The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 11, 1904, Image 1

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Isaued every Thursday by
ARTHUR D. MOB, Publisher.
. lerma ol mUcription I1.6U a year wheu paid
fli advance.
The prttofHre i 0111 daily between 8 m.
at d 7 p. in.; bunoay rom 12 to 1 o'clock. Maila
I, i the East clone at W:Vua. m. ana V p. m; for
the West at 7 :lu a. m. and 1:40 p.m.
'I he carrlera on R. F. V. routea No. 1 and No.
2 leave the noalotliee at 8:80 daily. Mail leaves
For Mt. Hood, daily at U:uO m.; arrivea,
10:2o a. in, -
For i:henoweth, Wash., at 7:80 a. m. Tuea
dM,Ti uraiinyaai d baturdaya; arrivea aame
daya at 6 p. m.
For Underwood, Wash., at 7:W a. m. Tuca
days, Thursdays and baturUaya; arrives aame
daya at $ p. m.
For White salmon, Wash., dally at 2:16 p, m.;
arrivea at 11 a. m.
Fit Hood River daily at a. m.; arrivea at
4:45 p.m.
For Husum, Trout Ike and Ouler, Wash.,
daily at 7 :M) a. m. ; arrivea at 12 m.
For Uleiiwood, OUmer and Fuld, Wash.,
dally at 7 :U0 a. m.; arrivea at 6 p. m.
iorPinetial and Snuwden, Wash., at 11:81)
a. in. Tuesdays and baturduya; arrivea aame
days, In.:) a. in.
Cur Bin en, Wash., dally at 4:46 p. m.; ar
rives at 8:46 a. m.
tl( KTIK-.
U PEN 1)0. Meets the Second and Fourth
Frldava of the mouth. Viaitora cordially wel
- coined. F. U. Rkosiub, Counsellor.
Miss Nellik Clakk, Secretary. .
Union No. 112. meets in Odd Fellowa' hall
aecond and fourth baturdaya in each month,
7:Uu o'clock. E. L. Rood, President.
C. U. Dakin, Secretary.
CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A.,
meeta in K. ol P. Hall every Wednesday
hi. 11. UL'hhEl.L, v. u.
C. U. Dakin, Clerk.
Huol) U1VKR CAMP, No. 770, W. O. W., meeta
on flrat and third Tuesday ot each month
In Odd rellow Hall. A. C. bTATKN, C. C.
F. 11. Hlauo. clerk.
VrAI'CO.VIA LOlKiK, No. 30, K
of P.. meets
" in K. ot
Hall every Tuesday night.
11. M. llt'KKS, u.
C. E. Hemman, K.of R. &S.
HUOl) RIVER C11AP1ER, No. 25, O. E. S.,
meets second and fourth iuelay even
ings of eacn mouth. Visitors cordially wel
comed. Theksk Caktnkb, W. M,
tons. Makv B. Davidson, secretary.
HOOD RIVER CIRCLE, No. 624. Women of
Woodcrait, meeia at K. of P. llall on the
first and thi.d Fridays of each mouth.
Iiklen NokroN, tiuardian Neighbor.
NLUK H ol.i.0 well, Uera.
CANBY 1 OST, No. 16, G. A. R., meeta at A.
O. U. W. llall, second and fourth Saturdays
of eacn month at 2 o'clock p. m. All U, A. K.
uieuibers iuvited to meet with us.
ii. 11. Bailey, Commander.
T. J. Cuknino, Adjutant.
CANBY W.R. C, No. W, meeta second and
lourth baturdaysof each month in A. O. U.
tt. Hall at i p.m.
Mas. A i.ida Shoemaker, President.
Mrs. T.J. CUNNiNO, becretary.
i. o. o. r .,
Renular meeting second and fourth Mon
days oi each moil la. A.J. oatchkll, C. P.
Bert Entkican, Scribe.
TDLEW1LI) LODCiE. No. 107, I. O. O. F., meets
in Fraternal Hall, every Thursday night.
j. ft. kkeb, a. u.
Bert Entrican, Secretary,
meeta third Friday night of each month.
