The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 06, 1904, Image 6

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For mine time there have been ruin
ore of tbe organization of a lodge of tbe
I. O. O. F. at Odell. There are quite a
number or member or the Order In
thin vicinity who dexlre a home nearer
than tbelr present lodge, to wit Hood
River. If those in lerexted will pall at
the Little White Store. Mrs. Shelley
will take the matter up, and If agree
able to them, will submit a proposition
to lease them the entire upper story of
the ball building at Odell, giving
long lease, say Ave years, on such terms
as would piobably prove mutually
satisfactory. -The ball would be 24x48
reel on tue ouisiae, wun ante-rooms
already cut off. Tbe ball could be
speedily arranged comfortably for
lodge meetings.
L. D. Boyed last week closed deal
on 40 acres of his home place for a
satisfactory cash consideration. This
leaves him with only 40 acres of bis
original 160 acres, and be says be bos
refused an $8,0K) oiler for this 40, upon
which his building stand. Mr. Jioyed
bas perhaps tbe finest appointed home
In East Hood River valley. His bouse
Is modern and well furnished, and
with an abundance of water he bas the
finest lawn in the neighborhood. Mr.
Boyed bat set tbe pace for beautifying
borne. Have look at It, then go
and do likewise.
Mr. Egbert of The Dalles was here
last week looking tbe valley over for a
market for nay. Jiut tlie valley being
supplied with a better quality than lie
could furnish, I think be returned
without making a sale. Mr. Egbert
runs a feed yard at Tbe Dalles.
The writer has 131 acres of very deslr
' able land for sale at an extremely low
figure. It Is cut up Into three tracts
or 60, 65 and 28 acres, all abutting upon
tbe Mount Hood road, splendidly
" Improved and with plenty of natural
water. This Is positively the bent bar
gain In Hood River valley. For Infor
mation call at tbe Little White store.
Cbas. Halgbt, an old timer In Oregon
from The Dalles, had business here
last week. He sold Jobu Lawless a
pair of wild bones. I have known Mr.
might more than 30 years, having
traded horses with him when I was
boy, John Lawless is a horse tamer
of no mean ability and If you will turn
your eyes toward tbe jingling bells of
John's wood hauling team this week.
you will see these bronchos; but not so
wild as mey were last Sunday when
lie nrsi Daiterea mera up.
The voters of Odell school district, at
meeting last Friday, voted to estab
lish the ninth grade. This Is as It
should be. If this move bad been
made few weeks sooner, a number of
pupils would have been saved the ex
pense of attending school In town.
Jiut better late than not at all. At
this meeting a proposition .was din
cussed concerning the supplying of
spring water to in aistrict as wen as
other parties who were willing to pay
for water for domestic use. '1 his prop
osition meets witb my hearty approv
al, and I stand ready to aid such an
enterprise In every way possible. The
creek water, which the school children
must now use. Is not pure, and the
health of tbe children should be pro
tected regardless of tbe expense. It Is
estimated that $300 would pipe pure
spring water Into the school house and
from there It could be easily distributed
to a few parties who would gladly pay
tbe price of city water. Once estab
lished It would soon become a paying
proposition financially, besides proving
a monument to tbe names of the par
. ties founding the enterprise. By all
means crowd this matter to a finish,
and furnish the children with abso
lutely pure water.
On Saturday, the 15th Inst., the
Order of Lions will give basket social
at tbelr ball here. The social gather
ings of the Order are becoming a popu
lar feature with the "400" of Odell.
There Is talent both of a musical and
literary character among tbe lodge
members, and a fine program will be
rendered. The exercises will be public
and everybody Is Invited. Come along.
At a surprise party last week, Mr.
and Mrs. I rank A. Massee entertained
a large number of tbelr friends, Includ
ing people from Odell and Dukes Val
ley. Mr. and Mrs. Massee without
atiectatlou proved a charming host and
hostess. Their many friends are
Indeoted to them for a very, pleasant
evening, and wish them success and
C. R. Bone, who frequently swaps
lies with tbe Little White store man,
baa some very excellent schemes In his
bead concerning the future of our fur
famed valley of Hood River, which to
my mind are praotloal. If he will only
consent to my outlining some of them
for the publio good, I will gladly do so.
