The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 06, 1904, Image 2

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    Kood Iftver Slacier
A Chicago produce paper wants the
price of applet down where the consum p
tion will, give every one three a day to
Again Hood River leadi all towns of
iti size and aome that are larger. Tliia
. city wai the flnt of many in the North
west to conclude the contest that sent
' a popular young lady to the world's
fair. At The Dalles the contest began
two weeks before the one at Hood River
and it is feared the contest cannot be
closed by the last of this month.
Because he found it impossible to col
lect bad debt, J. A. Douthit, has been
forced to suspend publication of the
Times-Mountaineer. This paper was
established in 1864 as the Mountaineer.
In 1882 it was consolidated with the
. Times. It was one of the oldest papers
, in Eastern Oregon. Mr. Douthit, who
has conducted the paper for the last
nine years, Is a forceful editorial writer
and a newspaper man of ability, but
friendly support on credit will kill any
The first annual meeting of the Farm
ers' company was called to
order in Artisan hall, at 10:80 o'clock
last Saturday morning. Secretary
Evans read the call for the meeting,
when President Benson asked for the
roll call, which occupied 26 minutes of
time, and showed 1,829 and (our half
shares represented by stockholders or
, proxies.
Secretary Etans read a complete
report of the year's work, and carefully
explained all points as he proceeded.
On motion of C. D. Thompson the report
was accepted without debate.
The following names were then pre
sented for the board of directors:
A. C. Staten, Charles Ross, C. I).
Thompson, U. D. Woodworth, M. II.
Nickelsen, A. Butt, August Utiignard,
N. C. Evans, W. II . I'eugh, E. N. Ben
ton, A. 8. Blowers.
ie Morse, C. D. Thompson, and A.
E. Lake were appointed as tellers and a
count of the ballots showed the follow
ing seven men elected directors of the
Farmers' Irrigating company for the
coming year: A. C. BlaUin. Charles
Ross, CD. Thompson, M. II. Nickel
sen, A. Butts, W. H. I'eugh, A. 8.
1 Blowers.
Following ft statement of the re
ceipts and disbursements of the Farm
ers Irrigating company as prepared by
Hecretarv N. C. Evans, from March 4,
1 im, and September 30, 1U04 :
From sale of stock $.18,311.85
From interest 4112 19
From maintenance fee.. 3,454.60
From sale of water at V per la. 60.00
.From Co. camp and hoarding.. 907.48
From F. E. Bailev ac'ct.col 9.70
From sale of $22,000 of 7 per
cent bonds ; 22,000.00
Total 65,171.42
To exp. bond issue, abut, deeds,
maps, etc
To P. E. Bailey ac. col. ret....
To Co. camp and boarding
To engineering estab. grade for
, To guagers
' To Incorporation tax
To Butler A Co. interest
To lateral No. 1
To lateral No. 2
To lateral No. 3
To lateral No. 4
To lateral No. 6
To lateral No. 6
To lateral No. 7
To lateral No. 8
To lateral No. 9
To lateral No. 10
To legal expense
To main ditch and flume
To manager's salary
To 4 notes, purchase price
To 4 notes, Interest paid
To office exp. stat'y. etc
To secretary's salary
, To tools...... !
To tool house
To overdraft
437 55
, 104.80
10 35
424 05
519 20
Total 65,171.42
Shares taken 1347 4-2
Old water right... 18
Hhares sold 1329 4-2
ylu $39,9.10.00
Interest received on stock 432.19
I owl 40,3(3.19
Amt. rec'd. on stock and Int... 38,811 65
jwiauce uue on mock 2000.64
Amt. maintenance fee and in
terest 60 cents ..... 8990.50
Amt. rer'il. nn i.i i titu.iu.wu
and Interest 6 1 cents 8475.00
miance due on maintenance.. 615.50
., Ami. due on stock and main
tenance 2560.14
Amt. paid to treasurer $64,132.70
Amt. checked out by 613 cks. 64,(151.90
Oyrdn" 619.20
Bills Receivable 2560.14
Bills Payable-4). L. Co. less
dis. of 50c per M $ 303.23
Overdraft 619.20
2 guagers, 1 mo. each
t$76 150.00 1032.43
Balance 1533.71
Directors bill , 2U8.00
Balance 1235.71
Ouager's salary, paid $482.00
Uuager'a salary due 150.00 632.00
Main ditch and flume $ 9970.98
literal No. 1 424.05
Lateral No. 2 851.06
Lateral No. 3 57 84
Lateral No. 4 1923.59
Lateral No. 6 B7.10
Lateral No. 0 47 .tm
Lateral No. 7 JJofi 22
Lateral wo. 8 1 J0.01
lateral No. 9 (15.70
Lateral No.10 is'.tfl
Total..... 13,899.48
nweiveu on maintenance and
sale of water Mainte
nance $ 8454.50
Pale of water 56.00 3510.50
Cost of construction 10,388.93
The last work ilona nn aamn m-m lux
October and ilium noul.t in t ........
work done there during the next 30
w noiu rights.
