HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1004. FINEST FARM IN WASHINGTON As the Glacier reporter meandered down th street lasfc Tlinroday after, noon in search of new story for the next week's paper he accosted Judge ByrkeU ol White Salmon.- who inniso him to cross the river ana take look at the Glades ranch. The judge thought there might be a good chanee for a story there. And be wa nt(ht. It was the reporter's first visit- to the famous ByrkeU ranch. What lis saw would fill a page and then some. There were acres ana acres 01 meaaow, wnn hundreds of Ions of hat in the stack and more to cut, tons of tomatoes bear ing the green vines to the ground, strawberry fields that would constitute an ordinary farm, bands of sleek Jersey rattle, fat Hhropahiwm, spacious pens filled- with a crossed breed of-Poland China sod Berkshire hogs, ranch haals busy- everywhere, women . and girls parking fruit. This big farm contains 100 acres of the richest lsad in) the state of Wash ington. There is land here, if cut up into small tracts, to support 35 families. The ranch is easily worth' 1 100,000. There Un't another place like it in the state, nt It cannot be daplioattd in famous old Oregon. The newspaper man saw some other fine farms. One of theo four and one half acres In extent, belongs to 8. C. Zeigler, who ten years ago contracted to buy the land for f 1 ,000. Mr. Zefgler had but a the- timet Today, Mr. Jtyrkirtt aayi the iiiaa la worth i,lM. Think of it! He started in a decade ago with four and one-half acres- and today could convert his holdings into a snug fortune. He owns besides this little ilace, a 320-acre apple raiieh farther lack In the hills; amV at Trout Lake a 820-acre hav farm? He-is tire- financial pillar for a mercantile establishment, has money In the bank and pays cash for everything. He has Jos completed a 2,H dwell ing, and never makes less tiian 4ou an acre from hie land. ' He- haso acoom plished all these things boaiina. of intelligent, industrious and persistent efforta. But the storv of, his acoonv plishinents must- be left for another story. who wilt alw have somothinf to tell later. The Glacier news gatherer knows now where to seek lor good stories. Further on up the riwr is the place of J. P. Kga,the nia whom the voters ol White Hamion intend to make a county commissioner at the election this full. Then comet D, D. McChire. Mr. McClure purchased nine acres of raw land here two years ago for $2,?50, to Judge Byrkett ssys, - The greater part of the land is already cleared and planted to strawberries'. Ho- valuable is the land, that little draws are filled and leveied for. planting, i, In among the rocks are hundreds of chorry trees. This is their first summer, but without drop of water they have made vigor ous growth and look green and thrifty. The judge pointed out a reservoir which cost )6U0 or more, into which is flowing In.k I,... l. ,Ik1..I. m iiiiuci m iiivuw..ki uu nun. nnu.li. by means of a pipe line system and revolving hose sprinklers, Mr. McClure is enabled to Irrigate seven acres of his farm. The reservoir is made of solid stone, lined with concrete. It has a capacity of 300,0(10 gallons. Of the liyrkett ranch, 200 acres are In meadow lands 40 acvee in wood, the same number in grainy ther remainder in crops, fruits, bulklmgi and barn yards. The judge 1mm a spaciooe resi dence, containing all the modern plumbing conveniences, of a modern city dwelling. The view from tlie bouse Is grand, Indeed. To the north the hill half a mile distant rise to a height of 2,250 feet., Part oi this rise is almost perpendicular. Toward the river lie the broad acres of the Glades ranch Mr. ByrkeU has- this, name registered in the America a Jersey Cattle club. ard no one else has the rhrht to use hw From different Darts of his hou,e. Mr, Byrkett can see over 'every acre of his land. As one of the Janauese hands expressed it: "Me no loaf; you see too wen. The rich lands of the Gladee ranch grow more productive each yeas, for by each receding high water there is depos ited from one to foui ' hu-liee of river deposit or silt. By the flood of '94, four eet oi new sou was added to the farm. The whole farm is an alluvial deposit. No richer land can be toned, As for ,1...,, U Kit I . .1.. 