(,. U. Castxeb, 11. P.
D. McDonald, Secretary.
COURT HOOD RIVER No. 42, Foresters ol
America, meets Becotid and fourth Mon
days In eacn mouih in K. of P. Hall.
L. C. Haynes, C. R.
F. C. Erosh'S, Financial Secretary.
87, 1. O. O. F., meets lirst and third Fridays
In each month. Francis Morse, N. U.
Therkhk CA8TNER, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER LODGE No. 105, A. F. and A.
M., meets Saturday evening on or before
each full moon, D. McDonald, W. M.
R. B. Savage, Secretary.
OLETA ASSEMBLY No. 108, United Artisans,
meets fir-t and third Wednesdays, work;
second and fourth Wednesdays, octal; Arti
sans hall. I. McDonald, M. A.
JS. M. McCarty, Secretary.
RlTERSIDli LODGE No. 68, A. O. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
E. R. Bradley, Financier. W. B. Shute, W. M.
J. O. Haynes, Recorder.
1VERSIDE LODGE, NO. 40, Degree of Hon
or, A. O. U. W. meets first and thlrdbatur-
days at 8 p m. Mrs. Sarah Bradley, C. of II.
M isa Cora Coi'PLB, Recorder.
Mrs. Li'ckktia i rather, Financier
Office and Pharmacy, Hood River
Heights. I'lione, Main 9(11.
Will Practice in All Courts.
Office with Geo. D. Culbertson & Co. Collec
tion", Abstracts, Settlement of Estates.
11. JEKK1NS, I). M. D.
Specialist on Crown and Brldga Work.
Telephones: Oflice, 281; residence, 04.
OHice over Bank Bldg. Iood River, Oregon
Successor to Dr. M. r. Shaw.
Calls rromidly anawered in town or country
Day or Night.
Telephones: Residence, ell; Office, 613.
Oflice over Reed'a Grocery.
J F. WATT, M. 1).
Physician and Surgeon.
Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 21
For 28 years a resident of Oregon and Waah
Inrton. Has had many years experience; in
Real Estate matters, as abstractor, aearcner of
lltlea and ageuk Mitiafactioa guaranteed or
no charge.
Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon.
p C. BROSiCS, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Oflice Honri: 10 to 11 A. M. i i to
nd 6 to 7 P. M.
Votary Public and Real Eatate Agent.
Loans. Coile-tiona and Conveyancing. Klre
and Life in the beat companies,
tonography and Typewriting.
Oak Street. Head River, Oregea.
Newsy Items Gathered f romAII
Parts of the World.
General Review of Important Happen
penlgs Presented In a Brief and
Condensed Eorm.
The Japanese have begun using the
Chinese railway to move men and eup-'
The Japanese ate concentrating in
three groups with a vitiw of flanking
Liao Yang.
Another firece land and sea battls
has been fought at Port Arthur, which
was very costly to both ides.
Great Britain's views as to contra
band goods are thoroughly in harmony
with those of Secretary Hay.
Chicago packing employes find the
boycott againi-k retailers not the success
expet ted, as they are hauling their
own ice.
Unless Turkey meeta the tprms of
Hay by the tiue the fleet teaches
Smyrna; Minister ivt'iHiuian will leave
his poet.
A Chicago flagman gave the wrong
signal and in the collision which re
sulted five people were killed and a
number of others injuied.
The bodies of Reven more victims of
the terrible Coloiado diopter have
been recovered Eighty-two dead havo
been found and 32 otlitrs are known to
be mining.
Turkish soldiers attacked and mur
dered a huge number of Armenian
women. Two Turkich garrisons have
been turned into graveyards by the
avenging Armenian men.
Tho Japanese fleet has met a reverse
off Tort Arthui.
New York butcheiB will join the
patkers' strike.
The government hae' abandoned the
Harney valley, Oregon, iirigation pro
General Stoessel, in command at Port
Arthur, is reported to have committed
The British steamer Calchae, from
Taconia, seized by Russians, has been
towed into Vladivostok.
Eihgty-two bodies have been reoov
reed from the wreck near Pueblo, Colo.i
and'more are known to be lost.
