The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 18, 1904, Image 2

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Kood Iftver Slacier
The Long Creek Light has been muf
fed out and now appears as the Monu
ment, Orant county, Enterprise.
The Rural Narthwest says it ii uni
versally admitted that the two most
important addrenies before the conven
tion of the Development leagne were
those ofE. L. Smith, president of the
state board of horticulture, and Dr
James Withycoinb of the Oregon experi
ment station. Doth addresses were
devoted to fruit and agricultural topics
The action of the water company in
giving; the patrons of this city better
service, will be appreciated, and it is
hoped the good work will go on. They
promise to put water on the hill in the
near future, and the sooner it is done
the better it will be for the health of
the hill residents, as well, as for the
prestige of the water company. I-et
the good work go on.
Chicago capitalists have filed with the
secretary of stato articles of incorpora
tion for the Mount Hood Electric Co.,
one of the purposes of which is the
construction of a tourist trolley car line
from Portland to the base of Mount
Hood. If such a road is ever construct
ed it would put an end to the stage line
business from Hood River to the moun
tain. The many complimentary remarks
from the press of the state on the elec
tion of the Hon. K. L. Smith to the
presidency of the Oregon Levelopment
lesgue, speaks well for the popularity
of the selection. Possibly no man is
more widely known throughout the
state than Mr. Smith. At an authority
on horticulture, he is recognised as one
of the most competent In the United
States. Possibly no man has a broader
knowledge of apple growing than Mr.
Smith. His selection as president of
the Oregon Development league is a
credit to Hood River.
Professor 8. B. Green, head of the de
partment of horticulture and forestry at
the state university of Minnesota, after
a tour of the Pacific Northwest, states
that the growers should be more cosmo
politan in there knowledge of fruitgrow
ing, that they should know what results
re obtained in the different localities,
to profit thereby. This it another point
In which Hood River orchardisti take
the lead. The fruit business in this val
ley has been intelligently studied and
progressive growers are profiting from
their research work. The professor com
pliments Hood River on the business
like methods of packing and shipping in
vogue here.
The action taken by the farmers Mon
day night at the Barrett school house
in taking the preliminary steps to se
cure water, shows a commendable en
terprise, and demonstrates that Hood
Rivet intends to keep up to date and
progressive. While the new ditch will
cost probably $100,000 If carried out on
the scale proposed, yet it will add fully
11,000,000 to the value of the hind that
will come under the ditch. Hood River
land is too valuable to be farmed for
crops without irrigation. It is the extra
ton of hay, crate of berries or box of
apples that makes the profit, and when
the crop can be doubled and in some
cases increased three-fold when prop
erly irrigated and cultivated, the argu
ment in favor of the new ditch, regard
less of the big undertaking, is conclus
ive. Summer months are considered to be
the dull season for all lines of business
but Hood River merchants say they
have noticed no decrease In their busi
ness the last two or three months. The
fact that the strawberry men did not
get the high prices of former years has
made no perceptible difference in the
commercial world. The farmers are all
hard at work with their crops. The se
who have apple orchards and clover
fields are sure of good returns this full
Movements In real estate are not num
erous Just now, but the men who make
a business of selling lands say there are
a great many inquiries coming in daily,
and a great many people are looking the
country over with the idea of buying
later in the fall. A large immigration
of home seekers is cx)iected from the
Eastern states after the crops are har
vested there. One thing that impresses
itself on a casual observer is the grow
ing of more vegetables and garden truck
by the Hood River farmers. This com
modity Is a scarce article in the White
Salmon country, and the farmers there
will have to learn that it pays to grow a
little more of this stuff than they have
use for in their own families. One man
who recently moved to the North side
of the Columbia said he had not been
there long long enough to grow garden
stuff of his own. and found his neigh
bors had but little and that even pota
toes were ham to get. J tns ts a wrong
condition of affairs in an agricultural
country. But affairs are becoming bet
ter adjusted and a few years will And
them as they should be.
Can Give the State Pointers.
The Rural Northwest says: "There
was a chance for the delegates to the
recent convention in Portland which or
ganised the Oregon Development league
to tret a good pointer on how to get re
sults, the tlood Kiver folks were on
hand, as they always are when there is
a chance to advertise- Hood Kiver and
they are advertising the fruit fair to 1ms
held at that place this fall. These cards
showed that the population and busi
ness ol Hood Kiver lias doubled in the
lakt 'our years. This increase has been
the natural result ot the unceasing el
forts on the part of the people of that
that place to build up their resources
and advertise their place, products and
advantages. II every other commuiii
itv had worked so hard and a intelligent
ly as thellood Kiver community has done
there would be twice as many people in
Oregon that are now here, and Oregon,
instead of being the least heard of state
on the Pacific Count would be known
throughout the United States us the
get-there state.
