The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 22, 1904, Image 6

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Inasmuch aft there had been some
talk about changing the boundary line
between Odell and Tine Grove school
districts, I beg to herewith quote from
aectlon 26 of the Oregon school laws
enacted in 1K91, towit:
"The district boundary board may
establish new districts on the petition
of three legal voters of said proposed
new district, and may change or divide
the districts of Its county when peti
tioned to do so by a majority of the
legal voters of the districts concerned
in the change."
Miss Mabel Crockett returned last
week from an extended visit with
friends In Portland.
Mr. Poole of The Dulles Is again
visiting friends at Odell. Rumor has
It that Mr. Poole will locate here.
Professor Thompson of Barrett spent
iturday at his Willow Oat ranch. Mr.
Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 2.5c at
Clias. N Clarke's drugstore.
ThnmiMoii has an abidiuir faith In
Hood Itiver valley, snd he proves bis
faith by backing it up with money.
In the vicinity of bis Willow flat prop
erty there has been spent more money
In developing the land titan In any
other section of the valley.
About three years ago the Davidson
Fruit Co. began there and today their
work is telling. Their peach orchard
set nut two vears Hto last spring Is an
nhiect lesson nn what that section will
do. The aoule orchard snd berries
planted last spring are additional evi
dences of their faith.
The smooth, well tilled ground, the
11 ne growth of the trees and berries
round up a charming picture abutting
upon one of the dustiest cut up roads
in the county. This ranch rivals the
work of an English gardener, and is
well wnrtb the trip to have a look at
It Frank M asset's bouse just across
the road has recently taken on a coat
of white paint with trimmings of
The inspiration for the above para
graph was (rotten last Haturdny morn
ing while hunting a pair of mules that
jingle the bells of the Little White
store wood wagon.
Ye editor passed through Odell last
Saturday morning before seven o'clock
on his way to Mount Hood.
Ed Jochlrasen last week purchased
several bead of beef cattle from Mr.
Hillstrom. Ed Is the cowboy of Odell
and knows a good thing when he sees
Potatoes are now vacating the
ground to give place to the full seeding
of grain.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Young went
gaiu last Friday to the Portland sani
tarium with their daughter, Sadie,
wbo is still lingering under the influ
ence of an illness that seems to bailie
the skill of the best physicians in the
The Roosevelt club of Hood River
must have passed Into history. Months
ago the Glacier gave an account of the
organization of such a club, since
which time we have heard nothing of
It. We think it about time to line up
aud show the people of Oregon tlmt
we are on the map. We can raise
peaches, apples, strawberries aud hay.
Why not harvest a smull crop of politics?
We are glad to note the improve
ments being made by the river trans
portation companies. The O. H. & N.
people bad best Improve the passing
days by Increasing their facilities, or
they will lose a lot of business soon.
The Little White store has reglstra
tlon blauks for the benefit of those
who failed to register for the June
We saw Sherman Young last Satur
day. He is looking well and is as jolly
as ever. He says he knows a good
thing and that is why he returned to
Hood Klver.
Messrs. Black & Runcorn are putting
up their last crop of clover. The click
of the mower is beard in Hood Itiver
valley from May until October.
While forest fires are raging In the
Willamette valley, and the fields are
burned brown by tbe long dry summer
Hood Klver valley is dotted with green
fields that are profitable to the owners,
and furnish a eerless picture to the
stranger within our gates.
Tbe Tucker hill last week was In
such a perilous condition for heavy
loads that we were compelled to stop
our wood wagons and fix It. Where
are those liberal volunteer road workers
that were In evidence last winter?
The fact is it looks very much like we
would have to be pensioners next win
ter and travel the road of a more pro
gressive community in order to get to
town. Pine Grove occupies a front
Jake liens Informs me that from 5
acres he cut 32 tons of hay. His land
is under the Hone ditch. First moral-
Buy water. Second moral Please
furnish us water.
Hear hunters are training up and
soon the annual stalk will ne made
Odell Brothers will head the sang
with all sorts of tenderfoot hunters
bringing up the reur. The fur will fly
and probably blood will flow. The
Ulacier should secure the services of
quill driver. Why not send the "devil"
along, for amid t lie glare of the camp
lire many bear will be siauguterea.