Famine conditions at Port Arthur
are becoming appalling and hospitals
are crowded with sick and wounded.
Rupsieans are busy strengthening the
defenses of Port Arthur fqr the final
struggle, which they , are expecting at
anyt ime.
More minors that Port Arthur has
fallen continue to arrive in St. Peters
burg, but it is beHeved in the Russian
capital that the Japanese are still un
able to capture the outworks.
German papers condone the sinking
of the steamer Thea. .
An attempt was made on the life of
the president of Uruguay.
Kuropatkiu's position at Liao Yang
has strong railroad defenses.
The destroyer Gnldsboiough will soon
have another trial on the Sound.
Packers continue to add to their
forcee and aro confident of victory.
No new forest reserves are to be cre
ated in the West until after election.
A railroad collision at Boxeman
caused ttie death of a traveling engi
neer. French troops are being hastily for
warded to Tonquin by the French gov
ernment. Bids on Grand Ronde reservation
lands are to be made public and sent
on to Washington.
Lack of news from Port Arthur for
several days is interpreted at bt,
Petersburg as good news.
Thirty thousand Chicago stockyard
strikers paraileU tlie streets to music oi
bauds and headed by a platoon of police.
Japan has sent a sUong fleet of gun
boats and torpedo boats up the Liao
river to head off the retreat of the Rus
sians to the west.
Montana stockmen have sent a depu
tation to Chicago to try and patch up
The Russian government has given
orders that no more merchant steamers
be sunk.
The Japanese have taken advantage
of mountain passes to outmaneuver the
Russians east of Liao Yang.
The fall of Port Arthur and the sur
render of General Knropatkin are pre
dicted to occur on the same day.
AHrn B Taiker, Democratic nomi
nee foi president, has resigned from the
bendh of the New Yorg court of appeals.
Two Russian cruisers from the Baltic
are chasing a Bteamer which left Eng-land-for
Canada, carrying ammunition
for Yokohama by way of the Canadian
Pacific railway,
intormaion has been given the feder
al inspector of an infraction of the law
by the beef trust.
The Chinese general, Ma, may cut
oS retreat of Kuropatkin if be tries to
escape the Japanese by going through
Germany has fleet near C'hefoo;
Ex-Governor James T. Lewis, of
Wisconsin, is dead.
Port Arthur Is preparing for final
stand against the Japanese.
Japanese Concentration Shows At
tempt Will Be Made to Cut Line.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 11. Although
Lieutenant General ,takhaToff reports
that there :s no change in the situation
around Liao Yang, it is evident from
the special dispatches to the Associated
Press from Liao Yang and bintstntin
that the Japanese are continuing their
preparations for a flanking movement
which may possibly alter the nature of
the expected engagement at Liao Yang,
and which may also further delay the
crucial development.
The conentration of a strong Japan
ese forces at Siamatze indicates an in
tention to press fjrward toward Muk
den, and if possible to cut the commu
nications and prevent General Kuro
patkin from retiring northward. Gen
eral Kuropatkin is evidently aware of
this move, and is sending out recon
noitring parties from Sintsintin along
the Saimatze road. This is shown by
the slight en counter with a Japanese
outpost within 30 miles of Sintsintin.
The Japanese are also bringing strong
fortes from Yinkow.
Column marching from Niu Chwang
with the evident intention of flanking
Liao Yang from the westward, included
10,000 Chinese from the island of For
mosa, who are Japanese subjects. The
Associated Press correspondent at Liao
Yang points to the alarming character
of this develoment, and feais that the
example may prove contagious. If the
local Chinese are induced to join the
Japanese it will be impossible to dis
tinguish the Formosan and Manchtirian
Chinese. This revives the spector of
Chinese embroilment, with the more
remote possibility of foreign entangle
ments. There is considerable anxiety re
garding the presence of General Yuan
Shi Kai, commander in chief of the
Chinese forces, and General Ma, with
strong forces of troops in the north,
lest, should a convenient opportunity
present itself, they would be tempted
to overstep the bounds of ntutiality.
