The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 01, 1904, Image 4

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In order that people engaged in (row
ing itrawberrwt may better understand
the iituation, the Ulacier dan endeav
ored to obtain information which it feels
may be of interest to them, and acquaint
them with the condition! of the mar
kets, etc.. tut tbov eisted this year.
With this object in view, a reporter
ought out E. II. Shepard, manager of
the Hood River t ruit urowera union,
who very courteously went over a num
ber of letters in his possession, which,
in a great coeuure, explains many
cause of unsatisfactory returns .
Mr. Shepard is very busy these days
arranging for a market for the apples
of the Hood River Apple Growers'
onion, and it i a hard matter for the
Glacier reporter to find him when he
has a moment to talk, but m the news
gatherer dropped into Mr. Shepard's
office last Friday, the manager of two
fruit unions, shoved aside his work long
enough to let the reoorter gather the
following valuable information :
"This has been an off season in fruit
v from the beginning of the orange crop
to the present tune," remarked Mr.
Bhepard, "due probably to the follow
!.. itu.- Tn the firnt nlace a Dresi-
dttntial vear make money tight; in tlte
second place the acreage of all fruite
has been sreauv increaseu, anu in me
third nlace the crops were larger. In
fact every berry-growing district pro
duced large crop with tb exemption
of Hood River and Colorado. Texas
came first, California, Arkansas, Mis
souri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois,
Michigan, Wisconsin, Colorado, and
Minnesota, all come along in regular
order with big crops.
"Big yields mean low prices in all
the eastern markets, of course. A great
many of the home markets were crowd
ed with berries from their own tonality,
aid Mr. (Shepard, as follow: Utah,
Boise. Milton. Athena. Walla AValla,
Spokane, which not only supplied their
own towns, but local market; Vashon
and Lake Washington supplied all the
Bound cities and Montana. This, of
course, cut out part of the former mar
kets for Hood River Iwrrien.
"The first slump in fruit," continued
Mr. HheDard. "came from overloaded
markets in oranges, California produc
ing 32,000 cars, and oranges were selling
at 76 cents a box in Seattle, tbi epring,
from which win to be deducted the
commission.! dravaue, wharfage, etc.,
leavinir Drebably a net figure of less
than 60 cents a box, causing the grower
to lose about 60 cents a box on oranges
on the Seattle market, inasmuch as the
coat to the grower 1o lay these down at
his own dopot, la on dollar. Other
cities also made poor returns.
"Strawberries came next, meeting
crowded markets; raspberries and
blackberries met the same condition,
4Uid the ehaaeea -are that tbe market
are apt at this season to be glutted with
peaches and other early fruits,
"We are, however, glad for Hood
River vallsy, that the appl market
bids fair to be good, so far aa we are
able to ascertain at the present time,
a the California crop and the Missouri
crop are both light,
"While the net average for the entire
season has not been figured up for re
turns on strawberries, the lowest
return made were about f 1 average to
the grower, and ranging from this up
in round numbers, to $1.10, $1.20, $1.30.
$1.45, while aoiiua early grower routined
above thi figure, a thigh a a $K.O0
average, and some of the very late ber
ries averaging 1.65 net.
"Comparatively- least, Heod River
grower have- not suffered a badly as
other districts. The Yashon growers
received but about 05 cent net per
crate. Missouri berries in Omaha
brought as low an average from the 10th
to the Doth of Jane a 83 cents per erate;
consequently the berries here brought
better returns in that market than this
figure for the reason that It coats us 76
cents freight to market in Omaha, and
if sold at 83 cent per crate, all berries
sent to Umaba would have netted but
8 cents per crate. This figure was bivsed
on the reKrt from one of the large com
mission houses in Omaha.
"Toouote from one of the letters:
'This i the toughest year on record,
. darting from the orange slump lost fall,
until the present time. So far aa ber
ries go, I do not believe the growers
from this section of the country, that
is around Omaha, with tlie exception
of the early Texas berries, have re
ceived money enough to more than pay
for the crates and baskets, to ay noth
ing about their cost of picking.'
"Her are quotation froia a number
of telegrams and letters:
"Denver 'Car shipped 8th, due Mon
day, 4 ears Mo. due Monday, divert I
you think best.'