June 8 At office, 2 hammers and 2
saws, scrapers, 1 plow, z kgs. 16 d. at
E. N. Benson's, lumber 19,000 feet in
yards; 20 hand saws, 40 hand hammer,
2 cross-cut saws, 12 squares, 4 hand
axes, 60 picks, 1 wrench, 1 braw and
bit, S crow bars, 6 paw rubber boots, J
axes, 4 mattocks, 4 blocks and ropes, J
water buckets, 2 water pans, 35 shovels.
18 kees nails and mikes.
There are some rights of way to be
secured and some abstracting to be
done yet.
The directors met and organized by
elect inn A. 8. Blowers, president : W.H.
Pugh, vice president; M. II.' Nickelsen,
secretary; Butler Co., treasurer; A.C.
Staten, manHger.
The citi&ens of Blowers addition.Coe's
First anal Third additions to Hood Riv
er, and those people livng on the west
end of Oak, River and Columbia streets,
swooped down upon the conncilmen at
the session in the city hall Monday
night with petitions and remonHtrances
yards in length and containing the
names of every property holder in the
additions described, all of them object
ing in strenuous tones to the extension
ol the proposed sewer system so as to
include their lands.
The citizens, after the recorder read
their complaints, were permitted by
Mayor Blowers to voice their sentiments
in speeches to the council. They were
all of one sentiment. They didn't need
the sewer ;wotnun l attach it the system
was built; the assessments were consid
ered unfair, and furl hermore the pay
ment of the same would work too great
a hardship on the property owners.
Among those who had something to
say on the subject were lr. immble, 11.
V. Coe, S. A. Cnapp, E. L Rood, W. 11.
letiKh, Slid before lliev got through. U
B 1 1 i rt lev wanted to know if the conn
cil would irunt his petition if he should
get up one to cutout of the sewer district
all tliat part 01 Hood Kiver lying west
of Fourth street, or Dallas' corner.
K. L. Rood thought the whole town
should be taxed to build the sewer. .
Councilman McDonald thought the
petitions against the sewer would be a
good thing to keep on file. Early ex
pressed the opinion that without sew
ers in Blowers' addition the city water
trom l;oe springs would soon become
contaminated and unlit for use.
For that reason Hartley thought they
needed a sewer more upon the hill than
down in town, as the sewage is now
washed dow n to the lower level by the
To the remark that the whole city
should lie taxed to raise the money for
building the sewer, Mayor Blowers ans
wered that to do h i the charter must be
changed. This would require an act ol
the legislature.
It was finullv moved that the citizens
petitioning to lie let out of the sewer did'
trict lie cut off. The motion carried.
A petition from E. Hauiuel and oth
ers living on the hill asking that prop
erty owners who have Btreets fenced up
should be notified to have the fences re
moved. The committee 011 streets and
public property was instructed to notify
the owners to have the fences taken
down, and if they did not comply with
the request, the Btreet coinmei-Hioner is
to see that the fences are removed.
Hand, chairman of the fire and water
committee, reported that an agent for a
chemical engine hal given him prices
and was desirous ol placing an engine in
Hood River. double 3fi-gallon engine
costs, equipped, fHou; a 65-gallon, $700
l'rather favored the city buvinif an en
gine and organizing a fire brigade. Early
moved that the matter be left to the
lire and water committee to secure the
best prices from the agent.
.arly moved that the judiciary com
mit tee nrennre an uniliihit.
ing all mixing contests in the city of
Hood River.
V, A. Bell introduced an ordinance
asking for a franchise to erect electric
railways on the streets ot Hood Kiver
His agreement, was to complete a rail
way between the O. R. & N. depot and
the bout landing within a year, and to
have a line extended over the whole city
within ten years. The mutter was re
ferred to the commit u on streets and
public property.
