g HOOD RIVER GLACIERy THURSDAY; AUGUST-11,? 1904.- CORRESPONDENCE. ODELL. We all liave our troubles, and the old saying, "better lell them to a police man,'' don't apply here. The news gatherer way try ever ao liard for a whole year to houestly and faithfully perform bis duty, and all of a sudden he finds himself up agalnrt It, either for the reason that some of the reader misunderstand the motive that f roinpt the writer on mutters touch ng the welfare of the community, or Inadvertently he neglects to make mention of some Utile personal aflalr, Owing to rush of voik and lack of facilities for obtaining all the worthy Item, perhaps an apology is due. But touching mutters of nubile Interest, I hereby serve notice on the readers of Odell district, that I reserve the right lo einreaa mv onlnlon at all times, freely, and In doing so hold myself responsible therefor. Take everybody's advice and you will soon bo afoot. On this point permit the following quota tion: ; " 'Tie discord within that grates so harshly in life's song. ' 'lis we, not they, who are at fault when others seem so wrong." L. Anderson, who owns 20 sores of land near Frank Stanton, will soon go to Portland for the winter to take a nosition in some commercial line. Mrs. Llttlefleld. sister of Mr. Anderson, will remain on the ranch. Mr. Anderson likes Hood River and the outdoor life here, and hones soon to be able to spend all bis time here. Tb directors are overhauling the basement of the school house, draining and tiling It, an improvement much Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Young took their daughter Sadie, to the Portland sani tarium. Mr. Young returned Saturday and says that she stood the trip well. Sadie has been confined to her bed for - 4 months, but is now convalescent. Forest fires were raging In the vicin ity of Mr. Kolas' ranch, endangering his buildings to the extent that It be came necessary to back-fire In order that serious loss be averted. The Are resulted from the burning of yellow jacket's nest by parties who were working on the new mountain road In that section. Too lunch cure cannot be exercised at this season of the year, when everything goes like a flash soon as the match is touched. Stringent , laws should be enforced lu this connec tion. Another quiet, restful Sunday was spent by wife and I at the mountain home of Mr. Fox, known as the Neh bower place, situated about two tulles southwest of the Little White Blow. While the day was warm lu the valley, vet with robes and pillows amid the leafy bower that hedges the spring of pure, cold water, ami with a well-tilled flinch basket, the day proved a luxury. From this elevation much of the valley Is In plain view, dotted with pleasant homes, while northward and beyond the Columbia with Its ever green hills rises stately and grand Mount Adams. While Its beauty was slightly hidden by the murky atmos phere, the result of forest fires, there was a gentle refreshing breeze Unit fanned us Into forget fuinexs. and the day proved too short. . J Nature Is full of revelation and profit to those who read lt open book. In this neighborhood there are a number of homesteads that will soon be develoiied to a revenue- producing point. Mr. l'flmiuliuupt has HO acres near the Fox ranch that he la speedily clearing and otherwise improving, and which will soon be in demand by such as are seeking a mountain home. The first cost of the land here Is nom inal, yet from a standpoint of intrinsic value, far exceeds the low lands of the valley, and as the days go by proves the merits of the mountain apple. These high-land homes will Increase lu value and be sought after by tallsta. . The Order of Lions at Odull Is Increasing in memtiershlp and a hall will soon lie a necessity. The new pipe line across East Hood River valley Is a success. Water Is now running across the hill east of Win. Ehrck's, and the clover will soon wear a greener color. C. L. Rogers has purchased R. E Harbison's hay crop. Mr. Rogers looks out for a rainy uay. Mr. Waterbury, on the Booth place, Is supplying our people with fine peaches at 50 cents per box. He has an ideal orchard, and keeps It Id apple pie oraer. We mis the annual visit of the Ola cler people, A reporter would find a E)od Held out this way. Development much In evidence. 