" Atlantic City, Iowa 'On account
of the large amount of home grown
berries that are coming into the market,
I will be obliged to cancel my berry
oruer wiin you.
"tit. Louis 'I would not advise ship
ping of strawberries at present, inas
much aa we have an overstocked mar
ket, sell ing at 40 cents from the (tores
You surely are not able to go against a
proposition where peddler are offering
inny part ef t lie city, the best herriee
Irani o to I mmu per quart, even selling
n excellent berry at lo cents per gallon
"Denver 'There are 9 car of straw-
berrie in here today, and all except
Hoods consignment, we wired you to
cut out any curs that wight arrive hore
tomorrow, ana also see diversion is
accomplished on car 194D4.'
"From this last letter it is easy to
see in a comparative- way, how some
market were crowded with straw ber
riea. Nine cars to be sold in a single
day in a city the sixe of Denver would
mean approximately that 00 crates
would have to be retailed in a ctty the
sixe of Hood River.
"In addition to these, a number of
tulegNuns were received from Omaha,
asking the shippers here to cut out
train loads on eertain day on account
of the crowded condition. It is fair to
presume that no broker acting on the
percentage basis, would semi such
telegram and cut out hi owu prolits,
n he lelt able to tind any market lor the
"Another letter: 'In general would
lay, Missouri is shipping tbe biggest
crop she was ever known to have, and
her berries are runninc exeentionallv
good tliis year, many of them being as
good as the "Hoods," except they do
not take pains in putting them up.
These were consigned to any one who
would pay the freight, and the ruling
price were $1.25 down to the dump, in
tact some berries told s low aa 10 cents
per crate in Missouri.'
"Part of a le'ter from Wahpeton
N. D.i 'We find a great many of these
berrie in tins shipment were small,
especially iu the bottom tier. These
Hood Itiver shippers will kill the sale
of their berrie if they do not pay more
attention torading them, and we think
it would be well to put in a vigorous
protest about the manner in which they
, allow some of their chipper to tlx up
the case with good bernea on top and
poor one on the bottom.'
"The Gothland district in Missouri
lias tbe name of producing very tine
berries. The editor of the Western
fruit Grower writos ; 'I have heard that
the growers at Gaahland, Mo., have said
that after paying for picking and pack
age, freight charges, etc., their crop did
not ret them much over 25 cents per
rate for the latter part of the rearon.'
"Assuming that their coH of picking
and crates were the same at ours, inas
much as they do not pack their berries,
t would mean that the returns were
75 cents to the grower. The ih centr
freight charges on our perries, u no
body realized any more for their berries
than they did, this 75 cents would
have been consumed in transportation
charges and would have netted the
grnwer not one cent. ,
ine euiUT in hub same iwncr wucn
the following statement: 'We would
say in this connection that we think
there Is a growing belief among those
acquainted with the strwlierry situa
tion in Southern Missouri that the
acreage of strawberries has been rather
too large, or rather that individual
growers have more acres than they can
attend to, and the tendency now is to
have each planter decrease his acreage
until it reaches a point where be can
give it the proper attention.'
"From a letter reviu-d from Grand
Forks, listen to the full'iwinit : 'We have
been obliged to grant, allowances on
strawberries this year when allowances
would not have been necetaary if con
ditions had been different. It has been
hard woik to get our jobber to con
tinue handling Hood River berries.
Southern berries have been so very
cheap that Jobbers could make better
prolits on the Bouiliern irons man on
your. This has made them over-exacting
on allowances and made the
business generally difficult.'
"From Chevenne: 'We wired you
this morning that we would not advise
shipping any more here. Utah ship
pers are Hooding every little town in
our territory with strawberries, anil as
the express agents are selling most of
them for express charges, e find it
wful hard work to move Howl Rivers
"I could quote from a number of
other letters of similar nature, but trust
the above are suflicient to convince any
body that nearly every market was
crowded and that nearly every district
suffered worse than Hood Itiver; and
had it not lieen for the fact that our
berrv is the best grown in the world,
and that the majority of our pe pie cull
their berries properly, and that we put
thorn up attractively bv facing the
boxes, we would have been compelled
to accept about the same price as other
districts received, and that means any
old price down to 10 cents per crate."
