The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 06, 1904, Image 1

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    ixth Biennial Fruit Fair, Hood River, Oct. 13-14-15
' " . .
'Himee qm ri
KX. 21.
Issued every Thursday by
ARTHUR D. MOB. Publisher.
Terms ol lubacriptioa tl.M a year when paid
In advance.
r rinuo.-neeis in second ana rouna
rrldavs ol the mouth. Visitors cordially wel
comed. F. IT. Haosios, Counsellor.
Miss Nellii Clam., Secretary.
Union No. 142. meeu In Odd Fellows' hall
second and fourth Saturdays In each month,
J:8u o'clock. K L. Rood, President.
C. D. Dim, Secretary.
HOOD R1VKK CAM!, No. 7,7(8, M. W. A.,
meets In al. ol F. Hall every Wednesday
night M. 11. KuselLL, V. C.
C. D. Dakih, Clerk.
HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 770, W. O. W., meets
on first and third Tuesday of each month
In Odd reiki Hall. A. C. tATCM,0. C.
F. 11. Blauo, Clerk.
WAUCOMA LODGE, No. 80, K. of P., meets
in K. of P. Hall every Tuesday right.
H. M. Duals, C. C.
-C. E. BisIHAic, K. ot R. 4 a
HOOD K1VER CHAPTER, No. S4, 0. K.8.,
meets second and fourth lues lay even
ings of each month. Visitors cordially wel
comed. Thxkkhs ClBTMKa, W. II.
Una. B. Davwsom, beereiary.
00 D RIVER CIRCLE, No. 624, Women ol
Woodcraft, meets at K. of P. Hall on the
first and third Fridays of each month.
iiiLKH Nohtom, (iuardlan Neighbor.
Nellic Uollowxll, Clerk.
CANBY POST, No. 16, 0. A. R., meeU at A.
O. V. W. Hall, second and fourth Saturdays
of each month at '2 o'clock p. m. All O. A. K.
members invited to meet with us.
H. H. Bailey, Commander.
T. J. Cdknino, Adjutant.
CANBY W. R. C, No. 16, meets second and
fourth tialurdaysof each month in A. 0. U.
W. Hall at 2 p. m.
Miu. Alida Bhoehaxeb, President.
U11.T.J. Cunning, secretary.
Kegular meeting second and fourth Mon
days ol each mouth. A. J. Uatchell, C. P.
Uekt Eniuican, Hcrlbe.
IDLEWILD LODGE. No. 107, I. O. O. F.. meets
In Fraternal Hall, every Thursday night.
J. R. Ries, N. 0.
Bebt Emtricam, Secretary.
meeu third Friday night of each month.
U. it. UABTKE&, U. r.
P. McDonald, Secretary.
COURT HOOD RIVER No. 42, Feresters of
America, meets second and fourth Mon
days in each month in K. of P. Hall.
H.T. DeWitt.O.B.
F. C. Brosios, Financial secretary.
Hi, 1. O. O. F., meets tirst and third Fridays
In each month. Francis Mouse, N. U.
Tuehkhe Castner, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER LODGE No. 105, A. F. and A.
M., meets Saturday evening on or before
each full moon. D. McDonald, W. M.
R. B. 8avaoe, Secretary.
OLETA ASSEMBLY No. 10.1, United Artisans,
meets 11 rt and third Wednesdays, work;
second and fourth Wednesdays, social ; Arti
sans hall. D. McDonald, M. A.
E. M. McCabty, Secretary.
RIVERSIDE LODGE No. 68, A. 0. U. W.,meeta
first and third Saturdays of each month.
K. R. Bradley. Financier. W. B. SHUTS, W. M,
1. O. Haynes, Recorder.
RIVERSIDE LODGE, NO. 40, Degree of Hon
or, A. O. U. W, meets first and third Satur
days at 8 p. m. Mas. Sarah Bradley, C. of H.
Miss Cora Copple. Recorder.
