hood;iriver glacier, Thursday, October 13, 1004. NEW REGULATOR LINE DOCK AT HOOD RIVER. Locate your home where the best improvements are going. Sewers, Spring Water and Sidewalks, fine view and good drainage. All these are found in .1 . r t. " 1. v V- , - . . - Btion iverview rwic Which will be included in the First Sewer District, and which is beyond question the most desirable residence in Hood River. Buy now before the prices advance. R Add V '"n,1""--" J L FOR SO years steamboats liave been carrying passengers and freight to and from Hood River, but it remained for Manager H. C. Canurtiell of the Regulator line to fur nish the firnt dock facilities for the ac commodation of the Hood River pat rons of the Columbia river steamers. The accompanying illustration shows the dock recently put in by Mr. Camp bell at the steamboat landing in the east end of the city. C. A. Bell of the Transfer Co. took a Glacier reporter to the boat landing yesterday and showed him over the dock. Moored behind piling is a covered wharf boat, 24x(0 feet in extent, afford ing capacity for storing three or four cars of freight. At the east end of the dock is a neatly fitted up office and waiting room, where Norman Young, the Hood River agent for the Regulator line may be found at any time during the working hours of the day. Tele phone connection has been made with the boat company' office, which will enable the merchants to ascertain at a moment's notice the arrival of their freight. And not like it liaB been for 50 years, freight that is left at the boat landing over night will not suffer from the rains, as it will remain safely under cover until hauled away. As a matter of news, the reporter in quired about the business of the Regu lator company at Hood River. Mr, Young opened the new record books the company has supplied him with since the establishment of the dock here, and showed an average of seven and eight tons of freight passing through the dock every day of the week. The Regulator pulled in at that moment and the dozen deck hand were kept busy for half an hour unloading a large consignment for the merchants, and taking on lot of lumber for lower Mosier. Now that the dock has been placed in position, Agent Young expects to s8e a perceptible increase in the freight traffic by boat. A large amount of fruit leaves for t'ortlann each day Dy the Keguiaior Line from liood River. BANNER SCHOOL FOR ATTENDANCE As will be seen by the monthly re irt of the l'rankton schools as given xilow, the percentage of attendance is 97.77, and punctuality, 99.77 for the two schools in the district. What other school in the state with anyway near the same attendance can equal this record? The following h report of the Frank ton schools for the mouth ending Sep tember 30, 1904. COLUMBIA Roll of honor : Minnie McLane Beulah Paulin Kdward I'aulin Paul Moore Walter Kresse . Grace Forbes Alma Abeten Ruth Morton Invest McLane Alyne McLane Bessie McLane Krna McLane Mutt Huckler Enrollment, 22; number days attend ance, 35t))g ; number days absence, 13 ; imtnbur of times tardy, 0. Carrie Byeri.ee, Teacher. FRANKTON Roll of honor, primary: Clarice Davenport Winnie Soule Kdna lioorman Winnie Ktaten Ruth Barrett Ruth Treiber Yerna Martensen Fred Weinschenck S. Braidthwait lx)vl Braidthwait Mabel Ledford Pertha Steptoe Marie Soule Marie Davenport Esther Barrett Earnest Boorman Hiram Fatinger Fdward Soule Enrollment, 39; number days attend ance, (i7ii 1 1 ; number days absence, 14j ; number times tardy, 1. Minnie Shea, Teacher. Roll of honor, intermediate; May Davenport J, Kin Jones Lee Soule Rileen Khy (ieorge Ted ford Myrtle Steptoe Leon Caddy. Enrollment, .!; Arthur Kerr V. Bruidthwaite Williss Kelley Oscar Jones Emma Noble Minnie Fliy number davs attend ance, 54.'l,4 ; number days absence, 111 ; number times tardy, ;. Stei.i.a Brown, Teacher. Roll of honor, principal's room : Florence Byerlee Albert Garrabrant Margaret Nickelsen Nina Noble David Bverlee Bruce Morton Nellie Garrabrant Harrison Bangle Raymond Nicholson FIhe lioorman Alta Anderson Fern Bangle Enrollment, 25; number days attend ance, IWIt'v'i ; number days absence, 41 ; number times tardy A. Percentage of attendance 97.77; punct uality 99. 