taking up the cost il marketing, lor
the benefit of a great many peoplu who
inclose cards in their boxes and receive
replies stating that they paid so much
for the crate of berries, Mr. Shepard
went on to explain: "It costs 75 cents
freight to most of our distributing cen
ters ami 10 cents brokerage. The com
mission house makes 25 cents tier crate,
and if the lorries are shipped out to
some other town, there is 25 cents ex
pressuge, and the retailer usually takes
50 cunts tier crate, making a total cost
of straight marketing of $1.85. This
would mean if the grower was returned
$1.50 per crate, that the berries sold at
$.'1.35 per crate. In many cases an ad
ditional expense is incurred by berries
being sold through commission houses,
where the population is 25,000 or so,
making an extra expense of 25 cents per
crate; and frequently berries are sent
to towns so remote that the expressago
is 60 cents per crate, which would make
another 75 cents, consequently a crate
which sold to the consumer for $4.10
would net back but $1.50. Of course,
some of these charges could he cut off
were our business siitliciently large In
these small towns to employ a repre
sentative on a Hilary, but usually tbe
amount of business Is not large enough
to enable us to do this, and to do so
would incur a greater expense than the
present system.
" I lie policy oi the Union this year
was to have each grnwer receive his
firoportioii of the shipment sold to the
ilgh price markets ami take his sliaro
on the low price market- in proportion
to the nuuilmr of crates he shipped aa
compared with the entire number ship
ped on a single day. Upon tins system
growers in all cases would receive Iho
same treatment.
'From what I have told you, It would
seem, in order that growers should get
the bust results, that each one should
aim to grow no more berries than he
can take care of; and in order to get the
best price for his homes, -lie mutt put
up a good pack and thoroughly cull his
berries. 1 here is always a market (or
fancy fruit, and if Hood River growers
do not put up fancy fruit, they will be
compelled to accept ordinary prices.
Apple Are Plentiful In England.
Messrs. James Adams,Son & Co., fruit
brokers of Liverpool, England, says :
"Compared with last year, the ptes-
ent offers a marked contrast, as instead
of a scarcity there is nvnrvwhern an
abundance ol ti n it. According to the
report published in the Gardener's
Chronicle, the crop throughout the llrit-
ish isles is Hilly up to, and iu some in
stances above the average, while the
(Utility generally promises to he good,
trotn the continent ulso our reports in
dicate a similar state of things, the cli
matic conditions there, as with us, hav
ing been very favorable. The inline
mediate needs of our markets therefore
promises to be well supplied from these
sources, but for all that we do not sny
that even "fall" apples from vonr side
will not find an outlet, if of choice qual
ity and In good condition. Indeed, so
popular have American and Canadian
apples become in this country that in
niBny of our large renters preference is
at once shown for them, especially when
showing color, as most of our home
grown sorts are wanting in this respect.
At the same time wecaiinothold out any
hopes for high prices, and if the businoss
is to he prohtable, shippers must not
only use every care in the packing and
grading of the fruit, but will also re
quire to buy cheaply. The risk of ship,
ping early apples Is very great indeed,
many of the varieties being extremely
tender, and we cannot therefore urge
too strongly the necessity for careful
"Winters. That these will be wanted
there is no doubt ; but while it is impos
sible to indicate prices, we cannot say
that the prospect is altogether a bright
one. Trade depression has not only re
duced the earning power of the earning
data, but has a heeled the spendinga of
the great middle classes, so mm h so in
fact that for some time past our markets
f;euerally have had to contend against
ow prices for all descriptions of fruit. In
making purchases, therefore, it will be
well for operator to bear this in mind,
as. if they are to come out on the right
side of this season, it will only be by
buying advantageously of the ' farmers.
Shipper will also do well to rememlier
that with the aid of cold storage, etc.,
far more apple are now kept until the
spring than formerly; indeed, for our
part, we think too many are held, the
result being that prices are often lower,
or at all events no better in February
and March than in November and le
cemlier. Then again there is the loss
by shrinkage as well as the risk of tran
sit, which in themselves are too im
portant to lie ignored."
A lot of old exchanges at the Glacier
ofHce for sale at 25e per RK). Just the
thing to wrap parcels in, put on shelves
if paper old boxes with.