So after I press the button and turn
the x-ray on him. If they call him
Colonel Sellers It will not be my fault.
Truly, I believe there will be a won
derful tale unfolded for our valley In
me near ruture. Ho set your bouse lu
order and be ready for it.
Work on the new bridge at Tucker's
oegau last Aionaay.
Charles Pflughaupt and family re
turned last Thursday from the hop
neius or juarion county, lie reports a
short season's pick, but with his large
family of pickers be did very well. The
party he picked for bad a force of 100
pickers and dried 1)0,000 pounds of
bops. At 30 cents, tbe present prloe,
it would amount to $27,000. The
expense of placing hops on the market
will not exoeed seven cents, so allow
ing one-fourth off this would net the
grower $21,000. Not a had income
with bops at tbe present price. The
growers are on velvet. But take the
years together for the pioneer hop
grower of the Willamette valley, and
I imagine they aie not much to the
good now. The business is hazardous
and the crop perishable. Better grow
the famous Hood Hiver apple.
B. T. Young Informs me that our old
neighbor, C. A. Wyman, is In the Tort
land sanitarium with inflammatory
rneumaiism. ins mentis nere are
sorry to learn of this and wish for him
a speedy recovery. Like most people
who leave Hood River, Mr. Wyman
now regrets having sold out here.
We are glad to note the substantial
character of the valuable brick build
ing almost completed In town. Every
citizen of our valley should feel Justly
proud of the enterprise of the owners
of these structures. This kind of im
provement is an unanswerable argu
ment in favor of the future growth aud
prosperity of the town, and adds value
to the land in the country. Columns
could be written concerning the
Improvements of 1904, in town and
country, and we await the result of the
Glacier's report of the bouse to bouse
canvass recently made. Tbe fruit fair,
together with the press association,
which will soon be with us, means
much to Hood River, and I SHggest
that we resolve ourselves into a com
mittee of one, and each of us extend
an Invitation to some distant friend to
visit us on that occasion.
Art Davidson broke camp at Willow
JJt Saturday and returned to bis Hood
River home. Mr. Davidson and wife
have spent the summer there, white
Mr. Davidson whs superintending tbe
aeveinpment or tne uaviaaon tiros,
land on the flat.
John Cates and Mrs. Yetriek sur
prised their friunda here by getting
married lant Imirwday- Itiev were
married in Portland, but no one sum
pectcd it after their return, until the
announcement came out in the Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson made a trip
to l'ortlaiid last Saturday, returning
L. A. Clark has rented his house here
and moved with liin family to Portland,
where they will spend the winter.
School opcued at Wyeth last Monday.
Miss Noble as teacher. Another teacher
will be secured to teach Miss Noble's
room here.
N. D. Sanforn was at Washoutta! taut
week, where he purchased a lot of fruit
and vegetables for dmtrilmtion among
lus patrons at Cascade Locks.
William Butler, postmaster and mer
chant at Butler landing, as transact
ing business in Cascade Locks during
tiie week.
Mrs. Douglas Riggs went to The
Dalles last Saturday.
Most all of this settlement went to
Hood River last Saturday.
Sherltr Sexton made a trip lo this
part of the world, last Monday, and
one of the Mount Hood apple growers
went to J lie Dalles Willi lilm.
John Rush of Hpokane, Is visiting
his brother, II. if. Rush at Mount
Hood the last few ituys.
Roy Henson took a load of lumber
to town lust Monday.
J.R.Steele was In town last week
on a trade. He tons of excellent buy
for sale, and he thinks it will bring
him $15 per town.
Our school Is progressing nicely. Mr.
Neff, the county superintendent, made
a visit to the school here lust week.
The old hayseeds are beginning to
talk about going Into the dairy business
In flood Kiver. w by nor; There is
no place In the West where clover can
be raised as cheaply as It can in Hood
Klver. So why not have a creamery
to go with our fruit. All people are
nut fruit men and all are not dairymen;
so it can be divided up a little and
make business for all.
October came In bright and warm
May it so continue.
t. Ides and Joe Pelllier have returned
from the harvest fields.