Mrs. Lucretia Praties, Financier
Meets at K. of P. hall on the second and
fourth Friday of each month.
Mrs. Ehha Jones, Oracle.
Mr. Ella Darin, Recorder.
jyj E. WELCH,
Has returned to Hood River and la prepared
to do any work In the veterinary line. He can
be found by calling at or phoning to Clarke's
drug store.
Office over Rowley & Co.'s Pharmacy,
Hood River Heights. Wednesdays,
Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Phone 9G1.
Office and Pharmacy, Hood River
Heights, sj'hone, Main 661.
Will Practice in All Courts.
Office with Geo. D. Culbertson A Co. Collec
tions, Abstracts, Settlement of Estates.
Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence), M.
Office over Bank Bldg. Hood River, Oregon
taceessor to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Calls promptly answered In tows or ooantry,
Day or Night.
Telephones: Residence, til: Offlce, 611,
Office over Reed's Grocery.
J W. WATT, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 98.
For 28 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has had many years experience In
Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of
titles and agent, batiafacuon guaranteed or
no charge.
Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon.
p C. BR0S1U8, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Bonn: 10 to 11 A. M. J to J
and 6 to 7 P. M.
Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts of the World.
General Review of Important Happen
pcnlgs Presented In a Brief and
Condensed Corm.
Four persona were killed and fifty In
jured in an English railway accident.
Tokio is advised that the army ia
making steady progress at Port Arthur.
Fire wiped out an entire village in
Southern Russia. Five hundred lam
illea are homeless.
The Norwegian bark Sir John Law
rence, from London, struck on rocks off
the coast of Norway and went down
with all on board.
The Santa Fe has large gangs of men
at work in Colorado repairing the work
of the flood. It will take a week to
make the road passable.
Detectives are unable to find any clew
to the persons who have attempted to
destroy the battleship Connecticut.
I hire is little danger that any further
attempt will be made. Marines are
stationed all around the boat and oth
ers on it.
According to dispatches from Okla
hma the South Canadian river is high
er than in 40 years. It is feared that
the loss to cotton and corn crops and
bridges, with other properties along
the river, throughout the territory,
will be enormous. No loss of life has
been reported. y
Sir William Harconrt.'a noted Brit
ish politician, is dead.
A third attempt has been made to
wreck the battleship Connecticut.
Tiinidrd, Colo., reports that it can
relieve all distress caused by the flood.
The September receipts of the St.
Louis fair amounted to about $2,500,-
The Rnssians have temporarily
checked the Japanese advance east of
The czar may block the plan for the
immediate reoiganization of the Rus
sian army.
Poetmaster General Payne continues
in a dangerous condition. His life
hangs in the b.tlan a.
Russians made a raid on junks car
rying supplies to Oyama and des
troyed a number of them.
It is reported that General Basilio
Munoi, leader of the Uruguayan revo
lutionists, hag been shot by his former
Considerable loss of life and prop
erty was occassioned by fire in the ar
tillery and ammunition magazines at
Sevastopol, Ruiaia.
The Japanese have begun a general
vlvance on Mukden.
The condition of Postmaster Geneial
Payne is very serious.
Mobile, Alabam, is having the warm
est weather in its history for the time
of year.
The Japanese have adopted tactics
intended to prevent the return of the
main Russian force to Mukden.
TT, P ,,;. nn.Jrxn at Pnrt Ar.
tlnir haa msils another attemnt to es
cape, but were driven back. Another
sally is expected.
Kuropatkin nowieal'zei that be can
not go on to Harbin and the problem
of wintering his troops is a serious one.
The hope of the Rupsians is to defeat
the Japanese at Mukden.
Souvenir Lewis and Clark dollars
have been sent to President Roosevelt
and member of congress who were in
trumental in securing the appropria
tion to the Portland exposition.
A mail car from Paris to Havre, con
taining about 100 pouches of American
mail, was broken into and 91 pouches
opened and rifled of such valuables as
they may have contained. There is no
record of their conten a or of the valu
ables abstracted.