1 iiifcM, u UUWI1 WUI1 t SiriKV, UfHlOUl. liuried far beneath theaoilare pieaee of old drift wood, which floated in cen turies age and laid the- foundation, for this rich little bench. Ten thousand dollars year is the In come from this ranch. This yea Mr, Byrkett's strawberry returns were short er than those of average yearn which will lower somewhat his vmaa farm m. ceipts, but with that little difference the Judge estimates that his income for 11)04 will count np as follows: HtrawberrwB, ;tO0O ; tomatoes, tl50O( fmlts and melons, ISOfrf enailage, $1500; hay, $2000; pigs, 1400- cattle, 10o0 to tal, llWOO. The judge counts on aliout one-fourth of this as cost of production. which leaves hitu a profit of about Mr. Byrkett says be should have had .r000 from strawberries this year; but with the glut in the Kastern markets his returns wore cut short couple of UIIMlHftnu. The fudge bat 20 aeree planted to ber ries. He aims to make $400 an acre m his strawberries. His land, at is that of his neighbors, it from tea days to two weeks earlier than the berry patehue on the south side of the Columbia,, and one-third of his crop is marketed before the Oregon erawera in aaaiW Inr ). ping, f wo-thirds of his crop is on the markets before the bulk of the valley berrieere started toward the hovers. Pigs are sort of a byproduct with the owner of the Byrkett ranch. He aims to make front 1400 to $500 a year- oa hogs, which he feeds on the refuse- from the ranch. He aims to keen seven or eiglit head of dairy cattle- this winter. Two rears ago he had 40 cows that brousht him in $250 to $: a month from the tale of butter. The butter he disposed of to the steamboat eumoanies and to natrons in the town of Hood Kivr Bvrkett butter has a guaranteed quality. 'Cattle ne uims pay well, ana he expeete to buy up a good sited bunch this fall. Mr. Byrkett has 13 acres planted to corn three weeks ago on land that was Covered for two months with hiah water. From this land he expects to gather 300 tons of ensilage. This is worth $." a ton aud can be produced at a cost of $1 a ton, says the judge. Hay is produced in abundance at this farm. As an example of the fertility of the meadow lands on, this farm, Mr. Byrkett pointed ontone field of 13 acres on wliica IX bead of cattle had been pasturing since the middle of March. and mowing machines were at work iu the very same fie d last Thursday, cot. ting hay that sltould bale 13 tons. Two and three crops of hav are cut each year rom lue oouoma. mis year one 10 acre tract turned off ten tons of hay at the second cutting. A cheat grass peculiar alone to the uianrs ram-n is produced m a'Hinaance, The seed from this grass was tent to the Smithsonian institute, where., it- -was given a long-sounding Latin name and pronounced to be the earliest maturing grass known. A sample was sent to the experiment station at the Oregoa Agricultural' college, where the ssmt report wss made. . This prut Keeins to be peculiar to Mr. Byrkett's ranch, and he lias a standing contract with a Port, land seed company for all the reed he can thresh at 10 cents a pound. The grass yields about 100 bushels to the acre, and makes the finest sort of feed for horw and cattle. 1 There are three barns on the place, the largest one of which cot$H000. This one is 140x54 feet in extent end 10 feet to the square. The main floor of the barn is cemented and contains stalls for 98 head of cattle. In addition to tint there are large calf pens. On the farm are two barns, one 40x70, tne other 30x80. ' i Judge A. R. Byrkett bought this place 19 years ago for $11500. Tiie tranHac-tion whs a mortgage foreclosure. About $50,000 have been-expended ln improve, ments, and last rear (he judge refused an offer of $15,000 for 20 neres. The improvements to the land include the clearing ' of the- gronnd, fencing, buildings, tiling anil piping for irrigat ing purposes. Here is one of the finest system of. irrigation to be found on the I'aciflc coast. Twenty thousand feet of iron pities cover 25 aure of the place. In addition to this there are rjooo feet of wood Homing and aliout 20,000 feet of tour-inch clay tiling) The pipe lines are arranged ayatainatically about the place, the