesnedv and several others,
whose names and list of entries were
jjot handed to the secretary.
Vegetable Display at the Fair."
Following is the list of en ries in the
vegetable display at the fruit fair: .
Mrs. J. A. Mohr Onions.
John Davenport Potatoes.
John Hakel Onions, popcorn.
Mrs. G. L. Robinson Squash, pump
kin, beet.
John A. Wilson Cabbage, squash,
pnmpkin, bunch grass.
Mrs. J. B. Fletcher Peanuts on the
D. A. Turner Lantana, Irish moss,
Jerusalem cherry.
W. fi. Winans Cane heads.
Mrs. V. V. Hickox Hquash, string
Mrs. William Allen Radishes.
C. D. Moore Asparagus.
Peter Mohr Sunflowers, carrots.
Joe Purser' Squashes.
J. C. Boggs -Radish, carrots, onions,
J. M. Hollowell Fine display ol
vegetables, all kinds.
J. T. Miller Squashes, potatoes.
A. O. Hershey Squashes, pumpkins.
sugar cane, cabbages, potatoes, onions.
U. Vaughan Watermelons, squasnes,
H. 8. Galllgan Nursery stock.
H. A- Moore Turnips, pumpkins.
Geo. Mcintosh Turnips, cucumbers,
Following are the names of those who
were awarded premiums at the Hood
Kiver fruit fair last week :
Sweepstakes Best five boxes apples,
(different varieties) commercial pack,
$10, won by J. L. Carter; second, $5,
won by B. R. Tucker.
Best five plates apples, any varieties,
$3, won by A. P. Bateham ; second, $1.50,
won by H. C. Hengst.
Special $5 prize ottered uv t,.tl. htiep-
ard for beet commercially packed box of
apples won by A. C Staten.
Best box of Spitzenbergs, $2, won by
C. Dethman; Becond, $1, A.P.Bateham.
Best box of Jonathans, $2,tienry Ave
ry ; second $1, J. L. Carter.
nest box of JNewtowns, fa.Mies Dome
Mosier; second, $1, William Kennedy.
Best box Ortley, 11, A.O.Seiverkropp ;
second, 50c, William Ehrck.
Best box Hydes King, $1,11. K.Tueker;
Becond, 60c, F. G. Church.
Best box Vagener,$l, Oscar Vanrler
bilt ; second, 50c, J. L. Carter.
Best box Winesap, f 1, I E. Clarke;
second 60c, Campbell Bros.
Best box Baldwin, $1, F. M.Jackson;
second, 50c, G. C. Ruff.
Best plate display Spitzenberg, $1,
Mies Dollie Mosier; second, 50c, James
Best plate display Newtown, $1 A. I.
Mason; second, 50c. O. Vanderbilt.
Best plate display Jonathan, 50c, H.C.
Hengst; second, 25c, C. Dethman.
Best plate display Gravenstein, 50c,
William Kennedy ; second, 25c, J.-N.
Knight. No other entry.
Best plate display Northern Spy, 50c,
A. P. Bateham; second, 25c, Troy Shel
ley. Best plate display Grimes Golden,50c,
A. I. Mason; second, 25c, W. R, Wi
nans Best display of vegetables, $2, J. M.
Hollowell;; second, $1, U.L. Robinson.
Best display of pears, $2, William
Kennedv; second, $1, J. L. Carter.
Best display of peaches, $2, Jack
Rand; Becond, $1, Oecur Vanderbilt.
Best display of cut Howers, china mush
set, Mrs. J. C. Hayes; Becond, pin tray,
Mrs. B. Eben.
Best display of crimson dahlias, china
mush set, William Boorman.
Best display of cut roses, rose bush,
Mrs. J. H. Shoemaker; second, vase,
Mr-. A. A. Jayne.
Map Formed On Squash.
S. D. Garner exhibits at the fruit fair
a Hubbard squash with the map of
Hood River valley sketched upon it.
The work was done with a knife point
while the squash was growing. Mount
Mood looms up at the head of the
valley, and Lost Lake, the East Hide
orchards, county roads, O. K, & N.
line and other objects, including Mr.