A preliminary meeting of farmers was
held at the Barrett school house Mon
day evening, and (tops were taken to
bond the district for water. The short
age of water in the district above the
Farmers' ditch is being felt more ami
more as new ground is cleared and
brought under cultivation, and the
movement towards bonding the district
that was talked of last winter culmin
ated in the meeting Monday night,
when 35 signed a petition to the county
The small ditch that has supplied the
older residents in the Crupper and Bar
rett districts for many rears carries
only about 400 inches of water, while
the present needs are In M v live times
as much. There is scarcely a farm llmt
is getting hull enough water, and m
some cases considerable cleared land is
lying idle. Koine of the new places can
not in improved lor lack ol water, and
the farmers above the Fanners' ditch
on the West Side realize that they must
put tn an irrigating ditch ol sulncient
size to supply future as well as' present
wants if they expect to get the proper
results from their land. .
The proposition is to bond the district
to be lienelilted, and the area proposed
is part of Dukes Valley and Udell on the
east side, and all of the district on the
west side of Hood Kiver not now sup
plied with water, it is estimated that
this district will cover 14.000 ucres, The
cost of a ditch largo enough to carry
siillicicnt water to supply this large
area is roughly estimated at 100,000.
It may cost considerably more, but will
probably not exceed $10 for each acre of
land benefitted.. Given 20 years to pay
fur it, the cost will not amount to $2 an
inch of water per yeur, with free water
at the end of 20 years.
There is no question but that irrigat
ing water is worth $100 an acre to the
land for any purpose, and there should
not be a dhsentmg voice in voting for
the new improvement. The fact Unit
the land in speculators' hands lying
idle will have to pay for the water,
whether it is used or not, is a point in
favor of the bonding scheme, and will
tend to force improvement among that
clafS of property owner,
The meeting . at the Barrett school
house was attended by about fifty prop
erty owners residing within a short dis
tance of the place of meeting. ', VV.
Angus was made chairman and D. E.
Markham sucretiiry.
Mr. Angus stated briefly the object of
the meeting, and read a synopsis of the
state irrigation law, as published in the
Glacier March 24, 1004, Ho stated that
he thought i: would be a good policy to
Dono mo enure liood Kiver district
providing the other water companies
wished to come in and turn over their
property for what it was worth, but
that It would be left entirely with thu
other companies to act. He wanted it
distinctly understood that it was no
stock-iohbing scheme, but all they
wanted was water, and would bond a
district outside of the territory covered
by the present ditches if the rest of the
valley were cntisned with what they
J. II. Shoemaker stated that the pro
posed district included 14,000 or 15,000
acres, which would be reduced 2,(HK) or
3,000 acres if the East Hide section
adjoining Hood Kiver did not want to
lie included tie thought the expense
of the ditch would not exceed 1 1 II an
acre, but he was satisfied to lmv $20 an
acre if necessary, and then would con
sider it a goon investment lor a perpet
ual water right on the laud.
F. U. Sberrieb stated that at a meet
ing of the directors of the Water Supply
Co. it was agreed to turn over their
stock at par to the new corporation if
the bonding proposition wvnt through,
which would amount to $1,000. The
stock was worth 25 per cent premium,
and he thought the offer a liberal one.
Their present right-of-way was valuable
as fur as it went, and would save the
new company considerable on that Item
alone. They were interested in the
new scheme, and would be glad to see
it succeed.
Mr, Castiier thought it would be a
good idea to include both the big ditches
now furnishing water on both the east
and west side, hut it was not the iiiten
tion to force the sale of either of the
ditches, but it would he left to those
companies to decide for themselves.
A petition to the county court that
had been prepared, as the first formal
ity to comply with the law, was rend.
and iion being circulated received 30
signatures, us below. A committee
consisting of Scott Doorman and 1'. li.
Martin was appointed to circulate the
petition among farmers who were not
at the meeting, and it is expected that
a majority ot the tanners to bo bene
fitted will sign the petition, and it will
he placed in the hands of the county
court as soon as possible, in order to
get a vote on the proposition this full.
The meeting was adjourned subject
to the call of the chair.
The petition and first signers:
P K T I T I O X.
In the County Court of the County of
Wusco and Htnto of Oregon.
In th matter of the pet lion of Clairie K.
MarkliHin, et l , for the I'oriiint.on of iin
IrrlgHllon district In the comity of Wasco
and state of Oregon, under the provisions of
Chapter V.of Hcllluger and (Vitton 'a annotat
ed Coitus and Hliitutwl of Ilia state of Ore
gon. To The Count)' Court of the County of Wasco.