An ordinance was presented from the
Hood River Electric Light, 1'ower. and
water company asking for a ten-year
contract with the city to furnish water
for fire protection, domestic pui'oscs
and for flushing sewers. The contract
stipulates that the city Is to supply 25
hydrants ami to pay a monthly rental
01 IO lor the same. 1 lie water com
nanv auree to have the system installed
within 12 months from the time the con
tract is granted. The matter was re
ferred to the com 111 it tee on fire and
The following claims against the city
were then read :
Judgment, Htranahan vs. citv...$ 12 50
Transfer Co., livery 3 10
Mount Hood Lumber ('o.,lbr 3 07
Mount Hood I.iiiiiIht Co.,lbr 4 00
L. 0. Iseuberg, labor 7 00
Paget A Clark, exp sewer work.. 50 00
V. R. (iraham. hauling gravel.. 2!) 85
italpli ravage, hardware 7 00
W. R. Brown, labor 011 road 100 (HI
The bills were allowed as read, with
the exception of the one for hauling
gravel, winch was cut to lift, home of
the conncilmen considered that Graham
had already been paid in excess of the
work ho had performed. The bill of
Savage, for' hardware furnished in
1901, whb left on the table.
Pine (J rove (Jil ls Have Cold Feet.
The young ladies of the Pine Urove
neigh borhood of the East Side arranged
last week to entertain the young men at
a leap year party at the home-of Joe
Now, it is generally supposed that
when a leap year party is uriven. the
young women ask the men to accom
pany them. But when it came toaskiug
their escorts, the vounir women mt
together and deputized a certain young
man to go from house to house and
arrange for the men to accompany the
ijirls to the party.
I lie party was a success nevertheless,
and the youna; men were equal to the
ui-caniuu, coining ui uie rescue line si
kniglits of old. 1 tie young ladies should
remember though that a faint heart
ne'er won fair bachelor.
At the Churches.
Unitarian Usual services next Sun
day. Sunday school at 10 o'clock ;
proacliing at 11 o clock.
Lutheran Soiv ecs will be held again
next Miiulay, October 9, at the churcl
near Columb a nursery ami K. of 1.
cemetery about two miles south ol
town. Sunday school at 2 p. m; tier
man preaching at 3 p. m. II. J. Kolb,
Taliernaele service Sumlav school
at 2:30; preaching service immediatel)
following Sunday school, conducted b)
W. A. Klkins. ' Regular and ellicien1
teachers have lieen secured for eacl
lepartment of the school, and interest
is growing. All are cordially invited.
A. B. Cash, superintendent.
Valley Christian Regular servicet
next Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a
in.; preaching at 11; . P. S. 0. K. 8:3t
p. m. ; preaching again at 7:30; pravct
iieeting next Wednesday evening. ' W.
V. Klkins, pastor.
Pine Grove CVngnvatiwiial Service
ill be conducted by the pastor, Rev. J
L. llershner, next Sunday at 3:30 p. m
Methodist Proa hing at 11 a. ni. am
Our line of Piece Goods has been increased until we now have all that
is new and desirable. The goods were bought direct from the mills.
It is an actual fact that a large portion of our Piece Goods are marked
at only one-half their value.
All-wool, basket weave, all colors, worth every cent of $1.40 per yard,
our price 80c
All-wool Granite Cloth, all colors, worth $1.25 per yard, onr price 80c
All-wool Suitings, worth $2.00 a yard, selling at.... $1.25
Dress Goods worth $.()() a yard we are selling at ..$2.25
Vesting in white and colors at ...Half Price
Highly Mercerized Goods, worth 50c per yard, for i 30o
We are always pleased, to show our goods whether you wish to buy or
not. i , -
jps-We are Never
8 p- m.; Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep
worh Iieague 7 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially in
vited. W. C. F.vans, pastor.
Belmont Chapel. Sunday school at
10, followed by class meeting; League at
7; preaching at 8. All are cordially
United Brethren. Sunday school at
10 a. m.; Sermon at 11 a. m. and
at 7 :30 p.m.; Christian Kndeavor at
7 p. m.; prayer meeting at 7:30 o'clock
each Wednesday evening. All are wel
come. J. T. Merrill.
Ry Grapevine Telegraph.
Mount Defiance, October 6, 1904.
About three weeks ago a bachelor
who has a homestead southeast of Par
kertown quietly left for Spokane and
returned w ith a handsome bride, who
has agreed to share his fortune and
help subdue the wilderness. The bride
and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, will
be "at home" after October 10, on
"Motherhood Homestead," which is
finely located overh ok ing the West
Fork of Hood river with Mount Hood
at the south. The name ol their home
is suggestive and their host of friends
are unanimous in wishing that their
joys may lie many, their troubles few
and "little ones."