Tbe directors of tbe Mount Hood hall
have the lumber on the ground to
complete the building, -
The Middle Fork Irrigation Co. had
another ditch meeting last Saturday.
More meetings than water, we think.
William An dross has finished his
logging contract for the Mount Hood
Mill Co., having put In about two
hundred thousand feet on trucks. '
W. M. Cooper, Jhe forest ranger,
came down from Lost Lake Saturday.
He says It rains almost every day at
tne lake, tie also vtates tnat he and
Ike Neulelgli are engaged in opening a
trail from Lost luke to Bull Ituu lake.
He thinks when that Is complete their
pay may lie stopped. If so, he says for
one, he will stop work for Uncle
Robert LeaBiire, while rolllnir lovs on
his place, mashed his foot and has
been currying It lu a sling or the lust
The Upper Mount Hortd correspond
ent seems to try to mix us up on that
bruin hunt. We will state that we
were Informed that bruin wus no less
than 75 miles away and still running,
and to guard against any danger we
laid off for another 24 hours; then we
went hunting the other wsv, and fol
lowed the lead of our Daniui Boone of
cougardom, lOoburn.)
The past few days being so warm puts
us in mind of summer again. Perhaps
this is what they call Indian summer.
If it keeps this up we will have to go to
irrigating again.
O. B. Hartley was doing business in
our town lust Friday.
Mr. Wright moved on his homestead
last week, and says he intends to live
there for five years before proving np.
That la right. Such people as that de
serve a home, but those who are trying
to hold homesteads for some other
party, or Jor speculation deserve to have
their claims jumped.
A party of young folks from Dukes
Valley ami Odell gathered at tho home
of Frank Ma8ee on Willow flat, lust
Friday evening ami enjoyed themselves
for a few hours with games, music and
candy pulling. Everyone enjoyed the
process of the candy making, which was
done by Mr. Hocra'ft, an expert confec
tioner. Everyone went home feeling
that the evenimi had been well snent.
and hoping for more like it in the near
future. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Hocraft, Mrs. Redmond, Mr and
Mrs. A. T. Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Dodge, George Walter and Jethro Mas
see, Master Willie and Mies Ellen
Dodge of Willow Hat and Duke's Valley,
and Otto and Willie Ehrck, Mr. Mury
McCoy and Fred Crockett of Odell,
Our literary society mot la9t Suturduy
evening after an adjournment of seven
months, and elected the following olll-
cers: W. U. Dodson, president; UeorgeJ
A. Massey, secretary; J. O. Cameron.
treasurer; mark Cameron, sergcant-at
arms. A short program was rendered.
Motion was made bv W. C. Dodim to
change the night of meeting from Sat
urday to rrulay evening. Motion was
carried. This was done on account of
tho Lion's lodge meeting on Saturday
evening. There was no debate as tho
evening was mostly taken up with bus
iness, uur next meeting will be on
Kridnv. Oi'tiilu-r 7 Tluii nntuiili) tli
neighborhood are cordially invited to
come and take part with us. '
Two voting ladies, one of them from
Dukes Valley and the other from across
tho river, took a trip to Odell lust Fri
day with a team and buggy. They got
to Odell all right. They wanted to see
a couple of young men that were work
ing in the field close by. They did not
want to hollow at them and they did
not want to get out and go to them; so
in order to attract their attention they
cramped the buggy so short that the
wheel caught under the box, and then
t hey hollowed good and loud. Of course
the young gentlemen came running
down to see what was the trouble. It
took the boys a long time to extricate
that refractory wheel. They finally got
things fixed up all rigid, and the girls
went home happy ; but we would ad
vise them to try some other scheme
next time, because it is a terrible strain
on the buggy to cramp it so.
me young man that came to our
literary last Saturday evening must
think we are rather a tough set up here,
for when he came he tied his horse with
a chain, took his Jines out and wrapped
them in his buggy robe ; took his seat
uuaiuou aim wnip and brought them all
in the school house, and deposited them
by his seat and kept a close watch on
them during the evening. You don't
need to go to all that trouble, Lloyd,
This is not Belmont. When you "me
to Duke's Valley just tie your bone
with any old thing; leave your things
in your buggy; get in and enjoy your
self, for we are white, if we do live in
the backwoods.
