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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1904)
0 9 HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1904. WRITES LETTER FROM ALASKA W. A. Langille, who ii employed by the government aa forestry agent in Alaska, write to hii father, Jamea L. LangiUe of Hood River, under-date of September 4, stating that he was tlran aboard the ateamM St. Fa ul, which wan to land him at Dutch Harbor in time to catch the Dora for Kedick, where he wai to secure a -bidarka and .a native, ana eo amnna the Henai peninsula. '"Here," be continues, "I expect to set some moose, caribou and biz baara. When it freezes up I am going into the Interior with the dog team tor the win ter, and neat wmnier will work with canoes,, returning to the ollice iu the fall of 1000, -when I will tutva, nearly covered1 Alaska." A' the time of writing, Will was recovering from a severely cut foot. Mr. Langille hue been -id' A'luslm tince the days of the first gold excitement nine yean ago. He baa covered nearly every foot of the-wwmtry. wnd' probably knows more about tiiat region than any other man. Will has taken notes dur ing all his travels which will later be published in government reporU. Continuing Mr. Langille says: "I found the Yakutat region very interesting. It has some good timber and, to far as I have seen, is the most promising for a limited amount of agri culture of any place visited. Lying between the towering St. Ellas and Fair weather toii Is a atrin of land madevvp of uHtwialitlimi plains almost laud W4 -nl- 4 - ,(.h wui iui.m .wi v w ajiaiiiT niwi areas of finer sedimentary deposits, which seem very productive. There is also much swamp land. "It is crossed by a number of prolific salmon streams, teeming with fish in season, now being taken ly i'red Stev ensoiia Co., sraiav av . tannery on Yakutat bay, and a logging railroad running southeast along the coast, crossing the streams, which they lirtimd to extend U,B Altaic, iltktf H profitahto so. bit as 1 they have .fun. Tbev also have sawmill, using the road to get logs, tliomrb the road is -not laid out through the bast tiwbor, as the direct route to the best fishing was their object. "i made tjutt-iietBnhre trip in the ilaufcr region, where there is nothing bnt barren rocks, ice and snow. Great grey and dark masses of rock protrude through the ice. devoid of any kind of vegetation, and stand out in the utter natadnaas el, the pMneual world. We pushed our way through masses of glacial Ice, which filled the bay from small slush to pieces half a block in area. It ground and crushed together In a manner to jarone'umervwt. "I visited 'the oil regions of Koyak, but came away very little the wiser. There is oil there, as I saw them filling the tanks from the English company's well, the only flowing one there. Every one was waiting the result of the Malio ney well, which was then down 1,700 feet, their e peat at ion being to strike oil at 2,500 to 3,000 font, "They have excellent coal in that vicinity, but there are no harbor facil ities at all. It isn open coast, with miles of sand spits formed by the Cop per and C'hilkoot rivers. I had a launch while m that- region nd fliade good time, bat it is very expensive, and the chawewof gutting oil -verv small, when away from the home port. "I have not yet visited the game sec tion, there being none in the Yakutat or Controller bay regions. I was on Montague island, where the brown bears era uippoaedi to be soi that they drive away all comers, but I didn't see a track. 'I got to Nome early in Jiltjr, bnt fHI unable to get Into the field until nearly ineiasioi tno month, and then had only short period wl fl weather until the time I cut my foot, which spoiled all of Aughst. Tlie.dieur took care of it five days in Nome, . and it promises well bow. I had an utterly incompe tent wii)n hand n whom 1 0011 Id not place a bit of dependence, which still further hindered me, but I finally got 10 me lUDuptuiiK, hunt a raft, and when out of grub, struck a fish camp at the mouth of tlie river, was storm bound a week, and finally got in in time to catch this steamer, which will land me in Dutch harbor in time to take the Dora for kodick. "The Nome camp is quiet this year quite a coutrast to the rush of last sea son. Home think the gold output will square the last season, while others don't. The early summer, was very dry, there being no rain until the storm which kept us at sea five days, when I went there. Later it rained too much for even the miners, while the- shipping was more Jtmdered -tlnm 4s nsuar in September, "The introduction of hydraulic ele vators has reduced the Milliliter of men employed greatly, and is cheapening tne cum 1 01 me gom materially. 