HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1904. ine ; of a tel i servico for FIRE DESTROYS FRUIT CANNERY. T!. ! -l-.-i i i me iHiiiiiug piain, com storage ware lioufle anil storage rooms of the David Bon I ruit Co. were completely destroyed by fire early Sunday evening. The loss will amount to nearly $30,000, with about half this Bum covered by insur- Biiee. i ne uox lacwry ol Uie company uinieu iu me west 01 me cannery, was spared. ctranahan & Baelev. iobbnin fnr the Wasco WarehoiiHo and Milling Co., lost n cuupm cars 01 nour ann teed stutts, in cluding their warehouse valued at $1000, wiiii wu insurance lhe railroad company suffered the loss or the old warehouse adjoining the Bwjre ruoma 01 otrananan & Kagley. A Southern Pacific car, loaded with drain tiling trom ' McMiuiiville, was also de Btroyed. The tiling was little damaged Du.no ui inu raiis on uie eiuing were Dauiy warned, and the burning egraph pole interrupted wire sc several Hours. an j. . . . . . j. lie exact origin oi me nre 18 un known, (ilen Fabric, bookkeeper for the Davidson Fruit Co., seated on the porch of the Mount Hood hotel, was the nrst man to notice smoke issue from the upper windows of the cold storage mums, no iiuiiieuiaieiy gave t lie alarm of fire and started for the office, where ne met Mr. Davidson and Mr. Huxley, Together thev ran around tn thn n. liouse, only to find the building go filled with smoke that it was impossible to get a nose into me uuilding. ine names appeared to he coming up the elevator shaft. Axes were secured and the bridge between the cannerv and the warehouse was cut away in an effort to stop the spread of the flames. Water was turned onto the burning building irom uie Dre nose in tne cannery, but the supply of wafer was too light to be eneciive. uie nre soon communicated !1L II. . 1 .1. -II- n . . wuii uie large ouiiiuug ot tne cannery ami me implement ware rooms, and in a very lew minutes all was a total loss, ith the assistance of citizens, all the wapons and buggies In the warehouse were removed into the street and saved from the fire. Some of the machinery of the canning plant was also removed. All the books, papers and accounts were secured from the office. A few cases of fruit jars and tins were taken out, but uie ooxes iook nre, ana tne turning on of water cracked most of the glass. Joe Wilson, O. B. Hartley and others labored faithfully in shoving the freight cars on the siding to a place of safety. A dozen or more cars were saved in this manner. Bert Kent climbed to the top of the Gerdes rooming house and assisted ma terially in saving this building. A hose from the Mount Hood hotel was also brought into play, and a good stream of water was poured onto the Uerdes house and the O. Li. & S. depot. George T. rratlier climbed to the top of the depot and fought the flames unaided for some time. It got pretty hot there, he says, but lie kept a stream from the hose go ing, auu uie sparKstnat would alighton the roof were soon extinguished. C. L. Gilbert of the Mount Hood liouse was nervous as he watched the red flames. When he made the repairs to his hotel this summer he put a reel of 2-inch fire hose on each floor of the building and arranged with the water company for a two-inch reserve pipe down Oak Btreet. This bit of precau tion did as much as anything to save the hotel, the Uerdes house, the deflot and all tho buildings in the east end of tue city. A heavy rain Saturday night and bunday morning had made everything uauii, bhu me iact mat what little ureeze there was came from the south west, contributed toward keeping the fire within its original territory. The green oak trees at the east end of the ijaviuson oiock helped, too, in prevent ing the flames from leaping to the near- Dy buildings. The oaks were badly scorched, as were the cot ton woods to tne north of the railroad track The cry of fire spread quickly, and uie siuoxe ana oiaze ot the burning can nery attracted the whole town. A large crowd had eoon collected, and ev;-ry few minutes it was augmented by relays from the country. The flames made a bright light that showed up plainly rom the country to the south, and it gave the impression that the whole town was ablaze. Many farmers hitch ed up and drove rapidly to the city, some oi iiiem coming ail the way Irom the Cranper neichborhood. As eoon as the fire was discovered the livery stables began turning their horses into tne street and pulling the hacks and other vehicles to places of safety. The streets the next morning presented a strange appearance filled with wagons, niggles aim a nearse. t he Transfer Co. drove several of their teams with office fixtures to the river beach. Stored in the basement of the ware house of the Davidson Fruit Co. were aoout 40,000 apple boxes, says Mr. Dav idson, and about 25,000 strawberry crates. The berry crates were consumed before the walls of the building