mains heing ulitccu at a dis tance of every 100 fiet, and every 100 feet on the pipe lines are bvdraute to WJiit-n nose is uithitiivu iu moving winn ing sprinklers. This sort of irrigation Mr. Byrkett Mieves to come nearer to thereat thing, and he believes he can cover more ground witli the same amount of water. The tiling which carries off the sur rHw water in the winter sub-irrigates the land in the summer. The iron pipes are in the gr. und below plowing depth, but Mr.', Byrkett suys when he lays mora pilie it will be on top of the ground, as this gives the sun a chance to warm the wutor before it is applied to the plants. Kgnn For Commissioner. The voters of White flutinon mean to elect J. P. Kgiin commissioner for Klick itat county at the election this full, A writer in a (ioldendale paper puts the situation thuHly. , - . ; , White Sulmoii is going forward bister than any place in Klickitat county. Titer' no queMtioii aliout it. Now one word to the political inamigei-s: White Salmon hut a candidate for a county oflicc.You cannot, in justice to us and to the partv, decline to concede our cliiim for recognition this time. We have bueu shoveling coal in the hold of the ship un complainingly for years. Do you need us in voar bualuuw Do you want our votesf- Then know t hut our heads are nrotrudinia-tliroiigh the hatchway aud sqid of in are peeking out through; the portholes. The fact is wc'ie leeling our dluniled and belreckled couuteiiuncolwe a r ready to begin to commence. Please pass tne critcKoiu ine poiuicai poi pie is ripe and we would forsooth extend ur delioato and iiiiuinmiea dig its thitherward and as Ft. Paul would say, sniike just a little of it to usward. tier man It J. P. Kgun a great heart ed, public spirited man. who has the sleam, the energy, the judgment,' the honesty and the. common sense to mane an enterprising and conscieneious county commissioner. Don t say "next, time. ' we demand fair play and Jon ice and its now with us. A na'rtv alwsva cannot ignore an up end a coming, bright community full of live men. We are going to be heard from in future conventions and elections. Our man it J. P. Kgan. If there it any objection to his candidacy we want to hear It. if we are to m ignored uy me Republican party of Klickitat county be candid with ub and tell us, so. If any man owns the otlice and it is not an own door fos every worthy candidate who is honored in tne community wncre he lives, kindly set us right.' J. P. Kgan for county commissioner Is the reuuest of White Salmon republicans throughout the county. Put him on the ticket and watch us roll up a republican majority for the ticket from top to bot tom, Apple Culture Increases In Faror. A good orchard oil the farm adils great value to it. It annually provides a healthful product for the family, saving doctors hills, ami there is always a sur plus that brings in ready cash. Unlike most other crops, the orchard does not require annual investment and work to secure returns. After the orchard it once set and has hod a few years culti vation it becomes thoroughly established and with comparatively no labor other than gathering the Imuntifully yielding fruits the farmer finds his on-hard year uy year increasing in prouuciion. In passing through the country, the farms where there are conspicuous or chards, especially those that have had intelligent eare, present a thrifty and solid look, very different from the orch ardless ones. ' " Maryland peachet at one time had a national reputation. Through various causes the peach growing sections are now successfully and profitably raising ot Iter crops. . The peuoh on the peninsula teotion has eeaaed to yitdd a profit and invasions of the San Jose scale order lessened the life of the tree, hence the abandoment of peach culture. Small fruits, such as .current a,, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, etc.. have in a degree replaced the peaches. The Lucretia dewnerrv in some counties of the Kastern Whore is proving to-be aa great a money win our at the old time peacn crop.i In western Maryland, also In Harford and Cecil conntiet the apple is becoming lamons. r.xperis who examined the fruit exhibited last fall at the Agricul tural fairs of Harford, Washington and Fredrick counties said the apples were a revelation to them. They declared thev had never nwn llimr uiuw-iiti.tt.