Last Thursday three loads of cbeese
from tbe trout Lake cheese ructory
were shipped from Bingen to Portland.
Farmers hauling heavy loads do not
like to haul to other bindings on' ac
count of bad roads.
Our hotel man, E. H. Suksdorf, is
visiting at Spokane this week.
George Tarns, having completed bis
fences and buildings on his acre lots,
bas gone to Portland to bring up bis
chickens. He bas a fine lot of white
leghorns, and under his care they will
surely help to supply the market.
This seems to be a good place for
cniciteng. miss Henderson, starling in
ine business last spring, raised over
four hundred chicks, about all PI:
mouth Rocks. Most of them she sold
for a good price.
mX week, Professor Piper, chief of
the department of grasses, lu the agrl
cultural department at Washington,
D. C, and Mr. Westgute were the
guests of Mr. Suksdorf. Professor
Piper has beeu traveling In Alaska this
It has beeu stated that last Saturday.
people from Hood River oould not get
horses and team at White Salmon to
go to Husuiu. If they had come to
Bingen, Tains Bros, would bave sup
plied them.
We have heard that a company Is
going to build a cannery ut Bingen
next spring. If such Is tbe case, it is a
good move. A better place could not
tie selected for such an Industry. Being
surrounded by the best fruit lands on
Columbia near a good shipping point;
the best roads leading lo the town,
such a selection for a Gunnery must be
a wise one and prove suucessrui.
Mrs. W. O. Orser has gone to Port
land to visit her daughter Sadie and
Curl LusJc and John Coulter were In
Chenowltl) Thursday looking for stray
B. F. Fuller has gone down the river
to luy In his winter hay.
Miss Jessie Hughes of Mill A, was
over visiting Mas. C. II. Tubus Thurs
day. Frank Wilcox got his foot mushed
Iwtween his logs, but is able to be
around again.
' Elmer Wulker says the Chenowith
Fiost office will be moved to his ranch
i) a few days.
Our school commenced Monduy
with a full attendance.
A good many people of our neigh
borhood are on the sick list.
Mrs. A. J. Haynes wus calling at
Thorntonvllle Wednesday.
Our store has changed Its color, but
the storekeeper hasn't shed bis skin.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones of White Salmon
Falls were in Underwood Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Moore and babv
spent Sunday with friends at Under
Michael Thornton and fumliy spent
a few days visiting In The Dalles.
Mrs. Nellie Brown and Miss Elsie
Underwood took a pleasure trip to The
Dulles last week.
Michael Thornton Is preparing to
bave bis old place laid off In five and
ten-acre lots.
An uncle and aunt of Mrs. Holland
bos come to muke this place their
John Dark returned Monday night
from McCoy creek mines. Tuesday he
went to work on Rohard's store. Your
correspondent did not learn whether
or not be brought out any gold.
The entertainment and basket social
given by the Frankton school last Fri
day evening was a success from start to
nnisli. the attendance was large and
so were the pocket books, judging from
the way the baskets sold. The proceeds
(roni the Bale of baskets amounted to
$112 25. After paying for the flag they
will purchase books for tho library.
Mrs. Dan Garrabrant's brother from
sonthern Oregon is visiting at the Gar
rahrant home this week.
Our neighbor, Conrad Rum. after
those long years of single bliss, has
joined the matrimonial band, and here
after will work in double harness.
Mrs. R. F. Absten returned Fridnv
evening from a two weeks' visit down at
Portland and vicinity.
There are rumors of other weddings
in the near future. We haven't the
dates but they are coming.
"Widders" are becoming a scarce
article on the Frankton road. It is not
often that lightning strikes twice in the
same place, but it did this time, and
it was Sister Phoebe who jumped the
broomstick. The guilty couple were
very sly about it, but if reiiorts were
correct from camp Rorden, they were
caught in tho act, and as they didn't
care a Repp the ceremony proceeded
regularly and with due solemnity. But
those jolly old bachelors lu the neigh-
hood of this diplomatic manipulation,
who were left holding the sack, will un
doubtedly wear crepe for the regular
period and receive (lie condolences of
their friends. Cheer up, boys, there are
as tine "widders" in the (see) as ever
were caught, but remember they are as
tricky as a circus mule. Take the ad
vice of the Immortal Pickwick and "be
ware of the vidders."