1 his of course affects the town, and business men complain of its being quiet. "There hare been no new or startling discoveries in the outlying districts, but the immediate vicinity of Nome has opened up seme good uew ground, as has atso the Solomon and Council dis tricts. Theie is more or less talk of iuarti in the Solomon region, and ianes are working their proerty stead ily. The tin of the York region prom ises better each year, and from 60 to 75 tons of ore will be shipped this fall, which will give-it a good test. "Captain Wrttsonvame hit Noma on this ship, and has about given up the Midas creek proposition. When I got mere me wnoieot Home was anxiously awaiting the cue to start. It never came, and the promoters of the scheme have disappeared as completely as If the earth had swallowed them. The divi sion judge and court clerk were mixed up in it, and that created no end of scandal, and comment thought it broke itoth of them. The pwblie still blame them for countenancing it by giving it their support at all. "As uai'al, I will mist the frtrit-nehwm but I am partially even by tnetjnaatity of blue berries I had while laid up in the Norton bay region, and will prob ably get more en the Keoai. I have been much on the move,- and have only had mail three times since coming north, and will get less in the future. They have the rirelea In operation from St. Michael to Nome, whiuh gives direct connection with tlie outside world, and the completion of the cable from Sitka to Seattle will reduce the rate so that people can use it." Solas- Srawiaablr. Advice. It may be piece of superfluous ad vice to urge people at this season of the year to lay Its a supply of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It la almost sure to be ueeded Wore winter Is over, and muoh more prompt and satisfac tory reatUta are obtained when taken as soon as a void is oontrtwted and before it has beeeai settled in the system, which wn only be done by keeping the remedy at hnud. This remedy U so widely known and so altogether good that no on -should hesitate about buy ing it In prrfrmner to any other. It is for sale at H'lllkW Pharmacy. MtvstrMur la IU Favor. Newspapers ire roasting the verticil svsteni of writing. The Eagle thinks that "the chump who are responsible for foisting such a fad on defenseless children of the state ought to be rounded up and placed in the penitentiary, This much can be said in defence of the system however. It is legible, and that is quite an important quality, as any- one will admit who has tried in vain to decipher samples of the old style pen manshift. The services of the renowned Philadelphia lawyer are nevei required to interpret it. Moro Observer. Oregon Fruit Exhibit At 8U Louis. In the last istuo of the Western Fruit Grower there was an editorial descrip tion of tlie horticultural exhitut at 1st. Louis. Oregon's display rat mentioned as follows: "Oregon has a good exhibit, in charge of a very plearant young man named (ialloway- There are no frills about this enhibib Simply a showng of good, commercial fruit. The apples have uniformly been of good quality, quite a feature having been made of the Oregon Newtown Pippins, which have made a record of which the stale is proud. The fruit from this section is all packed in boxes, and the exhibits have been made up, Mr. (ialloway ava, from the com mercial packages. This Hiieaks well for the quality of fruit which Oregon sends out to the world. At the time of our last visit there in August Mr. (ialloway had on exhibition some cherries which beat anything in the building. They were Bing cherries of enormous size and most excellent quality. The meat is red all through, very rich and sweet. The cherries are very firm and of enor nius size. Asked as toexactsizeof Uiem Mr. Galloway taid, "Well measure them." Twelve Bing cherries placed side by side meaaured thirteen and throe-quarters inches thus the cherries were more than an inch in diameter. Single cherries measured more than three and a half inches around them. Oregon has primes