The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 15, 1904, Image 6

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A dancing party was given by the or
der of Lion in the hall, last Saturday
night, that proved a success socially and
financially. The net proceeds are to be
given towards the purchase of an oriian
(or the lodge. At 12 o'clock the dance
waa cloted and aupper wag served,
which was furnished by the lady mem
bers of the lodge. A number of grey
headed boys were present, and all went
merry. Odell is on the map.
H. 8. Galligan drove swiftly by, Sun
day morning, on his way to the Ashing
grounds near the falls. Hit long fishing
rod waa conspicuous, and as he sped by
he engaged some fish to us. Kince
which time lie has not been sighted.
Mr. Vanderbilt of Beulah Land re
ports his improvements almost com
pleted, which consist of an addition to
his house, a new barn and woodshed,
the piping of water into his house, and
other numerous and valuable changes
about the place. Mr. Vanderbilt is a
wide-awake, progressive citizen and a
valuable acquisition to our section, pos
sessing means with which to improve
his ranch according to his tatte. There
is room for others of his type.
Union apple pickers are on their an-,
nual tour packing the famous apples for
market. Mr. Copple and Mr. Ehrc
!itrtninftd them last week. Thev are
uninvited guests hut nevertheless wel
Mr. Strong, who last spring bought
land from It. R. Tucker, has (or some
time past been hauling lumber for a
new house and barn. He is building a
house 28x28 feet and a large barn. He
is located one-half mile west of It. C.
Crockett and in a fine apple bolt, but as
his inclination runs toward dairying, no
doubt he will make some experiments
along that line. His money was made
from the dairy business, and it is not
new to him.
William Ehrck, M. I). Odell andll.C.
Crockett last week appraised the prop
erty of the late Daves Divers. The
Divers home is a valuable piece of prop
erty and will no doubt bring a good fig
ure under the hammer.
Da mo rumor has it that another store
building will be commenced this week
iu Odull. Competition is the life of
trade, and doubilecs another store will
increase the trade. Come along.
The air is full of matrimonial rumors,
but some way they don't materialize.
The Early Crawford peach has been
in evidence for week, selling as low as
14 cents at the ranch. Hits is a good
peach season, and the f.ast Hide pro
duces the very Ixjst quality. In a Dos
received from Mr. Waterbury, grown on
the Hooth place, a 20-pound box con
tained only 64 peaches. They were de
licious, a sample of which can be seen
in the economy jar at the Little White
V. V. Willis, principal of the Odell
school, is comfortably housed in the
new cottage built by Charles Davis.
Last week Mr. Dano of Hood River
was out this way with Dr. Laraway and
his son Ralph of Iowa, Mr. Oakes of
Oklahoma and Mr. Hartman of Wis
consin. They were looking the valley
over with a view of investing. The doc
tor has already purchased land and the
other members of the party are likely to
follow his example. The arguments for
this valley have long since been made,
and it requires little time to render a
iust verdict. The case is with the peo
ple, and strangers quickly make up their
miuds, hence the spirit of progress and
development that is so manifest both in
town and country side. &very Dries.
laid In the walls of the magnificent and
substantial buildings now in progress in
town is an unanswerable argument in
favor of the bright, prosperous future of
Hood Ktver valley.
Rev. J. W. Jenkins and daughter,
with some friends, were guests of L. D.
Boyed and wife last Friday. Mr, Jen
kins has a small tract of land adjoining
the Boyed place that he has been offer
ing for sale, but after looking it over
and noting developments in the neigh
borhood, has concluded to keep it and
plant it to apples. Sure thing games
are seldom found, but there is nothing
safer than an apple orchard of the right
kind of varieties.
Mr. Talbot of Memphis, Tenn., uncle
of Mrs. Littlefleld of Fine Grove, was a
caller at Odell last week. He is im
pressed with the West and enjoying a
well-earned vacation.
A cousin of John Lawless, from Cal
ifornia, spent Sunday with John. John
has had the California fever, but his
cousin advised him to stick to Hood
Kiver. He was delighted with Hood
River valley, as is the verdict of all who
investigate the conditions from an in
telligent point of view.