W. J. Bryan is a grandfather.
Disease is claiming many Japanese
The battleshiap Connecticut haa been
succet safully launched.
The Russian cruiser Orel broke a
cylinder on her trial trip and will be
dlayd six months.
The main Russian army has retreat
ed from Mukden, leaving only a small
force to guard the rear.
The Japanese army has captured Pa
pass. Practically no resistance was
offered by the Russians.
A Puget sound tug just in from Alas
ka. reDorta havinz sighted a Russian
gunboat at Unimak pass.
Hons have advanced two and t lire
cents throughout the Willamette val
ley and at North Yakima. Independ
ence growers have receied as high as
30 cents.
A dispatch from Constantinople says
that the village of Ramea, Armenia,
was the aeene of a massacre of Armen
ians by Kurds. Detaila are lacking.
Heavy raina have caused serioua
damage to railroads in Western Texas,
New Mexico and .Northern Mexico.
Several washouts are reported on the
Santa Fe in New Mexico and on all
roada traina are delayed.
Unofficial estimates by Japanese offi
cers place the number of their aick and
wounded soldiers at 45,000.
Twelve People Drowned at Wat
rous, New Mexico.
Las Vegas, N. M., Oct. 6 Half the
town of Watrous waa destroyed by the
flood and at leaat 12 persona were
Many persona were rescued from trees
and housetops. The. greatest damage
was around the junction of Moia and
Sapello creeks. The rock crasher, the
great iron bridge and much track at
Watrous were washed away.
The Ualnnas river formed a new
channel here. In the Gallinas canon,
the dams of the Aqua Pura company
broke, bringing a terrific fl xrd on the
city. The Montezuma-Hot Springs
track went out in many places. Half
a dozen bridgea were destroyed and the
Montezuma bath houses were partly
carried away. The Santa Fe loss here
is $40,000. The Aqua Pura company's
loss is $15,000.
Foi two blocks on Bridge street every
business house was flooded. The big
Ilfield brick store was ruined and the
bridge undermined. Twentj mer
chants estimates their loss at from $2,'
000 to $4,000 each.
Gallinas park is under water and the
trolley line cannot be repaired for two
weeks. The race meet to have been
held here next week has been declared
off. One hundred tuousand dollars
will not cover the loss to the town and
the railroad loss is equal to that of re
cent floods in Arizona.
Rio Grande Cuts New Channel and
Hundreds are Homeless.
Albuqurque, N. M., Oct. 5. Reports
from the floods in the Rio Grande val
ley above and below this city are com
ing in. ine towns ol Valencia and
Lot Lentes were practically washed
away and several hundred families are
homeless. The river swung to the
east, cut a Dew channel, and poured a
torrent thiough the two towns. No
li e I were lost.
The Barelaze suburbs of this city
suffered the most in this immediate
vicinity, about 60 houses being des
troyed. Ignacio Gutienez, a commissioner
of Sandoval county, telephoned that
the damage at Los Cordales and Ala
meda, above the city, will amount to
several hundred thousand dollars.
There is one passenger train from
Southern California at Gallup and an
other from San Francisco at Window,
while the other trains from California
are held here. The local officials can
not aay when the traina will arrive or
depait, and the traffic situation ia aeri-
Many feet of track ia reported gone
at Ortiz, at Cerrillos, Waldo, Thornton
and Bernalillo, and above aud below
this city at Rincon, Amarillo, N. M,,
and Inlets.
Many People Injured at Church Cor
ner Stone Laying.
Adams, Mass., Oct. 6. While Right
Rev. Thomas D. Beaven, Roman Cath
olic bishop of Springfield, waa laying
the corner stone of St. Stanislaus' Pol
ieh.churcb, a floor collapsed, precipi
tating 150 persona into, the basement.
A dozen persons were injured, several
seriously. Bishop Beaven and several
of the priests assisting him were slight
ly hurt.