Department Does for Bankers What
It Would Not for Territory.
Washington, D. C, Aug. 11. The
poetollice department, by issuing an
order today at the behest of capitalists
and bankers of New York, eliminating
all weigtit restrictions on first class
mail matter addressed to foreign coun
tries where domestic rates do not ap
ply, lays itself open ' to criticism of
discriminating against Alaska. Last
winter an effort was made to induce
the department to waive the weight
restrictions on first-class mail matter,
so that Alafika miners might ship their
gold to states by mail in packages
weighing more than four pounds, but
this privilege was denied. Shippers
repretenttd through congressmen that
they were now at the mercy of the
transportation companies, who weie
chatg'iig exhorbitant rates to bring
gold to the states, and they theiefore
sought the privilege of shipping by
mail. The department then held it
could not amend its regulation. Now,
however, it amends the regulation in
order that the banks may more conven
iently ship their securities abroad.
Ex-Senator Passes Away at His
Home In Missouri.
Sweet Springs, Mo., Aug. 10. After
lingering for weeks between life and
death, ex-Senatot George Veet passed
peacefully away yesterday. Ho had
been so near death for the lafct three
days that the end came without a
struggle. He was conscious until about
2 o'clock Sunday morning, when he
sank into a state of coma from which
he never aroused He lost the power
of speeth HaturJay morning, but for
several days before that he talked very
imperfectly, and during the last 36
hours of his life his breathing was
bare.y perceptible. The flutter of his
pulee was all that showed that life still
At the bedside when the end came
were his wife, Dr. Jarvis, the family
physician; Senator Vest's son Alexan
der, his daughter, Mrs. Getrge P.
Jackson, and her husband, and Mrs.
Thoiimson, a niece of Mrs. Vest.
The remains were taken to St. Louis
last evening for interment in the pri
vate tar of A. A. Allen, vice president
and general manager of the Missouri,
Kansas & Texas railroad.
.Will Inspect Submarine Mines.
Washington, Aug. 11. Captain
George F. Barney, ol the artillery corps,
was today ilcta lied for special duty as
inspector of submarine mines, and will
proceed to the harbor ol San Diego,
the mouth of the Columbia river and
Plight sound for the purpose of inspect
ing and reporting on the condition and
Biirlieiency of submarine mining mater-
al and the scope and extent of subma
rine instruction in liiose naruors
Upon completion of this duty he will
report to the commanding officer of the
artillery district of Puget sound.
Capital City Finally Chosen.
Melbourne, Victoria, Aug. 11. The
location of the federal capital, so long
in dispute, is believed to have been
finally settled by a vote today in the
house of representatives, approving
Dalgaty, in the Bombaal district.
Dalgaty had previously been selected
by the senate. Dalgatyds situated 290
miles south of Sydney, New South
Wales, and is 23 miles from the near
est railroad station. The population
is unuer 300.
Japanese Losses Put at 23,000,
St. Petersburg, Aug. 11. The Ruse
estimates that the Japanese losers thus
far as i result of the siege of Port Ar
thur, aggregate 23,000 men.
Plant Costing i 1 00,000 Will
Opened Early Next Year.
Saleru Without asking for a dollai
of subsidy or for financial assistance of
any kind from the people of this com
munity, Eugene Bosse and associates
will establish a linen mill in Salem
this winter and have it in operation
soon after the first of the f"'-...
The plant to be estabLJied will re
quire an Initial investment of $100,000.
It will employ during the first year a
force of 100 persons, two-thirds of
whom will be women and children. It
will handle a ton of flax fiber a day,
and will use the product of 3,000 acies
of land sowed to flax.
This very gratifying outcome of the
flax fiber experiments and investiga
tions may be credited in a latge mcas
uie to theefforts of the Oregon Women's
Flax Fiber association, the leading
spiritB of which were Mrs. W. P. Lord,
Mrs, O. N. Denny and Mrs. 11. L.