The undersigned petitioner respectfully
how unto the c-ourl:
P i hmt. niftt tiiey are desirous or formmg
and inHMe U form nil IrriKiitlon iiutrtet un
der the tmivlsloniof i-rmntr V ol tlt-llliiiter'n
sad Cotton's an uouted codes sua Mtutule of
Hkxno.--T1i1 your petitioners are a major
ity ami more tlisn IIHy of the holders of title
to IhiiiIm mmceptllile to Irrlitulloii from com
mon sourw and uy the same s stem ol work,
and desire to provide for Hie IrrlKtttlon of Hie
'J'lUHii. That the land tn be IrrhiHtrd U all
alttisU) In Ihe county of Wam-o hiu! Mtnte ol'
OreKOll, sad Is more mrtleiilarlv ttounded hs
to new propnNeu ulHiru-t, hh ioiiowk, lo-wtt:
Commence on Ihe tXilumhla river, south
hunk, where Hie seellon line between sectlonH
.11 and XI, township , north, i-hiiio in east V.
M., Inlumeci the t olnmlt a rtver. thence
south along aald section line and the ctlou
lines between atH-tlous S and H, 7 and S to the
t seel Ion corner common to said sections 7
and H, township 'I north, miiife lit east, W. M.,
thence west to the eemer of said sceilon 7,
thence south to the t4 section comer common
to aald section 7 ami section is. said township
and ra use. thence west to the corner eom
mon to aalu aectlona 7 and IS and sections hi
and la, township 2 north, rattice a ea-,1, W. M.
lltenoe aoulh mIoiik the township line tn
tween ranges Hand Uleiist.sioreMai,!, to cor
ner common to sections IH, Is, ly and 'Jt, town
alilp U north, rangca Sand 10 eaM, W. M.,
theno west to the corner common to sec
tlotia 1.1, U, 23 and tf4, township '2 north, runne
S east W. M., Ihence south to Ihe eorner
common to aectlona &t, 'it, 2T and Si last
named township ami ratine, thence In said
township and range as follows: west to cor
ner eoinmon to sections ., 2.1, & and V, south
to the corner common to mvtion -Jt, 27 :t4 and
, weal to corner common to ectlons 3tl,
SI and ."5, Ihence south to corner common to
sections .11 and Uf afores Id and to seel Ions
h and a, township 1 north, range n east, W. M .,
thence east along the township Hue between
Uiwnshlwt 1 and 2 uorlh, range a east to liood
river, thence up the west bank of Hmm river
and lu lork to the most suitable place for
taking out the wat-r from Hood river, Ihenee
dowu said river lo seetlon line In-tween sec
tions sand 7, township 1 north, range IU east,
W. M., thence east to i MH-tion corner com
mon loauld section ti and 7, tlienee north to
sectlou corner common Ui sect lonao and 81
lowuahlpa I ami 2 north, range Hi east, W. M
I he
Having picked up a Big Bargain in
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Colllars, etc.
and wiping to run them out within the next two weeks, we are going to give our
customers the benefit of our good buy.: When we buy a bargain we sell a bargain.
Men's Shirts, worth 75c, $1.00 and $1.50, for 25c
Men's and Boys' Hats, worth from 75c to $3.00, for 60c
Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, "worth from 15c to $1,50, for 5c
Men's and Boys' Neckties, worth from 75c to 75c, for 10c
Men's and Boys' Linen Collars, worth fro n 10c to 20c, for 3c
These are all good salable goods, and are going in a hurry. Come early
you en n't afford to miss it.
Ihence alnna- said townshln Una In eorner
common lo sections 4 and 5, 32 and .13, town
shl 1 and 'i, north, range 10 east, W. M
Insure norm lo where llie section una oe
Iween sections 15 and Hi, township S north,
range lOeast, Intersects the west line of Ihe
rlirlit of wav of the ditch of the Farmers' Irri
gating company, Ihence following down the
said west and north line of snld right of wuy
of said ditch hi a, point on same In section
lowr.suip a noun, range tu ensi vv.
Ihencealong the suction Hoes between ec
tlons m, M, tn and tH, township S, north, range
III rust W, M., to the south bank of tha Colum
bia river, theuee down along the south bank
of the said Columbia river to the point of
And your petitioners do pray that Ihe said
Irrigation dlslrlct lie organized under the
provlalonsol suld act and lor general reuer
C. E. Miukham 11. R. Hhoemaker
I.. II. Nichols K. Chandler
(1. It Caslner Charles Chandler
J. W. lugalls U liinsmore
J. K. Meirath C. C. Jentzen
Joseph Kra.lerjr. H. K. AIwimmI
J. O. Kastnian W. e). Uoornmn
Ij. A.Mklnner K. L. Kaslmau
J. II. Hlioemuker 11. A. Moore
K. J. N Icholsen V. C, Hherrleb,
K. Hleph H. T. Moses
Chat les Wallace J.J. (Ilbbona
(). K. Aliemathy C. A. Merrlam
H. K. K.ddlemuu V, U. Church
P.. II. Murtln I.. E. llart
F. W. Angm Warren Davenport
George ltordan Ered lUirdun
E. N. IXirnhecker,
lit) lo the time of going to press the follow
ing additional petitioners have signed the
.1. Htranuhan dunlin Htranahan
I.. A. VanAusdale .1. H. Caslner
K, E. I.vons John A. Wilson
C. Jacobson A. Overland
Mrs. Hosa H, Ncalelgh Mrs. Phoebe A. Oossi
John Kadlltr Mrs. II A. Lewis
Jihj Uolison W.J. Boss
Farmer' Ditch In Fine Shape.