Bulletin No. 81, July, 1904, issued by
the department of horticulture, Oregon
Agricultural Experiment station at Cor
vailis is an intensely interesting one to
the apple growers of Oregon. It i pre
pared by Professor E. R. Lake, horti
culturist and botanist of the station. Mr.
Lake's work shows careful research and
thorough mastery of hi subject, and
his language is couched in the simplest
terms, easily understood by all.
The bulletin is nicely Illustrated with
half-tones, on a fine grade of book paper
and the press work is faultless. It opens
with a history of the introduction of
the apple in Oregon, telling how Hen
derson Luel'ing of Iowa, in 1847 brought
acrots the plains with an ox team what
is supposed to have been tbe first graft
ed apple trees planted in Oregon. These
trees were grown in boxes by Mr, Luel
ling in Iowa, loaded Into the wagon
cared for ami watered and kept alive
through the long, hot, weary months of
summer travel across the plains. We
now can never be able to realize what
a stupendous task this must have been,
and can only faintly imagine some of
his diilicultiea when we recall stories of
euftering from scarcity of water at times
and at other time where two or three
teams coupled together were necessary
to ding the heavy loads through the
marshy place or up the steep, (tony in
clines bf the mountain passes. Added
to these natural difficulties were those
more hard to meet, the unleeling jeers
and more ttr'enuous objections of his
short sighted companions. At times
Mr. Luelling was obliged to show a dis
position to tight lo prevent hi com
rades from throwing out his treas
uies in order to lighten the load. Hut
he was a typical pioneer, possossed of
the necessary ability and determination
to carry him through, and In the fall
he planted bis trees in some freshly
cleared laud near Milwaukie, Or., and
from this beginning Oreg.m achieved
her fame for growing the Big Red Apple.
Mr. Luelling lived to see the wisdom of
his couise thoroughly demonstrated for
his trees returned "a dollar a drop for
for the sweat I lost in getting the neces
sary water to keep them alive while we
crossed the desert ; and Iheir luscious
fruit repaid me many times over for the
jeers, ridicule and contentions of my
Mr. Lake quotes Dr. J. R. Cardwell
in First Oregon Report as follows:
"It is related that the first big red ap
ple produced by Oregon soil was borne
upon a one-year-old root-graft in this
(Luelling & Meek's) early nursery in
the fall of 1848, (V) and so great was the
fame of it, and such the curiosity, that
men, women and children came from
miles to see it, and made a hard, beaten
track through the nursery tothis joyous
reminder of the old homestead so far
"The first orchards of notable size
were planted in the Waldo hills, on
French prairie near Salem. The follow
ing varieties were common ones of those
early days: Red June, Summer Sweet,
Red Aslrachan, Gravenstein, Talman
Sweet, Blue Pearniain, White Winter
Pearmain, Gloria Mundi, Genet, Raid
win, Rambo, Winesap, J en netting,
Seek-no-further. Tulpahpcken, Ameri
can Pippin, Red Cheek Pippin, Rhode
Island Greening, Virginia Greening,
Little Romanite, Spitzenburg, Swaar,
Waxen,and a spurious Yellow Newtown
Pippin, since called the Green Newtown
Pippin and generally considered worth
less. Home few other varietie were
probably introduced at the same time
but of these there is no certain record.
"In 1850 Mr. Luelling returned to the
East and selected at the nursery of A.J.
Downing, among other trees some Yel
low Newtown Pippins which, were dug
under tbe personal supervision of Mr.
Downing. These trees were brought
across hu Isthmus. On fruiting these
hroved to lie nothing more than the so-
railed Green Newtown Pippin ol the nrst
introduction, and the real xellow iNow-
tov. n Pippin a! we have it now was not
introduced uniil some years later.
"The first 'six ol apple off- red for
sale in Portland bv Mr. Luelling was
eauerlv purchased at one dollar apiece,
nettimi him $75. Following this, prices
ranged from one dollar a pound to $25
a box and and retailed as high as $1.50
per pound, and in one insiance $2.50
was paid for one apple.