- bf the leading- varitie and the flavor was beyond criticism. The specimens ol Ben Davisi York I mperiel and North ern Spy raised in what might now be classed as the apple-growjng section oi Maryland are the equal in every respect In site and quality to t hone grown in any other section of the country. The extra ordinary coloring these verities assumed is unequaled. Growing choice apples in a coinmer way will in the near future lecome an other of Maryland's prominent indus tries. I-ant fall the yield of apples in Frederick and Washington counties gave an illustration of how eager apple buy ers are to purchase Maryland grown fruit. The large piles of ' high-colored fruit and the great number of barrels in the orchards made pict ures such as have made ectione of the New York apple regions famous. The cold ttorsge problem has been ciphered out of its experimental stage and placed on a practical basis. Instead of damaging the apple-market it is now concluded that cold storage is having an important influence in octeodiuai the apple markets botji at home and abroad, and is also intiuenlisl in rawing the standard of American fruit growing. Apple growing should be a. conspicoua feature on all farms where it it known the fruit doet well. Such verities should lie raised as are demanded by the trade. 1'drmi.ri fin t,.a rn vArv milch hv visit ing sucessful apple growers. They want w mow now to treat ana manage me I r, Vtnor M tinr and lvnill t IrtlLL. There are fruit dealers); however; who ouy the truit in tne orchards ana pica and do the packing themselves. Chi cago Packer. Expects to Start (. Dairy, J. W. Strong, recently here from the Willamette valley, has. great faith in the dairy business, and believes it will pay well as an industry in Hood River. Mr. Htrong says when he settled in the Willamette valley ten year ago the farmers there were all in debt.- Shortly after Mr Markham of the - Southern Pacific induced the farmers of Western Oregon to enter dairying, Willamette valley farmers who were the- owners ol clover fields' and cow and, bad more money to lonu- than they could find takers for. Mr. Strong owns five acres about three miles south of this city, and also bat a 40 acre tract in the Ouell district, where he will build a home next spring. About 15 acres of the land he tayt he will plant to apple trees ami small fruits and the remainder he will-, utilize a a , dairy farm. " With the great amount of hay that will be produced in Hood River valley in few years, Mr. Strong believes, the dairy business would be very profitable. He would like to tee creamery estab lished op if not this a cream route, whereby the. cn-anr could be collected and shipped to Portland. , Ed Williams Has-Runaway, Ed Williams experienced e exciting runaway last Thursday- night with a team of hoiees assured to be gentle end trustworthy.- Kd was returning from a trip to Winans ami had driven the team at a lively pace for three-quaters of an hour anil just as he reached the- top of the hill at William Davidson's, one of the brutes began to buck. The animal was calmed, the- harness examined and a new start made. 'In another minute there' was tome more bucking. The cayuse managed to get astride the (Mile and to kick the other horse, when they both- began to hit the high places. Kd, finding the horses uncontroliible, leuped to lite ground, and as he did so wrenched his knee in tome manner. He was limping about with a bruited limb the next day. The buggy landed In a clump of oaks naur Mm, 0 rapper's place somewhat the worse for wear. The ssme team had started to runaway the day before with Dr. Brosius holding the rains. Ed has handled some wild horses in his time, hut says this is the first runaway he ever had. He is very thankful that no one was with him at the time. Compliment the. League President. - Walter Lyon, editor of the WeHt Side Enterprise at Independence, makes the following eoiupliineutary mention- of the Meet ion oi Hon. K. L. Smith as president of the Oregon Development league; "Tho league bus s'arted off well. For president, a butter selcctin than Hon. K. Li