pc pcj) fesc TOILERS OP the COLUMBIA By Paul De Loney Jfc Rulhor of " Lort of Itie Drstrt," "Oregon Sketches,'' A Jt ?f?S nd other Pacific Coast Stork C CHAPTER III Continued. left muter of the aituation. old Sea dog puraned his investigations. Tbe hip bid filled with und in tbe neigh borhood of the captain'! quarteri. It wu thii very point that attracted the Ciafty fiaherman'i attention. rJhovels were lecnred and the boys were ordered to delve their war into the captain 'a room. It was easy to find tbe door aince tbe aand only extended about half way to tbe ceiling of tbe cabin. While the boyi were shoveling back the dripping land, old Seadog was al ternately on tbe lookout iniide and oat. He let nothing on the itianded vessel escape hii observation and kept a con stant vigilance out over the bay to ete that no one was approaching. "If I can make sure that they were board my future is no longer an un ceitainty," said tbe old man is be mused to himself. "It was impossible for any one to survive," he continued. "The whole crew and all aboard went to the bottom of the sea and the crabi will have diBflgured their bodies be yond recognition before they rise to the surface. And even should they escape these busy scavenger! they may drift back to the ocean where they will furn ish food for the larger fish." The fishermen were already suspici ous of old Seadog md when driven from tbe wreck at the muijie of his gun they immediately returned to the village and spread tbe news. "Tbe officers ought to take the mat ter in hand," said one. "Yes, be if up to stealing the ship and cargo," said another. Tbe Justice of the peace was appealed to as well ai the village constable, but these two functionaries declared that tbey bad only Jurisdiction on tbe land and not on tbe sea. "But the pillaging should be stop ped," insisted tbe honest fishermen When the justice of the peace saw that his neighbors were bent on some Kind of legal action, he informed them that tbe higher courts had Jurisdiction on the waters; that the govern men t Itself would act if it were informed; that tbe vessel was a foreign one and tbat the consul of the country from which the veisel came would protect it from tbe hands of the land pirates. Astoria then bad her customs offi cials and she had a United States com missioner. Cape Disappointment had her lighthouse, but it was before tbe days of telephone and telegraph service at that point and there was no way to communicate with tbe government authorities at Astoria, sixteen miles away on tbe south bank of the river, axceDtbv crossing tbe stream in a mall boat. But those men of the river weie not low in arranging for the trip. A small ail boat was launched and three of the meet intelligent went aboard and were aocn cutting their way across noith of Band Island as fast as the wind could carry them. Old BeaJog's watchful eye did not let them escape unnoticed, and he knew that ordinary matters did not prompt his neighbors on such a Jour ney. "Diaforvonr lives, boys; lift out ' that sand I We may have trouble be fore our Job 11 done. Borne of those halfbreeds have cone to Astoria to raise trouble and we must get well and through before tbe storm blows back." Old Seadog did not mean to disturb the property left on the vessel. He had a personal motive in view. His mission was not in quest of gold; neither would he have carried away tbe smallest thing of intrinsic value, but would have risked hli life and that of his boys for that which he sought While delving their way into the cabin they came upon many valuables. These were caat aside as so much rub bish. Gold and silver trinkets were thrown upon the heaps of eand as i ( they were of no value. It was several bouri after they bad begun work and old Seadog was already casting uneasy glances toward the tooth side of the river when the boys truck the sea captain I iron chest. While battling with the storm the rocking, tossing vessel had shaken this heavy receptacle from its usual place and had burled it about the roim like a ping pong ball. But like a nedge it bid been driven into a heap of fur niture and baggage Jammed together in one cornel of the room and backed by these and tbe beivy bank of sand piled upon the top of the whole, it seemed a thing as solid and immovable as the bull of the vessel itself. It was at this crisis that old Seadog discovered a revenue cutter approach ing from the south, at whose helm floated the stars and stiipes. "Exert yourselves, boys, exert your selves for your lives, or all is for naughtl those fools have informed the officers and they will soon be upon us," aid tbe old man. Then they all put to ana Rive their energy to securing the Iron chest. The old man abandoned his lookout and Joined the boys in the work. The