"in lnoa me surplus, a lew Doxes
curely bound with strap iron, w
shipped to Han Francisco and sold at
per uou nil
"In 1854 tbe surplus amounted to 600
bushels and was sold at a net price of
11. fit) to 12 tier pound.
"Iu 1865, 0000 bushels were shipped
returning a net price ol $20 to $30 per
"In 1850 shipments amounted to 20,
000 boxeB. This year one box of Ebopus
Spitzenliergs sold in San Francisco for
iw net, and wire uoxes oi inesaps
sold in Portland tor U.
"From this time till 1809 the ship
ments during the fall and winter months
varied from tKHK) to 12,000 boxes per
month. From 180 the shipments to Cal
ifornia declined, as the young orchards
of that state came into bearing at such
a rate as to not only supply their own
demand but to furnish some for export
ation'. In consequence of this lose of
market, prices fell so low that thousands
of bushels annually rotted beneath the
trees and other thousand of bushels
were consumed by stork. The enor
mous prices obtained during the '50s
resulted in the planting of a great acre
age of orchards. With the loss of the
California market came a total collapse
iu the industry, since there were no ad
equate means of transportating the
great yield of fruit from these young
orchards to suitable market."
Mr. Luke also quotes the following
from K. L. Smith' address at the Far
mer's Conirress. Salem, 1802:
"At a farm near Salem I purchased
several bundled boxes of the largest
Winesap 1 hud ever seen. I could
have bought almost unlimited quantities
of this tine fruit at from l'.'j to 15 cent
per bushel. In an orchard near Jeffer
son this fruit was still cheaper for there
1 remember seeing great Golden llelle
rlowers (ailing to the ground to the evi
dent satisfaction of the pigs beneath
the trees."
The bulletin also contains the follow
ing interesting letter from John Minto,
Salem, Oregon, February 14, la02:
"I should judge from my knowledge
of the French Canadian settlers, that
Joseph Gervais, who settled at Chemay
way, was the first planter of apple trees
iu the Willamette valley. He was the
leader of his class, and in 1845 his or
chard of apple trees looked to be 12 or
15 years old at least. The Montietn
brothers, Walter and Thomas, rot wa
ter sprouts from Gervais' orchard, which
were the first planted at Albany, Linn
county. Mr. Gervais used to seem
proud to bring apples to Salem for sale
at $;t a bushel in 184!). I never saw nor
heard of another French Canadian who
had apple trees si old as his appeared
nor that had apples to tell. Gervais
came to Oregon with Mr. Hunt, Astor'g
partner, in 1811."
This bulletin should be in the hands
of evey apple grower in Oregon, and
especially of those who contemplate
planting an orchard, because of the val
uable iuioriuation contained therein on
that subject. Mr. Luke describes at
length both the square and hexagonal
method, giving full instructions as to
msnner of laying out the orchard.
The bulletin i the first of a series on
The Apple in Oregon and the topics
discussed are: Early history, earliest
varieties, later plantings, the problem
of planting, site a to soil, site as to as
pect, selection of trees, planting. It is
one of the most valuable bulletin yet
issued by the station to apple growers,
and will be sent free to any resident of
Oregon for tbe asking. Address James
Witbyoombe, director of experiment
station, Corvallig, Oregon.
Timber I.ani Art. Jnne S, 1378.1
United Hlates Land Office, The Dalles, Ore-
? on. June stu. W04. Notice Is hereby given
hat In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress ol June, 1S78, entitled "An act
tor the sale of timber lands In the stales of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended t nil the Public Laud
Unties by act of August 4, 1K02,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, aute of
Oregon, bason May aft, l'.M. filed lu this office
bis swoin statement No. HSW; for the pur.
chase oflhe WJHKM section 17, NWMNK1-I
and NBMSWHol section No. 20,ln township
No. 1 Dorlb, range No. east, W. M and will
otter proof to show that the land sought la
more valuable for It timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and lo establish hla
claim to said hind before Ueorge T. Prather,
u. b. commissioner, ( m omee In HikkI
River, Oregon, on Ihetfih day of Heptember,
He names as witnesses: Charles Canner,
Lewis K. Morse, Lee C. Morse, and William
V. Hand, ill or Hood Klver. Oregon.
Any and all Demons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims lu this office on or before said
llh day of Hentemher, 1904.
