HOOD HIVfeXL!AOIBRTHUIlSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1904. 21 FRUIT XUUOIRE HERE IN OREGON Following U the article on fruit cult ure, occupying prominent place In the recent edition)! the O. B; A ti'n. boon let on Oregon, "Wwhinxton, Idaho and their Reitouroei. The data wm pre- n.nul.hv Riimldo M. HhI . ilia ftdver- - lbiiogent of -tbi uiororwing ; rail- -jroad: Oreyon'i fame a "fruit producing tate ha already iprt'sd to the emla of the earth. The ewrj wie ana - o pmx qualities of Oregon apilu, Whether with their beauty, fragrance and flavor, are unmirpaaaabie, ana limy are aoiu all the leading citie of the United SIhUi and Canada, in London, Liverpool, Hamburg, BecJirt, Parii, Ht. Feteralrorg, Honolulu, Jin, I liiua, Atrali, New Zeatood, Hiberla, Manna, ami we min ing ramp of Alaska, It is no uncom mon tiling to tee the dealer from . Mie Atlantic atate,' Ksgland and France in Oregon market, and the cream of the itate't fruit ii bought for theae section, for Oregon apples once introduced are ' alwaytin demand and command the higheat price in every market. Oregon Yellow Newtown ftnpina tell U UhkIoo lurlnir the holidavi for 3 66 oer bualtel, iiettinu the Mixluiwi tt.tR . uer batdiel, while .the flneirtapplM from other-ro- gioni were only brutying Iroia i ( U , ami what M true 01 uregon appien in ixndon h equally true of fruit from the lit ate in other foreign eitiea. "When a Flora or Winter Banana apple yellow, medium eiaed and a .guod keenerwan ihown to the uuiauer -of tlie tyftulorf AHtoria hotoI.New York City, he quickly , offered M a buiihel for all that he could obtain. Ncoret of eaeh citationt, ahow ingthe great i favor of Oregon fruit, could be made. - Fruit raiaiug rata be. aucoaiafuUy . car ried on in every tectionf Oragon'and and apple treea often lytjin . lo liear, at four and five yeara of age. A tree ten year old often bear ten buahela of marketable frail, and this name fruit in frequently iwld in .oar iota at fl.AO and 2 bualiel. Among the varieties rained are Yellow Newtown J'ippim, Hpitzenlwrg, Jonatiian, Northern Hpy, 8waar, Ureening, Wumii, AVoll River. " Ben Davit, and Flora or Winter Bana na. . From a Dingle lUO-aere orchard in the Hogue Itivar valley, Weatern Oregon, everv year aWit $lSS,tKKJ ia . netted, and imaller tractn make proportionate yield. The Hood Hiver apple erop . in 1J3 amounted to over 5O,0H() - ltoea, wliieli brought nearly f 100,000. and the In tluatry at Hood River in but in ita in fancy. W. A. Sllugerland of Hood Hiv ry who realieafron 600 to HO0 each year on'averv ai:re of apple, make the utateuuml that the am taut of profit per ore at UimmI -River i limited only by the amount of work put on, the care taken growing tree and the attention given the detail of (he industry. , And what ia true of ihe ' Hood River illxtricl in tlii reapect la largely true of other apple-growing lection of the itate. In the Urande Ronde valley, where fruit ruining i fat apringiug into prominence orchard produce annually from $175 per acre up. C' F.Hornby, of Colfax, Wahlngton, ttate that there has been only one partial failure of fruit .in the ltt year that he ha been there. The total fruit thlpment from Union county in 1H09 were about 00 car. At the town of Union, the dryer In a 30-day' run in the fall of 11)03 allowed a total output of 125 ton of dried .fruit. : The total hipment of fruit from the Cove dUtrict-in lSHWw about liX) cur. Over 200 car of 4-tier apple were ehipped from Rogue River valley, Southern Ore gon, in ltMKt. 1 From ett-awre tract, con taining 140 treea, on the farm of O. R. Caatner, three mile aouthweat of Hood River, laat ,(!!.. 48tl bole of 4-tier Yel low Newtowna which told (or $1 80 a box, and 157 boxei of 4!i and 5 tier of the same variety which brought $1.2!) a box, were plotted, making a total of . II, 07l.ua lor the o ixje, in addition there were at heat f)0 worth of cull ap ple. .A. Ii. Holm, seven mile . south oi Amanu, o.oou boxes ol Newtown l'ippiii front hi 8-acre orchard, receiv llJMlahox; groat, $7,600; nut, ftl.000. ' From a 6-acre orchard II. W, Crowaon of AhIiIhmI, cleared St.T0 50. The indnatry i carried on moat In telligently iu all part of the state. The orchard are guarded aealoitaly, and spraying m eareliiuy looked after. The reaultsaad WnetiU from epraying are well illuatratad in the case of J. P. Car- roll of Moaier, ix mile eaat of Hood River, who did not apray one year and Bo per cent ol lila apples were wormy. The next year he aprayed carefully and lea than three ner cent of .hi anule .