-:r., , .. " - "" ",T"" . - . . 44 yi u ii Hillles (J., li V-"" i.i. "IT'S A COLD DAY WHEN WE GET LEFT." VOL. XVI. HOOD KIVEIt, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1904. XO. 17. I 11 II HGOD RIVER GLACIER Issued evert Thursday by ARTHUR D. MOB. Pubttihar. Terms ol sutjscrlpttoD 11 Jt) yew vMa peld in suvsuoe. . ARRIVAL AND DEfARTl'RI OF KAILS. ; HOOD RIVER. The tK-itcfflce U open daily between lam, ai d 7 p. m.; Sunday ram to lu'clock. Malls lot the Eut clone at 12: Jo a. m. and p. m; (or the W eil at 7:10 a. m. andl:Wp.m. The carrier cm R. P. D. routei No. 1 and No. 2 leave the poaioitic-e at a :8U dally. Mall leaves ForMt. iiood, dally at U:UU m.; arrives, 10 Jli a. m. FurLhenoweth. Wash., at 7:80 a. m. Tues days, Thursdays ai.d Saturdays; arrives same aarsatep. m. For Underwood. Wash., at 7:90 a. m. Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives same Gays ate p. m. For White Halmcn, Wash., dally at 1:46 p, m. arrives at 11 a. m. WHITE SALMON. For Hood River dally at 9 a. m.; arrives at :trp. m. F'orHusum, Trout Lake and Outer, Wash., aauy ai v:ao a. m.; arrives at u m. for uienwooa, uiimer aua ruiua, nasn dailv at 1 :S0 a. m. : arrives at 6 D. For PlnetlM and Snowden. Wash., at II: a. m. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives same aays, iu:sua. m. ForBimen, Wash., dally at 4:46 p. m.; ar rives at 8:46 a. m. HolllCTIIG. OAK GROVE COUNCIL No. 142, ORDER OF FEN DO. Meets the Second and Fourth Frldavs of the month. Visitors cordially wel corned. F. U. Baosiua, Counsellor, Miss Nxlui Clark, Secretary. ORDER OF WASHINGTON. Hood River Union No. 142. meets in Odd Fellows' hall second and fourth Saturdays In each month, 7:Wi o'clock. ii. L. Rood, president. C. U. Dikih, Secretary. HOOD R1VEK CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A., meets in K. oi P. Hall evety Wednesday night M. M. Uubsill, V. C, C. U. Dakim, Clerk. UOOD KIVEK CAMP, No. 770, W. O. W., meeU a a on first and third Tuesday oi eacn moiun In Odd rellow Hall. A. C. MATIN, C. C. F. H. BLAsa, Clerk. WAUCOMA LODGE, No. 80, K. of P., meets In K. of P. Hall every Tuesday night. H. M. DUKES, C. C. C. E. Hkmman, K. of R. & 8. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 26, O. E.B., meets second and fourth iueaday even ings of each month. ViBitors cordially wel comed. THEItIHE CARTHIS, W. M. Mas. Mart B. Davidson, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CIRCLE, No. 624. Women of Woodoraft, meets at K. of P. Hall on the first and third Fridays of each month. Helen Norton. Uuardlan Neighbor. Nillik Hollowkll, Clerk. CANDY l'OST. No. 16, O. A. R., meets at A. O. U. W. Hall, seoondand fourth Saturdays ef each month at 2 o'clock p. ni, All O. A. K. members Invited to meet with us. H. H. Bailky, Commander. T. J. Cunnino, Adjutant. CANBY W. R. C , No. 16, meets second and fourth Saturdays of each month in A. O. U. W.Hall at 2 p.m. Mrs. Alida Shoimakir, President. Mrs. T.J. cunnino, Becrewry EDKN ENCAMPMENT, No. 48, I. O. O. F., Regular meeting second and fourth Mon days oi each montn. A. J. Uatcukll, C. P. BKT Entkican, Scribe. IDLEWILD LODGE. No. 107, I. O. O. F., meets in Fraternal Hall, every Thursday night. J.R. Riis.S.0. Bert Entrican, Secretary. H OOD RIN1CR CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M., meets third Friday nignt oi eacn montn. u. n. vastus, n. r. D. McDonald, Secretary. COURT HOOD RIVER No. 42, Foresters ol America, meets second and fourth Mon days in each month in K. of f. Hall. H. T. PsWitt, C. R. F. C. Bnosics, Financial Uecrttary. LAUREL REBEKAH DEGREE LODGE. No. 87, 1. O. O. F meets first and third Fridays In eacn month. Francis Moasi, N. U. Thekehe CA8TNER, Secretary. H OOD RIVER LODGE No. 106, A. F. and A. M.. meets Saturday evening on or before each full moon. D. McDonald, W. M. R. B. Savaoi, Secretary. OLF.TA ASSEMBLY No. 108, United Artisans, meets nrt and third Wednesdays, work; second and fourth Wednesdays, social; Arti sans hall. D. McDonald, M. A. . M. McCarty, Secretary. R""17FRilDirLODG8 No. 68, A. O. U. W., meets first and third Saturdays of each month. E. R. Bradley. Financier. W. B. SHUT, W. M. J. O. Haynes, Recorder. 