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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
1W ! if i 1 . "IT'S A COLD DAY WHEN WE GET LEFTV " ' VOL. XVI. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1904. XO. 20. i 1 i i i ,' . ,JZZZ HOOD RIVER GLACIER Issued every Thursday by ARTHUR D. MOB, Pubttshw. Term, of subscription 11.60 year When paid In advauoe. fAK GROVK COUNCIL No. 1, ORDER OP U PKN DO. Meets the Second and Fourth Fridaviol the mouth. Visitors cordially wel comed. F. U. Bkosius, Couusellor. Miss Niuil Cukk, Secretary. BDEBFABIHNOTON. Hood River Union No. 142. meet In Odd Fellows' hall tecond and fourth Saturdays In each month, 7 :Su o'clock. It. U Boon, President. C. U. Uakim, Secretary, HOOD RIVER CAMF, No. 7,703, M. W. A., meets in K. ol V. Hall every Wednesday Dlght M. M. HUHHELL, V. C. C. U. Dakih, Clerk. HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 770, W. O. W., meets on first and third Tuesday of each month in Odd hellow Hall. A. C. bTAT, C. C. F. 11. Blaoo, Clerk. WAUCOMA L01K1E, No. 80, K. of P., meets In K. of V. Hall every Tuesday night. H. M. Duals, C. C. C. E. Human, K. of R. 4 8. HOOD K1VER CHAPTER, No. 26, O. B.8., meets second and fourth luesdav even ings of each month. Visitors cordially wel comed. Thikehi Cahtmir, W. M, M ms. Maby B. Davidson, Secretary. OOD RIVER CIRCLE, No. 624. Women of Woodcraft, meets at K. of P. Hall on the first and third Fridays of each month. He LIN Nokion, Uuardian Neighbor. Nellie Hollowell, clerk. CAN BY I'OST, No. 16, 0. A. R., meets at A. O. U. W. Hall, second and fourth Saturdays of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. K. members invited to meet with us. H. 11. Bailey, Commander. T. J. Cdnmino, Adjutant. CANBY W. R. C, No. 16, meets second and fourth Saturdays of each month In A. 0. U. W. Hall at 2. m. Mrs. Alida Shoemaker, President. Mrs. T. J. Cunning, Secretary. EDEN ENCAMPMENT, No. 48, I. 0. O. F., Regular meeting second and fourth Mon days of each month. A. J. Uatcuell, C. P. Debt Emtricam. Scribe. IDLEWILD LODGE, No. 107, I. 0. O. F.. meets In Fraternal Hall, every Thursday night. J. K. Rxes, N. 0. Bert Emtrican, Secretary. OOD RINER CHAPTER, No. 7, R. A. M., meets third Friday night of each month. O. R. Castner, H. P. D. McDonald, Secretary. COURT HOOD RIVER No. 42, Foresters of America, meets second and fourth Mon days In each mouth In K. of P. Hall. H. T. DEVirr, C. R. F. C. Brosius, Financial Secretary. LAUREL BEBEKAH DEGREE LODGE, No. 87, 1. O. O. F., meets tirst and third Fridays in each month. Francis Mom, N. U. Tuereke Castner, Secretary. HOOD RIVER LODGE No. 108, A. F. and A. 11., meets Saturday evening on or before each full moon. D. McDonald, W. M. K. B. Savaue, Secretary. OLETA ASSEMBLY No. 10S, United Artisans, meets flmt and third Wednesday!, work; second and fourth Wednesdays, social; Arti sans hall. D. McDonald, M. A. E. M. McCarty, Secretary. RIVERSIDE LODGE No. 68, A. O. U. W.,meeti first and third Saturdays of each month. E. R. Bradley, f inancier. W. B. Shuti,- W. M, J. O. Haynes, Recorder. RIVERSIDE LODGE, NO. 40, Degree of Hon or, A. O. U. W, meets first and third Satur days at 8 p. m. Mrs. Sarah Bbadley, C. of H. Alias Cora Copfia Recorder. Mrs. Lucretia 1 bather, Financier MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 8,469, R. N. A. Meets at K. of P. hall on the second and fourth Friday of each month, Mrs. Emma Jones, Oracle. Mrs. Ella Darin, Recorder. J1J E. WELCH, THE VETERINARY SURGEON. Has returned to Hood River and la prepared to do any work in the veterinary line. He can be found by calling at or phoning to Clarke's drug store. J)R. A. F. ROWLEY DENTIST Office over Rowley & Co.'s Pharmacy, Hood River Heights. Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Phone 961. J)R. W. T. ROWLEY PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, OCULIST Office and Pharmacy, Hood River Heights. Phone, Main 961. J H. HARTW1G LAWYER , Will Practice in All Courts. Office with Geo. D. Culbertson A Co. Collec tions, Abstracts, Settlement of Estates. HOOD RIVER OREGON Q H. JENKINS, D. M. D. . DENTIST. Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, M. Office over Bank Bldg. Hood River, Oregon t L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Baccessor to Dr. M. t. Shaw. Calls promptly answered In town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611; Office, tit. Otiice over Reed's Grocery. j F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 2SS. SURGEON O. B. A N. CO. JOHN LELAND HENDER80N ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. ABSTRACTER. HO. TARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE, AGENT. For SS years a resident of Oregon and Wash ington, lias nau wan? jwn u)inuw m Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no cuarge. A, JAYNE. LAWYER. Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. Hood River, Oregon. p C. BROSITJS, M. D. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; J to 3 and o to v r. jn. JOGER 8. SANBORN ATTORNEY AT LAW nnoD RIVER OEIGOK WEEK'S DOINGS Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts of the world. Or INTEREST TO OUR READERS i General Review of Important Happen- pcnlgs Presented In a Brief and Condensed Corm. ' The Chilean training ship General Baguedana ii at Ban Fancisco. The Japanese are pieparing for' a flanking movement against Kuropatkin. Reports from Port Arthur elaim that here is plenty of-coal foi months yet. Figure just published show Japan's financial cod it ion to be in good shape. Large numbers of Japanese rein forcements are being hurried to Muk den. The Port Arthur fleet is expected to make another attempt shortly to es cape. Senator Hoar is very low and his son says his death may be expected at any moment. Russia is likely to again yield to the protest of America and remove cottton fro n the contraband list. Tbett:mer Ciusaler, from Port land, reported captured by Japanese, has been released and proceeded to Shanghai. President Reyes is meeting with much opposition in the Colombian sen ate to the resumption of amicaole rela tions with the United States. The German navy Is to be increased. Russia will probably demand of Britain her Intentions in Thibet. Fire at the Bethleham, Pa., steel works destroyed property valued at $250,000. A foreign cruiser was sighted 30 miles off Golden Gate, which may prove to be the Russian vessel Korea. The British steamer Crusader, from Portland to Chinese ports with lum ber, has been captured by Japanese Cruisers. General Orloff will be transferred from the Manchurian army on ac count of his blunder at Llao Yang, and may even be retired. Carrie Nation announces that she is about to begin another crusade at Wichita, Kan., and asks the women of that city to join her. The Japanese have captured six more forts at Port Arthur with a loss of 3000 men. One of the forts taken guards the water supply of the garri son and city. A Pennsylvania woman suffragist advocates that all married women should go on strike and refuse to cook for their husbands until given the right to vote. The new Russian minister of the in terior will adopt a liberal policy toward tbe Jews. Admiral Dewey has just celebrated the 60th anniversary of his entrance into tbe navy. A freight train struck a wagon load ed with dynamite near Cumberland, W. Va. Two trainmen weie killed and nine persons injured. Japanese forces, divided into four armies, continue to advance on Muk den. St. Petersburg does not believe Kuropatkin will stubbornly resist the advance. Vesuvius is giadually becoming act ive. Allies ana sparks oi nre rise oc casionlaly to a height of 700 feet. The eruption is the most spectacular in the last ten years. Cholera has appeared at Port Arthur. Dp to the present only a few cases have been reported, but tbeie are grave fears that the disease will be come epidemic. The Japanese are attacking Port Arthur in a much fiercer manner than ever before. wnoie rjaiuuions are killed by Russian mines. The squad rons of Togo and Kamimura assist in the assault. Hungary has placed Mormonism under a ban. The Japanese continue to move to- wair Uuxuen, The fraternatiea of America will meet in Portland in 190S. New Yoi is experiencing the coldest September in 34 years Chief Joseph, the famous Nez Perces Indian warrior, ia dead. The Sovereign grand lodge of the Odd Fellows will meet in Philadelphia next year. The Rnsian Vladivostok cruisers are reported to have put to iea to prey up on commerce. By the collapse of a pier of a steel bridge at Vinita, I. T., three men were killed and 20 injuerd. A fire which broke oat in Boston at an early morning hour trapped seven men who were unable to escape. The Rock Island railroad has laid off nearly 2.000 of the men in Kansas shops in order to i educe expenses. A revised list of the Russian casual tiesatLtao Yang shows that 1,810 were killed, 10,811 wounded and 1,212 left on the field. King Peter, of Servia, has been crowned. Russia expects the ships at Port Ar thur to sally forth soon. , General Corbin holds that army offi cers should not marry unites they have more than their pay and are free from de6t. BLOCKADE TIGHTENING. Absence of News Tram Port Arthur Alarms the Slavs. 