There are still several bachelors left
in this locality, who should muster
up the neceesar) courage to follow this
brave leader, except that they need not
leave leave Hood River while we have
such a promising crop ol bachelor girls
to select from.
One in this locality, with a literary
turn anil a classical name has a nice
farm, well tilled It would make
one of Hood River's progressive bach
elor girls no end of happiness to locate
in mis mountain retreat, ueip w mini
the pumkins, comb the old man's hair
with a three-legged stool occasionally,
and ride to town behind old Major.
Then there Is a rising young attorney
who has a very desirable property in
this locality, who looks as lonesome as
the last rose ol summer when he is seen
bucking out the stumps where he will
soon be gathering hundreds of bushels
of big red apples. Tins disciple ol Kent
and lilackstone, although of a shy and
unasuming disposition, is clear and log
ical in his deductions, surely only needs
be retained in his own case to enable
him to plead successfully with a frugal,
industrious bachelor girl, and she will
not boo-hoo about It much either.
There is still another who has lately
carried ft way the highest honors of his
class at one of the best seats of learning
in Oregon. He is a born commander,
having won the gold medal as the be-t
drilled non-com. in the contest at his
military exam. His farm is near those
mentioned in above dispatches. Here
is a case of latent energy, undeveloped
resources, and it is plain, too, that it is
an instance similar to Scott's Roderick
I'liu, whose "blast upon his bugle was
worth k thousand men." But there is
evidence that there is hope in this case
and that a fair haired, blue-eyed dam
sel will give soon the bugle-call that
will arouse tins young warrior and
cause him to rush to (her) arms with as
much ardor as the little brown men at
l.aio Yang. One more favorable cir
cumstance is that they can secure from
his father's stores provisions to supply
their matrimonial siege against a long
hard siege.
Another young man just blossoming
into bachelorhood, is a distinguished
musician, has had an extensive exper
ience as a hotel man. and with his knowl
edge of entertaining and catering toihe
puoltcmigliteasily convert his mountain
into a famous summer resort.
It's Leap Year, girls, your last chance
for four years. If you aie as anxious to
help these young fellows out of the wil
derness of os single cussedness as is the
(j lacier to promote the interests ot its
patrons, call and we will point them out
to you.
In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon
Kor Wawo County,
Emma I in lay, pUlntlir;
' vs.
Harry Curtis Iinlay, ilcfomt.nt.
To llarry Curtis linliiv, th above named
toft'iHlHcil.-lu the nmneof the mat of ort
on: You are hereby required to annear nd Sun.
wer tlieeoniplHlnt HM aitnltmi you in the
-luuvr rimiiru nun-, wiiiun nix weeks mini
die win day orsvpteniiVr. lam, mid day being
Hie first day r the uuliiuwiloii of llila tuiii
mons; mid If you full to mi answer, for want
tnereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court
for relief deiimuded In her complaint filed
in aald cause, for to-wli:a decree of divorce
IlKsolvlna the bonds of mnirlmony existlnir
between the plaint. ft and defendant In aald
auae. and Sir the reatoratlon of the plaint I It a
maiden name and for her coat and disburse
ments In this autu
Thla summon la pnhllalied by virtue of an
inter of Honorable A. K. ltae. County Judiie
fthe county coiirloftheniuiiiy of Wascoand
iale of Ornton.dated the bulidayofNenteinher
V. I lMM.H htch order specifies and provides
.tx werkaand Aireeveu lusertlona as the lime
or which thla summons alia 1 1 be publlahed.
Ialcd at Hood Kiver, Oregon, thla the, anth
lay of September, 1MM.
Attorney Sar l'lalullir.
Drain Tile
lm yon want drain tllet If an, see Tucker.
IVmt delay, will axon be too late In ship.
t! B. H.T1 CKKR. Hood Rlver.Ore.
lower part of K. P. watch chain. Flndor
lt-ae leave telurn to Barlmeaa' store and re
elve reward. o7
Have you noticed the 20c, 25c
and 30c line of BOOKS in
Window? Just look them over
when passing.
Premiums for Fruit Fair.
