The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 18, 1904, Image 6

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- Our neighbor. II. C. Crockett, a few
day ago exhibited an annual Invita
tion Issued July 16, 1888, requesting
hla presence at the 250th anniversary
of the Spolfbrd family, of which he la a
descendant, hia mother being a Spot
ford. It contains three pages of a
leaflet and has the picture of a coat of
amis at the top of first page. Mr.
Crocker reluctantly permitted the use
of it for publication. Thia is something
quite out of the ordinary, and we trust
you Will glv 11 apace in yuur vaiuoun
paper, following is a mvi
"1638 Bpofford Bponora lao.
'Ilather (if at he than false of faythe.'
Boston, July 1, 1888. On the 29tli day
of August, 1888, the descendants of
John Spollbrd, the progenitor of the
Hpoflbrd family In America, are Invited
to meet at the old homestead on Hpof
ford's bill, Georgetown, to observe the
250th anniversary of the emigrants'
arrival, and to re-dedicate the spot
whereon was erected the first Bpoflord
home in this country, and where today
standi the house, which for more tha,n
150 year has sheltered some member
ol our race.
"Uullavlna thin tn tat tha lUOlt SOON)-
priate place to reunite tbe members of
Hie larnuy, vue eaecuuvo
h.n AuMaii iirw.n t li a 2ttttT and 80th
days of August, 1888 as the time for
bowing tne reunion, sua uorumuj
Invite and earnestly request all mem
bers and connections of the family U
meet upon these days and at the place
named, and assist in making ours one
of the most memorable In the annuls
of family reunion."
Following and covering two pages
of the booklet to a printed program.
Forbearance sometime cease to be
a virtue, aud with the consent of the
agent of the O. R. A N. Co. at Hood
Hiver, we beg to recite the following:
Last Thursday there arrived at Hood
River S.000 pound ot groceries for the
Little White Store, and on Friday
morning we sent a team after them,
arriving at the station about 8:30 a. in.,
and It was 8 p. ni. tiefore w could get
any of Iberu, and then succeeded In
getting only part of them, and the
good we failed to get were the ones
most needed. Tbe trouble lie In the
fact that the business of tbe nation
ha Increased far beyond the facilities
for haudling it. The agent seem to
be doing everything In bis power to
serve the publio right, but finds it Im
possible to do so. Saturday, when I
requested that he put ou a force of
men sufficient to move tbe plied up
f pod and give us ours, be replied that
lehadno authority to spend a nickel
to accommodate the public. This oon
Hiiinfi hua luuiii iilti0 nn for two Vftars
anft nruflniill V liiorMuaitlir Utlt.ll it has
' J II I.. .1......
liecouie uuisnner. anu u is nwiui
time that the public should be informed.
There are notice on the depot Inform
ing the nubile that freight will be de
livered from 8 a. tn. to 12 ui. and from
1 p. m. to 8 p. in. each day except
(Sunday. But the fact I, the only way
a shipper can ever get any freight I to
tackle a loaded car and handle the
whole thing over; so the shipper has
no right at all at the hands nf this
gigantic corporation, whose policy is
to take all they can, and the shipper
must quietly suoinlt The publio will
not alway submit to such cussed treat'
ment, and If the boat companies will
put In wharves at the river the great n II. A Co. will an out of busi
ness at Hood Klver. At least their
present facilities will prove ample for
what business la left them.
Coroner llurgett of The Dalles, ac
companied by R. J. tlorman, passed
Odell Saturday evening on their way
to Mount Hood to inquire Into the
WHO VI bl.V MV'HM ... " - . ,
who was In the employ of Al Roberts
nlTh lkllaa On Arriving at Mntint
Hood they found that the body was 12
miles In the interior, six miles of
which must be made on foot; and upon
l....ual(rulnn fttlliwfl that tn inA all
inquest would only result In large ex
tutiu tn tha count v. The name of the
deceased was Dennis McCarthy.- Ills
l..ll..w attA lh fvilltmiltllt V tudmr ant..
lulled In the matter a to the causes
that led up to his death, they arranged
ttm lia luirial nftliA Imilu ami lla allh.
aeciueut removal, as Mr. McCarthy left
' i .L l . i i I t
ample means lor a curistiau uunai.