81. Petersburg, Sept. 29. The entire absence o( Hews fiom Port Arthur, it is feared, indicates a closer blockade there. Hitherto, dispatches from General Stoessel have been coming through eerul-weexly. The admiralty has not received any details of the re ported sea fight off Aniva, at the south eastern extremity of Sahalin. The Vladivostok squadron, it is understood, ia still in the harbor. The cannonad ing at Aniva was probably a Japanese attack on blockade runners. A telegram received here from Bat oum reporting that reserves are being transported along the Caucasian coast brings the first intimation that troops are being mobilized there. There are only two army corps in the Caucasus, and, one of them has apparently been ordered to the Far East. Prince Sviatopolk-Mireky was re ceived in audience yesterday by the emperor. The prince will assume charge of the ministry of the interior today. The latest developments in the situ ation at tbe front is the definite estab lishment of the fact that Field Marshal Oyuma has now begun to move up his left. General Kuropatkin's report shows that the Japanese have reached Da van, on the west bank of tbe Liao river. A considerable concentration ot Japanese is observed at Bianchan, on the Hun river, 35 miles southwest of Mukden, and Japanese cavalry is mass ing in the vicinity of the Pu river. Tbe latter is a tributary of the Hun river, which cropses tbe line of railway midway between Tie pass and Mukden, and may furnish a natural line of ad vance fiom the west. Oyama's armies now apparently cov er a front of 60 miles for enveloping movements. His wings are extended to the northeast and west of Mukden. Thus far the Russians have found little strength of pressure from the Japanese center. Ovama seems to be moving with great deliberation, probably gath ering strength for a rapid advance of both wings when an attempt is made to close the net. Although the imaginary line connect ing the extreme Japanese advance and west of Mukden still passes ten miles below that city, it is evident that the fate of Mukden cannot long be delayed. If General Kuropatkin intends to try to hold the city fighting on bis flanks will begin almost immediately. ALEXierr to cone home. His Position Will Be That of An Advisor to the Emperor. St. Petersburg, Sept. 29. Although an official announcement to the effect is not expected immediately, since it will require some .little time to get Rus sia's second army in the field, the des ignation of Grand Duke Nicholas Nicholaevitch, the inspector general of cavalry, as commander in chief is re garded as practically settled. Tbe sit uation at the front, with two, and per haps ultimately three, big armies, is considered to demand, above all else, that the supreme commander be of such personal authority as to be be yond jealousies and the possibility of intrigue on the part of subordinates, and such a man tbe emperor now rea lize can only be supplied by a member of the imperial family. Grand Duke Nicholas is regarded as extremely well fitted for this great responsibility. Grand. Duke Nicholas will not rely upon a single adviser, but on a staff comprising the ablest strategists of the general staff, who in reality will con stitute a board ot direction of military operations. Viceroy Alexieff is regarded as al most certain to return here. The re port that he may become chancellor of the empire, however, is exploded. He is more likely to retain his title and come to St. Petersburg, nominally in the capacity of adviser to the emperor, and will thus efface himself as a factor of the military situation in the Far East. Threatened the President. Des Moines, la., Sept. 29. Edward Dalhrmer was arrested at Emmetts burg this afternoon by a poetoffice in spector, charged with sending obscene and threatening letters to President Roosevelt, Miss Alice Roosevelt, Helen Gould and J. J. Hill. He is believed to be insane, and he proposed marriage and demanded money from Helen Gould. He demanded money of Hill. His letter to Miss Rooeevelt is not made public. That to the president was filled with denunciation in vile terms and threats. Carshops are Closed. Chicago, Sept. 29. The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad company today practically closed down its car and locomotive shops here. The en forced idleness came unexpectedly. The union boiler makers employed in the shops had made demands for high er wages a few days before tbe shut down came. General Superintendent of Motive Power Reed, however, denied that the shutdown was in any way at' tributable to these demands. Torpedoboat Lost. London, Sept. 29. Tbe British tor pedo boat destroyer Chamoia has been lost off the island of Cepbalonia. in the Mediterranean.' All on board were saved. While going at full speed on a trial yesterday, a screw blade came off, pierced the botton of the destroyer and she sank. OREGON NEWS ASYLUM NEEDS AN ADDITION. Steady Increase of Insane Is Crowd ing Building's Capacity. Salem The steady increase in the number of patients