Some 7,000 persona attended the
ceremony and about 200 were seated or
standing on the floor which covered the
newly made basement. Just as the
bishop was about to lay the stone a sec
tion of the flooring, about 40 feet
square, collapsed, dropping 12 feet, and
carrying with it the bishop, the clergy
and about 140 others.
In the confusion that followed many
were trampled upon and half suffocat
ed. Bishop Beven was caught in the
crush but was able to eave himself from
seriouB injury. He was bruised about
the body and had bia hands scratched.
Breastplates Will Not Be Made.
Rome, Oct. 6. Some time ago the
Russian government ordeied 100,000
bullet proof breastplates of the tpye in
tented by Signor Benedettl. The lat
ter recently started for 8t. Petersburg
to supervise the manufacture of the
breastplates, but was stopped at Mun
ich by the Italian firm to which be had
sold the rights to manufacture, and
which objected to oignor Benedettl 's in
tervention in the matter, and he re
turned to Italy. The firm had also
undertaken to supply the Japanese
government with 200,000 breastplates.
Train of Sick and Wounded.
General Oku'a Headquarters in the
Field, Oct. 6. The first southbound
train on the railway left this afternoon
cairying 490 Japanese wounded, 100
sick and 33 wounded Russian prisoners
on the way to Japan. The wounded
are practically the last of the Japanese
wounded at the battle of Liao Yang.
The hospitals are now devoted to those
suffering from bed beri and other dis
Gunboat Bit by a Mine.
Tokio, Oct. 6. It ia rumored that
Japanese gunboat hit a mine and sunk
south of the Liao Tang peninsula. A
portion of her crew reached an island
and were rescued. The navy department
does not deny the report, bat says that
the department lacka confirmatory in-
Flood Works Ruin in Colo,
rado and New Mexico.
Thirty Blocks In Trinidad arc Un
der Two to Tour feet or Water
Loss WIU Be Very Heavy.
Trinidad, Colo., Oct. S A tenific
flood atruck the city of Trinidad and
the whole valley along the Lai Animas
river, today, devastating a wide section
and causing a money loss which at
present cannot be estimated, but which
may reach several hundred thousands of
Every bridge in the city of Trinidad
ia out, the Santa Fe station ia demo!
ished, all of the railroada are tied up,
and the telephone and telegraph services
completely suspended. More than 30
city blocks in the residence and busi
ness sections were two to four feet under
water along the rvier
So far as known at noon no lives
were lost, but there were many narrow
The flood waa cauaed by the heavy
rain which has been falling for two
days. At 8 o'clock last night the
storm assumed cloudburst proportions,
and at 2 o'clock this morning the Las
Animas river went over its banks.
At 3:30 it waa impossible to get
within a block of the river bed at any
point, and Commercial street was flood
ed for three blocks in tha heart of the
business district. Meantime the elec
tric light and gas plants had been flood
ed, ant! the city waa in complete dark
Hundreds of citisena thronged the
streets on the edge of ' the submerged
district carrying lanterns and doing
their best to provide those dnven from
their homes with shelter.
Warning of the flood was given when
the river left its bankaby revolver shots
and the ringing of the fire alarm, fol
lowed by the blowing of all the loco
motive and shop whistles in town.
Citiiena upon rafta made of sections of
sidewalks paddled through the streets,
rescuing families who were in danger.
The new Bacca hotel,, a two story
structure just reaching completion at
a cost of $20,000 on the river bank,
was destroyed. The water then ate its
way through 50 feet of the ground to
the Santa Fe depot, which was carried
The city ia divided , by the Las
Animas river, which Is scanned by six
wagon bridgea. All of the bridges
were washed out and many residents
were unable to reach their homes or to
communicate with their families, the
telephone system being wrecked.
Effort Is Being Made to Annex Part
of Kansas to Colorado.