'The latch string is out. uome along. Miss Gertrude Roberts of Portland Is a guest of Nettie Kemp, and joins the Lost Lake party. Mrs. Herbert, Edwards, who has charge of the Oregon Conservatory of Musio at Portland, Is spending a few daya here, the guest of Miss Marguerite Biieney. Mrs. H. 8. Lewis and children from Portland spent Sunday at the home ef itev. Troy Mieiiey. The following Jolly party with Harry Kemp as rhaperone, left last Tuesday for Lost Lake: Misses Marguerite tjlielley, Kettle Kemp, Mabel Crockett, ucrtruue Koneris, ana Messrs. lurry and William Kemp, Clare Crockett, Percy Shelley. Ixok out for fish sto ries and high dive performances on their return. BELMONT. . Mrs. Van net and daughter, ret, left for their home in Marua- Fertiie, Minn., after a two months' visit with Mrs. E. U. Nicholson. While here they took a trip to Cloud Cap Inn. Mrs. Lindas went to Portland last Thursday, where she met her daugh tor Oiga. rrom there they went lo Astoria, where they will make their ruture Dome. Mrs. M. H. Nickelsen entertained tier Sunday school class last Wednes day afternoon at her home. The little folks enjoyed themselves playing games until grandma called them t lunch. Under the trees were the tables, beautifully decorated with flow en, and by each little tot's plate was a bunch of nannies. . After the little ones were all seated they were served with Ice cream, cake and fruit. Those pres ent were: i-sier King, iKirotny Hake straw, Bulb" Barrett, Veruits, Gertie, Lowell and Viola Nickelsen, Florence, I'llnton, Myrtle, and lsh Nealelgl Ituth Nicholson, Bessie Kamp, Minnie Eby, Marie Soule, Lois Coal. Vernon Joues, Alliert Jjamh, Hiram Eatinger, Harold Lamb, Katie Kamp. Little Lester King was quite ill last Thursday evening, but has recovered now. Mrs. M. H. Nickelsen accompanied by Mr. J. W. Ruth went to Collins (Springs Thursday. J. B. King picked a box of straw berries Saturday. Who asys we cant raise strawberries in tieiuiontT The congregation at tlx Belmont church lost Sunday evening were fav ored with a solo entitled "The Plains of Peace' rendered by Mrs. Charles Bletten, niece of Mrs. F. G. Church. Mrs. Wetten'has a beautiful voice which has tieen trained under I lie . best of Instructors. --- Mr. and Mrs. H. T. IlarreltMid Mar garet Niekelsen were visitors nl Wau-Uulu-Guiii Sunday afternoon. Ralph and Iuex Katiuger are recov ering from a sick sjiell. ' Jt ', .'- BARRETT. H. D. Stewurt Is busy plying the paintbrush. H. D. is a good painter and deserves your patronage.; I . A great change is noticed the lust few days In M. I. (jihboua' house, as It Is receiving three Coiits of paint We wonder sometimes if something Is going to happen'. 1 ; J": 'i We notice Tom VuuAusdaw Hying around. He lisiks neveral inches taller since he became "daddy." We wish you good luck, Tom. Mrs. E. Ingalls Is" iinvlrg her barn filled with baled bay, en. l-'ri'i Hive they are going to Imve thiols web Axed up for winter. , ; f 'c fi : r ' We notice some bojH on . our sireelc with new bicicles, and it s ems it though the btcicle would get sore the way they ride It from morning until late In the evening. But, go it boys. Rolla Phelps iiaa returned from, the mountains, add thinks ' he Would rattier farm than hunt for gold, as It does not pay to mine! x , The writer had the pleasure of listen Ilia" to the new pastor at I lie Valley church. His dlwoiirre Mas iiitereNting nd Instructive on Hunday morning last. -t; ltockford store bus had an addition put on lulely, us a storelioiiHe fur hams and bacon, where lliey will he kept cool, so you can rely oil gutting good, fresh bams and bacon. PARKERTOWN. Hot? Well I guess it ban liei-u for the last few days. Home of I he loggers said last Thursday was the holiest day they had ever spent in the woods.