Garner's house with his name on it, are
shown in the outline. Mr. Garner also
exhibits fine, big summer squashes,
upon one of which is outlined the words
"Hood River Fair, Oct. 13, 14, 15, 1904."
He has a squash vine 40 feet long on
which is a good sized squash growing
33 feet from the root. He will place
this on exhibition today, if he can find
space for it in the big tent.
Entries at the Baby Show.
Following are the names of the chil
dren who were entered at the baby
show Saturday afternoon :
One year old Myrtle Jarvis, I .eon a
Coulter, Lelah Davenport, Goldie Welds,
Mildred McClure, Marian Brock, Hazel
McKamey, Charles Edward Smith,
Francis Kollas, Velma Gabriel, Carl
Gatchell, Eva Davenport, Grace Pealer,
Henry Dethman, Lloyd Martin, Zoe
Scabee, Robert Jakway Blythe, Norman
Sproat, Elsie Beth Malare, Charles
Sidney MacrumrTessie Newby, Carroll
Huxley, Merrill Fredericks, Norval
Blowers, Frona Morris.
Two years old Paul Henry Jensen,
Nellie Louise Hemmen, Harold Jarvis,
Tillman Smith, Theodore Hackett,
Freddie Hibbard, Lilian Gerties, Mary
abeth Blagg, Edward Garrabrant,
Florence Cooper, Ruth Simington, Mary
Zulls, Franklin Davenport, Leslie Mc
Guire. Babies Who Won Prizeg.
Following are the names of the babies
that won prizes at the show Saturday
afternoon :
Finest child under one year First
prize, Norman Sproat; second, Unpen
Jakway Blythe; third, Henry Dethman.
Finest child between one and two
years First, Paul Henry Jensen ; sec
ond, Franklin Davenport; third, Flor
ence Cooper.
The judges who awarded the prizes
were Mrs. Abigail Scott Dnniway and
Mrs. Will G. MacRaeof Portland and a
lady whose name we did not learn from
The Dalles.
Mrs. MacRae said the judges had the
hardest task of their lives to decide
among so many fine-looking babies,
and she was an experienced hand at
judging babies at baby shows.
There were 39 babies entered for
prizes, and 33 dissppointed mothers.
The prizes awarded were : First prize
for finest babv, silver spoon engraved
with a Hood R"iver apple; second prize,
a Lewis and Clark souvenir dollar;
third prize, silver napkin ring.
Like the Fair, Dance a Big Success.
The dancing floor in the opera
house Friday night was a gay scene
with the 80 couples dancing to the splen
did music furnished by Mr. McCally
with the violin and Mr. Tuttle of Port
land at the piano. Beautifully gowned
women ni fashionably dressed men,
with the excellent muic madetheevent
one of the most successful of the many
events of the fair week.
Mr. MeCallv. who nave the hop,- has
been fairly overwhelmed with compli
ments since the anair rmtay night.
There was such a generous appreciation
ol the swell function that Mr. McCally
has decided to. prepare another dance
for Thanksirivinc nitrht. Thia will be a
strictly invitation affair, and will proba
bly be a leap year dance.
1 tie floor managers who assisted in
makincr the dance last FridAv so com
plete a success were Dan Mears, jack
Bagley and Jim Hunt.
Apple Show Too Bit;.
O, dear E. L., O, good E. L.,
O, E. L. Smith Esquire,
I have a word or two to say,
A something to desire.
I've been to see your apple show,
I tried to look It through,
But 'tis too big, too big by half
For jays like me to view.
Cut your mammoth show in two,
Then quarter it one more;
Send sections west and sections east,
E'en to Atlantic's shore.
And you will rake all prizes in
Where'er a section goes,
For 'tis "The greatest show on earth,"
So do as I propose.
And thus the name, and thus the
Of fair Hood River town
Will brighter grow, and farther go
Till world-wide her renown.
A. Bk.n.nett,
lrrigon Irrigator.
There are now 85 pupils in school.