Smith could not have been mndui Tom Richardson, - with his experience In similar ornauiziitions is the proper man for secretary." A mong the papers read at llio Port, land convention the ones entitled to the most consideration were those by Mr, Smith, afterward elected president, and Professor Withycombev Mr. Smith's "letter to a tenderfoot on aitolecultnre," was a uein. t We rev ret that we- failed to get a copy of it, for we intended to publish it in full. Irrlgon Irrigator. This is the way the Salrtin.. Journal puts it: "flood Kiver was in evidence at the Portland convention. Professor Smith, who runs a nursery up there, w elected president. ' Surprised at Valley's Extent. Postmaster Atwell of Forest Grove had always heard n great deal about the famous Hood Kiver valley, but when he vWted here last week he was very much suriH-ised at the extent and uosmole re son rce of the country. Mr. Atwell is an orchardiat ta Forest Grove, and has. secured a great many scions for grafting and budding purposes from K. L. Smith, with whom he is well acquainted. The Forest- Grove . nosf master it also a former neighbor of Dr. Laraway, when that gentleman wat resident of Iowa.; Mr. Atwood was taken through tome of the large orchards. He was pleased with the manner of cultivation and the general thrifty appearance' Of the fruit trees. Being an orchardiat himself he could -appreciate the fine work of the flood Kiver apple growers. Mr. Atwell promised Mr. Smith that he would make evewy effort to attend the lruU fair to lie held here in October, , Mist Ella Mclhmald Entertains. Little Ella McDonald celebrated her eighth birthday, August 4, by inviting tier little friends to spend the afternoon with her. The nice lunch prepared by the mother with ice cold lemonade wat added to aa a surprise to the little host ess, little cinnamon rolls by Mrs.Morse, lemon "pies by Mr. Henry and caket by Mrs. Howe. The lunch wat spread un der the maples and the way it dissap- peered was proof that they thoroughly enjoyed it. Those present were : Ella McDonald; fcthel McDonald. Angus McDonald, Clifford McDonald Malcolm McDonald, Kuthrvn Hartley, Myrtle Howe, Fred die Bell, Annie 'Mae' Chipping, Marie vwntniar Whithhead. This delightful party was held at that famous pleasure resort, t,amp Overall. Fred Bailey Uue to Portland. Fred Bailey will assist Mr. Pramile In mauauiiig the Marouaiw, Grand theatre the coming season., Fred expects to leave about tne nrsi oi September, and tho theater season will continue until about the first of May. Fred will Bell tickets in the box office part of the time, He should prove a drawing card for tiiHxt Kiver people who happen to be in Portland during the theater sea sou. Possibly the mauauer of the Marquam had this in view when securing the ser vices oi wir. uailey. Mrs. Bailey expects to remain here in charge of the farm until Christmas, when she will join her husband in Port land. ' Busy Scene at Brick Yard. Zeck'a brickyard, three millce south of this city, presents a lively appearance tnese nays wun a aoaen or 19 men busily employed moulding clay into building nnrKS. When a Glacier man stopped there one day last week, Mr. Zeek't crew ol men were preparing to burn a kiln of 230,000 brick. When these brick are burned, it will bring the output of the yard up to about half a million brick tor the season. The yard has been in operation for little over four months. The brick for the E. L. Smith build ing were furnished by Mr. Zeek. J. J. Turner left last week forGrange ville, Idaho, where he goes for the health of his daughter. Ikdla. who i threatened with conenmption' If the climate and altitude of Idaho is found to agree with Miss Turner, Mr. Turner expect to arrange for her to remain thej-e for the winter. Tim bar Land Ant Jane i, 1S7J NOTICE FOft PUBLICATION. United Bute Land Oflloe, The Dalles, Ore ion, Juae SO, 1904. Noties is hereby given that In compliance wlUi the provlnlons of ih sxit of eoimrewof JoMt, 1S78, entitled "ad act for tliesaiitof Umber landela thestates of Cali fornia, Oregon. Nevada, and Waahlnston Territory, "a extended to all the Public Land HUtea by act of Aucuat i. mt. Doha helper at Portland, eoanly of Multnomah, state of Oregon, hsaon May