on exhibition, too, and at certitin times cooked prunes are served to visitors, the frmt-urower representative was given a box of these prunes, and must say they were the best he ever ate large and rich, parting readily from the seed and without the flatness of some of the pitmen on the market." Adjudged Not Insane. James Koch of Mount lood, who was taken to The Dulles last week by sheriff Hexton, charged by some of his neigh bors that he was itiHane, was examined before Judge Lake and Dal let physicians and discharged. This is the third time within a year that Foss has been exam ined on tlie charge of insanity. Siieak- ing of tlie case the Dulles Chronicle says : "After being examined as to his sanity yesterday afternoon by Dr. E. K. Fergu son and Judge Lake, J. E. Foss, who who was brought up from Mount Hood supposed to beinsane,wus discharged, no evidence of "loose wheels" being appar ent, llie case was an amusing one and seems to hinge on a difference of opinion between Foss and a former sweetheart of his. The woman declares that he is insane because he insists on making her marry him. Not having seen the alleged-object of liis affection we are un able to judge. On the other hand the man declares she is "a pesterln' of him" to marry her and he "lust won't do it." This being leap-year there may lie method in his madness. At any rate the people of the Mount Hood neighbor hood saw reasons for considering him unbalanced and were instrumental in having him examined. How his exam iners (being married men) explained their verdict when they reached home wedinnaken." Premium Corn From Mosler. Leo Evans was down from Motier last Thursday afternoon and loft a sample of yellow Hunt corn at tlie li lacier olhce, The corn was grown hv Uncle John Mil- er, and would do credit to the famous oorn -fields of Illinois and Kansas. Mr. Mr. Milor has seven acres of this corn The corn yields well, and finds reiulv sale for seed in the spring at 2 cents a pound. wosier expects to take the prize on corn at the Hood Itiver fair next week. Mr. Evans cays he will have a good apple crop this year. He and J. P. Car rol have the largest apple orchards in the Mosler country, and Mr. hvantesti mates their crops will amount to 5,000 mixes each. MoBier farmers this summer sent 9 carload shipments of Ituliai, prunes to Eastern markets. In addition Iq the car shipments, 14,000 crates went by express. The prices were generally good, says Mr. Evans, but the railroad company wits nimble to supply the cars as needed, and some ol the fruit got to ripe before It could lie shipped. Iloelctler Breaks Out In Verne A party of prominent visitors from Prineville and The Dalles were in Hood Kiver one day last week, and on his return home J. C. Hosteller, one of the party, was moved to produce the follow ing veri-es, touching on somd of the inci dents of the trip: OUR HOOD RIVER TRIP. Did you see the 'bus with all of us, Uoodby niy lover, goodby. Mr. Hell at the whip a jolly good trip, Uoodby my lover, goodby. We stopped at the brink to get a good arum Goodby my lover, goodby. We all took a swig, Hell started the rig, Uoodby my lover, goodby. The Wilsons of Prineville admired the fine hill, Goodhv mv lover, uoodbv. The HohU-tiers too enjoyed the fine view Uoodby my lover, goodby. We were on the East Side and enjoyed the fine ride, Goodby my lover, goodhv. 1 Tlie fruit trees were great and product ive 10 uaie Goodby my lover, goodby. We crossed Hood River, it was good for our liver, Goodby my lover, goodby. At we climbed up the peak, Frank Cram maue a tneait, Goodby niy lover, goodby. On the West Side we continued our ride Uoodby my lover, goodby. The strawberry Holds produce great yieuis, Uoodby my lover, goodby. Famous Hood River fruits, you can just oei your room, Uoodby my lover, goodby. Are aheud of all other, competition they smother, Goodby my lover, goodby. And now at full speed it was fine iudeed, Uoodby my lover, goodby. With a sudden thud we were spattered wun mud, Goodby my lover, goodby. We rolled back home content with our roam, Gcodhy my lover, goodby. We don't give a d- -n, our host is Frank Cram, Goodby my lover, g odby. T. R. Coon writes from Corvallis to have his Glacier sent to that citv. He says he is well enough pleased with Cor vullis to stay there while the bovt and girls take iu the O. A. C. This ' means that his proposed trip to New Zealand has been