Mrs. Marcellus is visiting at the home
of her niece, Mrs. L. E. Clarke.
Mr. Bittting, who was taken to the
hospital by Mr. Newman, died Saturday,
October 8.
A trunk belonging to Miss M. Smith,
after wandering around about a month,
arrived at its destination, Hood Kiver,
October 12, and was a very welcome
The population of Pine Grove is on
the increase, two new citizens having
arrived since Monday.
Elmer Boardman, who has been in
the hospital at Portland for the past
six weeks with a Biege of typhoid fever,
returned home Tuesday, lie it slowly,
improving but is still very weak.
B. N. Sproat and family, formerly of
Pine Grove are here from their home in
Beaverton, visiting at the home of C. II.
We hope that the illness of Mrs. Tal
bot will not prove serious.
Mrs. John Gleason came home from
Portland Sunday, where she has been
having a siege of sickness. We hope
she will regain her health.
The prize apples and babies are from
Pine Grove.
We are sorry to learn of the illness of
Mrs. G. D. Boardman.
Little Zoe Newman wearB a very
firoud look these days, all on account of
ler rising to the dignity of the title,
Auntie Zoe.
Do not forget the Night Cap social at
the Pine Grove school house Friday
evening, October 21. The following
program will be rendered :
Instrumental Solo Blanch Harbison.
Chorus, "Sweet Summer's Gone Away."
Recitation Ralph Ordway.
Concert Recitation, "Poor Old Maids"
Nine little girls.
Pantomime, "Cat Pie."
Musical Tableau, "Gypsy's Warning."
Farce, "Popping the Question."
Fun for everyone. Girls, don't forget
baskets with a night cap enclosed.
Bill Nye's Advice.
Bill Nye, the humorist, in reply to
a Wisconsin youth who asked if Kansas
was a good state in which to start
another drug store, said :
"If vou mean by the drug business
the sale of sure-enough drugs I would
not go to Kansas. If it is the great
burning desire of your heart to go into a
town of 2,000 people and open the thir
teenth drug store in order that you may
stand behind a tall, black walnut pre
scription case day in and day out, with
a graduate certificate in one hand and a
Babcock fire extinguisher in the other,
filling orders for whiBkey made of stump
water and the mice of future punish
ment, you will do well to go to Kansas.
It is a temperance state and no saloons
are allowed there. You can run a
dummy drug store there with two dozen
dreary old glass bottles on the shelves,
punctured by the hand of time and the
Kansas fly of the period, ami with a pro
hibitory law at your back, anil a tall red
barrel in the back room filled with a
mixture that will burn great holes in
nature's heart, and make the cemetery
blossom as a rose, and in a few years
you can Bell enough of this poisonous
preparation to till your flabby pockets
with wealth." 3t
Effects of Prohibition.
The following letter from Hon. Geo.
B. Pendleton of Temple, Texas, ex-member
of congress, will interest communi
ties contemplating prohibition :
I have been asked to make a ttate
ment regarding the success of prohibi
tion in Bell county. I was an anti-prohibitionist
in the campaign before the
election, but as a law abiding man,
after prohibition went into efiect, I
wished to see all the laws enforced and
hoped it might be a success.
So far as I know the laws are now be
ing obeyed and enforced, but under the
law as it stands organizations known as
clubs can be created anywhere. While
I am not a member of any of these clubs,
I understand that there are seven or
more in the town of Temple, and also at
Benton and other places m Bell county.
There are said to be more than 2,000
members of the clubs in Temple.
These clubs belong to private individ
uals and can be legally kept open on
Sunday and are kept open on Sundays
at all times. I understand also that it
is no crime for minors to enter a club,
so we have Sunday opening and minors
visiting places where liquors are sold
and all done legally, while under the
license system Sunday opening or sell
ing or giving to minors was illegal.
I am not on the streets at night and
am kept busy in my otlice during the
day most of the time, but understand
from others that there is more drunken
ness in Temple than there was under
the license system. I have also heard it
stated that many parties who took an
occasional drink at a saloon are now
members of a club so that they can get
their drinks regularly, ordering by the
quantity from other places, and keeping
it at home. The effect of this is mani
fest, because persons who drink but
little when they must go after it would
necessarily drink more when it is con
stantly in their presence.