Pittock. Seven or eigth years ago
those zealous women began the experi
ments which demonstrated the high
quality of the fiber irom Oregon grown
flax. Since that time the atteniton ol
flax experts has been attracted to
Salem, where the experiments were
oonducted. Though the Oregon Wo
men's Flax Fiber association discontin
ued its work because it had accom
plished what it had started out to do
and was not able to . carry the w ork
further, its efforts were productive of
esults whose importance cannot yet be
Extension of Astoria & Columbia
River Road Again Discussed.
Astoria The extension of the Atturia
& Columbia River railroad from Sea
side south is again being discussed, and
this time there is evidently some basis
for the rumor, although notliing offi
cial on the subject carl be obtained.
Below S. aside is a fine ledge of rock,
and Eome time ago there was talk of
opening it up to secure rook for the
jetty extension, EngV-ieerIegardt, of
Fort Stevens, and Superintendent Mc-
Guire, of the railway company, have
made an inspection trip over the pro
posed line, and examined the rock in
the ledge. They are said to be well
pleased with the result of th ir inves
tigations. When the extension is
built, it will also be used to tiring logs
for the Seaside Lumber companny from
its timber holdings in that vicinity,
and the asset st on is made that A. B.
Hammond has made a contract with
the mill company to b II it his timber,
also located in that section, at. $2 per
thousand Btumpnge. '
Tests Detroit Granite.
Albanv Maior J. W. Abbott, of
Washington, D. C, the national got.d
roads expert who has charge of good
roads work of the government in Ore
gon, was in Albany and tested the
granite from the Detroit quarry. The
granite is to be UBed on the roadB of
Marion county, and a street in Salem
will be pave! with the rock as an ex
periment. Major Abbott stated that
the granite was of an excellent quality
for building puroses, but might be tco
hard for-road work. It will, however,
make an excellent foundation for a
pavement or read.
Pleased With Grand Ronde.
La Grande Professor L. B. Greene,
of the Minnesota argiculttiral college,
who is making a tour of the state in
the interest of the O. R. & N. Co., ac
companied by Industiial Agent Colonel
Judeon, aie in the city and have been
looking over the Grand Ronde valley.
It will be given a write-up in the East
ern press. Processor Greene spoke of
this valley as being one of the finest
and most prolific he had seen in all his
travels, and was particularly interest
ed in the growing of beets and the im
mense sugar factory in La Grande.
Nugget Worth 476.
Grants Pass Word has been re
ceived of the finding of a very valuable
nngget near Holland, about 40 miles
fiom here. The nugget is valued at
$475, and is said to be nearly the
shape of a shoe and to be very smooth
and symmetrical. The find was made
by "Jake Glippel at bis place on
Holen creek, neai Holland. The fact
that this find was in the vicinity of the
Briggs c'aims gives it an added inter
Opening Road to. Blue River Mines.
Eugene The work of rebuilding the
wagon road to the Blue River mines
will begin next week with a force of 30
men and 15 teams. The amount raised
by pi ivate subscription will lie about
$3,000 and an equal amount will be
given by the county court, making a
fund of $K,000, "hich will put the
road in good condition.
Farmers' Line In Linn County.
Albany Another link in the chain
of telephone lines that is rapidly con
necting all the villages and hamlets
has been completed. Ibis one is be
tween Peoria and Fliedd, and connects
II the farmhouses along the line with
the two towns as well as with other
I farmers in the country. - '
Electric Line Will Develop
Union County.
La Grande The people of Grand
Ronde valley, who have long waited for
the advance of an electric railway
through Union county, will soon see
their hopes realiced.
Engineer Davidson and a corps ot
surveyors will be on the ground by the
middle of this week. The company
behind this scheme is known as the
Eastern Oregon Development company,
of which T. W. Davidson is president
and W. E. Davidson is secretary and
The road will conned all to the prin
cipal points in the valley in addition
to circling the valley. ' The survey and
first estimate will cost about $10,000,
and $1,000,000 will be invested before
the road is in operation.
In addition to the great amount of
produce and fruits to be handled by
the new line there are many hundred
million feet of lumber that may thus
be brought to market, and numerous
big lumtier plants will exist where at
present are small mills. Rval estate
will be valued much higher and all
will reap a harvest from their interests
First Steps Toward Securing Ex
hibit for I DOS Fair.