77, for entire district. G. W. Brown, Principal. Report from District 52. ' Special to the Glacier. Mosier, Oregon, Oct. lo, 1904. The first month of school in district 52 closed Friday with an enrollment of 3(i pupils. The following pupils were neither ab sent nor tardy during the month: Mary Morgan Irene Morgan Willie Depee Leodica Haacke Willie Stewart Annie Haacke Mattie Hudson Clefora Haacke Agnez Gi'lovson, teacher. bids fair to accomplish much good for j the students and the school during the present year. Credit for a greater part (if this wnrk miiut. 1w piven tn Superin tendent Wiley, who seems to have im bued the school with a life and energy it has not displayed for many a year. Students Form Athletic Club. The boys of the Hood River public school, at the instance of Professor Wiloy, have organized an athletic asso ciation. Friday evening the following officers were elected: Estee Brosius, president; Harold Hershner, vice presi dent; Mair Dano, secretary; Willie Baker, treasurer; Harold Hershner, Howard Hartley and Elwood Luckey, members of the executive committee. The club starts out with a member ship enrollment of 42. The organization lias for ite object the fostering of a spirit for athletics, and will be known as the Hood River Public school athlet ic club. The boys have already made an Im provement to the Park street school grounds by clearing up the northeast corner for a basket and hand ball court. TO ADVERTISE HOOD RIVER Organize Principals' Club. Seventeen teachers responded to the call for the organization of a Principals' club of Wasco county at the rooms of the Hood River high school last Satur day afternoon. , The Wasco County Superintendents and Principals' club was organized and the following officers elected: L. A. Wiley of Hood River, president: C. D. Thompson of Barrett, vice president; Miss Mabel Riddell of Pine Grove, secretary; J. T. Neff, J. 8. Landers and Protessor Orentt of The Dalles, a com mittee on programs. The next meeting will be field at the Pine Grove school house, just before dinner, as Professor Thompson stated, Saturday, October 2) Superintendent Landers of The Dalles told interesting incidents of his trip to St. Louis, and the educational exhibit at the world's fair. There were also discussions on the every day province of the teacher. While the organiza'ion is to be known as a superintendents' and principals ..n 4..nMiuru (A the county are cum, u - - - i privileged to join and to secure the licnente oi me iiieeum. Elect Class (Juicers. Memliers of the tenth grade of the Hood River public school mei lasi m duy afternoon to perfect class organiza the (ollowinir officers: Harold Hershner, president; Charles Slmte, vice president ; .miss i ean nru Miss Lela Kelsay. tieas- ufer; Herman Struck, sketch artist. There are 13 members of the class, but this thev take to be a good omen, leat wie the record of the first month s work would so indicate. Class spirit among the upper grades kciiis to have been placed on a firm " footing in the Hood River schools and Hood River business men last week Fiibscribed $300 for a writeup in the Lewis and Clark Journal that will ad vertise Hood River, its advantages and resources, to thousands of readers in the Eastern states. Kothe & Vallely , advertising managers for the Lewis and Clark Journal, the official organ of the Lewis and Clark fair, spent last week in Hood River soliciting the advertising subscriptions from the business men. Before going directly .to the business houses, Messrs. Kothe & Vallely met with the directors of the Hood River Commercial club, before whom they laid their proposition, hich was discussed by the directors and sanctioned by them. The $: 100 is to pay for a writeup of the city and valley which is to appear in the November issue of the Journal, that is to have a circulation of some 200,000 copies, nearly all of which are to be distributed at the St. Louis fair. Statistics for the article have been pre pared by the secretary of the Commer cial club. .It is the intention of the secretary to secure some photographs of the apple exhibits this week for illus trations to accompany the article. Jf anyone in the town