In one of my paragraphs last week
Instead of savfna "the reader of Odell"
I should have said "the critic of
There are crowd of people going to
and from Lost Lake these sultry days.
Poor Ashing and plenty of mosquitoes
are reponeu mere, misses minion aim
Anderson and a friend of their from
Portland. Mr. Rav. went In Haturdav.
returning Hunday. Other reinforce
ment went In last Tuesday, Including
Jake Lena and family, 'Lee Odell and
. a. . . .lT . .1
Wire ana U. u. uoaruinan ana wus.
Mr. Clara A. Cordiner, a wealthy
land owner or wan walla, ana
friend of Mrs. Ruucorn, visited here
last week with Mesdame lilack anil
Runcorn. Hhe wa looking over the
valley with a view of investing. . She
returned last Saturday.
Grandpa Diver la quite 111 at the
home of Frank Neft. Ills condition is
critical, but not much can we expect
in the way oft lease on life at 81 years
or age. he vera i year ago, upon me
death of Mr. Divers, Mr. Divers made
request or tne xvett brothers that
when the time came that he needed
care he wanted them to care for hhn.
Ho a few days ago he sent for Frank
Netr and reminded bira of hi promise.
Frank came at once, and took the old
man home with him. and Is elvln.
him a tender car a loving hand of
relative could rIv. There I pure
void in everv community and It onlv
require the hour of trouble to develop
The article last week from Pine
Grove signed X wa timely and correct,
I, with numerous other of the patron
of the telephone system endorse every
word of It. X i right when he says
tbey are playing with fire. A long
suffering public will finally resent such
tyrannous work a the Hell Telephone
Co. tins Inflicted upon th patrons at
Hood River. Polk, lienton and Yam
hill counties have cut loose from the
Bell Telephone Co., and today are get
ting a much Utter and cheaper service
titan tnrouKU the old company. mu
)endence, my old home, Is the central
station for three onnntie. Let Hood
River awake to It right and out loose
forever from this Hhylock monopoly
The summer mads In Hood River
valley are almost a bad a in winter
time, w nere ties tne remedy? me
natural fall of Hood river would not
only furnish an easy grade, but a
shorter road to Fast Hood Klver valley
than at present. Build a road up the
river from town tn the forks of Hood
river and Neal creek, and from there
one road np Neal creek and tbe other
up Odell creek; thus the distance will
be naturally reduced, and a much
better road secured. Then when a
railroad is promoted, which will bap
pen In the near future, the county
could get a large subsidy for a right of
way for the road bed of a railroad
You may call this a boom article but
call it what you may, yet only a few
years will pus before the consumma
tion of the wildest dream of even "Col.
Kellers" will be realized. "The Lord
help those who help themselves," and
If you don't ec hat you want ajk for
It" are good mottoes.
Business called us to town Saturday
along the Pine Grove way, and since
tbe advent of the water, together with
evidences on every hand of develop
ment and improvement, we feel con
strained lo compliment Pine Grove
upon its progressive people, who are
ever wide awake in grasping the
opportunity as it comes... It is well to
remember the words on ine; famous
lilshon Marvin: "Improve the nrewnt
oppoitunlty It may be your last one."
11 Udell lake line aumoniiion ana
take it now.
At a meeting Saturday night, the
Order of Lions accepted Mrs. Shelley'
proposition and secured winter quar
ters in tbe hall.
The hot sultry weather nf the pas!
two weeks Is beginning to tell on the
vegetation where theie Js no water to I
Irrigate with, and the mko from the
forest lire Is settling around hi the
valley like a heavy fog. We long for a
good rain to liven tilings tin ud settle
some of the dust, which is front six
inches to one foot In depth In the roads
up Here. ft .t . f '. U
Guy 'Woodwortli atid sister were In
our valley Hum lay taking In the scen
ery and getting few breaths-of pure
air and cool spring waref.
Mr. TIioiiismi of The Dalles lias been
slopping in the valley for a few days.
He coiilempliitt's moving here to live
III 11)0 fall. -
Charles Murphy went to'The 'Dalles
last Saturday on business returning in
the evening.