at the state insane asyum will make necessary the con struction of a new cottage next year. wun room lor iuu patientB. Such a cottage, to be constructed at the asy lum farm, will cost about $25,000 and tbe legislature will be aksed to appro priate -money for that purpose. Tbe growing population will also necessi tate the construction ot a new dining room at a cost of $3,000, tbe new ad dition to be 40x40 feet and two stories high. The last legislature appropriated money for the expense of replacing a number of wornout lavatories and that work has been attended to. Other old lavatories and stWdr connec tions have become faulty with age and must be replaced. To put tin bo in good condition will require an appro priation of $16,000. The asylum building has not been painted for many years and liecause of that fact it is rapidly showing the effects of time and Btorm. Superin tendent Calbreath will recommend in his biennial report that the main building be repainted throughout. This will cost about $12,000. All the permanent improvements needed at that inftitutiton will cost in the neigh borhood ol $55,000. At the ief. rm iibnol, mute school and blind school only minor repairs and improvements will be necessary and not very heavy appropriations will be needed for them. At the state pris on many improvements nave ueen made in the past year without definite apropriation and not much in tbe way of large improvement! Will be needed at that institution next year. The last legislature passed an act providing that the proceeds of convict labor shall con stitute a betterment fund, which may be expended for repairs and improve merits under the direction of the gover nor, liy virtue ol tins act money nas been expended from time to time and the prison property has been put in good condition. ELECTORIAL TICKETS TILED. Republicans, Democrats, Prohibit ionists and SoctellsT Take Step. Salem The presidential electorial tickets of four politcial parties have bene filed in the office of Secretary of State Dunbar. The parties represi nt ed are Republican, Democratic, Prohi bition and Socialist, and It is under stood that the Populists will also file petitions nominating an electorial tick et. John H. Simtb, one of the nomin ees on the Democratic ticket, resigned, and bis place was filled by the appoint ment of W. 8. Hamilton by the state ctntral committee. The electorial tickets filed are as follows: Republican G. B. Dimick, James A. Fee, J. N. Hart, A. C. Hough. Democratic Thomas H. Crawford, John A. Jeffrey, W. B. Dllard, W. S. Hamilton. Prohibition Leslie Butler, I. H. Amos, W. P. Elmore, T. 8. McDaniel. Socialist S. H Unit, William Beard, C. W. Bargee, J. C. Herrington. Coming Events. Wallowa Fair association, Enterprise, October 3-8. Eastern Oregon District fair, The Dalles, October 3-8. Portland PreBbytery, Fairview, October 10. Baker County fair, Baker City, October 11-15. Klamath County Agricultural asso ciation, Klamath Falls, Octobei 12-14. Oregon W. C. T. U. State conven tion, Portland, October 18-27. Inland Empire Teachers' association, Pendleton, October 19-21. Teachers are Scarce. Pendleton Tbe Pendleton public schools have opened with a large en rollment in all the grades. Almost all the rooms are crowded and Superin tendent E. B. Conklin is looking for suit able bouses to relieve the congestion. Three new school houses "will be ready for occupancy before tbe first of the year. At the present time scarcely one-half of the county schools have been suppl el with teachers. County Superintendent of Schools Frank K. Welles is being besieged daily by di rectors asking for teachers. Surveying for Trolley Line. Eugene Three crews of surveyors are making the preliminary surveys for the Willamette Valhy Electric Rail way company. One crew started from Corvallis and will work toward Eu gene. One is working in the direction of the Siuslaw and the third is work ing eastward up the McKenzie river. It is stated by tbe manager of the com pany that this preliminary work will be followed by permanent surveys and then the work of construction. Enrollment at Agricultural College. Corvallis The registration of stu dents at the Oregon Agricultural col lege breaks all former records. Tbe enrollment to date is 406, against 320 last year. The increase is 86. The freshman class is largey increased, the number registered being 197, or, in cluding aubfreshmen, 209. Wheat Market. Portland Walla Willa, 8081c; blueatem, 85c; valley, 8c. Tacoma Bluestem, 86c; club, 81c. Colfax Club,71c; blaettein, 76c. OP INTEREST CATTLE WILL STARVE, farmers Did Not Rotate Crops, and are Short of reed. Salem "The unfortunate situation in which Willamette valley farmers find themselves this year because of a shortage of feed