- - A few more mi ml I hut sugveslive fires lu the root of the mill brought ' forth several hundred feet of good tire liosej and now we feel reusonahly well pro tected against lire. - Claude Cuduford built an addition onto the blacksmith shop lust week and now bus quite a good sized' simp., The mill did not run Saturday after noon, which gave part of the mill crew a half holiday,. Oscar Gardner, formerly a clerk at Cram's la working at i'arkerlown. Oscar cut bis left foot last week while trimming limlsi from a fallen tree. His foot is uot serinuHly injured, but stirtlclontly so to compel him to lay off a few days. ' - Mr. Thornbtiry met with what might have' been a vary serious accident last Saturday morning, lie was hauling lumber, and in tiylng to put on the brake caught his left, foot in the ro c and gave it a bad sprain, lie w laid up for a row days ss a result, j Mr. Johns, our new hookkeepcr and stote manager, is fully liift-illed In .his new isllion, and bids tale to iK-come iHle Mipuiar sun well llkou among 10 "lumber Jacks."', !ti e li Mrs. Chrisman made Die round trip to Hood River nn the freight wagou. lust Saturday. She said on lier return home she wouldn't exactly chouse the ride as a pleasure trip, especially us the spring seat was broken, and as a result, she full that her back was about in the same condition. ' Miss Marie Stone went to The Dalles last Saturday, where she expects to pack fruit. - MT. HOOD. The "Davenport Bros, mill shut dowri last Wednesday indefinitely. Lack of local trade Is given as the mid n cause. Eight passengers went t('lmi Cjip Inn last Thursday' " v , Last Friday was the hottest day of the summer so fur. The Illumination of Mount Hood was seen very plain lust Monday even ing from this part of the valley, . W. 8. Tower Is building a new house nn the piece of land that he bought of Robert I .ensure last spring." The assessor made a flying trip" to this part of the valley last week, hut did not stay long. ' '" The school house Is hearing comple- pletlon with Prof. Lewis Baldwin nrf contractor. It Is to be completed by September flint. - ' i . i School will begin the first of Sep tember with Miss Nan Cooper as prin cipal and Miss Thomas as aHsistant. Bears are very plentiful In this part of the country this year, but cougars are scarce, at leust we have not heard of any wagon w heels being torn oil" so far tills year yet. - Something unusual. W. X OiUelil and Robert Leasure went iu oil' the mountain and got lost to civilization for a few days. They went for the purpose of getliug'a mess of fish and maybe a cougar or two. Of course 1 1 icy don't expect any other game as It is too scarce. -' - CHENO WITH. : The hills are covered with Indians this week. They came to pick berrie but are a little too late. - - : Mrs. Oeorue Wise went to Hood River on the Sadie u last week. Clarence Hill and Elmer Tubbs Hit) great fishermen. They fish under a shade tree for dry land suckers. Mrs. NeUis Brown and Mrs. 01en passed through Cbenowith on their way to Huckleberry mountain. George Kixher and some othar. (oiks are here on an onting. V'-.? R. T. Mills is having soma trouble with liia heart this warm weather. Mrs. Bennett from The Dalles is a Vis itor at Mrs. Charlie Tubbs. Alfred Fuller is the champion biscuit maker. He makes biscuits that raisus so they have to take the top off the stove to got them out of the oven. Clarence Hill and Klnier Tubbs went fUhing (Saturday. As Clarence was walking- along he rammed his fishing pole into a yellow-jackets' nest. Clar ence aid they were a little too affec tionate. He ran into the water up to his neck and fell down. The yellow Ihivs didn't leave until they had given him a token of remembrance. There was a rag-t'iue dance at mill A Satnrdsy. Kverybudy enjoyed 1 them selves. UNDERWOOD. A jili'Ruaul farvwnll party was ulren at Mr. Lyou's on Monday evening. William W'endorf wan in I'lidcrwood last Friday. Mrs. Ed Underwood has returned from her visit to J.be Cascades. ' K. L. Davidson left (or Portland last week, after upending his vacation wilb