W 14, Hied in tliia onliw hla iiworn Ktatement No SSSI f ir the purcbaiie the and. EVNKl-tof section No. IS, in townahtn No. I nortb,raneN. eaat W.M., ndarltl otter proof to ahowtliHttbe laodwusht is more valuable tor its Umber or atone than fur agricultural parpoaes, and to entabllab bla claim to said land before UeorgeT. fra ther, United Htalea eoininlaniooer, at hla otlliw at Hood Kiver, Oregon, on the 26tb day of Heptember, 1SD4. He nain the following wltoeaaes: Charles E. lluokMimiti, of foitlaiid, Lewis E. Mom, Lee C. Morae, William K. Hand, all of Hood Uiver, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe above described landa are requealed to Hie their claims in thla otnw on or before said day of tteptember I'JOt. JyHai MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Receiver (Timber Land Act June 3, IS78.1 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. - United States Land Oflloe, The Dalles, Ors- f un, June a), ISOtj Notice la hereby given that n compliance, with tbe proviaioiu of the act of Oongreaaorjuuea, 1S7S. entitled "An act lor the aaleof timber lBd In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Waahington territory," aaexteuded to all tue Public Land Mate by ai-tof August i.imi, CHARLK8 K. lkM'KMANN, of 41 Florence- street, Portland, County of Multnomah, auie of Oregon, baa on May HI, 1904, Hied in this office bis aworn statement No. KU0, for the pnnslmae of the KaNKI-4, NWt-4NEl-4audU NE14NW1-4 of secUou No. 1, lu township No.l north, rae Nu.eaat W.M.and will ofli-rproof to abowthal the land oagbt ta more valuable fur IU timber or etoiie than ftir agricultural purpoaea, and to eHtMbliah hia alalia to Kald laud before George T. PnMhar, United Htatwa oommiaatoner, at hlioitlceat Hood Itlver, Oregon, on the 28th day ofHeplember 1U04. He names the ftillowlng-witnemeni Charles Centner, Lewie Moras, lee C. Morse, and Wil liam K, Hand, all of HikkI Kiver, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are reoriented to flic their clulina in this office on or before said 28th day of Hepteinber, 1 1104. Jyl4si MICHAEL T.NOLAN, Register. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATK OK ORKUON FOR WASCO COUNTY. Ot W. PHELPH and W. HWILHON, Plaintiffs, vs. ROBERT A. NOHDER, Defendaut. TV, Uha. A V..1uv Tl.bn4.nl. In Ttie Name of The folate Of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the plaiutlU's eomplalnt In the above entitled cause, on or hctore the lent day of the lime preaenbed In the order of. the court for the publication of thl aummooa, aa hereinafter Uteit, and II you fall to do- so, the plaiolitta will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In their couiDlalut. lo-wlt: For a decree forecloaing that certain mortgage dated the aim nay in nay, ltwi, given uy the deleuuaut to Mile H. Potter to secure the payment of a note for tSM, and being upoa tbe following described real estate, lo-wu: Beg iu li lug al a point &M4 fret aouth from the north went corner of section three, townahip .wo iiur.ii, range iau ettai ui w lliailieite men dlunirunning thenoeeaat Si roda:lticnce aouth twenty-four roda, to the aoutheuat corner of me aouiuweat quarter oi tne noi tuweat quar ter of auid aeetlou tliree; thence west eighty roda lo theaoutbweat coruer of the north weat quarter of aald arcilon three, tlienue north iwvDu'-iuur roua 10 me poiui oi ncgintimg containing twelveacren, more or Ichm: You are further notllled that on the aecond day ol July lull, ah order was given and made In tiie above entitled -court and cauue. directing that service ol llila auiiimona be luade upon you by publication thereof tor six oonaeeutlve weekaln the lltaid Kiver Ulu cior, a weekly newaiaipcr of general circula tion puuuaneu in wiiucocouuiy, Oregon, and you are tlien-fore hereby reuulred to auuear aud answer the plaintlnV vompiaint oil or before the expiration of alx weeks' ptibllca- fcioa ui line aum iiioiia, bile nrfl puoucjillon uiereoi ueiug on tue uwi nay or July, Iwl. W. 11. WIloN, Jyl4alg Attorney for plaintiffs. Timber ltnd, Aot Jun 8, 1878.1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land office. The Dalles, Ore gon, June 10, 1IHI4. Notice la hereby given tba: lu ooiiipliuuce Willi the provision or