To be sure, you are growing
old. But why let everybody
see it, In your gray hair?
Keep your hair dark and rich
and postpone age. If you will
Hair Vigor
only use Ayer's Hair Vigor,
your gray hair will soon have
all the deep, rich color of
youth. Sold for 60 years.
" t ra now oTr M ynart old, nd T ht
thick, fflotty Iia4 of luiiff hatr which ! a
wonder to avery one who tt. And not a
gray lialr If) It. all due tn Ayer'i lutr Vijror."
Mas. H. K. Hen na, Jleclda, MlQn.
J. C.1TI1 CO , MnM.
III.W a fcoltle.
All drimnlmi.
w lUr wMBaMMaM
White Hairj
Wall. 8. Ewing came up on his home
stead last week. Wall is hatching, ind
?uya it is up-hill business, but he intends
to make considerable improvement on
his homestead before he leaves.
Mr. Miller from The Dalles came up
on his homestead last week.
H. H. Tomlinson was doing survey
ing in our neighborhood last week.
There will be preaching by Rev. D.
Morris at the V. It. church of Mount
Hood October 9, at 11 a. m. Everybody
is invited to come.
Mr. Ruff is up from Portland and is
busy picking his King apple-. Mr. Ruff
says he will have a Unit 200 boxes of
Kings. He estimates his apple crop for
this year at 800 boxes.
Everything is up and coming in Upper
Mount Hood. ' Brush grubs are living
in every direction. It won't be long
until the Mount Hoodites will be among
the best of them in ever) tiling.
B. F. Shoemaker is busy hauling
prunes these iUy. He hauled two loads
which are being shipp d to the dryer.
Stranahan liros. are busy packing
apples which are to be shipped.
Kev. Morris and wife of Hood River,
made a cull at Rock ford store and took
dinn jr with the Brayford family. Come
again, Rev. Morris and wife, you are
Mrs. Joe Humflee't wn a visitor at
the Rockford store on Thursday, and
we noticed she carried quite a bundle of
shoes and dry foods. Jxxks like a pro
viding for the winter months.
Mr. Boorman and wife were visiting
at the Sherrieb residence.
F. C. Sherrieb has built a very larire
shed and has stored away a large quan
tity of good timothy hay. It pays to
take care of your hay and farm imple
I would suggest that some of the
valley farmers get interested in the
raising of bops. They might put in one
acre by way of experiment. If hops do
so well in the North Yakima country I
believe they will do well here. Hops
are scarce now ; buyers are offering 80
cents a pound. The demand from for
eign countries is good. We have a man
from Australia wanting to buy a ship
load, but cannot get them.
The Valley Christian church has a
neat woven wire fence in front and at
the side. The members of this church
are to be commended for the interest
they have taken in their church.
Rockford store received a wairon load
of nails and sugar on Saturday last.
Buy your sugar now for we expect an
other advance.
Pine Grove school began Monday.
September 20, after being delayed a
week. Many were the improvements
on the school building this year. Among
these were the addition of two rooms
and a new furnace which heats all parts
of the building. Three teachers were
hired: Miss Mabel Riddell, principal;
Nettie tileasnn, intermediate; and Miss
Mara Smith, primary,
Frank Board man, who has been sick
with typhoid fever in the Portland hos
pital, Is now home and improving rapidly.
Perry Wells, after soionrninir in Slier-
man county during the summer, has
returned to his home in the "Ideal
District," Pine (irove,
Mr. and Mrs. Tedford and daughters
have left for their ltome in Iowa after
spending a week with their relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Hill.
The Mowreader family from Tahle-
uuah, are visiting with G.. L. Robinson's
family. I hey expect to make their
future home in Hood Hiver valley.
Pine Grove still holds the school ban
ner, having held it the entire school
year of 1903-04, and will hold it for the
coming year also, it the record of the
first week is kept up.