The Little White Store people will
commence this week moving 150 cords
of A I four-foot oak wood. Now is your
chance, if you want some of the best
oak wood in the valley. Not a doughty
cord in the lot. Live oak wood is scarce
Rev. Iewis, the new pastor of the
Congregational church of this place,
was here last week from ilerkeley.t al
acquainting himself with the members
of his Mock. Key Lewis and his family
will occupy the new parsonage next
to tne cnurcn.
The White Salmon public school
opened iu the new building last Mon
day, with an enrollment of 21 pupils
in the upper room and 84 In the lower
room. Professor C L. Colburn, for
merly Klickitat county's superintend-1
eut, Is principal of the school.and Miss
Georgia Job union, who gave eminent
allafacUtm last year, la again Instruc
tor in the primary grades. The total
enrollment la expected to reach 00 or
more later in the fall. There are about
W children of school age Iu the dis
Mordecal Jones of H umu m is en tertai n
lug some of his English friends who
are said to ha icemlicr of the English
embassy. Mr. Jones is Having a large
barn constructed ror mm uy f.verhart
A Roeegrant. When the barn is com
pleted, it la reported that the famous
bear hunter will entertain the people
or tne neignooruooa wun a social hop.
Miss Emma Clan ton, school superin
tendent of Klickitat county, spent sev
eral days last week visiting the schools
of the western part of the county. She
expressed herself as very favorably Im
pressed with the hue Salmon soli (Mil
T. F. and A. J. Slieltler are down
from Sherman county on a visit to
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C
The Washington hotel Is rapid!
nearlng completion. It is a tine build
ing and would be a credit to any city.
Uarpeutert are how adding wide verau
das that cover the building oil all sides.
The yard is filled with oak trees, and a
reservoir near by will supply plenty of
water to keep a green lawn. With the
attractive location this hostelry prom
lees to afford, the management should
have no trouble in keeping it filled
with visitors from Portland during the
Hummer months. The large number
of Portland people who annuallyspehd
their vacation at White Salmon is sur
prising, and it add no little sum to
the per capita circulation of the com
munity. The most successful and happy so
cial event In White Salmon circles was
the entertainment at the new school
house a week ago last Frlduy night. 8.
W. Condon in a neat speech told of the
work of the directors In securing the
new building, and Professor Colburu
spoke of duties of the school teacher.
There was imported Ice cream from
Portland, delicious cuke and splendid
coffee prepared by the women of White
Salmon, and after the supper the young
people sient the remainder of the even
ing in dancing. The receipts of the
evening's entertainment added 58 to
the building fund, while in addition to
this some fO were promised by sub
scriptions. While Sulmon iieopleare justly proud
of the new building. No finer one
can be found in the county. The dis
trict was bonded lust spring for $1500,
and by popular subscription this build
inn sum was increased to (1800. The
carpenter work was done by contract
ors Kverhart A Roscgiant, and Itjmnsl
be said that these gentlemen 1il a line
piece of work. It is really reniurkable
that so much was nwomiilished, and
such satisfactory result oMiilned with
the limited amount or luuils at uie
disposal of the directors.
To the tireless and unremitting
efforts of Mr. Condon, member of the
board of dirgctors, Is due the thanks or
the community. Through him, possi
bly more than to any one else, the
movement for a new modern school
house culminated In tangible results.
There are those who stoutly opposed
his efforts then, lint they will yet ac
knowledge their gratitude fur his pul
lie services to fie district and the com
munity. The building Is so constructed that
as the district grows umi no.n-
needed addilions may be added to tne
north side of the house without spoil,
lug the architectural beauty of the
aiMminnt Iteiieuth the building Is a
large baeeinenl.whlch may at unytime
be utilized to uccomiiiodate classes.
Heat will lie furnished from a furnace.
The whole building is light, airy and
While Saturduy afternoon Is the date
for the republican primaries lnthls
county, there is as yet no talk and no
tickets for delegates to the county con
vention at (joldendule, Saturday, Hep
teiliber 24.
Tim democratic county Convention
hits lieeii set for Saturday, October 1,
so H. DuHtlnof Uoldendale, announces.
