The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 15, 1904, Image 1

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XO. 18.
Jtfaued every Thursday by
ARTHUR D. MOB. PubUaher.
leraia of subscription 11.60 a jer when paid
in tar. no..
The prstofflee is 0111 daily between Sam
at a 7 p. m. : buuuey mm u to 1 o'clock. ' Mailt
i t the Kail clou l 12:2ua. m. an . V p. m; lor
tbe Wen at 7:lua. m. andl:4UD.m.
The carrier, on K. K. U. rumen No. t and No.
t leave the pustuttiue at :SU dally. Mail leaves
tor Mt. Hood, dally at li;uu m.j arrive!,
10:iti a. m.
For Chenoweth. Wash., at I SO a. m. Tuea-
dan, Ti ursday, ei.d Saturday,; arrive, tarn
eays at e p. in.
tor Underwood. Wain., at 7:W a. m. Tuet-
days, Thuraday, and Baturday,; arrive, tame
nay. at p. m.
tor Molt Salm n, Wain., daily at 1:45 p, m.;
arrive, at u a. in.
For Hood River dally at a. m.; arrive, at
For Husum, Trout Lake and Ouler, Wash.,
dally at 7 :u a. m. ; arrive, at U m.
For Ulenwuod, ollmer and Fulda, Waih.,
dallr at 7 :9U a. m. : arrive, at a p. ni.
Fur rinenat and Knovden, Wash., at ll:8u
a. m. Tueauay, and ttaturd. ya; arrive, aaine
aays, iu:sua. in.
For Bin eu, Wash., dally at 1:46 p. m.;
rive, at 8:46 a. m.
FFN1H. Meet, the Second and Fourth
rridave ot tne moutn. visitors cordially wel
comed. F. U. bkosius, Counsellor.
Mis NiLLia Cuu, secretary.
Union No. 142, meet, lu Odd Fellow,' hall
second and fourth baiurdaya lu eacn month.
i:b u clot. a. L. kood, rresiueni.
C. 0. Dims, Secretary.
HOOD K1VKK CAM?, No. 7,702, M. W. A.,
meet, in K. o( f. Hall every Wednesday
Ulgm M. M. ilUSSKLL, v . u.
C. U. Dakih, Clerk.
UUOU KIV'EK CAMKNo. 77u, W. O. W., meet.
A A on tii at and third Tueauay ot each uionta
In odd rellow lull.
A. 0. bTATJSN.C. c,
F. il. Blaoq, clerk.
TAUCOMA LOU.K, No. Si.K. of V , meet.
vv in K. of r. Hall every Tuesday nignt.
H.M. Ul'kUi, C.C.
C. E. Himmin, K. of R. 4 0.
HOOD K1VKR CHAFlFK, No. 115, O. K.8.,
meet, second anu fourth . ue.ay even
ing of eacn mouth. Vlnltor, cordially wel
comed. Thihem Caktneb, W. M,
aiss. Mart B. D.viueoii, secretary.
HOOD K1VEK CIRCLE, No. 524, Women 01
Wooacrait, meei, at K. of F. Hall on the
ttrat aud thi. u t rluaya oi each month.
fa klin Norton, Uuarulan Neighbor.
CAN BY I OUT, No. 16, Q. A. K., meet, at A.
O. U. W. Hall, aecoiidaud fourth baturdaya
oi eacn mouth at 2 o'clock p. ru. All ti. A. it.
member, invited to meet with ua.
H. il. Uaiuy, commander,
T. J. Cunning, Adjutant.
CANBY W. R. C No. li, meet, aecond and
lourth Baiurdaya oi each month in A. O. U.
V . Hall at 2 p. m.
alas. Alida rjHniaMXIf, 1'reaident.
- Mbs. T.J. Cuhhimo, Secretary.
EDEN KNCAtorOiKNT, No. 48, I. O. O. F.,
Regular meeting aecond and fourth Hon
uayaui eacn mouiu. A. J. Oatchkll, C F.
Bar am kicam, ticribe.
IDLEW1LD LODGE, No. 107, I. O. O. F.. meet!
in Fraternal Hall, every Thureuey nlnbt.