J. O. Cameron started his hay press
agnin on Monday, commencing on his
second crop. He will finish baling for
the season in aliout two or three weeks.
There was no Ktinduy school last
Sunday on account of nearly all the
little ones la-lng sick with tlio measles.
There will be no- preaching next
Sunday, as our preacher will he attend
lug quarterly meeting ou that date.
There will be no more preaching until
uutil the 4tli o Soutetnlier,
Every one that can Is requested tn
come to the school house ou Hal unlay,
AtiKiist 20, as we want to iret the yard
and grounds lixed up Ix'IWe the begin
ning or school, I'.veryouu come thai
Cttn, " .'.- -"
Mr. and Mrs. U. I). IVomlworlli,
Clara French and Idel ' AVoodworth
have gone tn the mountains to camp.
Guy Woodworth and A.. French and
his brother will join tnem tins week.
Mrs. S. 8. Notomati returned home
from Pendleton Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones nnd
daughters, Alma aud Mattiv, accom
panied by Mr. and Airs. J. 11. King
went to the mountain Haturday to
camp for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Isenberg visited
ill liclinont (Sunday.
Mr. H. R,1 Lewis aud (liiiiL'hter.
Alice, of Portland are visiting Rulph
Lewi in lieimont, , , ; . . j k ,
Charlie Hurt and tflmer lsenberg
returned from Grass Vulley ijiinday.
Mrs. Thomoson from iVnmitwver,, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Flossie
fcby. ' ,
Mr. and Mrs, llurney Pholps aud son
were driven, from their claim by, the
forest nres, and nre now camping in
iieimont. ,
Mursh lsenberg made a flying trln to
rori land, one ween ago nanmiay and
returned Sunday .
Mr. aud Mrs. Chtirle Sletton and
baby returned to tha Fast Hide after a
three weeks' visit with 1 (i. Church
and fumilyj a , , ,
I notice a large sign put up recently
nnd It reads, K. liruyfnrd, Roekford
suire. unite an improvement tn the
store. With the school house newly
painted, a House neur by lust received
three coats of paint, and a new sign
put nn the store, Barrett district is
looming up, lty nnd by the county
seat will be located here when the
county Is divided. Neither dead nor
eenlnir. - .-,-,
L. Dart 1 raising a flue lot of toma
toes which are netting him (2.50 per
crate. What we want in Hood River
valley 1 more diversity In farming, so
that rancher will not have tn dopend
entirety upon strawberries.
We are glad to report that Joe 1 Ion-
kills' children are somewhat better.
and hope the little tmla will be run
ning around again before long.
W. M. Sirnttoii litis taken a contract
from B. F, Shoemaker to grub and
clean up three acres of his land. Bar
rett district I still Improving.
R. I. Jar vis was down from his
homestead and made a living trip to
The Dalles on business. ' Do not sup
pose he got a license. - s-
The Valley church held their wood
cutting plculo Thursday on Brother
Jenkins' land. It looks as though the
church will be warmed uu this winter
a usual. , v ' X ."! '."
Mr. Rolley has arrived safe at her
home In Colorado Sprlntr. alter nuite
a long visit with her brother, W '. L
Dart, who reside on the old Engle
place. ' , - ' -
CbennwiUi .wa tilled with smoke
last week. The tire burned Mrs. Limit's
old place and some of Mr. Mills' fence.
Mrs. Hill has been on the sick list for
the past week, but Is better now.
Mrs. Miunle Brown Is down from
Tbe Dalle taking caio of her mother.
The Oregon Lumber Co. la moving
the boilers from Mill B to Hood River,
Well, we know now rhat to do with
our extra money. We cau put It in
the new water ditch. More water is
all the talk now. Its a good scheme.
Keep the ball rolling until nil the Went
Side has all the water needed.
We can sympathise with X, the cor
respondent Irnin l'lne drove In lat
week's Glacier about the telephone ser
vice they arc receiving nut that way,
We, like X, did all we could to keep
me present system, nut as iney are not
doing anyining mey agreed to do, we
will join Willi A, or any others lu an
effort to put In a new system.
Robert Rand's new summer resort at
the fall seems to be having a good run
of tourists this warm weather. Good
luck to you, Robert.