his family on C. 11. Cromwell's place. Willie Underwood was the mail ear rier last Tuesday. Yd Lyons left for Portland to look np for better health. Bert Veach is to be the new tenant on E. C. Goddard'a ranch. Mr. and Mrs."A. 1. Haynei returned WcdjiPBday from Portland,, where they have been to attend the funeral of Mr. Haynes' mother, who died suddenly, July 31, of heart failure. , Willie Kcllundonk and . Fred Luthy spent a few days fiBhing on Little White Salmon."' i i.t Mrs. E. L. Davidson and children left Tuesday for Portland to take Miss Isa bel to her doctor. J Mrs. Ed Lyons and children left Toes day for their new home near Portland. E. C. Goddard ii having a few acres nlafdied along the road on his place. Frank Thornton has the contract. Mr. and Mrs. Wise of Chenowitb were visiting in Thorntonville Sunday. -Mrs. Olsen and Mrs. Brown have made a trip to Huckleberry mountain. FRANKTON. r Some time ago in our scribMines ('..in diwit Ifm we were wondering Wb: wrf wi.iil.l d"wiUi nil onr itrsw borry money) Thmn ' have chamred. We are now wondering wuai woure going to live on this winter. , Several of our voting nimrods and one of the older ones went over into Wash ington last week on a fishing and hunt ing expedition, and when 'they came home their spoils were like the returns from our berries nixey. Mrs. Owens, who owns the old War ren place on the state road, hat rented her liouse and fruit ranch to a man by the name of Merrill from near Portland. The moving will be done this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Ilinrlch visited friends near their old home Sunday. There Is some sickness in the neigh borhood.' Mrs. McVay has been ailing for several days, and we saw the small pox nun out down at Menominee Sun day; Carl 1-arnon'i baby has been quite sick, but is better now. M. R. Noble, his betterhalf, and their daughter, D. N. Bverlee and wife, Uncle Billy Kllis, wife and daughter, Mrs. Ranule and danaMer. were visiting Sunday at Indian Gardens, the home of It. F, Absten. Mr. Absten is one of the old settlers having located here 23 years ago, when about all the Improvements that could be seen was what the Indians had done long before. It is said they lined to raise garden on this same land, hence the name; but now it ia a fine fruit raich as well, i Bosidus a nice gar den,' he- has a line variety of all kinds f large and small frmts, and he has it in fine shape. , We will venture to say that Mr. Absten has done more wors sliwlehandod than any man in Hood River valley. J E. Sholley Moruan, wife and daugh ter. Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Boiarth, son and daughter of Portland, who have been camping out at Mr. Morgan's fruit farm on ' rucips creeg lor ine iasi month, returned homo on the evening train Monday. : 7 IgneH the Hood River Fruit Fair committee don t know rraukton as we were not given a representative, but we tuli have our innings whim the prctn iuuis are distributed. 'If WHITE SALMON. 'i James UreaveS, who came to White Salmon from Oakluiid, ChI., recently sold his- six acres opposite the hotel Wsshinirton ' to Anthony linldn of Unite, Mont.: consideration. tl,200. Mr. Jlolda will grow flowers for the wholesale trade. '' "" C. F. - Waldo hna atxiiit flushed a commodious burn on his properly. , lAtx's lot) cream parlor Is a most pop ulur resort these days. - " White HuUnoii iwople miss the Charles 11. Sjwnccr un the river,.,- ; The family or our merchant, C. M. Wolfttrd, are rusticating near the falls. Minx Clara lllytlie of Hood Klver Is guest at the enmp. .' Tlit) new residence of Mr, Napper is iieai'lmi couipletluu. Mr. Napper's 10 ucivf nr aiming the best here. . ' Frank tlroslMUis Is dlugiiiK for water buok o( his reHidM'e lie says that be can hear whtHperinirs through the bottom of the - well that make him think he wilt soon strike the place Dante wrote utmut. Rev. (iarrison will soou depart for Oakland, Out., where lie will resume his theological course, White Salmon wants a county corn. in ihxiuncr nominated from among her citizens. J. 