J. R. Kim, J
Bkbt Entricam, Secretary.
HOOD RINr.K CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. H.,
meet, third Friday night of each month.
U. K. Cakimr, U. F.
D. McDonald, Secretary.
COURT HOOD RIVER No. 42, Forester, oi
America, meets second aud fourth Moo
days In eacu month in k. oi F. Hall.
H. T. UaHITT, C. R.
F. V. Biosioa, Financial secretary.
,7, i. O. O. F., meet, nral and third Friday
In each month. la anus Morse, N. u.
Iherem CASTNIR, Secretary.
TJOOD RIVER LODGE No. 106. A. F. and A.
Al M.. met ts Baturday evening on or before
each lull moon.
I). McDonald, W.
OLETA ASSEMBLY No. KM, United Artlaan,,
meets fir land third Wednesdays, worn;
second aud fourth Wednesday!, social; Aril
saus nail. D. McDonald, M. A.
h. M. McCarty, Secretary.
flrsi and third Haiurday, of each month.
t. R. bRAULlY, 1 lnaiicier. W.
B. bhutr, W.M.
J. O. Hayncb, Recorder.
RIVERSIDE LODGb, NO. 40, Degree of Hon
or, A. O U. W, meets tirat anu third Satur
days at a p. m. Mrs. ha rah Bradlby, O. of H.
Miss coha Copfle, Rt-coruer.
Mrs. Luchstia i rathir. Financier
Office and Pharmacy, Hood
Heights. Phune, Man, Wil.
H. HAR1 Wlli
Will Practice in All Courts.
Office with Geo. D. Culbertson A Co. Collee-tloui-,
abstracts, settlement of Estates.
1 H. JENKINS, I). M. I).
specialist on Crown and Bridge Work.
Telephone,: Office, 281: residence, H,
Office over Bank Bldg. Hood River, Oregon
BacoesMr to Dr. M. F. Bhaw.
tailt promi-tly answered In lowu or ooantry
Dar or Mxhl.
Telephone,: Kealdence, all; Office, 61J.
Office over Heed'a Urooery.
j F. WAIL M. D.
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephone,: Office. Ml; residence, tu.
For 2S years a resident of Oregon and Waah
Inrton. Has bad many years eipenenos in
Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of
titles and agent, Hausfacuoo guaranteed or
Do charge.
AbetracU Furniihed. Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon.
p C. BR0SiC8, M. D.
Tbona Central, or 121.
Office Hoart: 10 to 11 A. M.; I to 1
and 6 to 7 P. M.
Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts of the World.
General Review of Important Happen
penlgs Presented In a Brief and
Condensed Conn.
The main" Japanese army L within
21 milee oi Mukden.
Russia lean that China will occupy
me territory conquered Dy japan.
The continued lilence of Kuronatkin
graetly irritatet the Russian public.
Germany is reported to have made
secret treaty to give Russia indiiect aid
Tbe Russian Baltic fleet hag attain
delayed its departure (or tbe Far East
The British (hip Dittnn, from New
castle, has gone aground off San Fran
cisco bay. .
St. Petersburg officials profess 'g
norance at the arriavl of the Lena at
San Francisco.
I tie nood oi the Klo urande river is
doing great damage to property in Texas
and it is feared many lives will be
Tbe first shipment of the Lewis ard
Clark souvenir old dollars have ar
rived in Portlnd. Arrangement! for
placing them on sale are not complete.
They will bring $2 each and to the
purchaser of five an additional one
will be given. They are a little small
er than a dime. The first shipment
contained 25,000.
The Japanese are expected to enter
Mukden toon.
Republicans elected the governor of
Main by a plurality of 33.000.
Robbers held up train at Letts, La.,
but found the safe contained no money.
Military critics at Liao Yang 'say
that Kuropatkin did not believe he
could be defeated.
Tbe reason for the Russian abandon
ment of Mo Tine pass remains as much
of mystery as ever.
A Knight Templar train was wrecked
near Reno, Nev., and two people killed
and 25 others Injured.
Japan has entered a protest against
tbe Russian transport Lena remaining
in San Francisco harbor. The ship
ruav dismantle and stay in the harbor
until the war la ended.