- were wormy. The growers stand almost a a unit on the queation ol anrayluir. declaring that it i the only mean of protection II nrat-clas apple are to be grown. The ttate board of horticulture it carrying on a campaign of education In tin line, antl there im a conatant tie maud (or the literature it iaauva. Ho thorough ia the matter prepared that there is a big demand for it, not only by Oregon people, but it) every , state iu the Union, Canada, Kntfland. Germany and Australia. Fifth and sixth biennial report are used at Cornell and the uni versity of Minnesota a text book in claaaes of forestry and horticulture. The same reports received tlie higheat award at the Buffalo exposition in com petition with many other state. There it scarcely a town between the Pacific ocean and the Mirsouri river, north of Arkansas -end Colorado, that i not consumer of Oregon strawberries while many uhlpiHonta go to Chicago, New York and other eaatern poiuta, as well as to the far North. - Many sectiona of Oregon grow strawberries very profit ably, but up to the present time Hood River valley ha carried off the : hoitor. especially lor long dtetaiice ehipmenta. From this rich valley in ltKKt nearly tfO, 000 24-pound orates were Bhipited, bring ing into the valley over $1M),0U0. The The great care taken lu picking, packing, end -ahippiug - these benriee, -togetlier with their wonderful preservative quali ties, has made the fruit (ainmia. From five to 20 acre it the sie )f the ranches or farm. An average acre of straw - berries yield 150 crates eaeh year, and the land can be kept in berries from four to teveu consecutive year, which, at an average income of 1.S5 per crate, give the grower an income of $277.50 an acre. The cost of picking and pack ing i ti5 cent a crate, or $U7.00 an acre, leaving $180 for tit hind and cost of cul tivation. A much a $700 and $800 an acre ha been realiaed from an acre of strawberries, but $300 i common. Mulching i not necessary, a the ground does not freete hard enough to do the plant injury. A few yield: F. (I. I'tiurch, 445 crate from aorea; ('. G. Metealf, 1H5 crate, j of an acre; William Kllis, 4tl2 crates, i acres; O. P. Katiuger,lttti7 crate, 44' acres; Aa ron Hulls, 2,400 cralee, 15 attees; D. E Miller, 2,200 crate, 10 acre; F. Foes berg, noo crates, 6 acres; William David con, 100 crates, acre; K. 8. Blowers, 183 crates, les than acre. Consider able attention is devoted to strawberries near Salem and other point in the Willamette valley, the industry in that lection proving a paying jne. The Dalle and the Grande Ronde valley also raiie many excelleut berries. Tbe prune crop of Oregon, 1003, I "i -n'.i 1 ' "V"! "H.'VM rt"nnd,he Willamette valley being the section largely devoted to this fruit. The quo tation show that the Oregon prune has aaettallished place in the market of the world. Every year dealers coma to the Pacific CO ist to'huy prunes, and, as a general tiling, after limkinir over the markets in Oregon and California, buy in Oregin, declaring the Iruit U be 'su perior in every renueci. inn imuon nriine of Oregon i larve i.e and con tain a sub-acid that make it in ' great demand at a fancy price. An acre of prune orchard, well cultivated, will pro duce about eight tons of prunes, worth front $10 to $12.50 per ton. Andrew Vereler, vast of Salem, from a teu-a ire prune orchard picked 2,500 barrels, dry mir. 60,000 pounds, which were sold from t to 4 cents per p.nind. E. C.Rhodes of Albany has a (i5-acre orchard of Italian prunes, near Jefferson, from which he gathered 14,(KX) ixxinds, for which he received $r,HO0. Many simi lar yields for the valley could be cited ilungarian and silver prune dq well throughout the Palonse country.1 In IHlCI the Blalock Fruit i'o. -Iiip-'ci five carlimdsof prune to 1. n , Ii mi- shrnment mmting with tieh fivnr tint other large rhipmentH will f llow. The tjwn of Elberton, Eas-tJ-rn Wu-hini.'ton, has the largest fruit ilryer in t in; woriii. having a dully capacity of 95 ton of green fruit. In an oraiuary year, nearly wo.uuu boxeaof peaches the finest grown am ehipped (roin