Pueblo, Colo., Oct. 3. An effort at
solution of the Kansas-Colorado
water suit ia In pr igress, and if the
efforts of those most interested in the
case are aucesslul a strip of the western
portion of Kansas, about 150 miles
wide, will he annexed to the state of
Colorado, and the litigation now be
fore the supreme court at Washington
will be thrown out.
Politicians in both Kanaaa and Colo
rado are working for the passage ol a
bill through the legislatures of both
atatea whereby the western portion of
Kansas can be taken into Colorado.
This, it is thought by those who have
given the irrigation question much
study, will solve the difficulty, and both
states will be benefitted to a great ex
tent. L. P. Worilen, of Syracuse,
Kas., and C. C. Kennison, of Garden
City, Kas., a candidate for representa
tive from that county are in fueblo in
the interest of the plan.
' It would settle the water question
in Western Kansas forever and the suit
now in the courts would be dropped as
there would no longer be any reason
for continuing it" said Mr. Worden to
day. Both Mr. Worden and Mr. Kennison
appeared before the government com
mission when it waa in session here,
and are thoroughly familial with the
situation. They say they are supported
by practically every resident of West
ern Kansas.
Inventor Dies a Charity Patient.
New York, Oct 3. Once wealthy
and with a host of friends among prom
inent and wea'thy men in the coun
try, Charles Y. Yeaton, the inventor.
ia dead at the home of incurables, a
cnarity patient. Paralysis, from
which he had suffered two yeara, caused
his death Yeaton invented a number
of mat bines, among which waa a type'
setting machine, the first ever offered
for sala. He enjoyed an intimate ac
quaintance with President Andrew
Johnson, who offered him a diplo
matic post at bt. I'eteiBburg.
Aldermen Indicted for Grafting.
Buffalo, Oct. 3. As the result of
District Attorney Coatsworth'a lnvesti
agtion of charges of alleged "grafting'
on the part of city officials, three pre
ent aldermen and four former aldermi n
have been indicted. They are: John
Thomas Harp, Henry Moest and Orrin
F. Pierce, Aldermen, and Edward C.
Beiser, Louis G. Roedel, Henry G
Schneider and John G. Busch, former
aldermen. All the indicted men were
arraigned today and pleaded not guilty.
British Steamer Stopped.
Chefoo Oct. 3. The British atcamer
Yik Sang, trading in China aaea, ar
rived today and reports she was stopped
by a Japanese torpedo boat destroyer
outside of the harbor of Chefoo. After
5 r papers had been examined, the
Yik Sang waa allowed to ) rooeed.
Iron Said to Have Been Put In Life
Preserver Blocks.
Washington. Oct. 4. An alleged
conspiracy, which has been developed
by officials of the department of com
merce and labor and of the department
ol justice today resulted in the arrest
at Camden, N. J., of J. H. Stone, H.
C. OulnUrd, Charles W. Ruse and
James Rubs, officers of the Nonpareil
Cork wotks. They were apprehended
by the United States marshal for the
district of New Jersey, under an indict
ment found on September 20 by the
United States grand Jury at Trenton,
charging them, under section 6440, of
the revised statutes of the United
States, with conspiiing to defraud the
goverment and prejudice the adminis
tration of the steamboat inspection
laws oy putting upon the market com
pressed cork blocks for use in making
life preservers, each of which blocks
contained in its center a piece of bar
iron about six inches long and weigh
ing eight ounces. The iron bar was
inserted and concealed in the block
for the purpose of increasing the weight
to the legal requirement of six pounds
of good cork for each life preserver.
The men arrested will be arranged be
fore the United States district court of
New Jersey, to plead to the indictment.
Early in August, David Kahneweil-
ers' Sons, manufacturers of life pre
servers in New York city, ordered from
the Nonpareil Cork works at Curmlen,
N. J., blocks of compressed corks for
1,750 life preservers. Eight of these
corks are used in each preserver, and
the United States law requires that
the tight blocks shall contain six
pounds of cork. When the cork
blocks were delivered, it waa difcov-
ered (hat eight of the blocks weighed
only 6 pounds.