The Japare e are icprrel to have
routed the rear guard of the Russian
army at Hun liver. General Zassalitch
and 3,000 of his 6,000 men have been
taken ptisonera.
The cruiser Milwaukee has been
launched at San Francisco.
Knropatkln must continue his re
treat and await reinforcements.
An interparliamentary congress will
ask the powers to stop the war in the
Far East.
The Japanese army is expected to
posh on as soon as they are refreshed,
doth armies are resting.
German iron dealers, it is reported,
have been requested to furnish prices
on 1,800 tons of cast iron for American
Many bids have been pnt in for the
Oregon building at St. Louis. It will
he sold to the highest bidder and
turned over at tbe close of the fair.
Disease Is a new horror 'eared at
Mukden. Tbe continued heavy rains
and the hardships endured during the
10 days' fighting are snre to increase
he sickness.
The navy department has appointed
a board to inspect tbe merchant marine
and ascertain the cost of changing ef ch
hip into a man of war and the length
if time required should their, services
be needed in esse of war.
Britain and Thibet have formally
concluded a treaty.
A Russian force of 12,000 near Muk-
len is 'n a perilous position.
The new Russian minister of the in
terior will be liberal In his policy.
Tbe spoils of war falling to the Jap
aneee at Liao Yang were of little value.
Few of the Alaska salmon canneries
will have as great an output as last
Rnsnian papers claim that Viceroy
Alexieff is directly responsible for tbe
lisaater at Liao Yang and want him
pnt ont.
Fire raged an entire day in Progersso,
Mexico, before it conld be checked.
The loss is estimated at (1,000,000.
The losses of both sides at the Liao
Yang battle are estimated at 60,000,
of which the Russians lost 20,000 and
the Japaneee 30,000.
The deported Colorado miner who
confessed to having a part in the Inde
pendence ontrage says the others im
picated with him are all officers and
members of the United Mineworkers.
Tbe Japanese art on two sides of
Rockefeller Interest are said to be
behind a new railroad to the Pacific
J. J. Hill is reported to have sold
his .two new mammoth steamers to
A deported Colorado miner in Kan
sas baa given tbe names of the striker
who planned the Independence outrage.
Tbe Russian drydock at Dalny has
been repaired and is teing aaed by the
Russian Vessel Puts Into
franclsco for Repairs.
San Francisco, Sept. 14. The Rus
sian transport Lena, Captain Bar
linsky, put into this port today for re
pairs. The Lena is 81 daysfiom Vlad'
ivostok via Bayaniaa, Sakhalin islands
She made the run from Bayaniwa
19 days, which Is considered fart time
showing that the Lena possesses speed
qualities. Tbe Lena has a crew of 497
men and 21 oflicvrs, and carries 23
guns. She lias three funnels and three
masts. Captain Berlinsky, wbo olfia
ially declares the Lena to be a trans
port, states that her engines and boil
;'sr are in need of repairs. After pass
in? quarantine the Lena anchored off
the Union Iron works, where she now
lies. -
According to Brasseys'Nsvy Annual
the Lena was formerly tbe Kherson, of
the Russian volunteer fleet. Braseey
refers to her as "volunteer cruiser
and also as a "transport vessel." The
Lena has speed of 19j knots. Her
hull is "I steel, and her displacement
is 10 225 tons. She is 493 feet long,
54 feet 3 Inches wide, and bas a draught
of 24 feet. She has two propellers
Her indicated horsepower is 12,600.
She was built at Hehbum, England, in
1895. According to Braseey, tbe Lena
carries three 4-inch quick riling gnns
and 20 of smaller cailhre.
ine arrival oi tne Lena bas been re
ported to Washington. Instructions
are expected from the Washington au
t lion tu s tomorrow as to the length of
time tbe Lena may remain in port.
Association Will Hold Meet In On.
tario September 19, 20 and 21.
The convention of tbe Oregon Irri
gation association, to be held at On
tario, Oregon, September 19, 20 and
21, promises to be of tbe greatest Intei-
est of any yet held in tbe state. What
irrigation can do for a country will be
there given a practical demonstration
when worthless sage brush land will
be shown side by side aith land
worth $31)0 per acre.