jyUtM M1CHAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
(Timber Land Art June 8, 1878.1
tlplted Htntes Land Office, The Dalles, 0e
;ou, June l,ISU4. Notlee Is hereby given that
n eomnllaiice wllh the Drovlslons or the net
of congress or June 8, 1818, entitled "An act for
tne sale or limner lands In the states of Cali
fornia, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington
Terrltory,"as extended to all tbe Public Land
Suites by ant of August 4, lmfi,
Doha hkldkr
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has on May Utl l!M, tiled iq this office
uis nworn suiiemeni no. lor tne purchase
lheN)-EI-4 and KUNK1-4 of section No. 15,
In UlWliahln No. I enat W.M..
and will oiler proof to showthatlhelandsought
is more vaiuauie lor us ll ill nor or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish
ins ciann u saiu isuu oetore ueorge T. Pra
ther. United Mlales commissioner, at his
office at Hood Klver, Oregon, on tbe Srttll day
oi nepiemuer, mil.
lie naines me following witnesses: Charles
B. JJoclcmanii.of Poitland, Lewis K. Morse,
Lee C. Morse, William K. Rand, all of Hood
River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Hie
above described lands are requested lo tile
their claims in this office on or before uulil
X day of September 1'KH.
jyn xa miuiiAi-.L, 1. nuijAN, Receiver
Timber Land Act June S, 1878.1
United Hlates Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
ion, June HO, 1I)W. Notlee Is hereby given that
n compliance with the nrovlslona of tlm net
of Congress of Junes, 1878, entitled "An act
or inu auie oi umucr lanut in ine states of
uaiirornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all tne Public Land
HtliUM by act of August 4,1-Wi,
of ll Florence street, Portland, Comity of
miitnoman, siaieoi uregou, lias om Muy
1!04, tiled in this office his sworn statement
No. am for the purchase of tho KkNKl-s,
NW'l-4NKl-4andlhe NEI4NW1-4 of section
No. m, In townshipNo.l noilh, range NoJeast
W.M.and will otlerproof to show that the land
ought la more valuable lor Its timber or
tone than for agricultural purposes, and to
esubllsh his claim to said land before Ueorge
T. Prather, United Htates commissioner, at
his office at Hood Klver, Oregon, on the 28th
dHy of September HUM.
He names the following witnesses: Charles
Castner, Lewis Morse, le C. Morse, and Wil
liam r . ttanu, an oi iiixki Klver, Oregon,
Any and all nersons cluliiiinir adverwelv the
above-described lands are requested to tlie
their claims In this office on or before said
Sixth day of September, HOI.
jynais miuhakl iNOLAN, Register.
Department of the Interior, United States
Land Office. The Dalles.Oregon. August 9.IHD4.
A sufficient contest affidavit bavin been
filed In this office b
of Hood Klver, Oregon, contestant, against
homestead entry US.hl, made March IO.lMI.for
the northeast quarter (N Kj) section 29, town
ship 1 south, range 10 east, by
oontestee, In which It Is alleged that the said
James K.Walt bus entirely abandoned tne said
land and has no Improvements l hereon and
and that the same Is not due to service In the
army, navy or marine corps or the United
Slates, during the time of war. Suld parties
are hereby notified to appear, respond and
otter evidence touching said allegation at 10
ociock a. m. on ucioner, i, huh; before oeo.
Prather, U. S. commissioner, who Is author
ised to take the testimony In the case at bis
office at Hisid Klver. Oregon, and that final
hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. in. on
October 10, lull, before the register and receiv
er at the United Slates Land Office In The
Dalles, Oregon.
The said contestant having. In a i roper
affidavit, Hied Augusts, 1004, set forth fuels
which show that afierdue dllllgence personal
service ol'thla notlca cannot be made, It Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
alls! M1CHAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber land, Act Juno 3, 1878.1
United Slates Land Office, The Dalles,
Oregon, July lo, lliot. Notice Is hereby
given that in compliance with the provisions
of the act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public hind slates by act of August 4, 1802,
the following named persons have filed In
this office their sworn statements, to-wtt:
of McMlnnvllle, county of Yamhill, state of
Oregon, aworu statement No. 2.ti0, filled June
a, iWH for tlie purchase of lota 4, 5, A, and of
section 19, township l north, ranges east W.
of Kalrbanlt, county ol Rice, state of Minne
sota, aworu statement No. litil, tiled June 111.