N. C. Evans, secretary of the Far
mers' Irrigating Co. r!orta everything
lovelv with the farmers' ditch. All
but a few of the farmers were able to
meet iiavnients for water tins summer,
anil as the lioartl of directors advertise!
lust month, from all those who did not
meet the payments the waU-r was shut
off. This had to he done in only one r
two instances. Some of them com
plained because of this filling, says Mr.
Kvans. but thev found very little sym
pathy with the farmers who did not pay,
for they had to ami there is no reason
why any one should be favored. The
ilitch is it $00, IKK) financial proposition,
mid the enterprise cannot be run on a
charitable busis.
To illustrate the way in which
ome -jeotile look lit the mutter, Mr.
Kvans related how one patron of the
ditch came to the secretary and Iieea
h m be a lowed the use of the water,
Haying he was in no shape to meet the
payments, air. r.vans satti no wouui
take the farmer's note and place it l-
fore the board of directors. I his he re
fused to Kive, so the ganger was instruct
ed to turn off the water. This nut a
different phaae on the muter for the far
mer, who bVat the gaiiyer to town and
made payment for his water in full at
the bank of lititlor & Co. Ho met the
ganger outside and showing linn a shin
ing gold piece thought the proceed
inu a Inure ioke.
Mr. Kvans has just completed a plat
of the farm lunds under the ditch.
The work was nicely done in colors, and
was a splendid piece of map il rawing.
Krom the nuip one would take the val
ley to luj one large city
White Salmon (1 rowers tn Form I'lilon.
The White Salmon strawberry grow
ers are talking of forming a shipping
union of their own. Heretofore the
White Salmon growers have lieeu ship
oho with the HimmI kiver Fruit (iron-
em' union or the Davidson Fruit Co.,
but the people on the norm side ol the
Columbia propose now to go it ulone.
Tim While Salmon berries are the
oiii-fioMt in thn Northwest. A. It. Kvrk-
ett Hitys the growers at White Salmon
begin shipping ten days earlier than
the irrou-ers iii I loot! Kiver. and he adds
that hy the time the heavy shipments
Ix-jin iii-re be bus two-thirds of his crtiD
on the market and could then afford to
stop shipping, when the largo uuanmy
ot hemes iK-gins to sertousty nee,v nits
The White Salmon farmers are busy
now with their tomato crop. It is esti
mated that the low lands, tinder the
White Salmon bluffs will turn off 8,000
cases of tomatoes this summer. The
season will continue for another month.
Trices last week had dropped to abotit
SO cents. In the forepart of the season
the early tomatoes brought as high as
The fruit growers of White Salmon
expect to hold a meeting in the near
future to discuss the proposition of a
cooperative cannery and the practica
bility of constructing an irrigating ditch
for llie farmers on the bench.
Asks Charity from None.
Noveren Holmes of Mitchell was in
town last Saturday evening. He was
one of the heaviest sufferers from the
Mitchell cloud-burst, his losses amount
ing to about fliMKI and including about
$K0 in cash that he had saved up and
stored away in his trunk. The flood
took practically all that he had, the
product of years of industry and thrift,
but as Holmes expresses it, he "had
enough left to buy a horse and saddle
witli, and with this asset lie is starting
out anew. Holmes scorns the idea of
accepting money from the relief commit
tee, and be lays frankly that he does not
believe anv man with vonth. health and
strength left has a riglit to sit around
bemoaning his misfortunes and exact
ing his los-H-s to be made good out of
funds sent in by sympathetic indole for
the relief of the needy and suffering.
lull spirit is aconimeinliable one, and
41 u I sbt
Square Treatment Always.
reflects a character that will surmount
?:reater dilhctilties than have yet con
r on ted Holmes. We very earnestly
wish mm a lull measure ot success,
wherever lie may go. Antelope Herald.
Young Orchards Took Ills Eye.
W. IU Itad.:liffe, assistant cashier of
the bank of Wateonville, Cul., was in
Hood River Inst week. Mr. Itadcliffe is
on a tour of the Pacific Northwest, in
cluding a trip to the Yellowstone Park,
and as he travels along is looking over
the fruit sections on the way.