for their stock is a cause tot regret, epecially since it Is entirely unnecessary. When J. K. Sears said in an interview a few days ago that cattle will starve in the valley this winter for want of feed he told the plain truth It is a truth we dislike to acknowledge, but it should teach us a lesson." This is an aserlion made by Director James withycombe, of the Oregon ex perimental station, at Corvallis, while he was attending the state fair. "I don't mean that any large propor tion of valley livestock wiil starve, or that they will die because of the en tire absence of feed. What I mean, and what Mr. Sears evidently meant. was that feed is so scarce that many farmers will put their stork on very short rations, with the result that they will become emaciated and will die from disease or exposure, Call it what you will, it is starvation. "Now I refer to this only because I want to say and prove that it is a con dition that is as unnereaary as it is un fortunate. This has been a very dry season, such as Willamette valle) farmers had no reason to expect, but this does not excuse their being unpre pared for it. Our experience at the agricultural college farm shows that if crops were rotated as they should be, the yield of hay would not have been light, and spring Bown grain would have produced well, notwilhstading the lack of lain." Ashland foundry Burned. Ashland The Ashland Iron works, foundry and machine elions have burn ed involving a loss vthich may reach $10,000. By hard work the detached pattern shop building was saved, but the molding, machine shop and office buildings, in which were much valua ble machinery, were badly gutted. The fire started between tha foundry and the machine shop looms, fiom a cause unknown. The company carried insurance amounting to $6,500. The plant was kept busy with orders, and employed a good sized force. Loss Is Remarkably Small. Halern "About two Suctions of good timber were destroyed by forest fires this season in the Santiam country," says Manager John A. Shaw, of the Curtis Lumber company, of Mill City. 'Theie were thousands of acres ol slashing burned over, but fortunately the amount of good timber destroyed was small in comparison with the quantity of danger of destruction. The Curtis Lumber company lost about 640 acres of timber by fire." State fair Has Balance. Salem While not all the year's business of the state bboard of agricul ture has been concluded, Secretary Wylie A. Moires fimls from his r cordB that the state fair this year came out $2,500 to the good. The total receipts were $30,0(10 of which $10,000 came from the state appropriation for agri cultural premiums. The fair board paid premiums to the amount of $10, 500, the additional $500 being taken from miscellaneous receipts. Work on McKenzie Road. Eugene Reports from the superin tendent of the work on the McKenzie road show rapid progress and indicate much good to come from tbe $6,000 expenditure, half of which was appro priated by the county and half raised by subscription. Already 15 miles of the worst part oi the road have been put in first-class shape, and the ciew will work about a month longer. Coquille Sawmill Sold. Riverton A company has purchased tbe Coquille saw mill and also Peart's coal mine adjoining Coquille City. The company will make extensive im provements at once, it is said, in both (he mill and the mine. It is under stood that the mill will start up at once for the purpose of cutting tim bers for the new bunker which will be at once constructed for the mine. Coalbunker for R I erf on. Riverton The new coal bunker for the Riverton Mining & Development company is nearing completion under the supervision of the McLeod Bros., who have tbe building contract. This bunker has a capacity of about 600 tons, having in upper and a lower com pel tment for shipping and local trada, respectively. Shelves for State Library, Salem State Librarian J. B. nam has procured four new oak cafes, with shelves on both sides, ing a capacity of 1,000 books to case. The cases cost $125 each. Pu. book hav- each This addition to tbe library equipment was made necessary by the accumulation of books which have been piled up on the floor, tables and shelves Teachers Scarce In Linn County, Albany Schoolteachers arce scare in Linn county and the probabilities are that some schools in the rural districts may have to remain closed 'during the year. Wages ranging from $30 to $55 are offered, but competent teachers are not to be found aj tbe price. DEATH LIST GROWING. Sixty-Two Victims of Wreck on the Southern Railroad So Tar. Knoxville, Ten., Sept, 28. The death list, as a result of tbe - fearful wreck on (he Southern railway, near New Market, has grown tonight to 62, and it will probably