Senator Mitchell, Congressmen Wil
iamson and Hermann, Governor
Chamberlain, of Oregon, and Governor
Morrison, of Idaho; Hon. O. W. Rose.
United States geological survey; Mayor
Glaseman, of Og'len; Dr. Withycombe,
of the Oregon Agricultural college, and
numerous other speakers piominent in
rr mat ion work from different parts of
the country will be in attendance. Be
sides this, there will be over $1,000
given away as premiums for fruit dis
plays. One of these premiums ia a
100 silver loving cup to be presented
by tbe city of Ontario to the Oregon
county making the best fruit exhibit.
Tbe O. R. & N. and Oregon Short
Line have made a rate of full fare go
ing and one-third fare returinng. The
city of Ontario is well prepared for the
accommodation of all who attend the
convention and tbe association promis
es that all will be more than paid for
the trouble and expense they may be
put to.
Masked Men Make a
Haui of
About $7,000.
Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 14. The
transcontinental express, due here at
45 lH8t niiiht, was held up 35 mites
from Vancouer by six masked men and
$7,000 taken. The train was flagged
and some of the men got on tbe tender
with rines. At the point of guns the
ngineer and fireman were compelled
o take the baggage and express cars
wo miles away, where they were
rifled. The train arrived at 12
o'clock. A eepcial train with a large
posse of policemen immediately left for
the scene. This is the first holdup in
It is supposed that tbe train robbers
expected to intercept the clean-np from
the Consolidated Cariboo mines,
amounting to $60,000, and which was
expected to be sent hire abont this
time. It la said a cipher telegraph
message was sent to the express messen
ger telling him to have his safe open,
to be searched by an inspector, and
that therefore he was off his guard.
The authorities are now investigating
this rumor.
Shop Was Blown Up.
New York, Sept. 14. The barber
shop of Joseph Stravelli, on Third ave
nue, was wrecked by an explosion just
before 1 o'clock this morning, and 20
families living in the house were
thrown into a panic, in which six ten
ants weie hurt. Six weeks ago Stravelli
received a letter crudely drawn by a
"Black Hand," in which be was or
dered to deposit $500 between two
stones at First avenue and Thirty -eight
street. The letter closed by saying:
"If yon do not leave the money yoo
take care of yourself."
Jews' Shops Pillaged.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 14. Anti-Semitic
rioting took place at Rovno, in the
government of Colhynia, September 4,
tnring which many persons were In
jured and shops pillaged. A similar
outbreak occurred at Smela. in the gov
ernment of Kieff. where the troops
were called. Ninety-eight houses and
14 shops were pillaged, and several
persons weie serionsly injured by the
troop. Many of the rioters war ar-i
rested. The affair lasted lor
Protest of Great Britain.
Mai did, Sept. 14. The Heraldo says
that Great Britain has protested
against Spain for having acceded to the
req neet of France to permit the Russian
Baltic fleet to coal and remain at Cor
nnna for a longer period than that per-1
mitted by international law.
Assurance Given. That Railroad Will
Be Constructed.
Pendleton W. E. Davidson, secre
tary of the Eastern Oregon Development
company, und member of the firm of
W. E. Davidson Cani;'Brokers
of Pendleton, says that the-electric belt
line to be built in Grand Ro.'e valley
is an assued success.. Hit father, T. W
Davidson, is in tba East now interest
ing capital in behalf of the project.and
at the present time the outlook ia most
Grounds for a terminal and depot
have been donated by tbe lesidents of
Cove. The Amalgamated Sugar com
pany baa agreed to raise 600 acres ol
beets along tbe line, there heretofore
the price of hauling has made their
cultuie prohibitive. The right of way
bas been secured, and had it not been
for Chief Engineei A. B. Browne being
called to Canyon City as a witness in a
suit at law the suivey would have been
completed at this time.
The power proposition on the Minam
river bas not been looked into except
to ascertain ibat at least 20,000 horse'
power could be developed.
Survey of Euoenc-Corvallls Line.