Watsonville is one of the famous ap
ple sections of California. Mr. Kad
cl ffe was formerly in the newspaper
business at that place and talks intelli
gently of the fruit industry in Cal
ifornia. In reply to an inquiry as to what he
thought of Hood Kiver afU-r driving
through the valley, Mr. Hudcliffu spoke
in glowing terms of the fruit prospectf
of Hood Kiver. He was particularly
struck with the fine condition of the
many young orchards that met his eye,
and regarded them as model young
This year in the Watsonville district
the crop was injured by late frosts, and
instead of the usual crop of 8,000 cars it
will amount to about 2,000 cars, says
Mr. Radcliffe The Yellow NewtowiiB
and the Yellow Bellliowers are the
standard varieties in Wateonville.
There the growers are satisfied to re
ceive 75 cents a box for their apples.
The Bellliowers sell from 60 to 90 cents,
says Mr. Radcliffe.
That country has abotit the same area
for fruit growing as has the Hood Kiver
valley, almut 60,000 acres. About one
quarter of this is now planted to apple
Mr. Riulcliffu stopped to view the
RogUe River Country, where he says
the crop will be light this year, the
iruit Having been damaged by late
storms. Me says a bail storm played
iihvih: wiin tne iron mere mis spring
the trees now presenting the appear
ance of some one having stood off about
a hundred yards and peppered them with
an old muzzle loading shotgun.
All Not Lovely With the Ferryman.
The ferrvman has troubles of his own.
Possibly the average passenger on the
White f-alnion terry thinks Messrs.
Dean and Pearson have a snap. With
sail and gasoline power it looks easy
enough to operate llie niiHiiiess. (.'per
illing expenses seem small as the two
men do all their own work, and the
collection of 25 cent fares should prove
a snap.
Not so though. Mr. Dean gives it out
that he has expended over a hundred
dollars in repairing the boats in the last
three weeks. The ferry owns two row
bouts, two launches, six scows and six
sails. Boats are perishable and require
frequent repairs.
The 25 cent fare is not always col
lected. One night last week Andy
Pearson was aroused from his sleep by
three drunken loggers who wanted to
cross the river. Pcareon rowed the
drunks to the Washington side. The
tare alter night is m) cents, but when
the men reached the other side of the
river, they gave Andy the merry ha, ha.
and left him to row hack mad as a
A few weeks ago, relates Mr. Dean,
an Indian with his cayuse was rowed
across, the river. He said he would pay
when he returned. When he did so, I
the river was rough and ditticult for
crossing with the scow. Rut the ferry
men landed the smash on the Oregon
side of the river, and all they received
for their trouble was the Under of an
empty purse.
Mr. Mean says be has worked dav
and night since taking hold of the ferry,
not having a single 8ondav he could
call his own. His work during the
summer has kept bun busy tsith day
and night. But the night work he says
they aim to cm out alter tins. ine
county commissioners aim to discourage
tne tqieration ot the ferry after nightfall,
except in very urgent cases.
na ttowland, Ironi wroni Mr. Dean
secured the ferry, held a mail contract
wiin uncle rani to carry the mail from
Hood River to White Salmon for loOO a
year. The mail now amounts to three
and four sacks at a trip, more than one
man can handle, and teams have to he
hired to carry the mail to and from the
landings to the pototlices, a distance of
a mile at each end. This bill of expense
exceeds the pay which the contract calls
for, and the holder is doing the work
each year at a dead loss. The contract,
so Mr. Dean says, runs for five years
more. What the expense of carrying
the mail will be by that time can't U
guessed at.
Should Know What Other Apple Men Do
Professor 8. B. Green of Minnesota,
who visited Hood River last week, vis
ited other sections of the Northwest, and
on his return to Portland gave out the
follow ing interview:
"It seem to me that in many sections
fruit growers suffer because of the lack
of business methods in packing and
shipping their fruit. Where I found
growers who were discouraged, it was
not localise they could not grow fruit,
but Is-cause they could not market it
"At Hood River the growers get bet
ter results because their methods are
more business like. Growers need to
make a study of this subject.
"1 have been surprised to learn how
little one section knows about the re
sults obtained in another section. It is
: 5
of great importance that information of
this t haracter should be scattered as
widely as possible. As an illustration,
I found in home sections too much tend
ency to plant varieties of apples like the
Ben Duvis.the Black lien Davis and the
Gaiio. While these varieties may still
find a ready market, they are discrimi
nated against in the Lantern market.