1VERSIDE LODGE, NO. 40, Degree of Hon or, A. O. U. W, meets first and third Satur days at 8 p. m. Mrs. Sarah Bradley, C. of H. Miss Cora Copple, Recorder. Mrs. Lucretia f rather. Financier rR. W. T. ROWLEY PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, OCULIST Office and Pharmacy, Hood River Heights. Phone, Main 961. H. UARTW1G LAWYER Will Practice in All Courts. Office with Geo. D. Culbertson A Co. Colleo tiona, Abstracts, Settlement of Estates. HOOD RIVER OREGON Q H. JENKINS, D. M. D. DENTIST. Specialist on Crown and Bridge Work. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, H," Office over Bank Bldg. Hood River, Oregon JJ L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly snswered In town or oountry. , Day or Night. Telephones: Residenoe, 611; Office, 61X Office over Reed's Grocery. J r. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Telephones: Office, 281 ; residence, 281 BURGEON O. R. A 1. CO. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. ABSTRACTER, 140 TARY PUBLIC and REAL STATS AGENT. For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash ington. Has had many yean experience a Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of titles and agent. f'.tisfmcUon guaranteed or so charge. A. JAYNE. LAWYER. Abstract! Furnished. Money Loaned. Hood River, Oregon, p C. BROSiUS, M. D. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hour.: 10 to 11 A. M.I J to J and to 7 P. M. JOGER 8. SASBORS ATTORNEY AT LAW HOOD RIVER ORIGOH WEEIVSDOINGS Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts of the World. OP INTEREST TO OUR READERS General Review of ImportantHappen penifls Presented In a Brief and Condensed Corm. Karopatkin'g column ii IS pi lies long. Viceroy Abiieff has moved hit bead quarUra from Vladivostok to Harb n. Gentril Mar Arthur recommendg that a cavalry post be established in the Willamette valley. The government rs'cs for a deed for the right ol way of the canal and port age road at The Dal lei. ' The salmon pack of the Columbia river for the spring and summer la larger than that of last year. Republicans carried Vermont in the state election by a (lightly ii e eased plrality over the election of 1900. Thiei hundred more men have been asked for to repair the warships at V lad i vol' ok. The nok will take three months. Shippers have been notified that, effective Octobtr 1, a war duty of 10 cents a sack will be taxed on flour en tering Japanese ports. Cw'ng to the discovery of consider able defects in some of ihi vtsels which recently underwent their lr'al trips, the Russian Baltic squadron will not be able to leave for the Far East before November. Crown Ptince Fiederick Wililam is betrothed to the Duchess Ceceila. A tented rity has been erected at Duner for the treatment of consump tives. Fourteen regiments have gone from Japan to replace losses sustained around Prot Arthur. A Clnese merchant has been nrged to accept the office of myor of a Mexican town, but he refused. Five men from Cleveland, Ohio, were drowned in Lake Erie by the capsizing of their naptba launch. The federal government has men looking over the Yakima valley for a suitable irrigation project. A? premature erplosien of nitroglyc erine at Upper SanduBky, O., killed five and injured a number of others. The report submitted by engineers on the irrigation of the sections de pendent on the Columbia and Snake rivers for water is not bright. An insane woman at Boston stood off a squad of 10 policemen foi five hours. She was finally overcome by Injecting' gas through a hole in the door of her loom. Princess Louise will start divorce proceedings at once. The striking butchers are now deter mined to forte a meat famine on the pnblic. German military experts regard Rus sia as being in a very serious position in the Far East. The 1904 wheat yield is estimated at 45,000,000 bushels as against 10,000,- 000 bushels in 1903. America has sent a strong protest to the Russian government in reference to the siezure of the steamer Salchas. Thiee painters were killed at Letb- bridge, N. W. T., by a csaffold giving way. They fell from the top of an eighty foot standpipe. C. C. Clark, the murderer of Leila Page at Olympia, Wash , in March,. 