I do not believe that it has improved
the morals of the people : on the contra
ry, I believe there has been a distinct
decadence in morals. I do not believe
in considering the question of money or
profit until after the moral questions are
disposed of, but inasmuch as it has not
improved the morals of the people, on
the contrary has injured them, I think
we have a right to take the pecuniary
phase into consideration, and from my
standpoint I may say that the lap! of
revenue from the traffic has been a loss
of many thousand dollars to our county,
which must necessarily be made np by
taxation upon the fanners and business
men of the community.
3t Uo. C. Pcxdletox.
Locate your home where the best improvements are going.
Sewers, Spring Water and Sidewalks, fine view and good drainage.
AH these are found in
Which will be included in the First Sewer District, and which is beyond question the most
desirable residence in Hood River. Buy now before the prices advance.
The Only Exclusive Dry Goods House on the Hill.
I have just received ray Fall lino of Ladies' and Gents'
Underwear, in woolen and fleece lined. Call and get
prices on these goods and you will be convinced that they
are all right. Also a fine line of Shoes suitable for Fall
and Winter wear, for Men, Women and Children.
No trouble to show goods.
White Salmon Livery and Stage Co.
WYERS & KREPS, Proprietors.
White Salmon Stage in connection, with up-to-date Livery Barn. Stages
leave daily, Sundays excepted, at 7:30a. in., for Trout Lake, Gilmer, Fulda and
Glenwood. Meet all steamers. WHITE SALMON, WASH.
R. H. WEBER; Prop.
Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Withaut Irrigation.
Equitable Life Insurance Co. of NewYork
In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon
Kr Wuwo County.
Emma Imlay, pluliiUH;
Harry Curtis Imlay, defendant.
To Harry Curtla lnilhy,. trie above named
defenduuU lu the name of the HUUe of Ore-
You are hereby required t appear and;nn-
iwer the complaint ineu HKBiiiHi you in ine
above entitled null, within alx weeks from
the 211th day of Hcptemher, 1WH, said day being
the Aral day of the miblluttlnn of thin aum
niona; and If you fail lo aoanawer, for want
tnereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court
for relief demanded In her complaint tiled
In aald cause, for to-wlt: a decree of divorce
dissolving; the bonds of matrimony existing
between the plaint, (t and defendant In said
oauae, and for the restoration of the plalntltt'a
maiden name and for her costs and disburse
ments In this suit.
This summons Is published by virtue of an
order of Honorable A. K. Lake. County Judge
of thecounty courtof ihecounty of Wasco and
state of oregon.dated ihe Wthday of September
A. I),. 1 not, which order aiieclnes and provides
alx weeks and for seven luaertiona as the time
for which this summons shall be published.
Dated at Hood lllver, Oregon, this the 20th
day of September. 1WM.
Attorney for I'lalntilf.
Notice Is hereby given that an execution
and order of sale was Issued out of the circuit
court of the state of Oregon for Wasco counly
on the 13th day of October, 1004, upon a Judg
ment and decree given and rendered therein
on the 13th day of October, 1WH; In a cause
therein pending, wherein O. W. Phelps and
W. H. Wilson were plaintiffs and
was defendant, and to me directed and com
manding me to sell the real estate hereinafter
described for the purpose of natlsfvlni; aald
Judgment In the sum of J78.6 and 1M.6U costs.
wow, tnereiore, i win on naiuruay, me iym
day of November, 1MH, at the hour of 1 o'clock
p. m. at the court house door In Wasco coun
ty, Oregon sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for casli in hand for the purpose of
satisfying aald Judgment, the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit,'
Heglnnlng at a point 1K4K feet south from the
northwest corner of section 8, township 8
north, range 10 east, W. M.; running thence
east HO rods: thence aouth rods; thence west
eighty rods; thence north 24 rods to point of
beginning, containing li acres, more or less,
and situated In Wasco county, Oregon.
iluteu tins loin day oi ucutuer, nui.
oJOnlO Sheriff of Wasco county, Oregon.