Quite a number of Franktonltes are
going to the hoptlelds, either iu the
Yakima country or down in the Wil
lamette valley.
Mis IVarl returned Saturday
and Maud Noble Tuesday from Port
land, where they had been attending
normal aud taking teachers' examina
tion. Mrs Tomelaon and son, Willie, from
near Vancouver, Wash., are visiting
the former's daughter, Mrs. Sam Kby.
Frank Poyser has returned fiom
Southern Oregon. They can't stay
away trow Hood River.
1 M, R. Noble on Monday received the
sad news of tbe death of his half broth
er, J. W. Crouch, who died at Redding,
Iowa, on the 8th of August. Mr.
Crouch was an earnest christian and
esteemed and loved by all who knew
him.; v, ' 4 - :,
Daniel Mears and family came up
last Tuesday, and were tbe guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Kmstrum over- night.
Wednesday, early in the morning, they
boarded "the car" for Greenpolnt,
where Mr. Mears 1 putting in some
concrete work for Davenport' new
mill. This mill when completed, will
have six engines Mr. nnd Mrs. Mears
were visited at their camp, Sunday, by
the writer and found to be very com
fortably settled for camping. Mr.
Mei rs had adopted the style of tbe
ladles at "Camp Overalls" and declared
she didn't see how she could go back
to skirts again.,
The family of Mr. Johns, accntnpan
panted by Mr. and Mrs. Dav Johns of
The Dalles, came up last Tuesday, and
will spend the reiuainder of the vaca
tion camping at Parkertown.
Mrs. Newby and daughter are among
our citizens again and egpect to re
main for a few weeks. .
Last week seemed an off week tn the
way of accidents. John Hwanson
received a severe bruise ou hi rluht
leu by a loir rolling on uliu. He Is
obliged to quit work for a few days
I'red KlinkenKllner revived an ugly
cut on the wrist. K. G. Tucker eot a
had cut ou the left knee, and bad to be
taken to Hie bunk house ou a horse.
Friday evenlim there were several
"invalids" lined up at the store, count
ing the new ones along with those of
last week. Os.-ar Gardner Is Improv
ing and .Mr. ihorubury Is ablo to be at
work again.
J. F. West, who has been feeling
very poorly for t ime time, went to
Portland last haturday to consult a
diysiuian. Mrs. west accompanied
icr niiKiiaiHi.
'Robert Stone went to Hood River
last Snturduy to have a little dentistry
work done. .Mr, Stone had been sti tier-
Inn several days with the toothache,
and decided life was ton short to spend
that way ' when a little "cold steel
would help matters.
diaries Ilawson is enioyinir a visit
from his mother and sister of The
Dalles. -
The third crop of alfalfa is now beine
cut in this vicinity, which makes for
the three cuttings close around five to
six Ions of cured liny per acre.
Some of our orcharding are now pick
ing their tiravenstntn apples, which
will bo packed out sometime, in the
future.' The Oravenstein is great
dropper, and by picking now, till will
be prevented, thereby enabling the
grower to sell good fruit instead of
windfalls. ti , , j, s ,, , , t
The residents of the Fast Side are not
t present very oily, but the indications
are that the roads not the people
will be oileil to the extent of a few thou
sand barrels.' There la a movement on
to vote a ten mill tax on the taxable
property of this road district, and to
expend the same for oiling the main
road from Hood River to Pine Grove.
We believe this to lie a good move, and
trust that when the matter is i lives ti-
uitted, it will prove to be practical and
meet with the approval of the residents
or this district.
Ms. J. L. Davis is visiting at various
points in the W illamette valley. .
" Unlortuuately lor most ol i.s, we are
compelled to literally follow our Uncle
Russell' advice, namely to stay right
Willi our work nity-two weeks each
Some early fall apples are being
shiied, but with the exception of the
Uravuiisteins, there is not a great nuin-
lier o boxes lo lie marketed. '.
' Perry Wells lett for Sherman county
last week, wnerc lie will work for Mr
Pugh for several weekr.
Rev. J. L. Hernhner preached an able
sermon to the Congregational people of
i me urove nisi sumiay.
' The six-montlis-old child of Mr. and
Mrs. J. lister has been vory sick for
tne lam tew uuys. Mr. icstea is acousin
of the Wells family here, and came
from W ashlngton a short time ago.