A'hland, Oregon. Orch ards in good liearing produce jrom sj lo 400 boxes of peaciiea M-r acre, the average price being about 00 cents per box. readies are successfully grown in other pert ol Oregon. Oregon cherrie are shipped to all parts of the Union ami are in big dniimiul. They are most profitably grown, a lhl River raiser gathering 20,000 pounds from an acre, netting him $1,050. Royal Ami, Ring and Lambert all do well. II. T. Wil liam of Hood River tried an experiment with Lambert cherries, shipping them by ex p rest to New. York City in the hot test July weather without any refrigera tion. They reached their destinution in irood condition and sold for '15 cents a pound, a net profit of 7)j cent s pound, from mie-thtnl ol an acre ot 7 year-old trees Edward Johnson,o( Col fax, WaKlniiKton, sola ism worm oi sherries. M.' Harlow, near Eugene, marketed nearly ten tons of Royal Ann ulwrrtes from two acres. Miller Bros. north of luiueiie, have five urre of pear and cherry trees, which produce a rev enue of about $ii00 a year. The Bart- lett. '.Winter Nelli anil other pear grow to perfection In Oregon and yield ood . profit. Over 100 carloads of pear ere annually shipped from South ern Oregon to New Orleans, Kt. Louis, Chicago and New York. Many acre of Oregon fruit hind are devoted legnupe culture and the results are something astonishing. - Mortlieru Motto IS a tiat'irat Iron country, apple forming one Id tile uta- ple agricultural products. inter va leties, tiano, Ben Davis, Rome Beauty, Jouatbun, ItUck Twig, Wagner and York Imperial bear well the filth year after planting. Idaho prunes are al ready known on the Eastern markets, some varieties showing an unusual and pleasing ooinmnation ol sweetness and acidity. Chemical analyais of the Daw son variety proves that it approximates the high sugar content oi the rrencn prune, while uniting with this quality !. I !!... .1 ".I... I At... i lias an nciuitv rquai ui iiivt ui .inn Italian fruit. If there i one section iu the Pacific Northwest more favored than another in the cultivation of vineyards and the marketing and manufacturing ol wines, it ia the Lewtston, Idaho, val ley, which produces in the greatest per fection, not only the grapes that thrive In Middle Europe, hut those originated in 8pain, Italy, North Africa ami Asia. Colonel Bracket!, nomologist of the de partment of agriculture, traveled "150 mile out of his way lo assure himself that graies exhibited a Idaho grape were really grown in Idaho, and stated that alter an exhaustive inspection of ol the California vineyards a few weeks previous to his visit, lie had seen no thing there to excel and little to equal what. he saw in Idaho. The experi ments in wine making have resulted in notable success, the dry wine of the Reissling and Huutcrn type having been pronounced by connoisseurs a coming nearer to the Euroean wines than any grown in California, and these wine were awarded one of the 28 prizes at the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo aifuinet 000 entries J.SInu'ffer of Clark- aton is authority for the statement that hi vineyard makes 1,600 gallon of wine to the acre, and the cost of growing hi grapes, manufacturing them into wine, allowinu interest on the value of the hind, will not exceed $75 per acre. This wine when two years old ia easily-worth 75 eents per gallon, Frank Eberle,linar Juliette, made :i,000 gallons of wine from three and one-half acres of grapes besides selling lurue oualititiea ot fruit which also show the enormous profit on the industry. The dreaded pest ol the grape grower the phyloxora ia unknown lit Idaho, The excellence of Oregon fruits which were upon exhibition at the Chicago World' Fair, Omaha. Buffalo and Charleston fairs, have added much to the state's standing as a fruit producer. Hood River won sixteen medals at Chi cago World's fair, including seven on apples and the highest on strawber ries The largest apple and the (urgent cherries were iroui Uregon, and the largest pear from Washington, E. F. Babeock, Walla Walla, Washington, took the first prise on apples over all tin world at the Pari exposition. Horti cultural hall at the Pan-American Ex position, Buffalo, contained fur more fruit than was exhibited at the Chicngo World fair. Manmncent indeed were Oregon' forestry, mineral, agricultural