Rnry Collins, who has a good post
tlon In Los Angeles, Cal.. Is here on a
brief visit with his father and bis
Gilbert Edglngton, who has a home
stead on the hill west ot Duke's valley,
Is teaching tbe Hillstrom school, lie
spent the summer In the harvest fields
ol eastern uregon.
Mr. Kesael returned last week from
Gilliam county, where he had been
worklna for eluht weeks. He tells a
wonderful tale of furmliiK there. The
partv he worked for is the owner of
two combines with 30 horses on each
of them, and Including grain and
'water wagons, was working over 100
head of horses aud hauled water for all
of them. That seems like farming
under difficulties, but the farmer holds
a winning hand
Charles M. Busey returned last Sat
urday, having spent tbe week In Port
F. P. Fridav and family were seen in
Odell Sunday. They will move Into
their new bouse uext week.
L. A. K. Clark, who came here last
spring from Kansas, is doing some
missionary wora ior nouu iviver
Having mailed out literature about the
Lewis & Clark exposition, he is already
receiving letters of Inquiry about our
valley. He expects quite a lot of his
old friends out here next summer.
Chi is Dethmau was over here last
week looking over the apple situation
Chris is a successful rancher ana
friend of the red apple.
Mrs. J. It. Kin snd Mrs. J.
leigh went to the mountains
huckleberries Friiluy.
Miss Clara Nickelsen, who has been
visiting relatives in Belmont, returned
to her home in The Dulles Suturduy.
The Franktnn school will give a bas
ket social on Friday evening, Septem
ber 30. Everybody come and hear our
urogram and have a good time. The
proceeds of tlis same will ue
purchasing a flag and more
the library.
Rev. H. C. Clarke, and wife arrived
from Prineville this week, making
.their Irin overland. Mr. Clarke will
preach fiis first sermon
next Sunday.
C. Tyler and family, B,
family and A. Moorman
have returned from the
hop fields.
While returning home
used for
books for
In Belmont
Jones und
and family
from work
last Wednesday evening George Last-
erly was thrown from his wagon and
severely huit. He i gelling along
nicely and will soon lie ui ins work
The Indies' Aid society or me isci
niont M. E will give a chicken
supper on the evening of Wednesday,
September 2H. at t he residence of Mr.
and Mrs. M. II. Nickelsen. Price of
supper 25 cents. Everybody is Invited
to come.
L Jones, who has been visiting will)
his sister und mother at Cump Look
nut, has returned to Walla Wullu. Mr.
Jones thinks he will soltlu down to
live at Hood River. We fay come.
along Lou. Always room lor a good
Miss Jones has just relumed from
tin hop fields, looking bright and
cheerful and somuwliut a little sun
A mun was accosted on our street the
other day: "Kuy, Mr. 0., where did
you get your keg oi uox nuns iroinr
Why. KocKtoru siore, una say, leime
tell you something. 1 got lliem for
f3.fiu per keg. Don i unit, ueui me
J. GUilmns Is putting up a very sub
stantial packing house. Another
addition to liuriett. Well, go uheiid
Nothing like improvement, Mr
W. Nichols him got the stone foun
dation laid for his new house. Will
savs he will have a good house one
that will be warm In winter und cool
In summer.
A valuable horse belonging to Mr
Goss became entangled in the barb
wire fence, and was cut very bad, one
of the arteries being severed. We hope
the horse will come out all right.
Mrs. Fred Howe and sister with
their families, spent Sunday with their
mother, Mrs. Ingalls.
Mrs. Camp and son Charley, arrived
home on Friday from the hop fields
We missed Charley on our streets be-
cause of his cheerfulness und smiles
and pleasant words to all.
C. L. Henson returned from the liar-
large crowd In attendance from Gold
endale. After the work was completed
the party, 0 In number, went to Guler
hotel, where a splendid lunch was
Claus Pearson has rented his farm to
D. E. Witt for five years, and will
make his home at bis brother's, C. A.
Pearson, until he finds some one to
keep house for him.