No announcement has yet been made
for the date of the deiiiocratio prima
ries. ti.o r.niilemlnle Airrlculturlst, in
arwittlll 1117 of the White Salmon school
house, says: "County School Super
intendent Emma T. Wanton returned
nn u'Hnesil.iv last from a visit to
uiiit Hulnmii. where she had been In
anectlnir the newly-erected school house
at that town and looking after the wel
fure of the district. The new school
house Is a commodious and well-built
structure of two stories, and a credit
to the people of the White Salmon
neighborhood. The school opened up
for the term on September 5, wUh Pro
fesBorC. C. Colburn as principal and
Miss Georgia Johnson ns assistant,
both well known and skilled instructors.
chased at Rock ford store. Charley says
he can do Just as well at Rockford at In
town and a tittle better.
Joel Blount Is putting up a very nice,
substantial house, which, when com
pleted and painted, will be a flse ad
dition to Barrett district Joel is wait
ing for the electric cars to be put in
then he will take things easy.
Ikey Nealelgh is down from the
range for a few hours, just to visit his
family and get a supply of provisions.
School began at Fraukton last week
with a large attendance.
Miss Malalley of East Grand Forks,
Minn., is visiting Mrs. E. J. Nicholson
at JSelmont. ,
The members of the Methodist church
are having the church papered and the
roof fixed. J. B. Hunt ! doing the
Miss Clara Nlckelsen . of The Dalles
Is spending her vacation with her
uncle. M. H. Nlckelsen, and family.
Mine Nlckelsen Is a stenographer for
Bennett A Hliiuott of The Dalles.
Mrs. T. G. Frohn returned from Au
rora Wednesday alter spending a week
in the hop fields.
Robert Jones made a business trip to
The Dalles Wednesday anil returned
Frankton is going to have a basket
social sometime In the near future. It
Is not exactly known on what date, but
we will tell you more about -it next
week. You shouldn't miss it, for it
will be a jolly affair. ' 1
The home of M. II. Nlckelsen at Bel
mont was the scene of a merry gather
ing Saturday evening, September 10,
being a surprise party planned mid ex
ecuted by a few of Margaret's friends,
the occasion lieing her 15th birthday.
The evening was pleasantly passed by
laying games. At iu p, m. a recnercue
ncli was served, and at n ine party
A V i f 4
Choice Lots tor bale in
Riverview Park and Idlewilde Additions
Best improvements are going west, following the easy grades.
Streets are being opened, sidewalks laid and water pipes to furnish
spring water will be put in at once.
Selling Agents.
Everything Is going along quietly
here. Lalwr duy was quiet. Our
teacher. Mr. Inenberg, put off teaching
for another week. He expects to start
the school to-morrow, the mi).
We are looking for our Methodls!
minister, Mr. Johns, in a few days.
We have had the Salvation Army here
for a few days, giving an entertain
ment. Onr saw mill Is running to Its fullest
capacity but short handed.
The government has a crew of men
and teams working on the locks. Abe
Foley, from Hood River, has been
working on the lob with his team.
Scott Moorman passed through here a
fewdavsago. He expects a big crop
of spuds. We are glad to hear that
some one has potatoes, as they are
scarce In Western Oregon mid Wash
N. C. Martin, an old resident of this
nliice. has sold and moved to White
A. Hall and W. Frezell are kept very
busy draylng. They are both good
We aw all happy to see the Spencer
on her old route uguln, Are in hopes
she will have no more bud luck and
wish her success.
N. D. Sanford has a fine lot of pigs
for side.
The weather still continues dry and
smoky and every one Is wishing for
rain, in atiout two mouths iney win
be wishing it would quit raining.
Miss Ellen Dodge returned last week
from a prolonged visit to her aunt at
Cherry Creek, Crook county. She says
Is glad to get back to llood Kiver.
Of course she is; every txxly that leaves
Hood Kiver Is glad to get
W. C. Dodge made a trip lo Portlund
the middle ol the weeK on business.
Gilbert Edgingtou started for Graxs
Valley on Monday. He begins teach
ing school at that place on the l!2d of
this month.