timbers were interlocked abont it and at the same time deeply imbedded in tbe sand. "Get the capstan lever, boys; get the capstan. We must have her now or it will be too late!" exclaimed the excited old Seadog. Some crowbars had been unearthed from the ship's tool room and with the addition of the capstan lever they set to we'i with renewed vigor. "Pry down to the left, boys, pry down to the left!" shouted the father. Already the exhaust of the govern ment launch could be heard as it slowed np to weigh anchor at a safe distance from tbe sandbar. It wonld only require the lowering of a boat and a few strokes of the oars to land the officers upon the fishermen Fortune had alwayi favored old Sea. do and it favored him again. lth heavv lutch the? brought the chest from tinder the timbers tbat held it down. Fortune doubly favored him. When the iron receptacle had been turned round it wai found that the key. itill remained in the lock. The captain had possibly attempted to open it at the last momeut and had been driven out by the wav-4. "Bush outside, boys; rush outside; I will do the restl" commanded the stern old parent. The boys were barely in time. They were confronted by the officers immediately upon climb ing to the deck. "In the name of the government, men, we proclaim you our prisoners," calmly spoke one of the officers. The bovs looked bewildered dui spoke not in the absence of their fath er, to whom they had always looaea for advice and guidance. ' But the old man was busily engaged. With a surprising quickness he had opened the chest and tore from it the register roll. Then he closed the chest, locked it and cast the keys into the water at the lower end of the bole. Then he climbed out through a port hole at the rear, hurriedly secreted the roll in the sand at a safe distance from the vessel, climbed back through and Joined his boys who were prison ers on deck. But before he had hidden the parchment upon which the ship's register was made be had turned through it quickly. Hn eyes bad rested npon two names, lull brougtit from blm the ejaculation: "Old Headog rejoices at last; old Seadog rejoices at last; old Seadog has cause to rejoice I In the language of the convict who swam to the Diamond Isles, 'the world belongs to old Seadog now!' " CHAPTER IV. Odd Companioni. After releasing the old man and tbe child from their entanglement they were carried to the nearest fisherman's cabin. The man, though lashed to the spir and pinioned to the earth by the driftwood was held no closer than was the babe. His arms held it like a vise. They had been so long about it that they had formed like clasps around the body and, benumbed by the cold, they were ai difficult to pry apart as are the cieepers which bold a vine in its upward climb. Young ai it was, only a few weeks old, the infant possessed more vitality than did its aged protector. It stretched forth Its little hands and legs with surprising strength and cried piti fully, though in a voice that showed that its lungs were still strong and healthy. But the old n.an icarcely breathed. He opened hil dull eyes for a moment and stared blankly into tbe faces of those directly in the line of his vis' ion, and then closed them, lie was unconscious of all that was going on about bim. Hii long gray hair hung in strands about his face and neck. Hil silken gray beard was matted with the sand and trash of the beach. But for the slow pulsation of his heart he would have been pronounced dead by those around bim. The women were running about as busy as only women can be when they re doing some great a"t of charity, and their devotion wai Increased by the (act that some dead mother's chl d had fa'.len into their hands, and each felt a double responsibility on this ac count. Some were bringing dry clothing from the wardrobe of their own chil dren, others were warming row' milk in a small basin on the stove, while a more thoughtfu' mother wai sharing the breast of her own babe with the little waif. And those good women smiled with tears in their eyes as the little stranger tugged greedily at its new found iuother's1reast. "Oh, it will get along all right, said one. "Yes, so long as it eats, the signs are good," said another. "Just so you don't give it loo much," remarked an elderly woman who was watching the proceedings. "But I fear it is all over with the old gent," whispered one of the women who had just returned from the adjoin ing room where the men were working with tbe child i elderly companion. The men were rubbing bis armi and legs, and ironi were being heated to place at his feet. Some brandy had been forced through his lips, but it was slow in showing encouraging effects. His eyes were fixed in his head, his features were as pale as death. His firm lips were