The Artisan's met at A. J. Johnson's
Suturduy evening. An oyster supper
was served and everyone reported a
good time.
Miss Frances Williams of Husum
spent the past week visiting at R. A.
Our town is still alive as ever. Our
merchants appear to lie doing a good
business. We think the saloons are
getting their part of the trade.
We are happy to see the Spencer
taking the lead. We can go to Port
land or The Dalles and do our business,
aud return the next day.
Our new minister, Mr. Johns, has
arrived. He preached to us yesterday.
Mrs. Lu.y from Portland was opt')
see her father, Mr. Haniiau, Thursday.
Ilersister, Mrs. Conner, has gone to
California on a visit.
N. I). Sanford lias received a con
signment of fine tomatoes from your
townsman, Thomas Calkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Tedford of LaporteCity,
Iowa, accompanied by f heir two daugh
ters, are visiting with tie lumiiy oi uieir
neice, Airs. M. m. jiiii.
Contractor Soulo was not quite able
to finish the work on the Pine Grove
school house on September 17, in ac
cordance with the terms of the contract.
School will probably only be postponed
for one week.
Miss Mara Smith returned last Sun-
ay from tier visit to lowa menus,
rcaily to again fill her position as a
teacher in the Pine Grove school.
Mr. Farr has iust finished delivering
25,000 feet of logs to Fike's mill.
U. A. Newman and little son Curl
isited the state fair at Salem last week.
They expected to extend their journey
to Amity, where Mr. Newman has rela
tives, but their trip was suuueniy cut,
short by Carl taking sick.
Charles Soroat's new apple house is
nearly completed. It will be frost proof
with an easy capacity lor o.uiw boxes.
A in tile room overhead is provided for
empty Isixes. .
B. J. Rand of University Park, Port
and. terminated a two weeks' visit lust
Friday with relatives along the stormy
banks of Neal creek. Bert went Ashing
nearly every day during his stay and en
joyed his outing hugely. Twenty-four
tine salmon trout in nooo river wavers
yielded to his magic wand, besides sev
eral scores of small trout that don't
count. Two of these large trout came
ashore together on the same line, each
having at the same mutant grabbed sep
arate hooks which dropped from it.
Beit scorns to cast a hue into the slng-
ish waters of the Willamette.
Mrs. M. L. Harbiwn, who has been
visiting with her son Robert for several
weeks, returned to Tangent iust rriaay,
where she wilt spend the winter with
her son Samuel. Mrs. R.K.Harbison
vest fields last week
Forest fires ure raging everywhere
here, but there is little damage being
J. R. Reese and It. Goburn chased a
bear all over coiiuardom. lust Tuesday
but ltruln was too cute for them and
got away.
Lust Tliiirsduy R. Iieasure lost a cow
She ate some dynamite and three caps
at noon, and ut night he found tier
dead, but be doesn't think there was
any explosion, but that the cups did
the worK. iliey were wrappeu in a
paper and she must liuve swallowed
them, puper und all.
Warren Cooper came down from the
lake last Saturday. Ho reports two
fires burning, ouu In dead timber on
the West Fork mid on the Middle Fork
also In dead timber. They are not
doing much damnge,
We can't see anything In our state.
nieut about those deer being wrong,
Mr. Cooper makes the statement more
forcible by giving the number of points
on each pair of horns, which is the
only difference we can Bee. We only
quoted hearsay, while the other fellow
quoted points. We will keep still next
If the dry weather keeps up much
longer there will be more sickness here
than usual tor tills tune of year.
This is fine weather for clearing the
logs off of your land. Everything
dry as tinder and burns good.
C. P. Johansen of The Dulles was
visitor here last week, returning home
The Mount Hood Water Supply Co
lire making urrungements to re-incor-
poruto this full and enlarge their stock
the v propose to supply all the water
Choice Lots for Sale in
Riverview Park and Idlewilde Additions
Best improvements are going west, following the easy grades.
Streets are being opened, sidewalks laid and water pipes to furnish
spring water will be put in at once.
Selling Agents.
t Co.
and daughter Mary accompanied her to
Portland, returning fcunuay evening.