began to tumble, but the tons of apple boxes furnished fuel for the fire all night through. On this same ground floor was a carload or more of vinegar and cider in vats and barrels. Next morn ing nothing remained but the iron hoops of the big vats and barrels. Great piles of tin cans and glass jars formed part of the debris. In the shipping warehouse and cold Btorage rooms were several carloads of canned fruit. The heat would expand the tin cans to the bursting point, and the noise from the explosions resem bled cannonading throughout the night and far toward noon of Mondav morn ing. The cans would at times "shoot a hundred feet or more into the air. Mr. Davidson had just the day before sent out a couple cars of fruit, and will be that much ahead. The Spokane fl nyer was delayed in passing the fire burning brightly on both sides of the track. For 20 minutes or more the railroad men examined the tracks and figured how to pass through the flames without injury to the cars. Mr. Davidson wishes through the Glacier to express his thanks to the people of Hood kiver who so kindly as-sis-ted the Davidson Fruit Co. on the night of the fire. Mr. Davidson feels very grateful to all who lenttheirassist ance. The Davidson Fruit Co. will have temporary offices in Joe Wilson's ware house, until the building of Charley Temple' on Oak street, formerly occu pied by the Hood Kiver Real Estate and Exchange Co. can be moved to a vacant lot on the Davidson block. Page & Co. of Portland have loaned the use of their warehouse for storing the implements and wagons. Mr. Davidson is unable at this writing to give out anything concerning his plans for the future hut he Bays he will not erect wooden buildings in Hood Riv er again, or in any other city where there is no extensive provision for fire firotection. Mr. Davidson has worked oug and hard the past four years to se cure fire pn-teetion for the city of Hood River, which if it ever does come will be too late fur him. cures. It aurDassea anv other salve. lotlon.olntment or balm for Cuts, Corns Burns, Bolls, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, sail Ktieum, iever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at Lhas. J . Clarke's drugstore. DATE FOR PRIMARIES KLICKITAT COUNTY. Special to the Glacier. . . I 1 1 1 lr . . . . uoiuenuaie, wash., Aug. 30. At a meeting last Saturday of the republican county central committee for Klickitat county the following call for primaries and county convention was made: The Klickitat county republican con vention is nereoy caned to meet at tne court house in Uoldendale on Saturday September 24, 1904, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m.. for the purpose of nom inating a full county ticket, appointing a succeeding central committee, electing a chairman ana tor the transaction ot such other business as may come befoie the said convention. It is recommended that primaries be neiu on Saturday, September 17, 1904 at the regular voting places in the sev eral precincts from 2 p. m. until 4 p. m. The basis of precinct renreseutation is as follows : One delegate at large for eacn precinct ana one delegate tor eacli 20 votes! or major fraction thereof cast in each precinct for Hon. G. H. Baker, republican candidate for state senator, at the general election held in 1902, winch entitles each precinct .o the fol lowing representation : Alder Creek 5 Lyle 2 Camas Prairie . ...3 No. 4 3 Canyon 2 No. 6 2 Cedar Valley.... 2 Pine Forest 4 Centerville 5 Pleasant 2 Cleveland 4 Rockland 2 Columbus 3 Sand Sprines 1 Gaunt 2 Hpring Creek . . . .3 Goldendale 7 Timber Valley . . .2 Hardison 3 Trout Lake 3 Hartland 2 White Salmon .2 Wood! awn 3 Bucklen's Arnica Sulre. Has world-wide fame for marvelous Husum Ida Valley 1 It is recommended that all voters who supported the republican ticket at the last election or declare their inten tion to support it at the coming election be invited to participate in the primaries. R. D. McCully is chairman of the re publican central committee and Charles Timbhn secretary. LOCALS DEFEAT PORTLAND NINE The Hood Rivers won airain. This time the defeated nine was the supposed ly famous Columbia University nine. There was some eood ball plavincr. but a disappointingly small crowd. As the manager remarked after the game. "It is useless to attempt a game with nothing but the Hood River people to depend upon for a crowd. We are 20 behind because of this game. lhe leatures ol the playing were the catching of Martin for the locals, the hekllng of Uastner and the pitching of HayneB. The local battery put up al most faultless playing. Iiavnes in the field was also conspicuous in the game. lhe visitors gathered but one hit oft Haynes, the locals finding Myers for two safe ones. The University hoys were handy with the wiliow, but not so steady in the box. lhe runs for Hood Kiver were made by Kheets, L. C. 