exceed 70, as many of the injured are in a serious condit ion and more deaths will occur at the hospital. Today there were six deaths at that institution. A force ot 150 men tolled all day long at the scene of the wreck. Be fore 1 o'clock the track was clear for through trains, but it required many hours to clear the debris. Small fragment of bodies were found today, but it is thought that they be long to bodies already found and brought to this city. One hi tie baby was found by the wreckers, but that was all. The cause of the terrible loss of life on the heavy east-bound tram was ex plained today. It seems that the sec ond coach plowed it way into a bank in such a manner that the other cars were jammed into it and pushed on by the weight of the heavy Pullmans were crushed like egg shells. The physicians at the hospital state tonight that of the long list ot injured which they have in their care, it is probable that not more than four will die. The complete list of injured as given by the railroad officials shows a total of 102, but this included all per sons who were slightly hurt or scratch ed. PEACE MADE WITH REBELS. Uruguayan Government Mow Has War Claims to race. Buenos Ayres, Sept. 28. Confirma tion has been received here of the re port of tbe conclusion ot peace between the Uruguayan government and the revolutionists under General Munos. In explanation of the government forces surprising the insurgent camp, it ap pears that notification of the recent ruptuie of peace negotiations was com municated to Fernandez, a revolution ary political leader, but not to those underarms; and up to the morrent of the unxepected attack by the gov ernment forces, the commanders of the rebels had not been informed that a rupture of negotiations had taken place. The fact becoming known that the revolutionists were not actively hostile led to the resumption of con ferences, with tbe result that terms of peace were agreed upon. There la general rejoicing bare and In Uruguay over the outcome. It Is expected tha. claims will be presented by diplomatic representatives of foreign governments for damages and losses to foreign residents to the amoi'nt of sev eral million dollars, and the financial outlook is, consequently, gloomy. VESUVIUS VERY VIOLENT. Curious Tourists Kept Back rrom Danger with Difficulty. Naples, Sept. 28. The eruption ol Vesuvius continues to Increase In force, and is now more violent than any time since 1872. Red hot stones are hurled to a height of 1,600 feet, falling down the flanks of the mountain with a deaf ening sound. The director of the observatory says that between 5 o'clock this morning and 6 o'clock this afternoon his instiu ment registered 1,844 violent explo sions, and that one stone thrown out weighed about two tons. Lava flowing from the crater has melted the metal of the Funicular railway, and destroyed the wooden huts In which the guides live. All vegetation within a radius of one mile of the crate has disappeared Several earthquakes were felt today Some of the people in the surrounding villages have left their homes and are camped in the open air. The curiosity of tourists to approach the volcano Is such that a large number of carbineer guards have been detailed to prevent them from pressing beyond the pre scribed limits. Molten Slag Scatters. Prescott, Ariz , Sept. 28. An ex plosion of molton slag last night caused the total destruction ol the Valverde smelter, 20 miles east of Prescott. The smelter employes were engaged in drawing slag from the furnace and were unable to get a plug in to stop It. When the molten mass ran on to the wet floor an explosion followed. The building and machinery were destroyed. The plant was of 300 tons capacity and cost between $150,000 and $200,000, with insurance to tbe amount of $60,. 000. Spilt Rail Did It. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 28. Several people were injured, one fatally, in a wreck on the New York Central rail road a short distance east of Lyons early this morning. Three sleepers on the Western Express, a fast train bound from New York to Chicago, left the track because of a split rail and threw the passengers to the floor of the coaches. Just as tbe train came to a standstill a fast freight train east bound ran into the derailed cars. Drinking Soldiers Start Riots. Berlin, Sept. 28. The Tageblatt's Kiscbinet correspondent telegraphs that during the mobilization, anti-Semitic outbreaks-occurred in many parti ol Bessarabia owing to Jewish traders sell ing drink to the soldiers. ARE AGITATED Continued Discussion of Fili pino Is Harmful. REVOLUTION BEING PREACHED Speeches of Antls arc Made Texts for riery Editorials Report of General Wright. Washington, . Sept. 28. President Rocevelt is