set as if in bis last con scious moment be had fixed hii determ ination upon some given object. He was a little more than five feet as he lay upon the bed. Still he was rather plump and well-kept tor bis age, Hut his skin was smooth and his mus cles soft, which indicated that he had not been a man of toil. When the hair was pushed from his (ace a broad intelligent head was exposed. Had those fisher men been able to read phrenological signs they would have discovered that the aged man before them wai no or dinary being, His intellectual fore head, small feet and bands, dress and general appearance indicated that he had followed one of the professions. In the meantime the village physi cian arrived and aided in resuscitating the old man. The child gradually passed awav to sleep after its wants were satisfied and slept ss soundly as if its own mother still hovered over it. It was a soft sweet sleep such only as is seen in tbe repone of the innocent before the trials and tribulations of life have come to their knowledge. It knew not of its lost mother and father, the fearful storm at sea, the hours in the water, the terrible night among the driftwood on tne beach. It slept in a repose akin to perfect blins. ' file's a darling little girl," said the woman who had shared her own child's clothing with the little sleeprr. "What pretty blue eyes she has," r marked she who bid warmed the milk. "Such dainty little limbs," laid th woman who had ran about tbe place nervouily trying to do everything and bad accomplished but little. "But look what pretty feiturei and sweet lips," said the one who had nursed the child to sleep, with an air of superiority. The child did not exceed one month in age. It was probably younger. Its light hair, fair skin and pretty blue eyes even at so young an age showed that it was a born beauty. Still its features were much like those of the Finlanders, so many of whom had set tled along the Columbia in the fishing districts. "Tbey think tbe old man il dying," said one of tbe women in a whisper who bad been watching the men work with the aged sufferer. "Oh, such a pity," remarked the women in a subdued chorus. "We will never learn the child's name or anything about the late of its mother or father." "It must have been born on the voy age," said one, "for they say the ship was a Finnish veesel and has been many weeks at sea." "Old Seadog'i action in the matter is a mystery to everybody. Wby he made such quick haute to board tbe ship is beyond all nnderetanding. And be actually pointed firearms at the men when they attempted to go aboard t'.ie vessel," said a woman who had just been talking with her hutband on tbe outside. "But tbe officers will ravel the matter out,', she continued ss she remembered the details ot the episode as given her by her husband. Then there was a commotion out side. A fisherman bad Just arrived from the sand spit. He had brought news of toe arrival 01 omcers at me scene of the wreck. 'Old Seadog and his boys are all un der arrest!" was whispered from lip to lip. (To te continued) LIVES WITHOUT SLEEP. Han la New Jersey Has Been Awake for Ten Years. "How is that some persons want much sleep, Borne can do on little, while there are still others who can get lloug without any sleep at all?" asked a writer In the New Orleans Times-Democrat. "Now here is a problem, a solution of which nilgh't prove of vast benefit to humankind. I am reminded of the Importance of the subject by a case to which my at tention was recently called In New Jer sey. Albert Herpln, of Trenton, born In France, a hostler, declares that he has not slept a wink for ten years, and hli statement, according to the New York Herald's correspondent. Is borne out by the physicians who have at different times treated him for iu omnia. "Of bla case Herpln says: 'I have been to hospitals, where they attempt ed to druir me In order to produce sleep, but I would not undergo that sort of treatment. 1 have given up the idea of sleeping for the rest of my life; in fact, I'm so used to It that I till nk. no more about the matter. I've heard of people going Insane that were troubled with insomnia, but I never will. I am well and eut three meals a day.' "It would seem from this that sleep Is not one of life's essentials. Is sleep absolutely necessary to healthful ex istence? Is It possible for men to live to the reasonable and average ago without sleep? These are large ques tions and they ramify In many ways when one begins to deal with them speculatively. In the first place, much will depend upon the type and tem perament of the man. Persons whose mental capabilities are of a low order, whose receptive powers are limited, and who are wlthoilt the afflatus which gives a rich poetic color to the things of this