Kahneweilera' Sons thereupon wrote
the Nonpareil Cork works and that
company replied that it would adjust
the matter by sending to Kahneweilers'
Sons some extra heavy blocks, one of
which could be used in each life pre
server, thus increasing its weight to
the legal requirement. In due time
the blocks arrived. They were so
heavy aa to arouse suspicion. One of
them waa broken, aud imbedded in Its
center was found an iron bar six
inches long, one inch wide and a quar
ter of an inch thick, weighing eight
ounces. The Kahneweilers again
wrote to the officers oi the Nonpareil
Cork works, demanding to know what
they meant by putting iron in the
cork blocks, and informing them that
aa Kahneweilera' Sons were obliged to
put their names on each preserver,
such a fraud would ruin their busi-
According to the indictment a letter
waa received in leply suggesting that
the Kahneweilers were foolish to make
so much trouble about a small affair of
that kind.
Further examination of the "extra
heavy" blocks disclosed the fact that
each of them contained an iron bar
similar to that which was found in the
first one. In all 261 of the extra
heavy blocks were received by Kahne
weilers' Sons. Kahneweilers' Sons
communicated with Robert S. Rodie,
supervising inspector of the steamboat
inspecting service for the district of
New York, and he reported the fucta to
acting secretary of the department of
commerce and labor, Lawrence O. Mur
ray. The investigation and indict
ment followed.
Two Hundred Homeless.
Alhuaueraue. N. M.. Oct. 4. The
wild awnfln nf water, raisins the Rio
Grande to the highest point for more
than a year, has maue zuu people in
mis vicinity uomeiess. Dareios.
mhurb. is under two feet of water and
many homes are abandoned. Alamedo
is threatened bv the terrific pressure
upon the dam, which it is feared may
give way. The railroads have suffered
greatly in the Rio Grande valley.
ine eania re is at a sianusiin an
through New Mexico.
Bridge Washed Out.
Lamar, Colo., Oct. 4. The flood in
the Arkansas river reached hers tody
and washed out the north approach of
the bridge over the river at this place.
The bottom land on the north side is
under water. The river is rising rap'
idly but no further damage is antici
pated here. Telephone reports from
Prowers, nine miles west of Lamar,
show that the water there ia at the
highest stage known in 30 years. The
entire Prowers lanch is under water
and the residenta were compelled to
seek safety on the tops of their houses.
Work on Russian Ships Begun.
Toulon, France, Oct. 4. The man
agera of the Societe des Forges el
Chantiera were interviewed today con
cerning the report that they are to
build a number of cruisers and torpedo
boat dsetroyers for the new Russian
navy, lhcy stated inai me negotia
tions on the sublet t bad made cnnU-
erble progress, but it was desirable to
withhold the particulars, in order to
avoid possible international entangle'
American Diplomat fined.
New York, Oct. 4. Arthur Denn
Piatt, American vice consul, has been
fined 10 shillings, according to an
American dispatch from Dublin, for
furious riding on a motorcycle within
the city limits. His case waa heard in
a i olice court.
Distinguished Women of the Coun
try Booked for Next Year.
Oregon City One of the main fea
tures of the Willamette Valley Chatau-
qua assembly for 1905 will be the part
to De taken by the leading women ol
the country and for which the board of
directors Is already arranging. It is
the purpose of the Chautangna manage-ment-to
devote two entire daya of next
year 'a session to women and women's
work, and to insure the success of this
feature of the assembly an effort has
been started to secure the services of
such distinguished women aa Mrs.