and liberal arte exhibits, nut to uregtur, Kite fruit was awarded a greater num ber of medal than to all the other Ore gon departments combined. The sta'e received 27 gold medal agriculture, It; food and accessories, 1; liorticulturH, pomology, viticulture, 18; forestry and forestry products, 2. Silver medal ! all exhibits 3.1, of which 18 went to hor ticulture ; bronie medals 75, of which 15 went to horticulture. Of still greater value to Oregon was the winning ol the Wilder medal of the American Po mo logical Society at the Pan-Ainericaa for the most perfect fruit in Horticultural ball. The American poiuoL.gical society i composed of the most eminent pom- ologist in the United States, and is the hnrhest horticultural authority in this country and probably in the world, and this passing recognition or the surpass ing excellence of Oregon fruit was the hiithest honor to lie given at the exposi tion. At the Charleston exposition the Orenon horticultural and pomohntical exhibit capture.! 34 gold, 14 silver and one bronae medal. For the year 1!XW Oregon' fruit amounted to $2,M)l,k;pruncs,$!KX),000; apples $040,000; pears, $148,500,; )euch s, $75,000; graH', $50,000: Cherries, $:t5,000; other fruits, $052,800, au in crease of $212,000 over 1002. Cholera Infantum. This disease has lost Its terrors since Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Di arrhoea remedy came Into general use. The uniform Ruecese which attends the use of this remedy in all case of bowel complaints Iu children has made it a favorite wherever it value ha become known. For self by U. F.. Williams, IJo ririiptd't. 'v Egpact Rise. In Price tot Lumber. Charles E. ' Sawyer, reprettentieg the tJregon l tinberman, spent ihursiiay and Friday ratlierinu nam mill note in the Hood River country. Mr. Sawyer tolls the Glacier that Jrom the sawmill men With whom he he converse! within the pat week or so he has come of the opinion that, there . if ill f be a rise in the prioe of lumber before long. The logger had a surplus of logs on hand a short time ago. This brought down the wages of the logging employes and the output wa restricted. The lumlier market slumped ; little and there were indication for t while of cheaper building material, but such t not to be, so the mill men report to Mr. fca'fver. - ., ; . ; J. S. Bradley of the Bridal Veil' Biil gives it out that they are 00 day behind wjlh their orders. On account of i a iliortagc in their water supply the mill and tbe box ; factory are -dividing the upply, the mill running daring day and the factory making boxes during the night. , n I ' Mr. Bradley believe there will lie an a t.ii'ien of from 1 b, $2 thousand on hiiiilier. 'I he yard supplies of Ihe big mill have boon run vlui -Itoi t ol lute, and this of itself will have a tendency lo miff-ii prii-es. : , ' Clark W Thompson of ilm'Wihd River Lumber Co., at the Cascade Locks, :U inclined to believe the outlook favor : a b.-tter market, and that in every way J the situation is encouraging rather roan otherwise.' i . When Mr. Sawyer reached Hood Riv er he was limbering up from a rough trip in the Coaet range in Yamhill coun ty. Mr. Sawyer was making a visit 'to the mills of the Coast Hutiea Co., and to do so had to walk four er live miles on a narrow plank walk beside an elevated flume. The fact that be wan .75 feet from the ground with nothing but the rushing water of the flume on one wide and nothing but the blue air and the hope of (imi in his soul on the other, would have the tendency lo try tbe eoul of most any one not used lo such a trail. But this wa not all. ' He was compelled to make a steep ascent of a wet clay bank before getting to the mill. The next day he rode 20 mile in u stage for Salem, end wa so rttft nnd tired he could liardly get out of Ihe vehicle. 'Torn, "a Ihe newspaper boy cell Mr. Hawyer, ! a jolly, good fellow, and can supply a atory on short notice, on any subject. ; lie a good fellow to meet to take away the blues, should any one get them in this land of milk and honey, Iruils and noweis. .