Even in Oregon these varieties, I am
told, are becoming unpopular. In some
parts of the state growers are beginning
to appreciate tliis,and are putting in bet
ter varieties. At the same time I found
localities where the growers snppose
these the best varieties and are putting
them in. A petter general knowledge
of the results of experience in this and
other lines would he of the utmost value
to the farmers and horticulturists of the
"The Irrigation of orchards interested
me. Jt seemed to me that as a rule
where water is abundant the growers
use too much of it, especially in the
case of young trees not yet bearing. In
many instances the wood would be firm
er and the trees would winter better if
they were not irrigated. Another thing
that should receive more attention is
the enforcement of inspection laws for
the purpose of excluding noxious in
sects and diseases. In some localities
there is great laxity in enforcing these
Ibwb. Such pests as the wooly aphis, or
root louse and the San Jose scale should
be kept out, for it is a heavy expense
to spray the trees every w. liter after
these petts have gained a foothold.
"One of the things which has im
pressed me is the fact that the 0. R. &
N. Co. is paying so much attention to
the education of the people along its
line. It is one of the lew roads, it not
the only one, that is doing any intelli
gent work toward developing the indus
tries in its territory."
Foreign Mission Meeting.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary
society will give an open meeting at the
Methodist church next- Sunday evening
at eight o'clock. The following program
will be rendered :
Music "The Call for Reapers."
Scriptural Reading.
Music "The Morning Light is Break
ing." Read ing ' ' Forward . ' '
"Christian (Jiving in South India."
Music "Lo the Golden Fields."
Reading "A Morning Service in
Reading "After Many Years."
Recitation "A Question."
Music "We'll Girdle the Globe."
Reading " The Korean People."
Reading "The Bible and Praver
Have the Riglit of Way."
Music "Go Tell the World."
"An Italian Kvangelist."
Recitation "The Mother at the Gan
Music "Jesus Shall Keign.
Puts an End to It All.
A grievous wail ofttimes comes as a
result of unbearable pain from overtaxed
organs. Dizziness, backache, liver com
plaint and cont-tipation. Hut thanks to
Dr. King's New Life Pills they put
an end to it all. They are gentle but
thorough, iry them. Only 25c. G mi ran
teed by I has. N. Clarke, the druggist.
George T. Prnther went in Thp Dullea
on business Saturday, returning Tues
day. Miss Ntllie Clark, accompanied by
her aunt, Mrs. Bevins, enjoyed a trip
to Portland the forepart of last week.
At the Ch ii relies.
Congregational. Rev. J. L-llershner.
pastor. Preaching service with worship
win ue coniiiicieu at 11 a. in. Monday
school at 10 ii. in., with A. C. Staten.
superintendent. Christian Endeavor
service at 7 p. m. Uader, Miss Day.
The public is invited to these services.
Valley Christian. Regular services
next Lord'B day. Stindav school at 10
a. m; preaching at 11; V. P. 8. C. E.
at 7 p. in. ; preaching at 8. Subject of
evening serrron, ''The Gotal Samari
tan." A special invitation is extended
to members of fraternal orders to at
tend the evening service. W. A. El
kius, pastor.
Lutheran services will be held again
next Sunday afternoon at the church
neart lie Columbia nursery and K. of P.
cemetery, iilsmt two miles south of town.
Sunday school at 2 p. m. ; preaching at
.'! p. m. All not worshiping elsewhere
are invited to attend these services. H.
J. Kolb, pastor.
United Brethren. Sunday school at
10 a. ui.; sermon by Chaplain W. S.
Gilbert at 11 a. in. Sermon by pastor
at 8 p. m ; Christian Endeavor at
7:30 p. in.; prayer meeting at 8 o'clock
each Wednesday evening. All are wel
come. J. T. Merrill.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and
8 p- m ; Sabbath school 10 a. m.; F:p
worh League 7 p. in. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially in
vited. W. C. Evans, pastor.
Belmont Chapel. Sunday school at
10, followed by class meeting; league at
"preaching at 8. All are cordially
Cash Book.
Made-tvorder rash bonk ar aale. HltellxM
inches: !JU pages; full leather hound; unit rul
ing: heavy linen paper. Price S.IHO. Inquire
at ti acier office. jituf
Forty acrea of my farm In Crapper district,
IV. miles from Hood Kiver. Good apple land.
In i per acre. Easy terms. Unimproved, under
ditch. jy 7 It A. A. JAVNE.
Two bills, one 110 and one 5, In Hood River
or on the East Hide road, Friday; August
Reward If returned to Ulacier oltlce.
ui A. BCHU.EK.
Biz new members fur the band.--Address
jy ai tl C. 1. MlCKKmr.W.
For Sale
SO acres of land opposite the Mount Hood
nnKUimce. A banraiD If sold soon. Two low
and one of the best residences In town at a
bargain. Inquire uroKOKUK 1. rrtA i
For Sale.
Two homestead relinquishments In uppei
Hood Kiver valley. Home Improvements.
Good land, easily cleared. Inquire of
alS . On China Hill.
For Sale.