Best display of Ppitzenberg, Newtown and Jonathan common pack $5 00
Second best display of Spitzehherg, Newtown and Jonathan common pack. 2 60
Best box, commercial pack, Orlley 1 00
(Second best box, commercial pack, Ortley 60
Beet box commercial pack, Hydes King ,.. 1 00
Hecond best box, commercial pack, Hydes King 60
Best box, commercial pack, Wagner 1 00
Second best box, commercial pack, Wagner 60
Best box, commercial pack, Winesap 1 00
Second best box, commercial pack, Winetap 60
Best box, commercial pack, Baldwin '. 1 00
(Second best box, commercial pack, Baldwin 50
Best plate display, Kpitzenberg 1 00
Second be?t plate display, Spitzenberg 60
Best plate display, Newtown 1 00
Second best plate display, Newtown 50
Beat plate display, Jonathan 60
Second best plate display, Jonathan , 25
Best plate display, (iravenstein 50
Second best plate display, Gravenstein 25
Best plate display, Wealthy 50
Second best plate display. Wealthy 26
Best plate display, Northern Spy 60
Second best plate display, Northern Spy 25
Best plate display, Grimes' Golden . 50
Second best plate display, Grimes' Golden 25
Best five boxes (different varieties) commercial pack 10 00
Second best five boxes (different varieties) commercial pack 5 00
Above five boxes must include Spitzenberg and Newtown.
Best five plates apples, any varieties .' 3 00
Second best five plates apples, any varieties 1 50
Special Prize offered by E. H. Shepard for best commercially packed box
of apples 5 00
Best display of Vegetables 2 00
Second llest Displuy of Vegetables 1 00
Best Display of Bears 2 00
Second Best Display of Pears 1 00
Best Display of Peaches 2 00
Second Best Display of Peaches. . .'. 2 06
Exhibits must be by actual glower. No combined exhibits allowed.
Froren combe decrease egg produc
tion; therefore In the north country
the fowl with a double comb is far
less liable to duffer from freezing tbau
the one with a single comb.
The completion of the Panama canal
will greatly emphasize the importance
of the Mississippi river as a water
way and the gulf porta as points of
export for the products of the central
China produced 2,000,000,000 pounds
of tea in 1003. The experiment sta
tion In the Carolinas produced 0,000
pounds. The growing of tea is only
possible where tUe cheapest of hand
labor can be obtained.
There Is a good demand for blooded
stock, particularly cattle and sheep, in
the Argentine Republic. A lot of fair
ly good Hereford bulls and cows were
recently sold there, which brought
eight times is much as they cost in this
The field mice, which bare been bo
unusually numerous the past year all
over the west, not -only made ruinous
havoc In the apple orchards, but also
barked evergreen trees to such nn ex
tent as to destroy them. There Is dire
need of more owls, hawks and cats.
The woman who has been worrying
over her Incubator, setting 160 eggs and
getting six chickens, can afford con
siderable satisfaction to her uelghbor
who has ten old hens bring off eighty
chicks by calling on her. The pleasure
in living Is so largely made up of this
sort of contrasts.
It is claimed that they have a plant
in Ilawall the Juice of which applied
to the toughest meat will make it as
tender as spring chicken. The agri
cultural department at Washington
would do the people a great service by
looking this matter up, for there are
all too many old farrow cows and an
cient roosters on the market to be dis
posed of somehow.
An Iowa boy wants to know how to
grow peanuts In that state. We do not
think It can be successfully done so
far as attempting to grow them as
field crop, the seasons not being long
enough or hot enough. There are many
years when lima beans, eggplant, mel
ons snd other semltropical things
have a hard pull to mature, and we
should class the goober with them.
I Dance Friday Night, October 14.
Charles R. MeCully, who made such
a success of the dance in the opera house
three weeks ago, announces t. at he will
give another of his favorite hops during
the week of the fruit fair.
! The spera house, than which there is
no better dancing floor in the city has
been secured again for the daiice, and
the date set for Friday night, October
14. Mr. McCally is arranging to have
pome tine music for the occasion. Mr.
McCally himself will play the violin.
j in itself insures a success of the under-
ttkiug. Tickets will be $1 a couple.
! , Weather Report For September.
The following l the report of U. 8. Volun
tary Weal her orwerver I). N. Byerlee. for
iioou mver, ror me nionm oi September.
Character of
part cloudy
- -clear
.....nan cloudy
...-part cloudy
....part cloudy
part cloudy
.- clear
part cloudy
...part cloudy
....part cloudy
part cloudy
part ciouny
part cloudy
Temneralure mean max. 77.7; mean mln
4.U. Max. 2,on the 3d; mln. 40, on the ISlb
greteNt range 45J.
Precipitation Total for month, .SS Inches,
tirealest In 24 hours, .21 lucheaon lhejd.
tin the 19th In some mirta of the unoer val.
ley the frost was severe enouf to cut aome of
me leiuicreMt vetieottion.
Very smoky during month up to tlie 21t,
when the nil in cleared the atmosphere aud
since that date ttier has bet-n none.
Timber Ijini, Act June J.I878.