1903, was hanged at the Walla" 'Walla penitentiary at 6 :15, Friday, Sept. 2. The whereabouts of Piincess Louise is still unknown, although a vigorous search is being made. Four-year-old John Conrad, of Red ding, Cal., accidentally shot and killed his sister Clara, aged 6. A fire at Gem, Idaho, caused the loss of $125,000 worth of property. The insurance carried was $20,000. George B. Gamon, of Poitland, was badly injured In an auto wreck wnile taking in the sights in New York City. Police officei Ole Nelson, of the Port land force, was fatlly khot while triyng to arrest a bandit who was holding up a street car. The hold-up artist was caught. While the Russians were clearing the channel at the entrance to Port Ar thur, one of their Vessels struck a mine and went to the bottom. A number of lives mere lost. Seantor Hoar's condition remains unchanged. Over $2,000,000 of the new coinage of Philippine gold has just been shipped to Manilla on the government transport Thomas. A haii storm at Prineville, Oregon, smashed moat of the windows in the town. The Cripple Creek sheriff has de clined the setvioee ol the militia to re store quiet after the recent riots. He believes he Is able to handle the Situ ation. The robbers who held up the train near Kemmrer, Wyoming, secured only $900 Two posses are in 'pursuit and the sheriff ii positive h will captuie the men. A ferryboat in Poland capsized, drowning 70 persona. HARRASS HIS REAR. Japanese are Close Upon the Heels of Kuropalkin. London, Sept. 8. The dearth of im mediate pi ess and official dispatches from the recent actual seat of the Far Easier n struggle continues. It is ad mi tied by the Russian war office that no telegrams whatever were received from General Kuropalkin beaiing Tuesday a date, the last message to the emperor from the general being dated September 6, and briefly telling that the army was advancing north ward; that it had extricated itself from a dangerous position; that there was constant cannonading of the reat guard ami mat tiie losses on that nay weie about 100. The situation, in the light of the latest information, ray .lie summed up as follows: The Russians are pushing' on to Muk den, greatly impeded by heavy rains and floods, conducting an orderly re treat, and followed step by step by the Japanese. Details of the fighting and of the exact position of the opposing armies aie lacking. ilia report that kuropitkm s rear guard has been annihilated, and that the Russian torces are in danger of be ing surrounded, is denied by the Rub- sian general start, llie ttussian war oflice is entirely confident that the re treat is slowly, but surelv, being effect ed. iroin Tokio comes the official report that the bulk of the Russian forces is still at Yentai. The Japanese field marshal, in an extended teport of the fighting up to September 4, says the Russians burned all the railroad bridges over the Taitx river, and pre dicts that, while the Japanese list of casualties is not yet completed, the losses will prove heavy. Viceroy Alexieff is on bis way from Harbin to Mukden. The beads of Kuropatkin's long commissary trains have passed through Mukden, and are continuing northward. The attack on Port Arthur contin ues, and Chinese arriving at Cbefoo say the Russian garrison expects a gen eral land and sea attack today. RUSSIA INCLINED TO YIELD. Modification of Rules Regarding Contraband Expected Soon. London, Sept. 8. The preliminary representations made by Count Benck endorff , the Russian ambassador to the foreign oflice, indicates that Russia is on the point of making subslantial con cessions to the United States and Great Britain regardinglhe queetion of con traband of war, as a result of the sub mission by Foreign Minister Lasalorf of the report of the general commis sion to Emperor Nicholas today, to gether with the information trans mitted by Ambassador Beckendorff showing the views of the British gov ernment. The Russian foreign minister is ex pected to present to the British govern ment, through Sir Charles Haringe, the British ambassador to Russia, to morrow, the formal reply of the Rus sion government. It is understood in official cir lea here that Russia, while not acknowledging herself at fault for the capture made by her ships in the past, will more specifically describe the conditions under which certain goods, such as foodstuffs, and cotton, become in her view contiaband. WIND UP CAMPAIGN. Evacuation of Mukden Also Means Losses Greater Than Intimated. St. Petersburg, Sept. 7. It is impos sible at this hour to obtain any state ment from the authorities regarding the reported preparations for the aband onment of Mukden. The ail vices from Mukden give the firt intimation that such a course is contemplated. If it turns out to be true, it means the abandonment of the whole of Southern Manchuria and the