postponed. HOW PROPERLY TO PACK APPLES The Hood River Apple Growers' union is sending out the following advice to growers, and mttructions to apple packers : 1. Pick all apples as soon . as ' they have attained their proper size, color snd maturity, and save lose 'from drop- Ding, in nicking, be careful not to pull off fruit spurs, and see that your pickers do not bruise apples by dropping Into the bucket or basket or ia transferring to the Meld box. 2. The union wril tiotifyyou by maO when a variety is to be packed and how. Upon receipt 01 such notice, pick, wipe and have all arrangements made for packers as follows: Packing house, boxes, paper, packing tabic, nailing machine, nails, etc. H. the packing house should be so arranged as to let in plenty of light, and keep out as much wind as possible. 1'rovide sumcient lamp light for late id the afternoon, as it geftrdarfc eaalv. 4. Packing table. Tf you do not know how to build it, atk some grower who does, or the manager - Each, crow- er should havsv tables for two or four packers, aocosding to wee ol rop. 0. raper. nee that vou have Plenty on hand for your orop. Carload for sale at the union ; pries, eost laid down. 0. Boxes. Hw satiwiant number on hand. Keep them clean. Do not pack fancy fruit in dirty boxes. 7. Sorting. Cull out all wormy scaley, scabby, bruised, misshapen or otherwise imperfect apples. Packers in final sorting at prices agreed will not be required to cull out more than eight boxes in 100 without extra pay. Sort your apples Into the standard or special box, whatever they will most likely pack into to the best advantage. This will save a great deal of time. 8. Wiping. See that apples are firoperly wiped for the packers. In oil ug boxes after sorting, put cleats be tween so apples won't bruise. , 0. Apples on packing table. Growers will be expected to see that the packing tablet are kept property filled for the packers. 10. Paper and boxes handy. See that empty boxes and paper are con veniently arranged for the packers. 11. Wetting off box. .' Each packer win De required to set on his own box and put on the lower left hand corner of the end of tlie box with a rubber stamp his packer's number. 12. Stenciling- box. Rnch packer win write on the end 01 box the numhfir of apples contained in tlie box. The grower will aiainp on the end of tlie box, in the middle and at the top, the number of apples contained in the box, and underneath the name of the variety. A complete set of stamps for this pur pose will be carried by each foreman Of a gang. 13. Each grower will be required to put on his number with a rubber stamp in the upper riht hand corner of the end. If you do not have a number, call at the office and one will be presented free. If you do not fully understand the stamping of boxes, ask tlie foreman of packer, or the nuimtgsr-will explain. 14. All stamping must be on one end of the box. 15. Piling and loading. Pile your boxes, after being packed, on the sides and load in the wagon the same way. 10. Hauling. Haul on springs and use a wagon cover to keep off duet and rain. 17. Finally. . We grow fancy fruit. Our reputation and prices this, year and in future depend on our pack. Do all you can to assist the board of Directors in carrying out their plans. These re quests are mado by thenrfor your inter- esi. The Instructions to packers are as ioiiows : 1. ftach packer, before lie ia permit ted to pack for the Apple Growers' Union, must have his name registered at the oflice of the Union and receive a rubber stamp free. He shall be required to stamp each box at the lower left hand corner when packed with the official stamp. 2. Euch packer shall be required to put up a first class pa.:k. If upon any liiHiection any packer be found guilty of putting up a poor pack, or putting in apples not suitable for the pack being made, he shall bear the expense of repacking snob box or boxes for the first two offenses. Upon further neg lect he shall hdmpiied from the list of the Apple Grower' Union paofcare. 8. Each packer, -when a box is packed, shall wtite -with - pencil upon the end of tile box, ia the- center near the top, the muni uf apples the box contains. 