-.. -- Strawberries at Kennewlck. George Lacy . of - KfnnewU'k, the Country on the we"t aide of the Colum bia opposite the mouth of the Snake rtv er.which ha recently been reclaimed by an extensive irrigating svi-tein put in by the Northern Pacifie railroad -company, was in Hood Hiver the first of the week looking Ihe valley over and gathering ideas on the growing of strawberries. . Mr. Lacy say the farmers of his country are goiiig ii to the fruit buiness quite extensively, ami that possibly 150 acre have been planted to strawberries. A few were raised a a sort of experi ment this spring and found lo be a success. Some of the fruit, he says, found it way to Chicago. The fl ret shipment was a crate'' sent to Spokane on ihe 10th of May. This makes that lection a trifle earlier than Hood River. The berries grown there are the I larks Seedling, the plant having been secured in Hand River. , Mff Lcy was surprised to -tee such a beautiful country here. ' He had often passed through here on the train, but wa unable that way to form any idea of the country here. - He thouuht it a very beautiful valley, and considered the scenic attraction one of the strong feature of the country. He did nut know there wa such fine, very fine scenery here and swyt this should be more advertised than It 1. People know Hood River ia a great fruit country,-but they have little knowledge of the attraction as a mininer resort, says Mr. Lacy. . He also believe an electric Mad up the valley would lie a paying venture,. Camper .He. 4 Pay Toll. ; " Owing to the persistent refusal of a certain clan of people, who have come to Cloud t ap Inn to camp, lo pay the toll on the hill-road leading io the Inn anil mountain, in the future no person will be allowed lo stop on the ground under any circuiuaUnoet . unlets they pay toll on arrival. . . Certain person in Hood River have taken it upon themselves to-say we have no right to collect such toll. Where they received such an assertion I do not know. .. . The road is taxed by the county aa a ton road as l ran aliow. We have never charged anyone for using the ground to camp on, jexx-et- ing the loll to pay tor the privilege, but now that it baa been to gnsjsly abused, there will 1m? no more favors allowed while I am in charge of the Inn. Everyone has lieeu allowed to uee what wood they wanted, end . camp where water wa hundy ; now as I have to get a permit to use Ihe wood, any one wanting any will have to ask for It. I thank all thoo -patron -wlm in, the past have paid (or the privileges -they have had. They will always be welcome, but those who have uhused them will never be allowed here atiuiii. MRS. 8. LANGILLE, - , - i 1 Manager Cloud Caplnn. Will iHvesuTtielTxine. II. M. Abbottwill leave the latter puit ol the mouth (or the Grants P fo'-f fields, where if lie find anything to suit him, will return to hi former love, thut of ptiuing. Mr. Abbott suys be wiv milling m the American desert, on the line between Utah and Nevada, nnd h.el ft fine silver prospect there at the time that metal wa demonetized, which reduced the value of his property ami ne was loreeo loaoanaon it. air, Abbott ha also done considerable min ing in ihe statu of Colorado and Idaho. It- fore going to Southern Oreiron. Mr, Abrupt will attend' the sessions of (the minim: - congre at Portland. Mr. Ahlsilt believes this meeting, will have a tendency to arouse a greater interest in the mining resource of Oregon. The rt.tte h i some tine undeveloped mining itrospi-r, which, if capital could lw induced to invest in would turn nut a v.tst a mount of wealth, say Mr. Abbott. .Mr. Abbott has a double riffle gold caving machine,-which he wants-to introduce in ttie Southern Oregon min ing sec: I us. ,. Mi l Let His Friends teow. Hood River, August 5. Editor Gla cier: I would like to use your valuable paper to let my Hood "River .friend know of my - return from Minidoka, Idaho. I wa surprised to learn on my return "-that I had sold my Jionie in Hood River end skipped the country, haviug my wile and a trail of creditor behind. - I aball, on my next tour, inform the public oi my business, and thereby save them iroui any. unnec essary trouble in probing' for detail. Vmrs Tnilv, , DAVID 6. FLEMING. UaiTlu Still Uve. . A nerton who ia oulv half alive to tlut world aud society will not succeed in business. He should go to William' Pharmacy and get some Pal mo Tablets. They are guaranteed for all weakness. (Timber Una. Art June S, l NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. United Mat Land Ofnoe, The Dalles, Oe ron, Jane CO.IIW4. Nntkw Is