winding up of the present campaign. In fact, should Mukden be evacuated, thete would lie no point for wintering the army of 250,000, with its many wounded, shoit of Harbin. On the othei hand, the evacuation of Mukden would give Field Maiehal Oyama commodious winter quarters and the practical control of two lines of railway. The Kinchou-Sinmintin line, tapping rich Chines i territory, stops little short of Mukden, with which it is connected by a good wagon road. Desire for Peace Growing. St. Petersburg, Sept. 8. Peace is be ing eagerly discussed by thousands of Russians in this city and in Moscow, notwithstanding what is deemed the military splendor of Kuropatkin's re treat. Tiie Novoe Vreyma, sounding public opinion suggests a basis of agree ment whereby Japan would receive Sakhalin Kamschatka, the Kuriles, the Simidore islands, the Liao Tung penin sula and supremacy in Korea. The gov ernment is not likely immediately to lavor the idea of peace, but may yield later. Take Awful Plunge. Moberly, Mo., Sept. 8. The south bound Wabash passenger train which left Des Moines for St. Louis st 6:40 a. m., was wrecked today near Pendleton, Mo., killing eight passengers and in juring 50 others. Immediately npon receipt of the news of the wreck, a re lief train was sent out and the dead and more seriously injured were brought back here. The train was well filled, it being estimated that there were about 500 persons on board. Great force Soon to Reach front. St. Petersburg, Sept. 8. It is stated that by the end of October, the Fourth, Eighth and Thirteen h army corps, totaling 192,000 men, will reach the front, and that before the end of Sep tember 1,100 guns will have been dis patched to General Kuropalkin jvTtWV4TVfT,WV,TTf,T,??MTffm,TvT OREGON NEWS TIAX CROP SHORT. Seed Yield In Willamette Valley Will Not Co Over 10 Bushels. Salem. All of the flax of the crop of 1904 has been harvested and the threshing thereof has just been fin ished. As waa the case with all other agricultural crops this year In the Willamette Valley, for the first time In a decade, the yield was unusu ally light, that is so far as sed is con cerned, and not to exceed ten bushels of flax waa realized per acre this year. Mr. Bosae, however, considers this a pretty gocyl yield, taking all things Into consideration, and he is in nowise disappointed as a result The average yield, of flax seed per acre, In Oregon, so far as the ex per ience of Mr. Bosso goes, is about 20 bushels. Mr. Bosse, however, says that he places no dependence whatever upon the seed yield of his Fall crop, as the most important Hem in the business is the culture of the flax seed for the fibre. He can get all of the seed he wants, and, if the quality of the fibre or the quantity would be materially Increased by harvesting the flax be fore the seed was ripe, he would not takes the seed question underconslder- ation, as the fibrous portion of the Oregon flax plant Is the most valuable part of it, and that Is what he is look ing for. Taking all else Into constd ration he is well pleased with the outcome of this year's crop and Is satisfied that he has obtained an ex cellent grade of fibre-producing flax this year, although the quantity is not all that he desired. WATER STOPS COAL MINING. John Day Anthracite Believed to be of Great Richness. Prairie City. The development of the John Day coalfields, near Mount Vernon, are disclosing a large deposit of anthracite coal. A United States analysis states that It has no equal except In the Pennsylvania hard coal. The work done so far has been made under the management of Rob ert HInes, of Canyon City, and con sists of three incline shafts of a depth of 74, 62 and 65 feet, of which all struck the coal beds, and with It a large flow of water, which stopped tbe work thereon for lack of pumps. A 66-foot crosscut "Hunnel has been run, where they also had to stop work on account of water, when they en countered the coal deposit One tunnel crosscuttlng the coal beds to ascertain the width of the coal deposit, is In 64 feet, and has Ave veins of coal with a 16-lnch solid sandstone wall between each vein, and there may be many more of such veins. This tunnel Is only 16 feet below the surface. J'ames Smith has drilled 144 feet down on the coal deposit, tbe capaci ty of the .machine all Is coal. It Is now the purpose of the coal prospec tors to get a drilling outfit of a 1000 