4. Each box of apples shall be packed with about a Si-inch swell in middle of top and bottom, but no box must be puckod so high that it will lie necessary to cleat the box before nailing on the lid. 5. Each packer shall receive his pay from the grower in cash, or a writteu order on the Apple Growers' Union, which will be cashed by the manager on presentation. . The charges fixed by the Union and agreed to by the packers for pack ing, will be 6 cents per box for all boxes containing 128 apples or Jess, and cents iier box for all boxes containing over 128 apples. Tlds orice shall cover any and all packs ordered by the man ager. 7. Each packer will be furnished mealt by the grower where he ia pack ing, without charge, but must make necessary arrangements for his bedding. 8. l ackers are required only to pack fruit properly wiped and assorted from ciiIIb fairly well, bv the grower, before being placed on the Hacking table, but the packer will bereniiired to make the filial culling, which shall not exceeds Ier cent, or 8 boxes in 100. Such culls as the (lacker may throw out, he will required to hotidlej with as mueh care as first class fruit. II. Each packer must be anonl'iad with suitable and necessary room at the packing table, which mnst be properly and substantially made. iu. fcacii packer rnall reuttire the grower to supply him with empty boxes and have the paper placed in a conven ient place. 11. Each packer must set off his box when packed. ' 12. If the grower is not properly prepared for the packers, tlie packers will be at liberty to move on, or may charge the grower at the rate of 20 cents an hour for extra time spent in culling and wiping nrooerlv. It almll h tb duty of each pucker to notify the grower of such couditions when existing in advance, and should the grower make a protest, the packer will be at litierty to move on and report the matter to the manager, who will endeavor to consci-t-htiouslv adjust the matter satisfactorily. IU. Please assist tlie nm-kr. Il 1 ai! the grower and ytiur friend j and remember he is following instructions given by the Board of Directors, w ho are acting as directors with your inter est at heart, giving one day each week of their time without pay. How To Cure Cams Aad Bunions. First, soak tbe corn or bunion In warm water to soften It: then itara it down as clowly as possible without drawing bhad and apply Chamberlain's 1 am nami twice aaiiy, ruooing vigor ously for five minutes at each applica tion. A corn piaster should He worn h few days to protect It from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, trnists, lamenes and ruumatlHiii, Pain Bulcu l uutquuled. For sale at Willi ams' Pharmacy. How's Thin! Woffr One Hundred Dollars reward for n i ae or catarrh UiaCetuinol be cured by I1HU N Laiarrn i;ur. K. J. I'll ENEY k Co.. Toledo. O. , tl-e uiidmlKnrd, have known K. J. t'aeoey for the lant 15 yean, and believe tilm l-ernsctly honorable In all bus noun traaac 1 Ions ami financially able to carry out any obligation inaus oy tine arm. Wai.uinu. Kinnam aMahvi, Wholesale l)ruKKll, Toiedo, O. Haifa Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, act Ipg dtretly upon tlie bloou and mucn aur. lacfB of tlie ayatein. TeMtlhinnlala.aent free, rrlee7fcnlH per bottle. Hold by all Orug- kiku. meiinjia family 1'llla ror constipa tion. PETITION. In The County Omm Of Tbe County Of Wasco auu otttte ui Oregon. In the matter of the petition of Claude . lluikhum and otliera for the formation of an IrrlKHiion district In the county of wab- o and Stale of Oregon, under provlalona of chapter V of BoIIIukt A Cotlon'x Annotated CikI-h and Htatuteaorthe Htale ofOmron. 'lo the lounty Court oft ire County ot Wanco: The undersigned petltlonera reapectfully how unio the court: Krlt- That they are dea rona of formula ml pioKHHs to form an Irrigation district un uer the proylalouaofehapter V of Mellliixer'M auu coiiou a auuuiaiu coue ana auuutea 01 Oregon. Second That yonr petltlonera are a majori ty aad mora than Bfty of the lioldera of title tolandsauareptlbleof trrlgaUoa from com mon soureeana Dy tne same ayatem 01 woraa, and dealre to provide for the Irrigation of the aame. Third-" Tnatthe land to be Irrigated is an situate ia Uie aounty of Waaeo and atate of Oregon, and la more particularly bounded aa to aald proponed district, aa follow, lo-wit: Commence on lite Columbia Hlver, south bank, where the aeotlon line between aectfona SI and Stftownahlp $ north, range 10 earn of the Wlllwnette jneridlan In term-eta the Co lumbia river, then aouth a ong aald aeotlon line and the aectlon- lluea between sec tions and S, 7 