lifepersons who are sluggish mentally and temperamentally, and who feel only when pricked and prod ded by tbe sharp exigencies of the struggle for existence, the 'dumb, driv en cattle' of the world, must needs sleep , much; whereas the men and women of a sensitive mold, whose minds are as fragile and responsive as the most delicate of photographers' plates, who catch and hold, and love the Images as they tilt In variant shad ings the men and women who men tally trace the very finest of the nu ances and absorb much of the forces which play upou them such as these may do on less sleep than persons of the dull, unresponsive and unpoctlc type. Napoleon required but little sleep; but, as a great American who was once reminded of the fact remark ed, all men are not Napoleons. I have known many men, well advanced In years, who actually slept less than younger and more vigorous meu." The Word Plcnlo. The derlvatiou of the word pl.'iilc Is uncertain. In London Notes and Que ries of isr3 attempts were made to trace Its origin. One correspondent says: "I'nder a French form the word ap pears lu a speech of HolwWerre, Vest lei kqu'U doit m'accuHer. et mm dans les plquesnlques.' An earlier Instance occurs in one of Lord chesterfields letters, dated October, 174S." Another writer of the same date I tries to trace the word from France back ! Into Italy. Starting with the asump-fere- tlon that plquenique lu French Implies a party at which each guest provides some particular dish or performs some special duty, he finds the Italian ex pressions nicclila (diityl and plivnU in trilling servlcei. and from thoe he coins plccola nlivhla iplcnlci. A French encyclopedia, lsi.'l, hns it that the word Is compounded of th simple Euullsh pick ito chonsei and nick (In the nick of time, on the "pur of the moment). In France the term Is also used for Indoor picnics. Limitation. The little fellow was extremely fond of doughuuts, says Llpplncott's. His (yes sparkled when his grandmother set a plate of them on tue table the night of his arrival at the farm. Frankie did not eat much until the doughnuts were passed, then he eager ly seized one In each chubby hand. "Why, Franklo," whslpered his mother reprovingly, "you have taken two doughnuts!" "I know it, ma," he whUpered back with a longing glance at the plate, "and IX I had tree bauds, I'd taken fret," Guest I want a good porterhouse steak. Waiter Genta what order por terhouse steak ire required to make deposit, ilr. Chlcigo Tribune. Swatter I see you ire mentioned in one of the book! just published. Prim ly Indeedl What book? Swatter The directory. Chicago News. Gabber- You ought to meet Dyer. Awfully clever Imitator. He can tak off anybody. Miss Duncan (wearily) I wish he was here now. TIt-blti. Stringem Say, do you want to get next to a scheme for making money fast? Nibbles Sure I do. Stringem Glue It to the floor. Chicago Newi. At the Art Exhibition: First Judge Daublelgb Is a prolific painter, Isn't he? How would you estimate bli work? Second Judge By the quart- Life. Another hateful thing: "How did you like our new duet?" she asked. "Oh, was that a duet? I thought you were only quarreling!" Youker Statesman. Roosevelt and Parker outdistanced: Stella Men are so stupid. Bella Yes, Indeed; do you suppose It would take me weeks to write a letteV of ac ceptance? Exchange. Customer The last fish I had from you didn't seem very fresh. Fish Dealer Well, mum, 'ow can you cx peot fresh fish to come out o' salt water ? New Yorker. First Physician So the operation was Just in the nick of time? Second Physician Yes, in another twenty-foui hours tbe patient would have recovered without it Harper's Bazar. At the seaside: She Oh! George, what lovely waves! He Very nice; but poor things, they're Just like me we both arrive at the shore iu splen did style and go back broke. Judy. Visitor (at Putin Bay) What do you do In here all summer? Native Loaf and fish. .Visitor And what do you do In the winter? Native We don't fish. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. "I suppose," said the drummer, "you labor on the Sabbath, and rest the re mainder of the week." "No," replied the village parson: "I try to collect my salary on week days." Chicago News. More Troublesome: "It' pretty bard to be worried by a lot of debts you can't pay." "Nonsense! That's noth ing to being worried by a lot of debts you simply have to pay." Philadel phia Ledger. Diagnosis: Patient Do you con sider this trouble fatal, doctor? You know my means are limited, and Doctor Well, ai a rule, the patient succumbs to it after about two thou sand dollars' worth of treatment Life. Sure enough: "Of course, I don't want to criticise, but I don't think it was altogether right for David to say 'all men are Ham. Well, at