foot capacity to prove the depth of the coal deposit Pendleton's New Schoolhouses. Pendleton. The Pendleton School Board has awarded the contract for the construction of three school build ings to H. E. Cook, a contractor of this city. For the construction of two eight- room buildings, Mr. Cook agrees to do the work for $34,709. Spokane pressed brick will be used and If Wes ton pressed brick Is agreed unon the cost Is to bo $1000 lower. For the four-room building, Cook's figures are $11,033, provided Spokane pressed brick is used. With Weston brick the building will be constructed for $10, 033. Work on the buildings will begin at once, but it is not believed the schoolhouseg will be completed and ready for occupancy before the Bret of the year. Willamette rails rishway. Oregon City. Contractor E. P. Rands has completed the construc tion of the state flsh-lader at the Wil lamette Falls in this city. By means of the Improvement the Fall run of salmon will be enabled to reach the upper Willamette "River and estab lish spawning grounds in the Molalla, Santiam and McKenzle and other streams tributary to the Willamette. The fishway consists of a succession of 12 pools that have been blasted out of solid rock, the basins being lo cated at Intervals of about three feet and extending to the crest of the falls. Records Taken to LaGrande. La Grande. The county seat of Union County Is safely anchored in La Grande at last. The county seat executive committee hired several teams and started out for Union, a dis tance of 12 miles, to bring the county records, safes, etc., to this city, and succeeded in bringing most of them over In one day. It was necessary to make another trip to bring the fix tures. Displays for State Pair. Forest Grove. The women of the Washington County Lewis and Clark Club are preparing an excellent dis play of fruits, grains, vegetables and photographs of local industries for ex hibition at the coming State Fair. This exhibition will form the nucleus of Washington County's exhibit at the Lewia and Clark Fair. Northwest Wheat Markets. Portland Walla Walla. 7778c; blneitem, 8384c; valley, 83c. Tacoma Bluestem, 82c; club, 77c. Albany 76c. v Salem 80c. Colfax Club, 67c; bluestem, 72c. Pendleton Club, 68jc; blues torn, 72c. La Grande Club, 65c ; bluestem, 70c. OP INTEREST NO TEED TOR CATTLE. Grave Problem faces Stockmen In Willamette Valley. Salem. "There will be hundreds of Willamette Valley farmers with cat tle this Winter and with not enough feed for them," says J. K. Sears, of McCoy. "It would seem absurd to say that livestock in the Willamette Valley will starve this Winter be cause of the scarcity of feed, but I shall not be surprised if many cattle die this Wititer of starvation. The farmers have more cattlo thun they want, there is no market for them and the hay and grain crops were so short there Is not feed enough." This statement, made by Mr. Sears, was repeated to a well-known whole sale butcher, and his comment was: "Mr. Sears has stated the situation just about as It is. The outlook is very bad for the farmer with beef cattle, and with feed as scarce as it Is now, stock will be In pretty poor condition this Winter. The farmer can't sell his cattle, and there won't be feed enough for them unless It Is shipped In. The price of feed Is high and the price of cattle low. It won't pay to ship the cattle out of the Val ley to Winter them. If farmers buy feed to Winter their cattle they must do so at a loss. I wouldn't like to say that cattle will starve In the Willam ette Valley, but well, Mr. , Sears Is not far from right" This unfortunate situation arises from two causes, an oversupply ot beef cattle ' and an unprecedented shortage of feed. Hay Is now selling at $11 to $12 a ton, or about 30 per ceut higher than usual. The ont crop waa but a small part of what Is usually harvested In the Valley, and many farmers are now buying for their horses. Pasturage has been very poor all Summer, and unless there are early rains there will not be much grass this Fall before cold weather stops Its growth. WILL EXTEND LINE. Salem Business Men Aid in Building Road Erom Dallas. Salem. The plan for the construc tion of a railroad between. Salem and Dallas took effective form when Presi dent L. Gerliitger, of the Dalles, Falls City & Salem Railway Company, sub mitted to the Greater Satem Commer cial Club a proposition under which he offers