Such apples as
and the King of
the 20-ounce pippin
Tompkins County are
finding their way Into packing rooms
these days. They will soon be forward
ed to consumers ut all points between
Greenland's icy mountains and India s
coral strand.
John Lindsey left last week to join
his father at Carson, Wash.
G. A. McCurdy Is painting his house.
Prof. Arneson Is building a new barn.
Jerome Brown has moved to The
Otto Brosl of this neighborhood died
at Brush Prairie, Wash , on the morn
ing of Sept. 15, 1004, ami was burled at
thut place on the day following. Mr.
KroHl was a native oi riniaiiu, aoout
28 years of age. He was a very quiet,
orderly and upright man, and a good
citizen. He leaves a wife and one
little daughter. He wasbrother-in-luw
to John Jukku.
Mrs. A. W. King and daughters,
May and Nellie, and Miss Freda Pregge
returned from the bop fields In the
Willamette valley on Friday of last
Hendry Stefluiisen is setting poles
for the extension of the telephone line
southward from a point near the
William Crapper and family moved
into their new house lust week.
tended the teacher's examination at
The Dalles, where she was examined in
18 studies for state diploma, passing on
an average of 92.3, being the youngest
applicant to receive a state diploma.
Where is Barrett?
Always As Biir M Hood Kiv'r Vrn"
Apples that look as large as small
pumpkins, pears that would be ribbon
winners at any exposition and crab
apples and plums the size of teacups are
raised right outside the gates of this
city by W. R. Reed, who resides near
For many years Mr. Heed had been
reading of the faniotip fruit grown in
the Hood River and Grand Konile val
leys. Not only did lie read in Oregon
papers of the apples, strawberries,
peaches and pears grown in these fruit
UIBiriClH, UUl. Ill tl.unt: imuitouuu ill vnii-
ous eastern cities as well.
"If such things can be raised m those
districts I think they can be grown
right here in Multnomah county," said
Mr. Reed, and straightway did he pro
ceed to plant some trees. Like Mr. Fin
ney's turnip, so famed in verse, .they
grew and grew and grew. Mr. Heeed's
fruit ranch is considered by all who
visit it to he the equal of any in Ore
gon. A box of apples, peors, plums and
crabannles erown bv Mr. Reed readied
Portlund Una morning. An apple picked
at random out of those sent down
measured 14 inches in circumference
and others that were in the box looked
even larger. The ears and crabapplcs
were also very large
"I do not have to spray my tree? nor
irrigate the land," said Mr. Heed in
speaking of his fruit ranch, "and I think
that my apples and other 'goodies' will
pass muster anywhere. There is a great
deal said and written about the Hood
River and Grand Ronde country, but
there's nothing the matter with just
plain Multnomah county land when it
comes to raising large and luscious
fruit." Portland Journal.
Odell Roys Defeat The Juniors.
The Hood River.Tuiiiora weredefeated
last Haturday in a listless game of base
ball that resulted in a score of 111 to 13.
"Puss" (Juyer says it was the Bull
Dogs day off, and that the Odell boys
were bigger, anyway.
The lineup:
Hartley cf Cupper
Hudson rf Clark
Carsten 2b, Shelley
Luckey '. . .8b Crosby
Rood If Khrek
Chandler lb Young
Brosius c Davis
Shoemaker ss Heard
Geyer p Davis
The score by innings:
Hood River 2 4 2 1 1 1 0 2 0 13
Odell . . .2 2 5 1 1 1 0 0 4 10
3 C
Infants' Cotton Fleeced Underwear from 20c up.
Infants' Wool Vests at 35c up.
Children's Union Suits, 35c up, as well as 2-piece Suits at 25c per
garment and up.
Ladies' Union Suits at 65c per suit and up.
Ladies' Union Suits, Wool, button down front, at $1.00, $1.25,
$1.50 and $2.25.
Ladies' 2-piece Suits in Cotton and Wool.
Men's All-Wool Suits at 90c per garment and up.
Men's All-Wool Union Suits.
Ladies' Outing Flannel N ight Gowns.
Men's Outing Outing Flannel Night Shirts.