Oregon City The Clackamas county
court has issued a call asking the farm
ers of e ch precinct of the county to as
semble and name delegates to attend a
sort of a convention that will be held
at Oregon City October 6, in connection
with the meeting of the court. This
is a step preliminary to the gathering
of an exhibit of the resources of Clack
amas county to be made at the Lewis
and Clark fair tinder the terms of the
offer of the Lewis and Clark commis
sion, which agrees to purcha e at cash
value the exhibit from each county at
a cost not to exceed $500. The call
also requests the farmers to reserve the
cream of their products this year as a
nucleus of a creditable collection 'to be
sent from Clackamas to the 1905 fair.
Marion Will Assist In Road Building.
Sa'.om The county court of Marion
county has decided to act in conjunc
tion witli the Linn county court in
considering the matter of opening a
wagon road to connect the Corvallls &
Eastern railway with the Deschut-s
country, east of the Cascades. If pos
sible, County Judge Scott will go with
a representative of Linn county and in
vestigate the feasibility of the plan and
the prubable cost ol conshuctlon. Hon.
John Minto, who laid out tho Minto
trail through the Cascades, will ac
company the party and act as guide,
pointing out what he believes to be a
shortei and easier route than the old
Forty Acres of Walnuts.
Newberg The English wal
nut orchard at Dundee, two miles from
here, which has been watched with so
much intieestand which bore a light
crop last year, will bear heavily thie
season, considering the age of the trees,
which are rugged and healthy. Cap
tain G. W. Peters, who is in charge of
the orchard, is very enthusiastic over
KiikIibIi walnut prospects in this sec
tion. He says the nuts from this orcb
ard have been compared with samples
from over the United States and even
foreign countries, and found very much
Center at Eugene.
Eugene The Willamette Valley
Electric railway company haa been in
corporated for $1,000,000. Eugene
will be the center of operations. The
county court is asked to give a fran
chise from Eugene to Blue river, Eu
gene to Florence, Eugene to Cottage
Grove, F.ugene to Junction anil on
north to the county line. Benton
county will be asked to give a fran
chise to Cor vail is The idea is to con
nect with the line from Salem to Port
land. Plenty of capital is behind the
Growth of Asylum Roll.
Salem The poulation of the Oregon
state insane asylum experienced an un
usually rapid giowth last month, when
the total reached 1,371. The monthly
report of the superintendent shows the
following statistics: Number of pa
tients July 1, 1,355; received during
July, 65; escapes returned, 2; dis
chaiged, 27; died, 10; eloped, 4; re
maining Angust 1, 1,371. The cost of
maintenance per capita per month was
$9.62 and per day, 31 cents.
Survey of New Electric Line.
Salem Manager L. B. French, of
the Portland & Southern railway com
pany, which proposes to build an
electric line from Canemah to Salem,
is in Salem making arrangements for a
permanent survey of the route for his
road. The survey will begin at once
nd it is his expectation that a consid
erable portion of the construction work
will'be completed this year.
Troops Called Out to Protect Charge
d'Affalres at Bogota.
Panama, Aug. 10.--No information
has been received at the American lega
tion here from Bogota regarding re
ports circulated in the United States
and said to have been sent from Pana
ma that an outbreak occurred at Bogota
Friday last when the American con
sulate was stoned by a mob and troops
called out to protect Alhen G. Snyder,
the charge d'affaires.
The American minister believes that
the consulate was stoned and alleged it
was the act ol irresponsible persons,
caused by the feeling against the United
States, which obtains in Colombia.
Washington, Aug. 10. Although the
state department has not received any
information of the reported stoning of
the American legation at Bogota, yet
the officials manifest a live interest in
everything pertaining to the matter.
Very recent advices from Colombia in
dicated a peaceful condition of affairs,
with the exception of possible political
complications growing out of General
Reyes presidential candidacy.