One heavy draft horse, one buggy, one pair
of trucks, all cheap If sold at once.
Girt fur reneral house work: also furnished
bouse In Uiwn or country for one month. Hee
jiaitf DK. F. C. BKOMlUa.
Shoats for Sale
Twenty bead of shoals for sale.
Notice to Water
Any one caught shutting off water In mains
to make taps will be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law unless they obtain permis
sion Irani iiiisouice. litis is mini.
Employment by a young man of 88 (from
Illinois) Nursery, orchard or berry farm
work Dreferred. Kxnerienceil wltb nnitltrv.
Intelllg-ent, respectable. Industrious and re
liable. Address E. G. 8, care Glacier. au4tf
To Trade for Cow.
Good all round horse to trade double or sin
gle for rreah milk cow. H. F. KBY
agS - East Helmont,
For Sale Cheat).
One first olau ittereopt Icon and moving pic
ture uiu?ii.iie, a 9miu mum at one-iounn com,
Call or addretw H. H, UALU, R. K. V:2.
a 2ft Hood River. Or.
Wood For Sale.
One Hundred Fifty ricks of Yellow Pine.
ago Dukes Valley, Or.
Wood Sawing: In Town
Thosi who want me to saw wood should get
their wood at once and cord It up as I will be
obliged lo charge for the time It hikes to
handle it where not corded up. I will go to
Cascade Locks Wept. 16 to be gone two weeks.
Get your wood sawed early and under cover
ior winter. r. o. KHALI-.,
rib Phone iM.
Girl Wanted.
Young ludy intending the Hood River
school who will do house woik In fiimlly of
two ior payment oi tuition, nouru uiia room
Included, Address V, cure of the Glacier
ouiee. 4tf.
For Sale.
Young team, New wagon, Good Imrness
Apply to W. H. OKI Hill, K,
alltf Mount Hood
For Sale.
One team of black mures weight about
IStlu. Well inntcht-d, good drivers. entle and
saie ior cinmrcn. rwi-e51r cusy terms, in
quire at thisotlioe. IS
For Sale
Full blooded Fox Terrier pup. Nothing
uciwrr. iiocsiora niore,
oct I Near Barrett school house
Hair Work
t am prepared to do all kinds of bair work
Leave orders at Knapp'a store, or at my reel
dence, third bouse east of Paradise laundry.
Go Hon-nickiner
Tl.ose who wish to go nop picking with me
this year should see me at nnoe, as I wish to
complete my pa-ty and start for Yakima on
or aoout August 25. You'll have to hurry,
Timothy Hay
Choice timothy bay ia.i0 per Ion.
Dry Slab Wood
For Bale; $3.50 a cord, delivered, If taken at
unit. uplv ftrtrtim nut in. iiim uu.
For Sale
At Paradise farm. Feed mill that took
! c.iiiii,,, mk v.TTtitf-iiiiini mints wn nun ill
the world. CostfciUO, will sell for 100. Wrong
i'iiskj one nonw wagon i, louuer culler
harness, saddle furniture, etc cheap. Will al
so sell choice pieces ol lund handy tn town,
a W. L. ADAMH.
Fine Stallion
Fine Norman stallion, weight 1.600 pounds.
Single service S5, To Insure. ia This
borse will be found on our premises at all
sept 8 PKALKK & SOS.
Hay For Sale
Good timothy and clover mixed, baled
cheap for cash. Call at place,
septs J.O.CAMERON.
Dukes Valley.
For Sale
A No. 1 fix? platf camera with full leather
case, a tripod and complete outfit for finish
ing, a oiiuib ior less man null price ior
casn, or win iraae on a gooa jersey cow. call
on se a. nrJKMAiN, U. r. U. I
Dissolution Notice
To whom It may concern:
Notice Is hereby given that the mnartner-
shlp heretofore existing, being D, F. Lumar
ana a. n. droves, under the nrm name of La
mar A Groves, naa been dissolved by mutual
consent. The business will be continued by
Groves a Co. All accounts due Lamar A
Groves will be collected hy the said Ijtmar A
Groves, who will also pay all liabilities con
tracted D.F.LAMAR
Dated Hood River, August 12, liKU. deel
The Oregon Fire
Relief Association
Will insure your property at less coat than
any one else.
FRANK J. PERKINS. Hpeclal Agent
. .. p - 1101 Wood Kiver'
Main office, McMlnuvllle, or. olfi
by Test."
A transcontinental traveler
says: I've tried them all and I
prefer the
western Limited.
It's the best to be found from
coast to coast."
It's -The Train for Comfort"
every night In (be year between
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chi
cago. Before starting on a trip no mat
ter where write tor interesting infor
matloo about comfortable traveling.
H. L. Stsi.ER.Gen'l. Agt.,
132 Third St., rortlaud, Or.
T. W. Teasdale,
General Paxeenirer Agent.