hereby given Out! Tu compliance wRa. the provisions of lite act rfcuire Jui.ua. 178, entitled "An act for the utile of timber lands In tbe states l ('h fornla, Oregon. Nevsde, anil Washington Territory," extended lo all tbe 1'nbllc l-Dd Mutes by act of August , Doha hki.ukb of Portland, coouty of Mnltnnmah, state of oresjon, has ou May SK IV 4, filed In this olftee his sworn statement No. 3XM for the puwhase tbeHHKI-4 and JCVjN Kl-i of section No. IS, in township No. I north, ranveNo.V east W.M., MuilwlllottVr proof u atiowiliatlue landsouKlit Is more valuable for IU timber -or stone thau for tarieultural purposes, aud to establish bis claim tu said laud before UeorKeT. I'ra ther, United males cotniniaaloner, at his ottloe at UimmI Klver, Oreaun, ou the iUi day of Heplontber, ISM. lie name the following wllnesses: Charles K. HiKkiiiunii.of J'oilland, Lewis K. Morse, b C. Moree, William K Hand, all of Hood Hiver, Orriion. - Auy and all perannt claliuln adversely the above described lamia are requested lo tile Hie! i claims In tills elm on or before aald Sa day of ejeptem ber lliot. JjHica MICHAEL T.NULAN,Uecelver No. 7272. TREAHUIty DKHABTMKNT, Urrica or C'omptkoli.kk ok run cl uhfncv. Waahlnicton, D. C, May, 1904. 1 Whereas: By sat i factory evideuee present pl lothe underslaned. II has been made In au..,i.r Unit "The First National Hsnk of inu-1 itiitrr.'- ineaitHi in tun i-ity of Hood Klv.-r, lu ll.r e..ini) ; Abm-o anil im of Oregon, has eonil, led wiLli all tli, urovlHliHtM of the atalutuauf toe IJniied Males, reiiulred w trrz ivilipiin, Willi ,H,t,fp Ml- HMRH'IRI fill shall be authorised tu cumin, nee Lite business of banking; . , . . - mow, tnereiore, i, Thotiias v. Kane, Deputy and Aotiuf Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Klrst National Hunk of Hood Klver," located In the eity of Hood Hiver. In Hi comity of Wasco and state of GrsKon, ia authorised to ommiienne the bust- nesaoi banking as provided Inseelion nrtyone hundred an . slxtv-nlneof the MvinedHijitute of the United slates. . Is testimony whereof witness my baud and seal of ofhee, this! went; -sixth day of May. IUU T U V & MV (Heal) DeputyandAcling Coin ptrol'ier of the 'currency. Aug ii Timber latnd Act June s, IS7S.J ; NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. . United Htatet Land Olflce. The Dalles, fire- ton, June 20, Wul. Notloe is hereby given that In compllauu with the provisions of the act of Congresa of June. 1S7, entitled "An w. lor tue saw or timber lanat in (lie states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all tue Public Land HUtUta by act of August I, lew, CHARLK8 K. HOCKMANN,, . oftlt Florence atreel, Portland, County of Multnomah, atsteof Oregon, has ou May 'if, 1904, hied In this office his sworu statement No. 0, for tb nurchane of the K,',NKI4, NWl-4NKI-4audihe NKI4NWI-4 of seetlon No. U7, In township No.l north, range No.VeaHt W.M.and will etfarproof lo show that the land airtight la more valuable lor lis timber or mIi me titan for agricultural uuruoses. and lo -establish his claim lo said laud betore ileorge x. rraiuer, united n tales comiiiiMNtouer, at his ohica al liood Hiver, Oregon, on tin) IWth day of Meptember livl. He naiiies the folluwlug witnesses: Charles Castner, la$wta Morse, Lee f'. Morse, and Wil liam F- Itand, all of lloml Hiver, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this orHce on or before aald atlh day orMepteiitber, im. jy Hut: M It'll AKL T.NOLAN, Register. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR VVA8CO COUNTY. O. W. PHKLFM and" W. 11. WILitON, i'lalntltrs. vs. ROBKRT A. NORDKlt, Defendant. To Robert A. Nurder, Ilitfendant: In The Name Of The mate Of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the plalntirra complaint in the above entitled cause, ou or tie to re the lust duy of the time prescribed In the order of the oourt for the publication of this aitiiiinous, as hereinafter slated, and II you fall to do so, the plaiiitlthi will apply to the court for the relief prayed for tu their complaint, to-wit: For a decree foreclosing that certain mortgage duted the 2SU. day of May, lMUt, given by the defendant to Miles II. Potter lo secure the payment of a note for i4, aud being up.in the following described real estate, to-wit: Iteglnntng at a ulut s(4 feet south from the northwest