In receipt ot a letter from Luke E. Wright, governor of the Phil ippines, in which the governor discuss es frankly some of the conditions which he encountered in directing the govern ment of the Islands. Under date of August 15, General Wright wrote in part as follows: ' ' "The effect of the continued discus sion of the capability of the Filipino for self government ie having its effect here, and makes our task more difficult than it otherwise would be. Unless a man is equipped with intelligence and those qualities which make for good citizenship, the more easily can he be persuaded that he is the possessor of all these qualities. These people have their full share of reckless, half-formed characters who are ready for intrigue in any direction which promises them profit or power. It ia this class which has largely given force and direction to the Aglipayan movement, and has recruited its ranks from tbe ignorant and dangerous elements. In this general connection, I may say to you as a matter of information that the agitation in the United States for Filipino indet a idence, and the spoken and written utterance of prom inent men who are urging It, are all brought here and pubished in the native newspapers -and are being made the text for . editorials insisting that the Filipinos are now ready to become an Independent nation. "The effect of all this is distinctly njurious. Its tendency is to renew the the influence of old insurrection leaders and make them active in preach ing the old propaganda. This, in turn, has the effect of demoralizing and weakening the more conaervative and thoughtful Filipinos, who fear if they speak out as they really think thev would be considered the enemies ol their people and lose their prestige with them. Those of the mote prominent and best educated class, and who, nat urally, have the:r ambitions, are in clined to Join in tbe general cry." UNIONS TEAR WAR. Large Plants are Adopting "Open Shop" Policy. Chicago, Sept. 28. The opening of the plants of the International Har vester company and the Pullman com pany on the "open shop" basis, free from labor union regulations, has alarmed Chiago labor leaden. The fact that ,000 union men will ingly returned to work for the big har vester company, under the new condi tions, is admitted to presage disruption of theii unions. Fear is expressed that the recent de feats of laboi unions, and the reduc tions obtained in wages, may be fol lowed by many other large concerns. That a grave crisis is felt in labor union affairs seems to be certain from the failure of the ito.kyards, the ma chinists and the garment workers strikes. All these walkouts hav re sulted disastrously for the union men and women. In addition to this, the following companies have reduced their wage scale and established the open shop: Inland Steel company, Illinois Steel company, Republic Iron & Steel com pany, and concerns in tha Chicago Metal Trades association. After being closed down since September 16, the car shops of the Pullamn company '.re opened with a force of 2,000 men, out of a total of 7,000, who agreed to ac cept a cut of 10 to 20 per cent in theit pay. The union leaders are inclined to lay the blame on "lack of proper organiza tion," and government officials for fos tering the policy of the "open shop" by their action in the case of i mployea of the government printing bureau. Race Riot In Mississippi. Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 28. Two negroes were killed and three fatally injured in a race riot near Lynchburg, Miss., 15 miles south ot Memphis to day. The shooting took place on the plantation oi J. J. Johnion, who with his sons and two friends, went into field to gather a load ot corn. At the white men were driving their wagon from the field a fusillade from a party of blacks met them. The fire was re turned, with the-result that two ne groes were killed outright and three were fatally shot. . In Miners' Tavor. Scranton, Pa., Sept. 28. Judge Gray, to whom was referred the con troversy of the coal miners on the check weighman question, and which had previously been adjudicated by Carroll D. Wright in favor of the min ers, has also decided the ijsue in the same way. His decision was received by both W. L. Connell and T. D. Nich olls, of - the board of conciliation. The former represented the operators and the latter the miners. Winter May End righting. Mukden, Sept. 28. Doubts are be ginning to be felt as to whether it will be poss'ble to continue the campaign through the winter, which begins in November. The Chinese have been unable to harvest their crops, and there probably will be much distress, as it is very difficult to bring up store from China or the native population. f ! o o '4 1. .---l,.. t