Charlotte Perkins-Oilman, of New
York, a grand niece of Henry Ward
Beecher and a literary writer of wide
reputation; Mies Anna Shaw, president
of the r-ational Woman Suffrage asso
ciation, and also Mrs. Catt, president
ot the National federation of Women's
Secretary Cross is in correspondence
with these celebrities and expects to be
able to eecure their attendance and ser
vices in making the 11)05 Chautauqua a
grand success. In forming the program
and engaging lecturers for next year
the othcers of the Willamette Valley
Chautauqua association will take ad
vantage of the holding of the Lewis and
Clark fair, and will engage only the
best of talent in everv department, that
the exercises may be up to a hinh
standard for the entertainment of the
many visitors from distant points.
since the Chautauqua sessions will be
held during the life of the 1905 expo
Trustees Inspect One Recently In
stalled at Mute School.
Salem The new septic tank recent
ly constructed at the State Mute school
is giving complete satisfaction. The
board of trustees of that institution
visited the school and weie highly
pleased with the Improvement in the
sewerage system, which makes the con
ditions there more healthful.
'It seems to me that the septic tank
will come, into general use in cities,"
said Governor Chamberlain, after li ia
return from the Mute . school. "By
this process all solid matters are con
sumed and the outflow from the septic
tana is clear ami odor less liquid. 1
believe these tanks should be used even
where there is good sewer connections.
for by this means the sewer system ran
be made to carry a larger amount of
refuse and the stream into which it is
turned will not be so heavily polluted.
In suburban districts where there aie
no sewer connections the spetic tank
will do much to improve sanitary con
ditions. 1 believe the people should
Investigate the subject and learn the
value of the septic tank."
Coming Events.
Portland Presbytery, Fairview, Octo
ber 10.
Baker County Fair, Baker City, Otto
ber 11-15.
Klamath County Agricultural asso
ciation, Klamath Falls, October 12-14.
Federation of Women's clubs, Baker
City, Octol r. 12-14.
Fruit lair, Hood River, October
Oregon Press association, Hood
River, October 14-15.
Baptist Young People's convention.
McMinnville, October 14.
Oregon W. C. T, U., state conven
tion, Portland, October 18-27.
Inland Empire Teachers association,
Pendleton, October 19-21.
Power Prom the McKenzle.
Eugene Notice haa been filed with
the county clerk by the Willamette
Valley Electric Railroad company ol
ts intention to appropriate from the
McKenzie river 15,000 cubic inehes of
water, by miners' n.eastire, under six
inch pressure, to be used in generat
ing power to operate all kinda of elec
trical machinery. The point where
the water is to be taken from the river
Is given as on the north bank near the
line between sections 35 and 30. town
ship 16, range 2 east, and describes the
line of the canal 14,000 feet long.
Step Toward New Can rectory.
Astoria A deed haa I een find for
record whereby the American Can com
pany sella to the Pacific Sheet Metal
works the frontage of lota 1 and 2, block
3. The property ia the site of the old
can factory and the consideration nam
ed in $1, although the price paid is
understood to be $20,000. This ia the
firBt step toward the establishment of
tl.e new can factory, which the Pacific
Sheet Metal works will start here before
the opening of the fishing sawn.
Sugar-flaking at La Grande.
La Grande The La Grande Amalga
mated Sugar factory is running day and
night, and will have a run of over 90
days on the sugar beets raised in the
Grand Konde, which amount to 25,000
tons. The beets from Umatilia county
will keep the factory running consider
ably later this season than usual.
Beets are being plowed and pulled in
the valley, and tons aie being hauled
t) the factory every day.
Development of Copper nine.
Medford Two tunnels are being
driven in the Blue Ledge copper mine,
located about 30 miles west of Medford,
near the California line, and owned by
a New York company. These tunnels
are driven to deteimine the extent and
value cf the property. The force of 13
men will be increased soon. So far,
the quality of the ore ia all that could
be d .-tired.
Prompt Action Urged on Blue Rlv
er Mines.