Notice to Stockholders
Notice of apeclal meeting ofthe stockholders
ofthe valley improvement tympany or
the city ol Hood Kiver, county of Wasco,
and state of Oregon.
Office of Valley Improvement Company,
Hood Kiver, Oregon, October a), 1K04. in pur
suance of a resolution duly passed and adopt
ed by the board of director of the Valley
Improvement Company at a meeting of aald
board duly held on the Ulh day of October A.
!., MM, and duly entered In the minute book
of aald corporation,
Notice is hereby given that a meeting Is
hereby called; and will be bald at theottlueof
said corporation, at John Iceland Heuder
eon's law ofltce. near corner of Third and
State streets, In the city of Hood Kiver, coun
ty or wasco ana stale or uregon, on Saturday,
the 12th day of November, 1UD4, at the hour of
10 o'clock a, m. of aald day, for the purpose
of considering aud acting upon' the proposi
tion to dissolve the said corporation, and
wind ud Its affairs, and dispose of lis aaaeta
according to law, and to aultiorl.e, empower
ana a i reel lis nosru oi uirecion uj take tue
necessary steps therein.
o20nl0 Secretary, Valley Improvement Co.
Notice Is hereby given ttiat an execution and
order of sate was issued out of the circuit
court of the state f Oregon for Wasco county
on, the Ittth day of October, 104, upon a Judg
ment and decree given and rendered therein
on the 1st day of October, IU04,ln a eauaethere
In pending, wherein O. W. Whelps andW.H.
Wlikon were plaintiffs and
was defendant, aud to me directed and com
manding me U sell the real eat t herein
after described for the purpose of satisfying
aald Judgment In the aum of tJSl ,21 and HO. Hi
attorneys tees and 115 OU cost. Now, there
fore, I will on Saturday, the Mb. day of No
vember, 1114, at the hour ol I o'clock p. m. at
the court house door In Wasco county. Ore-
Son, sell at public auction to the highest bid
er foKoash lu hand for the purpose of aetr
lafyrng aald Judgment, the following described
real estate, tow i u
Heglnnlng at a point 2M feet sonth from
the northweat corner of section J, township t
north, range It) east, W. M.; running thence
east ao rods; thence aouth 24 roda to the south
east corner of the southwest quarter of the
of the northweat quarter of said section 3:
thence west m roda u the southwest corner of
the northweat quarter of the aaid section I;
thence north 24 rods to the place of Beginning,
containing 12 acrea, more or leas, ana being
situated in Waeco count , Oregon.
Dated thia 15th day of oclobct, iwh
at) mo Sheriff of Waaco county .Oregon.
iverview Park Addition
Selling Agent.
and Shrubbery.
There Are No Ronb Eiies
Or Other Work Laundered at the New
Steam Laundry
Our Btenm-heuted pnlitthers eliminate
many of the annoyances of the old
fashioned ironers. Vou
Ought to Drop in Once and See
Them Work.
Work called for and delivered. Tele
phone your orders.
Paradise Steam Laundry
Bargains in Real Estate.
4-room Iioiiho, good lot within five
minutes' walk of post odice. f()00,
4-room house ami corner lot 100x100;
city water, close in, for $450. Terms,
$100 down and balance $10 per month.
House and two lots 50x130, each, for
sale or will exchange for country prop
erty. This is a bargain.
40 acres of good apple land if bought
now can be had for $1000. If you want
a snap here it is.
800-acre stock ranch for sale or ex
change, situated within l4 miles from
railroad Htasion.
Summer hotel, fine house, magnificent
view, 8-acre orchard, bent varieties.good
meadow, in all 120 acres. This must be
sold and can be had at a bargain.
20 aerer fine apple land on Kast Side
10 acres partly cleared, 2 acres cleared,
are tillable, miles out.
Remember we will exchange as well
as sell pour property for you.
Hood River
Real Estate & Exchange Co.
Hood River, Ore.