St Paul, Minn. .
Real Estate
For Sale
A 40 acre tract, some improvements,
2 miles from Barret school house, 12,000.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
free irrigating water, li mile from .Bar
rett school house, f 1,100.
Two lots in Winans addition, 1350.
A 20 acre tract unimproved, 1 miles
from the Barrett school house, M acres
cleared, $1,700.
The NWJi of NW'M, Sec. 4, Tp. 2 N.,
R. 10 E, 40 acres. Price $2,000. $500or
more cash, balance in five years.
Lots 1 and 2, Hlk. 2, Winans add. to
Hood River for $350 each.
The NE X of SW and the NYV of
SE ), section Its, Tp 2 north, range 11
east, 80 acres, partly improved, good ap
ple land, plenty of timber, no rock.
Price $800 cash or $1,000 on time at 0
per cent.
Money to loan.
Hanna house and lot, $2,000.
The new company now offers for sale
lots formerly belonging to the Hood
Rivor Townsite company, of which com
pany John Leland Henderson is secre
tary and the liood River Bank treasurer.
Installment plan.
Lot 4, block 9, Hull's addition, fine 2
story house: $1,400.
Lot for sale in Waucoma Park addi
tion, $200.
' Kor Rent For a term of ten years,
the lot on State street, back of
Bartmess' and the Paris Fair.
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan; 60 acres
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, small cottage, new
barn ; all fenced. Price $10,000. A
brook runs through ranch. Easy terms;
telephone; rural delivery. Four miles
from Hood River.
The Hunt place mile southwest of
town. House, barn, mostly in strawber
ries and other fruits. Price, $1450.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, ceuter of town, from $200 to $250.
John Leland Hknderhon, Agent.
For Sale The 50 acre strawberry farm
owned by A. E. Lake and others, on
west side. Price $14,000. All in straw
berries in their prime. A good oppor
tunity for several buyers to go in to
gether and each secure a part. Must all V
be sold at once. Terms half or more cashj
Mrs. Clark'sl)2 Rcres on the hill "
sale or rent; house $10 a month, . .
land $15; selling price $1,500; r .
must take subject to sale.
2. Eligible residence lots in P
subdivision, near cannon ho . . ;
$150; terms easy, installment .
3. Sixty acres good cultivatabi "
on Rock creek, six miles 'eoiitheasww
Hood River. Price $700. Terms easy.
4. 320 acres of timber land at the falls
of Hood River, belonging to George E.
Forsyth ; 160 acres good fruit land;$t000.
8. 160 acres at While Salmon; fine
timber land; $10 an acre.
9. The o-acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Renshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
160 acres, house and garden patch,
located 10 miles south of The
Dalles. Known as the Woodman
place. Price $900.
For Sale. 40 acres near Monnt Hood
post office. Good land $700 cash 30
days, only.
Five acres at Frankton ; cottage and
acre and a half in cultivation. Creek
and water power; $1,000.
Block 1, Parkhurst addition to Hood
River, all in cultivation; good house,
lieatitifnl residence property; price,
$4,5110 ; $1 ,500 or more cash ; balance on
or before 3 years at 8 per cent.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition; improved; price $1,600; or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
The 10 acres owned by H. S. Lewis at
Belmont, improved, with buildings,
farm implements, furniture, stock, etc.,
$3,000; the bare place, $2,500; $1,500
or more cash ; balance on time, 6 per ct.
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
Cottage and unfurnished rooms to
For Rent. On or two cottages, tenrner
store building to lease. Store building
can also be bought.
For Sale Four-fifths interest in the
M. O. Wheeler 160 acres near Hood
River Falls.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
From and after this date, April 9, W03,
the rates will be as follows: $10 a day :
Lot corners established for $5 a lot:
two contiguous for one owner, the
same price.
For Sale
(3lIMHrV fttrtra marl ol li.
anil nwliience for sale. C-ood paying bum new.
Ill llAlalrh MI1a
"I'lflKlf J. T. HOl.MAN.
Take Warning
All perxnna are hereby (riven wnrnine not
to tn row mirks, atones, or anv rubbish of
whatsoever nature, or any alopa from house,
barn or other bulhtlnirn, into any of the ditch
eaor laterals bclonirinir to, or under the con
trol of Ihe Karinera' Irrigating Company, lty
order of the board of dlrectora.
auulSIf N.(j. EVAN8, Secretary
Anyone wishing hnrklaherrlen ahotild drop
a card to llie P. M. al t'nder ood, xmiing llie
amount llu-y want. The berries will be de
livered lu the city for To cent a gallon. )
An office Jitultor. Add v to
DR. i. V. WATT.
For Sale
Cedar Fence poau. Call at A. B. Blllinga"
"ll"lf Mount Hood.