the l Af n,,w ,J U ,( A n ...I fur th sale of timber landa iu the stales of isuiorniu, oreguo, Nevada and Waxhington Territory," aa extended to ull the public Land Mtatea by act of Auguai 4,ISUJ,tlie follow-wiug-named pcraona have tiled In Ibis office ineir aworn atntenienta, to-wit: EKANK DAVENPORT of Hood River, county ol Wuni, Btate of Ore, gun. sworn atatement No. 2W, Hied December il Haw, (ih- the purchase of the HK Hue. 81. townahlu north, rsnae 1U east, and luta 1 and a of aection t, townahip 1, north, range 10 eaai, w. m. CLIKTON R. LEWTHWAITE. of Portland (81 Euat lh atreet). county of nuuiumian. ataie or uregon, aworn a lute uienl No ml. Bled January 11, 11)01, fur the Eurcniiae or iiienjHi-;'4, MWX and nr EHof Heo. 11, townabip 1 uurth, range 9 euat That they will otter nroofto show that the land sought la more va uahle for ita timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims lo anld land before Ueorge T. l'rather. United Htalea eoinmlaa on er, at hla oflloe at Hood River, Oregon, on August 11104. They name as wltneaaes: Fred Rorden, iaiiiu neppraua n. Aoaiin, jonn n.roiiiiia, William M. Rand. Cbarles Caatuer and Lewis Moras of Hood Hlver, Oregou; Horace U. Kuox of Portland, Oregon. Anv and all uerafina olalmlna adveraalv- the above dencrlhed landa are requested lo tile their elalma in tills office on ur before the aald nth day of Atiguat.iwi. Mh.'HAELT. NOLAN, Rcglnter. (Tlmher lnd. Act June 8, 1878.1 , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Mtatea Ijlml Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, may , ut,-rsotlee is nercuy given tuat lu compliance with the provialona of the act of congreea uf June 8. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the atates of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory,' u extended to all tue puulle land aiaiea y act oi AUguat s, wn. CIIAUI.K.-4 K HAVwARTi. of Hood River, i.iunty ef Waaco, anite of Or ion, baa thla day nieii In tills ufflce lila aworn atatenirnl No. JO Is, for the purchase of the w J4 two. s and hiv k oc ee. no. 7, in towimlilp No. 1 north, range No. eaat W. M. and will otter proof to aliow that the land Bought Is more valuable for ita timber or alone than for agricultural purposes, anil to eBtabllah lila claim- to aald land before the r glater and receiver of this office at The Da lea, Oregon, on IheWth day of August IUW. He uamea aa witneaaea: William Knri'l.ll. K Hind. Cbarlea H.Caatnef and Uleu Fabrk-k, all ol Hood River. Oregon. Any aud all peraona claiming adversely the auoTa-aeacrineu lamia are reqneated to nie thelreialmelu thlauttleson or bjturesald Wth day of AugnaL 'H. J2SHa5 M ItJH AEL T. NOLAN, Begtater, Timber Land Act June 13, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Mtatea Id Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, Juneau, iH. Notice la hereby glventliat la oompllaiioe with the provialona of (he ait of Congremi of Junes, 18;s, entitled "An act tor the aaleof timber lands In the statea of jauioriiia, uregon, Nevada and Waahington Territory," aa extended to all the Public uiuu Duuea uy act of AUguat . IWJ CI.AItKNl'K K. TRI1K. Ofllood River, county of Waaco, state of uregon, uaa on May is, iwo nied In thla omce hla aworu alatemenl No ., nWlbe purchase of lots and k of aection No M in lownalilp No, I, north, range No.l Eaat W. M.,and will oner proof to miow that the land sought la mure valuable for ita timber or atone than for agricultural pnrpoaea, and to establish hia claim to aald land before the register and re ceiver of this orlloe at The Dalles, Oregon on Uiex7lbdayofFkpteiiiber, 104. He uamea aa wltneaaeK Walter laenberg, Wlllla W. liatilela, Henjaniin Powell, Jamea M. Larkin. all uf Hood River, Oregon. Any and all peraoiia claiming adversely the above-deaorlbed lauda an reqneated to file ineir claims in ih s office on or before aald ,in day of 8eptember,lH04. jy it as: M it -H A EL T.NOLAN, Register. JTtiuber Land, Act Junes, 1878.1 NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. United Htates liml office. The Dalln. Oregon. May il. litH. Notice is berebv slven that in oonipliance with the Drovisious of the act of oougreaa of Jun 8. 