Mrs. Rice last week returned from
Antelope, where she was visiting her
uroiner, wno is very in.
. James Maloy came down from the
mills and was an over-Sunday visitor
witn ins iBinuy.
Mrs. G. D. Boardman returned from
the Collins hot springs the first of the
Mr and Mrs. Rhode have been rec
reating at ('olllns snrinir. We under.
stand that Mr. Rhodes has been greatly
benefitted by the curitlve properties of
tne weier at tne spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hackett and
son, Teddy, are occupying their home.
stead up in the nuts at present.
Jasper Wlckbain stalled on Mo'ndav
lo visit hi old home In Iowa. -
Mr. Dunn, who ha been suffering
for several day with a severe attack
of rheumatism, 1 still In a very un
comfortable condition.
Mis. P. II. Martin ami Ml-a Inns
Martin attended a buslnssa nisetlng of
tne jm. cnurcn on Monday afternoou
at Belmont. , . . ,
O. A. MeCurdy and family and Fred
Gate started Monday on camping
trip. Their objective point la some
where in the vicinity of Mount Hood.
ProfesHor Everett has moved to Fair
view. He will have charge of the
school at that place during the ensuing
Th Crupper school house has been
greatly unproved dunng vacation. A
cloak room has been added, the old
belfry and flagpole have been taken
down and new ones erected. Home
Important phpnges have been made In
ttie interior arrangements, and the
whole bulldinir repainted both Inside
aim our. uraps?r district now has a
school house that i a credit to the
(Sunday school will lie started again
on uext Sunday, August 21, at 2 p. m.
There will also be preaching service
immediately artcr Miuday school.
A new store is one of the possibilities
of I'nderwood..
Mr. Wlllard waln I'nderwood last
n ednesday.
Angelina Dark la having a tussle
with the measles.
Mr. and Mm. A. .1. llavnsa muni
Sunday and Monday fishing on little
White Salmon.
O. II Ilartlev nf Itnnd Rlvop aa. In
Underwood ou business Thursday.
sir. lansen returned from Portland
Friday, with bis winter supply.
A trnod msnv of our nAnuUi araMnm.
ing on Huckleberry mountain.
Choice Lots for Sale in
Riverview Park and Idlewilde Additions
Best improvements are going west, 'following the easy grades.
Streets are being opened, sidewalks laid and water pipes to furnish
spring water will be put in at once.
Selling Agents.
Milwaukee Nurseries
W h.v 50,000 Yellow Newton Pippin and
and Hultn-nherg Apple Tine, also general
variety ol Fruit Treat tar side for the coining
aeaaon, nnd w. ar going to sell them at re
KHinltle prices. 1 --'
our Tree, are flnelMH end Tiueto Name.
(IrsRed on whole rnotn, with scions carefully
elected from some of the beat bearing or
chard In Hood Klver Vulley,
oenu mr rnotm 10
Milwaukee Nurseries,
' " : Milwaukee, Oregon.
r. K. BTRONO, N. B, HARVEY, Prop.
U cat Agent.
TtaimNo Ion. Ete
Or Other Work Laundered at the New
Our steam-heated polbhers eliminate
many of tbe annovanee of the old
fashioned ironers. You
Ought to Drop in Once and See
T Them Work.
Work called for and delivered. Tele
phone your orders.
Paradise Steam Laundry
Successors lo E. E. Savage's Bom.
deai.em in
Ha rd wa re, Ti n wa re,
Stoves, Paints, Oils
Builders' Material
Estimate furnished to Con tractors.
Aoknt run
E. R. Bradley
Wt are hate to do your work today
tomorrow snd ovsry other day, and
our money (what little we have)
Is epent In Hood River. We want
your work snd een do it neatly and
Time Schedule Effective June &, IWi.
i K I DAY a
Connecting at Lyle with Regulator
ijiie steamer mr rortlana and way
. .(ioUlenilale 0.30
..tenterville ., Ii.48
Paly. 7.02
. . abklarua 7.45
... Wrights 7.55
.. Gravel Pit 8.05
Lylc 8 35
Traill Will Imivf 1 vlnnn nrrival nf llie
Regulator steamers from Portland.