to build the road. His offer fs to extend the present Falls City Dallas road to Salem. The present line Is ten miles long. The 15-mile ex tension to Salem will cost $120,000, and Mr. Oerllnger will build, equip and operate the road If the citizens of Salem will take $100,000 bonds of the road. The bonds are to be a first lien, not only upon the new road but the present road and theequlpment. The bonds will mature In ten years, and bear interest at 5 per cent. The committee of business men having the matter In charge are satis fied that the security would be good and the club showed Its approval of the proposition by directing the com mittee to proceed at once to secure subscriptions to the bond Issue. This road, if constructed, will not only give convenient transportation between Dallas and Salem, but will provide means of hauling logs and lumber from the timber country around Falls City to the Willamette river. It Is announced that the Falls City road will immediately be extended a few miles west to tap a larger belt of timber, an dthere is a very general opinion that the road will be extended westward across the Coast Range to the SUetz. Threshing Machine Burned. Albany. The threshing machine of Lawrence and Samuel Hardman was destroyed by fire while operating on the Raymond Burkhart place a few miles from Lebanon recently. The machine was in operation when suddenly fl ames burst from the inter ior of the machine In every direction. The separator was enveloped In the flames, and It was Impossible to do more than prevent the flro from spreading to the grain and straw. The engine was hooked to the sepa rator and the burning machine was dragged into the brush, beyond the reach of the grain. Survey of Salem.Portland Line. Oregon City. The party of survey ors that is making the preliminary survey for the proposed Portland-Sa-lem electric line are now at work In the vicinity of Canemah. This infor mation was given by a member of the parxy. At oaneman the stakes are being set along the bluff to the south of this suburb, which confirms the belief of many that the proposed line will effect a Juncture with the line of the Oregon Water Power & Railway Company at Canemah and prove but an extension of the OregonCity-Port-land electric railway. Take Horses to Alberta. Pendleton. M. W. Brlggs and James Nelson of this place, left this week for Alberta, taking a carload of brood mares and farm implements, to reside between Fort McCloud and Kll aary. Horses are exceedingly high there, bringing from $100 to $150 a head, and they expect to go to raising horses in connection with farming. Mr. Briggs was for seven years in the government service as engineer and carpenter at tbe Umatilla Indian agency. Harvest Season Near an End. Pendleton. Harvest will be com pleted In the next 10 days In this vi cinity, with the exception of the hill land on tbe reservation. Quite a number of Bteara threshers and a few combines hjive pulled In for the sea son. A large portion of the grain Is hauled in, and the hauling also will be complete in at least two weeks. PENNED IN BY (IRE. fourteen People Killed In a New York Tenement fire. New York, Sept. 7. Fourteen per sons were killed and neatly a score injured in a five-story double tene ment in Attorney street early this morning. The dead include four wo men, one man and nine children, rang ing in age from 3 mouths to ii months. Many of the Injured were taken to hospitals, and it is thought that sev eral will die. Among the injured were five flremeu who were In a fourth floor balcony when it fell with tliein. Tlh) Binull number of niou among the killed and injured waa due to the fact that most of the men who lived In the buildings, following the Attorney street custom In hot weather, were asleep on the roof, while but few of the women and children were there. Those on the roof were unable to escape by descending through the burning building, and made their way to surety over neighboring roofs. Meanwhile the members of their fami lies who had remained in their rooms found escape cut off and panic reigned throughout the structure. The Are started about 8 o'clock In the morning, and there was much de lay In sending iu an alarm, although the district is one of the most thickly populated In the crowded East Side of New York. When the fliemen reached the scene some of the tenants were jumping from the windows and from the