The Odell brothers are sojourning on
their homesteads on Gillhooley hill this
C. R. Bone has billed his second crop
of clover this week. This about finish-
separated after wishing her many hap
py returns. Among inose present were;
Miss Mabel Walker of Portland, Misses
Nellie Shere. Pearl B a lock. May Dav
enport, Nina Hollowed, Pearl and Lena
Isenlierg, Llda Jones, Viola and Gertie
Nlckelsen; Messrs. Marsh and Elmer
laenhere. Arthur Shere. Garland Hoi
lowell. Willie Metcalf, Charlie Hart,
Earl Davenport, Alliert Garrabrant and
Lowell Nlckelsen.
County Surveyor A. L. Richardson,
who has been camping here some five
weeks, left (Saturday for the county
seat. While here he has surveyed nil
mernus roads and boundary lines, both
here and in Camas Prairie, at tliesame
time keeping an eye on the work be
ing done on the new bridge at the
mouth of the White Salmon.
O. J. Smith, formerly in the mercan
tile business at this place, came up
from White Salmon yesterday, return
ing today. Deleaves next week for
Garfield, In Whitman county, where
he has purchased a large mercantile es
Timothy Evans, one of Trout Lake's
most prosperous farmers, has sold his
farm to a Mr. Witt - Mr. Evans will
iro to Arizona iu search of another lo
cation, . .,
The primary department or our
school began September 5, with Miss
Locy as teacher. Miss Locy has given
general satisfaction, and our people are
glad that she is to teach here again
this year. Professor Miller has been
retained as principal, bis department
opening October 3.
Alden Kingman, our genial black
smith, and Mrs. Emma Bell of this
place, were married at Hood Kiver
Wednesday of this week. The tin ran
brigade has everything In readiness to
give them a warm reception upon their
The Goldendale Agriculturist says
Trout Lake, almost at the base of
Mount Adams, is growing In popularity
as a summer resort, visitors trom all
sections of Oregon and Washington have
this season enjoyed the mountain air
and beautiful scenery, and exiierienced
the delightful thrill of landing the hand'
some rainbow trout from the lake.
Twice as many people have come here
this year as last. Tents of the campers
have lawn numerous, while the Hotel
Guler has been taxed to its capacity
most of the summer to accommodate
the visitors."
Cnl Lusk was in Underwood Saturday,
Ellis Huff has returned to Underwood
Pete Sorensen left for the PBlouse
Mr. and Mrs. Tyrell and children re
turned from a trip on Little White
A fine 14-ponnd boy is making things
lively at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert
eateh since r rulay.
F. M. Seeley has returned and will
build a new houso to replace the one
burnt on his ranch.
Mrs. Ed Underwood was brought
home from the huckleberry mountain
quite, sick, but is improving.
Our new store building will soon be
Tony Frohn and Oat Eastman made
a flying trip down to the Willamette
last week. They made the excuse that
they wanted to take a look at the hop
yards, but we think they went to see
their wives. Sort or a renewal
of the old sparking days.
es up the hay baling In this part of the
did the work
valley for this year. J. O. Cameron
A. T. 1odge ran bis team Into a yel
low Jacket's neat last week while bar.
rowing. The team became unmanage
able and ran through a Blushing and
through a barbed wire renee; broke the
tlouolelrees and Hues in pieces, imt
strange to say neither the horses nor
the harrow were hurl Hi the least.
Joe Humlleet has rented the old
Bishop place and has moved his family
Into ttie house.
Charley Wallace has gone to work on
the flume for the Davenport Lumber
Co. Charley is a regular rustler.
C. E. Markham has purchased
new team of noraeM. Thev are a ve
fine team, nicely matched in color and
driving. I suppose Claude Is proud of
his new team. Any man ought to lie
proud of such a team.
The Tate brothers have just put up
small shack on land near the new
Bishop n-ddemv. Tnte brothers III'
tend to put up a good substantial resi
deuce in the spring. Another addi
tion to Barrett district.
Camp lok Out has another visitor
this week, Miss Jones' brother from
Walla Walla, who is visiting his sister.
C. Plog was seen on the street Satur
day with three large bundles. It looked
as though Charley was going on the
road, but on a closer inspection we
found it was three large bundles
apple paper and a sack of salt Jut pur-
days, and ttie first of the week went to
Portland, w tier she bad been preceded
by her 0tlier4.aU. "Mmy may sojourn
In Oregon's sea port iyt nowers
bloom In the spring tra-la-la.