1878. entitled "An ai-l r the sale of llmtier lands In the ISUttes of lalllornta, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terrluiry," as exleuded k all the public laud states by act of Auaiiat 4. lhL John U. Karr. of Olex, county ofOilliara aute of Oregon has on Novemlier . Inn, tiled In thla office hla aworn alaU-meula No. SITS, for th purchase of tb Ny-W,, anil ku t and 4 of section U, in township J north, raug No. ut W. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor tla timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to eatabllsh his claim to said land before the register and receiver of this office at The Dalia, Or., ou the 14th day of October ls4. odor r. Mhepler, Alfred J. Hhepler. all of Hood m.CT aiiu r.uvin v. rarrot miuie, ur. Any aud all peraona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested ta ttl their claims In this office on or before said Mlhdavof Oclotwr, ltv. ' an oju mk it ael T, NOLAN, Register. MT. HOOD MILL CO. ALL KINDS O , ' Seasoned Lumber IN STOCK. Roup Lumber, $8.00 per 1,000, Finished Lumber In proportion. Lumber Yard and Office: Mt. Hood P.O. A TRIP TO REMEMBER Cloud Cap Inn AT SNOW LINE ON MOUNT HOOD ELEVATION 7,000 FEET. Pure Air, Cool Nights, Unrivaled Scenery, Health, Pleasure, Recreation. Open from July 1st to October 1st For Rates and Information Address MRi S. LANGILLE, Mgr. 11001) RIVER. OR. HOOD RIVER KERY T. II. WILLIAMS, Trop. Fresli Bread, Biins, Cakes, and Pantry Daily. J; T. HOLMAN & SON, HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS Cottage Maket, fiKA LKIt IN Fresh and Cured Meats, GREEN VEGETABLES. Frke Delivery; BRICKYARD. I am manufacturing at my yard near Columbia nursery south of town, as fine a qual ity of. common brick as can be found in the state. Have 20tt,000 to a00,000 brick on hand for inspection. Price at yard f 8 per thousand. Come out to the yard and see how we make brick. A. T. ZEEK. BA HOOD RIVER PLUMBING COMPANY WOICKA & HEMMEN, Proprietors. Sanitary Plumbing and Tinning' AGENTS FOR THE ROYAL FURNACE Pumps, Windmills, Pipe, Fittings, Everything in Plumbing and Tinning Line The New Music House IT HAS ALL TIIE FINE PIANOS AND ORGANS THAT THE GREATEST PIANO HOUSE IN THE WEST HANDLES, SOME OF tfHICH WE GIVE TIIE NAMES: The Celebrated Weber, the Renowned Chickcring, Kimball . Hobart M. Cable, Crown and Hardoroff. Then Come the Fine Kimbal and Burdett Organs These fine goods with a fine assortment of Violins, And all Kinds of Small Goods will be found EILERvS MUSIC CO Successors to Parkins Grimes (Q. Co., THE DALLES, - - SPOT CASH GROCERY ' WOOD BROS., Proprietors. . Groceries, Flour and Feed FRESH VEGETABLES RECEIVED DAILY. Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Delivery. Phone J. H. -DEALER IN- Staple and j& Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS FOR Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS, GEO. F. COE & SON Dealers la Queens ware, Stoneware, Porcelain, China and Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Supplies, CONFECTIONERY AND NUTS. Up-to-Datc New Line of Glassware Just Received Royal Bteel Ware, Pudding Tarn, Dish Pans, Berlin Kettlca, Up Kettles, Sauce Pan, CoBee Pota, Tea Pfitu, Pie PlateB, Cups, etc. A complete line of Pishing Tackle, from Bait Hook to Creel. Fruits In Season; Racine Stocking Feet; All kinds Sewing Machine Needles. Phone 351 Geo. F. Coe & Son copvbicht, J. R. NICKELSEN DEALER IN Farm Machinery & Vehicles Including Rushford, Winona, Milburn and Old Hickory Wngons, Clark and Perry Buggies, Lightning Hay Press, Aermo tor Wind Mills. Deerintr Machinery. Buck-eve P limns Champion Carts, Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows. a complete line or Syracuse implements, Uanrord'g Kaleam of Myrrh, Extra BoBgy Topa, Seats, Cushions, Dashes, Poles, Shafts, Singletrees and Neckyokes Holster Springs and Iron Age Garden Topis. Cor. 4th and Columbia Sts., Hood River, Or. Guitars and GILL, OREGON. INDIAN TEACHERS taught tig how to grind and bake maize (Indian corn,) hut improved and mod. cm methods enahlea us lo furnlKh you with such a desirable wheat flour as the Dallit Patent and White Itiwr than which there is none better, at any price, few us good at a higher figure. FOB MALIC BY STRANAHAN & BAG LEY Hood River, Or. is the Boss Banjos OREGON