1'. Kgan is the man and the republican voters believe bin nom ination will strengiuen me ticket, nnu be a just recognition of the growing Importance of our locullty, White Salmon Is enjoying unusual warm weather. . , The new school home will soon be completed. This will he a building of wldch White Salmon and vicinity can Justly be proud. The tourist travel to Trout Lake is unusually heavy. Kach day the stages are loaded with people and baggage. The Hotel Washington is now under Construction, and in a l"W week will be opened to the public The Hotel ash ington in service and location will aur piiHu any hotel along the Columbia. Hut few Salmonites took advantage of the excursion to the Locks Sunday. - Our genial friend. U. C. Hamilton of Trout Luke, was with us last week.1- B. C. still wears that smile that won't wear off. " " 'Tis a well known fact that do one is guilty until proven so. This statement is applicable to vv lute Salmon. We are welt wr of the taut that ww present a very unirnoiMainii aiumaranen from the ouuoMle side of the river: lhatnoth inn b t a steen snd rumied bluff la to be seen." But, my friend, come up on the hill an 1 the view changes. ' We have a little village here that has grown and increuHud tenfold In the last year, and is continuing to grow. We can show you that there is a future for White Salmon. We can prove to you that we have a country bark of us that in re sources .compares with, if not excels any vtilloy along the Columbia river. ion t run away witn trie ides, my friend, mat we live on dried salmon like a piwash, or that we have fish scale on us because our name is White Salmon. We are on the right side ol the irrim ing ditch, and we know It. - 1'uts an Kud to It All. a grievous wan oi mines comes as a result of unbearable pain from overtaxed organf. ' Dimmers, backache, liver com plaint and constipation. But thank to Dr. King's New Life 1'ilU Ihey put an ena lo ii an. mey are gentle but Otorough. Try them. "Only 26c. tiuaran teed by C has. N. Clarke, the druggist. The Oregou State' Irrigation associa tion's annual meeting to lie held at On tario, AugUHt 8, will be of unusual inter est. A program is pre pa rod under the direction of Will K. King of Ontario, and includes an addrers by Tom Rich ardson, wln is member of the execu tive committe of National Irrigation tasttocalion. He will ieak of the ne cessity of changes in Oregon laws. A. II. Devfre of Portland, who is president of the Oregon Irrigation arsociation, will attend the conversion, - place to locate where he cau hope Choice Lots for Sale in Riverview Park and Idlewilde Best improvements are going west, following the easy grades. ' Streets are being opened, sidewalks laid and water pipes to furnish spring water will be put in at once. Hood 'A. A. PRATHER INVESTMENT CO. Selling Agents. THE PEOPLE Generally appreciate the efforts that are put' forth tol please the public, and this w business. - Reliable Goods at with courteous treatment to what is right. A very Pretty Line of Lace Collars just in. Prices 85c, $1.25, $2.50 and $3.50. Summer Shirt Waists We have some left at a bar gain. Call and see them. Waist Lengths at 10c to $1.00 per yard Kelso Kords and Picot Stripes and a variety of Thin Sum- mer Dress Goods, at greatly reduced prices. : CLEAN-UP SALE IN Ladies' belts ' " That are Real Values. FINE Try Chase and : , They are R. B. BRAGG & GO. U. SMITH, Pres. F. S. STANLEY, Vlce-Pres. K. O. BLANCH A R, Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, HOOD RIVER, OREGON. v -, ,; Special attention paid to collections. Accounts of cor porations,: firms and individuals received upon the most favorable terms consistent with conservative banking. F; E. JACKSON, Dealer tn General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Telephone No. ai . HOOD RIVER, OR. C. H. TEMPLE, THE JEWELER, I w imi t Mute tn the general prepared to text -vourrvrs anrl tit that will overcome all afflictions of stixoiatifiu, nearsifcwdnesa and weak eyes that the beat ocnclist ran help. Try the glass I sell. I have given this subject very close study and can lell you by examination lust what kind of glasses your eyes retjulrs. Eyes test ed free and all glaseeaaold wltha guarantee to rlt your eves with es pecially ground glasses. If your eyes trouble you and cause headache or throbbing pains witb blurring viainu when read in if if or doing flue work requiring close and steady observation, come In and let me ex amine your eyes toy mean , of "the, perfected Aroerw-an Optical Tester ud secure relief and, comfort by tb pee of properly-flited glsee. 