and 8 to the 'A aectlon corner common- to aald sections 7 and 8, townah'p 3 north, range 10 eaat, W. M ., thence weat to the eenter of aald section 7, thence aouth to y. section corner common to aald aectlon 7 and section ISaald tnwnaliipand range, thence weat to corner common to aald sections 7 and 18 and sections 12 and IS town ship s north, range 8 eaat, W. M., theuce aouth along the townablp line between ranges and 10 east afnreaald to corner common to aaelkwa IS, 18, ID and 24 townahip 2 north, range V and in eaat, W. M thence west to the owner eotnmon to sections IK and 14, 'li and 24, towiialilp2oorth, range 1 eaat, W. M., thence aouth to corner common to wet Ion a 1, 24,25andW lastnamed townxhlp and range, theuce In said township aud range aa nil Iowa, weal, to corner common to sections 80 and H, south to ooruer oummon to aeotlona 27. 84 and H6. weat to corner common to aeotlona 2s, 80. 81 and 32, thence aouth to cor tier common io aectlona 81 and 112 aforesaid andtOBMtloiiafk and II, townablp 1 north, sangeueaat W. M., thence eaat qloug the township line between townahipa 1 and 2 north, range 9 eaat to Hood river, thence up the weat bank of Hood river and Its fork to the moat attltuble place for taking out the water from Hood river, thence down aald river to aectlon line between aectlona II and 7 townablp 1 north, range 10 eaat, theuce eaat to y. aectlon corner common to aectlona 6 and 7 thence north to atetlou corner common to aocalona 0 31, townahipa 1 and 2 north, range 10 eaat, thence along aald townablp hue 10 corner common to aectlona 4 and 5, 82 and ,18, townahipa 1 und 2 north, range 10 eaat, thence north to where the section line between aectlona lf and la, townahip 2 north, range 10 eaat Interaecls the weat line of the right of way of the ditch of the S'armera' Irrigating Co.. thence following down aald weat and north line of aald right of way of aald ditch lo a point on same In section 88, townahip 8 north, range 10 eaat; thence along the aectlon lluea between sections 88, 81, 27 and 28, townahip 8 norm, range lueaai w cue aouin oatia or tne coiumota river tneuce aown along the south bank of aald Columbia river to the point of ueaiiimng. And your petitioners do pray that the aald Irrigation district lie organized under the b. K. Mark ham provlaloua or aald act, and for general relief. H. H. Jenteen II. P. Hhoetnaker h. H. Nichols K. Chandler U. K. Caalner Chaa. Chandler J. W Ingalla C. Dlnamoor J. H. Hhnemaker H. A. Moore K, J. Nlcholaon K. C.Hherrleb K. Hteptoe II. K. IHoaea W. N. Moaes Chaa. Wallace J. J.UIhlHins U. It. Abtwrnatliy C. A. Merrlam II. F. Kadelman V. O. Church K. E. Lyons J no. Hlrauahan Chaa, Stranahan T. A. Vanauadal Louis H. Arneson. John Jukku I, H. Wllaon Joe.Krnzler, Jr H. E. Atwood J. O. Eaatman W. 8. Hoorman M. A. Hkinner K. L. Kaatman Jaa. K. McUrath A.J. Fried I y Joe Humliect ,A. W.uOuiliank , II. E, Hlocher Mra. Ida ('rapper Henry Mtellanaon K. Duncan Martin -Mra. W. Prlgge Fred Oatea Jamea aliaire U.-A. MeCurdy tleo, W, I.ove J. K. Minns A. J. Kogers A. W, King, J. J. Jordan J. K. l'hllley otto Hroal (1. W. Htranahan J. K. Kinney 1. H. Martin Wllllurna A Langille 1,. r. uart Warren Davenport Fred N. Korilen John A. Wllaon C. Jacouson K. W. Angua tleo, Itorden F. N. IHirnheeker J. B. Ct'.ather A. uverland Mrs. Koaa 8, Nealelgh Mra. t'hebe A. Joas John Kadlltf Mrs. H. 8. Lowla Joe Dobaen W. J. Hons K. K. Abalen Joint L, Henderson Menominee Lbr. Co. 'J'hoa. Hliere J. H. aud CI). Burnet Albert C. Helms. Timber Idind Act June 8, 1878.1 NOTICE EOit PUBLICATION. United Stales Land Office, The Dalles, 0e gon, Hept. 2ii,iao4.-Notlce la hereby given that 111 compliance wun r,ne provinonaor tne aci ofcongreaa of Jin.e 1, 1878, entitled "An act for the aaleortiniber lauite In thestatea of fall fornia, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terrltory,"aa extended to all the l'ubllo Land out lea Dy act or August 4, iw;, ALMUN H. VKNAS of Forest Orove.oouoty of Waaulngton.atAteof uregon, naa May i)i'.H.llled In lliia office hla worn statement No. XM7. lor the uurcliaaa or ma aiyiwtt ana 01 section wo. tio In township No. i north, ranee Noll K.. W.M.. udwlll niter proof toahowthntlhe landaouglit ia mure vaitiaote lor its tlinuer or atone than ror agricultural purposea, and to establish nia claim to aald land belore George T. fra ther, Lulled MtaUia commlaaioner, at hla oince at Had Klver, Oregon, ou the lOtb day of l-ecember, 1H04. He names aa wltnesaea: Charles ltatner, i-ewiaj-,. siorae, t,ee c. Morse, William F. Hand, all ot Hood Itiver. Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above described lauds are requested to tile nirirciniiiia iu una omee on or uerore said loth day of December l-HH. oudlo MIUH AKl, T. NOLAN.lteglater. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.. united ptatea L,und oince. The Dallea, Ore gon, Aug. Ii4, t'.HM Notkw la lien by given that in euiiipoaiit wun ine provision or tne Bet of congress of June 8. 1878. entitled "An act for the aaleor timber lamia in tlie atatea of ( nil fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," aa extended to all the public land ataies oy aet or Augttat 4. ta-.rj, PHI Lit' It. WAKHKN of V lento, county of Waaco. atate of Oregon hiiaon HeptemherSI, 1M, tiled In this oltlc-e tola swam ataieinent no., ror the purchase of Hie WS N Wit and the HW or see lion No.a in lownaliip'i north, range K W M , and will otter proof to allow tliat th land sought la more Valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural pnrpnaea, and to eatabltali lila claim to aald land before tteo T. Prather, II. H. Commlsaloner at his ottlee III tliaat Klver, Oregon, on tlie lid day of De cember, Mil. ' He name aa wltneasea: Samuel Wood wan. Theodore Ulayaer, offascade Loeka, Oregon Millard K Bud, Tremont Poster, of Hood Hlver, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are reiinested to tile their claims in thlaomceon or before the aald Stl day of December, MM. aaidl XI lCIUkLT. NOLAN, Register Timber Ijind Act. June S, lira. NOTICE KOU lTBUCATIOX. United Mutes Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, May a:l ISU4. Notice la hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act ofeongreaa ol June s. IsTa, ontltlod "An act for the sale of timber lands In the atatea of i aiimrnia, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the 1'ubllc Land Mates by act of A moist 4, lair-, ukoiu;k a. w kight of Hood River, county of Waaco, stale of Ore gon, has on March IM, MM Bled In tills office Ida sworn statement No.X, fur the purchase of the lot No. 1, of aectlon No. 3 In township No. 1 north, range No. K. W. M. and will offer pniot to abow that the land aiagbt la more valuable for ita timber or alone than for agricultural purposes, and to eatabllah hla claim to aald land before the register and receiver or thiaoffiee at The Dallea, Oregon, on the 16th day of December, IWH. He name aa wltneaea: Jhiiim Clilttv.Snillb W . farran ol Vlento, Oregon; Orln H.l'lartley, of Hood River, Oregon; Robert Wright, of Wyetb, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above described lands are requested u Hie their olaima In Ihla office on or before said Wtb day of December, 1H04. ocwdl MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register. MT. HOOD MILL CO. ALL KINDS or Seasoned Lumber ; IX STOCK. Rough Lumber, $8.00 per 1,000, Finiahed LumU-rin proportion. Lumber Yard and Office: Mt. Hood P. O. BRICK YARD. I am manufacturing at my yard near Columbia nursery Houth of town, as fine a qua! ity of common brick as can be found in the state. Have 200,000 to .'500,000 brick on hand for inspection. Price at yard f 8 per thousand. Come out to the yard and see how we make brick. A. T. ZEEK. Columbia Nursery F. E. BROSIUS, Prop. Strawberry Plants, Top-Grafted Cherry Trees, 2-yr.-oId Apple Trees including Spitzenberg, Newtown, Baldwin, Ortley, Winter Banana, etc Guaranteed true to name. Hood Kivkr, Or. Ii. W. WAIT Has a Carload of the Bridal Veil Apple and Pear Boxes on liaml and enough ordered lo supply all (It'tiiuiida. The best Is none to good, hence Inves tigate mid (ret the best. And don't for gvl while Mr. Wait la looking alter the Box Trade, he will still keep a full line of Flour and Feed, Timothy and Clover Hiid Lawn (irnss Seed, Crac-ked Corn, Wheat, Oil Meal, Stoek Salt, Oyster und Clam Sheila, Bone fur Chickens, Prus sian Stoek and Poultry Food, Prussian Fly Aaway to keep the lilies off your cows and horses, Uiid Seed In bulk and Cuttle Hone, Corn Meal, Whole Wheat Flonr, Buckwheat and tirnhtim Flour, or any old fhini; that giw with a feed business. Don't be bashful, but save money by asking for what you neetl. He will buy your sjpudg or apples when ever he has a place to put them without losing. See him before you