and country ! has pictures of orchard and farm scenes suitable lor nalltone cuts, me secretary of the Commercial club would be pleased to have them left at the Glacier office. Handsome Apples From Mount Hood. G. C. Ruff, on his way to Portland last Friday, was exhibiting some of his fine apples grown on his irun mrm at Mount Hood. The Kings he showed to the Glacier reporter were indeed beau ties. They were tiigtiiy colored; so much so that it would be difficult to find Spitzenbergs to excel them. The Kings were four-tier apples. Some Spitzenbergs he displayed, while not eo large, were nicely colored, and on fruit stands would retail about two to five cents. Mr. Ruff owns what was formerly the P. F. Fouts ranch. He has about ten acres in bearing orchard, and has kept a grubbing machine busy all summer clearing land on which he will plant more apple trees. Mr. Ruff also has an extensive clover patch. Mr Ruff is the proprietor of a grocery store in Portland, and when he displays these samples of fruit in In show cases he should have no difficulty in securing orders for his entire crop at top notch prices. Buys Laundry at Ileppner. R. C. Willis closed a deal lat:t Satur day whereby the Crescent Steam Laun dry was transfered to Orin Clay John son of Hood River, at the normal figure of $5000. Mr. Johnson and two sons will operate the laundry, and as they come well recommended, and are thor- onuhlv familiar with the business, there is no reason why they should not do a ifood business trom the start. Mr. Johnson will add at once a lot of new machinery and put the plant in shape to do work equal to the Pendleton or Portland lauftdries, so there will be no exiuse for sending your work away. Ileppner Times. The Apples Are Waitin; For Yon. The annual meeting of the Stat Edi torial Association will lie held this year at It ood River, October 14-15 when the boys will meet to swap experiences, have a iiood time and sample the big red apples that have made Hood River famous. Every man in the editorial harness should make it u point to dode work for a couple of days and go. ' He will find it the best investment of time he can make in the whole round year. Forest Grove Times. VETERANS TELL WAR STORIES Canby post, G. A. R., had a good meeting Saturday. Several oi the com rades who were not uresent at former meetings when the exiierience of the boys on their enlistment in the army was given, responded at this meeting. M. P. Isenberg enlisted at Alexandria Pa. He told of his experience up to and including the battle of Antietam, when his brother John and seven cousins of the name of Jsenberg, were killed. Himself was severely wounded in this, one of the bloodiest battles of the war. He was then enlisted in the Pennsylvania Reserves, a division of troops that saw as much hard fighting and service as any division in the Army ot the Potomac. Harvey Cole served in the 14th Mich igan, and it was his proud boast that, as an orderly detailed upon his general's staff, he witnessed the grand review ol the veteran armies of Grant and Slier man in the streets of Washington. His description of that event was eloquently portrayed, and the interested comrades who took part in that grand review could imagine themselves once more marcblnu down Pennsylvania avenuo and hear the shouts of the multitude who cheered as thev marched. L. Henry enlisted in the 95th Illinois at Bloomington. After campaigning through Missouri with an occasiona skirmish with Prices' veterans, hii regiment brought up at Springfield At ilsons Greek, where General Lyon fell, the Judge related that he stood upon the Dattieneid without a tnougni of fear, as calm and collected as at the moment he gave his experience but, like the man who was with Grant, before the war, the Judge stood upon the bat tlefield of Wilsons Creek one year after the battle had lieen fought. The Judge rounded up ids three years service in the last battle of the war in Matnll liar bor, where he helped to capture J. L. Gordon, a former citizen of Hood River. The subjects for next meeting will be, "Did you enlist to free the nigger? and "How did you feel the first time you were under fire?" Hood Ri ver D Co. evelopment A. A. JAYNE, GEORGE T. PRATHER, Secretary. Selling Agent. Carriage Painting HUNT'S Is the place to go when yon want good work done in the line of PANTING, KALSOMING, PAPERING. The best is the cheapest. Am prepared to do up-to-date Ladders Step Ladders Extension Ladders Fruit Ladders Laddors that are Safe to Climb You don't need the whole family to hold our Ladders while you hang on to the tree. NORTON & SMITH WHOLESALE RETAIL THE DALLES NURSERIES R. H. WEBER; Prop. , THE DALLES, OREGON. FRUIT, SHADE AND GROWER AND DKALKll IN TREES GRAPE VINES AM) ORNAMENTAL - SMALL FRUITS Evergreens, Roses and Shrubbery. Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Withaut Irrigation. Meeting of Fair Committee. The executive committee of the fruit fair met in the Commercial club rooms laat Saturday afternoon to complete little buHincHs before the opening of the fair this week. W.J. Baker of the traimportation committee reported that the railroad had granted rates of a fare and a third, and tie was of the opinion that Mr. Morse had arranged with the boat com pany for reduced rates an the steamers. General Passenger Agent A. L. Craig atatud to Mr. linker that it would be impossible to have the overland trains make a stop here during tne davs ot the fair, as it w as diflicult now with all the trattic to get the trains through on schedule time. Mr. Butler reported that an effort was being made to have the members of the Portland Commercial club stop off at Hood River on their return from Walla Walla. They expected to make the return trip Friday morning. Com ing in on the morning train, they would stay over until No. 1, visit the apple show and make a drive about the valley. Tom Kichardson of the Portlund Com mercial club is endeavoring to have the Portland business men make the stop at Hood Kiver. The press committee repotted that arrangements hud been perfected for entertaining the visiting members of the pre-s. Mrs. Dumble stated that the enter tninment committee had arranged a programme for each evening of the fair. As a large tent has been secured from Portland, all evening meetings will be held on the fair grounds. The following prices were decided up on by the whole committee. Sea son tickets, 50 cents; day tickets, including admission to the even ing entertainment, 25 cents; single admissions, 10 cents. The programme Thursday night will be in charge of Mr. Weber, manager of the Mandolin club from the Marquam Grand at Portland. Mrs. Watt reported arrangements bad been completed lor the baby show as announced in last week's Glacier. W. J. Baker reported for the commit tee appointed to secure rooms, that 150 rooms had been found ourside of the hotels. Mr. Baker also sated that Wadham & Kerr Bros, of Portland bad offered six dozen quart fruit jars as premiums for canned fruit displays. H. L. V'orse of the Electric Eight Co. reported that the company would put in lights lor the pavilion mid large tent at a cost of $:!2, and $2.75 each night. The company will buy bark the wiring and globes for $5.50, Ices break nge. Prescriptions filled at any hour of the day or night at Clarke s drug et ire. School Commences September 5th. GEO. F. COE & SON ACROSS FltOM I'OSTOKEK'IO Books and School Supplies Tablets, Composition Books, Pencils, Pens and Penholders Carters Inks Black, Blue and Writing Fluid, Inks for Fountain Pens, Stamping Inks, Water-proof Ink. Photo Library Paste, Mucilage, School Sponges, Ink and Penc il Erasers, School Blotters, etc. Crockery, Glassware, Confectionery and Fruits. Stationery and Notions. Phone 351 Geo. F. Coe & Son SNOW & UPSON, General Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers, Now have Winter Shoes public to iret their horses in weather. HOOD fee Are No fionil Eiies ON COLLARS Or Other Work Laundered at the New PARADISE Steam Laundry for Horses and invito the readiness before the slippery RIVER, OUKdOX. Our steam-heated polishers eliminate many of the annoyances of the old fashioned Ironers. You Ought to Drop in Once and See Them Work. . Work called for and delivered. Tele phone your orders. Paradise Steam Laundry HOOD RIVER, OR. Or.t wur old Iteeord renetred and get tne latent tn tonga ana uana mimir.. etc W. D. ROGERS