Frank Pierce.ho has helped har
vest Sherman, county's big wheat crop
urn. home the first of the week and
has gone back to assist in hauling It to
market. Frank save thev hud a bump
er crop and if the farmers can strike a
dollar market the most of them can
rent their ranches, go to town and
ive In brown stone fronts.
Mrs. E. Owen, who sold her ranch
at Frankton lust week, moved tins
week to Portland.- Frankton people
are sorry to lose this genial, quiet little
neighbor, aud hope to see ner in noon
River frequently. Mrs. Owen thinks
Hood Kiver a loveiv place 10 live, out
found running the ranch most too
strenuous an occopation for one lone,
little woman, and sue wanted w oe
near her mother, 'who lives in Portland,
for these reasons She deposed or ner
property here. '" '
Mrs, Gregory had a severe attack of
sciatic rheumatism lat week, but was
improving considerably when last heard
from. .
P. H. Martin delivered 0 boxes of
Gravenstein apples. at Hood River on
Thursday of n week. Nearly 400
boxes were snipiied irom mm neignoor-
hood durinir the week. Charles and
John Stranahandidmostof the packing.
We regret to -learn that Otto Brosi,
who went to. Vancouver, Wash ,tl ree
weeks ago for the' .benefit of his health,
is in a worse, condition than when he
left home. '.
School opened at the Crapiier school
house on Moridajf .with an enrollment of
11, with wu-ajJiauiiMrananan incnarge.
Harrv Haokettand his foil Henry and
Duncan Martin eut and hauled out poles
on Monday of this week lor the exten
sion of the telephone line from a point
near the schoolipuse to Charles Heea s.
Mies Ida Stranahan returned to llood
River, Monday after visiting for a lew
days with her brothers Charles and
ohn. SheexuiiCts-to bo to Sherman
county sopie Ainwiduring the week for
the purpose ,oJ, tuJU"g charge ol a scnooi
near WaBCO next. ploimuy.
John PliiUipps.iHold 10 acros of land
recently to Mr. J.yle.
N. B. Jordan' Ji'ft last Saturduy ' for
another trip to the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams came out
3 Chw
m2 Cm
AT R. B. BRAGG & CO.'S .
to see their yofi'fijt apple orchard on Sat
urday afternoon,
P. H. Martin's.
ley .also culled at
Wll Stay in Hood River.
The remedy that makes you eat, sleep
and grow strong, called Pal mo Tablets,
will be sold regularly by Williams'
Pharmacy, Hood River. These great
nerve and const'lftition builders cost only
60c per box, six boxes f 2 50.
Ladies' Wear
We have to show you a
very fine line of
Dry Goods Suitings
in latest Novelties and
Beautiful Patterns, at
prices that will interest
the most fastidious, and
we cordially invite you to
come in and look them
over. Also
Ladies' Misses' and
Children's Under
wear in Union Suits and
Two-piece Suits,
At Bragg & Co.'s.
For Men
Lewis & Clark
For Men
Latest Block out. It's a
corker for the swell dresser
and the quality is all right
The Tourist Cap for
Men, Women, Boys and
Misses is something new
under the sun.
At Bragg & Co.'s.
For Women
Special Sale
On Children's Suits
In sizes from 4 to 10 years
This sale will only last 'til
Tuesday, Sept. 20. Don't
wait until the sale is over
find expect to buy at the
price we will sell at during"
this sale.
Men's Clothing
If you want something
stylish and good beauti
ful patterns we have it.
If you want something
cheap and serviceable, we
have it also,
At Bragg & Co.'s.
For Children
WOICKA & HEMMEN, Proprietors.
Sanitary Plumbing' and Tinning
Pumps, Windmills, Pipe, Fittings, Everything in Plumbing and Tinning Line
Tnlklng of hops btlnus up a question
we wunt to say a few words about. lt
us try hop raising herein
valley. There is no question
hops growing here and at tlia present
Crtee more u big money in me nop
usIiiphs. Don't all steak, at once but
let us hear from others on this subject,
Keitl estate Is chnngiug hands down
this wav aeain. Mrs. K. Owen has
sold her place near the Frankton school
house, the old Warren place, to a man
from Hillsdale, Oregon, Havid Molair,
who will at once take charge of this
valunhle property.