Blacksmith and
Wagon Maker
Horse-Shoeing and Repair Work
We are the Only Exclu
sive Millinery House in
Hood River und give all
our time and attention to
making designs in headwear
to match the new suitings.
Our di'signa include the lat
est styles and colorings.
Your patronage respect
fully solicited.
Td. Main 155. hood Itiver IleUjhU.
evelopment Co.
Have You Read Them?
"Tattlinga of a Retired Politician." "In
Search of the Unknown;" "The Silent l'lac
es." "The Blazed Trail." "When Wilder
ness Was King." "Memoirs of a Baby."
"Rulers of Kings." "The Castaway." "Pa'
Aladden." "Bred in the Bone." "The Cros
sing." "Texas Matchmaker."
. Everybody is reading them.
Why don't you?
Slocom's Book Store.
that will overcome all aflllotiong of gtiginatiHin, uear-eiKtodneB8 and weak eyei
that the bent, occuliat can help, lry
very close Btudy ana can toll you oy
kind of D-lKHana vnur eves rennlrs. Eves
glasses sold with a guarantee to fit your
around s-lasses. If vour eves trouble vou
".l.v. '. ,.l ti i i -i
or MirouuiiiB; pttins wiin uiurnus; vision
lug fine work requiring close and steady observation, come yJ
in aud lot me examine your eyes by means of the perfected tTSi!r
American Optical Tester ana secure relief and comfort by the use of Dronerlv
fitted glasses.
Carriage Painting
Is the place to go when you want good work done fn the
The best is the cheapest.
We have sold our line of Crockery and Glassware to
W. M. Stewart, and we intend to move into a smaller
room, and willl sell
Vases, Jewelry, Blank
at Cost for the Next 30 Days.
Remember the Place
Some Bargains.
1. 6 acres one mile out, all In berries.
A beautiful locution will be sold at a
2. Two 20 acre tracts, on East Side.
All set to apples; best varieties.
3. 34 acres one mile out, set to ap
ples, pears, clover and strawberries.
4 49 nornu 4 mllnu nut 1A anraa In
orchard Id in full bearing. First-class
improvements, a beautiful home.
6. 80 acres 3 acres 7-year-old apple
trees, balance in clover and geueral
farming. New four room bouse.
6. 40 acres In the most beautiful por
tion of the valley. 4 acres in orchard
one year old, 8 acres in berries, 4
acres in alfalfa, balance general farm
ing. 7. 10 acres four miles out: splendid
soil; 1 acre apples, best varieties; one
year planted. acres in strawberries,
2 acres in potatoes, 5 acres in clover.
8. A number of 10, 20 and 40 acre
tracts of unimproved land, that will
bear investigation. Also a number of
large tracts from lt)0 to 320 acres in
Oregrm and Washington.
Some few residences and lots in every
portion of the elty.
Real Estate Agent,
Hood River, Oregon.
New Pool Room
In the Building next to the
Glacier Office.
A good place to spend the
Has the Finest Display ot
Watches, Diamond and Gold Rings,
Cut Glassware, etc., in town.
All work neatly and correctly done,
especially fine Watch Repairing
aud adjuatluK. KoitHoiiitlilo prices.
Do Your Eyes Trouble You?
I wish to gtttto to tuu general public thai I am pre
pared to test your eyes and tit you with elassei
tne rim l ml. I nave given tula subject
examination iuhi what
tested free and all.
eyes with especially ; n
and cause headache ii
i n j- :
wiipii ronuiug or uo- . f
Am prepared to do up-to-date
Books, Toys and Notions
DR. JONES, Dentist.
Crown and Bridge Work. , Teeth Without Plates
Special attention given to the beautiful l'lnk Gum
Set of Teeth. Also the treatment of diseased teeth
and gums. Olll oe over Jackson's Store.
Oak Bt. Entrance.
E. It. Bradley-
We an hen to do your work today
tomorrow and every other day, and
our monoy (what little w. have)
ia .pant In Hood River. We want
your work and can do It neatly and
Cottage Market,
Fresh and Cured Meats.
Free Delivery,