Eugene D. II. Weyant, who ia
working up an interest throughout the
mining districts of the state in prepar
ing exhibita for the Lewia and Clark
exposition, waa lu Eugene. He waa in
conference with mining men and othera
and urging prompt action toward pre
paring an exhibit for the Blue River
Mr. Weyant urges that unless some
thing ia done immediately the district
cannot be well represented, because it
will be necessary to get out samples
before a inter sets in and closes up the
mines. If left until spring, it will be
too late, hence it ia desired ; that the
exhibits be collected and boxed this
fall. The Commercial club haa taken
an interest in the matter and has called
a meeting for next Wednesday evening,
at which time a plan will begin forth
Many Cords of Wood Held Up In the
Vicinity of Meacham.
La Grande It ia reported that there
is tied up by government inspectors
around Meacham, 25 miles west of this
city, 2,000 cords of wood believed to
have been cut from land not yet out of
government ownership. A large num
ber of men have filed on land in the
mountains. Of each 160 acres 120 ia
grazing land and 40 acres timber land.
l'he pre-emptora can get ' the grazing
land on time, and yet use it for grazing
purposes. To acquire title enough to
give them the right to cut wood on the
remaining 40 acres they miiBt pay down
n full for the land. This it is alleged
many have not done.
The marketing of the 2,000 cords de
pends upon the outcome of the investi
gation. It is believed it will be releas
ed upon the settlement of each individ
ual for the 40 acres of timber land by
paying the cash (or it, as was the orig
inal intention.
New Camp Will Be Opened In the
Bohemia District.
Eugene According to the report of
W. 8 Crabb, a prospector who baa juat
come down from the mountains in the
vicinity of the Upper Willamette, an
other rich mining camp ia about to be
opened up in this county.
Mr. Crabb reports the discovery of a
very rich ledge of quarts, which be aaya
is 60 feet wide, samples of the ore from
which he brought out for assay. From
his description of the location, it is 20
miles above Hazel Dell post office, and
must theiefore be about that distance
to tiie east and north of the Bohemia
mining district.
fruits for the St. Louis Pair.
La Grande W. K. Newell, of Dilley,
Or., and George II. Lamberson, of
Portland, have been in the valley dur
ing the past week, gathering Grand
Konde fruits fot the St. Louis fair.
Judd Geer, of the Cove, horticultural
commissioner for Eastern Oregon, and
A. C. Gail, a prominent fruitgrower at
Union, assisted them sin gathering a
choice assortment, and tbey expressed
themslelves as highly pleased with the
excellent fruit grown here. Apples are
being picked and packed for the fall
makets. Over 100 cars will be sent
out from the valley this season. Prune .
packing and picking is still going on.
The fruit growers of Grande Konde will
crganize and hold meetings pertaining
to the growth and sale of fruits and
other things concerning their common
Sheep Poise ned on the Trail.
Lakeview Three hundred mutton
sheep en route to the railroad for ship
ping are said to have been poisoned
along the main tiaveled road between
here and Bend. The alleged poisoning
happened near a spring, and analysis of
the stomachs of some of the sheep ia
said to have disclosed saltpeter and
strychnine. The name of the owner
could not be learned, nor the mo ive of
the reported deed. The scene is in one
of the remotest portions of Central
Oregon, end only alight details reacned
Investigate Sherman Land Claims.
The Dalles Francis W. Clementa
and James I. Parker, attorneys of
Washington, D. C, representing the
secretary of the interior, are here to
confer with Special Agent Neubausen
and the local land officials upon the
investigation of the claims of the Sher
man county settlers. After their con
ference in this city they will leave for
Pan Francisco, there to meet the offi
cers of the Eastern Oregon Land com
Pny. Many Agrlcs Enrolled.
Corvallis The enrollment at the
Oregon Agricultural college has passed
the 600 mark, and is now 103 greater
than in the same day last year. The
count is confined to students in the
actual college courses, and is not inclu
sive of music pupils and other aide is
sues. The number ia more than dou
ble that in the academic and college
course of any other educational institu
tion in Oregon.
Wheat Market.
Portland Walla Wlla, Sl$82c;
bluestem, 86c; valley, 85o
Tacoma Bluestera, 87e; elub, 83.
Colfax Club,71c; bluestem, 7c.
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