Presumably the feeling of dissatis
faction that followed General Reyes'
failure to obtain any money from the
United States in payment of Panama
still exists in Colombia, and this may
have given rise to unfriendly demon
strations against the American repre
sentatives at Bogota, if this has oc
curred. Still the confident belief here
is that General Reyes will prompty
deal with any trouble that might occur
and thus avoid complications with this
The charge d affairB is a West ir-
ginia appointee and a newspaper work
er by profession.
Engine and Five Coaches Wrecked
In Colorado.
Fueblo, Colo., Aug. 10. Train No.
11, ttie Missouri Pacific flyer, crashed
through a brige over an arroya, on Dry
creek, near Kden, on the Denver & lfio
Grande railroad, about eight miles
from Puelilo at 8 o'clock this morning.
The accident was caused by the
heavy rains which wrecked the bridge.
The extent of the injuries to the pas
sengers has not been received here, but
it is rumored that some fatalities re
sulted. It is estimated that of the 125 pas
sengers on board the ill-fated train, be
tween 80 and 100 lost their lives, eith
er by the waters of the raging torrent,
or beneath the wreckage.
Upon the news reaching Fueblo a
special train, bearing all the available
surgeons and the Rio Grande and Mis
souri Pacific officials, left for the scene.
About 11 o'clock a second train, carry
ing stretchers, colli ns and a number of
officials, was Bent out from the union
About 1:45 o'clock the relief train
returned to the city bringing those who
escaped with their lives, numbering 17,
all bo far as now known who have not
fallen victims of the disaster.
Chicago Unions to Be Assessed for
Striking Meat Packers.
Chicago, Aug. 10. All the labor
unions in Chicago have indorsed the
stockyards strike. After listening to
the strikers side of the controversy,
which waB presented to them by Mich
ael J. Donnelly, president of the atrik-
ing Butchers .union, the Chicago fed
eration of Labor, which is composed of
every labor organization in Chicago and
has a membership of nearly 300,000,
adopted resolutions tonight pledging
the moral and financial support of the
federated body as long as the strike
Faeh member of the central body
will be assessed a small, Bum per week,
and the whole amount will be turned
over to the Btriking unions to help in
the support of tho strikers and their
families during the struggle with the
packers. The exact amount each
member is to be assessed waB left in
the hands of a committee, with orders
to report results tomorrow.
While the officials of the Federation
of Labor were unable tonight to give
an exact estimate of the amount of
money they would secure from this
source, it was stated that the total sum
would he well up in the thousands each
Vessels Will Carry Coal.
Constantinople, Aug. 10. The porte
has practically accepted the verbal
notification made Saturday by the Rus
sian ambassador, M. Zinavieff, of the
impending passage ol the Dardanelles
by some vessels of the volunteer fleet
laden with coal. This notification was
accompanied by assurances that the
vessels would preserve the character of
the merchantmen throughout the voy
age. To avoid difficulty, it also in
cluded textual reproduction of the
Russian declaration in the official note
addressed to tire Russian embassy.
Lose at Port Arthur.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 10. A tele
gram from Chefoo, dated August 7,
sayB that, according to Chinese infor
mation, a fierce battle was fought on
the land side of I'oit Arthur August 5.
The Japanese aie reported to have been
repulsed with great loss, the killed
alone being estimated at 10,000, while
the Russians' loss was about 1,000.
The telegram says Lieutenant General
Stoessel was personally in command
of the troops.
Advancing on Mukden.
Liao Yang, Aug. 1. The Japanese
are advancing on Mukden and it is
probable that a simultaneous attack
will be made on Mukden and Liao
Yang, in which case a decisive battle
is assured.
Hay Makes Declaration Re
garding Neutral Nations.
Latter Country Once Took Occasion
to Dissent From the Inclusion
of Coal As Contraband.
Washington, Aug. 10. "The recog
nition in principle, of the treatment of
coal and other fuel, and raw cot ton-ai
absolutely contraband of war, might
ultimately lead to a total inhibition of
the sale by neutrals to the people ot
belligerent states, cf alt articles which
could be finally converted to military
uses. Such an extension of the prin
ciple, by tieating coal and other fuel,
and raw cotton as absolutely contra
band of war, simply because they are
Bhippcd by a neutral to a non blockad
ed port of a belligerent, would not ap
pear to be in accord with the reasona
ble and lawful rights of a neutral com
merce." The circular is based on a declara
tion by the Russian government that
coal, naphtha, alcohol and other fuels
have been declared contraband.