Eugene The Willamette Valley
Electric railway company announces
that its corps of surveyors will probab
ly begin suiveylng for its Eugene Cor
vallis line this week. T. W. Archer,
civil engineer, who will have charge
of the work, has arrived from Cali
fornia. He will also select a site for a
power station. It bas been practically
settled that the station will be located
on the Mackensie river near Seavey
place, six miles from Eugene. H. C.
Diers, chief engineer of the tompany,
has arrived at Coos bay, and will at
once start a crew of surveyors from
there north up the coast by way of
Gardiner and Florence to Eugene.
Cove Trull for the fair.
La Grande Tbe management of the
horticultural exhibit at the St. Louis
fair bas written to Stackland Bros., of
Cove, who are among the leading fruit
growers in the Grand Ronde, for more
of tbe fruit from this valley, and in a
telegram asks: "Can Cove ship now,
ar prunes, plums, pears and apples?
We pay freight. Sell at least half and
return proceeds. Wire collect." To
which they replied that a car would be
hipped in two weeks time, as some of
the fruits are hardly ripe just now.
Drill for 4300 a Side.
Sumpter As a result of the drilling
contest at Bourne on Labor day, in
which M. D. McLeod came off victor
ious, there Is promise of a much more
interesting contest. McLeod, holding
the championship for Oregon, has been
challenged by William Maddern, for a
match at $600 a side. Tbe prelimin
aries have been arranged, and the town
offering the most tempting purse will
get the contest. There is some talk of
making tbe side bet $1,600, so confi
dent is each man of beating the other.
Lawton Townsitc Sold.
Sumpter Tbe townsite of Lawton.
which over four years ago gave such
promise of greatness, has been sold for
$3,000. This was the amount of a
udgment held by Lina Sturgiss against
the townsite company. Many build
ings were erected duiing the boom, and
Lawton was put down in the brain of
the fanciful promoter as the terminus
of an important railway line that would
come creeping up (be mountains from
a junction with the O R.&S. This
dream faded away and with it Lawtun's
claim to distinction.
Plan Long Wagon Road.
Portland Tbe plan to build a wagon
road from Portland to the California
line bas been discussed favorably by
the county court. Multnomah count
already has a road which reaches to
Clackamas county and it can be made
a first class road with not much ex
pense. Other counties have roads ex
tending Trom one county to the other
in some instances, but to make one eon
tinnons road the whole distance might
require state aid.
Washington County Shipments.
Hillsboro Agent Hinsbaw, of the
Southern Pacific, states that notwith
standing the short bsy and grain crop
this year, the shipments out of Wash
ington county exceed that of any fall
season for years. A part of the heavy
shipments is dne to the condensed
milk company, wblcb sends out from
two to three cars each week.
Wheat Mysteriously Burned.
Pendleton Fire destroyed 1,600
bnshels of wheat on the farm of E. J.
Somerville, seven miles west of this
city. Tbe nop was raised by John
Lndemann, his share being two-thirds.
The origin ol the fire Is a mystery.
The wheat was partly insured.
Northwest Wheat Markets.
Portland Walla Walla, 78c; blue
stem, 82c; valley, 84c
Tacoma Bluestem, 84c; club, 79c.
Albany 78c.
Salem 80c.
Colfax Club, 70c; bluestem, 75c.
Pendleton Club, 70c; bluestem, 73c.
La Grande Club, 66c; bluestegi.
1 70s.
Coos and Curry Await Railroad for
Marehfield An agent looking for
timber for an Eastern syndicate says
that he has figures that show that there
are 24,000,000,000 fiet of timber in
Coos county alone and 80,000,000,000
feet accessible to Coos bay If a railroad
is built through the county. He ssys
that on the Umpqua are 33,000,000,000
feet and on the Sius.sw 15,000,000,000
feet. In Cuny county he found large
tracts of black oak that would make
un iurnnure. inele trees, be says,
will a'erage three cuts of 20 feet each.
Eight thousand acres of Ibis oak timber
was bought by San Francisco tanners
for its bark but the timber had been
found to be tootaluable for manufactur
ing purposes to peel for its lark.
On Tillamook bay and its tributary
streams he says there are 20,000,000,-
000 feet, and on the Nehalem and it
north and south forks there are 25,-'
000,000,000 more feet.' This includes
fir, cedar spruce and hemlock. He
says the timber has all been cruised,
and that his figuies are conservative.