1V6P the secret of our growing " . ' Reasonable Prices oil customers, is our idea of GORDON. The tremendous business the GORDON hat is doing comes from men all over the country who are quick to recognize its intrinsic value. Every GORDON hat agency is proud of the name. It means value received for each one of the three dollars that is asked for a GORDON hat. LINE OF Sanborn's Coffees the best. Hits the KineH Display of Watches, Diamond and Gold Rings, Cut Glassware, etc., in town. All work neatly ami cnrrMly dune, i-specialiy fine Watch Repairing iimt udjuitinjr. RemioiiHtile prices Do your Eyes Trouble You? public t lia I am vu with lilaaw eveIopmel, We are very busy But not tOO busy, and are always glad to see new customers as well as the old ones. CLARKE The Druggist K eep AND - OF - NORTON & SMITH, The Plumbers. W. F. LARA WAY. DR. of OPHTHALMOLOGY Understands the eyes, their defects and their relation to human ills. For headaches, pains above the eyes, dizzi ness or nervousness resulting from eye strain, call and see me at Dr. Jenkins' office. Graduate of McCormick's College of Ophthalmology and Otology; post graduate of Mctorraick Neurological College. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Made to Order - ' Pilflcult Cases Solicited. Stages to Cloud Cap Inn. TICKET OFFICE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turn-Outs Always Eeady. HOOD RIVER TRANSFER AND LIVERY CO. Phone 131. COLUMBIA RIYER AND NORTHERN RY CO. Time Bchediile Effective Jane a, 1804. MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS Connecting at Lyle with Regulator Line steamers for Portland and way landings. ' STATIONS. LIAVE A.M. .Goldendale 6.30 .Centerville 6.48 .... Dtily 7.02 . Wahkiacus 7.4S .. Wrights 7.65 .Gravel Pit 8.05 .... Lvle 8.85 MILKS 0.... 7.... 14... 2.... 32.... 3 43.... Train will leave Lvle on arrival of the Regulator steamers from Portland. TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS Train will leave Goldendale, 8:30 a. ni.. connecting at Lyle with Steamer Sadie B. for The Dalles, connect Ing there with 0. R. & N. Co. trains Ettst and West. Time Schedule Str. "Sadie B." Kflectlve, Juue 2), MM. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. A.M. l.tAVS ARRIV P.M. 7.00 Cascade Locks 6 00 7 10 Stevenson 5 50 7 30 Carson 5.30 8 00 Collins 5.00 8.20 Drano 4.40 K 40 Menominee 4.20 .00 White Salmon 4 00 2i Hood River .8 40 fl.40 Mooter 3 20 10.30 Lvle 2 35 11.00..." The Dalles 2 00 All Upper River boats connect at Lyle daily for Goldendale. DR. A. F. ROWLEY, , DENTIST. Office over Rowley A Co.'s Pharmacy, Hood River Heights. Wednesdays. Tuaradaya, Fridays and Saturdays. - - - Phone 901. Additions t Go. JAYNE- Secretary. ; BUY A Opthalinie College; Chicago Tdere Are No Rongb Edies ON COLLARS Of Other Work Laundered at the New PARADISE Steam Laundry Our stenm-lieatcd polishers eliminate many of the annoyances of the old fashioned ironers. You Ought to Drop in Once and See Them Work. Work called for and delivered, phone your orders. Teie- Paradise Steam Laundry HOOD RIVER, OR. BRICK YARD. I am manufacturing at my yard near Columbia nursery south of town, as fine a qual ity of common brick as can be found in the state. Have 20,000 to .'50.000 brick on hand for inspection. Price at yard $8 per thousand. Come out to the yard and see liow we make brick. A. T. ZEEK. oCash Book. Murte-livord, i hook for ul. BlHllzlS li.ll Jeatlier bound; unit rut. Df ; Imvjr line, i UU. acter ottice. per. Mies a.oa. Inquire Jltf Cool O o o o