Train will leave Ooldendale. 8:30 .
ni.. conneetitiir st I vl with stmuimF
Sadie B. for The Dalles, connectinir
therewith ). li A ' '. traina Vaul
and West.
Time Schedule Str. "Sadie B.'
Klterllve, Juue , ItHM.
. . Cascade Look fl.00
Stevenson 5 50
7.00 ....
8 00
Carson .
. .White Salmn.
. . . Hood River . ;
M osier
. . .5.00
. . .3.40
Lyle. .
.The Dalle ...2 00
All Unner Rive hnafa nnnnM4 al
Lyle daily for (xoldendale.
ivep Development
Read this Ad
you and the prices at which we are offering them.
Vr.ll Mlict rPr'lHP' wnetner we are the people you want or not;
I UU IvlUdl- LCWIUC and if you can not decide from the sugges
tions we give you of the goods we offer, we'll be real glad to have you tell us so.
This will give us a chance to put stronger evidence before vou that we are at least
ft three or four inches ahead
Ladies' High-Grade Lace Hose have been cut to 25c and Good Grade
Plain J lose, 15c, or two pair for 25c.
Ladies' Fine Dress Shoes, $2.00, and all Summer Waitings and Dress
Goods at reduced prices. "
Just received, a fine assortment of beautiful Fall Suitiners and Winter
f Dress Goods. Ie sure
New fall blocks in our Gordon Hats Best $51.00 Hat on earth. If you don't
think so, try one. ,
. We still sell the celebrated DOUGLAS SHOE.'
ree World's
Leading Hood River
Anv Church. School. Lodce or Orcrnnintinn nf Wncm
- 7 - 7 " v - -W
County may each nominate
Frank A. Cram,
Dry Goods, Clothing
S. E. Bart mess,
Furniture and Carpets.
C. H. Temple,
Ihe leading Jeweler
Oregon Lumber Co.,
Lumber and Merchandise.
J. R. Nickelsen,
Wagons, Buggies &
Mayes Bros.,
Meat Market.
Always ask for coupons and vote for your Favorite.
Ballot Box located at Williams' Drug Store.
Watch Daily Bulletin, also each issue of the (ilacier, for results of contest.
I am prepared to do hII k ml of work by th
dny or by cotilrnvt, eetimnlei on rarpeotertnc
SUtttHrtnf, ioiiwirk.xnvi.iloiiii, etc, specl
tuilotu niTOihett. Ad1reM
Jyiiy K. W. PKlHNOw, H.od River, Or.
For sale, Ioqalieat Ihe llrery niabltn. mil
and vou will see that its
not the ad itself, but the
of the next best, and a mile
Tluslin Gowns and Underwear
and Summer Corsets
to see them.
pens Monday
CriT7"e Co-o.pora.s:
and Shoes. -
and Optition.
Agricul. Imp.
Bids Wanted. ,
I will receive bid. tar therontrnriion of a
dwelllnu boniaeon the Newnm Clark plare,
the same lo be flni.hed, Oclolter I. Viana
aud Duectflcatiooa at W.J. Baker's nfflm.
11. T. BIislluP.
For Sale
Uood, Oenlle hnna buguy and hantera.
Will trade for eow, wood or hay.
aUf H.M. ARnirTT.
most interentiiiff feature is,
quality of the goods we offer
or two beyond the "Jbunch."
- .
& Co
FfJ Kiv'"jaJ
mmm m m m w o m w a v m. T T MWV
one or more
G. E. Williams,
Prescription Druggist.
Geo. I. Slocum,
Books and Stationery.
The Spot Cash Grocery,
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.
Whitehead & Sheets,
Cigars, Confectionery and Ice Cream
Fashion Livery & Dray Co.
W. Haynes & Co.,
The Only Exclusive Hardware. i
35 Acres.
rnrailB.tah.H..i ..
Howl; ffd land; nice hwllhy l,K-ail..n
forahmias by I he road.lde. Inquire ihi
prenitsea. net 16
J. P.
10 Acf es for Sale.
I am offering lor sate my 10 acre, wHI l,.
proved. Smile. ,,,ih of town, on The li ou
Uojh rmd. Fur purll. ular-, olli p,,