sacrifice too much on your produce. If you wunt to buy wheat hay at the car give him your order ana when enouirh is ordered to amount to a car it costs you but 12 per ton, good hay, too. HAVE YOUJEEN IT? The Zaun Ladder! This is the up-to-date ladder for fruit growers or anv one else. Fruit growers are es pecially interested in it and should in vestigate. (Jet the best and save labor. Don't be a back number. Uet on to yourself. If you can't, get one ot these ladders and vou can. See this ladder at II. W, WAIT'S feed store. He is iii-'ent fur the sale of this latlder In the valley and the adjoining country. W. HAYNES & CO. Hiiceesaors to E. E. Savage's Sons. llKAI.ItllS IN Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Paints, Oils AND A Fl'LL LINE Of Builders' Material Estimates furnished to Contractors.. Agents for PATTON SUN-PROOF PAINT. COLUMBIA RIVER AND . NORTHERN RY CO. Time Schedule Effective Hept. 5, 1U04. DAILY F.XCEPT SUNDAYS. Connecting at Lyle with Regulator Line steamers for Portland and way landings. MILKS 0 7 14 2H STATIONS. Goldendale , Centerville . . Duly Wahkiacus. . No.5 LEA VK A.M. .30 6.48 7.02 7.45 32 3(i 43 Wrights ...7.65 Gravel Pit... 8.05 ... Lyle 8.35 Train will leave Lyle on arrival of the Regulator steamers from Portland. Time Schedule Str. "Geo. W. Simons." Effective, Sept. 6, 1901. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. A.M. I 7.00 7.10. 7.30. 8 00. 8.25. 8.45. tl.05. 9.20. 9 45. I P.M. .6.15 .605 .5.45 .5.15 .4.45 .4.25 .4.05 .8.45 .8.30 .2.45 .2.00 . Cascade Locks . . . .Stevenson . . . . .. Carsons Collins Drano . . . Menominee. . .White Salmon. . . Hood River . . .. . .Mosler Lyle ...The Dalles... 10.40. 11.30. BIG- Second-Hand STOKE IN HOOD RIVER Buys Sells and Exchanges New and Second-Hand Household Goods of eveTy description. Come in and look around. We can save you money. 0. Y. DABXEY & CO. PARK AND WASHINGTON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON r Established in 1866. Open all the year. Private or class instruction. Thousands of graduates in posi tions; opportunities constantly occurring. .paysio attend our school. Catalogue, specimens, etc., free. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL.B., PRINCIPAL H DEALER IN- Staple and Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS, M. MANLY. MANLY White Salmon Real Estate Dealers. White Salmon, Wash., have sole charge of the sale of lots in this growing town. We have a large list of farm and fruit lands for sale. Correspondence solicited. JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Telephone No. 81. ITtOM THE WHEAT the horse gets the bran you get the celebrated Dulles Patent or White Riv er1 brand of unudulteruted, properly . and seieutitleully ground flour. We' buy the best wheat to be had in Anier .leu, we use the best processes of mak ing yet devised. Resultant: Pure, wholesome, quick-rawing Hour the knowing housekeeper's delight, tlie comfort and health of the entire house hold. , FOR BALK BY STRANAHAN & BAGLEY Hood River, Or. t A COMPLETE STOCK OF URNITURE and Building Material PAINTS AND OILS. FURNITURE REPAIRED. Bt st prices guaranteed. Call and look through the Stock. Glad to show you around. Undertaker .STEAMER Charles R. Spencer. THE DALLES TRANSPORTATION CO. Fast time between The Dal lea and 1'ort land. Htesiner leava The UaUes Tneadaya, Thuradaya and Halurilaya, at 7 a. in.; arriving at Fortltuiri nt 2 p. m. Returning, leavea Portland Monday", Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7 a. m.: arriving at The Dallea at 8 p. m. HtopplUK at Vancouver, Waahnns;al, Cascade lHka, Stevenson, Parson, St. Martin's Spring, Oolllna, While Salmon, Hood Hlver nnd l.yle. for both freight and pHsaenvera. Landing at The Dallea. fiat of Union at; at Portland, foot of Washington at. l apt. E. W.ltipeucer, UeueraliManacer. Portland. FASHION STAHI.ES, Auenl, Hood River. S. J. FRANK, DEALER IN Harness and Saddles, All Repairing Promptly Attended to Hood River, Oregon. SPOT CASH WOOD BROS., Groceries, Flour and Feed FRESH VEGETABLES RECEIVED DAILY. Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the B D B If fSgsja fail Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS FOR OREGON. 0. a. enow. & CROW, Lumber and Cedar Posts HOOD RIVER, OR. FLOUEO and Embalmer GROCERY Proprietor s. City. Free Delivery, Phone IKIIIMNI IMP I II ' ' ' !T i , feiMiM.iTllinlffffllitl I VnillKWtfieaT