any rate, it was safer than to pick out ono man and say It to him." rniiaueipma Press. Artist Have you taken my picture to the exhibition? Porter Yes, sir; it seemed to please the gentlemen very much. Artist What did they say? Porter Oh, they didn't say nnthtnir lint thev laughed that earty. Glasgow Evening Times. "Did you ever make any money on the board of trade?" "Yes, I made one hundred and seventy-five dollars there one day in less than twenty minutes. "W'hewl What did you do with it.'" "Oh, they got It back before I had a chance to see It" Chicago Record Herald. Teacher Have you looked up the meaning of the word "Imbibes," Fan ny? Fanny Yes, ma'am. Teacher Well, what does It mean? Fanny To take in. Teacher Yes. Now give a sentence using the word. 1 Fanny My aunt imbibes boarders. Woman's Home Companion. "Mr. Heavyweight," said the min ister, "is willing to subscribe $10,000 for a new church, provided we can get other subscriptions making up the same amount." "Yet you seem dis appointed," said bis wife. "Yes, I was in hopes he would contribute $100 In cash." Brooklyn Life. jotl0gIt is Just Impossible for mo to keep a lead pencil. People are al ways borrowing, you know, and they alwayi forget to return. Brown Why, 1 never have any trouble. See. I've got a whole vest pocketful ef pen cils. Jones Doesn't that prove Jus.t what I laid? Boston Transcript. The Elder MUs Spinster (appearing at the back door) Tell me, my good man, are yon the person who called here' last week? Knight of the ltonj You donf mean the bluke wot you give the 'oinade pie to? No, mum, 1 ain't 'lm. 'E left me his ole tos when 'e pegged out, that's all. Judge. Suuday School Superintendent -.So you are the little man that won the prize books, "The Lives of the Saint-i," for good behavior. Now, what are you going to do with the books, my little man? Johnny Mtggs Gunner change 'em, sir, fer "Hilly tier Black Pirate" and "How Jimmy Raised der Ranch." Life. "There's mighty few people," said Farmer Corutosel, "that kuows what to do with a farm after they get one.'' "I have noticed that," answered the girl with frizzes; "they always Insist on filling the whole place up with Cvrn and oats and tlitngs, when they might have such lovely tennis courts and go.f links." Washington Star. Ear Monument. Throughout Korea a number of mon uments are still standing which date from the war of 15t", when Japan In vaded Korea with 300.000 num. These "monuments of ears," as they are cull ed, mark the burial places of the 10,000 ears which were cut from the heads of the Koreans ss trophies of victory. There are many of these monuments In Japan also, for some of these grew some relics were taken home by the conquering army. The siuaii hoy Is always heard hei posing amid the scenery. First National Bank, Hood River, Or. Capital fully paid up. S2S.000.00. Shareholder liability, $25,000.00 Surplus, $5,000. OPPICEH9 F. 8. Stanley, Vice President. DIRECTORS Robert Smith, President. Robert Smith F. 8. J. C. Alnsworth Special Attention LESLIE BUTLER. TRUMAN BUTLER. ' BUTLER & CO., BANKERS. ESTABLISHED 1900. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. RESIDENTS OF WASCO PASHION Livery, Feed CENTRAL MARKET MAYES BROS., Proprietors. Dealers in AH Kinds of Fresh, Cured and Canned Meats. Headquarters for Vegetables and Fruits. C. L. GILBERT, Proprietor. Mi Hood Hotel HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Headquarters for Tourists Regular Rates, $1.25 to $2.50 per day. Sbecial Rates by Week or Month. Stages leave daily for Cloud Cap Inn during July, August and September. C. T. HAWSON. I HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. AVe desire to lot our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we will have and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pear.Apricot, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the t rade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. SNOW & General Blacksmiths FINE HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of the Crescent Brand of Tools. Full line o supplies constantly on the West. ALEX. STEWART DEALER IN General Merchandise. Long Distance Telephone Office. Subscrip tions received for the Ulaoler. MOSIER, - - OREGON J. F. STRANAHAN, Architect Of ! years' experience. Will fur nish plans and specifications for all kinds of buildinirs. Strictly up to date. Located at Hood River. JJOOD RIVER STUDIO W. D. ROGERS, Prop. Hinh Grade Portraiture a specialty. Amateur Supplies. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library The Best In Current Literature 12 Com puts Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR ; 25 CT. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF JTUREKA MEAT MARKET, McGl'lRE BROS, Frope. Dealers In Freeh and Cured Meats, Lard, Poultry, Fruit and Vegetables. FREE DELIVERY. PHONE Si I. 0. Blanchsr, Cashier Stanley F. H. Hopkins X. L. Smith Given to Collections. COUNTY FOR 22 YEARS. 4 STABLE and Draying. STKANAHANS & BAGLEY. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure first-class rigs. Spe cial attention given to moving Furniture and Pianos. We do everything horses can do. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. C. F. GILBERT, Manager. & Commercial Travelers F. H. STANTON Peach& Plum Trees, UPSON, and Wagonmakers, hand. Best Plow Man in HOOD RIVER, OREGON. FREDFRICK & ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furnished on all kinds of work I'hnnPS1 Arnnia. Main 8.3. iliUIieS. Frederics, Mnin 20S. BELIETJ & REA, Contractors & Builders. W-Pi.an amp Estimates FrnmsH 'd-s COX & WALLIN Contractors and Builders Plans and Estimates Fchmshkd. E. A. SOULE, Contractor and Builder. Plans and Estimates Furnished Upon Application. dl McDonald &Henrich Dealers In !FARM MACHINERY, VEHICLES j BICYCLES Waqoss 70 years, test. Plows, Harrows, .uv Cultivators, Spray and Well Pumps Wind Mills, Gasoline Eng'e Champion Mowers, Rakes, Oil" and Extras Hardware, Flaking Tackle, Barb Wire. Hercules Stump Powdai GEO. P. GROWELL, Successor to E . L. Smith, . , Oldest Established House in the valley. DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc. This old-established house will con tinue to pay cash for all its goods; it pays no rent; it employs a clem, one does not have to divide with a partner. . All dividends are made with customers in the way of reasonable prices. Lumber Wood, Posts, Etc. Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. Have opened an office in Hood River. Call and get prices and leave orders, which will be promptly filled. gON TON BARBER SHOP 0. H. GREY, Prop. Tbe place to get an easy shave, an up-to-date hair cut, aud to enjoy the luxury of a porcelain bath tub. "HE 0. K. BARBER BHOP Russell & Rees. Props. Between J. E. Rand's and E. V. Wright'. Strictly tint clan. Satis faction guaranteed. MILWAUKEE NURSERIES We have 60,000 Yellow Newton Pippin and Splt.enberg Apple Trees, also a general va riety of Fruit Trees for sale tor the coming season, and we are goiug to Bell them at reasonable pi ices. Our TreeB are i rat-class and True to Name. Urat'ed on whole roots, with scions care fully selected from some of the best bear ing urchards In Hood Kiver V alley. Send for prices to MILWAUKEE NURSERIES Milwaukee, Oregon F. E. STRANG N. B. HARVEY. Local Agent Proprietor ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. HOOD RIVER. The pcstofflce it open daily between 8 am. at.d 7 p. m.; Sunday irom 12 to 1 o'clock. Mails for tbe East cluse at U:flJ a. iu., 8:2u p. m. and 9 p in.: for tbe West at 2:40 p. m. anu9 p.m. The carriers on R. F. D. routes No. t aud No. i leave the nostottice at 8:30 daily. Mall leaves Kor Mt. Hood, daily at U:U0 in.; arrives, 10:20 a. m, For Chenoweth, Wash., at 7:80 a. m. Tues davs, Thursdays aud Saturdays; arrives same days at 6 p. m. For Underwood, Wash., at 7:30 a. m. Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives same days at 6 p. m. For White Salmon, Wash., daily at 2:45 1 p, m.; arrives at n a. m. WHITE SALMON. For Hood River dally at a. m. ; arrives at 1:45 p. m. F'or Muslim, Trout Lake and Ouler, Wash., dally at 7:30 a. m. ; arrives at 12 m. For (jlenwood, Oilnier aud Fulda, Wash., dally at 7:30 a. in.; arrives at 5 p. m. For Pinetiat aud Snowdeu, Wash., at 11:30 a. m. Tuesdays aud Saturdays; arrives same days, 10:30 a. m. For Binten, Wash., dally at 4:46 p. m.; ar rives at 6:46 a. in. Oregon Shot line and union Pacific R. . TIME SCHEDULES . P""T Porll.nd. Or. A"T Chicago (alt Ijtke, Denver, 4:30 p. Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, Special Kansas City, St. I:i0a. m. Louis,Chloagoand via KasL Huntington. Atlantis Bt. Paul Fast Mall, lajoca, Kx press l:U p.m. via lunUngton. t,Pal Atlantit Express. 7:16a. as. Fast Mail 00 p. Bk Tla Ipckan. 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No Change Of Cars. Lwst Rata. Quickest Tim. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE IKOH PORTLAND. IM p.M. All sailing data, ubj.et to ehang. For Baa Franclsoe Ball ev.rj A daya Dally Ii. Sunday (AO p.m. latnrday M M p. a. C.nmkla River ItMsnra. T. Astoria and Way Landings. S00. sa. Iz. Sunday titta.m. Moo., Wed. aaf frl. Wlllaawtr Rlrtr. : p. m. Tuee., Tho, Balem, Indepen dence, corvallls and way landings. T :01am. tat., Thar, aaa laL Yaaaffl Rlnr. 4 JOpm. Hon.. ! and rn. Oregon City, Dayton sua waj lanuillgs. Lv. Hlparla tease lint. Lt UwlstOi :wa. m. Daily eio.pt Rlparla to Uwlston Daily .ic.pt a:w a. I , . I riuaj. I I A. L. CRAIG, tlTTTtt ill ii I ii i i.ti..j a- T J. KI;saird. Agent, Hood Rirer.