'Haynes, Castner and r. Haynes. Oames made the two runs for the visitors. There were very few errors in the game. ine line up: HOOD RIVER UNIVERSITY Sheets rf Smith Haynes L cf Gaines Castner If Hinkle Haynes F p Myers Mehan 1 b Williams Martin c Brock Black bs Gray Morse .3b Moore Tharp 2 b NcKenna STILL ANOTHER FRUIT COMPANY The organization of new fruit com panics appears to be the order of the day witn the van Horn Interests. Last Friday incorporation papers were filed with the county clerk organizing the Orchard company. The capital Btock of the company is stated to be $30,00", divided into shares of f 100 each. The ncorporators this time are given as T. . Decker, V. R. Bone and A. A. Javne. all of Hood River, at which point the principal office of the comnanv will hn . - ----- 1 j ..... located. In conversation with C. R. Bone the Glacier learnB that the land of the Or chard fruit Co. was secured from Mr Bone at Willow Flat. The land lies next to the Willow Flat farm of H. F. Davidson, and consists of 160 acres, Mr. Bone says his comnanv expects to have 80 acres set to apple trees by next spring, ine company will increase this by M acres later in the year. nir. vannorn, wno is interested in the Orchard company is said to resrard the Willow flat country one of the best sections ol the Hood liiver valley. Securing Students for C'orvallls Professor J. B. Horner of the chair of literature at the Oregon Agricultural college, and registrar of the college, was in Hood River, Tuesday, visiting the Hood Kiver students of that favorite in stitution and making the acauaintance oi prospective Btuuents. Professor Horner announces that he will be at the Umatilla house in The Dalles, Wednesday, September 7, to ex amine students as to entrance require ments to the Corvallis Agricultural college- lhe Oregon Agricultural college is the largest institution of higher learn ing in the Btate. It has 530 students and 33 instructors, with Dr. Thomas M. Gatch ne president. The school has 500 graduates receiving an average salary of 11500 per annum, while the highest sal ary paid on the Pacific coast is received by W. F. llerron of San Francisco, who is a graduate of this institution. Tui tion free ; board (2.75 per week ; books about $10 per annum. - Courses of four years each in phar macy, mining, mechanical and electri cal engineering, household science, mil- tary science and tactics, music, agricul ture and literary-commerce, including bookkeeping, type-wriling, stenography. penmanship, etc. Certificates from igh schools and colleges will be hon ored; also the college has provided a preparatory course for eighth grade graduates who have no high-school privileges at home. School opens Hep teniber 20. Bend for catalogue. A col lege education is within reach of every Oregon boy and girl with sufficient en ergy. Following are the Hood River stu dents of the Oregon Agricultural col lege : Percy Adams, Meigs Bartmess (grad uated last year), Carrie Byerlee (grad uated last Year), Lucile Roberts, Max Hinrichs, Ernst Hinrichs (graduated lat vear), Irene Sproat, Donald Hill, AlU-e Hill, Laura Hill, Edward W. Byerlee. WILL OFFER A WATER SUPPLY. The Hood River Electric Light, Water and Power Co. is prepared to lay liefore the city council at their next meeting a proposition to furnish this city with water for domestic purposes and for fire protection, so the Glacier is informed on reliable authority. The water company haven't made their plana known lately, but trip to that part of the city on the hill shows the company is doing something. A force of 20 men or more have been dig ging trenches along the principal streets on the hill, where the company expects to lay mains for a water system. Monday afternoon there was a meet ing of the board of directors of the Light and Water Co., when the action of John Leland Henderson in proceeding with the recent improvements undertaken by tho company was ratified, and the resig nation of Mr. Henderson accepted. Mr. Henderson's place as manager was filled by the appointment of 11. L Vors, at a salary of (100 a month. Ned Henderson, who is at present in charge of the office, will step out the first of the month to assist his father withj his law and abstract work, while Louis Henderson is attending the Uni versity of Oregon. At this same meeting, the Glacier learns that N, C. Evans, who is one of the principal stockholders in the Light and Water Co., presented a protest to the board of directors for proceeding with extensive proceedings to the sys tem when the company w as heavily in debt and had Dot sufficient funds in the treasury to pay for the work. On learn ing of this move on the part of Mr. Evans, the Glacier went to first sources and found it was so. Manager Ned Henderson says' his company will go before the next meet ing of the council with the most liberal offer for water that has ever been pre sented to any city