Rev. Mr. Clark, the new Methodist
minister, preacned his first sermon here
bunday morning to a large audience.
Hans Lage is the possessor of a new
top buggy, harness and team, and is
getting his 6hare of pleasure out of the
tine roads he has worked so hard for us
all to enjoy.
Mr. Morrow is recovering from the
attack of typhoid fever, but his son Rau-
uoipu is seriously ill. .
Areline WincheU returned Sunday
from a visit with her aunt at White
We understand that last Sunday.
Howell Metcalf jumped in the double
harness to trot through life with Myrtle
W. V. Johnson and family have aone
to Portland and from there they expect
to go to California. Pine Grove has lost
one of it most highly respected citizens.
Ail are sorry to see them leave.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Johnson have
moved to Heppner. where Mr. Johnson
contemplates going into the steam
laundry business with his brother Orin.
Mr. Brock'B family have moved to
town, where the children will uo to
school the coming year.
A party of young people SDent last
Thursday evening at the residence of
ill Johnson, where they went to give
Miss Gertie a farewell surprise.
Sunday morning Mrs. Mairill returned
from a month's visit in Idaho, accomn-
anied by her daughter Orva. They ex
pect to spend the winter with Mrs. Ma
gill's daughter, Mrs. A, I. Mason.
Do Not Fail to Attend the
Jasper Wickhatn is at home again
after an extended visit to the,, "Hawk
eye" state. ;
Mrs. McCuney who spent the summer
on her ranch in this neighborhood re
turned to her home at The Dalles on
Friday of lust week.
Mr. McRoynolds moved with his fam
ily from this neighborhood to the War
ren ranch near Hood River on Thurs
day of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright also moved to
the same place the following day.
T. A. Vanansdale und Fred Gates
Bnished their contract for furnishing
wood for the school house Saturday of
last week.
Madam Rumor reports a serious
shooting affair in this neighborhood. It
is stated thusly: A covoto got after one
of Herman Pregge's chickens a fewdavs
ago. The chicken wbs getting away
ail right hut Herman went gunning for
the "varmint" all the same, but instead
of shooting the coyote he shot the poultry-
Rev. Clark and wife visited over night
at P. 11. Martin's on Friday night of
last week, itrother Clark is the newly
appointed pastor of the Methodist
church at Belmont. He came here from
Prineville. He preached his first ser
mon at Crapper on last Sunday after
noon. The dL-course was aliove the
average anil the audience quite appre
ciative. His regular appointments for
the Crapper school house are the fift
and third Sundays in each month. Ser
vices to begin immediately after Sun
day school, which opens at 2 p. in.
iennial Fruit Fair
Annual Meeting of the
Oregon Press Association
Annual Picnic and Log Rolling of the
Oregon i. W. 1.
Finest Display of Fruit ever shown
Three Days of Entertainment
Special Excursion Rates
Wait! Wait! Wait!
Don't buy your Fall and Winter MILLINERY
Until you see our line of
1 French Patterns and Novelties
jj at our New Store.
Miss Haven, of The Dplles, will be with us at tho Grand Opening ol " fl
Our New Store, with a complete line of '
Tailored and Trimmed Patterns
The finest line of MILLINERY ever shown in the City.
J. E. RAND, Prop.
WOICKA & HEMMEN, Proprietors.
Sanitary Plumbing' and Tinning'
Pumps, Windmills, Pipe, Fittings, Everything in Plumbing and Tinning Line
Infants' Cotton Fleeced Underwear from 20c up.
Infants' Wool Vests at 35c up.
Children's Union Suits, 35c up, as well as 2-piece Suits at 25c
garment and up.
Ladies' Union Suits at 65c per suit and up.
Ladies' Union Suits, Wool, button down front, at $1.00, $1
$1.50 and $2.25.
Ladies' 2-piece Suits in Cotton and Wool. v
Men's All-Wool Suits at 90c per garment and up.
Men's All-Wool Union Suits.
Ladies' Outing Flannel N ight Gowns.
Men's Outing Outing Flannel Night Shirts.
n n
Dry Goods and Groceries
R. B. Bragg &Co.
lira e ca c o c3 a3celj