Department of the Interior. Ijnd office at
tne liaiies, tinyon, ept. si, isot Notice Is
hereby given that the followlnc n nied set
tler has riled notice of hta Intention to make
nnai pnsir in support of his claim, and that
said prour will be made before the Klter
and lieceiver at the laud office In The Dalle,
Onyon.on the 17ih day ol November, Pw,
of Mooter, Orvyon, nn homestead entry No.
i. CM, for the lots 1 and 2 or section 2, township
I north, ninire 11 east ot Willamette V -rid Ian,
and the K'oi theHKU of section : town
mp 3 norm, raute 11 F. . W. M.
lie names I he lollowlnx witnesses to prove
hln com Iniiona residence upon and culliva-
II in of said Inn I, vlt: Hnninel D.Kista tr Heter
llfniirnimrn, w. A Husbands and W". C
Wentner, all of Moilcr. tirgon.
oSnlU MlLllAfcX T. NOLAN, Register. "
Date MhxI- Mini- Prec'p
mum ilium Hiitn
1 SS 50
2 Si Ml
3 W - 49
4 IS'J
8 SB M
7 83 Wi
8 7 fiO
V 78 64
10 78 41
11 K2 41
12 Si 4fi
13 81 ' 4S
14 7 47
16 81 4u
Hi 78 4'l
17 76 fili
IS.. 71 62
19 '5 40
M 7t 41
21 R9 61 .08
21 C5 62 ,S(
2,1 71) 49 Trace
24 7(1 54 .02
STi 78 47
i m 6S
7 W So
2. 7 47
2 SI 48
NO. 83 4U
UA f301Jl.-
Forty acres of my farm in Crapper district,
7H miles from Hood Rler. Oood upple land.
.. i-.b ....... ITnl.nnw.vwrf llfl ll I'T
ditch. Jy 7 tf A. A. JAYNb.
Notice to Water
Any one caught (hatting off water in mains
to make taps will be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law unless they obtain permis
sion from this office. This Is final.
For Sale
Foil blooded Fox Terrier pnp. Nothing
belter. Rockford Hture,
oat 1 Near Barrett school honse.
Take Warning
All persons are hereby given warning not
to throw sticks, atones, or any rubbish of
whatsoever naln re. or any slops from bouse,
barn or other buildings, into any of the ditch
es or laterals belonging to, or under the con
trol of the Farmers' Irrigating Company. By
order of the board of directors.
a nglBtf N.C. EVASB, Secretary
Will buy Sir cash Indian arrow points, or
will exchange fineclgars for same. Km a by
mall or ei press or write me what yon have.
Will pay it per hundred or more If nice.
F. A, THOMAH.Hecrctary and Treasurer,
Portland Cigar Co.,
octlS Ui64 E 13th street Portland, Or.
Meadow pasture for horses, II. N) per month
In advance, near Frankton school house.
oct22 C. E. MILLER.
The Oregon Fire
Relief Association
Wilt Insure your property at less cost than
any one else.
FRANK J. PERKINS, Special Agent
P. O. Box n Hood River
Main office, McMinnvllle, Or. 015
I am prepared to do all k ndnof work by the
day or by contract, estimates on carpentering
plastering, stonework.excavations, etc., s peel -
ncaiious inrnisnea, Aaaress
yl4tf F. W. PRIBNOw. Hood Rlver.Or.
20 Men
Wanted to work at Planer, loading slabs
and working In box factory,
For Sale
A good, gentle cow. had her third calf last
week. Price 136. THEO.MUK8DOKF
sep 29 Blngen, Wash.
Brown chain purse, small change, pen
knife, key, memorandum book with Mabel F.
Lewis, two half-fare return boat tickets, one
half-fare ticket. Leave at this office. s29.
Wood ChoDDers
Wanted, wood choppers. Crescent Fri
S-rnll rvv
farm. Apply to
To Rent.
A six-room house on Hood Kiver Heights,
partly furnished If wanted. Inquire at the
Htar Boarding House. s20
Don't Buy Land
In Hood Kiver vmiey, either for fruit rais
ing or a summer home until you see Valley
View. Twenty acres, six cleared, house, barn,
well, strawberries, fruit trees, excellent soil,
pure water; bracing air and magnificent
scenery. Price and terms renaonniile. Call
on or address C. A. HICK I. K,
OC129 . Hood River, Or.
For Sale.
Team, Harness aud Wagon.
sep29 F. A WEYOANDT.
For Sale Or Rent
Most valuable liliee of Inn 1 on Paradise
farm (adjoining Lymiiii Hmlth'a old place.)