in Oregon. Mr. Henderson also states that the Lyman Smith spring, from which the company expects to secure water for the hill sys tem, is now runniHg off surplus water through an 8-inch pipe and a 4-inch tiling. Mr. Henderson says it will de pend on what action the council takes toward securing water for fire hvdrants as to whether the Water Co. will lav a 6, 8 or 10-inch main from the spring to t. :.) : i.:n biio luBiueure auction Ol uie mil. But we intend to furnish the people on tne nin witn water, the city council to the contrary notwithstanding, con tinued Mr. Henderson. He further stated that the pipe for the hill system n us rjeen oroerea and that it was ex pected here Wednesday of this week "The water can be supplied to the hill within two weeks alter the pipes ar rive," said he. Affairs do not appear to be altoizether lovely within the camp of the Light and Water Co, One side declares the ac tions of the other are all a bluff, a bluff to saddle the system onto the city or some one who has money and wants to spenu II. un tne other hand, those who are pro ceeding with the improvements declare mey are Bincere in tneir ettorts to lur nisli water, fire protection and lights to the cfty. The opposition declares the present management cannot deliver the goods. They say they can and will have water to spare. i.ary Monday morning, when the coals were yet hot from the fire of the nigni peiore, several oi the citizens vi tally interested in the question of fire protection for the city, circulated the following petition, which rapidly met with signers, though there were others with whom it did not meet with favor To The Honorable City Council of the City of Hood River, Oregon: We, the undersigned, citizens, residents and tax-payers of Hood River, county of Wasco and state of Oregon, respectfully request that your honorable body grant tne oest proposition ottered by any responsible water company, for fire pro tection, despatch being one of the most important conditions. turther: We, your constiturnts, de mand that some action be taken at once. Seeking Other Locations. Dr. Brosius appears to be going ahead with his proposal to give the city of Hood Kiver another brick. At least the tenants of his property have been served with notice to vacate, and most of them nave been Dusy tins week seeking loca tions where they will not be disturbed by the bricklayers and carpenters for the next six months. The Hood River Real Estate and Ex cuange LO nave secured oince room in the building occupied by Mrs. Mercer just above the post office. G. J. Gessling,secretary for the Hood Kiver Milling Co. will locate temporar ily witn joe vvuson until office rooms are hxed up in the new mill building. Russell & Reese, the barbers have re fitted the building recently used for i shooting gallery next door to J. E. Hand on Oak Btreet, aud Sunday removed their supplies and fixtures to the new lo cation, where they are ready for all their old patrons. S. A. Knapp will move hn shoe store, building and all to the Hartley block. The building will be located a little to the west of Mr. Hartley s residence. Mr. Knapp says he proposes to put uo a conspicuous sign calling attention to his new location, and will keep the readers of the Glacier posted as to his bargain offerings in his advertising space on the local page. His ad will be worth read ing. Mr. Onthank, the Insurance and Real instate Agent, has removed to an office on 3rd (Street above McGuireBros., wnere ne is prepared to do business in various lines as shown by Ins advertise ment which appears anions: the business cards. Fruit Market In Portland. The Tradesman speaks of last week's fruit market in Portland as follows: There were rather heavy receipts of peaches t his week from all centers of the state, but the Crawfords from Ashland were in the best call. There is a larger amount of "dry rot" in the Valley than was generally supposed and with the large call for stocks from California it is thought that the market has about reached the bottom for the best imori. and that advances will soon be shown. liartlett pear had a habit of gettina too ripe "this week and a very large amount was sold to the hawkers under 50 cents a box. 