Buckles'. Arnica 81 re.
Has world-wide fame for marvelous
cures. It surpasses any other salve,
lot loo, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns
Burns. Bolls. Sores, relons, Ulcers, let
ter. Salt Rbeum. Fever 8ores, Chapped
Hands. Skin Eruptions; infallible for
W. L. Huckulmy and J. Hess begun
gruhtmig on uindon A Powers' plac
last week, of whom I hey have taken
contract to clear II acres at $15 per
acre. 1-et the good work go on.
J. R. Ries Is building a burn on hi
ranch this week, 24x28. Jim is show
ing the people of Mount Hood that he
can do more thun burlier.
The school house on China hill is
now completed, and school will begin
Monday of this week. Miss Evans Is
the teacher.
It. B. Morton moved Into Dr. Hhaw's
house last week.
C. L. Wevgundt, 11. J. Groff, L.
Owens and 1). Shear began grubbing
on Me. Kutl s ranch lust week.
Mrs. M. C. Hiickabay has lust fin
lulled building a house, 10x24.
The iieople of Mount Hood have all
their second crop of huv cured and in
the dry. They ure now waiting for
the ruin to come.
We haven't heard of anyone being In
iHiugurdom of lute, but expect to hear
of somebody getting Into bcurdnin
before long as the bears ure getting
very All'whoui are Inclined
to ride their cows to pasture better
look a little out.
There Is Sunday school at the II. B.
church of Mount Hood every Sunday
at 10::i0. Everybody is invited to
Fire mid smoke and everyone wish
ing for rain. The mountains near the
hucklelierry patcli and race truck tire
all on fire. The sheep men and In
diuns are disputing over me range
and the Indians try to hum the sheep-
men out. The tire at present Is over
20 miles square.
N. S. McCrav has lust completed
neat dwelling on his place near Guler,
William Kingman unit Mr. Roof were
the carienters.
Judite Miller came up from Van
couver to Institute the Manmicolodge
Wednesday evening. mere was
F.. Shelley Morgan of Portland was up
lust week looking after his prune crop.
George Soule and family are living on
Mr. Morgan's place . This is George's
second year in the posit ition of manager
and we think Mr. Morgan fortunate in
securing as good a man for the place.
K. J. Nicholson, who owns a fine hay
ranch adjoining Mr. Morgan's place has
returned to North Dakota to resume his
railroad work for the winter. Mrs.
Nicholson and the children will go K ist
latur to take a well-earned vacation vis
iting friends and relatives.
We think that alfalfa is the coming
forage crop for this valley. Mrs.Kopliu
has iust finished the third cutting of a
smull piece on her place. (She baled
something over 13 tons of the first and
second cuttings and the last was as tine
a lot of hay as we ever saw. She did
not Pale tins, so we cannoi give m
amount, but it was heavy.
Karl Noble returned Saturday from
the Willamette valley hop yards. He
says ine oops were una uiuuim nucio
lie worked. Ttiey all maiie goou wages
and had a big time, but Karl says that
country down there has no charms for
him. We think he must have left his
charmer op here but he didn t tell ue
who she is.
J. O. r.astman came home Saturday
on the Regulator with his family, but it
was a hard graft to keep him along. He
is a wonderful fellow to sidestep when
you are not looking. Oat took a hasty
look at Oregon s metroiiolis. It was
his first visit to Portland although In
has resided in Hood River 12orl3 years.
This perhaps accounts for the milk in
the cocounut, he was trying on this tri j
to make up for all these years of neg
lect. Its all right Out, te have been
there and you have our sympathy.
Don't forgi-t the meeting at the Frank
ton school house next Fridav afternoon
called bv M. 11. Nickelsen in last week's
Glacier, for the purpose of organizing
licstock mutual insurance association.
It is something that will interest every
cow owner in Frank ton.
Miss Carrie Byerlee, who is teaching
down at the Columbia school house has
a record of which she may well be proud.
All of us in Fraukton are. She jest fin
ished a four-year course at the Oregon
Agricultural College at I'orvallis tins
slimmer, during which time she never
failed to pass an examination in a single
study. Nie then came borne and at
0 oo
. Delegates To Uoldendule.