While cotton could be made into
clothing for the military uses of a bel
ligerent, the secretary adds that a mil
itary use might possibly he made of
foodstuffs of every description which
might be shipped from neutral ports to
the blockaded ports of a belligerent.
The principle tinder consideration
might, therefore, he says, "be extended
so as to apply to every article of hu
man use, which might be declared con
traband of war simply because it might
ultimately become uselul to a belliger
ent lor military purposes,
The secretary speaks of coal and oth
er fuel and cotton as being employed
for a gnat many innocent purposes,
and Unit many nations are dei endent
on them for the conduct of inoffensive
industries, adding:
"And no snflltient prcsupmtionof an
intended warlike use seems to be afford
ed oy the mere fact of their destination
to a belligerent port." He declares
that the recognition in principle of the
treatment of coal and other fuel and
raw cotton as contraband of war might
ultimately lead to a total inhibition ot
the sale by neutrals to the people of
belligerent states of al) articles which
could be finally converted to military
uses. This, the secretary contends,
would not appear to he in accord with
the reasonable and lawful rights ol
commerce. -
Secretary Hay d:rects attention to
the West African conference in 1884,
when Kufsia "took occasion to dissent
vigon utly from the inclusion cf coal
amorg such articles contraband of war,
and declared that she would categoric
ally refuse her consent to any articles
in any treaty or instrument whatever,
which would imply its recognition as
Hay Informs Her American Patience
Is Nearly Exhausted.
Washington, Aug. 10. Secretary
Hay today bluntly told Chekib Bey,
the Turkish minister here, that the
patience of the American government
iH well nigh exhausted. The minister
is expected to communicate this infor
mation to his home governmnt speedi
ly. Chekib Bey had no instructions
from tne porte when he called at the
state department today. He had seen
the newspaper reports of the state de
partment to Second M inister LeiHhinan'a
efforts diplomatically at, Constantino
pie by the presence of a fleet of Ameri
can warships in Tuikiah waters, and he
doubted the n'pori;. fcticietary Hay
soon satisefid him on that point, ana
ttie uiiniBter returned to his legation
to frame a dispatcli for the informaton
of the Turkish foreign offlce.
He did not care to make a statement
himself as to the nature of hhj inter
view with Secretary Hay. There ap
peared to be an impression In the mind
of (lie Turkish statesman that because
the president of the United States could
not make war without the consent of
congress, he thereby was estopped from
indulging in a demonstration to for
ward liis purpose) to secure fair treat
ment for the Americans Jn Turkey.
When Chekib Bey left the Mate depart
ment lie evidently was in a state of con
cern over what he' had heard.
Fired on by Japanese Boat.
Niu Chwang, Aug. 104 A Japanese
gunboat, which has returned here Irom
a trip up the rivet, reports that she
fired a lew shots at tho sunken Russian
gunboat Sivoeh, which, it is stated,
was scuttled by her crew and not blown
up. The Russians destroyed their
stores before leaving for Haicheng,
either owing to being in a hurry or on
account of defectivt transportation.
All is quiet here and trade is fairly
brisk, considering the ciicumstances.
Everybody apparently is well contented
with the Japanese occupation.
Approve Circular of Hay.
London, Aug. 10. The Times and
other newspapers this morning contain
editorials strongly approving the circu
lar issued by Mr. Hay, the American
secretary of state, as to what constitutes
contraband of war. The Times says:
"Mr. Hay lays down a sound and reas
onable rule on the subject. We trust
that our government will not delay in
letting it be known that we fully share
the views of the United States, and
that we Shall uphold them."
Rush for North Dakota Land.
Devirs Lake, N. D., Aug. 10. From
3,000 to 4,000 strangers were in Devil's
Lake today when the government open
ed the registration booth. Twelve
hundred persons registered today.
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