11104 for the purchase ofthe NI-I'-.MK. lots 1.
8 and 8 of section 82, township i north, range !
east, mat iney win oner proof to
how that the land sought is more
valuable for IU timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and lo establish tholr
claims to the land before Ueorge T. Prather
U. H. Commissioner at his office at Hihh
l,iin, Mil .j:, u, linn, i.-j
name as witnesses: William K. Rand, Lewis
K.Morse.Chai lea Caatner and John Schreve ol
Hood River, Oregon: William H. Houek of
McMlnvllle, Oregon; and ueorge A. payaul ol
r-'atrbault, Minnesota,
Anv and all ueraons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are advised to Hie
their claims In this oltlee on or before Un
said M day of October, 1K4.
jyassiai MIt'HAKLT. NOLAN. RegiBler.
by Test."
A transcontinental traveler
ays: I've tried them all and I
prefer tlie
western Limited.
It's the best to be found from
coast to coast."
It's "The Train for Comfort"
every night In the year between
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chi
cago. Before slurtlnj on a trip no mai
ler where-wrlte tot Interesting Infor
mation about comfortable traveling.
II. L. SisLER.Gen'l. Agt.,
132 Third St., Portland, Or.
. T. V. Tkasdalk,
General Passenger Agent.
St Paul, Minn.
Seasoned Lumber
Rough Lumber, $8.00 per 1,000,
Finished Lumber in proportion.
Lumber Yard mid Office:
Mt. Hood P. O.
Cloud Cap Inn
Pure Air, Cool Nights, Unrivaled
Scenery, Health, Pleasure,
Open from July 1st to October 1st
Fob Ratks and Information
Fresh Bread, Buns, Cakes,
and Pastry Daily.
Cottage Viarket,
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Free Delivery.
I am manufacturing at my
yard near Columbia nursery
south of town, as fine a qual
ity of common brick as can
be found in the state. Have
200,000 to 800,000 brick on
hand for inspection. Price
at yard f 8 per thousand.
Come out to the yard and
see how we make brick.
WOICKA & HEMMEN, Proprietors.
Sanitary Plumbing' and Tinning'
Pumps, Windmills, Pipe, Fittings, Everything in Plumbing and Tinning Line
The New Music House is the Boss
The Celebrated Weber, the Renowned Chickering, Kimball
Hobart M. Cable, Crown and Hardoroff.
Then Come the Fine Kimbal and Burden Organs
These fine goods with a fine assortment of
And all Kinds of Small Goods will be found
Successors to Parkins Grimes (EL Co.,
WOOD BROS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Delivery. Phone
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
School Commences September 5th.
Books and School Supplies
Tablets, Composition Books, Pencils, Pens and Penholders
Carters Inks Black, Blue and Writing Fluid, Inks for
Fountain Pens, Stamping Inks, Water-proof Ink.
Photo Library Pante, Mucilage, School Spores, Ink and Pencil Erasers, School
Blotters, etc. Crockury, Glassware, Confectionery and Fruits.
Phone 351
Farm Machinery & Vehicles
Including RushforJ, Winona, Milburn and Old Hickory
Wagons, Clark and Perry Buggies, Lightning Hay Press,
AermotorWind Mills, Deering Machinery, Buckeye Pumps,
Champion Carts, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows.
A complete line of S. ra'Mise Implements, Hanforrf's Balsam of Myrrh, Extra
BuKKy Tops, Seats, CiimIiIhiih, Dashes, Poles, Shafts, Singletrees and Neckyokes
Bolster Spring and Iron Age Garden Tools.
Cor. 4th and Columbia Sts., Hood River, Or.
When you buy Dalles Patent or
White River flour you are assured of
uniformity the same this week, next
week or next month us that you pur
chased a week, month or year ago
unless possibly, It's changed only to
better ittt quality, for we're always on
the alert to improve our product. Any.
way tlie above brands are always in
the lead of good flours.
Hood River, Or.
Violins, Guitars and
and Motions.
Geo. F. Coe & Son