Mix or seven aeresin strnwbjrrl s. House and
shed with an abundance of spring water for
Irrigation. Will sell all the land east of this
place, subject to lease to Coon and Vaughn.
W I I also rent cottage and barn. Nice place
for one who keeps a team. Water and garden
spot free. Apply to
85 Acres.
For sale at a bargnin; on the road to Mount
Hood; good apple land; nice healthy location
for a house by the roadside. Inquire nn the
premises. oct 16 J. P. H1LLBTROM.
Prunes For Sale
Italian and Petite prunes cent a pound
it the ranch. g Win. KENNEDY.
Rooms To Rent
Furnished moms to rent by week or month.
octl2 J.J.TURNER.
Melons For Sale
At my melon patch on Paradise farm, fine
fat ones at one cent a pound.
Hatnrday, September 10 a baseball glove,
with initials T. D. E. written on it In Ink.
iuder please leave at the Glac ier office and
receive retvarc. o 6
For Sale
Grubbing machine and cable, 10 tons of hay
span or Good work horses.
0 6 W. H. uURKKE.Rtar Route No 10
Wanted To Rant.
Good hay and dairy farm all furnishad.
otl W.I1.DURKEE, Btar Route No. 10
For Sale
H potato sacks, 3c each. slStf
Pare cider vlmvar, 2ft cents per gallon.
" r. Hi. nnuniun.t imnin Niiraorrv
01 acres of grubbing to be done
Cow For Sale
Fresh cow and calf. Inquire at E. Shelley
Morgan's farm, Phelps creek. oct 20
Seattle Star
For r.'a year, dally. L. K. King, who Is
gent for the paper here, may be found on
MicBir -i nuiuruHya. octal
Fir Stove Wood
For sale. Inquire at the livery stables ma21
Janitor Work
Jonltor work and odd Ions done at ret, rat
able prices hy experienced man. Apply to
E. W. CRQ8.S, Bone 4 McDonald's store s8tf
"Well Digging
Am prepared to dig, bore or drive wells
Satisfaction guaranteed. an'Stf R.M.HUNT,
Wanted To Lease
Twenty to W acres In Oregon.for two or more
years, half In cultivation with running water
uMiiuuiKn, uniin mm .MitT or I WO COW ailU
team. RUSSELL A SPENCER, 680 Wledler
11 v, 1 uruniiu, vrt-(tii.
10-Acre Snao
BKST Hood River land H mile nouth of
iuwii, puruy uuproveu, ior saie very cheap
Kv nurnar kuii i-Hlr t U a .' vt a T 1
Vigorite Powder
lam still agent for this blasting powder. See
me or write for prices.
s29 tf
Bids Wanted
' " ' " - m .... B, 1 1 1 uiuue un
til 2 p. m. Saturday ,t)ctolier l,'04, for the con
struction of the b ick building at. the corner
of Second and Oak streets, according to plans j. n. nirananan, archi
tect. The right la reserved to reject any and
til bids. It F. C. BKOSiOa.
Voice Culture
I will lieat the furniture slnreofs. E rwt.
mens on Thursday of each week. Terms reason
able w. r. SMITH,
oci20 Instructor In Voice Culture
10 Acres For Sale
I am offering for sale my 10 acres, well Im-
orvveu, ninea aouin 01 town,on the Mount
Hood road. For particulars call at my place,
aug lltf F. K. BAILEY.
l-ady's black purse containing between to
iiu . aiwi ouie cneca, lost between town
and Paradise tarru one dnv Isst week. Leave
at Glacier. itn MRS. F. P. FRIDAY
Notice la hereby given tliat my wife, Cath
erine C. Kellendonk. ha left my bed arid
board without my consent, and all perao is
are hereby warned not to credit her on my
account. oe!7 Wm. KELLENDONK.
For Sale Or Exchange
o. iu oris :r"p'" "",'
annthnffown. Will take stock of nierclnin
din-or town property on imvment. A SNAP.
Real Estate
Tor Sale The Abbott Store property
on the hill. Price, $3,000.
A 40 acre tract, some Improvements,
2 miles from Barret school house, $2,000.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
free Irrigating water, 1J miles from Bar
rett school house, $1,100.
A 20 acre tract unimproved, 1 miles
from the Barrett school house, fi acres
cleared, $1,700.
The NW 'M of NYVJtf, Sec. 4, Tp. 2 N.,
R. 10 E, 40 acres. Price $2,000. 500or
niore cash, balance in five years.
Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 2, Winanu add. to
Hood River for 3r0 each.