'Ihere is now a fairly good supply of grapes coming from Eastern Oregon and with larger arrivals from California the market is lower. Do you wish to buy land? Do you wish to sell land? Do you wish to rent land? Do you wish to make a loan on your property? Do you wish to exchange land? Do you wish to buy insurance? Hre, Lift; Health, Accident, Do you wish to collect bad debts? Then call on the Hood River Real Estate & Exchange Co. They can do all of the above for vou. The Hood River Real Estate & Exchange Co. has bought the business of Copple & Iloole. If you had your property listed with them and desire the same to be continued on our list, please call and let uh know. HOOD RIVER REAL ESTATE & EXCHANGE CO. HOOD RIVER, OR. A. C. STATEN, ROGER 8. SANDOUN, Pres. and Treas. Sec. and Counsel. We are very busy But not too busy, and are always glad to see new Customers as well as the old ouch. CLARKE The Drug'g'ist A Itemed)- Without a Peer. I And Chamberlain's stomach and Li ver Tablets more beniflcial than anv other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble," says J. P. Klole.of Edlna.Mo. for any disorder of the stomach, hil. iousnesa or constipation, these Tablets re without a peer. For sale at Will- lams ruairnacy. Professor C. Crouse.assistant professor in the Hood Kiver public schools, has arrived and made Hood Kiver his home. Professor Crouse comes to Hood River from Albany, where he earned the reputation of an able instructor. NORTON & SMITH, he Plumbers Are prepared to do anything in the lumbina Tinning Heating Line We also carry the only complete line of Pipe Fittings to be found in the city. Agents for Fairbanks, .Morse & Co.'s "JACK? OF ALL-TRADES " Gasoline Engines Cheapest Power on Earth. School Books One Ton of SCHOOL BOOKS AND ff School iff Supplies ff Remember I Give World's Fair Coupons vSlocom T5hc Bookman In Rand's Store A L. CARMICHAEL Carries a Full Line of the Celebrated Mt. Hood Brand Shirts In Golf, Negligee and Work Shirts For Men and Boys. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS. M. MANLY. I O. (I. CttOW. MANLY & CROW. White Salmon Real Estate Dealers. . White Salmon, Wash,, have sole charge of the sale of lots in this growing town. We have a large list of farm and fruit lands for sale. Correspondence solid ted . W. F. LARAWAY, DR. of OPHTHALMOLOGY Understands the eyes, their defects and their relation to human ills. For headaches, pains above the eyes, dizzi ness or nervousness resulting from eye strain, call and see me at Dr. Jenkins' office. Graduate of McCormick's Opthalmie College; Chicago College of Ophthalmology and Otology; post graduate of McCormick Neurological College. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Made to Order Difficult Cases Solicited. R E. JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Telephone No. 31. HOOD RIVER, OR. It. RAND. K. C. RAND. HOTEL WAU-GUIN-GUIN HOOD RIVER, OR. A fine Summer. Resort, two miles west of R. R. Station, overlooking the Columbia River. New, Neat and clean. $2.00 per day. R. RAND & SON, Props. Stages to Cloud Cap Inn. TICKET OFFICE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turn-Outs Always Ready. HOOD RIVER TRANSFER AND LIVERY CO. Hume 131. bone & Mcdonald Carry a full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed, Shovels, Spades, Axes, Saws, etc. The Fishing Season Is here, and so are we with a full line of first class Tackle. Come and see us before buying. Goods Delivered Free To Any Part of Town. bone & Mcdonald A COMPLETE STOCK OF FURNITURE and Building Material DAVIDSON FRUIT CO FRUIT DEALERS and CANNERS Manufactur- CO I TIT DAVCJC and 1 IV 1 UUALJ ers all kinds Dealers in Agricultural Implements Vehicles, Spray Pumps, Commercial Fer tilizers, Tree Supporters, etc. DAVIDSON FRUIT CO. STEAMER Charles R. Spencer. THE DALLES TRANSPORTATION CO. Faat time botween TIM Dalle, and Forilnni. Htwuner l-vc The Dalle Tuetdty, Thumd.y. a.nd Haturd.y., at 7 a. in.; airivlni? nl Portland nt a p. m. (('turning, leaven Portland Monday, Wi.iliir.daya and I'rldaya, at 7 a. m.; arriving at The Dalit . at A p. m. ' Htopplng at Vancouver, WanhodKal, Chch1c Iwlii, Hlevennon, Canon, Ht Martin'. Bprlnm, Oollln., While Haltnon, II.kxI Kiver and l.vle, for tth frelicbt and paawncera. fending at The Ialle, foot or I'nlon nt; nt Portland, foot of Waxhlugton U ('apt. .WJ4peneer, General Manager, Portland. KAMHJON HTAHL.EH, Agent, Hood River. PAINTS AND OILS. FURNITURE REPAIRED. Btt prices guaranteed. Call and look through the Stock. Glad to show you around. Undertaker and Embalmer C. H. TELP THE JEWELER, Una the Finest Display of Watches, Diamond and Gold Rings, Gut Glassware, etc., in town. All work neatly nnd correctly done, eleeiuiiy fine Watch Repairing and adjusting, lieusoimble prices. Do your Eyes nuuuie iuu.r ;y I wiau w) atate to the general public that I am prepared to teat youreyea and lit vou with elatae. that will overcome ail afUictioim of gtijrruatiHin, near-igtedneB and weun eyes tuai ine ueai. ocuuust can lieip. Try Uie glass I sell. I have given this subject very close study and can tell yon by examination Just what kind of glasses your eyes requirs. Eyes test ed free and all glasses gold wltha guarantee to tit your eves with es pecially ground glasses. If your eyes trouble you and cause headache or throbbing pains with blurring vision when readingg or doing tine work requiring close and steady observation, come iu and let me ex amine your eyes by means of the perfected American Optical Tester and secure relief and comfort by "the use of properly-fltted gbjes.