ends of the fire-escapes that reached only to the second floors Others were crouching in the smoke in the small rooms and narrow halls. The fire Is supiKiHed to have been caused by the explosion ot a lump that had been left to light the hull on the second floor, and the sleeping tenants were not aroused until the hallway was abluze and escape through the building cut off. The lire was soon extlnguishel and the search for the dead begun. Most of the dead were found on the two upper floors. While the soarch of the building was going on lour firemen were at work on a fourth-floor balcony when it gave way. Another fireman on the balcony floor above was caried down and was prob ably fatally Injured. The other four were badly hurt, but will recover. Leon Sober, owner of the building; Morris Leviue, the agent, and Henry iireitman, the superintendent, were ar lested today and were charged with criminal negligence. MARKING THE BOUNDARY. How the international Boundary Is Being Indicated. Parties from the Coast and Geodotlc Survey are now at work in connection with similar bodies from Canada in marking the Alaskan boundary line uccording to the determination of the tribunal which met in London last Summer. It will take several years to complete tho work, for the physical difficulties In the way are enormous, says the New York Evening Post. Some of the country Is so boggy that it can bo properly covered only when the ground is frozen, while for most of the rest of it, especially the mountain section, only k few months in the Summer are available. In addi tion, there Ig a considerable stretch for which no determination was mude by ibo Alatikau tribunal, as noted In these dlsputches a year ago. It passes through a piece of mountain country of no Beeming vulue, even remotely, to either nation. Until something aiises to muko tiie land worth something, which is rather improbable, no at tempt will be made to apply to it the principles agreed upon at the tribunal. In certain respects boundury mark ers have a harder tusk than any class of workers who push through the unbroken wilderness. The civil engineer who lays out a railroad line is on the lookout for the easiest poslble course. The route which would have the fewest difficulties for him to travel over would have the fewest obstacles for railroad. When ho comes Into sight of a region which Is Impassublo by all human standards he steps one side and looks for the next best stretch of country". With the boundary-murker this is different. He has to follow the marching orders of the treaty which he Is to execute, and no mattor where the line which It describes In degrees, minutes and sec onds of earth's measurements lies, he is expected to follow. This makes his task one of the most adventurous man hus to perform. He has to carry boats, prarie wagons, mountain-climbing .mules and a great variety of appli ances for swinging chasms, scaling ledges and crossing streams. His party must also keep communication open with a base of supplies, almost as much as an army Statue of Washington. New York, 8ept 7. The United Hungarian socletltes of New York City tendered a reception here today to Count Albert Apponly and other mem bers of the Hungarian parliament, who have come to this country as delegates to the Inter-Parliamentary Peace Con ference; to be held In St. Louis, and annuoncement was made that sub Hcrlptlons to the amount of $2500 have already been received to start a fund to be raised among Hungarians In this country for the erection of a statue of George Washington in the City of Budapest. Sent to Protect Missionaries. London, Sept. 7 The correspondent at Shanghai of the Times says that native papers state that the French Consulate has notified the Governor of Klangal that French warships have been sent to protect missionaries In the districts of Li Ping and Fu Lin, east of Po Yang Lake. Anti-foreign feeling In this locality was recently displayed, the correspondent adds, in the refusal of local interests to permit British gunboat to enter the lake. Diana Ordered to Disarm. Saigon, French Indo-Chlna, Sept. 7. The commander of the Russian crulBer Diana has received orders from the Ruslan Admiralty to disarm his vessel. TO ENDJTRIHE Negotiations Begun Through Medium of Middleman. UNIONS ARC CALLED TO MEET Packers Will Submit New Offer and It Will Be Considered at Once ' -- by the Employes., Chicago, Sept. 