Association Tast Building Up.
Pendleton The Pendleton Commer
clal association Is rapidly building up
under the present regime, having during
the past few days received more than
50 new members. The membership
now exieeds 150 and efforts will be
made to swell the number to 200.
The monthly dues have been reduced
from $2 to $1, these special rates to
continue until November 1. With
the fusing of new life into the institu
tion, plans have been under conBidera
tion for adding a gymnasium and mak
ing other needed improvements. Ai
soon ss practicable the association will
begin caking preparations for the
Umatilla county exhibit foi the Lewis
and Clark exposition.
Shipment of Silver Dr.
Estacada Linn Brothers, who own
a sawmill 10 miles northeast of this
place, have just shipped from here a
carload of the finest quality of lumber
ever seen in this section of the state
The firm owns a large tract of timber
land near their mill and now has on
hand a very large assortment of finish
ing lumber. Tbe timber from which
it is is wed is of a variety railed by tlm
bermen "silver fir," and is of lighter
color and finei grain than the yellow
fir. A number of experienced lumber
men and carpenters saw the lumber as
it was being loaded and all pronounced
it the best they, had seen in the state.
The shipment went to Oregon City.
Crop Costs 23 Cents a Bushel.
Pendleton A reservation farmer es
timates that his crop this year cost him
25 cents a bushel sacked, exclusive ot
tbe cost of summer fallowing. He
paid $2 75 per ai-re rent and hired all
of the work done. Ilia yield was 30
bushels to the acre, and the total crop
4.800 bushels, he having 160 acres in
wheat. He sold at 67 cents, and es
timates his profit at $2,040. Tbe com
ing season or the next, he Will rent 1,-
000 acres. He says as a little can he
made on each huhel he will rent a
Urge tract and either get rich or go
Echo Will Co-Operate.
Echo At a meeting of the Citizens'
club of Ech-i, a committee was ap
pointed, consisting of Dr. C. J. Smith,
O. D. Teel, B. Savior, F. B. Van,
Cleave and II. C. Willis, to act with
similar committees appointed by Ihe
commercial organisstions of Spokane, j
Walla Walla and Colfax, In Washing
ton, and Pendleton, in Oregon, to act
with the Interior department in aecur
ing the best possible sites for the Canals
and reservoirs desired by the govern
ment for the several lirigation projects
contemplated. .
Yamhill Hopdryer Is Destroyed.
. Amity Fire destroyed the hop dryer
snd contents of A. H, Shumate, resid
ing one mile northwest of Whiteson.
Mr. Shumate had just finished picking
his ysrdand bad 10,000 pounds of hops
in the building. Tbe fire started be
tween two walls, and it was impossible
to get water to it. The man drying the
hops had plenty of help and several
barrels of water, but could not nse it to
any advantage. The insurance on the
crop and building was $3,000.
Smut Explodes- Machine.
Pendleton A threshing machine be
longing to Donald Robinson, 17 miles
north of Pendleton, was blown np.
The explosion was caused by smut and
rust in tbe wheat. The loss is $1,600.
None of tbe crew was injured.
Patients Increase at the Asylum.
Salem Tbe monthly report of the
superintendent of tbe stale insane asy
lum shows tbat tbe number of patients
has Increased from 1,371 to 1,375 dur
ing tbe month.
Banker? Lived on What He Could
Pick for Days After Escaplr.j.
Fort Worth, Tex., Sept. 13. A dis
patch to the Record from Roswell, N.
M., says:
Banker Eiland has returned to his
borne at Portales, N. M., and verified
the story that he had been held by bri
gands in the state of Sonora, Mexico.
He has lost 60 pounds in flesh. He
is known as a conservative business
man, and the story tbat be had fallen
Into the hands of brigands, wbo de
manded ransom from his wife at Por
tales, N. M., was not doubted. He was
forced by tbe bandits to write to his
wife and to sign tbe name of George
Reese. He said:
"I was captiued August 0 by four
men, and they robbed me of everything
I had. I think it was In the state of
Sonora, Mexico. They Immediately
tarried me to the mountains and I was
made to walk every day and was fed
very little. At night I was tied with
ropes. On pain of instant death the
bandits made me write the letter to my
wife demanding the ransom, compelled
me to sign the name of Georee Reese
and made me misspell the name. The
letter was mailed from the town of
Oputa. Tbey changed positions every
day and marched me thiongh the
mountains until the night of August
30, whrn I made my escape. I secured
a sharp rock and cut the ropes that
bound me and left while they slept.