Roy Kastiuan and Charley MoVey
rvturned from the Sherman county
wheat fields Monday, rney report a
good (line, lots of hard work, but they
say there were very rew not day.
Miss Maud Noble went down to Cas
endo 1-orks Monday, where she has
been employed as teacher in the Inter
mediate department of the public school
tit a salary of f 45 per mouth. This Is
Maud s first effort at teaching more
than one pupil at a time. There Is no
higher calling to which our bright
young girls can aspire than the gov
eminent of our public schools. Miss
Noble Is among our very bent, and her
many friends wish her abundant U0'
cess in her chosen vocation. Kd.
Mr. Merrill, who had rented Mrs.
Owen's place, now that the place Is
sold, will lie obliged to move again
We hope they will conclude to locate
in this neighborhood, as good neigh
bors are always welcome.
We see old Glorv waving over the
Frankton school house; good, better
late than never.
Mrj, Ward Tompkins ha been visit'
ing at the parental home the past few
Bargains in Real Estate.
6 lot?, siglitly.locuted on hill south of
Second street."
7-room house und two lots SOxltK), 1st
The best bargain in Hood River. Good
H-room house, lot 80x100, sightly loca
tion, overlooking the Columbia, $1100.
40 acres wild hind 5 miles out, $13 per
acre. A bargain.
20 acres fine apple land on East Bide,
2 acres cleared, 10 acres partly cleared,
all tillable; t-room house; H.'j miles
from town. .
Wanted (vacre tract close in for sum
mer home.
House and two lots 60x130 each. Good
location, A bargain at fiHK) ciihIi.
Town property to exchange for coun
try property.
Country p"roiert.v to exchange for town
Farm, and: town, property valued at
$4,000 to exchange for stock' ranch.
10 acres wild land to exchange for
town property. Good apple land.
Relinquishment of timber claim, esti
mated 3,100,000 to 4,000,000 feet lumber.
18 miles south of town.
Typewriters for sale.
Hood River
Real Estate & Exchange Co.
Hood River, Ore.
The New Music House is the Boss
Hucci-gwim K. E. Htiyage'ft Sons.
Hardware, Tinware,
Stoves, Paints, Oils
Builders' Material
Estimates furnished to Contractors.
Aoknts roR
The Zaun Ladder! This is
the up-to-date ladder for fruit growers
or anv one elw. Fruit growers are es.
pecially interested in it and should in
vestigate. Get the best and save lalior.
Don't be a back number. Get on to
vourself. If you can't, get one of these
ladders and you can. See this ladder
at H. W. WAIT'S feed store. He is
agent for the sale of this ladder iu the
valley and the adjoining country.
The Celebrated Weber, the Renowned Chickering, Kimball
Hobart M. Cable, Crown and Hardoroff.
Then Come the Fine Kimbal and Burdett Organs
These fine goods with a fine assortment of
Violins, Guitars and Banjos
And all Kinds of Small Goods will be found
Successors to Parkins Grimes (SL Co.,
Hunt's Wall Paper House
Htadtuartvrs for Contract Painting. Wall Tint-
ing, Pajvr Hanging, etc. Up-to-date Sign
Painting Promptly Done. . All the late de
signs in Wall Paper kept on hand. Phone G71
Oak Street
Hood River
Not lee Is hereby nlvtii that In pursuance to
an orti.T Usmod hy the IlnnrHhie A. K. Ijtke,
JiHlKt lor the eminty court ol (he fcUte of tire
Kon, for Va'o iniiniv, ismlhI at 'J'lie liuHe',
AuiiiiM :ll, A. li. I!in, the undersigned, W. K.
Nigrum! M. V. Nell, liMve been HpjMtinted
Joint executors of the esmte of huvea Diver,
deee.iM-d. Ute of Hood Kiver, Waseo count v,
jUte of Oregon.
All person hHVlt'H claims Hirninst said pa
late are requested lo pr isenl them, dulv veri
lled. tousal theotllcf of K. H. Iliirtwlif.Hood
Kiver, l i it"i. wliliiu all months from the
dale of I hi noliee. . K NKKK
Kswuioni of Iho eslate of Daves 1 livers, de
ceased. Haled at H.jod K ver, Oregon, September 3.
im. '