7. The indications tonight aie that the stockyards strike, begun two months ago, will be called off within 24 hours. Through the medium of a middleman, negotiations were begun today in an effort to secure an understanding with the packers on which the striking unions can rely ai a basis foi abandoning (he strike to morrow afternoon. If was admitted tnight by Secretary Tracy, of the Allied Trades Council of the unions on strike, that a message opening up such negotiations had been delivered today to representatives of the packing firms by" W. E. Pklnner, agent of the Union Stockyards A Traction company, acting as middleman. Michael Killean, president of the Livestock Handlers' union; Nicholas Gier, president of the Packing Tradea council; John Floersch. secretary of the council and Piesident Donnelly were the men to confer with Mi. Skin- ner. According to the plans tonight an answer is to be submitted tomorrow by the packers in time for it to be report ed at a special meeting of the Allied Trades council. This meeting has been called for early in the forenoon. Special meetings for all the local unions involved in the strike have been called for tomorrow. If the packers give encouiaging answers to the strikers, messengers will be sent at once to tha gatherings of the local bodies. Tha unions, it is said, will then vote on discontinuing the strike, and their ref erendum vote will be reported at onca to the meeting of the Allied Tiadea council. . TO QUIT MUKDEN. Russians Are Preparing for Evacu atlon of the City. Mukden, Sept, 7. The forces ol Ku ropatkin audifklyama are racing for Mukden. This much stands out in tha dispatches fiom the seat of war, and ia indicated in a report forwarded by Ku ropalkin, who says his retreat is being conducted in perfect order, though tha Japanese on Sunday repeatedly attack ed his tear and continued the attack until Monday. The result of the taoa Is In doubt. The united Russian forces are now north of Yentai, a station on the rail way about ten miles nor theast of Liao Yang. They are pushing on to Muk den, to which the bulk of Japanese forces is marching direct, alter having swarmed across the Taitx river. A rtrong Japanese flanking column ia about 30 miles nortbest of Liao Yang and is trying to get between the Rus sian forces and Mukden. With this race in progress there comes a brief dispatch from Mukden saying that prepaiatlons for the evacu ation of that place are proceeding. This report, if well founded, aa is pointed out in the Associated Press St. I'etersbuig dispatch, would mean the abandonment of the whole of Southern Manchuria and the winding up of tha present campaign. it was reported in St. Petersburg at a late hour Monday night that Kuro palkin s rear guard had been almost annihilated and that the main Russian army was In danger of bei ig surround ed. Kuropalkin, in his report, makes no mention of the abandonment of 200 guns at Liao Yang, rumor to which fleet ts in circulation. -Advices from Port Arthur, by way of Cliefoo, bring the fighting'there up to September 2, and say the Japanese losse-s were very hevy. No Hope of Intervention. London, Sept. 7. Careful inquiry in official and diplomatic quaitera hereto- day established the fact that no hope prevails of the termination ol tbe war at this moment as a result of: the aer ies of victories obtained by- the Japan ese at Liao Yang. There has been no Interchange of official views by tha neutral European governments. What discussion has occurred has been en tirely personal and has lxl to no re sults, even to the extent of paving ths) way to mediation. There is no thought of international intervention. Armenians Create Terror. Paris, Sept. 7. A dispatch to tha Temps from Constantinople, by way of Folia, Bays that an official report which has reached one of tha foreign consuls there, states that Armenian insiugents at Van, Asiatic Turkey, are successfully resisting the Turkish troops, which until yesterday had been unable to reduce or disperse tbem. The Armenians advanced to within about 400 yards of the French con sulate. Odessa Corps to the front. St. Petersburg, Sept. 7. The new mobilizat on decided upon Is expected to be announced in the latter part of this week. It will include the eighth army corps stationed at Odessa. Tha emperor today Inspected the battleship Orel and the cruiser Oleg'Of the Baltic fleet, which Is now ready to sail. I ! e