The NE H of SW J and the NVVJ of
SEJi, section 16, Tp 2 north, range 11
east, 80 acres, partly improved, good ap
ple land, plenty of timber, no rock.
Price $800 cash or $1,000 on time at 6
per cent.
Money to loan.
Hanna house and lot, $2,000.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
Rivor Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the Hood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2
story house; $1,400.
Lot in VVaucoma Park addi
tion, $200.
For Rent For a term of ten years,
the lot on State street, back of
Bartmess'. '
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan ; 60 acres
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy ; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced.
Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood River.
For Sale The Donahue block on the
hill. Improved and fenced. Fine resi
dence, ham and outbuildings. $4500.
Will sell the SE'i for $600, the NEJi
for $700, or the for $3000. One
third cash, balance time at 8 per cent.
The Hunt plate mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in straw ber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of alley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $250.
For Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm
owned by A. E. Lake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
berriei in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several buyers to go iu to
gether and each secure a part. Must all
be sold at once. Terms half or more cash.
Mrs. Clark's 1 acres 011 the hill for
sale or rent; house $10 a month, with
land $15; selling price $1,500; renter
must take subject to sale. .
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; 160 acres good fruit land;$4000.
8. 160 acres at White Salmon; fine
timber land; $10 an acre.
9. The o-acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Renshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
For Sale. 40 acres near Monnt Hood
post office. Good land $700 cash 30
clays, only.
Five acres at Frankton ; cottage and
acre and a hull in cultivation. Creek
and water power; $1,000.
Blov'k 1, Parkhurst addition to Hood
River, all in cultivation; good house,
beautiful residence property; price,
$4,500 ; $1 ,500 or more cash ; balance on
or before 3 years at 8 per cent.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, YVancoma ad
dition; improved; price $1,600; )4 or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
The 10 acres owned by H. S. Lewis at
Belmont, improved, with buildings,
farm implements, furniture, stock", etc.,
$3,000; the bare place, $2,500; $1,500
or more cash ; balance on time, 6 per ct.
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
For Rent. One or two cottitges;eorner
store building to lease. Store building
can also be bought.
For Sale Four-fifths interest in the
M. O. Wheeler 160 acres near Hood
River Falls.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and snllir nttHelimonto ami tlm
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and Lwocks. and do-
ni an ainus ot surveying and platting.
From and after this Hntn A m-n o nio-i
the rates will be as follows: $10 a day;
Lot corners established for $5 a lot;
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
For Rent
1 ,MriTi!yi,7. He'hu-
Milk For Sale
At Paradise farm. Phone K1
00111 D. o. KNTRICA N.
Stoves For Sale
(00k stove snd heater, also dining room
chairs and bed snrint's-a barualn.
Boots And Shoes.
Ilhnveanew lineol Mens' aud Roy's Roots
andiilioca. Come and examine them.
JOHN CO'.VLKS, Hhoeshop.
oct 13. Houihcf post office.
Totradea fine hammerless shot inn for
wood on emu. T KM PLK. leweler.
Furnished Rooms
I have newly tarnished, neatly kept rooms
to rent, and will alao serve meals and lunches
to roumers or others In the Rev. Merrill cot
tage. sept a MRS. H. D. HTKWAKD.
Pigs For Sale
Ten-weeks-old pigs for sale at the ranch.
"Cow For Sale.
No. 1 Jersey cow and calf. Inquire of
Hay For Sale
For4he beneht of onr strawberry growers
who met It hunt In marketing their crop for
the next : days I will sell (rood wheat hay
ai 112.M) per Ion on board the cars at Hood
River, for cash. sep.-JQ O. H. HARTLFY
Public Land Sale
t'nlted States ijind Office, The Datles, Ore.
gnn, Auirnst . 1901. Notice Is hereby given
tliat In pursuance of Insinuations from the
commissioner o the general land nfflce.under
authority Tested In him by section W,
I niied stales revise amended by
acl of congress approved February 80, is;,
we will proceed to otl'erat public sale at the
hour ol II o'clock a. ni . on th I ti, hu. .,r
October, Id 4. at this office, the following
tract of land, to-wlt:
The SKH S K'i of section il, township 2 nort 1 .
range 11 cunt 01 VV. M.
Any and nil persons eln'mlng adversely
the above described lands are advised 10
theirclalms In litis office on or before the
dav designated r,.r Hie coin encement of
.id ai-, otherwise their righta will be for
lelfeii. M It'll A. Kl. T. NOLAN. Register.
autfSocte AS.N E M. LANG, Reeel ver,