U agent for Columbia Phogographs andtuppliet. Call and-iiee him. Hood River Studio E. El. Bradley PRINTING HIGH GRADR PAMPHLET AND COMMERCIAL WOKK PROMPTLY PERFORMED PRKCS ALWAYS RIOIIT We are hre to do your work toduy tomorrow and every other day, and our money (what little we have) ia ajrftnt in Hood Kiver. We want your work and can do it neatly and SATISFACTORILY 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE MRS. MATTIE JEXSOX Trained Nurse. Hood Riyer, Or. Sanitarium, Ilaftle Creek, Mich. . J'hone 3KS Main. A L. CARMICHAEL The only exclusive Dry Goods House on the Hill. I have just received my Fall line of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, in woolen and lleece lined. Call and get prices on these goods and you will bo convinced that they are all right. Also a fine line of Shoes suitable for Fall and Winter wear, for Men, Women and Children. No trouble to show goods. Have you noticed the 20c, 25c and 30c line of BOOKS in SLOCOM'S Window? Just look them over when passing. HOOD RIVER TRANSFER AND LIVERY CO. ,1 Ticket Office for The Regulator Line of Steamers. : 1 . f Hauling, Draying, Bag 1 gage Transferred. V. ' First Class Livery Turnouts i : Always Ready. Thono 131. Stages to Cloud Cap Inn. bone & Mcdonald Carry a full lino of Groceries, Flour and Feed, Shovels, Spades, Axes, Saws, etc. The Fishing Season Is here, and so are we with a full line of first class Tackle. Come and see us before buying. Goods Delivered Free To Any Part of Town. bone & Mcdonald C. S TEMPLE, THE JEWELER, Ilua the Finest DiBplay ol Watches, Diamond and Gold Rings, Cut Glassware,' etc., in town. All work neatly nnd correctly done, enpecmiiy fine Watch Repairing anil udjuHlhiK. Huattonnble prices. . .-;A mm Do Your Eyes Trouble You? I wiHh lostute to thu funeral public that I am pre cured to tt your eyes and lit you with ulaMna that will overcome all afllirtloim of HtiKmutiHiii, ueur-HiKhidneei and weak eye thiit the best occulixt can help. Try the kIubw I sell. I have given this subject very clone siuuy anu can toll you oy examination JUHt. wnat kind of ulnxHet vlir even require, kyet) tested free and all. k1hh Bold with a Kuaruntee to lit your even with CHpceially s" ground glanMeH. If youreyca trouble you und cause headache or inroumnir puum wan uiurnng vmion wnen reading or uo- , ing line work requiring close and steady observation, come u, l!'w'. iu and let me examine your eyes by means of the perfected American Optical Tester and itecure relief and comfort by the use of proper )y fHU"d glne(t. a. ,iy Dcsioh r'ftfl" CopyniGHTt Ac. Antonf wndtfuc a cfcpf'-h and rtwriitt'on may quickly awrwrtnin our opinion trm whHIior tui ' Invention m protutbly (ulenuhli. i omui union, tt'tii strict 'yotirMHn"lHl. HaJirilionkou I'menia tttii fro, ouifftt atfftncy for ruviirin pmmii. I'atenm taken thruukh Mutta A O. rcclT tpfrtM nsttf, without, tbwrtfa, in the Scientific American. A hsnrtnomHy UlrwtrntM wpMr. !,nrvft Hr rtllation of any eeientiflo journal. Tm-ti.B, t.i a Tear: fur ruonihi, tl. Hold by alt Tiewoaler. MUNN Co.36,Bro"d--' New York Brtucti limo, tl& F 8t, Wubtutfiuu. 1. (.. J. R. NICKELSEN rn.Mii'1) ir Farm Machinery & Vehicles Ineiidmr Nrudeluiker find Unshford Winnrm. WnrmnH Carringes & Rubies, Faultless and Little Giant Grubbing Machines, Aei inotorWiiid Mills, Ruckeyo Pumps, Americus Cider Mills. S vrn.cn se and Oliver (!Iiillil mid Steol Plmv. A complete line of Spray i'umps, lloyt'n Tree Supports, Hunford's llalwim of Myrrh, Kx Ira Muggy Tops, Seats, Cushions, Dashes, l'oles, Shafts, Singletrees and Neck yokes lloller Springs and Iron Age (larden Tools. Ill .l'l 1" ... II ITl V i or. -iiii anu i oiuinni.i ms., not mi j liver, ur. While- Salmon Livery and Stage Co. WYKRS ct KREl'S, Proprietors. White Salmon Singe In connection, with up-to-date Livery Barn. Stages leave daily, Mondays excepted, at 7:..0a. m., for 1 rout Lake, Gilmer, Fulda and Ulenwoou. .Meet all steamers. WHITE SALMON, WASH. DR. JONES, Dentist. Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates Special attention given to the beautiful Pink Guru Set of Teeth. AImo the treatment of diseased teetU and gums. Ollice over Jackson's Store. Oak St. Entrance,