corner of aecllon three, towuship two north, range Un east ol Willamette merl dlan;ruitnlng thenueeast ao rude;thence south tweuly-four rods, to the southeast corner of lite southwest quarter uf the northwest quar ter of said section three; thence west eighty rede to the south went corner of the north wc-t quarter of said seetlon three, thence north twenty-four rods lo the point of beginning, eolltalulng twelveatires.liiuie or less; Vou art further noliiied lliutoit the second day ol July I9U4, an order was given aud made In thesabove entitled court and caune, directing thai aervice ol title summon be made upon you by publication thereof for six consecutive weeks In the Hood liiver Ulu eler, a weekly newspaper of geuernl circula tion published tu Wasuooouuty, Oregon, and you are therefore hereby required to appear and answer the plaintiffs' complaint on or before the ex pirstlon of six weeks' publica tion of this summons, the first publication thereof being on the 14th day of July, iWI. W. II. WILSON, Jylal Attorney for plaintiffs. Timber Land, Act June 3, 187. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Oince, The Dalles, Ore son, June IU, 1904. Notice Is hereby given that in ooinpllance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1S7M. entitled "An act forth sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public Land Htatet by act of August 4,lfltt2,tlie follow-wing-named persons have filed In this oftice their sworn statements,-to-wit: FRANK DAVENPORT of Hood Klver, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 8210, tiled ltacember i mm, for the purchase of the HK Keo. SI, township 3 north, range IB east, and lots 1 and t of section li, township 2, north, range 10 east, W. M. CLIFTON K. LKWTHWAITK. of Portland (KJ FJast tli street), county of Multnomah, state nf Oregon, sworn state ment No !-.il. tiled January II, lull, for the gttrcuaae of tlte H HK, HVM HWX and N K'4 K'of See. 11, tou nship 1 noitu, range V east That they will offer proof lo show that the land sought Is more va uable for Its timber or atone thau for agricultural purposes, and to establUh tlieir clatina to aafd land beloie UeorgeT. Prather, United Mtutea commlsitlon er, at his ofllce at Hood River, Oregon, on August W, lU. 'i'hey name as witnesses: Kred Rorden, Conu Repp.Frauk H. Abslln, John K.PUillips, William M. Rand. Charles Costlier and Lewi Morse of Hood Mlver, Oregon; Horace tl. Knox of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tlte above described lauds are requested to hie their claims iu this ottloe on or before the said SUta day of Aiigust.Hnil. M It'll AF.LT. NOLAN, RegUter. (Timber Uiid. Act June, t7. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Htate Land trice, Ths Dalles, Ore- gun, May ', nut.- Notice i iien-uy given that !u compliance with the provliiion of the act utixnuirea of June S. 17, milled "An act for the sale of timber laud In the states uf Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevuda and Washington Ter ritory, aaexieuueu lo an me public, land tate ujr act ui AllgllNl 4, istu, CIIAUL1-1S V.. HAVWAR1) of Hood River, i-ounty of Wasco, state of Ore gon, has this day nied la this orh.ee hit aworu siateinent No. '4)49, fur the purchase of the wssjt nee. s anu nn e,h oi aec. no. 7, in towitaitip ,u. 1 north, range No. t east W. M and will olter proof to sbow that the land ought la more valuable for Its timber stone than for agrlcullaral .parpoaes, and to aatabltsb hi claim to aald land before the a glster and receiver of this ornre al The la tea, uregon, on tneastn nay of August 19IH He itantesaa wlinesseai William F. lUiel.l) E.Hand. Cbarles H.Caatner AUd Uleo Fabrick II ol Hood Klver. Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested lo tile their claims In thin oinceou er bjforeaaid fttb day of Auguat, l'HM . JitaJa Mlt'HAtL T. NOLAN, JU ;hder. Timber I jitid Act June IS, IS7S NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Hlates Ijtud Ottloe, The Dalles, Ore- R n, June tu, HUH. Notloe I hereby given that i compliance with the provisions of the act of Oougreea of J u tie J, isrs. entlth-d "An act tor the sataoftlinlK'r lands In tlte stales of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land w tales by art of August 4, lift, CLAKjNCK H. TKUR. of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of uregon, uaa ou May 12, M mm in tnia omce bis aworu siatenictil No. CCt). Sir the ooreh.se of lots t and hi of wit Ion No 34 In township No. I, Krth, range No.10 Kast W. M..and will otfer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Hk timber or alone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit claim to aald land ln-Sire the register and re eelver of this oHtce at The Dalle, Oregon on the 7tb day ot September, 1904. He name as witnesses: Walter laenberg, Willi W. Dantels, Henjaniln Powell, James M. Larkln, all of Hood Klver, Oregon. Any aud all DeroncULiuiina ail vena. It the bova-dewrl bed lands arc requested to file their claims In thUotrice on or before said (Tin day of Septeiuber.lMM. jy i aJ JlltliAfcl. T.NOLAN, Kngl.ter, MT. HOOD MILL CO. Al-L KINDS OF Seasoned Lumber . IN BTOCK. ' " Reuh Lumber, $8.00 par 1,000, Finished Lunilier in proportion. Lumber Yard and Office: Mt, Ilood P.O. ' " A TRIP TO REMKMBKK Cloud Cap Inn AT SNOW LINE ON MOUNT HOOD ELEVATION 7.000 FEET. Pure Air, Cool Nights, Unrivaled Scenery, Health, Pleasure, Recreation. Open from July ist to October 1st For Katks and Ispormatiom Addkksh MRS. S. LANGILLE, Mgr. HOOD RIVER, OR. HOOD RIVER T. H. WILLIAMS, Prop. Fresh Umid, Buns, Caken, and Pastry Daily. Dr. M. A. JONES DENTIST offli-e In Hun n a li real- ri A n A t. corner of Fourth nnd Hiver K, Himiu Hivkb Will be In Hood Hiver Fridays and Satur dnys. . . ..-.- J. T. HOLMAN 4. SON, HOOD RIVER HEIOHTS Cottage Market, T1KALKR IN Fresh and Cured Meats, (J KEEN VEGETABLES. Frek Delivery. Bicycle Department. Repairs made and supplies constantly on hand. BAKERY HOOD RIVER PLUMBING COMPANY WOICKA & H EMM EN, Proprietors. Sanitary Plumbing' and Tinning' AGENTS FOR THE ROYAL FURNACE Pumps, Windmills, Pipe, Fittings, Everything in Plumbing and Tinning Line The New Music House is the Boss IT HAS ALL THE FINE PIANOS AND 01KJANS THAT THE GREATEST J'lANO HOUSE IN THE WEST HANDLES, SOME OF-VHICH WE GIVE THE NAMES: "."'" The Celebrated Weber, the Renowned Chickering, Kimball Hobart M. Cable, Crown and Hardoroff. Then Come the Fine Kimbal and Burdett Organs These fine goods with a fine assortment of Violins, And all Kinds of Small Goods will be found EILER$ MUSIC GO Successors to Parkins Grimes & Co., THE DALLES, - - - OREGON L SPOT CASH GROCERY I WOOD BROS. - Proprietors; ; Groceries, Flour and Feed FRESH VEGETABLES RECEIVED DAILY. Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Pali very.' P hone STEAMER Charles R. Spencer. THE DALLES TRANSPORTATION CO. Fast time between The Dalles and Hortlnnd. Bteamer leaves The Ualles Tuesdays, -Thursdays nnd Haturdya, at T a. in.; arriving ut Portluud at 2 p. ni. ' Heturning, leaves Portland Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7 a. m.; arriving at The Dalle at p. nt. Htopplnir at Vancouver, Washouxal, Cascade Locks, Htevenaon, Carson, Ht. Martin's BprinKB, Collins, White 8ahnon, flood Hiver and Lyle, for both freight and passengera. lAndln at The Dalles, fisit of I'nion st; at Horllsnd. foot of Washington sC. (iapb K.W.Hppncer, Cteneral MmiHuer. Vorthtnd. FAHH ION STABLKH, Attetit. Hood River. LESLIE BUTLER. BUTLER & CO., BANKERS. ESTABLISHED 1900. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED RESIDENTS OF WASCO COUNTY FOR 22 YEARS. GEO. F. COE& SON Dealers In Queensware, Stoneware, Porcelain, China and Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Supplies, CONFECTIONERY AND NUTS. up -to-Date New Line of Royal Steel Ware, Pudding Part", Kettles, .Sauce Pane, Collet; Pols, A complete line of Fishing: Tackle, in Season; Racine Stocking Feet; Phone 351 cwypiohX SLOCQM'iS FOR Books, Stationery, Paper Nap kins Pens, Inks, Blank Books, Legal Blanks, Magazines Agency - Oregonian, Telegram Guitars and TRUMAN BUTLER, i Glassware Just Received Dish Pans, Berlin Kettles, Lip Tea Pott, Pie Plates, Cups, ete. from Bait Hook to Creel. Fruits All kinds Sewing Machine Needles. Geo. F. Coe & Son INDIAN TEACHERS t.-nitflit im how to grind and bake niulze (Itiiliun porn,) (mt Improved nnd. mod em iiii tliods eintbles iih lo furnish you u t'i stieli a desirable wheat flour an i lie Dolttn J'utmt Htid White Hive tltiin w Ii It-It there is none better, at any j-riee, few as at a higher figure. FOR 8AI.R BY STRANAHAN & BAGLEY Hood River, Or. Banjos . o