"For four days I wandered through
the mountains in search of a road, liv
ing on berries, rabbits and young
birds, and finally reached a railroad at
a distance of 00 miles from where I
"I beat my way on a lumber train to
Douglas, Aiis., and then went to El
Paso, Tex., where I borrowed' money
on which to come to Poi tales."
Arguments of Iron and Steel Men
Regarding New Scale Heard
Chicago, Sept. 13. A board of con
ciliation selected by the Republic Iron
k Steel company and 20,000 of its em
ployes has met here to fix a scale of
wages for the coming year. Today ar
guments of employers were heard.
The dispute which ti e board is to
settle arose over the desire of tbe com
pany to reduce the wages o' its skilled
"merchant" ironwotkers from 5 to 15
per cent. As provided in the working
agreement which has been in force
since 1901, conference committees from
the company and the unions having
failed to agree on an adjustment of
wages, the matter was left to a board of
The arguments of the company tend
ed to show that reduction In business
combined with large outlays In the
erection of new plants, did not justify
ine rontinnation ol last year s wag
scale. These claims were met by the
steel workers' representative with the
contention that the number of employ
es has been reduced in several plants.
thus comparatively lightening tbe ex
Steamers Have Made
Trip for the Season.
Seattle, Sept. 13. A special dispatch
to the Poat-Intelligencei from Dawson,
Y. T., warns persons at coast points
not to attempt to enter Alaska this tall
expecting to catch steamers at Dawson
for the new Tanana district and Fair
banks. Five hundred people are now
at Dawson anxious to go down the river
to the new camp, with no steamers
The steamer Light left Dawson yes
terday for Fairbanks with a 500 ton
cargo, which yieldtd $25,000 In freight
charges. The Northern Commercial
company yesterday refused to send the
steamer Sarah with a cargo yielding
$26,000 charges snd passegers down the
river, fearing the ice would close before
sbe could get back.
Hundreds are going out in small
boats from Dawson to Circle, intending
to walk 260 miles from there to Fair
banks. Capture Only Question of Hours.
New York, Sept. 13. Three of the
six men bandits who held np the pay
master of tbe O Konrke Engineering &
Construction company for $5,000 Aug
ust 24 on a lonely highway in New
Jersey, are reported to hae been traced
to the Italian quarter of Patterson, and
their capture is believed to be Only a
question of hours. Two hundred men
have searched constantly for the high
waymen, but, although they got so
close to the gang that firearms and
articles of clothing were found, tbey
managed to reach town.
Important Witness Missing.
Chicago, Sept. 13. William F. Mc
Mnllin, who was operator of the "spot
light" at the Iroquois theater at the
time of the disaster December 30, has
disappeared. Assistant Slate's Attor
ney iisrnes at the opening of Ihe Sep
tember teim of court began the
preliminary arrangements to put Will
J. Davis, manager of the theater;
Thomas J. Noon assistant manager,
and Edward Cummings, the stage car
penter, on trial.
Battleship Ohio Transferred.
San Francisco, Sept. 13. The bat
tleship Ohio was finally transferred
from her builders to the United States
nsvy, thf government being represent
ed in the ceremony by Captain Lea"itt
C. Logan, who is hei conmanding offi
cer. Tbe Ohio will be for a time on
tbe Pacific station, but her ultimate
destination ia thought to be China.
Two Nonunion Women Se
verely Beaten by Men.
In Other Savage Attacks and In
rights following Six People arc
Injured, Two Severely.
Chicago, Sept. 14. Two savage at
tacks were made upon nonunion work
ers at the stockyards tonlgat, and In
the fights that followed eight people
weie injured, four of them so severely
tbat it was necessary to taks them (a
the hospital.