Special to the Glacier.
White Salmon, Wash., Sept. 20. -The
republican primaries to elect delegates
to the county convention at Golden-
dale. (Saturday. September 24, were
held throughout Klickitat county last
Saturday. Following are the dulegates
selected fiom the west end of the coun
ty: White Salmon. T. Wycra, R. Fields,
John Ackley and Frank Grosliong.
Husum. Charles Gregory and C. L.
Col born.
Trout Lake.-Ii. C. Hamilton, W. K.
Miller, J. C Interims.
Weygainlt's Baler Makes flood Record
Hom1 River, September 20, 1004 Ed
itor Glacier: I saw that Messrs. Miller
& Blagg have made an estimate of the
hay in the valley by the amount they
baled and gave the average. I can say
I have done my share of work. My baler
ran 42 days and baled 710 tons and RKH)
pounds, or an average of 17 tons 128
pounds a day, and it wasn't a good year,
either, but will lie in the field to do
some work next year.
J?. A. KYOANllT.
Dry Goods ant
l R. B. Bragg & Co. i
WOICKA & HEMMEN, Proprietors.
Sanitary Plumbing' and Tinning'
Pumps, Windmills, Pipe, Fittings, Everything in Plumbing and Tinning Line
A. C. Lofts, on the state road in Idle
wilde is putting a kitchen to his house,
adding much to the appearance and
convenience of his home.
Trained Nurse
Hood lliver, Or,
SnnUarium, llml I'rceH, jiwn.
rhone am Mam.
The New Music House is the Boss
1 lie lAltUIUlvu uvuil, uiv lYViiumivu Imum 1115,
Hobart M. Cable, Crown and Hardoroff.
Then Come the Fine Kimbal and Burdett Organs
These fine goods with a fine assortment of
tl lots, sightly located on hill south of
Second street.
7-room houe and two lots oOxlOO, 1st
The liest bargain in Hood River. Good
ri-room house, lot 80x100, sightly locu
tion, overlooking the Columbia, 1100.
40 acres wild hind 5 miles out, $13 per
acre. A bargain.
20 acres tine apple land on East side,
2 acres cleared, 10 acre partly cleared,
all tillable; ti-room house; 3' miles
from town.
Wanted f-acre tract close in for sum
mer home.
House and two lots 50x130 each, (iood
location. A bargain at $00 cash.
Town property to exchange for coun
try property.
Country property to exchange for town
Kami and town property valued at
$4,000 to exchange for stock ranch.
10 acres wild land to exchange for
town property. (!ood apple land.
Relinquishment of tinilsr claim, esti
mated 8,100,000 to 4,000,000 feet lumber.
1H miles south of town.
Typewriters for sale.
Hood River
Real Estate & Exchange Co.
Hood River, Ore.
Violins, Guitars and Banjos
Bargains inRcal Estate.! And a Kinds of Sman Qoods win be found
Successors to Parkins Grimes 31 Co.,
Hunt's Wall Paper House
Ilrtultjuarters for Contract Painting, Wall Tint
ing, Paper Hanging, etc. Up-to-date Sign
Painting Promptly Done. All the late de
signs in Wall Paper kept on hand. Phone 671
Oak Street - - : - Hood River
Xotlw t hereby given thst In pursuance to
An order issued by the Honorable A. K. I.ak.
Judge lor 1 lie county court ol the state of Ore
Iton. for Wnsco eountv. Issued at Tbe IHille",
Anmisi .HI, A. I. lull, the undersimied, W. K.
Nell and SI. I. Nell", been appointed
Joint executors of the estate of ttnVeg Diver,
deceased, late of Hood Itiver, Wasco county,
slate of Oregon.
Ail perNon having claim!) against said es
tate are requested to pr M-nt tlietn, duly veri
fied, to us at the ofrh-e of K. H. Hartwiif.Hood
Itiver, (iii-icon. within nix monllm from the
date of t hia notice. W. K. NKKF
. M. F. N KKK
Executors of the estate of Paves Divers, de
ceased. listed at Hood li ver, Oregon, September 3.