Tbe first disturbance occurred at the
intersection ot Halstead and Root
streets. Two young women, Annie
Cook and Mattie Jasper, were on as
east bound Root-streetcar, and when It
reached Halstead street, several met)
and boys, with tbe aid of two or three
women, dragged the young women to
tbe street. Both were, badly beaten
before tbe police arrived. They were
taken to the bosiptal. Mattie Jasper
was struck with a brick, and her fact
and forehead badly cnt.
The mob remained at a short distance
from the car track and continued to
throw stones. A west bound car, which'
happened to pass during the trouble;
was struck by several of the" missiles,
and two of the passengers, remont
Sloan and Annie Crodone, were In
sured. Anton Ahutra, a driver for a brewT
erj, tried to drive through the crowd
and was bit in the back of the bead,
with a brick and knocked from bit
wagon. His scalp was badly cut, bnt
otherwise his injuries were not severe,
A call for help bad been sent in by
one of the officers, and Lieutenant Pi Ira
and six policemen soon arrived, and at
once charged the crowd, which scat
tered. Policeman Chris Lyons waa
knocked down by a stone, but was not
badly hurt.
A second riot took place in Root
street, near Princeton avenue, wnere
seven colored . men employed in the
stockyards were attacked by a lairs
crowd ol sympathisers with the stock
yards strikers. John Sims, one of the
colored men, was knorked down and
nearly kicked to death. His kneecap
was fractured, hie Jaw was broker),
and he was badly Injured about other
portions of his head and severely hurt
in tbe chest. The police finally dis
persed the mob and several arrests were
Patrol-Boat Will Sec No Tanatic Re
peats the Maine Incident.
San Francisco, Spet. 14. Early to
day tbe hestroyer Paul Jones, Lieuten
ant G. C. Davison commanding, was
sent to an anchorage off the Union lien
works, close to the Lena. Later, tba
Paul Jones was reinforced by a steam
launch from the Marhlehcad, in charge
of Midshipman Davis, with an armed
crew and four marines with loaded
rides and belts filled With ammunition.
Assisted by the launch ai a picket and
patrol boat, the Paul Jones will keep a
close watch over the Lena as long at
she remains in port to tee that the neu
trality laws are rigidly enforced both
for and agalrist'ber.
Vigilance Is being exercised tbat no
fanatic, Japanese or other, creepa upon
the Lena for the purpose of doing hef
harm and possibly repeating the Maine
incident In this port, and equal vigil-,
ance is being exerted to see that aha
herself receives no military help In the
shape of arms, ammunition, man oi
equipment, or any coal beyond the
quantity,, to which she .Is entitled,
namely, enough to carry her to the
neart st home port. Every boat teat
approaches the Lena is arrested by the
launch until the officers 1n charge are
satisfied that the boat's errand it le
gitimate. . M
.'. .... '.:
Californlans Will Come.
San Francisco,' Sept. 14. An official
invitation has been received by the Cal
ifornia Promotion committee from
President Goode, of the Lewis & Clark
expesition, to visit the- Portland fair
next year, . In the ..invitation the sug
gestion is made tbat. tbe Californlans
ai range to visit the fair in a body, and
to that end extend the annual business
men's eexursion to the Oregon me
tropolis in 1906., At .this coincides
with the original plan of tbe Promo
tion' committee, efforts . will be put
forth to make it a noteworthy event.
Mrs. riagler Robbed.
Newport, R. I., Sept. 14. Word was
received from New York today that a
robbery by which Mrs. II. Flagler,, of
that city, lost a chatelaine bag contain
ing money and jewels aggregating sev
eral thousand dollars in value, at New
port, was being investigated by detect
ives. - The date of the robbery was not
given, but as Mrs. Flagler has not been
here since tbe middle of August it ia
thonght it might have occurred at that
time. .... ;
Only Half of Men TakcnBack.
Chicago, Sept. I4.i-It is estimated
that about 10,000 merf . applied for
work at tbe stockyards today, Abont
4,800 of the applicants were taken back
by tbe packers. Many of the nonunion
men failed to report for . work, but a
number appeared on the Lake Shore &
Michigan Southern . and other rail
roads, giving rise to much dissatistao
tioif among tha union men,-.
J. " V.,